Home Flowers Political scientist: what is the essence of the profession. Political science is a rare but very important profession.

Political scientist: what is the essence of the profession. Political science is a rare but very important profession.

- for the first time to open a site with vacancies, and not find a single suitable offer there. Political science is a closed field, one does not get into it through an ad, from the street. Start climbing up career ladder you will have to start from the bottom, and for this it is not even necessary to receive a diploma of higher education.

After school or while studying at the university, find out which political parties are active in the region, who is part of the parliament and bodies local government. It would be nice to know staffing public institutions: district, city and regional administrations, offices, departments and departments. Is there an assistant, administrator? Of course, this will allow you to earn no more than 15-20 thousand rubles at the initial stage, but it will open up prospects for career growth, new experience, connections and acquaintances.

Do not be afraid to offer your services yourself, methodically call the organizations from the list and do not stop after the first three refusals. Sign up for an appointment and try to be among their assistants. Political parties often require a "person on the phone" - a responsible, calm employee who understands the basics of activity, but does not yet have deep knowledge to perform more serious work.

Where to find a job in the specialty

Depending on the portfolio, work experience and track record, the salary of a professional political scientist reaches 150 thousand rubles or more. But it will definitely not be possible to find a highly paid position through advertisements, therefore, pros with a broad outlook and a set of competencies and an extensive network of professional connections win in the race for a long ruble.

Career growth is possible both in political parties and local governments, and among freelance political scientists, in different corners countries and representing various political forces. In the latter case, the amount of earnings is impressive, but one-time - from election to election.

Scientific work will help in finding a stable and prestigious place.

Evgeniya Dorina

Head of the Press Service, Pharmcontract Group of Companies

While studying in graduate school, you do not so much sit behind books and comprehend theory as you search interesting events, make presentations - you strive for self-development, and do not expect a teacher to come and sort it out how it should be arranged state system how the business should function. Inclusion in the analysis process political events along with eminent professors (including foreign ones), businessmen, gurus of political technologies and other persons known from textbooks, it raises education to a new level.

Political scientist - teacher

An unexpected option for those who have received the specialty of a political scientist, but do not realize themselves in this direction -. Basic liberal education is based on a wide range of topics and interests, directions and subjects studied. Such baggage will allow you to find a job at a specialized university or secondary school.

Anna Novikova

Political scientist-expert of the company "Mantrin Group"

From the first years of study at one of the Moscow universities, I worked part-time on election campaigns. Knowledge, as well as the level of income, grew. The profession of a political scientist is relevant, the demand for specialists is high. But after receiving a diploma and an impressive fee for the victory of our candidate in the elections, I went to work as a teacher of history and social studies. Why not teach at school? The main political season is still summer, when schoolchildren have holidays, and you can do research and write strategies in the evenings, after checking homework.

The decision on whether to hire a specialist without teacher education, are accepted in each educational institution independently - based on the charter. But with an acute shortage of specialized personnel, the candidate will receive a referral to a university or college, where, after distance learning become a complete teacher.

Salary largely depends on the chosen place of work. Private schools are ready to offer a teacher of history and social studies up to 50 thousand rubles, state schools - 15-20 thousand. But after moving out of the city, the salary will increase by one and a half to two times even in large state provincial schools.

Political scientist - analyst

A political scientist is a universal soldier who is trained at a university for multidisciplinary work. And if a professional analyzes the socio-political situation in the country and the world, then why shouldn't he do the same in other areas, for example, in the analytical departments of companies, consulting agencies, investment business or retail.

One of the main advantages of this choice is the level of income, because in commercial consulting it is quite high. The disadvantages, perhaps, include the need to constantly be in good shape - to develop, improve the level of competencies, master new analysis technologies and follow the trends of the consulting market in order not to concede to competitors. But a person who has chosen the specialty of a political scientist is usually prepared in advance for an eternal race.

Political scientist - journalist

Often, applicants who decide to choose political science as their specialty are already clearly defined what they will become in the future. Journalism is a practical profession, and specialized faculties teach general disciplines which are of little help in further work. Therefore, getting a side specialty that will help you deeply understand a highly specialized topic is the most successful step.

