Home Perennial flowers Postpartum exercise as the best way to get in shape. Postpartum gymnastics

Postpartum exercise as the best way to get in shape. Postpartum gymnastics


For anyone, even the strongest and healthy body Bearing and giving birth to a child is a serious, very powerful stress. Not only the functions and condition of internal organs change, but even their location. For their full recovery it takes time, patience and support from the outside, which can be provided by specially designed gymnastics after childbirth - exercises to strengthen various muscles in the body.

Do you want to return to your former harmony (tighten your breasts, remove your belly, get rid of varicose veins) and sexual attractiveness after the birth of your baby? Then start practicing right now!

First, decide why you need postpartum gymnastics, since different sets of exercises differ from each other in their functionality. Some are aimed at losing weight, the latter are aimed at strengthening intimate muscles, and others relieve tension from the spine. Find out what you need at this stage in the first place, but do not try to carry out all the proposed options throughout the day. First, bring to mind one thing, and then get down to another.

  • For uterine contraction

The size of this organ increases several times during gestation. After his birth, the vagina needs to recover to its previous parameters. This can be helped by gymnastics, which is designed specifically for: it can be started on the very first day after childbirth, if no stitches have been applied. As a result, the organ will return to normal much faster, the lochia will go away painlessly and without complications. At the same time, such gymnastics will strengthen the pelvic muscles after childbirth, support the back (stretched during childbirth) wall of the uterus and improve sensitivity (for both partners) during sex.

  • Slimming

It is quite natural for a woman to gain weight during pregnancy. With the birth of a baby overweight not all leave. A saggy tummy, loose sides, too steep hips appear. To restore your body to its former harmony, choose gymnastics designed for weight loss both in general and for individual parts of the body. It can be started about a week after giving birth.

  • For the back

After the birth of a baby, a woman has to carry it a lot in her arms, as well as carry other weights (a stroller, underwear). Breastfeeding also puts a tremendous strain on the back. To strengthen her muscles, reduce pain syndrome, to relieve fatigue and tension from the spine, you need restorative gymnastics after childbirth for this part of the body.

  • For breast reconstruction

It's no secret that breastfeeding has a very strong effect on her shape: she can sag and lose elasticity. To tighten it, start immediately after giving birth to do gymnastics to restore the breast. There is no need to wait for the end of lactation: these exercises must be done daily even at the time when you are feeding your baby.

  • For legs

Exists special exercises that prevent varicose veins after childbirth and relieve leg pain.

So gymnastics for recovery after childbirth is simply necessary for the female body. However, you need to find time for it and force yourself, despite fatigue, to do the exercises regularly. To achieve certain results, you need to adhere to the recommendations of experts. Uncontrolled, unskillful activities can even not so much benefit as harm.

About the size of the uterus... A healthy uterus normally weighs no more than 50 grams, and its length is 8 cm. Immediately before childbirth, the parameters increase several times: 1200 grams and 38 cm, respectively. Gymnastics quickly and effectively helps the body return to its former size.

So that gymnastics in the first days after childbirth does not harm, but brings the maximum benefit to the body and turns out to be effective, be sure to consult your doctor if you can do it at all. If a cesarean section was performed, there were (both external and external), there were some other pathologies at the birth of a baby, the exercises cannot be performed immediately - only after a certain period of time.

  1. The most common question that worries most women is when to start doing gymnastics after childbirth: immediately or after some time. If there are no medical contraindications (caesarean, stitches on the uterus, birth trauma), then 2-3 days after significant event you can already start classes.
  2. Before doing such gymnastics, consult with the doctor who delivered your baby: he will tell you for sure if you can do recovery exercises, what and from what day you can start the practice. He will competently answer all questions, taking into account your individual indicators.
  3. You do not need to do the exercises, squeezing out the last of your strength. Gymnastics after childbirth should, on the contrary, give you a feeling of lightness and be a kind of rest from everyday, routine chores around the house.
  4. The duration of the course of any gymnastics after childbirth is determined on an individual basis. Once the goal is achieved, you can stop doing the exercises.
  5. The basic rule is regularity, that is, you need to do the exercises constantly, you can even do several approaches a day.
  6. Be aware that postpartum weight loss exercises should not be accompanied by any diets. Yes, it is necessary to normalize and balance nutrition, but hunger strikes during this period are excluded, especially in the case of lactation.
  7. All movements must be performed smoothly, slowly, but in no case abruptly. Breathe evenly.
  8. Prepare loose-fitting clothing that will not impede movement.
  9. Exercise should be done in a well-ventilated area.
  10. Before gymnastics, feed your baby and go to the toilet.

