Home Berries "ChSV" - how is this abbreviation deciphered? What does CSV mean in VK? What does chsv mean

"ChSV" - how is this abbreviation deciphered? What does CSV mean in VK? What does chsv mean

Abbreviations, sort of, are a useful subject - you can give out a whole sentence with a couple of letters at once. It is very convenient in terms of administrative management, you do not have to list all the regalia of a certain institution ten times, when they can be reduced to 7-8 letters and put in one line. But in everyday communication- the trouble, especially when they write that you are "ChSV". How the abbreviation is deciphered, you have to search the network, and you can't answer right away.

How does ChSV stand for?

There are only three letters in the abbreviation itself, so it's hard to get confused:

  1. H- feeling.
  2. WITH- own.
  3. V- importance.

This is really an old acronym and already ten years ago it was actively used on the net, at least in narrow circles. But before, at least it was correctly applied "in practice":

  • Your HSP is too high.
  • Excessive ChSV, like a representative of "blue bloods".
  • Your CHSV can reach the Moon, and maybe even Mars.
  • Masha, of course, is a pretty infection, but she's got CSP.

But over the years, something changed, something went wrong, and three letters were no longer even used as an abbreviation, but as some kind of definition. Today it is quite possible to hear:

  • You are ChSV.
  • Well, he and ChSV.
  • Pasha is actually a ChSV-fool.

As much as the original meaning has not changed, we are still talking about inflated self-importance. But new variant application seems somehow not at all literary, decoding is not suitable.

What is CSV in VK?

  1. This is a hint of your inflated sense of importance, according to the other person.
  2. The person is negatively disposed and prone to confrontation.
  3. It is worth listening to the comment if it sounds not for the first time and from different people.
  4. It is quite permissible to answer somehow caustically.

But if a person has already formed a certain opinion, it will be difficult or almost impossible to convince him or her. Any further action will be interpreted as an attempt to preserve the feeling self-importance, well, the same protection of your ChSV.

On the other hand, why try to make excuses in the eyes of everyone you meet, sometimes it's easier to slightly adjust your social circle and everything will return to normal. If a person is prejudiced against you, these are only his problems and his inadequate perception of the world around him. You are not a doctor to treat everyone for their ailments.

Why doesn't everyone like CSW?

Sometimes the interlocutor really "takes on a lot". There are a couple of things to remember here:

  • A person behaves exactly as he is allowed to behave.
  • If an acquaintance or acquaintance is trying to wipe your feet on you, it means that you used to actively expose yourself as this very rag.
  • It is very difficult to knock down arrogance from a person. Self-esteem can grow in a couple of days, and then even long months of work will not help to correct the situation. Blowing out the ego is a difficult task.
  • It is best to stop communicating, at least for a while. Even if this step did not have an effect and did not work as a contrast shower, the person is lost for you, 100%. Maybe for society too.

Communicating with people who suddenly decided that they are much better than the surrounding gray mass is a task unbearable... Sometimes it saves the fact that some people really have some reason to think so:

  1. Extraordinary intellectual ability.
  2. Literary talent.
  3. Numerous awards in science or sports.
  4. Recognized musical talent.

But some people cherish their egos based only on parenting shortcomings. Parents "drove in" that the child is the best in the world and everything, now even being a mediocrity, the child will count on attention from all sides. Such situations are resolved very quickly and, as a rule - very big frustrations and breaking patterns.

How to respond to a comment?

Should you pay attention to your acquaintances, who began to blame for too high a PSI? There are a couple of questions to ask first:

  • How long have you known the person?
  • Did the interlocutor always give only good advice?
  • Do you think she cares about your well-being?
  • You yourself feel that in recent times Has anything changed in behavior?

If at all questions asked the answer is "yes", this can be regarded as the first alarm bell. The surrounding reality must be perceived as objectively as possible so that there are no serious disappointments. Many failures happen only due to the fact that a person overestimates his modest abilities and, without proper preparation, tries to achieve results that are unattainable for him, at this stage.

The more your ego corresponds to the real picture of the world, the more chances you have with 100% efficiency to use your resources and achieve some very real result.