But you won’t be able to immediately become a columnist or a political observer in a federal publication. To begin with, you will have to gain experience as a “laborer” - a correspondent or assistant editor: prepare reports from events, issue small notes and news materials. The salary starts from 15-20 thousand rubles and can exceed the mark of 60 thousand rubles for eminent journalists.

It is not so difficult to grow to such heights: regular reading of thematic publications and practical work they will help you acquire your own writing style, get comfortable in the profession, but in order to make a professional, you will need to engage in self-promotion, collaborate with various publications, and act as a commentator.

Political scientist in commercial PR and GR

Promotion political parties, candidates for elections, preparing programs and holding mass events differ little from similar work in commercial companies and corporations. The required skills and competencies of professional political scientists and PR specialists are very similar, but the latter can earn much more and faster.

Arina Vasilyeva

PR manager at ICL Services

A newly minted political scientist should think about what he will live on, since at the initial stage this kind of activity is paid extremely low. Therefore, I chose a related specialization - PR. For several years I was a PR specialist in a large Russian bank I currently work for an IT company. Political scientists are universal specialists who are well-read and able to convey their point of view, respond quickly to changes and possess communication skills, and, importantly, understand the political trend of the country and the situation on the world stage. Therefore, every good political scientist can get a job in PR.

A separate area is interaction with government agencies, or Government Relations, GR. Lobbying the interests of commercial companies, finding common ground and opportunities to influence the authorities - just the area where the political scientist will show his analytical, organizational and diplomatic skills to the maximum. Moreover, the more experience and professional connections a specialist has in state and political structures the more in demand it will be in the labor market. Of course, such vacancies are also not found on job sites, but an experienced HR will find a suitable candidate and offer decent conditions for changing occupation and company.

Secretaries, salespeople and all-all-all

Recruitment experts and graduates of specialized universities unanimously note that about 60% of political scientists do not get a job in their specialty. In professional forums and in faculty discussions, you can often find negative reviews about the profession and harsh recommendations for applicants not to get too general and impractical education as a political scientist.

Specialists with a brilliant education join the ranks of extras: secretaries in state and commercial companies, office administrators, managers active sales, marketers and the Word, all those for whom abilities and experience are much more important than a university diploma.

This problem arises due to the lack of self-education while studying at a university and an inactive position after graduation. Yesterday's graduates have not developed a base of contacts and at least minimal work experience. They look for suitable vacancies in newspapers and websites, but they are not there. Therefore, the career of a political scientist is becoming very similar to a treasure that must first be found on the map, then dug out of the ground, pretty tired and dirty, and only then enjoy the booty.

If we forgot to mention another promising area where a political scientist can apply his knowledge, we will be glad to hear about it from you in the comments!

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The most common entrance exams are:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • History - profile subject, at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
  • Social studies - at the choice of the university
  • Geography - at the choice of the university

The profile test is always history, applicants also take the Russian language. The university, at its discretion, chooses one or two additional tests in the following subjects: foreign language, social science, world geography.

The term "politics" itself was formed about 2.5 thousand years ago, when the ancient Greeks tried to give the name of the totality of such spheres of life as one concept. state activity, economic events and social activity. Now political scientists are studying not only these three areas, but also delving into sociology, psychology, analytical history and other sociological disciplines. For those who wish to build a career in the field of politics, it is simply necessary to gain knowledge and initial practical skills in this program.

Brief description of the specialty

There are several specializations in the direction of "Political Science", among them: state policy and management; regional studies and political culture; political analysis and forecasting; theory of politics. The knowledge gained during undergraduate studies will help not only to collect necessary information, to analyze it, but also to plan or predict the probability of an event. This specialty will be insanely interesting for those who are interested in tangled threads. international relations, contracts and agreements, the influence of one event on another, the causes and significance of the actions of a political figure.

