Home Vegetables Who has an increased sense of self-importance and what does it mean? Wake up now: how CSV stands for and what ego means

Who has an increased sense of self-importance and what does it mean? Wake up now: how CSV stands for and what ego means

Abbreviations, it seems, are a useful item - with the help of a couple of letters you can immediately issue a whole sentence. It is very convenient in terms of administrative management, you do not have to list all the regalia of an institution ten times, when they can be reduced to 7-8 letters and put in one line. But here in everyday communication- trouble, especially when they write that you are "CSV". How the abbreviation is deciphered, you already have to look on the net, and you won’t answer right away.

How is CHSV deciphered?

There are only three letters in the abbreviation itself, so it’s hard to get confused:

  1. H- feeling.
  2. FROM- own.
  3. IN- importance.

This is really an old abbreviation, and ten years ago it was actively used on the net, at least in narrow circles. But before it was at least correctly applied “in practice”:

  • Your heart rate is too high.
  • Exorbitant CHSV, like a representative of "blue bloods".
  • Your HPS can reach the Moon, maybe even Mars.
  • Masha, of course, is a pretty infection, but she has a high blood pressure.

But over the years, something has changed, something has gone wrong, and three letters are no longer even used as an abbreviation, but as some kind of definition. Today it is quite possible to hear:

  • You are CHSV.
  • Well, he is CSV.
  • Pasha is actually CSF-fool.

No matter how the original meaning has changed, it is still about inflated self-importance. But new version application seems to be somehow completely non-literary, decoding is not suitable.

What is CHSV in VK?

  1. This is a hint at your inflated sense of importance, according to the interlocutor.
  2. The person is negative and prone to confrontation.
  3. It is worth listening to the remark if it sounds not the first time and from different people.
  4. It's perfectly acceptable to respond in a caustic way.

But if a person has already formed a certain opinion, it will be difficult or almost impossible to convince him. Any further action will be interpreted as an attempt to maintain a sense of self-importance, well, the same defense of one's CSV.

On the other hand, why try to make excuses in the eyes of everyone you meet, sometimes it’s easier to slightly adjust your social circle and everything will return to normal. If a person is prejudiced against you, these are only his problems and his inadequate perception of the world around him. You are not a doctor to treat everyone for their ailments.

Why doesn't everyone like CSF?

Sometimes the interlocutor really “takes on a lot”. There are a couple of things to remember here:

  • A person behaves exactly as he is allowed to behave.
  • If a friend or acquaintance tries to wipe their feet on you, it means that you used to actively substitute yourself as this very rag.
  • It is very difficult to bring down the arrogance of a person. Self-conceit can grow in a couple of days, and then even long months of work will not help to correct the situation. Blowing off the ego is a difficult task.
  • The best thing to do is stop talking, at least for a while. Even if this step did not have an effect and did not work as a contrast shower, the person is lost for you, 100%. Maybe for society too.

Communicating with people who suddenly decided that they are much better than the surrounding gray mass is a task unbearable. Sometimes it saves the fact that some people really have some reason to think so:

  1. Outstanding intellectual ability.
  2. literary talent.
  3. Numerous awards in the field of science or sports.
  4. Recognized musical talent.

But some people cherish their ego, relying only on the shortcomings of education. Parents "driven" that the child is the best in the world and that's it, now even being mediocre, the child will count on attention from all sides. Such situations are resolved very quickly and, as a rule - very big disappointments and break patterns.

How to respond to a comment?

Is it worth paying attention to your friends who began to reproach for too high heart rate? First you need to ask a couple of questions:

  • How long have you known the person?
  • The interlocutor always gave only good advice?
  • Do you think she cares about your well-being?
  • Do you feel that in Lately did something change in behavior?

If for everything questions asked the answer is “yes”, this can be regarded as the first wake-up call. The surrounding reality must be perceived as objectively as possible so that there are no serious disappointments. Many failures happen only because a person overestimates his modest abilities and, without proper preparation, tries to achieve results that are unattainable for him at this stage.

The more your ego corresponds to the real picture of the world, the more likely it is to realize your resources with 100% efficiency and achieve some very real result.