Guy's Excessive ChSV

Sometimes the relationship in the "boy-girl" format leads to the fact that one of the partners of the CMS soars to the skies. More precisely, the mistakes of the other partner and the overestimation of the level of significance lead to such a sad result. In terms of contacts with the rest, this may practically not manifest itself, but a "room tyrant" is guaranteed to appear in relations. You should fight this situation using even "dirty" methods:

  1. Demonstrate to the person that he is not the top of the world. It is desirable, in public, and preferably in such a way that this "contrast shower" partner does not associate with your person.
  2. Make new contacts, show that you are not experiencing any physical or mental dependence.
  3. Take part in a couple of projects, demonstrate the result, achieve public recognition own successes. Everything is very variable, depending on the field of activity and hobbies.
  4. Begin to behave in exactly the same way, regardless of your partner's feelings and needs. It won't get any worse.

In any case, you inflated the CSV for him or her on one's own, so now you will have to return everything to normal on your own. Or say goodbye, that's life.

What does "ChSV" mean - decoding

Abbreviation ChSV not as complicated as it might seem:

  • It stands for “ sense of self-importance».
  • Used on the network. But in the last couple of years, abbreviation has begun to be used in real life.
  • Indicates an inflated self-conceit of a person, his exorbitant ego, inappropriate to real possibilities.
  • Does not carry any insult, but usually says that the interlocutor is not averse to developing a conflict situation.

Online today, instead of picking correct words about a bloated ego and self-conceit, they just write - "CHSV". Three simple letters, but in someone's eyes this is a real stigma for the interlocutor. In fact, whether you care about your image or not, it makes no sense to publicly react to such a statement. But it might be worth revising the behavior itself and editing something in it.

When they talk about someone's CHSV, how the abbreviation stands can be asked from the interlocutor himself. This, by the way, will prove that you are ready to admit gaps in your knowledge and that you are probably all right with this very PTSD.

Video about the meaning of PSI

A sense of self-importance - (ChSV) the concept used by Carlos Castaneda in his books, described as a feeling of superiority over someone or something, the importance of oneself and one's actions.

A sense of self-importance - its main signs are arrogance, vanity and ambition. PSV has an extremely negative effect on communication, and the person to whom it is inherent is in constant tension from fear tarnish a reputation... Realization of this will allow you to get rid of your own fears and shortcomings in the future.

If you don’t have PMS, then words and deeds cannot hurt you. In this case, the energy will be directed to the fulfillment of important life goals and will clear thoughts of far-fetched problems. Lack of a sense of importance will allow you to be more confident in yourself and your strengths, since you will get rid of non-existent images.

People who have become familiar with the theory of PSI do not notice this. To help a person realize the shortcomings, it is necessary to unobtrusively point out them, but with extreme caution and sensitivity.

The main signs of high self-esteem

  • A constant feeling of resentment towards someone - there is a feeling of humiliation, lack of understanding of society. The problem lies in the wrong perception of the world or a certain situation. People with these feelings very rarely treat others with great appreciation.
  • An increase in the feeling of one's own necessity - a person puts his thoughts and desires above others.
  • Vanity and pride arise in a person.
  • Lack of trust in others - usually an inflated sense of self-importance provokes the emergence different kinds fear and mistrust.

ChSV in most cases is a common manifestation of neurosis, which provokes a person to demonstrate his person in the best colors. In the most difficult situations, you should not suppress your personality.

How to get rid of PTSD?

People can cope with PSI. To do this, you need to remember:

  1. The simpler your thoughts and actions, the better people will treat you.
  2. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself and seem stupid to someone. It is impossible for everyone to become a good person.
  3. Increase your awareness by reading self-help books.
  4. Find a mentor with high spiritual qualities.

To get rid of the sense of self-importance, you need to constantly work and make every effort to this. With any of its manifestations, it should be remembered that it is completely useless. You need to be able to admit flaws and talk about them out loud. If you show excessive pride or bombast, then you are showing weakness and insecurity. Many people have learned to deal with these manifestations. If you really want to pacify your own PSV, then do not let self-forgetful fantasies cloud your bright mind.

How to communicate with people with an overestimated HSP?

Human relationships built on mutual benefit... When communicating, each participant wants to get positive emotions, useful information, a sense of significance, a certain benefit. But if, when communicating with such a person, you do not get the desired return, then this is big problem that needs to be addressed.

Usually people choose the easiest way - stop communicating. But it could be a close relative or comrade with whom you have to intersect.