For a political consultant, there is always an opportunity to earn money by predicting for the client the further actions of a political opponent. The profession is truly unique. The knowledge gained during the training will greatly help in journalistic, entrepreneurial, teaching activities, as well as in the process of employment in the field of PR.

Major universities in the capital

Educational institutions in Moscow with the most high rating, which offer mastering the specialty "Political Science" under the bachelor's program:

  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov;
  • MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • Moscow State University linguistics;
  • Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • REU them. V.G. Plekhanov;
  • a dozen more metropolitan educational institutions.

Terms and forms of training

Undergraduate studies will take 4 years full-time, and 5 years when mastering a specialty in absentia or in a mixed form (part-time, when classes are held in the evenings on weekdays).

Subjects studied by students

In addition to general education disciplines, the program for each of the training profiles consists of a complex of specialized subjects. Important disciplines include:

  • domestic and foreign history politics, history political directions and currents;
  • political theory;
  • aspects of modern public policy RF;
  • traditional and innovative view of international relations;
  • modern world politics;
  • political psychology;
  • rhetoric and oratory.

Universities consider it necessary for students workshops and electives in communication, conversational and other skills, as well as practical training in the existing headquarters of political parties, representative offices public organizations. Students will have to constantly work to expand their horizons and improve their intellectual abilities.

Acquired knowledge and skills

Undergraduate graduates should be aware of the activities of the headquarters of a political organization, be able to plan and organize the work of the headquarters, distribute responsibilities and plan activities in accordance with the goals set. Important skills that students learn in the learning process:

  • write plans and texts of speeches and reports, present the report in public;
  • understand modern political trends and devices of different countries;
  • be able to predict the development of international relations, find the causes of conflicts and ways to resolve them;
  • organize public and presentation events.

Whom to work

The most desirable prospect for political science students is to become an expert in political science, who is oriented in the current situation in the Russian Federation and abroad, can advise on relevant issues, as well as develop a strategy and manage election campaign candidate for elected office. After graduation, yesterday's students are employed in the following positions:

  • political consultant;
  • organizer or functionary of the campaign headquarters;
  • specialist of the press service and other services under the municipal or other administration;
  • referent, deputy assistant;
  • organizer of social events;
  • political strategist;
  • representative of a public, youth or other organization;
  • corporate policy and PR organization specialist;
  • consultant in a consulting agency, analyst in a government center;
  • lecturer at the Department of Political Science, researcher.

Level wages depends on the place of work, region of the country and previous experience. The initial salary for the position of a referent or a PR specialist can range from 25-30 thousand rubles. Analysts and consultants with accumulated experience receive very decent money. In addition to the main employment, you can engage in private consulting or teaching activities.

Continuing education in the specialty

For many bachelors, it is desirable to study in a master's program in a similar specialization. You can enter the magistracy both immediately after the end of the bachelor's degree, and after some time has passed. For working applicants there is a mixed or extramural master's education. Further education will be of interest to those who plan teaching work; a career as an analyst or academic consultant, which requires the preparation and defense of a PhD thesis.

A political scientist is a scientific specialist who studies and analyzes political events, as well as their consequences and impact on society.


RUB 30,000–60,000 (worka.yandex.ru)

Place of work

The work of a political scientist is in demand in government bodies, public and political organizations, companies involved in electoral technologies and political consulting.


The main task of a political scientist is to predict the consequences of future political events based on existing knowledge, political ideas and traditions of the past own experience and experience of other states.

To study certain events, political scientists develop original methods. As a rule, they are based on the principles of logic. Of course, this is not a 100% way to predict future events, but turning to statistics is important in any field of activity.

Political scientists improve the literacy of people in important positions in public administration help them to assess events more clearly. In fact, this is an expert in the field of policy, without which no strategic planning can do.

Important qualities

The profession of a political scientist requires an analytical mind, the ability to make forecasts and analyze, an excellent memory for events, dates, and personalities. Communication skills, the ability to correctly express thoughts, charisma, composure, high moral qualities.

Reviews about the profession

“I would say that politicians are those who make politically significant decisions, implement them and bear responsibility for them (or happily avoid responsibility). And political scientists are those who develop such decisions and calculate the country's development strategy. Political science is, first of all, brains, politics is will, intuition and good acting skills.