Exorbitant heart rate in a guy

Sometimes relationships in the “boyfriend-girl” format lead to the fact that one of the partners’ HR takes off to the skies. More precisely, the mistakes of the other partner and the overestimation of the significance level lead to such a sad result. In terms of contacts with the rest, this may practically not manifest itself, but in a relationship a “room tyrant” is guaranteed to appear. You should fight in this situation using even "dirty" methods:

  1. Demonstrate to the person that he is not the top of the world. Preferably, in public, and preferably so that this “contrast shower” partner does not associate with your person.
  2. Make new contacts, show that you do not experience any physical or mental dependence.
  3. Participate in a couple of projects, demonstrate the result, achieve public recognition own successes. Everything is very variable, depending on the field of activity and hobbies.
  4. Start behaving in exactly the same way, ignoring the feelings and needs of your partner. It won't get any worse.

In any case, you inflate the FPV for him or her. on one's own, so now on their own will have to return everything to normal. Or say goodbye, such is life.

What does "CSV" mean - transcript

Abbreviation CHSV is not as complicated as it might seem:

  • stands for " sense of self-importance».
  • Used online. But in the last couple of years, the contraction began to be used in real life.
  • Indicates a person's inflated self-conceit, his exorbitant ego, which does not correspond to real possibilities.
  • It does not carry any insult, but usually says that the interlocutor is not averse to developing a conflict situation.

Online today, instead of picking up correct words about an inflated ego and conceit, they simply write - " CHSV". Three simple letters, but in someone's eyes this is a real stigma for the interlocutor. In fact, whether you care about your image or not, it makes no sense to react publicly to such a statement. But here it is worth reviewing the behavior itself and editing something in it.

When talking about someone's CHSV, how the abbreviation stands for, you can ask the interlocutor himself. This, by the way, will prove that you are ready to admit the gaps in your knowledge and that you are probably all right with this same FSW.

Video about the meaning of HRW

In his books, he describes it as a moral feeling of exaltation over someone or something, emphasizing the significance of himself and his actions. In other words, a sense of self-importance is self-evaluation. Since a person is usually constantly in this state, it prevents him from soberly assessing the situation and making the necessary decision. According to Castaneda's books, it is the feeling of self-importance that takes away most our energy in Everyday life thus leaving her only to live according to social prescriptions and conventions.

It does not matter whether our sense of self-importance is positive or negative. negative meaning. The belief that you are a failure is as much an expression of self-importance as the belief that you are better than others. Overestimation of oneself, megalomania, arrogance and narcissism are identical in their main motivation to self-compassion, an inferiority complex, repentance and martyrdom. All these and similar impulses presuppose that too much great importance- at any rate, large enough to justify the day-to-day madness that follows. A sense of self-importance puts blinders on us, reducing the world to selfish interests and allowing us to see only what is directly related to our person. This is the only way to explain how we manage to exploit nature and the people around us and at the same time complain about pollution. environment, social injustice and the widespread spread of selfishness. We are absolutely unable to observe the world and ourselves without making judgments about it, and come to a view of things in which we do not play any significant role, which in the vast majority of cases is true.

Loss of self-importance is the main prerequisite for achieving the state warrior, along with such as erasing personal history and taking responsibility for actions.

These prerequisites are explicitly highlighted in the third book, Journey to Ixtlan, where each item is devoted to a separate chapter. Other books also constantly mention key role CHSV in our limitations as people.

Loss of self-importance

The loss of CSV leads to the restoration of our primordial energy resources, which can be applied to the expansion of our perception of the world. Mankind used to think that self-esteem is an important element of personality, however, according to Castaneda, this is not so. A person without a sense of self-importance does not critically reduce self-esteem, but does not take it into account, and therefore it loses its meaning for him. Thus, the view of the world can be more conscious if this feeling is avoided. That's the concept

For the nagual Julian, self-importance was a monster with three thousand heads. And the one who entered into battle with her could defeat her in one of three ways. The first way was to cut off each of the heads in turn, the second was to achieve a mysterious state of being called the place of no pity, which destroyed its own importance, slowly killing it with hunger, the third was to pay for the immediate destruction of the thousand-headed monster with its symbolic death.

