Home Roses What is chsv in youth slang. What is CHSV: how does the abbreviation stand and what it means on the Internet

What is chsv in youth slang. What is CHSV: how does the abbreviation stand and what it means on the Internet

Dota 2 is a competitive game where all players have at different levels skills: someone plays better, and someone worse. Based on this, conflicts often arise between people in the chat. Users who have shown a good game begin to humiliate and insult less successful participants in the match or boast of "incredible" skill. In fact, they are not much different from the average player. Such arrogant people are usually said to have an increased heart rate.

Beginners often do not know what this abbreviation means. It stands for “feeling self-importance". But to understand the meaning of this phrase, it is worth first considering it in general plan, and then within the framework of "Dota 2".

The concept and symptoms of PSV

Self-importance is a popular meme that has appeared on the Internet for a long time and is used to characterize people who like to exaggerate too much and demonstrate their importance to others. It is based on the concept of Carlos Castenda, who believes that PMD negatively affects a person.

A person with an overestimated sense of his importance may have aggression against any words or actions of others. Inside, he considers himself inferior. TO clear signs chsv include:

  • a constant feeling of resentment towards someone, as if he is constantly being offended or humiliated (arises with a wrong perception of the world);
  • not knowing how to respect or love other people;
  • considers himself the navel of the earth and puts own interests above all others;
  • it is important for him to be in the spotlight all the time;
  • is dependent on someone else's opinion, and gives it too much attention;
  • vain and cannot create good friendly relations(this happens due to a lack of trust in people).

As you can see, an extremely unpleasant personality emerges. Naturally, there are no people with a 100% sense of their importance, that is, the above symptoms usually appear separately, but there are exceptions.

On the Internet, people with disabilities are often found, since on the Internet they can freely express their thoughts, believing that they are absolutely safe. This also happens in multi-user projects.

Sense of self-importance in Dota 2

This feeling tends to be felt by players who play below normal. Sometimes they manage to show a good game and then they immediately begin to push their skills to the show, humiliating users. Such behavior often causes only pity and laughter in people.

It also happens that professional players begin to boast of their ability to play. They perceive themselves as celestials, to whom all other users should bow and take their advice with awe. Fortunately, there are very few people with increased heart rate among professionals, because most people understand that this only leads to irritation.

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Active Internet users are often faced with abbreviation ЧСВ... Also, fans of computer games are familiar with this concept firsthand. What does ChSV mean, how does it stand for?

HR value

Often this abbreviation is used in the phrases "CHSV is off the charts", "CHSV is overstated" and "increased CHSV". What does the user mean by using these words?

ChSV is sense of self-importance... Another decoding of the abbreviation is sense of one's own greatness.

A person with an overestimated HSP thinks that he is much more knowledgeable in all matters than other people. He has a personal point of view on all events and thinks that only it is correct.

Such a person has a high opinion of his judgments. He does not listen to the opinions of others, ignoring or ridiculing their words. He considers himself the most important and most important.

History of the abbreviation ČSV

The founder of this abbreviation is the writer Carlos Castaneda. He developed the concept of CSP and used it in many of his writings.

Castaneda had a negative attitude to greatness and selfishness, he wrote how to overcome his ego in order to see all the colors of the world around him. Getting rid of PSI frees up a lot of energy and endows a person with unlimited strength. It is not easy to do this, because the personality, as a rule, is 90% filled with PSI.

Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda's alter ego, teaches the reader to stop putting personality at the center and urges us to "remove the crown." He compares a human being to a beetle who, perhaps, also has a large HSP and sees this world through the prism of personality. This prevents you from knowing the world, enjoying the harmony of the universe and knowing the joy of being.

Signs of PSV

To understand what it is, it is necessary to highlight a number of signs that are characteristic of a person of this type:

  1. Narcissism and self-centeredness
  2. Self-praise of your talents
  3. Constant demonstration of superiority over others

PSV has become a popular Internet meme. This meme characterizes people who, in comments or interviews, emphasize their own importance and constantly make references to the importance of their person. Such people are arrogant, they are thoroughly fake, and communication with such persons brings little joy.

The origins of CSW

From the point of view of psychology, a person with an overestimated PSI has many complexes. He hides his fear and insecurity behind selfishness. A person so diligently hides complexes that he himself does not know about their existence.

Also, individuals with PSI intuitively alienate other people, as they are afraid of communication. They hide their essence behind loud statements and false praise addressed to themselves. People with high FSI have a subtle sense of their inferiority and inferiority. They are afraid of change, and therefore are forced to pass all events through their personality and give them an accurate description.

