Home Vegetables Aslan Akhmadov and Irina Bilyk personal life. Irina Bilyk gave birth to a son from Aslan Akhmadov. photo. video. Brief biography of Aslan

Aslan Akhmadov and Irina Bilyk personal life. Irina Bilyk gave birth to a son from Aslan Akhmadov. photo. video. Brief biography of Aslan

She passed away almost seven years ago, leaving dozens of films and songs for millions of fans. Recently, in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program on Channel One, the actress’s close friend, photographer and stylist Aslan Akhmadov, showed for the first time several unique videos that, by the will of fate, became latest entries stars.

“They gave me a DVR for my car; it stuck to the glass like a suction cup and kept falling, but continued to record something. At some point I got angry and threw it into the glove compartment,” said the photographer.

A few years later, when he was about to sell his car, Aslan remembered the DVR and discovered a flash card. Having checked its contents, Akhmadov was shocked to discover video recordings of Lyudmila Markovna, unknown even to him.

Lyudmila Gurchenko. Still from the program “Let Them Talk”

The stylist said that during their joint trips in the car, Gurchenko often voiced her most intimate experiences and often talked about death. An actress to the core, she carefully thought through even her departure: she came up with an outfit for her farewell and described the makeup that needed to be applied to her face:

“To die... But it’s too early. I haven’t sewn the last dress yet, there’s still about a kilo and a half of beads. Aslan, you have to make me up, put this dress on me.

I want everything to be very polite, delicate at the funeral. There should be a lot of colors, but not in the face! Let people sort them out later, I always give out bouquets. I just want everything to happen quickly, my face should be fresh. Some, of course, will say: “Well, with age she has become nothing, she has become wiser, but that freshness is no longer there,” Lyudmila Markovna thought out loud.

Photo: Persona Stars RIA Novosti @aslanahmadov

Aslan Akhmadov - Russian stylist and professional photographer Azerbaijani origin. Fans of show business saw the man in films as an actor, heard Akhmadov perform songs in the style of modern pop music and classic jazz. He worked as a stylist for Russian and foreign stars, and is known for his warm friendship with the People's Artist of Russia. In 2013, he secretly married the People's Artist of Ukraine.

Aslan was born in Baku on February 12, 1973. At school the boy was not an exemplary student. He completed his homework as best he could and regularly ran away from school to wander through secluded oil fields or abandoned construction sites.

Nevertheless, school knowledge Akhmadov had enough to enter higher education educational institution. But even then the guy understood that he needed a creative profession, so he chose the directing department of the Azerbaijan Academy of Arts.


Soon the young man left for Russia, where he began his career as a photographer in the capital’s publications “ELLE”, “MAXIM”, “BEAUTY”, “DOLCE VITA”.

Basically, Aslan Akhmadov photographed the stars of Russian show business and sports. Author's approach young photographer allowed me to find an unusual angle. The artist showed the audience the frank, intimate side of the models, and in such a way that the images were not of an erotic nature. For the 90s, such shooting was an innovation.

One of Aslan’s favorite fashion models was the great film actress Lyudmila Gurchenko, with whom he had a close friendship. It was done by Akhmadov famous photo“The Hands of Lyudmila Markovna Gurchenko”, which in November 2012 was sold for a fabulous sum at the Phillips de Pury auction in London.

Some representatives of show business consider Aslan to be the last love of the People's Artist. When Lyudmila Markovna was in Moscow, she walked arm in arm with Aslan Akhmadov. Later on the program, the woman made it clear that she was in love.

Akhmadov pointed out in an interview that the photographer and the great artist were connected by close cooperation, friendship, and on the part of the stylist, admiration for Gurchenko’s talent.

In November 2015, Aslan Akhmadov opened an exhibition entitled “My Lyusya”, dedicated to the work of Lyudmila Markovna. In the photo exhibition, the author presented joint portraits and short films. Later the exhibition was held in Kostroma.