(Carlos Castaneda "The Power of Silence")

One of the ways to deal with CSF is to "use" petty tyrants, because the constant humiliation on their part allows you to train your control over this feeling.

To perceive this thing, the teacher of Carlos Castaneda - don Juan Matus - very correctly used the term feeling because importance is not some kind of moral inference, but only a sensation, a feeling.

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See what "CSV" is in other dictionaries:

    CHSV- a sense of self-importance CSV is a member of the family of a military man… Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    hsv- Abbreviation. It stands for "Feeling of Self-Importance". negative quality person. Theoretical maximum heart rate is 8500. For some, it goes over 9000. Don’t fuck off, lower your heart rate ... Internet slang ... Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang

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Active Internet users often encounter the abbreviation CHSV. Also, fans are familiar with this concept firsthand. computer games. What does CHSV mean, how is it deciphered?

HR value

Often this abbreviation is used in the phrases "HRF is off scale", "HRV is overestimated" and "increased HRV". What does the user mean by using these words?

CHSV is sense of self-importance. Another interpretation of the abbreviation - sense of self-importance.

A person with an overestimated heart rate believes that he is much better informed in all matters than other people. He has a personal point of view on all events and thinks that only she is correct.

Such a person has a high opinion of his judgments. He does not listen to the opinions of others, ignoring or ridiculing their words. He considers himself the most important and the most important.

History of the abbreviation CHSV

The ancestor of this abbreviation is the writer Carlos Castaneda. He developed the concept of CSF and used it in many of his writings.

Castaneda had a negative attitude towards greatness and selfishness, he wrote how to overcome his ego in order to see all the colors of the world around him. Getting rid of CSF releases a lot of energy and endows a person with limitless power. It is not easy to do this, because a person, as a rule, is filled with 90% of HSF.

Don Juan, the alter ego of Carlos Castaneda, teaches the reader to stop putting the individual in the center and encourages us to "take off the crown." He compares a person to a beetle, who may also have a high heart rate and see this world through the prism of personality. This prevents us from knowing the world, enjoying the harmony of the universe and knowing the joy of being.

Signs of CHSV

To understand what it is, it is necessary to highlight a number of signs that are characteristic of a person of this type:

  1. Selfishness and egocentrism
  2. Self-praise of one's talents
  3. Constant demonstration of superiority over others

The concept of HRW has become a popular internet meme. This meme characterizes people who, in comments or interviews, emphasize their own importance and constantly make references to the importance of their person. Such people are arrogant, they are completely false, and communication with such personalities brings little joy.

Origins of CSF

From the point of view of psychology, a person with an overestimated heart rate has many complexes. He hides his fear and insecurity behind selfishness. A person hides complexes so diligently that he himself does not know about their existence.

Also, individuals with FSW intuitively repel other people, as they are afraid of communication. They hide their essence behind loud statements and false praises addressed to themselves. People with a high HR have a subtle sense of their inferiority and inferiority. They are afraid of change, and therefore they are forced to pass all events through their personality and give them an accurate description.

Competent work with a psychologist will help to identify the cause of such behavior. What is this? This is a trauma, most often it lies in childhood. Resentment and tears forced little man put on the armor of the CHSV. To become harmonious personality, you have to get rid of it.

How to get rid of CSF

To stop putting your personality above other people, it is worth remembering the aphorism: "Be simple, and people will reach out to you."

  • Learn to laugh at yourself. Make fun of own actions. Criticize yourself. And it is better to do it in the presence of other people. Don't be afraid to be funny or stupid.
  • Try to increase your awareness of life. Do not criticize change, do not hide from the inevitable. Look at the events from a bird's eye view and be surprised how everything that happens is beautiful and harmonious.
  • Do not forget about spiritual growth. Find a list of books that have a positive effect on personality. Start with the classics, try to find answers to your questions in the masterpieces of world literature. Expand your library with books spiritual growth and development.

A person with an overestimated heart rate is an egoist who is not able to take a sober look at things.