If you follow these tips, there will be no problems with postpartum recovery of the body. And the breast will not sag even during lactation, and the tummy will quickly tighten, and the extra pounds will go away, and the uterus will return to its own normal sizes painless. The most important thing is to choose the very gymnastics that can solve your problem after childbirth.

Note... Regular exercise after childbirth prevents cardiovascular disease and bladder problems.

Exercise complexes

Among the many gymnastics after childbirth, choose the one that will eliminate your problem, suit you in intensity and will not be too exhausting and long. Let it take 5-10 minutes, but it will give you energy and good mood... If you feel that exercise is uncomfortable, it is better to give it up and choose something different for yourself.

For intimate muscles (to strengthen)

  1. Lying on the bed, rhythmically tense the muscles of the vagina for 1-2 minutes.
  2. After that, in the same position, do the same with the anus muscles.
  3. Now, for a minute, try to strain one at a time. intimate muscles(vagina and anus).
  4. Try to throw a "wave" of muscle from the pubic bone to the anus.
  5. Now sit down and slowly, straining your intimate muscles as much as possible, start up the same "wave", but from the bottom up, so that you can feel its end at the very navel. To do this, make a slow motion with your pelvis forward. Start the muscle wave back. Strengthening gymnastics will help avoid endometritis after childbirth.

Slimming (from the belly)

  1. In order to remove the abdomen after childbirth, in gymnastics the emphasis should be placed on the abs and the muscles of the peritoneum. The exercises are simple enough but effective. Place your hands in front of your chest. Make turns with the body in different sides.
  2. Get on all fours. Rest your elbows on the floor. Pull your stomach all the way into yourself on the count of eight.
  3. Lie down (the surface should be flat, but soft). Bend your knees. Put your hands behind your head. Make short lifts, smoothly lifting the shoulder blades and head off the floor.
  4. Lie down. Raise your legs, cross. Hands are straight, scattered in different directions. Pull your legs to your chest so that the buttocks come off the surface. This exercise is very good for the abdomen and buttocks: it strengthens the muscles, prevents them from sagging.
  5. Lie down. Legs, as in the previous exercise, raise, cross. Throw one hand behind the head, extend the other along the body and stretch it to the foot. Change hands in a minute.

For the back (from tension)

  1. Gymnastics to restore back muscles after childbirth is difficult to do: exercises are far from the easiest, but effective. If you have spinal problems, consult your doctor first.
  2. Lie on your back. Bend left leg, take her knee with your left hand. Parallel right hand pull the heel to the groin. Press your shoulders to the floor, try to keep them motionless and even. The right leg should be straight. Pull the bent leg up to the left shoulder. As soon as you feel discomfort, relax. Repeat with the other leg.
  3. Lie on your back. Bend your knees, turn on your side. Get on all fours. Rise to full height from this position, trying to keep your back straight and straight.
  4. Lie on your back. Bend right leg, put it behind the left, so that the fingertips of the right are located exactly under the calf of the left. After that, tilt your right knee to the left. In parallel, take your right thigh with your left hand.

For breasts (for sagging)

  1. Gymnastics versus postpartum involves exercises associated with top torso. Spread your shoulders, take them back, lower them down. Tilt your head back and in different directions.
  2. Tilt your head to the shoulder, pull to the floor. At this time, bend the body back.
  3. Raise your shoulders smoothly and lower them just as slowly.
  4. Straighten your arms, stretch them to the sides. Raise them up, lower them down.
  5. Spread your arms in different directions. Rotate them in different directions.
  6. Put your hands together in front of your chest. Alternately strain and relax the brushes.
  7. Bend your arm, put it on your waist. Pull the other hand up, bend to the right and left, changing hands.
  8. Put your hands behind your head. Lean in different directions.

For legs (from varicose veins)

  1. The familiar exercise "bicycle" must be included in gymnastics after childbirth: within the framework of gymnastics after childbirth, it is recommended to do it 3 times a day.
  2. Rise on your toes, slowly rolling from them to your heels.
  3. Race walking.
  4. Sit down. Stretch your legs. Try to reach the tips of your toes with your toes without bending your knees.
  5. Spread your legs in different directions. Again try to touch your toes with your hands.

Respiratory gymnastics (general strengthening)

The simplest breathing exercises after childbirth, correctly performed, can work miracles. It restores strength, gives energy, helps the muscles of the abdomen and chest to strengthen and become more elastic.

