Home Berries Meditation to attract money and financial luck. Meditations to attract money (3 practices)

Meditation to attract money and financial luck. Meditations to attract money (3 practices)

Each of us has our own cash flow. This is the energy of money striving towards us. With this energy, we can learn to manage it, increase the speed and improve the quality of the flow. And this means that we are an influx of money into our lives. But, there is a condition, namely: we ourselves must be able to withstand it. In other words, if you want to manage cash flow, prepare yourself for this. Powerful meditation for money video will become good helper in this case.

Videos cash flow meditation

Strong meditation on the flow of money energy should be done regularly, because it is a universal guide to the world of money energy. Listening to calm, relaxing music and doing meditation on money on your own - this is where cash flow management begins.

Get into a comfortable posture for money meditation, close your eyes and begin to slowly sink into the world of meditation, to a place that you visualize for yourself, where you will be safe, where you will be pleased. You can use money meditation videos. You are standing in a beautiful and calm place, in the middle of a wide plain, or high in the mountains, or on warm sea sand, and the waves, rushing in, touch your toes. You are calm and happy. Find this state in yourself and merge with it together. Become him.

Money Meditation - Video Help for Beginners

Now you should see how you, your whole body is pierced by a stream of light. This energy pours out on you, fills your whole being, and you feel how this filling is happening, how the light envelops you in a stole - warm and cool at the same time, and you experience infinitely pleasant sensations.

In your meditation, the cash flow should have color. You can make it whatever you like, because you create it yourself. Make the flow of energy white as clouds, or silvery, shimmering. You can make it sky blue, or colors sea ​​water, or a shade of May greens. But, know that the purer, fresher and more perfect the color, the purer your energy. And now you are no longer just standing in the rays of light, you are bathing in this amazingly clean, vibrating stream. But, this is not to complete the meditation on money video - continue.

Modern meditation on money - listen and see money rain

Allow the energy to flow through your entire body, warming it and at the same time giving a feeling of slight coolness. Now take a closer look - the flow is not uniform. See the golden or silver threads? Threads that sparkle like streams of rain in sunshine? This is what you are looking for, what you are doing money meditations for - threads of cash flow.

Touch them, pass them through your fingers, wrap them around your hands. Now a pile of money falls on you. The real money. Banknotes and coins, silver and gold, old and new, rubles, dollars, euros. Clear cash flow, increase it. Money rustles, jingles, you feel the sliding touches of banknotes and hitting coins on your shoulders. Money pours into your hands, you bathe in money. Fix and learn at any moment when you want to enter into it - into the state of possession, into the state of joy and peace.

Get material well-being, significantly improve your financial condition meditation will help to attract money. There are several options for this effective procedure, which takes no more than 10 minutes a day, but can radically change the life of a person who has set himself the goal of gaining wealth.

In order to enter this state, a person needs complete solitude and tranquility.

  • First, you need to sit comfortably - sit down, leaning back in a comfortable chair or chair, or lie down.
  • Secondly, you should absolutely relax all the muscles, especially the facial ones.
  • Thirdly, you need to divert your mind from all worries and temporarily get rid of extraneous thoughts.
  • To distract from thoughts, experts advise using this technique: mentally produce a countdown from ten.
  • Quiet calm music, subdued light also helps a lot.
  • You can try to imagine yourself on the seashore, when, after a good swim, the body is tired and enjoys rest, and the warm rays of the sun gently caress the skin. If a person begins to feel warmth and calmness, lightness in the body and soul, then everything is done correctly.

Mental examination of a large bill

Such meditation on money suggests a subconscious focus on earning income. Of course, first you need to carefully consider the real bill in order to remember its appearance. Then you need to relax, close your eyes and mentally try to imagine it with all the details: as if in reality a person needs to see the small details of the banknote. An imaginary bill must be turned over, "peering" at it from the back.

Getting caught in a money rain or a money whirlwind

Another interesting money meditation, which also involves the connection of the imagination. For this procedure, you should also take a relaxed posture and close your eyes. Only one should imagine not one bill, but a whole cash flow. Banknotes should shower a person, penetrate inside him through the body and soul.

One can imagine oneself inside a wind tunnel in which money is swirling in a whirlwind, hitting and passing through a meditating individual.

Meditation "The door to the world of abundance"

There is a technique that invites the meditator to imagine a door separating the physical real world from the creative, the source of everything real. This door should be imagined as extremely beautiful, illuminated with the brightest white or golden light. And you also need to sacredly believe that there, behind this door, exists Magic world who is ready to give everything that only a person can wish for.

