Home Vegetables The tallest skyscraper in the United States is the Sears Tower. tallest skyscrapers in usa

The tallest skyscraper in the United States is the Sears Tower. tallest skyscrapers in usa

For more than a century, it has been called the city of skyscrapers for a reason. We have selected a dozen of the most interesting from the many.

Skyscraper Trump Tower - Trump Tower. 725 Fifth Avenue at 56th Street

A real symbol of the 80s of the last century, dark mirror glass and concrete, glamor and lights. The 58-storey building, over 200 meters high, was built in 1983 by the architect Dera Skat next to the famous Tiffany's store. To get around New York's building restrictions, Donald Trump had to acquire "air rights" to the legendary jewelry store and connect his tower with an arcade to the adjacent IBM building, thus creating an atrium that was declared a public area. The atrium, with its famous illuminated waterfall and six-story mall, remains open to all visitors, while Trump Tower itself is inhabited by the rich and famous - the billionaire himself lives in a penthouse.

Skyscraper American Radiator Building. 40 West 40th Street at Bryant Park

The 23-story black and gold building of the American Radiator Company (which, however, produced not only radiators, but also other plumbing) never held the “highest” pennant, but almost immediately it was recognized as one of the most beautiful. Built in 1924, the neo-Gothic skyscraper with art deco elements is also interesting because the architect Raymond Hood, who designed it, began with the design of decorative screens for those very radiators. Subsequently, Hood created many more famous buildings (including Rockefeller Center in New York) and served as the prototype for the protagonist of Ayn Rand's novel The Fountainhead by architect Peter Keating. The building itself in the early 1990s changed its profile and turned into a luxurious boutique hotel Bryant Park Hotel.

Skyscraper Chrysler Building - Chrysler Building. 405 Lexington Av

Building the headquarters of the Chrysler Automobile Corporation in 1930 was a matter of status for its founder, Walter Percy Chrysler. The whole of New York watched with bated breath the competition between the two construction sites: Chrysler vaguely promised that its building would be the tallest in the city, although at a declared height of 230 meters the skyscraper was clearly inferior to the Bank of Manhattan, which was supposed to stretch 282 meters. However, the architect William van Alen, as it turned out, kept an ace - but not up his sleeve, but inside the walls under construction. There, in secret from everyone, a giant spire was built, designed in the style of the then car radiators, which made it possible to reach a height of 318 meters and thus become the tallest building not only in America, but in the world (before that, the record was held for several decades with its three hundreds of meters). The record, however, lasted only a year - already in 1931 the New York sky pierced Empire State Building.

Skyscraper Flatiron Building (Iron) - Flatiron Building. 175 5th Av

Flatiron Building (Iron) Flatiron Building

One of New York City's most famous and most postcarded buildings, it has never held a height record or any other - with the exception, perhaps, of originality. The 93-meter, 21-story skyscraper, built from 1901 to 1903 by Chicago architect Daniel Burnham, is extremely unusual shape: it is triangular in plan, for which he received the nickname "Iron", which has stuck to the entire quarter over the past century. Officially, however, the house was to be called the Fuller Building - by the name of the one who ordered it for her headquarters construction company. In the end, even the representatives of "Fuller" reconciled, and the skyscraper officially received the name "Iron". After the construction, the townspeople are quite for a long time made a bet: which way the debris would fly when the strong winds in this part of the city tumbled down " Iron', but somehow it worked out. It is curious that "Iron" has a namesake in Moscow, however, only five floors - the building of the former "Kulakov" rooming house in Pevchesky Lane, on the once infamous Khitrovka.

Skyscraper Empire State Building - Empire State Building. 350 5th Av

Opened May 1, 1931 Empire State Building was one of the last skyscrapers erected in New York during the Great Depression. Apparently, thanks to her (and the ensuing world war and other troubles), this 381-meter giant, occupying an entire block, managed to maintain the title of the tallest building in the world for more than forty years, until the famous twin towers of the World War II were erected in 1972. shopping center. The construction of the Empire State Building proceeded, as they would say in the Soviet Union, at an accelerated pace - the skyscraper was completed in just a year and 45 days. However, the owners of the country of the Soviets could only bite their elbows and dream of the Palace of Soviets with a hundred-meter statue of Ilyich on top. The Empire State Building is also crowned with an architectural decoration - a spire, but unlike the purely decorative leader of the proletariat, the "needle" had a functional purpose: according to the idea of ​​the architect William F. Lang, airships were supposed to moor to it. The airships, however, very soon came to naught, but not a single King Kong has yet deprived the spire of his attention ...

