Home Vegetables How to make butter cream with condensed milk. Butter cream with condensed milk - the best recipes for soaking and decorating desserts

How to make butter cream with condensed milk. Butter cream with condensed milk - the best recipes for soaking and decorating desserts

Cream of condensed milk product and butter or peasant butter is ideal in the form of a layered part for cakes. Moreover, such baked products can be either shortbread, or biscuit, or meringue. It is also used as a filling for waffle or puff tubes, rich baskets, or airy eclairs.

Among the variety of confectionery products with a similar cream, one should not forget that the combination of cream components also has huge assortment. Classic recipe Let's take a closer look, with step-by-step photos.


  • Condensed milk- 1 can (480 grams)
  • Butter- 1 pack (200 grams)
  • How to make cream from butter and condensed milk

    . Remove a pack of butter from the refrigerator and leave at room temperature so that it thaws and becomes soft, pliable. Condensed milk, also need to be left to warm up to room temperature. Then pour the condensed milk into a deep cup and spread the oil.

    . With a fork, knead a piece of butter into small pieces in order to more conveniently and evenly beat the cream in the future. You can pour condensed milk in small portions, gradually mixing and whipping, this method is especially convenient if you use an electric mixer.

    3. Now you can beat, blender, mixer or regular whisk. The speed of cooking will depend on the available kitchen tool. Pay attention to the photo, how the consistency of the mass changes during whipping. It's important not to interrupt. If your hands are tired, change the method of whipping (for example, replace the tool with a hand whisk).

    . Gradually, the mass becomes loose, with white small flakes.

    . And then the consistency will become more homogeneous, uniform and thick. We continue to beat.

    . And now, a real cream, the mass becomes thick and airy.

    Delicious buttercream is ready

    Bon appetit!

    Other recipes for butter cream with condensed milk

    The composition and instructions for preparing such an airy addition to a sweet dish are described below:

    Recipe #1
    Ingredients: Butter - 200 gr., Sterilized condensed milk - 480 gr., Vanilla powder - 1 gr.
    Cooking method: Butter cut and soften. Next, put this mass into the prepared bowl and beat until a homogeneous consistency. It should roughly double in size. Then add vanillin and half of the total volume of condensed milk. Prepared components must be combined into one whole and with special care and continuity try to mix. After obtaining a uniform mixture, the remaining condensed milk is added and whipped to a tender state. The filling for confectionery is ready!

    Recipe number 2
    Ingredients: Butter - 200 gr., Sterilized condensed milk - 8 tablespoons.
    Cooking method: Peasant oil softens or warms up in a water bath. But at the same time, one must not forget that in no case should it be melted to liquid state. The best option the consistency of non-liquid sour cream is considered. Then it is gently beaten using a high speed mixer until elastic and bubbly. white color. And without stopping using the power of the mixer, condensed milk is added little by little. Further, the resulting mixture is mixed with such a device as a blender with a nozzle, for a quarter of one hour. Dessert decoration can be used!

    Recipe number 3
    Ingredients: Sterilized condensed milk - 1 jar or 380 gr., Vanilla powder - 1 gr., Butter - 250 gr.
    Cooking method: Peasant butter is whipped with a special device with a nozzle. But you must remember the main rule when preparing such a cream. It lies in the fact that at the initial stage it is desirable to whip the cream at a very low speed. And only gradually try to increase its pace. Further, without stopping the whipping movements, you should carefully and in the thinnest stream introduce concentrated milk product V ready mix. And continue to mix these two components at a high mixer speed. A mixture of butter and condensed milk should increase in volume, about two times. The finished mass is cooled in a low-temperature chamber, but not more than thirty minutes.

    Recipe number 4
    Ingredients: Sterilized condensed milk - 1 faceted glass, butter - 250 gr., Vanilla powder - 0.5 gr., Liquor - 1 dessert spoon.
    Cooking method: Peasant butter grind to an airy consistency. Next to prepared oil composition falling asleep vanilla. Then gradually, one teaspoonful, condensed milk is added. All three ingredients of the cream are whipped with great care, until a double mass is obtained. Liquor should be added to the finished cream, to give special palatability. As a substitute for liquor, you can use natural ground coffee or chocolate.