At the beginning of the 21st century, Aslan Akhmadov, together with two other immigrants from the Caucasus, David Gevorkov and Alexander Siradekian, created the fashion trio “Fresh Art”. Theoretically, they can be called music group, because they performed several songs, including the hit “High,” which he sang with them. But first of all, the guys positioned themselves as free fashion designers trying to bring a sense of style to the stage.

The guys designed clothes and accessories not only for themselves. Wearing stylists' clothes appeared in public Opera singer, a shocking rocker, tennis players - the Williams sisters and other celebrities. Personally, Akhmadov acted as a stylist for Russian stars, and, of course, Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Later, the “Fresh Art” trio, including Aslan Akhmadov, appeared as TV presenters in the series of “Fashion Police” programs, and then the young man independently became a co-author and photographer of the television project “Indian Summer”.

In 2011, Aslan became a member of the Union of Photographers of Russia.

In 2012, Akhmadov remembered his specialized education as a director and shot a video clip for the song “Letting You Go” for singer Philip Kirkorov.


The young man continued to sing. The duet with the Ukrainian performer Irina Bilyk “We Are Not There”, the jazz song “For Three Years I Dreamed of You”, performed together with Oleg Akkuratov, as well as solo hits – “There”, which became the soundtrack in the series “While the Fern Blooms”, “ Your Traces”, a remake of the hit “Echo of Love”.

For Bilyk, Aslan shot a video for the song “Little Girl”. Later they performed a joint composition “For all of us there is simply no.”

In 2016, the singer went to try his hand at. The artist himself said that his wife sent him to the casting, threatening him with divorce. Aslan, laughing, added that his wife had a wonderful sense of humor, but just in case, he did not take risks.

Aslan brilliantly passed the blind audition and made it into the team. But Akhmadov could not defeat his teammate. As a result, Gagarina said goodbye to the talented musician.


The directors could not ignore the spectacular and shocking guy Aslan Akhmadov. Therefore, in 2006, he made his debut as an actor. First projects young man The adventure comedy “9 Months” and the humorous musical “Star Holidays” appeared on the screen.

Later, Akhmadov appeared in episodes of the youth black comedy “Gloss”, the melodrama “Moscow, I love you!” and the biographical film “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko." The man appeared in the musical about a blind musician, “Motley Twilight.”

Personal life

According to Aslan Akhmadov himself, he was married three times. But if there is no information about the first two spouses, then the artist’s third wife was the famous Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk. It is interesting that the couple hid the official marriage and the very fact of the relationship. The truth was revealed only after the birth of their child together.

In fact, the “pregnancy” took place in secret from the public, which in principle is not surprising: she carried the baby for Aslan and Irina surrogate mother. In 2015, Akhmadov and Bilyk became the parents of a boy, who was named Tabriz Aslan-ogly in the Azerbaijani manner.

That’s when the couple admitted that they had been married since 2013. True, the photographer and singer live in two countries, because Bilyk is building a career in the Ukrainian capital, and Aslan Akhmadov’s creative studio is based in Moscow. The man often comes to visit his wife and son.

The story of how the future spouses met is interesting. Irina said that she first saw Aslan on a program dedicated to Lyudmila Gurchenko. Then she drew attention to the young man, and an inner voice told the singer to find Akhmadov. Through friends, Irina found out Aslan’s phone number and called the photographer. He answered the call and wasn’t even surprised. A week later they met in a Moscow cafe.

Before meeting Aslan, Bilyk had informal relationships several times. Akhmadov became the first official husband of the Ukrainian diva.

Artists do not hide from fans; they maintain microblogs in “ Instagram" Irina shares pictures from the stage and behind the scenes, Aslan shares professional photographs.

Aslan Akhmadov now

Recently, Aslan's fans have asked whether the stylist had plastic surgery. Professionals noticed that if you compare Akhmadov’s photographs in different years, you can see a change in the shape of the nose and lips. In addition, the man does not have facial wrinkles. The creator himself did not comment on this matter.