You have to put the person in their "place". Initially, you can solve the problem diplomatically and gently hint that the person should first pay attention to their behavior and find the problem. If he doesn’t listen to comments, tell him openly what you don’t like. Do not lead the matter to quarrels and mutual insults.

People with disabilities simply need to be pitied. Perhaps his problem was influenced by childhood trauma or his relationship with his parents, or society imposed on him the idea that he is the best at everything. His life is not very easy. He does not have people who can always support. Such a person does not even trust himself.

More communication with new people.

Defeating pride and fully realizing that there are many people in the world are no worse than you, thanks to communication with others. It is necessary to try to get out of the usual, folded circle of communication more often and get to know new people.

If you've never been to the gym, go. You will see how many people look better, speak smarter, have more life experience and are able to advise something sensible. Such shake-ups hurt pride, but clearly show the perniciousness of a sense of self-importance. Usually it enslaves people who have little life experience and worthy acquaintances.

Investigate the source.

For better fight with CHSV, you need to try to trace where the feeling originates from. For example, a person considers himself to be better than others because he studied well at the institute. But now we need to look at the situation from a different angle: was he so smart to rise, was he able to find a decent high-paying job and realize his mind, did the institute's assessments help in later life?

In 99 cases out of 100, the answer will be no, which means there is no reason for pride.

Stop arguing over trifles.

Many personal disabilities suffer from a common disease - the desire to win arguments on any topic. What is healthier to eat, how much sleep you need, how to raise children correctly, is life possible on Mars. They don't care about the real state of affairs - they just need to win with convincing chatter in the dispute and amuse their pride.

To cut down the feeling of self-importance, you need to begin to control yourself and not get involved in empty arguments. When you have to convince another person on any issue, for this you need to use serious and appropriate information, and if it is not there, then it is better not to argue.

Useful materials

Self-importance and vanity are the clearest signs of the ego.... They always push people away.

If a person has a highly developed ego and heart rate, it is impossible to communicate with him for a long time.

In the words, energy and non-verbal language of such people, one can feel fake arrogance, social conditioning, vanity and ambition.

The concept and interpretation of ChSV

Ego is attachment to self-importance..

CHSV stands for Sense of Self Importance.

A person with an overestimated sense of self-importance is very receptive and reactive to the actions and words of others. Often feels a sense of inferiority and inferiority.

Obvious signs of an overestimated HRV in a person:

Ego- this is your false self, your personality, your cowardice.

Maharaj said: “ To find out who you are, you have to find out who you are not. ".

Signs of a big ego

  1. The ego keeps you in your comfort zone.
  2. It doesn't want you to meet new people. The ego is against everything new.
  3. The ego is always small, it constantly craves someone else's approval, recognition, glory.
  4. It is chasing numbers. More money, more recognition, more honor.
  5. The ego wants someone else's respect.
  6. It prevents you from realizing that you are already self-sufficient without external stimulation.
  7. If you don't trust anyone, you easily succumb to your emotions, you have Bad mood, angry at everyone - this means that the ego dictates your behavior. You are under his influence.
  8. The ego prevents you from being in the moment, focusing on one thing. Chaotic thoughts, confusion in the head - this is his handiwork. If there is no identification with thoughts, this will not happen.

Whether or not you identify with the ego is always your choice. You decide for yourself.

You can love yourself as naturally as possible, without the ego. You shouldn't have arrogance.

What people need to know, and why they don't change

Your ego is attachment to the body, its limitations, fears. These are your thoughts that haunt you, your emotions, your body, internal dialogue.

It is a man's mistake to believe everything that his thoughts tell him. He believes in his thoughts, which tell him what, how and when to do.

Everything that comes and goes is not you... Your thoughts, emotions, body are not you.

The ego is your personality, it is self-importance and pride.

Personality is something that is imposed on you from outside by society, your masks, social layers, projections of not your real self. Egos are invisible fences around you that keep no one close.

Be an individual - this is your truth, this is how God made you when you were born, this is your reality.

When you hate, your ego is satisfied.

In hate, you feel superior.
In hate, you set yourself apart from others.
In hate, you become determined. One feels identification with someone or something.

To define yourself is to limit yourself.

Love is dissolution in others. Love requires the sacrifice of the ego.

Only those who are ready to become nothing are capable of love.

Video "How people are addicted to someone else's approval and recognition"

Watch the next video. It talks about what a person's ego is and what is.