Skyscraper Rockefeller Center - Rockefeller Center. Midtown Manhattan, 48th to 51st Street

Strictly speaking, famous rockefeller center- not a building, as many people think, but a whole complex of 19 skyscrapers, occupying almost nine hectares of land on Manhattan. Construction began at the height of the depression, in 1930, and lasted nine years - it is considered that this is the most ambitious architectural project of modern times. 40,000 workers took part in the construction of the complex, and the estimate was $ 250 million - a staggering amount for the 1930s (more than three billion in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation). To the originally erected 14 buildings in the style of art decks of the 60-70s, five more were added, designed in the so-called. international style.

Skyscraper Waldorf Astoria - Waldorf Astoria. 301 Park Avenue

The equal sign in the name of one of the main hotels in New York is not a typo. Before the opening of the new Astoria in October 1931, the largest hotel in the world at that time, the old Astoria also existed - the Empire State Building was erected in its place. The prehistory of its name was as follows: hotel cousins ​​William Waldorf Astor and John Jacob Astor IV opened a luxury hotel on Fifth Avenue in the early 1890s. In 1897, the hotels were connected by a corridor, and the sign "=" appeared in the name of the combined hotel, which was preserved even after Astoria moved to a new building. "" and to this day remains an exceptionally expensive and prestigious hotel. At one time, the hotel was the first in the world to offer a number of innovations that revolutionized hotel business: for example, room service was offered for the first time, a separate entrance for ladies was canceled, and those who wished had the opportunity to live in the hotel permanently. The famous composer Cole Porter lived here for several years, the legendary mafia Lucky Luciano constantly stayed in room 39c, and the chairman of the board of directors of Coca-Cola, James Farley, set a kind of record by living in the hotel for almost forty years, from 1940 until his death in 1976.

Skyscraper Woolworth Building - Woolworth Building. 233 Broadway

Millionaire Frank Winfield Woolworth, owner of the department store chain of the same name, adored the gothic architecture of Europe. He especially liked the building British Parliament, so when he decided to build a new headquarters for his firm, he commissioned architect Cass Gilbert to create a neo-Gothic building with large quantity windows. Opened in 1913, the 241-meter skyscraper (which was the world's tallest utilitarian building until 1930) is teeming with architectural excesses, from salamanders (a symbol of change) and owls (a symbol of wisdom) above the cathedral-like main entrance to interior design (eg. Personal Area Woolworth was copied from Napoleon's office at Compiègne). In full accordance with the canons medieval architecture statues of the architect and owner are also installed in the lobby of the building - however, as a tribute to the 20th century, the sculptural group is made in a deliberately caricature-humorous vein: Gilbert holds a model of a skyscraper in his hand, and Woolworth pays him for his work with coins.

Skyscraper Williamsburgh Savings Bank. 1 Hanson Place, at Flatbush Av

The 156-meter building, known colloquially as the Wiley, was the tallest building in Brooklyn for 80 years - this area is generally not as rich in skyscrapers as downtown Manhattan. The jokers then said that this was “the most high building between Manhattan and Paris. The banking hall on the first floor was considered one of the best in design in New York - 19-meter ceilings and giant windows that allowed daylight. The skyscraper is decorated with a huge clock, which until 1962 was the largest in the world. In addition to the bank, there were other companies in the building - 33 floors out of 34 were leased. In October 2005, the skyscraper was sold to new owners who converted it into a luxury residential complex - much to the displeasure of Brooklynians.

Skyscraper Park Row Building - Park Row Building. 15 Park Row

One of the oldest and most recognizable skyscrapers in New York 119-meter park row building opened in 1899 and was then the tallest "inhabited" building in the world. Under the characteristic copper double domes of the skyscraper, astronomical observatories were located for some time, and 950 offices were rented inside. The building serves as an office complex to this day. The limestone and brick finish was the model for many of New York City's iconic buildings of the early 20th century that followed.

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The Aon Center was built in Chicago in 1972. It consists of 83 floors and has a height of 346.3 meters. Once built, the skyscraper was the tallest building in the world with marble cladding, which later began to crumble under the influence of weathering. In 1992, the Aon Center was resurfaced with white granite, at a cost of half the money spent on construction.

