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Take the test "USE 2018 History Training option number 1" online

History | USE 2018

Take the test "USE 2018 History Training option number 2" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. Training version of the exam history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 History Training Option No. 3" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 History Training Option No. 4" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 History Training Option No. 5" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "USE 2018 History Training option number 6" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "USE 2018 History Training option number 7" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 History Training Option No. 8" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "USE 2018 History Training option number 9" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "USE 2018 History Training option number 10" online

History | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in history acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps them master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in history corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "Demonstration version of control measuring materials of the unified state exam of 2018 on SOCIETY" online

Social Science | USE 2018

The solution to the online test of the Unified State Exam in Social Studies introduces students to the tasks of the demo version of the Unified State Examination of the 2018 FIPI and helps to master the necessary skills for solving CMM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students.

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training Option No. 1" online

Social Science | USE 2018

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training Option No. 2" online

Social Science | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training Option No. 3" online

Social Science | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

Take the test "Unified State Exam 2018 Social Studies Training Option No. 4" online

Social Science | USE 2018

The solution of the USE 2018 online test in social studies acquaints students with the tasks of the real USE and helps to master the necessary skills for solving KIM tasks. Teachers can use online testing for free in class to train and supervise students. The training version of the USE in social studies corresponds to the demo version of 2018.

History in 2018 is an elective exam. Preparation for the exam in history, like preparation for other exams, first of all requires responsibility, organization, competent distribution of time and effort.

Start preparing for the exam as early as grade 10. To have a good knowledge base in two years for the exam.

Changes in the KIM USE 2019 by history:

  • There are no changes in the structure and content of the CMM.
  • In task 21, an additional condition has been added, which determines the requirement for filling out the answer. Accordingly, the criteria for assessing task 21 have been supplemented.

Where to start preparing for history?

1. Theory. To study theory, use additional literature in print and in electronic format, documentary cinematography, materials on web resources. On our web resource in the section "Tasks" collected over 10 typical assignments developed by teachers based on demos from FIPI(official draft) of past years.

For each task, it is written what you need to know to complete it. will guide you on what topics you need to study for each assignment.

How do you remember all this?

The abundance of dates, titles, names, events is a feature of history. But how to remember everything and not "lose" before the end of the exam?

Exists row effective ways lay out all the necessary information "on the shelves":

  • Draw an analogy, visualize, draw diagrams.
  • Only work on topics in chronological order.
  • Make an outline of the answer to each of them.
  • Study online - on our website you will find the necessary tasks.

2. Solution training tasks different types gives great experience and self-confidence. Decide online tests with answers on the theory read, this will help to assimilate and consolidate the topic.

3. Practice writing your essay... Hone your writing and writing skills. There are three periods from the history of Russia to choose from.

Requirements for a mini-essay:

  • Indicate at least two processes that relate to the selected date;
  • Mention should be made of people who have influenced or participated in events, processes or phenomena;
  • Causal relationships should be mentioned;
  • Use historical terminology in the essay;
  • It is forbidden to make mistakes in facts.

A historical essay must be connected with correct logical conclusions.

4. Time the exam correctly.
For execution examination work according to history 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

The examination paper consists of two parts:

  • 1 part- 19 tasks with a short answer (word, phrase, date, first and last name historical figure);
  • Part 2- 6 tasks with a detailed answer (analysis of the problem, fragment historical document, assessment of an event, expressing a point of view).

The approximate time for completing individual tasks is:

  • for each task of part 1 - 3–7 minutes;
  • for each task of part 2 (except task 25) - 5–20 minutes;
  • for the task 25 - 40–80 minutes.

Points for each story quest

The minimum passing grade is 32.
The maximum you can get on the exam in history is 55.

  • 1 point - for tasks 1, 4, 10, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19.
  • 2 points - 2, 3, 5-9, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22.
  • 3 points - 11, 23.
  • 4 points - 24.
  • 11 points - 25.

The system for evaluating the performance of individual tasks and work as a whole

A task with a short answer is considered completed correctly if the sequence of numbers, the required word (phrase) are indicated correctly.

Complete correct answer to tasks 1, 4, 10, 13-15, 18,19 is estimated 1 point; incomplete, incorrect answer or lack of it - 0 points.

Complete correct answer to tasks 2, 3, 5–9, 12, 16, 17 is graded 2 points; if one mistake is made (including one of the digits is missing or there is one extra digit) - 1 point; if two or more mistakes are made (including two or more digits are missing or there are two or more extra digits) or there is no answer - 0 points.