With this boundless faith, the meditator should imagine how he is approaching this beautiful door to the enchanting world of magic - and the door itself swings open before him, as if inviting him to enter.

Mentally entering into Magical city happiness and prosperity, a person must imagine paradise, huge placers of jewelry and whole mountains of packs banknotes. You can shower yourself with imaginary wealth, take with you as much gold and money as you like, and leaving fabulous city abundance, leave the door open.

affirmations for wealth

This method also helps to achieve your goals. Meditation on wealth in this case includes, in addition to imagining a rain of money or a whirlwind, the mental pronunciation of certain phrases - affirmations. It is important when composing phrases not to use particles “not”. Basically you need to pronounce affirmative sentences in present time. Examples of these expressions can be arbitrary, but you can build on them from those presented here:

  • I love money very much, and they love me.
  • I easily part with money, and when they leave, they return to me, bringing their “friends” with them.
  • Money flows into my hands in an endless and uninterrupted stream.
  • My income is much more than expenses.
  • I am rich, but every day my finances increase.
  • I have enough money, and their amount is increasing every minute.
  • I thank the Universe for everything that I have, I am ready to receive even more.

And in general, in Everyday life, a person must put a firm taboo on the expressions "no money", "nowhere to get it." Best of all, refusing to buy something, motivate it like this: “A little later I will have more money, then I will definitely buy it!”

flow of abundance

Meditation for money does not have to be specifically based on the imagination of real objects: money, stacks of bills, or mansions. Enough to imagine endless sky- the universe. Then the imagination draws to the meditator a golden ray, symbolizing abundance, which descends on a person from a turquoise cloud. Gradually, this cloud changes to purple. You should mentally absorb this energy of abundance, colored in golden and turquoise, silver and purple colors, feel pleasant warmth and pleasure with your body.

Attraction with a magnet

Present yourself as a huge magnet or force yourself to accept as a fact that he has the unique ability to attract not only metallic money, but also paper bills- this is the main action on which a certain meditation for money is based - magnetic.

A person again imagines a rain of money, but some streams of banknotes and gold coins, according to the theory of physics, should have passed by. But! Magnetic abilities make the streams change their direction - they suddenly begin to move not strictly vertically, but bend just enough to hit the desired target - pour out onto a person who has super-unique abilities to attract money to himself.

morning meditation

The strongest meditation is considered after waking up. Immediately after waking up, you should not jump headlong out of bed, but relax a little, driving away thoughts about the upcoming day and pressing worries, all the more you don’t need to concentrate on problems. Lying in bed, you need to imagine yourself absolutely unencumbered, free from the real situation. On the contrary, one must imagine such things, circumstances that could give pleasure in the coming day. And try to plunge into a state of contentment and bliss ...

Conduct this procedure follows every morning, and dreams - goals - should be new every time, you do not need to repeat your desires even if nothing came true last time. After all, the Universe is far from deaf, all dreams - messages - are “recorded” in its memory. So, everything will definitely come true, perhaps a little later. Why waste the allotted time on repeating an already sent desire?

Money Meditation: Activating the Money Tree of Life (audio)

Since the era of barter exchange has sunk into oblivion, representatives of active humanity have been trying to increase their monetary wealth. Once upon a time, income depended on the amount of work done, and any meditation on money and cash flow was related to secret knowledge accessible and understandable only to a certain circle of initiates.

New era - new principles of receiving funds

“Work hard and diligently, then you will get rich,” - the main part of the world's population was convinced of this until the beginning of the 20th century. People earned a living by hard work in factories, by farm labor, by planting and harvesting crops.

Around the middle of the 20th century, another law came along that said, "Use your mind." People studied, received knowledge in institutes and universities, choosing interesting professions who can provide them financially.

The beginning of the 21st century brought new principles, revealed secret, unknown knowledge that says: "Use feelings and passion in your work." This will give not only satisfaction, but also money, wealth. Understanding and applying the laws of the subconscious, this " gray cardinal» our inner world will certainly lead to success. Meditation on money and cash flow is one such affordable life improvement tool.

How Negative Attitudes Limit Access to Wealth

There is a lot to be said about how the CASHFLOW meditation can change a person's well-being. It has been proven that a negative, outdated attitude to money greatly delays their arrival in a person's life. Of course, in parallel with mental actions, real ones are also necessary. However, it is difficult enough to overcome both one's own habits and the usual suggestions of close relatives who have a negative life experience. Such habitual attitudes that affect the improvement of the material condition include the following statements:

All the rich are scoundrels and scoundrels;

Money is evil;

Where there is wealth, there is misfortune (it's good that I'm poor);

You can't earn big money honestly, but I'm honest;

and other similar statements.