6. Bank of America Tower (New York)

The Bank of America Tower is a 55-story skyscraper in Manhattan with a height of 365.8 meters. The maximum height of the tower was reached on December 15, 2007, when the top block with a 77.9-meter spire was placed on top of the building. The skyscraper has a rainwater collection and purification system, an air filtration system, and a system that produces ice at night to use it to cool the building during the day.

5. Empire State Building (New York)

The Empire State Building is a National Historic Landmark in the United States. The legendary 103-storey skyscraper with a height of 381 meters is located in Manhattan and from 1931 to 1970 was one of the tallest buildings in the world. In 2001, when the towers of the World Trade Center collapsed, the Empire State Building again became the tallest building in New York until 2012,

4. Trump International Hotel and Tower (Chicago)

The skyscraper hotel named after the elected president of the United States has 96 floors and 415.1 meters in height. In 2001, Trump announced that the skyscraper would become the tallest building in the world, but after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, construction plans were cut and the tower's design underwent some changes by 2009. The skyscraper is made up of three parts in the style of the architecture of Chicago buildings, and the height of each of them is at the level of an adjacent building to ensure visual continuity with the surrounding landscape

3. 432 Park Avenue (New York)

At 426 meters high, 432 Park Avenue is the tallest residential building in the world. In terms of roof level, the skyscraper is the tallest building in the United States, but a couple of skyscrapers overtake it in total height due to spiers. Each of the building's 85 floors is square with six windows on each side. The height of each floor is 3.84 meters, and the penthouse is top floor with six bedrooms and for some reason seven bathrooms costs $95 million.

2. Willis Tower (Chicago)

Built in 1974, the 110-storey skyscraper with a height of 443.2 meters became the tallest building in the world and held this record for 25 years. The structure consists of nine square pipes that rise to 50 floors, seven of them go to the 66th floor, five rise to the 90th, and only two pipes form the remaining 20 floors. Until 2009, the Willis Tower was called the Sears Tower - after the name of the former tenant.

1. World Trade Center 1 (New York)

Center international trade 1, also known as the Freedom Tower, is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. The total height of the skyscraper is 541.3 meters, and there is a 104-story tower in the northwest corner of the site, which was located on the previous World Trade Center complex, destroyed on September 11, 2001, including the famous twin towers. The construction of the skyscraper was completed in 2013 with the installation of a metal 124-meter spire weighing 758 tons.

The United States of America has always amazed with its skyscrapers. The world's first skyscraper was built in Chicago in 1885, its height was only 55 meters, and the number of floors was ten. The first hundred-story buildings appeared in the 30s of the last century, since that time the skyscraper race has started. Each large company considered it necessary to build their own skyscraper, which had to be higher than the competitor's skyscraper, which is only worth the confrontation between the Chrysler Building and the Empire State Building. In this article, we will look at the 20 tallest skyscrapers in America, I am sure that each of the presented buildings will amaze you with its size and architectural forms.

World Trade Center 1. One World Trade Center

tallest building in the usa

Building height - 541 meters
Number of floors - 104
Opening date - 2014.

World Trade Center 1, also known as the Freedom Tower, is the tallest building in the United States and the 4th tallest building in the world. This skyscraper is considered the main building of the new World Trade Center, the construction of which is still ongoing. The building is located in Lower Manhattan and covers an area of ​​65,000 m².
Willis Tower. Willis Tower

2nd tallest building in the US

The height of the building is 442 meters
Number of floors - 108
Opening date - 1974.

The Willis Tower was previously known as the Sears Tower until it was renamed in 2009. Willis Tower is the tallest building in Chicago, and until 2014 was considered the tallest building in the United States. At the time of completion, the Willis Tower was considered the tallest building in the world, overtaking the towers of the World Trade Center in New York on this indicator.

432 Park Avenue. 432 Park Avenue

3rd tallest building in the US
City: New York, New York
Building height - 426 meters
Number of floors - 96
Opening date - 2015.

AT this moment 432 Park Avenue is under construction, but despite this, the skyscraper is already one of the tallest residential buildings in the world. Construction of the skyscraper began in 2012 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2015. On the site of the new skyscraper was previously located famous hotel Drake, built in 1926, which was bought out for $440 million by businessman Harry Macklow. A year later, the hotel was demolished and the foundation stone for a new, state-of-the-art building was laid in its place.