Andrew Okara,
political scientist, political strategist, candidate of legal sciences, director of the Center for Eastern European Studies.

stereotypes, humor

Exceptional individuals come to the profession, ready to study hard, work hard, and have persuasive abilities. Therefore, there are not so many specialists on the market. Hence the high salary of political scientists.


It is necessary to study as a political scientist in higher educational institutions, specialty "Political Science" ( Russian Academy National economy And public service under the President of the Russian Federation - North-Western Institute of Management). However, in the profession there are representatives of other specialties - humanitarian and economic.

Humanitarian universities in Moscow: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Institute of Humanitarian Education and information technologies, Lomonosov Moscow State University.

As a society, we are smarter than ever, just technology
gave the right to vote to the unthinking mass
Overheard on Wall Street.

Political science is the science that studies politics political relations, power in society.

Even children sometimes try at an amateur level to interpret events in public life. We all have our own understanding of what is happening in the country and beyond. We are all trying, based on the knowledge that we have, to understand the reasons for the actions of public figures and people in power. And most of all, forecasts for future events are of interest. There are people who have repeatedly proved that they understand politics much more than the bulk of the people.

A political scientist is a recognized expert in the field of social and economic life of society, who often has experience of cooperation with one or another political force, or an appropriate education that allows him to reasonably interpret events in the state.

Policy definition first emerged in Ancient Greece around the 5th century BC. e. Before that, no one united state events, public life and economics in one concept. Therefore, the very origin of this word is Greek. The science of this concept appeared thanks to the works of the world famous Aristotle. Later, this science was joined by more and more knowledge from psychology, sociology, and a vast experience of events that had already occurred, by which it was possible to judge what would happen in the near future. After all, the basis of political science is history. Everyone can be considered a political scientist famous philosophers antiquity and many priests. A clear definition, object and tasks of this science were formed only in 1948 and recognized by almost all states of the world.

Personal qualities

Usually drunk and suffering overweight human. Most likely male. Very talkative. Able to conduct a dialogue with a tree, a fascist, a liberal, a conservative.

The concepts of good and evil are completely confused. For this profession, all colors are gray.

Education (What do you need to know?)

There is such a specialty in universities - "political science". Naturally, for a person who wants to build a career in this field, it would be good to master this specialty. But if a sociologist, historian, or any other specialist makes true predictions for elections, correctly interprets current events and gives good advice politicians and businessmen, then he also has every chance of becoming a successful political scientist. Those political scientists who teach this specialty in prestigious universities country.

Place of work and career

People with such a profession are rare. The fact is that there is a limited number of places where they can work, except for political parties. Often, political scientists combine this profession with the work of a journalist, economist, teacher or private entrepreneur. Of course, it is impossible to live simply by giving an interview to a magazine or TV channel once a month.

Requirements for such a profession: objectivity, knowledge of history, sociology and psychology, developed logical thinking. A successful political scientist has every chance of becoming famous person, often sparkle with intelligence from the TV screen, receive good money for advice from various prominent figures.

Where to study?

Universities by specialty Speciality Forms
Cost per year
score (2018)

Institute for Humanities Education


Correspondence (5 years)

Faculty of Journalism

Full-time (4 years)

free (4 places)
123 800

International relationships

Full-time (4 years)

free (5 seats)
111 100

Faculty of History and Philology

religious studies

Full-time (4 years)

free (15 places)
111 100

Faculty of History and Philology

Political science

Full-time (4 years)

Faculty of Eurasia and East

International relationships

Full-time (4 years)

free (5 seats)
111 100

Faculty of Economics


Full-time (4 years)

free (8 places)
111 100
37 800


Full-time (4 years)

International relationships

Full-time (4 years)

Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities

International relationships

Full-time (4 years)

free (25 places)
163 778

Financial and Economic Institute


Full-time (4 years)

free (7 seats)
124 302

Suitable educational specialties:"Political Science", "International Relations", "Advertising and Public Relations"
Key items: History, Social studies, Russian language, Foreign language

Tuition fee (average in Russia): 500,000 rubles

Job description:

*tuition fee is indicated for 4 years of full-time bachelor's degree.