Competent work with a psychologist will help to identify the reason for this behavior. What is this? This is a trauma, most often it lies in childhood. Resentment and tears made little man put on the CSV armor. To become harmonious personality, we must get rid of it.

How to get rid of PSV

To stop putting your personality above other people, it is worth remembering the aphorism: "Be simple, and people will reach out to you."

  • Learn to laugh at yourself. Make fun of by their own actions... Criticize yourself. Moreover, it is better to do this in the presence of other people. Don't be afraid to sound funny or silly.
  • Try to raise your awareness of life. Don't criticize change, don't hide from the inevitable. Look at the events from a bird's eye view and be amazed at how beautiful and harmonious everything is.
  • Don't forget about spiritual growth. Find a list of books that have a positive effect on your personality. Start with the classics, try to find answers to your questions in the masterpieces of world literature. Add books to your library spiritual growth and development.

A person with an overestimated PSV is an egoist who is not able to look at things soberly.

The world wide web is pulling on the net most the population that has access to it, especially the youth. The Internet is not static, it is constantly changing and developing according to its own laws, which leads to the emergence of new trends and trends. So, users of social networks have long been accustomed to the constant flashing of the word CHSV in the feed, to a possible context and have long perceived it as a way of trolling or a form of insult.

A huge number of memes, videos, jokes on this issue flooded the Russian-language network (after all, the Sense of Self-Importance is a product of the domestic Internet industry with an initially foreign origin). Let's figure out what a CSW is and what it is "eaten" with.

So, the beginning of the story with CHSV was laid by the American Carlos Castaneda, who in his books described it as a feeling of imaginary superiority, highlighting his own importance and the importance of his actions.

Being in this state, a person is not able to soberly assess himself and others. ChSV often has something in common with selfishness, but these are not synonyms. A progressive sense of self-importance makes a person see only facts and events related directly to his "modest" person. Such a person sincerely believes that her opinion in any situation matters, and the contribution made is much greater than that of the rest - only the scale, only the inflated ego!

By the way, the Sense of Your Own Greatness (this abbreviation can also be deciphered this way) does not depend on whether you distinguish yourself positively or negatively - you still stand out, thereby demanding increased attention to your own person. Let's explain it more simply: it doesn't matter whether you consider yourself to be the “navel of the earth” or the ultimate loser, congratulations - you have a CSP.

In the Russian-language part of the World Wide Web, memchiki, jokes about ChSV appeared, as usual, thanks to Lurkomorye. The exact date It is difficult to indicate the appearance, therefore, we will only say that the meme is still in circulation, but is no longer so wildly popular.

For those who are “not in the subject”, Lurkomorye is an analogue of Wikipedia, but the guys talk about Internet folklore, famous phrases and memes that fly across the Internet. Anyone can express themselves by providing a pruflink (link to the source), so that everyone and everyone understands what is at stake.

Memes about excessive self-importance affected people like Timati, who is sure that he is sneezed solely out of envy, James Cameron, Mitsgol, Stephen King, Nikita Mikhalkov and many others.

Symptoms of PSV

Despite the fact that an inflated or underestimated PSV is abnormal, it is not officially classified as a disease. Nevertheless, experts, and simply not stupid people, have identified a number of symptoms by which you can recognize a person in ordinary life and on the internet.

The manifestation of a sense of self-importance is found mainly among young people, especially among adolescents (adolescence is a very unpleasant thing).

Such guys consider themselves to be better than others, demonstrate excessive self-confidence and express their opinions on every occasion. Needing approval, public recognition and popularity, they try to achieve demand at any cost, often not understanding what methods to act.

ChSV-shnik looks like a vain egoist, which provokes conflicts with family and friends - that is, the effect is completely opposite to what I wanted to achieve. It is easy to see a person with disabilities - just look at his behavior, manner of communication in an uncomfortable situation.

There is a relationship between the presence of a sense of self-importance and the level personal growth... People with low rate personality development suffer less from PSI, but not because natural modesty protects them from this - it simply does not occur to them that they can be so important. Owners high level personal development usually, as a rule, do not suffer from this.

The manifestations of the syndrome include:

ChSV on the Internet

Hypertrophied PSV is manifested to one degree or another in all network users. There are those who silently hate everyone and everything, considering it beneath their dignity to verbally point the "plebeians" to their place, there are users who are too downtrodden to participate in skirmishes, so public suffering is another symptom.