There are individuals who use such statements to cover up their own laziness, as excuses to justify their inaction.

The traditional attitude to everyday work developed over the centuries for the benefit of oneself and one's family is often an obstacle in moving towards real wealth. Therefore, a person who really wants to enjoy life and be prosperous is simply obliged to change his attitude towards money!

How to fix wrong attitudes and become rich and happy

In order to correct the situation, it is necessary, first of all, to harmonize your own. For this, the power of love and joy is used. What does it mean? You just need to stop regretting the money given for services or goods - after all, a lot of useful and necessary things have been received in return. Envy of a wealthier person simply kills your own success! Fate always shows us examples of richer people, arranging a kind of test for readiness to accept a large income. If you learn to sincerely rejoice in their well-being, their achievements, meditation on money and cash flow will work much more effectively.

The amount of income depends very much on self-love. How better man relates to himself, the more he is valued by others and the world with all its possibilities.

A little about the mental attraction of wealth

It is important to join, enter into resonance with the movement of people, observing (not judging!) Its participants. Feeling a kind of excitement, a drive from what is happening, you need to go where there is a lot of money turnover: a busy market, shopping center, bank. And do the same there.

Then take any vessel with water and mentally convey your feeling to the moisture. Energy drink, charged in this way, you need to drink during the day. Such meditation on money in the flow of money will not work when there are so-called "counter-thoughts" that block and inhibit any desires.

Confidence that problems can be solved, a positive attitude and radiance of joy, real actions in the right direction- this is what attracts success in the life of any person.

Live healthy and be rich!

Right now, you can do a money meditation that will help you get into your subconscious mind and give it direction in order to find money for you. And the better your imagination is developed and works, the faster your desire will come true.

Meditation "Money leaf fall"

Imagine that you are sitting in a soft comfortable chair at home. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. Imagine that from above, straight towards you, the hands begin to in large numbers pouring paper money. Some fall in a continuous continuous stream of cash, like leaves in a heavy snowfall. A little later, they begin to pour towards you in whole packs. Take a pack in each hand. Feel their weight and elasticity. The packs keep falling, you pick up a whole bunch of them and hug them to yourself ... Thank the money for coming and staying with you forever!

friends, any money meditation working. You just need to do them regularly and turn on your imagination “brighter”, and the result will follow!

May abundance reign in your life!

Artur Golovin


If you don't have enough money, money seems to be flowing out of your hands, and debts are growing, you should resort to meditation.

In addition, think about it - is it possible that a negative attitude prevents monetary energy from penetrating into your life? Do you think that all rich people are bad, that money is evil? If yes, then you personally push them away.

Understand that money is not evil, that with its help you can do a lot of good and light, to do charity work. Love them. And start meditating.


Nowadays, on the Internet you can find many audio meditations for money. Before listening to them, one must properly prepare for meditation. Do the following:

  • Find a private area where no one will disturb you, turn off the phones and close the doors. You must feel secure in this place.
  • Create the right atmosphere - turn off bright lights, light candles or a table lamp, fill the room with pleasant relaxing aromas using an aroma lamp or Indian incense.
  • Sit or lie down as comfortably as possible, relax the whole body, every muscle in it. Breathe deeply.
  • Get rid of unnecessary thoughts, imagine how they float by without touching your consciousness. Feel a pleasant emptiness in your head.

Only after such preparation can you enable audio meditation and dive into it. In addition, you can find a lot of suitable music for meditation and relaxation on the Internet. It will help you tune in the right way and immerse yourself in the right state at any moment.

It is good to combine meditation with visualization, imagine or look at pictures of money or at the bills themselves. But remember that, in addition to spiritual practices, you will also need active actions, but with the help of meditation you will direct the energy of money in the right direction.

Meditations for money

In order to attract money into your life, you can regularly perform simple meditations in combination with visualization. For example, you can imagine that you are sitting at an expensive table made of good wood, which is littered with money. These are rubles, and euros, and dollars, and even gold coins.

Enjoy it, feel it it's your money that you can now afford to live the life you have always dreamed of. Feel confident and joyful.

Another way is to imagine that you are a millionaire and go to the bank to add another 100,000 rubles to your account. You enter a luxurious bank building with columns, confidence and wealth emanates from you, everyone smiles at you.

You put the amount in the account and look at the check, which says large sum which you want to get in real life. You feel good and joyful from the fact that you have it, you feel confidence and peace.

You can also imagine how every month get your desired salary and hold it, physically feel it.