This is a specialist who studies politics as special area people's lives, connected with power relations, and analyzes the events political life.

Political science (Greek πολιτικ?ς, πολ?της - citizen; from Greek π?λις - city; from Greek λ?γος - doctrine, word) - one of the sciences of politics, area scientific knowledge studying politics, power in society and political relations. Politics in a general sense is a special sphere of people's life associated with power relations, with the state-political organization of society, political institutions, principles, norms, the action of which is designed to ensure the functioning of society, the relationship between people, society and the state. The basis of policy is reflected in the constitution ( legal act the highest legal force of the state, fixing the foundations of the political, economic and legal systems given state).

Profession political scientist It has ancient history. The definition of politics first emerged in ancient Greece around the 5th century BC. e. thinkers of ancient Greece and ancient rome interpreted the state as the highest embodiment of reason. Philosophers preoccupied with the problem a better life”, tried to resolve it by creating a model of the state that embodies the mind. The first thinkers in this area were the outstanding minds of Ancient Greece - Plato and Aristotle. Political scientists can be considered all the famous philosophers of antiquity and many theologians of the past. A clear definition, object and tasks of this science were formed only in 1948 and recognized by almost all states of the world.

In Russia, the tradition of teaching political science has existed since 1755. Then, at the suggestion of M.V. Lomonosov (1711 - 1765), a department of politics was established in the structure of Moscow University. From 1804 to 1835, the Faculty of Moral and Political Sciences existed as part of Moscow University, graduating specialists in the field of politics and political economy.

In our time, a political scientist is, first of all, a researcher. The subjects that he considers affect one sphere of society (politics), but at the same time they are diverse: political system, power relations, political system, political culture, political behavior. The political scientist draws all his conclusions based on the political and legal ideas of past years, modernity, domestic experience and experience. foreign countries. In order to draw any conclusions, he also refers to special methods political science. At the same time, the world of politics is quite changeable and some scientific instruments cannot always give a completely correct forecast of one or another specific situation. Therefore, a true professional political scientist keeps pace with current politics, often in his assessments of events based on the principles of logic and on his erudition. Also, for his conclusions, he refers to statistics and the results of various sociological surveys.

The main function of a political scientist is public. It enhances the political literacy of the ruling elite and " ordinary people". Thanks to the comments of political scientists, citizens have a clearer idea of ​​the essence of the processes taking place in the country, get an idea of political values and norms. In some cases, this helps to mitigate social tensions.

Understanding the profession of a political scientist exists in three aspects: a political scientist is a public expert, a political scientist is a scientist and a political scientist is a specialist in the field of the practice of the political life of society.

In the first case, a political scientist is a recognized public expert in the political, social, political and economic spheres of society, as well as in other areas of society (military, defense and security, political and legal, etc.), which are actively influenced by the authorities, and which are the area political struggle, retention and use of political power.

A political scientist is a scientist, a graduate in the field of political science, a scientific expert in the field of politics, capable of interpreting and interpreting the political life of society.

In the third case, a political scientist is not one, but several are enough different professions: political analyst, consultant, teacher of political science, political journalist. Close, but independent professions are a political strategist and an image maker. These specialists organize elections and create the image of politicians and political parties.


  • political consultant;
  • political expert;
  • political commentator;
  • political theorist;
  • political philosopher;
  • political strategist;
  • image maker;
  • speechwriter.