Trump International Hotel and Tower. The Trump International Hotel and Tower

4th tallest building in the US
City: Chicago, Illinois
Building height - 423 meters
Number of floors - 92
Opening date - 2009.

Trump International Hotel and Tower or simply Trump Tower is the 2nd tallest skyscraper in Chicago. The building got its name in honor of the American businessman and writer - Donald Trump. The tower was designed by renowned architect Adrian Smith. It was originally planned that the Trump skyscraper would be the tallest building in the world, however, after a series of terrorist attacks that took place on September 11, 2001, Trump abandoned his idea. Today, Trump Tower is the 4th tallest building in the US and 11th in the world.

Interesting fact: Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world, also designed by architect Adrian Smith, so this building looks very similar to Trump Tower.

Empire State Building. Empire State Building

5th tallest building in the US
City: New York, New York
Building height - 381 meters
Number of floors - 102
Opening date - 1931.

Empire State Building - the famous New York skyscraper is located at the intersection of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. The tower's name comes from New York State's nickname, the Empire State. This skyscraper is famous not only for the fact that the legendary King Kong climbed it, but also for the fact that for over 40 years this building was considered the tallest building in the world, from its opening in 1931 until the completion of the construction of the North Tower of the World Trade Center in 1972 year.

Bank of America Tower. Bank of America Tower

6th tallest building in the USCity: New York, NY
The height of the building is 366 meters
Number of floors - 55
Opening date - 2010.

The Bank of America Tower is located in the heart of Manhattan. The skyscraper cost $1 billion to build. The design of the building was developed by the architects of the Cookfox company, who made sure that the skyscraper became one of the most environmentally friendly buildings in the world.

Interesting fact: so-called dry urinals have been installed inside the building, contributing to the conservation of more than 30 million liters of water per year.

Aon Center. Aon Center

7th tallest building in the US
City: Chicago, Illinois
Building height - 346 meters
Number of floors - 83
Opening date - 1973.

Aon Center, formerly the Amoco Building, is a skyscraper designed by the architect firm Edward Darrell Stone in 1973. After construction was completed, the skyscraper was for some time considered the tallest in the world, until this title passed to the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York.

Interesting fact: under the influence of strong winds, the facing of the building began to crumble. As a result, in the period from 1990 to 1992, the cladding was completely updated, the cost of the work was half the amount spent on the construction of the entire building.

John Hancock Center. John Hancock Center (JHC)

8th tallest building in the US
City: Chicago, Illinois
The height of the building is 344 meters
Number of floors - 100
Opening date - 1969.

Skyscraper John Hancock Center or John Hancock Center is located in the city of Chicago on Michigan Avenue. Distinctive feature building is its shape, reminiscent of a huge quadrangular column. On the 44th floor of the skyscraper is a swimming pool, which is the highest on the continent.

Interesting fact: On May 6, 1968, the building was considered the tallest building in the world outside of New York.

Chrysler Building. Chrysler Building

9th tallest building in the US
City: New York, New York
Building height - 319 meters
Number of floors - 77
Opening date - 1930.

The Chrysler Building, according to many architects, is the most beautiful building in New York. The famous skyscraper was considered the tallest building in the world for 11 months, until this title passed to the second handsome New York Empire State Building.

New York Times Building. The New York Times Building

10th tallest building in the US
City: New York, New York
Building height - 319 meters
Number of floors - 52
Opening date - 2007.

The New York Times Building is a skyscraper in the western part of Manhattan. The main owner of the building is the New York Times Company ( New York Times Company). The building is built mainly from energy-saving materials. The walls of the building are made of special glass that transmits sunlight more than usual. The building has its own thermal power plant.

Bank of America Plaza. Bank of America Plaza

11th tallest building in the US
City: Atlanta, Georgia
Building height - 312 meters
Number of floors - 55
Opening date - 1992.

The Bank of America Plaza building is the 37th tallest building in the world. Immediately after the completion of construction, the skyscraper was considered the 9th tallest in the world and 6th in America. Now Bank of America Plaza is the tallest building in the state of Georgia. Radio and television repeaters are installed on the roof of the building.

US Bank Tower. U.S. bank tower

12th tallest building in the US
City: Los Angeles, California
Building height - 310 meters
Number of floors - 73
Opening date - 1989.