Consider yourself important person so important that not a single person can cope without your help? As a rule, people with high heart rate think so. Perhaps this will seem ridiculous to them, but such behavior is somewhat painful, therefore, it is simply necessary for those who strive for perfection to understand what FSW is.

How is CHSV deciphered?

Most likely, you have often met on the Internet a similar abbreviation, which was located in close proximity to the physiognomy of a disgruntled person or creature. What does CHSV mean - a perfectly reasonable question for those who really want to know what is hidden behind these three letters. A sense of self-importance - this is how the decoding of this abbreviation looks like. Some experts supplement it with such a word as vanity.

A person with an overestimated heart rate is very susceptible and reactive to the actions and words of criticism that are heard in his direction from others. Such people often experience feelings of inferiority, inferiority and self-criticism. They are characterized by irascibility and aggression. And all because they consider themselves somewhat different compared to everyone around them.

Self-importance - psychology

Many people who, to one degree or another, have such a feature of temperament are not able to adequately assess their psychological condition. They are fully confident that their way of life is the most correct, therefore they do not listen to the advice of strangers, including their relatives. An increased heart rate characterizes a person as a selfish person, before whom all frames and boundaries must necessarily be revealed.

CVD in women occurs much more often than in the stronger sex. And there is a very understandable explanation for this. A woman is a mother and wife, who, according to many, should keep everything under her control. For this reason, most housewives believe that if they do not do this or that housework, then the whole world will stop. In addition, many women are accustomed to believing that all the actions of their relatives and friends around her are not correct, so they strive to do the right thing and without inserting their advice, which from the outside looks like imposing someone else's point of view.

CVW - good or bad?

What is CSV, we have already found out. Now we should understand what is the role of this quality of temperament in human life. Many of us are sure that a sense of self-importance is a synonym. However, this is an erroneous opinion. When a sense of dignity is hurt, it means that a person intentionally wants to reproach in order to offend. Whereas in the case of CSF we are talking about criticism relating exclusively to human narcissism and pride, which has never been considered.

Having lost a sense of self-importance, we become invulnerable, because there is no emotional reaction neither in words nor in deeds. The absence of FSW gives a person self-confidence, because when we are freed from far-fetched images, we have nothing more to lose. Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that an overestimated heart rate is not a good trait of temperament.

CSF syndrome

It is extremely difficult to track the development of such a quality of character. Qualified specialists characterize an overestimated heart rate as a manifestation of the "excellent student syndrome", that is, a person who is accustomed to reckon only with his own point of view and no one else's. Such people, as a rule, have excessive arrogance, rudeness and, at the same time, a certain detachment, which can be explained very simply: for lack of more smart person side by side, such individuals prefer to retire from time to time and enjoy their egocentrism and superiority over others.

Signs of CHSV

Determining whether a person has a sense of self-importance or not is not so easy. Scientists have developed their own theory, according to which people with CVD behave according to the following scenario:

  1. Mentoring Syndrome. This is the case when a person tries to impose his point of view and worldview on everyone.
  2. controversy. Frequent skirmishes with partners and just with friends, during which an individual who has an overestimated heart rate tries to prove his point of view, while citing all sorts of, sometimes unjustified, evidence.
  3. Justification. Raising self-esteem by exposing yourself from the best, perhaps untruthful, side.
  4. Attracting the attention of others. Another way to raise your own self-esteem, the desire to be in the center of all events. What if something happens without his participation - it will be the collapse of the entire universe.
  5. A pronounced sense of revenge. In this case, the person begins to take revenge for the criticism expressed in his direction. And even if it was brought in the case, anyway, punishment, whether verbal or physical, cannot be avoided.
  6. Fascination in other people's faults. This is perhaps the most a prime example manifestations of CSF. Against the backdrop of other people's mistakes, such people are trying to climb the highest level pedestal and show that they are the most impeccable.

Feeling of self-importance - how to get rid of?