The most common type that all memics and videos talk about. Wanting to show how cool and unique they are, the CSV network tries to teach everyone about life, correct the slightest mistakes, hinting at the stupidity and ignorance of the interlocutor, criticize a lot and draw attention to their person.

During or after the game, this person proves that he “pulled out” the rink, and after the defeat, the phrases are used: “I tried as best I could, but the rest of the team members are sheer clumsy and insignificant.” Justifying defeat or trying to raise their importance in the eyes of others is not so important, the main thing is that it is insanely unpleasant to deal with such people.

Not ChSV

The sense of one's own greatness is sometimes confused with other similar manifestations that have nothing to do with it.

  • Well-known and popular personalities, with enviable regularity, appear on the red carpet, should not be immediately ranked among the army of ChSV-Schnikov. Not all actors and musicians consider themselves to be the hubs of the earth, which should be worshiped by every person they meet. Deeds speak about a person, first of all.
  • "Dangerous" professions are also not an indicator. Internal relations in such organizations, they are built on strength and a certain hierarchy, which must be strictly observed. Therefore, getting used to this state of affairs at work, army and law enforcement officers often transfer this feature to "civilian life", where they are not always perceived the way they would like.
  • Reasoned criticism for an unprepared person is terrible, incomprehensible, and therefore the reaction to it is inadequate. Especially with creative people. Therefore, you should not ask a question if you are not ready to hear the answer. It is also not necessary to answer such questions if you know the reaction in advance. Be smarter.
  • Deep knowledge of a particular topic. Classic example with film critics, who sometimes make a career in CSV, is that the critic has seen a lot during his career, and therefore it is very difficult to surprise or impress him. Do not jump to conclusions that he "imagines himself" if your next romantic comedy, book or play is called trivial and unremarkable. Find out first, how competent the person is in this matter.

How to Curb Self-Importance: Practical Tips

Increased performance

To reduce the Sense of One's Greatness, the main thing is to understand that there is a problem that needs to be solved. It is true that the first step towards solving any problem is its recognition. Then do a simple "for unreleased cases" complex.

  1. Take a piece of paper, honestly and thoughtfully state your positive and negative traits.
  2. Consider how fair you are to others.
  3. Write down the names of those who recent times hurt, insulted or offended in word or deed.
  4. Try to figure out the reasons for this behavior yourself.
  5. Bet that in the next week (month) you will behave differently: react, perceive (recall, psychologists advise repeating the action for at least 21 days to form a habit). Try to switch your attention to those around you, their interests, concerns - to look at them in a new light.

Remember when we said that PSV can be excessive and underestimated? It is understandable why the excess of this feeling is bad, but a reduced sense of importance is also a problem. To increase your performance, remember a few tips.

  • Treat yourself with more confidence and love.
  • Do not be afraid to express your own opinion if the person is frankly wrong or you are not satisfied with the situation, but do not make an elephant out of a fly.
  • When you get involved in an argument, be convincing, be guided by logic and good arguments.
  • Have you earned praise from your superiors? Don't hide under the table, enjoy the moment - you are being praised for the cause.


In the Internet space, the word "ChSV" is negative character: for both casual users and gamers. V social networks the acronym serves as a reason for jokes: how many memes are associated with this problem! It’s always funny, as long as it doesn’t concern you or your environment, and when CSV gets closer, it can be sad and hard. Not to you - to those around you.

The symptoms are as follows: too high a desire to stand out, to show that the person is different, unlike the others. It doesn't matter if you loudly tell who the fellow is here, or you suffer demonstratively.

There are a number of situations in which people can behave exactly as described above. Don't mix them up.

Curbing Your Self-Importance is difficult, but you can if you want to. Both forms (understated and overstated) need to be corrected. PSV affects an adequate assessment of reality, narrows the range of interests to exclusively one's own and awakens extreme egocentrism in people.

We offer several above practical advice how to get out of this situation, but they will not work if you yourself do not want to solve this problem. It's up to you!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I apply the experience gained, including in the creation of articles psychological focus... Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

"ЧСВ" what does this abbreviation mean in the language of the Internet? Communication on the Web is a special world with its own jargon. Without knowledge of this language, it will not work to communicate on an equal footing with opponents. If the meaning of some abbreviations comes intuitively: HZ (I don’t know), ATP (thanks), then others must first be deciphered. What is PSI in youth?

PSV: what does it mean, the origin and history of the term

Wikipedia gives an unambiguous answer to the question about the FTS: a sense of one's own importance, a sense of one's own greatness. The abbreviation came from the book of the outstanding mystic writer Carlos Castaneda "Journey to Ixtlan". The main character Don Juan argues that for many people, their own personality obscures the whole world, sharply shifts all accents. A person with hypertrophied conceit is confident in his own exclusivity. He considers everyone around him to be less developed in intelligence, education, experience, ability to think, express an opinion, do something.