Complete correct answer to task 11 is estimated with 3 points; if one mistake is made - 2 points; if two or three mistakes are made - 1 point; if four or more mistakes are made or there is no answer - 0 points.

The tasks of part 2 are evaluated depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. For completing tasks 20, 21, 22 is awarded from 0 to 2 points; for task 23 - from 0 to 3 points; for task 24 - from 0 to 4 points; for task 25 - from 0 to 11 points... Task 25 is graded on.

Remember the time, the plan, and then you will certainly be able to pass the exam in history.

Happy preparation!

The work consists of two parts and 25 tasks .

First part contains 19 tasks with a short answer:

  • assignments for choosing and recording the correct answers from the proposed list of answers
  • tasks for determining the sequence of arrangement of these elements
  • tasks for establishing the correspondence of elements, data in several information series
  • assignments for the definition according to the indicated signs and recording in the form of a word (phrase) of a term, name, name, century, year, etc.

Actually, standard version answers: either a number, or a sequence, or a phrase.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination work

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part19 31 Short answer
Part 26 24 Detailed response
Total25 55

Second part contains 6 tasks with a detailed answer.

In tasks numbered 20, 21 and 22 we will have a set of tasks related to the analysis historical source(carrying out attribution of the source; extracting information; attracting historical knowledge for the analysis of the problematics of the source, the position of the author). In other words, it is necessary to analyze the presented text, which is taken from a historical source.

Tasks from 23 to 25 associated with the use of methods of cause-and-effect, structural and functional, temporal and spatial analysis for studying historical processes and phenomena.

Task 23 associated with the analysis of any historical problem or situation.

Task 24 -with analysis of historical versions and assessments, argumentation of various points of view with the involvement of knowledge of the course of history.

Task 25 involves writing a historical essay (you can find some examples below). The graduate has the opportunity to choose one of three periods of Russian history and demonstrate his knowledge and skills on the historical material he is most familiar with.


The examination work on history is assigned 3 hours 55 minutes(235 minutes).

The approximate time for completing individual tasks is:

  • for each task of the first part: 3-7 minutes
  • for each task of the second part (except task 25): 5-20 minutes
  • for task 25: 40-80 minutes

The USE in history is not included in the list of the main tests that all students will have to pass. The discipline is passed by graduates who plan to further study it at a higher educational institution. It is assumed that this group of students has a certain level of knowledge that allows you to choose a story profile subject... Statistics say that a fifth of graduates pass history annually and consistently. For successful passage tests, it is necessary to apply the principle of systematization of knowledge.

The main nuance that must be taken into account is that certain changes are made every year, this concerns the type of tasks, their complexity, number. The general plan remains stable:

  • The tasks of part 1 are the most simple questions, which are aimed at assessing general knowledge of the subject, the theory of the basic level. The tasks are presented in the form of tests with four answer options. Only the correct answer is entered into a special form.
  • A more difficult level - part 2 offers to find the correct answer yourself, the question is answered briefly: with a number, in one word, an abbreviation, a phrase. There are also questions that need to be answered in detail - such tasks require the ability to argue, justify your position using facts.
Every year, according to statistics, about 9% of graduates fail this exam.
To successfully cope with the test, you need attentiveness, the correct allocation of time, the ability to use theoretical knowledge in practice.

Which universities need history?

The popularity of the subject is easy to explain, since it is profile for admission to educational establishments this focus:

  • Tourism;
  • Jurisprudence;
  • Pedagogy;
  • History;
  • Archeology;
  • Regional studies.
A couple of history is social studies - both subjects are necessary for those who plan to enter universities with a specialized history.

How to prepare for the exam in history?

  • The most effective and accessible, basic method is reading textbooks. Important: it is necessary to prepare in advance, regardless of the level of knowledge. Preparing 3 days before the exam may not yield the best results.
  • Repeat all data from ancient history until the newest time - this will help you cope with the first and second parts of the exam without difficulty. Check out .
  • Learn dates, work from geographical maps and documents, terms. Dates and basic concepts sometimes need to be learned by heart, the method of associations will help.
  • Check out the activities of famous historical figures.
  • Do not judge the personalities of historical figures.
The main problems with the exam in history
  • Weak knowledge of the map;
  • Low level of training in topics related to culture - this causes problems with visual-type tasks, where it offers to study the image and answer questions related to it.
  • Many graduates do not know how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, to complete more complex, creative tasks.

Online training is required for the exam to be successful.

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