    Recipe number 5
    Ingredients: Butter - 185 gr., Condensed milk - 1 jar (380 gr.) in a container made of tin.
    Cooking method: Chilled butter is allowed to soften at room temperature. Until it reaches the desired consistency, you need to prepare a concentrated dairy product. To do this, a tin can with sterilized milk is dipped into a pot of boiling water and boiled. In this case, the water in the container should completely cover the jar of condensed milk. This manipulation must be continued for two hours. After 120 minutes of boiling condensed milk, it is cooled. But it should only be opened chilled. From the softened butter, with the help of a mixer and two minutes of time, whip a lush butter mixture. Further, in small portions, sterilized condensed milk, previously boiled down to a coffee color, is added to the resulting oil mixture. After that, the consistency of butter and condensed milk continues to be beaten for about three minutes. Now we can safely say that the cream is ready.

    Recipe number 6
    Ingredients: Sterilized condensed milk - 200 gr., butter - 185 gr., nuts walnut tree- 300 gr.
    Cooking method: Nuts should be pre-peeled, and the kernels should be chopped very finely with kitchen knife. Peasant butter and condensed milk mixture are mixed together until a uniform consistency. Then prepared nuts are added to the resulting mixture. Next, all three ingredients are thoroughly beaten in order to get their magnificent connection and cool. Butter cream with condensed milk is ready!

    Recipe number 7
    Ingredients: Cream - 200 gr., Condensed milk - 180 gr., Butter - 200 gr., Shelled walnut kernels - 150 grams.
    Cooking method: The kernels of nuts are ground to the state of powdered sugar, and the peasant butter is given the softness of plasticine. Peasant butter, cream and condensed milk are put into the bowl prepared for the cream. Then, using the fan nozzle of the mixer, beat all three components at the same time. At correct sequence actions, a fairly lush mass should be obtained from this mixture. Next, with gentle movements, crushed nuts are added to it and mixed. After cooling, the cream is ready for further use.

    Recipe number 8
    Ingredients: Egg yolks - in the amount of 2 pieces, butter - 200 gr., Sterilized milk - 200 gr., Blue or black rum - 50 grams.
    Cooking method: Peasant oil for making cream prepare in a water bath until soft. Then it must be thoroughly rubbed and beat with a mixer. When whipping, condensed sterilized milk product should be added gradually and in small doses to the oil mixture. After obtaining a lush mass, it is combined with egg yolks and mix. In order to butter cream had unique aroma ic shade is added to it with rum. And after that, beat again for about sixty seconds.

    Recipe number 9
    Ingredients: Butter - 200 gr., cognac or rum - 1 teaspoon, condensed milk - 200 gr.
    Cooking method: Peasant butter, brought to a soft state, is thoroughly beaten with a mixer for about five minutes. The butter mixture should become very airy and elastic, and the consistency should resemble heavy cream. Continuing to beat the peasant butter, you need to slowly and in small doses introduce condensed milk product into it. Using rum or cognac, you can give the prepared dessert a unique flavor. And in order to get from the resulting cream various forms, it is desirable to cool it.

    Recipe number 10
    Ingredients: Condensed sterilized milk - 200 gr., wheat flour not lower than the highest grade - 2 soup spoons, milk - 1 cup, butter - 100 gr., sugar - 2 soup spoons.
    Cooking method: Flour, sugar and milk are mixed with special care in a container made of of stainless steel and put on moderate heat for further cooking. Then, stirring constantly, bring to a certain density. In this case, you need to carefully monitor the process of brewing, otherwise the cream may burn. Further, after cooling the resulting mixture, butter and condensed milk product are added to it. All these products are whipped with a mixer at the optimum speed, and then cooled in refrigeration equipment. OK it's all over Now, custard ready!
    Due to the variety of recipes for buttercream with condensed milk product, we can safely conclude that these ingredients are especially popular.