One more good way- meditate on a picture that evokes a feeling of abundance. Look at her long time, and then close your eyes and try to prolong and maintain the sensations. Feel very rich and confident.

Another option is to regularly imagine a cave in which gold, stones, money, jewelry are stored. All this is yours, and it all emanates the energy of money. You can always come and take what you need. The main thing is to experience positive emotions and a sense of stability and abundance.

How to attract money

This meditation will help you attract money and opportunities to get them. Remember that you can only start it while in good mood when your mind is calm and you do not feel irritation.

Take the most large bill the currency in which you would like to receive money, it is better if it is the most popular currency in your country. If you do not have the largest denomination of the existing ones, take what you have - this is not critical.

Now retire with her, find a place where no one will bother you. Relax into a comfortable position, look at the bill and close your eyes.

Breathe deeply and imagine it in every detail, with watermarks, drawings, numbers and inscriptions. Now imagine that you already have two bills, imagine this as clearly as possible. Then there are more and more of them - three, four, ten, one hundred ...

Your the wallet is full them, all the caches are full of bundles of money. Be calm, take it for granted, feel confident and joyful. Imagine what you will spend this money on, starting with the little things, enjoy this feeling. Now open your eyes and try to maintain that calm confidence for as long as possible.

In this way, you will change the vibrations and attract money energy into your life. Soon you'll get a way earn this day gi or else they will come in another way. If you have been in need of money for a long time, do this exercise regularly and start with small amounts, gradually increasing the amount of imaginary money.

Money energy

Cash flow is energy, which can be attracted into your life through energy practices. Initially, it was high frequency, but because of the negativity associated with money in the minds of many, it became low frequency, but this does not mean that money is something bad.

If you feel a lack of them, it is possible that your energy vibrations are not compatible with the vibrations of the cash flow, and this can be corrected. First, get rid of negative attitudes and understand that money is just energy, and turning it for good or evil is the prerogative of a person.

Then start setting up on the wave of money. This can be done in several ways.

When you receive money - no matter how big or small - always mentally say: "I raise you to the level of my vibration." So you invoke the energy of money into your life. In addition, there is another reliable way tune in to this energy and attract abundance and wealth into your space.

Find something that symbolizes prosperity for you - large denomination banknote, a rich necklace or luxury item, and tune in to its energy waves. Imagine how your biofield opens, stretches and captures this object, enveloping it.

Feel that you have become one with this object, imagine that it is all surrounded by a golden glow. Now close your eyes and inhale deeply, imagining that this radiance enters you along with the air, not through the nostrils, but through the center on the forehead, between the eyebrows.

Exhale, mentally move the radiance to the region of the heart, imagine how it becomes brighter, grows, glows with gold. Breathe like this for some time until you feel waves of energy- they can manifest themselves as a pleasant warmth, tingling, or, conversely, a chill.

Now you can finish your meditation. If you do it often and regularly, the energy of abundance will come into your life.

money and success

To attract into your life money and success you can do the following meditation. Take a bill in your hand, close your eyes and relax, sitting in a comfortable position with a straight back. Breathe deeply and imagine that all tension and negativity go away with the exhalations, and you inhale cool clean air.

Imagine that the sun is shining directly above you, that it directs its rays at you and warms you. Imagine how golden ray enters your solar plexus and fills this area with light.

Hold this light in yourself for some time by applying a bill to the solar plexus. Imagine that she, too, is filled with the energy of the sun, absorbs it from you.

Imagine the moment when you spend this money, and in return it is sent to you huge flow energy of money and success. Now come out of meditation and open your eyes. The faster you spend the charged bill, the better.

Another exercise to attract success and money is called " Warm cash flow". Take warm water in the bathroom, add aromatic oils, salt, foam, place candles around and turn on calm music that is suitable for meditation.

Slowly sink into warm water, relax, inhale pleasant aromas. Try to throw all worries and worries out of your head, let thoughts leave your head, leaving only a ringing emptiness. Close your eyes, breathe deeply.

Imagine how liquid is pouring down on you from above. golden energy of money and success how this flow fills you and washes over, how everything inside you is filled with golden light. Feel your feelings at the same time - you should be calm and good. You will be imbued with a feeling of joy and pleasure, peace and confidence.

Put together a large and index fingers and say: “I thank the Lord and accept from him at this moment the most comfortable and ideal financial condition, staying in which, I will feel bliss and well-being throughout my life!”

You must say these words with great confidence. Now start counting from one hundred to one, after finishing the count, count from one to five and say three times with happiness in your voice: “It works!” This practice can attract great things into your life. money flow and luck especially if you do it regularly.

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