Home Useful tips Options for OGE in the Russian language year. The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation. Percentage of all work

Options for OGE in the Russian language year. The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, coherence and consistency of presentation. Percentage of all work

One of two compulsory subjects, in which ninth-grade graduates take exams, is the Russian language. It is considered quite difficult by foreigners. But it is not at all easy for native speakers. All years schooling inquisitive students try to master the intricacies of this science - speaking and writing, reading and thinking about native language free. Whether there is a OGE changes in the Russian language in 2018, what is worth paying attention to, now we will try to figure it out.

Native does not mean simple

Not all schoolchildren understand the importance and complexity of learning the Russian language. And not only them. A lot of blunders and ridiculous typos are found in the media. Even television and radio announcers, and other people for whom language proficiency is a professional responsibility, sometimes make gross mistakes.

The other day, a correspondent for one of the central channels, while reporting from the State Duma about new laws in support of families with children, twice said “material capital” instead of ““. The accents are generally gloomy, they are placed “as it is convenient for anyone.”

Modern young people are accustomed to communicating on social networks, or via SMS, where they are not particularly worried about the literacy of expressing thoughts. We began to read less - and in general, and especially, interest in Russian classics as a model of mastery of words fell. Therefore, even visual memory does not help to remember correct options writing.

The OGE in the Russian language of grade 9 in 2018 forces you to work through many different tasks when preparing for it. Here is a test of knowledge of literary language norms, and the ability to use the rules of vocabulary, grammar and punctuation.

Dates of the OGE in Russian in 2018

Dates for state final certification after finishing 9th grade:

  • April 25, 2018 tests can be completed ahead of schedule; or on a reserve day - May 7;
  • May 29 will be the date of the main exam (in reserve - June 20, 28 and 29);
  • 4 September an additional stage of testing will come; The date September 17, 2018 has also been reserved.

In 2018, no changes were made to Russian language tickets.. There are no surprises in the testing regulations. The student has the right to prepare for the answer for 235 minutes. You can use a spelling dictionary, but only the one provided by the exam organizers. You cannot bring smartphones and any other gadgets, cameras, your reference books, cheat sheets and other “auxiliary” materials into the classroom where the state examination is taking place.

During the exam you can neither leave (without the permission of the commission) nor move around the audience; All kinds of conversations and other exchange of information with neighbors are prohibited, and even more so, the removal of any materials from the premises where the exam is taking place. Violators will be expelled from the exam and receive a well-deserved failure.

Innovations: teach to speak!

There is a joke that parents spend a whole year teaching their child to speak, and spend their whole life trying to teach him to be silent. As with any joke, there is some truth here. The child actively absorbs the characteristics of adults’ speech behavior and copies them. And the speech of others, to put it mildly, is usually far from ideal. If we learn the rules of writing thoughts in school at the very least, then with oral speech everything is much worse.

That is why in the State Academic Assessment of the Russian language in 2018 will also be included oral part, which was called: “Speaking”. Here 9th grade graduates must show their skills oral speech, the ability to clearly formulate thoughts and express them competently. The culture of speech must be improved, the authors of the innovation are sure. IN modern society Communication skills are very important; they will help you to succeed in your profession and not get lost in society.

Oral part of the exam: speaking

How much in our lives depends on mutual understanding! In turn, in order for us to be understood correctly, we must be able to express our thoughts clearly, competently, and moderately emotionally. The oral part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018 will also help you learn communication skills. Here students will be able to demonstrate their oratorical talents in a monologue, their ability to conduct an equal dialogue, as well as their skills in reading text with adequate intonation and accurate emotional coloring. There will be tasks on retelling what you read and on the ability to substantiate your opinion.

In 2018, ninth-graders will undergo such tests for the first time. The CMM structure provides 4 tasks:

  • reading a fragment of scientific and journalistic style, for which you can score 2 points;
  • a retelling of what you read, supplemented by analysis, your own comments, and the inclusion of additional information is also welcome. The maximum for this task is also 2 points;
  • a monologue on a chosen topic will bring the examinee a maximum of 2 points;
  • dialogue with the examiner, which can add another 3 points to the student’s treasury.

Provided and additional bonuses. For compliance with literary language standards, examiners have the right to add 2 points for the first and second tasks. And impeccable speech when performing tasks number three and four will allow the student to earn another 3 points. As a result, the maximum score for speaking is 14.

Only 15 minutes are allocated to complete all four tasks of the oral block. Experts believe that the main topics of exam texts will most likely be biographies of famous scientists and other major personalities.

There will be no marks given for this part of the test.. Based on the preliminary scores, the examiners will make a verdict: either “ test", or " failure" To control and prevent possible disagreements in the premises where will be tested must be audio recorded.