    Video recipe "Cream of condensed milk and butter"

    Oh, those housewives! Each of them daily tries to surprise their households and pamper them with a delicious dessert or pastry. Many women bake cakes, pies, pastries, eclairs, etc. at home. Sometimes you want to diversify your daily diet and cook some unusual dessert. You may be surprised, but an ordinary butter cream with condensed milk can give a fragrant and piquant taste to your pastries. Moreover, it can be done on hastily when guests unexpectedly came to you or there is no strength at all to prepare a dessert.

    As you understand, this cream is based on condensed milk and butter, so these products must be fatty and natural. If you want to create a truly confectionery masterpiece from baking, then check out the tips experienced chefs, you will definitely need them:

    • condensed milk should be natural, without preservatives and impurities;
    • it is best to purchase condensed milk made according to GOST, that is, with the content of natural milk, as well as sugar;
    • choose condensed milk only with maximum fat content;
    • butter in without fail should be softened;
    • in no case do not use cold, and even more so frozen butter, because during the whipping process it will release water, which will spoil the taste and appearance of your cream;
    • if you use any dyes or nutritional supplements, then they must also be of high quality and proven, otherwise you risk ruining the cream;
    • the cream must thicken;
    • to beat it well, use a mixer or blender;
    • after lubricating the cakes with cream, the cake or pie must be infused in order to soak well.

    Butter cream for cake with condensed milk

    Classic butter cream with condensed milk is prepared very quickly. The key to obtaining a tasty and airy cream is its long whipping. The creamy-milk mixture should be whipped for at least 15 minutes. The longer you beat the butter and condensed milk, the more magnificent the cream will be.


    • butter fat - 200-250 g;
    • condensed milk - 10 tbsp. l.


    How to decorate a cake with cream?

    Many housewives are thinking about how to surprise their guests or pamper the younger members of the household. Children love chocolate bars called Snickers. So, today we will try to make a cream similar in taste to our favorite energy bar. This butter-milk cream will also serve as a decoration for your confectionery.


    • fatty butter - 0.5 kg;
    • boiled condensed milk - 0.5 l;
    • peanuts - 300 g;
    • granulated sugar - 150 g;
    • bitter or milk chocolate- 100 g;
    • whole milk - 400 ml.


    Mastic with condensed milk

    In order for your pastries to look beautiful, you need to decorate them properly. Many confectioners use mastic, but not everyone, alas, likes it. You can make a complete analogue of mastic at home, only from condensed milk and butter.


    • condensed milk fat - 150 g;
    • softened butter - 250 g.


    1. Put well-softened butter and condensed milk in a separate container.
    2. Using a mixer or blender, beat this milky-creamy mass until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
    3. To achieve the effect of mastic on baking, the cream must be applied in several layers, while each layer must harden well.
    4. After applying the first layer, send the pastries to the refrigerator and leave for 20 minutes. Then proceed to apply the second layer.
    5. Finally, put the cake or pie in the refrigerator and let it brew for several hours.

    Cream of condensed milk and butter is perhaps one of the simplest creams. Cooking it is even easier than, which is also easy to prepare. The role of the custard base in butter cream with condensed milk is played by condensed milk. It does not need to be cooked, you can use the store-bought. But if someone wants to experiment, then you can cook condensed milk yourself, and in just 15 minutes. How to do this is described.

    Well, in addition to condensed milk, you will also need butter. The remaining 2 ingredients (cognac and vanilla sugar) are optional, you can do without them, although they significantly improve the taste of the cream. Instead of cognac, you can use any other flavor - rum, caramel, almond and others.

    Cut the butter into pieces and leave for a while so that it becomes soft: softened butter is easier to beat.

    We add condensed milk to the butter gradually: first 2-3 tablespoons, beat with a mixer, then a little more, and finally, all the condensed milk is normal. We start whipping with a low speed of the mixer, and finish at a high one.

    Add cognac and vanilla sugar. Beat the cream until the mass is smooth and fluffy.

    Cream of butter and condensed milk is ready. You can use it for its intended purpose.

    And the scope of application of butter cream with condensed milk is very wide: cakes, custards, eclairs, baskets,. Cream of butter and condensed milk is also indispensable for simple cakes that are prepared without baking, such as, for example,

    Perhaps one of the fastest creams in the preparation is the one that is made on the basis of condensed milk. Condensed milk can give the cream its pleasant sweetness and caramel hue, and the proportions of the ingredients can be varied based on what you want to see the final consistency of the cream. Next, we will prepare a cream of cream and condensed milk.