  1. On inhalation, round the belly. As you exhale, draw in.
  2. On inhalation, round the belly. Count to two. As you exhale, draw in. Count to two. Put your palm on the press and strain it.
  3. On inhalation, round the belly. As you exhale, bend over, draw in your stomach, hold your breath. Straighten up, count to eight, strain and relax your abs at every second count.

Various exercises after childbirth help to achieve the most excellent results. If you do exercises after the appropriate consultation with a doctor, follow his recommendations and do not overexert yourself, the body will recover very quickly. At the same time, a young mother will be able to get rid of complexes about her appearance that has changed after the birth of the baby and give all her attention to the little baby.

Because they are afraid to harm the body that has not yet recovered.

However, doctors have proven that doing simple exercises in the first weeks after childbirth is not only possible, but also necessary. Simple gymnastics will allow you:

  • improve mood as physical activity increases levels chemical compounds who are responsible for well-being;
  • to gain a former figure and lose extra pounds;
  • increase vitality and improve physical condition, which will greatly facilitate childcare.

When to start exercising if mom has had a caesarean section?

The exercises we offer safe for mothers who have passed both natural childbirth and those who have survived. However, it's best to start with the simplest abdominal exercises that can help your muscles recover more quickly after surgery.

During the session, you may have a pull on the seam, but there should be no pain. If you get tired quickly, then give the body a rest, because you have survived the operation, and this is quite normal.

Where to begin?

As it is not surprising, but experts it is recommended to start practicing with Skittle exercises after childbirth. If you start doing them immediately after childbirth, the perineum and vagina will recover much faster.

They consist in the reduction pelvic muscles that support the vagina. Typically, these muscles contract when a woman squeezes her vagina or stops urinating.

During exercise, the muscles are strained for one to two seconds and then relaxed. To achieve the optimal effect, it is worth repeating them 5 to 30 times.

American gynecologist Arnold Kegel was sure that women who do such exercises get from intimate life much more fun. And they don't have incontinence problems as they get older.

Exercise number 1

It is necessary to alternate contraction of the muscles of the vagina and perineum, while relaxing for 10 seconds, and straining for 10 seconds.

Exercise number 2

This exercise is also called "lift", in order to perform it, it is necessary to contract the muscles ("1st floor") for 3-5 seconds, then contract the muscles ("2nd floor") and hold them.

So it is necessary to reach the 4th-5th floor, it is also necessary to relax back in stages. These exercises can be done anywhere and in any position.

In addition to strengthening your muscles, such exercises will also increase sexual function, as they promote blood flow to the genitals and increase muscle tension.

A set of exercises for the press, chest and back

The abdominal muscles should be trained from its bottom, since it was there that transverse muscle, which, together with the muscles of the pelvic floor, supports the pelvis itself and the back.

By doing these simple exercises, you can regain slim stomach that you had before pregnancy.

For this lie on your back or side and bend your knees... Inhale the air, as you exhale, tense your pelvic muscles. To make it easier to do this exercise, you can imagine that you are holding back urination.

When you are sure that the muscles are tense, start slowly pulling the navel up and in, while you should feel how the abdominal muscles tighten.

In this position, you need to stay for 10 seconds, you do not need to hold your breath. Then relax your muscles. Wait 5-10 seconds and try again. When doing this, do not move your back or strain your upper abdominal muscles.

It will be perfectly normal if in the first days you can only tighten your muscles for 2-3 seconds. Train your body, and very soon you will be able to withstand 10-15 seconds.

Tilting your pelvis will help you a lot in strengthening your back. They will make it easier, you can perform bending while sitting, standing or lying down.


For this lie on the bed, place a pillow under your head, bend your knees... Start contracting your pelvic floor and pulling in your lower abdominal muscles until you hit the bed.

It is necessary to linger in this state for 3 seconds, so you can arch your back in an arc. Repeat 10 times.


Sit on a stool or chair with your feet flat on the floor... Now begin to tighten your lower abdominal muscles, then lower your back and arch it so that your chest and pelvis arch upward.

The exercises should be performed smoothly, stretching the back in both directions.

Upper Back Exercises, it is necessary especially for mothers who often slouch and are constantly in an uncomfortable position. Suitable for this simple stretch back.

Sit up straight with your arms crossed over your chest., alternately turn left and right, repeat this exercise 10 times. Then sit down, join your hands on the back of your neck and turn in different directions. Then put your palms in front of you, raise your hands as high as possible above your head, remain in this position for 3 seconds, then slowly lower your hands.

Exercises for the chest are aimed primarily at strengthening the muscles of the back and chest. By doing these exercises, you will be able to achieve that your chest will lift, due to the hardened muscles.