Main activities

  • the study of political phenomena in their consistent temporal development, the identification of links between the past, present and future;
  • policy dependency research, political processes from society, economic relations, social structure societies, ideologies and cultures;
  • determination of the significance of political phenomena for society and the individual, their assessment from the point of view of the common good, justice, respect for human dignity;
  • the study of the relationship between political phenomena in experience and the level economic development, political system, between the degree of urbanization of the population and its political activity, between the number of parties and electoral system etc.;
  • research and analysis of verbal, practical, conscious and subconscious behavior of individuals and groups;
  • study and analysis of the activities of institutions through which political activity(states, parties, government programs, etc.);
  • research and identification of subjective mechanisms political behavior, individual qualities, character traits, as well as typical mechanisms of psychological motivation:
  • analysis of political phenomena in order to identify them common features and specifics, finding the most effective forms of political organization or optimal ways of solving problems;
  • forecasts about the political future of the state, party, politics.

Required professional skills and abilities

  • deep theoretical knowledge of the subject of political science and political relations;
  • constant monitoring of events in domestic and world political life;
  • knowledge of one or more foreign languages;
  • erudition, broad outlook (good knowledge of different areas sciences, for example, history, sociology, psychology, jurisprudence).

Personal qualities

  • the presence of well-developed verbal abilities (the ability to speak correctly and clearly);
  • oratorical skills (competent expression of thought);
  • developed communication skills (the ability to get in touch, establish relationships, the development of verbal and non-verbal communication, professional competence etc.);
  • analytical mindset, the desire to build hypotheses and make predictions;
  • mobility;
  • objectivity;
  • developed logical thinking;
  • purposefulness;
  • creativity;
  • punctuality, responsibility;
  • high moral qualities (principality, conviction, sensitivity and attentiveness to people, etc.);
  • curiosity;
  • tact (the ability to show a sense of proportion);
  • flexibility, the presence of developed intuition;
  • perseverance, objectivity;
  • self-control, composure;
  • communication skills, energy;
  • the ability to quickly restore performance;
  • desire for self-improvement.

Pros of the profession

  • very low competition in the labor market (due to the fact that at present there are very few political scientists with the appropriate specialized education and a diploma of political science education);
  • high salary of a political scientist (depending on the place of work).

Cons of the profession

  • political scientists have become less in demand as independent experts (due to the abolition of gubernatorial elections in Russia, an increase in the entry barrier to the State Duma and a decrease in its political role).

Place of work

  • political and public organizations;
  • state bodies;
  • agencies dealing with electoral technologies;
  • political consulting agencies;
  • press centers;
  • news agencies and mass media;
  • scientific institutions.

Salary and career

Concerning financial issue work of a political scientist, here, as in many other specialties, the salary depends primarily on the region of residence of the political scientist, the specifics of the institution where the Political scientist works and the company's policy regarding the level of wages for employees.

Independent political scientists usually start their careers in news agencies and public policy magazines. This may be the position of a correspondent, analyst, assistant editor. Often, political scientists combine this profession with the work of a journalist, economist, teacher or private entrepreneur.

The peak of the demand for political technologists in our country has passed, because the number of election campaigns has noticeably decreased. However, one-time design work can be found in the remaining elections. You can count on enviable incomes for the positions of a PR manager (from 100 thousand rubles), but only experienced specialists who have established contacts in the authorities will be able to get such a job. Therefore, it is worth starting a career in power structures, in any lower positions - this will give both contacts among officials and politicians, and knowledge of the inner workings. With such experience, you can then go to political consultants, experts, PR people. The average salary is from 30 thousand rubles.


To become a political scientist, you need to have a higher education in the humanities, preferably with a degree in Political Science.

There are frequent cases when significant success in political science reach people who do not have a special education. Graduates of historical, philosophical and even technical faculties. However, the most short cut in the profession - to get a specialized education (specialty "Political Science"), for example, the Faculty of Political Science and Law in the Russian economic university named after G.V. Plekhanov.

Related professions for a political scientist are: marketer, psychologist, teacher, journalist, philosopher, theologian, publisher, sociologist, political consultant; political expert; political commentator; political theorist; political philosopher; political strategist; image maker; speechwriter.

Leading Moscow universities that train political scientists:

  • State University - high school Economics (SU-HSE);
  • Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov (Moscow State University);
  • Moscow State University of International Relations (University) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO);
  • Russian State humanitarian University(RGGU);
  • International Environmental and Political University (MNEPU).

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