US Bank Tower or U.S. The Bank Tower is the tallest building in California and the twelfth tallest in the United States. On the roof of the skyscraper is a platform for landing helicopters.

Franklin Center. Franklin Center

13th tallest building in the US
City: Chicago, Illinois
Building height - 307 meters
Number of floors - 60
Opening date - 1989.

Built in 1989, the skyscraper was originally called AT&T Corporatecenter and served as the central office of the American telephone company AT&T. In 2007, the building was purchased by Tishman Speyer and renamed the Franklin Center.

One 57. One57

14th tallest building in the US
City: New York, New York
Building height - 306 meters
Number of floors - 75
Opening date - 2014.

Skyscraper One 57 is located near the center of Manhattan, until the completion of the skyscraper 432 Park Avenue, was considered the tallest residential building in New York.

JP Morgan Chase Tower. JPMorgan Chase Tower

15th tallest building in the US
City: Houston, Texas
Building height - 305 meters
Number of floors - 75
Opening date - 1982.

The JP Morgan Chase Tower is the tallest building in Texas and the tallest pentagonal skyscraper in the world. The building is located in downtown Houston. There is an observation deck on the sixtieth floor of the skyscraper.

Prudential Plaza 2. Two Prudential Plaza

16th tallest building in the US
City: Chicago, Illinois
The height of the building is 303 meters
Number of floors - 64
Opening date - 1990.

Prudential Plaza 2 is the sixth tallest building in Chicago and the sixteenth tallest building in the United States. The skyscraper received 8 awards for its architecture. On one of the floors of Prudential Plaza 2 is the Consulate General of Canada.

Wells Fargo Plaza. Wells Fargo Plaza

17th tallest building in the US
City: Houston, Texas
Building height - 302 meters
Number of floors - 71
Opening date - 1983.

Wells Fargo Plaza is the 2nd tallest building in Texas. This skyscraper houses many boutiques, wellness and sports clubs as well as several foreign consulates.

Interesting fact: In 1983, the year the building was unveiled, Hurricane Alicia passed through Houston, resulting in many broken windows at Wells Fargo Plaza.

World Trade Center Tower 4. 4 World Trade Center

18th tallest building in the US
City: New York, New York
Building height - 297 meters
Number of floors - 72
Opening date - 2013.

The Fourth World Trade Center Tower, also known as 150 Greenwich Street (the address of the building), was erected as part of the reconstruction of the World Trade Center in New York. This office building is located on the east side of Greenwich Street, across the street from the original location of the Twin Towers, which were destroyed in the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Comcast Center. Comcast Center

19th tallest building in the US
City: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Building height - 297 meters
Number of floors - 57
Opening date - 2007.

The Comcast Center is located in downtown Philadelphia and is the tallest building in the state of Pennsylvania. The skyscraper was originally called One Pennsylvania Plaza.

311 South Walker Drive. 311 South Wacker Drive

20th tallest building in the US
City: Chicago, Illinois
Building height - 293 meters
Number of floors - 65
Opening date - 1990.

311 South Walker Drive is a postmodern 65-story skyscraper located in downtown Chicago. The building is the 20th tallest in the US. The skyscraper is considered the tallest building in the world, whose name is the actual address of the location.

The United States is generally recognized as the country of skyscrapers, it is home to some of the most majestic high-rise buildings in the world, and for a long time it has been the United States that has been the trendsetter in the field of architectural innovations and ideas in the construction of skyscrapers. The tallest building in the United States is currently considered the World Trade Center No. 1, or as it is also called, the Freedom Tower. The height of the skyscraper is 541 m, although it is not the tallest building in the world. Dubai's Burj Khalifa has been holding the palm for several years now.

The cities with the highest concentration of skyscrapers in the United States are traditionally considered to be and. There are world-famous skyscrapers here, which have become famous thanks to their architectural ideas, viewing platforms and, of course, record heights. These include, in particular, the Willis Tower, Trump Tower and John Hancock Center in Chicago and the Empire State Building, Chrysling Building and Rockefeller Center in New York. Today in our review we will talk about the most interesting and memorable skyscrapers in the United States. You will find out why they are interesting and why you should see them with your own eyes.