Exercise is necessary 3-4 times a week for 6-8 repetitions for each exercise.

  1. Stand up straight, join your palms in front of you at chest level. At the same time, press with one hand on the other to tighten the pectoral muscles. Lower your arms and relax. To make it easier to do this exercise, you can squeeze a tennis ball between your palms.
  2. Stand up straight, clasp your hands into the lock and try to break this “lock”. It is not necessary to perform exercises with strong efforts, it is better to alternate actions.
  3. Stand facing the wall and lean on it, while placing your hands at shoulder level. Then press down hard on the wall, as if you want to push it back. Relax. Repeat about 8 times.
  4. Stand up straight and do the movements shoulders forward - back. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, arms out to the sides, but at shoulder level, and perform circular motions back and forth.

Fitball exercises

Fitball Is simple gymnastic ball, which can rightfully be called magical, since it helps a woman to cope with pain not only during childbirth, but also to tighten the problem area after them.

It will be a pleasure to make your body beautiful with it. Simple exercises on the ball after childbirth will certainly cheer you up and do not require much effort.

  1. Sit on the fitball and spring on it as quickly as possible. After a while, complicate your task a little, alternate - spring once, pull your knees to your chest the second time. When springing, try to make also sharp turns to the sides.
  2. Lie on the ball with your stomach, raise your legs just above the floor parallel to your body. Now start walking on your hands so that the ball rolls over your body from your shins to your chest.
  3. Lie on the ball again, stretch your legs and arms, rest your socks and palms on the floor. Try to increase the pressure on the ball with your stomach, while maintaining balance and lifting your legs off the floor. Raise them as high as possible, and then hold them for 5 seconds.
  4. Place the ball under your shoulder blades and start lifting your pelvis without lifting your feet off the floor, thus strengthening your thoracic vertebra and strengthening your pelvic muscles.
  5. Lie back on the ball, while the ball should be under the lower back, arms behind the head, the pelvis is not mobile, the legs are firmly on the floor, now begin to perform body turns.
  6. Lie on your back on the floor, place the ball under your bent knees... Try to lift your pelvis off the floor without moving the ball. This will strengthen your pelvic and leg muscles.
  7. Lie on your side on the ball... One leg should rest on the floor, the other should be straightened and laid up, swing your leg up and down at least 50 times.
  8. Kneel down with the ball under your ribcage and abdomen, rest your hands on the floor. Your task is to simultaneously raise the opposite leg and arm to the back, while maintaining balance.
  9. We lay our backs on the ball, bend your legs at the knees, press your feet to the floor, cross your arms behind your head and raise your shoulders as high as possible, without touching the elbow zone to the ball.

Many women are interested in physical exercise after childbirth, thanks to which they can return old form and become attractive again. Since for long time carrying a fetus in female body a number of changes take place, after the baby is born, the mother will have to spend some time recovering.

The article will tell you what exercises after childbirth can be done in order to lose weight and strengthen muscles without moving away from the baby. At home, you can perform a whole range of various movements that will quickly return the body to its usual state.

Why do moms need physical education

Exercise after childbirth is necessary for women in order to improve their well-being and tighten their figure. The most important thing is to approach sports responsibly, so as not to aggravate the condition, because in addition to training, strength and time should be spent on the baby. Exercise helps:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduce weight;
  • reduce spasms;
  • normalize metabolic processes;
  • restore the tone of the muscle groups of the abdomen;
  • recharge with energy;
  • mobilize forces;
  • restore the muscles of the vagina;
  • return to normal breast shape.

Fundamental rules

A set of exercises after childbirth can be easily performed at home, but this should be done with extreme caution. Exercise should have a noticeable effect, and not be harmful to health. To ensure this, you need to learn a few simple rules:

  • loads should be regular;
  • when performing exercises, the air temperature should be at least 20 and no more than 23 degrees;
  • before training, you need to empty the bladder and intestines;
  • in the first month after childbirth, it is forbidden to make sudden movements and lift a weight of more than 4 kg;
  • during breastfeeding, you should not perform exercises that load the shoulder girdle, as they can disrupt lactation.


The most common exercises after childbirth, to the surprise of many moms, have certain limitations. They should not be performed in such situations:

  • excessive depletion of the body;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • severe birth trauma;
  • acute pathologies.

When caesarean section, perineal ruptures and episiotomy are allowed to start practicing only two months after childbirth. In addition, a doctor's approval is required for exercise, since each person's body has its own individual characteristics.