How to get rid of unnecessary things and become more conscious

What you need to do to get rid of PTSD:

If you behave arrogantly, look down on others, then everyone will turn away.

Nobody wants your bragging rights.

No one is interested in listening to your words - what a navel of the earth you are, how cool you are and how you can comb your hair beautifully.

If you want to increase your level of awareness and better notice the signs of ego in yourself, then the following books are useful:

  • Osho “Courage. The joy of living at risk ".
  • Nisargadatta Maharaj "I am That".

About boastful and arrogant people

I don't know why, it happens automatically, I feel disgust for guys who measure their coolness, compare themselves to me or tell me: Did you see what I did? Have you seen what a fine fellow I am?

I absolutely do not care who you are or what you did there. You can tell your mom, maybe she will appreciate and pat you on the head. I don't need to talk about it.

It all reminds Kindergarten... Just take it away.

: self-awareness, enlightenment, self-exploration - get out of the endless wheel of suffering and understand who you are.

: how to meditate correctly - posture, technique, practice + 2 videos.

: great article about love, happiness, inner balance and harmony.

Bragging is a sign of an inferiority complex

When communicating, as soon as a person starts showing off to you, he begins to wait for your reaction.

A person brags and expects to be admired and respected, because he himself does not love and respect himself.

He treats himself badly, and demands a lot from others... It's easier for me to get away from such people and not waste my time.

The seeker will find himself what he is looking for... It is not worth waking the sleeper. He will be offended by you for the truth.

Just because you've learned something new or read a couple of books, you won't change. It is not enough just to read.

You have to work hard on yourself! It is necessary to introduce awareness, observe yourself and change yourself with great passion.

You probably came across the fact that you do not understand all the words, many people use special jargon, expressions and abbreviations, for example, IMHO, XZ, TP, SFS and many others. One of these abbreviations is CHSV. What does HSP mean when communicating verbally and in writing?
Just like "SPS", the abbreviation "ChSV" is one of the most popular in the vastness of the world wide web. I think that each of us has come across people who think a lot about themselves, I mean that they are pretentious, vain, and they emphasize their importance in society. The abbreviation ЧСВ stands for " A sense of self-worth"or a little differently" A sense of your own greatness". Many people are interested in what does ChSV mean in VK, what does ChSV Vkontakte mean, so we will consider these issues in more detail.

ChSV- these are people who consider themselves irreplaceable, standing above others, they are possessed by pride, arrogance, self-conceit. Speaking in simple words these individuals clearly overestimate

For the first time, this concept was developed by Carlos Castaneda, who is the author of many books on the mystical topic. However, whether this person was really a magician or was a swindler is not known, although the hype about this does not subside to this day. He had a character, Don Juan, who allegedly taught him mysterious knowledge, and so, he tried to explain to that very Castaneda for a long time, what does ChSV mean.

As a result, summing up everything that he told Carlos Castaneda, his own book hero, we can conclude that people are not born with a sense of PSI, it is brought into a person from the outside. The capitalist system is designed in such a way that it constantly provokes a person to buy more things in order to have in the eyes of other people high status, while his ego and HSP are on the rise. The only disadvantage of such a way of life is that such individuals discard as unnecessary everything that does not satisfy its FSV value.

Such a vision of the world can go far enough, because in some cases people resort to suicide, since this becomes their only chance to support their PSV. You need to understand that such a feeling has destructive roots and nothing besides overestimating their capabilities does not carry.

Unfortunately, on the Internet, the concept of PSV has become more and more often used, which has become one of the most popular memes... There are many images on the network that ridicule the exaggerated importance of individuals and the importance of their person, both in the face of the whole society and individuals.

Characteristics and symptoms of PSV:

Demonstrative behavior;

Exaggerating your role and your talents;

Exceptional selfishness and excessive narcissism.

If you find similar symptoms in your friend, then be sure that he sick with PCV... A striking feature of this state lies in his conviction that everything around is UG (sad g @ vno), and he is one d "Artagnan in white. Or everyone around is marginalized and lumpen, and he himself is exceptionally educated and reasonable person, although in fact he is clearly not distinguished by great intelligence, rationality and progressiveness.