Don Juan is sure that such people are like beetles, busy only with themselves, not noticing the world around them. The tendency to overestimate one's own role interferes with adequately perceiving the world, makes it necessary to constantly prove personal exclusivity, leads to negative consequences, for example, to suicide.

The desire to interrupt life on their own is an extreme manifestation of the ego, when a teenager by death tries to prove exclusivity and dissimilarity from other peers.

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Who is at risk

Signs of feeling important

Individuals with overdeveloped egos, unlike knowledgeable and authoritative people, are not self-confident. They do not wait to be asked for their opinion, but impose their point of view, foaming at the mouth, proving its superiority. They want their opponents to submissively agree with them, to recognize their importance.

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When communicating with a person suffering from hypertrophied PSI, the interlocutors note the following features:

  • neglect of other people's opinions;

What does ChSVshnik mean, how to behave with carriers of ChSV

The appearance on the forum of a person with an exacerbated PSI, the so-called "chsvshnik", becomes an unbearable test for the rest of the participants in the conversation. It is impossible to calculate it immediately. The first remarks and arguments look adequate. If the opponent does not object, he may not show CWD. But one has only to object, the subsequent conversation will turn into a skirmish and insults.

To continue normal communication, it is necessary to exclude the person from the number of interlocutors. You should not react to his comments, it is useless to get involved in an argument. The safest position is complete disregard.

Important! The sense of your own greatness is contagious. You can stop the disease only by early stages... Therefore, everyone should regularly take a test for PSV, analyzing the behavior in disputes. Suspicion of a growing ego? An urgent need to go to a psychologist, otherwise the matter may reach the psychiatrists.

What does ChSV mean in other interpretations

There are other versions of the abbreviation decoding. So, for Dota players, it has no initially negative connotation and determines the level of skill. But excessive demonstration of achievement can also lead to conflict situations, bouncers are not liked in any social group.

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In Game Dark age translates as the number of the power of things that are important for the protection and play of the game. This is an objective indicator that characterizes the level and capabilities of the player.

Arrogance, arrogance, unreasonable show-off. Before blaming people, you need to take a close look in your direction. If a person has ceased to notice personal shortcomings, it means that soon the "chsvshnik" will say about him.

Video: "What does it mean"

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The abbreviation ЧСВ is found on Internet forums, in comments, social networks and computer games... The expression quickly became popular and is used as a meme. Find out what a CWS is in youth slang.

What is PSV among young people: transcript

PSV is an abbreviation for self-importance.

The concept was used in his books "Journey to Ixtlan", "The Power of Silence" and other American writer and anthropologist Carlos Castaneda.

Not sure how ChSV is translated? It does not need to be translated, because it is not foreign word, but an abbreviation of the Russian phrase. Decoding of the abbreviation occurs in two versions:

  • a sense of self-importance;
  • a sense of one's own greatness.

The last designation refers to overly arrogant, self-exalting people.

To take a significant place in society is a natural need for every person. Everyone needs respect, recognition, approval.

PSV is a person's self-esteem, a subjective awareness of oneself. If the feeling of importance does not coincide with reality, conflicts with others or psychological problems appear.

Underestimated and overestimated PSV

What is an underestimated and overestimated PSV? Some individuals exaggerate their importance or, on the contrary, underestimate. In such cases, they are directed to jokes, reproaches, or encouragement such as:

  • "Your CHSV is exaggerated, come down to earth!"
  • "Raise your PSI, then you will succeed!"
  • "You consider yourself a tough guy, but in reality you have nothing but an overpriced HSP."

A lot of people with an overestimated PSV leave their mark on the Internet space, who deliberately provoke disputes and insult. Agree in virtual world it is easy to assert oneself, humiliating and criticizing others. However, there are many people who show superiority over others in real life.

CHSV is underestimated, then a person looks at the world sadly and passively. And the so-called tough peppers and peppercorns with excessive PSV just on such increase self-esteem. In this case, your favorite business, new interesting activities will help. Remember: each person matters in their own way, everyone is talented and unique in some way.

Don't turn your nose up to the sky! People with a high HRV just as well as those with a low one have a hard time in life.

Thus, ChSV is an abbreviation for youth slang. It stands for a sense of self-importance. It is often used in relation to people who put themselves above others. The meme is popular in communities about humor, demotivators, entertainment.

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