Determining what a CVW is is not enough to get rid of this not quite good quality character. You need to know how to deal with this problem. When the HR goes off scale, measures should be taken to eliminate it. Well, if you are able to notice this shortcoming in yourself. It is much worse if you are absolutely sure that you are right. In this case, it is better to pay attention to the advice of the closest people. They certainly don't give bad advice. So, by drawing a parallel between your behavior and the above signs, you can easily determine whether your heart rate is too high or not.

How to lower heart rate?

Getting rid of this quality is the main step towards a fulfilling life, where there is no selfishness and criticism. The heart rate can easily be lowered by:

  • write without exaggeration positive and negative sides your character;
  • think about whether you lead a life according to your conscience;
  • write the names of those who were hurt and insulted with a bad word;
  • try to adopt a new worldview;
  • form a new attitude towards yourself and others;
  • make a bet with yourself that you will change in the near future (this practice is the most effective).

How to raise heart rate?

Often you can encounter such people who have no sense of self-importance at all. It would seem that this should be rejoiced, because there is no pride, no vanity, no self-centeredness. However, not all so simple. An underestimated heart rate can bring problems to a person no less than an overabundance of this character trait, so you need to know the tricks that will help raise your sense of self-importance.

You must have come across the fact that you do not understand all the words, many people use special jargon, expressions and abbreviations, such as IMHO, HZ, TP, SFS and many others. One of these abbreviations is CHSV. What does CHSV mean? when communicating orally and in writing?
Just like "SPS", the abbreviation "ChSV" is one of the most popular on the World Wide Web. I think that each of us has come across people who think a lot about themselves, I mean that they are pompous, conceited, and stick out their importance in society. The abbreviation CHSV stands for " Feeling of self worth"or in a slightly different way" Feeling of greatness". Many people are interested in what CSV means in VK, what CSV Vkontakte means, so we will consider these issues in more detail.

CHSV- these are people who consider themselves irreplaceable, standing above others, they are obsessed with pride, arrogance, conceit. talking in simple words these individuals are clearly overestimated

This concept was first developed by Carlos Castaneda, who is the author of many books on the mystical theme. However, whether this person was really a magician or a fraudster is not known, although the hype about this has not subsided to this day. He had a character, Don Juan, who allegedly taught him mysterious knowledge, and so, for a long time he tried to explain to that same Castaneda, what does chsv mean.

As a result, summing up everything that Carlos Castaneda, his own book hero, told, we can conclude that people are not born with a feeling of HFW, it is introduced into a person from the outside. The capitalist system is designed in such a way that it constantly provokes a person to buy more things in order to have in the eyes of other people high status, while his ego and HR are on the rise. The only disadvantage of such a way of life is that such individuals discard as unnecessary everything that does not satisfy its CSF value.

Such a vision of the world can go quite far, because in some cases people resort to suicide, as this becomes their only chance to maintain their CVV. You need to understand that such a feeling has destructive roots and does not carry anything other than a reassessment of its capabilities.

Unfortunately, on the Internet, the concept of CVW has become more and more often used, which has become one of the most popular memes. There are many images on the web that ridicule the exaggerated importance of individuals and the significance of one's person, both in the face of the whole society and individuals.

Characteristics and symptoms of CSF:

demonstrative behavior;

Exaggeration of one's role and one's talents;

Exceptional selfishness and excessive narcissism.

If you find similar symptoms in your friend, then be sure that he sick with CSF. A striking feature of this state lies in his conviction that everything around is UG (dull g @ clearly), and he is one d "Artagnan in white. Either everyone around is outcasts and lumpen, and he himself is exceptionally educated and man of sense, although in fact he is clearly not distinguished by great intelligence, reasonableness and progressiveness.

A special "caste" of people with CVD is beautiful girls . Such maramoys feel the views of many men on themselves, and they understand that the vagina will help to earn money without getting out of bed. Because they try to develop only that part of their body that is responsible for appearance, then their intelligence does not rise above a five-year-old child. They only know the words "Give", "I want", "I need". Sobering up for these ladies comes only after forty years, when their appearance leaves much to be desired, no matter how much plaster you put on yourself, and they are replaced by new top chans with the same requests. Therefore, these former favorites often come up with thoughts that it is better to get drunk than to vegetate in oblivion.

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