Written part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018

On written part exam stands out 3 hours 55 minutes. During this time, a 9th grade graduate must complete 15 tasks, divided into 3 sections.

The first part of the test consists of a written presentation of the text listened to. The audio recording will play twice. Separately, the rules stipulate that during the initial audition the student has the right to make some notes on the draft. Then you are given 3 minutes, during which you need to understand what the examinee missed and what to pay attention to during the second listening. Next, the text recording is repeated. Then the student retells it in writing. The maximum number of assessment points for this stage of the exam is 7.

In the second part of the KIM - tasks from numbers 2 to 14, only a short answer is required based on the results of studying the proposed text. You can choose from the available answer options or formulate your own. Each correct answer is worth 1 point, and for all correct answers you can get 13 points.

In the third part, 3 topics for the essay will be identified. The student chooses one and outlines his version of understanding of the topic. The maximum you can get for an essay is 9 points.

And for this block of tasks, the commission can add points if it considers that the student has demonstrated special skills in accuracy, literacy in expressing thoughts, and figurative speech. The maximum bonus is 10 points, which can result in a total of 39 points for the entire writing task.

What about on a five-point scale?

As we said above, there are no grades for the “Speaking” block; the result will only be expressed as a “pass” or “fail” verdict. To be considered a successful test taker, the student needs to score at least 8 points for this part of the test.

As for the written version of the exam, points are given here, their translation into the usual five-point grading system is as follows:

  • 0-14 points- “two”, unsatisfactory result;
  • 15-24 points correspond to the traditional “troika”;
  • 25-33 points- the work was done well, with a “B”;
  • 34-39 points they talk about the excellent preparation of a 9th grade graduate, this is a “five” rating.

How you prepare is how you pass

There is such a thing as linguistic flair, innate literacy. But there are few people endowed with such talent. Everyone else has to work hard to understand the structuring system of the language, its features, remember the rules and exceptions to them. And most importantly: learn to apply this knowledge in practice.

When preparing for the State Examination Test, many ninth-graders turn to demo versions of the OGE in Russian language grade 9 in 2018 and other reference and training documentation and literature. Another option for productive preparation is to study the versions of previous years' exam papers.

Those who work hard for a year before the exam, or even longer, usually do not encounter any particular difficulties in CMMs. But even if something goes wrong, there is a fallback option: retaking the State Examination Test in the fall.

Demo version of the OGE in Russian language 2018

Using the buttons below you can download the official OGE options in Russian language 2018.

The authors of the assignments are leading specialists directly involved in the development of control measuring materials (Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N.) and the development teaching materials to prepare for the implementation of control measurement materials of the Main State Exam (Egoraeva G. T.).
The manual contains 36 versions of standard test tasks of the Main State Exam in the Russian language, as well as a workshop on preparing for task 15.3 - writing an essay.
The purpose of the manual is to provide students with the opportunity to practice skills in performing test tasks similar to the tasks provided in demo version OGE in Russian language.
The manual is addressed to teachers to prepare students for the Main State Exam, and to ninth-graders for self-preparation and self-control.
Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation teaching aids publishing house "Exam" are approved for use in educational institutions.

Replace spoken word“visible” in sentence 5 is a stylistically neutral synonym. Write this word.

Replace the phrase " human world", built on the basis of agreement, a synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrase.

You write grammatical basis sentences 33.

Among sentences 17-24, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance of time. Write the number of this offer.

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book OGE 2018, Russian language, 36 options, Typical test tasks from the developers of the OGE, Vasilyev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., 2018 - fileskachat.com, fast and free download.

  • OGE 2019, Russian language, 50 options, Typical test tasks from the developers of the OGE, Vasilyev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N., 2019
  • OGE 2019, Russian language, 14 options, Typical test tasks, Vasiliev I.P., Gosteva Yu.N.

So you can’t do this without serious preparation. OGE in Russian is mandatory exam, which determines the student’s certification mark and allows him to enroll in a specialized humanities class.

However, among the students there are those who consider Russian not a very difficult subject. They believe that the language in which it occurs daily communication, correspondence to in social networks, watching films and programs, you can pass without much difficulty. This opinion has failed many ninth-graders - the OGE in this subject includes many different tasks that reveal the ability to use literary language norms, as well as an understanding of the rules of vocabulary, grammar, syntax and punctuation.

Another innovation in the OGE is speaking, which causes difficulties for children who are not accustomed to correctly expressing their thoughts. Let's figure out what you should pay attention to when preparing for this exam, on what dates it will take place, and what changes can be introduced into the 2018 KIMs.