Now the photographer continues to engage in professional photography.


  • 2006 - photo exhibition Zoom
  • 2006 – “9 months”
  • 2006 – “Star Vacation”
  • 2007 – “Gloss”
  • 2009 – “Motley Twilight”
  • 2010 – “In the center of GUM near the fountain”
  • 2010 – “Moscow, I love you!”
  • 2011 – Exhibition “Indian Summer”
  • 2011 – “Legend. Lyudmila Gurchenko"
  • 2011 - group exhibition dedicated to Lyudmila Gurchenko
  • 2012 - group exhibition dedicated to Lyudmila Gurchenko
  • 2012 - personal exhibition of photographs dedicated to Lyudmila Gurchenko
  • 2012 – exhibition “RED”
  • 2015 – exhibition “My Lucy”
  • 2016 - Voice

Aslan Akhmadov is known for his photographs of the stars of domestic show business, his original songs, directorial projects and his vociferous relationships with representatives of the star Olympus. Before his marriage to singer Irina Bilyk, Aslan was credited with an affair with Lyudmila Gurchenko.

After somehow graduating from school, Aslan decided to enter the Azerbaijan Academy of Arts at the faculty of directing. After completing his studies at the university, the guy moved to Moscow, where his career as a photographer began in such major publications as ELLE, MAXIM, FHM and others.

His work was distinguished by a frankness that was alien to that time. Stars of show business and sports were revealed in his frames from new intimate angles, which subsequently caused heated discussions in the press.

Later, Aslan also began to try himself in the musical field. One of his projects was the trio “Fresh Art”, whose members, in addition to music, were also engaged in design activities. Together with Philip Kirkorov, “Fresh Art” performed a song called “High”.

Akhmadov also collaborated with Kirkorov as a director, directing a video for the song “Letting You Go.” Later, Aslan was noticed by film directors and invited to participate in the filming as an actor. He participated in such popular films: 9 months, Starry Holidays, Gloss, Moscow, I love you.

Active work in different areas show business demanded from Aslan an impeccable appearance. It is not surprising that over time he decided to plastic surgery. If you look at his photographs, you can notice some changes in his appearance.

The shape and size of the nose have noticeably changed, which indicates rhinoplasty. Some also claim that Akhmadov had an eyebrow lift, got rid of wrinkles with Botox, enlarged his lips with silicone, and pumped silicone into other parts of the body.

In addition, some photographs show changes in the artist’s facial contour, which may be a consequence of chin menoplasty. Aslan himself never commented on such statements and did not talk about the operations performed.

In show business circles and Russian capital, and neighboring countries, the hero of today’s article, Aslan Akhmadov, is a widely known and popular personality. He managed to establish himself in several creative directions at once - as a director, as a photographer, as a singer, and even as a stylist. Not only outstanding creativity, but also personal life of Aslan Akhmadov, and especially in recent months, makes a lot of noise around itself.

The biography of Aslan Akhmadov began in Baku. The other day - on February 12 - he celebrated his 43rd birthday. Despite the fact that the hero of our publication did not achieve brilliant results at school (by his own admission, he studied “very poorly”), he nevertheless became rich creative potential enough to make a big name and a brilliant career for himself. Having received school certificate, Aslan Akhmadov continued his education in Baku state institute culture, having received the specialty of theater director. Nevertheless, he made a name for himself as a designer and photographer. Aslan Akhmadov has been in Moscow for more than twenty years. During this time I managed to try many professions. The design trio he created, Fresh Art, is a huge success. Aslan Akhmadov also has several photo exhibitions (the last one, “My Lucy,” is dedicated to Lyudmila Gurchenko and dedicated to her 80th birthday), music videos and commercials, as well as work as a stylist and makeup artist for many top stars. Internet users unanimously note the incredible artistry and inspiration with which the hero of our article reads poetry. Song creativity is also no stranger to him. Thus, the other day a recording of the song “We Are Not There,” sung in a duet with Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk, appeared online.