Freedom Tower, New York

World Trade Center No. 1 appeared on the site of the destroyed World Trade Center complex and received the unofficial name of the Freedom Tower. The building is considered the highest in the Western Hemisphere, its height is 541 m. The building has 104 floors. Considered the 4th tallest skyscraper in the world. The building also has a 124 m high spire. A panoramic observation deck is open on the 102nd floor of the building.

phil dolby/flickr

Willis Tower, Chicago

The Willis Tower is the second tallest building in the United States after the No. 1 World Trade Center in New York. Its height is 443 m, and the number of floors is 108. In addition, the Willis Tower became famous for its original observation deck. It is here that the so-called retractable booths are located, made of completely transparent materials. Thus, once in the booth, you can "hang in the air" on great height and enjoy views of Chicago and Lake Michigan. The observation deck of the Willis Tower "Skydeck Chicago" has long been an independent landmark of the city.

tony brooks/flickr

Trump Tower, Chicago

This skyscraper hotel is the second tallest building in Chicago. Its height is 423 m. The Trump Tower is located in a very picturesque place at the confluence of the Chicago River and Lake Michigan. It was originally planned that the tower would become the tallest building in the United States, but later the construction plans were partially reduced, and as a result, the tower of the American billionaire Donald Trump became only the second tallest building within Chicago. Inside the building are multiple trading platforms, restaurants, hotel, penthouses and other accompanying premises.

Empire State Building, New York

The Empire State Building was the first building in the world with more than 100 floors. The height of the building is 381 m. The skyscraper is the most popular tourist destination in New York, as it houses the famous observation deck on the 102nd floor. The building itself is made in the art deco style and is national historical monument USA. It was here, by the way, that the final episodes of the famous American film Sleepless in Seattle were filmed.

glenn beltz/flickr

Williams Tower, Houston

The height of the 4th tallest building in Texas is 275 m. Unlike most skyscrapers in the world, which are traditionally built in business districts, this one is built at a distance from downtown Houston. For tourists, the building, in addition to its amazing streamlined forms, is also attractive observation deck on the 51st floor with views of administrative center State of Texas - Houston.

Renaissance Tower, Dallas

The fifth tallest building in Texas is the Renaissance Tower in Dallas. Its height is 270 m. The building gained particular popularity after the release of the cult series "Dallas" about the oil dynasties of Texas. The Renaissance Tower plays the role of an oil company that is featured throughout the series. The skyscraper is located in the business district of Dallas and is occupied mainly office buildings. The building has 56 storeys, and there are also 2 underground floors in the building, where there are numerous shops and cafes.


Transamerica, San Francisco

Transamerica is the tallest building in the city of San Francisco. Its height is 260 m, and its shape has original pyramidal outlines. Often, due to its architectural forms, Transamerica is simply called a tower-spire. The building has repeatedly become a backdrop for fantastic Hollywood films, the most famous of which is The Terminator. There is a business center inside the building.

John Hancock Tower, Boston

The John Hancock Tower has a unique shape. Unlike most skyscrapers in the world, which have rectangular shape, the Hancock tower is made in the form of a parallelogram. The height of the tower is 241 m, it has 60 floors, the facades of the building are fully glazed, which is why the effect of a mirror skyscraper floating in the air is created. The building received a prestigious architectural award for its unusual design.

For many years I was haunted by this photograph, often found on posters and covers. And today everything is clear. Specifically, the question inside me was: how did these men get on the beam. I'm afraid of heights. Not to the point of insanity, but my rare surreal dreams are associated with this phenomenon of fear. When viewing photos and reading text, my palms naturally sweat from fear.
The bulk of the material is rudzin , the owner of the most interesting diary

"Lunchtime atop a Skyscraper" - photo from "Construction Workers Lunching on a Crossbeam - 1932" series by Charles C. Ebbets

Such a miracle as a skyscraper would not have been possible without the invention of the steel frame. Assembling the steel frame of a building is the most dangerous and hard part construction. It is the quality and speed of assembly of the frame that determines whether the project will be implemented on time and within budget.

That's why riveters are the most important profession during the construction of a skyscraper.

Riveters are a caste with their own laws: the salary of a riveter for a working day is $ 15, more than any skilled worker at a construction site; they do not go to work in the rain, wind or fog, they are not on the contractor's staff. They are not alone, they work in teams of four, and if one of the team does not go to work, no one comes out. Why, in the midst of the Great Depression, is everyone turning a blind eye to this, from an investor to a foreman?