Demo version of OGE-2018

Dates of the OGE in Russian

According to the preliminary examination schedule, Russian will need to be taken on the following dates:

  • early examination – 04/25/2018. Reserve day – 05/04/2018;
  • main OGE date– 05/29/2018. The reserve will become 06/19/2018;
  • additional exam – 09/04/2018. The date indicated as a reserve is 09/17/2018.

Regulations and features of the exam

The specialized commission responsible for the development of Russian language KIMs reported that in 2018 there will be no changes to the tickets.

The student will be able to work with the CMM for 235 minutes. At this OGE, students will be able to use the information provided to them in the classroom. orthographic dictionary. This concludes the list of subjects allowed in the Russian language exam. Do not take smartphones with you, do not take notes with rules and exceptions, do not try to bring a headset or mini-earphones, hoping to deceive observers and cheat. Any illegal actions will lead to only one result - removal from the class and a bad mark for the OGE.

Structural and content part of the ticket

KIMs in this subject are designed to evaluate the preparation of 9th grade graduates in everything related to the Russian language. Based on the results of this OGE, the commission draws conclusions about whether it is worth enrolling a particular student in a specialized linguistic class and issuing him a certificate of completion high school. Since 2017, the OGE includes written and oral parts, each of which is worth talking about separately.

Start preparing for the OGE in the fall to have time to work through all the material

Written part of the exam

When working with a ticket, schoolchildren will have to demonstrate their ability to use writing, as well as language skills of a linguistic, analytical and classification nature, understanding of the rules of grammar, style, punctuation and spelling, the ability to communicate with others through writing. The ticket consists of three parts containing 15 tasks different levels difficulties:

  • the first part is one task in the form of presentation based on the listened text. The maximum score you can get for this part is 7. The audio file with the text will be scrolled twice. During the first listening, students can make notes on the rough sheet. Students will then be given 3 minutes to reflect on their notes and understand what aspects they missed while listening to the text. After this, the entry is re-installed. After this, ninth graders will have the opportunity to rewrite their thoughts on a blank form;
  • the second part is tasks numbered 2 to 14, which require a short answer from the student. In this part, schoolchildren will have to formulate an answer independently or select and write it down from the list offered in KIM. The work is carried out on the basis of the text issued with the ticket. The correct answer to each task will earn you 1 point, the maximum number of points for the second part of the CIM is 13 points;
  • the third part is task number 15. Students will be given 3 topics, among which they need to choose one and write an essay. The maximum points for the third part is 9.

Please note that in this OGE, points are given separately for the student’s competent and accurate speech in presentation and composition (maximum 10 points). In total you can score 39 for CMM primary points.

Oral part of the Russian language exam (speaking)

9th grade students who will take the OGE in 2018 will have to take not only a written, but also an oral exam in the Russian language. According to some information, speaking will take place first, and it is this that will determine the student’s admission to the written part of the OGE. Speaking is aimed at identifying the communication skills of schoolchildren. It will test the ability to conduct a monologue and dialogue, the ability to read texts with intonation and emotional coloring, as well as retell what you read, justifying your statements.

In 2018, ninth-graders will not be able to get away with just a written exam. In addition to essays and tests, they will have to take speaking!

Structurally, the CMM consists of four parts, each of which is a separate task:

  • The first task is reading a scientific journalistic fragment. Behind this part you can score 2 points;
  • second task - the student will have to retell what he read, drawing on Additional information and commenting on your statements. This task can also earn you 2 points;
  • the third task is a monologue on a chosen topic. It can be assessed with a maximum of 2 points;
  • The fourth task is a dialogue with the examiner, who can award up to 3 points for the answer.

Compliance with literary language norms when completing the first and second tasks is assessed separately - here you can earn up to 2 points. The verbal presentation of the answer when working with tasks number three and four is scored another 3 points. The maximum primary score for speaking is 14.

Most likely, the conversation will offer texts that talk about life. Scores for the oral exam will not be converted into grades - the student receives either a pass or a failure. For successful completion speaking, according to preliminary information, you will have to score at least 50% of the initial points.

Converting points into marks for a certificate

The scale on which scores for the written part of the exam are converted into certification marks is as follows:

  • from 0 to 14 points – a solid “two”;
  • from 15 to 24 points – score “three”;
  • from 25 to 33 points – score “four”. In this case, at least 4 points must be obtained for literacy. If less than 4 points are scored for literacy, the student is given a “satisfactory” grade;
  • from 34 to 39 points – mark “five”. However, getting an A also requires compliance certain condition: if a student received less than 6 points for literacy, he receives a “B”.