As for the personal life of Aslan Akhmadov, there is just as much talk and speculation around it as there is around creativity. Some time ago, the press attributed him with an affair with the legendary actress, calling him her last love. Nevertheless, as far as it follows from the revelations of Aslan Akhmadov himself, they were connected only by close cooperation, friendship and admiration on his part. And at the end of last year on users social networks the tub spilled out cold water along with the news that the stylist and photographer became a dad for the first time on December 9. The son, to whom the celebrity gave the name Tabriz Aslan-ogly according to Azerbaijani custom, was given to him by the singer Irina Bilyk, whose fans are also impressed by this news. It turns out that the couple very skillfully hid their relationship from the public for two years. Well, it wasn’t at all difficult to hide plans for immediate parenthood, since the baby was born by a surrogate mother. Naturally, many doubt the reality of what is happening, but many joint photos, and creative plans And romantic gifts for the recent Valentine's Day makes one believe that these two are truly happy in their relationship and enjoying their baby's first days.

Irina Bilyk gave birth to a son from Aslan Akhmadov. PHOTO. VIDEO

45-year-old Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk gave birth to a son from 42-year-old Azerbaijani stylist Aslan Akhmadov. The baby's height is 52 cm, weight is 3620 grams. The boy was given the name Tabriz Aslan.

Famous Ukrainian singer Irina Bilyk gave birth to a son in one of the private European clinics. In the near future, the happy mother intends to bring him to Kyiv.

“I want to inform all my family and friends. Rejoice with us... I became a mother... I now have two sons. What I have dreamed of for so long and asked God for has come true. And I am incredibly happy!”, - Irina Bilyk wrote in her photo blog.

The singer posted the first photos of newborn Tabriz Aslan. On one she showed a leg, on the other - a baby’s hand. Moreover, the mother holds her son’s leg; the father provided his hand for the baby. Thus, Bilyk demonstrated that they are all together.

"Little and Big! May the providence of Heaven protect you all!", - wrote Irina.

Tabriz Aslan - first photos of the son of Bilyk and Akhmadov

The father of Bilyk’s second child is the famous Azerbaijani stylist Aslan Akhmadov. He became famous erotic photo sessions with Masha Malinovskaya, Lolita, Zhanna Friske and other show business stars. He is one of the founders of the creative association Fresh Art, a stylist, singer, photographer and host of the Fashion Police program.

Irina Bilyk and Aslan Akhmadov

Aslan Akhmadov has known Irina Bilyk for a long time joint work. They shot a joint video for the song “We Are Not There.” Then Aslan starred in Bilyk’s video for the song “Girl”.

This spring they sang a duet with Bilyk at her anniversary concert.

“You can read about this as much as you like, listen to the stories of friends and relatives, you can imagine and try to try on this role, looking at other people’s experiences, but only by holding your newly born child in your arms can you feel this incredible feeling of immense happiness. And it fell to my lot. I became a Pope! My son was born! Beautiful Akhmadov Tabriz Aslan ogly! No words can convey what I feel now. I am absolutely happy! Welcome to our world, my dear son! May your life will be happy and interesting!", Akhmadov said about the birth of his son.

Irina Bilyk and Aslan Akhmadov in the video "Girl"

Akhmadov is also known for his relationship with Lyudmila Gurchenko.

Shortly before her death, Lyudmila Gurchenko became close friends with Akhmadov and trusted herself to film and do image work. He was called Lyudmila Markovna’s “last love,” but their relationship was purely platonic. At the same time, in the “Let Them Talk” program, the 75-year-old (at that time) actress admitted that she was in love with Akhmadov.

Not long ago, Aslan opened his own in Moscow. The event took place from great success– the photographer’s works were piercing and showed the incredible Gurchenko in all her glory.

We add that Irina Bilyk has an eldest son - 16-year-old Gleb, whom she gave birth to ex-husband Andrey Overchuk.

Irina Bilyk and son Gleb

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