A special "caste" of people with disabilities is pretty girls ... Such maramoisers feel the looks of many men, and they understand that the vagina will help to make money without getting out of bed. Since they try to develop only that part of their body that is responsible for appearance, then their intelligence does not rise above a five-year-old child. They only know the words "Give", "I want", "I need"... Sobering up to these ladies comes only after forty years, when their appearance leaves much to be desired, no matter how much plaster you put on yourself, and they are replaced by new top chan with the same requests. Therefore, these former favorites often have thoughts that it is better to cut out than to vegetate in oblivion.

Hello, dear readers blog site. If you are using social media or you play network games, you've probably come across this tricky shorthand. As well as many others that I have already written about (denoting,).

V youth slang ChSV cleared up in earnest. Use it right and left. Trying to offend, you can write an unpleasant comment with these three letters, you feel that they want to pry you, but there is no full understanding of what this means and how exactly to answer.

Familiar situation? Let's get out of this awkward situation together, especially since these three funny letters can be applied to you on business and it makes sense to look at yourself and your behavior without rose-colored glasses.

What does HSP mean?

What is often used and not understood by everyone is always intriguing. What is it, or maybe who is ChSV? Is it appropriate to use this expression in communication?

ЧСВ is an abbreviation, and its decoding is sense of self-importance... When a person considers himself to be better than those around him, does not listen to anyone and does not accept the beliefs of other people, then he risks receiving these three cheerful letters in response.

When asking a question, such a person (realizing his own importance) does not want to hear your answer, it is important for him to hear him. There is an expression that is very close in meaning, but from the field of medicine - megalomania.

Some Internet users, ChSV stands for sense of one's own greatness, which is also applicable and does not distort the meaning. In our beloved Latin, Persona grandis means an important person. The second version of the decoding, Persona exaltatio, in translation - a majestic person, there is another interpretation - a person with pride.

- Well, everything is clear! - you will exclaim with relief. - This does not concern me, I am a shirt-guy with a bunch of friends.

Don't jump to conclusions, gentlemen.

Self-importance among young people and not only

Absolutely all people have a sense of their own importance. It has been instilled in us since childhood. In a consumer society, where we were unlucky to be born, this is indispensable. Remember how you were told that you need to be the first, study better, play sports, compete with peers, get ahead of everyone in beauty, harmony, clothes.

Especially PSI is aggravated in young people... A teenager needs praise and support from others, strives at any cost to gain recognition and popularity among peers, despite the "mountains of corpses" behind.

Interesting is not only the decoding, but also the interpretation of the ChSV in some circles youth environment... For example, among gamers it is perceived as an insult, addressed to participants with overestimated self-esteem, which has no basis.

They overestimate their own importance too much, losing the ability to think soberly, which becomes the cause of most personal problems. Gamers (?) Are, first of all, people who know how to play in a team, where too arrogant will only interfere with everyone.

In the eyes of the community, this is a negative character trait that a normal person needs to quickly get rid of. Do you want to know what the CSP means in VK?

Indication of misconduct! This hint is frustrating, sobering, forcing one to pay attention to one's own shortcomings.

They, in fact, believe in their own originality. They need to feed the awareness of their greatness. Therefore, invented feats and talents are used. Have you looked in the mirror? Didn't you see such a person there? Well, that's good.

What is the danger of ChSV

The danger of PMS is that it takes energy our personality every day. With the remaining strength, we are only enough to surrender to the mercy of society and its rules. Thinker Carlos Castaneda thought so.

And now about the danger of an overestimated sense of self-importance, seriously. Here is a video for some food-to-thought.

Moreover, not only arrogant self-righteous persons have an inflated PTSD. Feeling like a failure, worthless person is also a manifestation of a sense of self-importance. The motivation for megalomania and self-pity is the same. These thoughts and emotions with opposite signs become the causes of daily insanity.

How to curb your sense of self-importance

Are you saying that this statement does not concern you? Then answer your questions:

  1. how we, people, can mercilessly use nature, people and at the same time shout about pollution, injustice, universal selfishness;
  2. why we can’t just observe, without criticizing, without hanging labels;
  3. how significant a role we play in the universe.

Castaneda wrote that CSV is our most powerful and main enemy. The insults and attacks of others reach the goal with our permission and make us weaker.

Pride makes us feel insulted, humiliated. We are losing strength that would help us broaden our vision of the world. By getting rid of PSI, we become invincible.

Do you think there is something to think about?

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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