When assigning students to specialized linguistic classes, preference will be given to children who score 31 points or higher for the written part of the work.

How to prepare for the OGE in Russian?

Train yourself to write essays, and then passing the OGE will not cause you problems

The presence of an oral and written part of the exam means that students will have to work hard to master all types of language activities. Specialists of specialized commissions recommend that schoolchildren pay attention to the following points:

  • repeat and practice all the rules and exceptions found in school curriculum Russian language;
  • hone the use of language norms by regularly writing dictations and presentations. When writing expositions, time yourself to teach yourself to select points in the allotted time and briefly write them down on a draft;
  • write at least 10-15 essays on topics offered in KIMs of previous years. You will have to highlight main problem, comment on it, show your skills in drawing analogies and knowledge of suitable quotes. Remember - the commission primarily evaluates understanding of the topic and ability to write, without being distracted from the author's thought. If you go to the side or try to drive onto in general phrases, then you risk getting 0 for your essay. Good essay you can write only if you spend a year reading classics of world and Russian literature and critical articles on the main works from the school curriculum;
  • the oral part, as a rule, concerns the discussion of outstanding Russian figures. Look interesting programs, read publications about the life and work of Yuri Gagarin, Tsiolkovsky, Pirogov, as well as other famous artists, writers and scientists. Retell what you read to your parents and friends to practice the skill of beautiful and competent oral speech;
  • regularly read fiction and journalistic texts out loud, working with intonation and stress.

Basic State exam characterizes the level basic knowledge student in a particular subject. Compulsory after grade 9 in 2018 is the OGE in Russian language and mathematics. Any 2 more subjects must be chosen by the student himself. It is quite possible that this year it will become mandatory to pass the third exam in foreign language. Total number exams after 9th grade are planned to be increased to six by 2019. The debate continues, but the formula will probably be this: 3 compulsory disciplines and 3 optional ones.

Oral part of the exam

Most of the controversy was generated by rumors about the introduction of the oral part of the OGE in the Russian language in 2018. However, fears turned out to be premature: in the coming year there will be no such innovation. This is due to the need to solve the problem of children with limited speech therapy capabilities. In addition, it is unclear exactly how to conduct testing: either by speaking on a computer device, or in the process of dialogue with members of the commission.

However, some schoolchildren will still have to take the Russian language orally: in the testing mode, this will be done for students in the Moscow region, Tatarstan and Chechnya. WITH2019 oral part of the State Academic Examination in the Russian languagewill be brought to life. According to representatives of the Ministry of Education, this will eliminate correct answers at random and will show the level communicative development, magnitude vocabulary student by the end of 9th grade. This should have a positive impact on the personal development of the teenager. Assessment will be carried out on a pass or fail basis.

The oral part will include:

  • reading a text fragment out loud;
  • a brief and complete retelling of what you read;
  • monologue on a pre-selected topic;
  • live discussion with the examination committee.

Attention! Each of the 4 parts takes 15 minutes. The student must not only speak competently, but also think quickly and express thoughts succinctly.

Training options:

How is the state final certification carried out?

An important change in the OGE in the Russian language in 2018 will be that the assessment now affects the certificate issued at the end of school. That is, an exam for which 3 hours and 55 minutes is allocated cannot be taken carelessly. Neither if the student intends to continue his studies in college (grades are taken into account during selection), nor when choosing further school education.

The written part consists of three types of tasks: a short answer (number, letter), a detailed answer to a question, and a presentation based on the text. Maximum amount points is equal to 39. The traditional “A” is awarded when passing the exam with a minimum of 34 points. At the same time, literacy is still very important: to get an A, you must score at least 6 points for the absence of errors.

Remember! To overcome the test and continue your studies, you must pass the Russian language exam with at least 8 points.

Subtleties of preparation

Typical versions of GIA tasks in the Russian language in 2018 will hardly change compared to previous periods. They are publicly available on the Internet. According to teachers, to successfully overcome the barrier, it is enough to regularly solve tasks, check the answers received with the correct ones, and monitor your knowledge according to the existing scale. If there are errors, you should consult and, possibly, get additional training from a teacher or tutor.

Immediately before the exam, which starts at 10 o’clock local time, you need to calm down, get a good night’s sleep, and have a hearty breakfast. You are not allowed to bring anything other than a fountain pen and water. Parents need to create a positive emotional background and instill confidence in the child. Regular studies, solving demos, inner peace, getting to know the innovations on the official website is the key to successful passing the OGE in Russian in 2018!

Important! The only aid that is allowed to be used in class is a spelling dictionary. The presence of any other items and devices will lead to withdrawal from the exam and a bad mark.

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