On a platform of boards, or simply on steel beams, there is a coal stove. In the oven, the rivets are 10 cm long and 3 cm diameter steel cylinders. The "cook" "cooks" the rivets - drives air into the oven with small bellows to heat them up to the desired temperature. The rivet has warmed up (not too much - it will turn in the hole and have to be drilled; and not too weak - it will not rivet), now you need to transfer the rivet to where it will fasten the beams. It is only known in advance which beam will be fastened when, and it is impossible to move a hot furnace during the working day. Therefore, often the attachment point is located 30 (thirty) meters from the "cook", sometimes higher, sometimes lower by 2-3 floors.

The only way to pass a rivet is to drop it.

The “cook” turns to the “goalkeeper” and silently, making sure that the goalkeeper is ready to receive, throws a red-hot 600-gram blank with tongs in his direction. Sometimes there are already welded beams on the trajectory, you need to throw it once, accurately and strongly.

The "goalkeeper" stands on a narrow platform or simply on a bare beam next to the riveting site. Its goal is to catch a flying piece of iron with an ordinary tin tin can. He cannot move without falling. But he must catch the rivet, otherwise it will fall like a small bomb on the city.

"Shooter" and "emphasis" are waiting. The "goalkeeper", having caught the rivet, drives it into the hole. "Stop" from the outside of the building, hanging over the abyss, a steel rod and its own weight holds the head of the rivet. "Shooter" with a 15-kilogram pneumatic hammer rivets it from the other side within a minute.

The best team does this trick over 500 times a day, the average - about 250.

In the photographs - the best brigade in 1930, from left to right: "cook", "goalkeeper", "emphasis", and shooter.

The danger of this work can be illustrated by the following fact: masons at a construction site are insured at a rate of 6% of their salary, carpenters - 4%. Riveter's rate - 25-30%%.

One person died at the Chrysler building.
Four people died on Wall Street 40.
Empire State has five.

The frame of the skyscraper consists of hundreds of steel profiles several meters long and weighing several tons, the so-called beams. There is nowhere to store them during the construction of a skyscraper - no one will allow organizing a warehouse in the city center, in conditions of dense development, on municipal land. Moreover, all structural elements are different, each can be used in one single place, so an attempt to organize even a temporary warehouse, for example, on one of the last floors built, can lead to great confusion and disruption of construction deadlines.

That is why, when I wrote that the work of riveters is the most important and most difficult, I did not mention that it is also the most dangerous and difficult. The work is harder and more dangerous than theirs - the work of the crane crew.

The order for the beams was agreed with the metallurgists a few weeks ago, trucks bring them to the construction site to the minute, regardless of the weather, they need to be unloaded immediately.

Derrick crane - an arrow on a hinge, is located on the last floor built, the installers are on the floor above. The winch operator can be located on any floor of an already constructed building, because no one is going to stop lifting and distract other cranes to lift a heavy mechanism several floors higher for the convenience of installers. Therefore, when lifting a multi-ton channel, the operator does not see either the beam itself, or the car that brought it, or his comrades.

The only guideline for control is the strike of the bell, given by the apprentice at the signal of the foreman, who, along with the entire brigade, is dozens of floors above. Blow - turns on the winch motor, blow - turns it off. Several crews of riveters work nearby with their hammers (have you ever heard the sound of a jackhammer?), other crane operators raise other channels at the commands of their bells. It is impossible to make a mistake and not hear the blow - the channel will either ram the crane boom, or throw the installers preparing to fix it from the installed vertical beam.

The foreman, controlling the derrick through two operators, one of whom he does not see, achieves the coincidence of the holes for riveting on the installed vertical beams with the holes on the raised channel with an accuracy of 2-3 millimeters. Only after that can a couple of installers fix the swaying, often wet channel with huge bolts and nuts.

In New York on 6th Avenue there are monuments to these guys, installed in 2001. The most famous photo became the model, she is the first in the preview here. So, at first they made a monument exactly like in the photo, i.e. 11 dudes are sitting on a beam. And then the most extreme on the right was removed under the root. And only because of the fact that he has a bottle of whiskey in his hands!!! I understand if this was done in our country during Gorbachev's time, but they had it in 2001!! Apparently they did not want to destroy the legend about the brave guys. Now these are 10 quite decent guys sitting on a steel beam. Fine. But somehow it's embarrassing.

The names of all these heroes are known, thanks to relatives, you can read

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