    Cream of cream with condensed milk - recipe

    If you want to get a cream whose consistency allows you to deposit various patterns on the surface, then use heavy cream and boiled condensed milk. The technology of the recipe is simple and does not even require a list of ingredients: take 2 parts of cream for 1 part of condensed milk and start cooking.

    Please note that before starting whipping, cream and condensed milk should be kept in the cold for at least 4-5 hours. First, whip the cream at maximum power until stable peaks form. For the recipe, take cream of maximum fat content. If in doubt about the quality, stock up on a special thickener for cream, it stabilizes the structure of the cream.

    When the airy creamy mass is ready, start adding chilled boiled condensed milk in portions, continuing to beat at medium speed. When all the condensed milk has been added, return the finished product to the cold for another 2-3 hours. A well-chilled cream made from boiled condensed milk and cream keeps its shape perfectly and is suitable for piping out of a pastry bag.

    Cream for "Napoleon" with cream and condensed milk


    • yolks - 2 pcs.;
    • cream (fatty) - 580 ml;
    • - 320 g;
    • milk - 470 ml;
    • starch - 65 g;
    • - 75


    Whisk the starch with eggs and powdered sugar. Just warm the milk and pour about a third into the resulting egg mixture. After stirring quickly, pour the mixture into the rest of the warmed milk and boil everything over low heat, waiting for it to thicken. Let the cream cool, and then beat it with cold condensed milk.

    Whip the cream until stiff peaks form, then fold it into the thickened cream.

    It is often difficult to imagine a cake without cream. Yes, there are such cakes, of course, but most cakes still mean cream. From the existing variety of compositions it is difficult to choose one, but there are those that definitely have more fans than others. One of these "favorites" of the public is a cream made from condensed milk. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that almost nothing needs to be done to prepare it, just beat condensed milk with sour cream, butter or any other ingredient that is present in the recipe.

    Confectioners, as a rule, use fresh, natural condensed milk, made in accordance with all the rules of GOST. Only such condensed milk will become great helper in the preparation of the cake, and in addition, it will compare favorably with its rich taste and aroma.

    It's no secret that condensed milk itself is quite thick, so the cream based on it turns out to be dense and quite fatty. But, unfortunately, sometimes there are situations when the butter cream, prepared on the basis of condensed milk, turned out to be not thick enough and is about to spread over the cake, thereby spoiling the dessert, and as a result, the mood of the hostess.

    sugar syrup

    A small amount of water is put on the fire, to which the same amount of sugar is added. That is, the proportion should be 1:1. Sugar must be stirred in water, and then stirred non-stop until it is completely dissolved. Boil over low heat for 3-5 minutes, then remove from heat and cool to a temperature of 35-40 degrees. If you want the syrup to become even thicker, leave it on the fire for another 5-7 minutes. When the syrup has cooled slightly, add it to the mixture of condensed milk and butter, whisking in parallel with a mixer. Leave the whipped condensed milk and butter for 10-15 minutes - after this time, you will notice that the cream has thickened.


    To thicken condensed milk with butter, you can add soufflé to it. This will require a little gelatin and milk. Pour gelatin with warm milk, wait until it swells and put on a slow fire, stirring until completely dissolved. The most important rule is not to bring to a boil. Cool the gelatin mixture to room temperature, add to the condensed milk cream and mix again with a mixer. Place the newly whipped mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour - after half an hour you can see how the mass has thickened.

    Cream fixer

    Cream fixative is a product that is commonly used in cream impregnations, but can also be used in the case of condensed milk. To do this, add a small amount of fixative to the finished butter-milk cream, mix thoroughly and put in the refrigerator.

    Corn starch

    Use corn starch you need the same as a thickener for cream. Pour a small amount of starch into a mixture of condensed milk and butter, beat well with a mixer. After that, put the mixture in the refrigerator for an hour. After an hour, you can get the cream out of the refrigerator and start decorating cakes or pastries.
    Here are some simple tips to help you cope with any unexpected situation. Good luck!

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