Elementary exercises

Mothers are often interested in what exercises to do after childbirth, forgetting about the most simple actions:

  1. "Bike". The well-known exercise helps to lose excess weight and strengthen the various muscle groups... It is done in a prone position with legs raised and bent at a right angle. Then, for a certain time, you need to alternately move your legs, imitating riding a bicycle. You can complicate the task by folding your hands behind your head and lifting your shoulder blades off the floor.
  2. "Scissors". Another popular exercise from childhood is performed in the same position. For him, you need to raise straight legs 45 degrees and cross them in rhythm, without lowering them down and not raising them too high.
  3. "Boat". Turning over on your stomach, you should simultaneously raise your legs and body, depicting the swing of the boat on the water.
  4. Twisting. The set ends with an exercise that everyone did at school. To complete it, you need to lie on your back, bend your legs and pull them towards you, rest your feet on the floor, and place your hands behind your head. Having fixed the legs under the sofa or any other weight, you should raise the torso by exhaling, and then return to the original position while inhaling.

To eliminate a hanging abdomen, it will be enough to perform all these exercises every other day. Each of them is recommended to be done in 3 sets of 1 minute.

Fitball training

Quite effective physical exercise after childbirth can be done on a special ball, which is available in many homes. Fitball training is very simple, so it is ideal for those who want to start exercising right after leaving the hospital:

  • 10 jumps on the ball from a sitting position;
  • 8 crunches (lie on your back and lift your shoulder girdle);
  • 30-40 seconds of the bridge (done as a normal exercise, but here the fitball must be placed under you so that it does not allow it to fall).

Other complexes

In addition to the above, there are other interesting exercises. One at a time, they give only a slight effect, but in their complex positive sides will be noticeable almost immediately.

Below are the different workout options. They are aimed at working out the abdomen, spine, pelvic muscles and other purposes. Since it is recommended to practice every day, these complexes can be performed in turn. Thanks to this, the load will be evenly distributed and the desired goal will be achieved faster.

Exercises for the abdomen

The main problem of all moms is the stretched abdominal muscles. It is possible to cope with this, but a lot of effort will have to be made. Experts offer interesting They will very quickly tone the press, normalize the intestines and stomach, and also help a woman lose weight.

Best home exercises after childbirth for abdominal muscles:

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head, and bend your legs and place your feet at a distance of 8-10 centimeters from the pelvis. As you exhale, you need to strain the buttocks and hips as much as possible, and then tear the pelvis off the floor and raise it as high as possible. After 10 seconds, you should return to the starting position. It's worth doing 10 reps in total. At the top, the muscles in your glutes and thighs should still be tense.
  2. Without leaving a prone position with bent legs, you need to place your left ankle on your right knee, clasp your hands in the lock and bring it to the back of your head. After exhaling, you should tighten the press and try to touch the left knee with your right elbow, and then return to its original position. This exercise should be performed in 3 sets of 15 repetitions.
  3. Remaining in a supine position, it is required to move the flattened feet 20 centimeters from the pelvis and raise the toes. Then you should touch your right heel with your right hand, lifting your shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor. After the same steps need to be done with the left side. All this must be done at a moderate pace, feeling the tension of the press. In total, it is worth performing 2 sets of 15 times.
  4. The complex can be completed with the exercise "bicycle" described above.

Spine training

Postpartum exercises at home, aimed at strengthening the spine, are also popular. They are easy to perform without additional equipment, so they can be called ideal for independent execution within a house or apartment.

The complex includes the following exercises:

  1. "Fish". The first step is to lie on your back, place your arms along the body and completely relax. Next, you need to move your hips and body in opposite directions at a moderate pace, imitating the movement of a fish in the water. It is recommended to repeat such movements for a minute.
  2. "Kitty". The well-known exercise is performed in a standing position on all fours. For him, you should rest your palms on the floor, and then, as you exhale, bend your lower back and go down as much as possible, without using your arms and legs. After taking a breath, you need to bend your back in the opposite direction and at the same time lower your head. This exercise is performed at least 10 times.
  3. "Wall". Standing closer to the wall, you need to straighten the spine and touch the back of the head, buttocks, heels and shoulder blades to the surface. Next, you need to take turns lifting the bent legs up, pressing the knees to the stomach. It is advisable to do this without the help of hands, but at first you can still help a little with them. The "wall" should be done 15 times.
  4. "Wood". The final exercise is done in a standing position. Legs should be spread shoulder-width apart, and arms should be raised up. On inhalation, you need to stretch upward, feeling each vertebra. After that, the same thing needs to be repeated, spreading your arms to the sides. In each pose, you need to linger for 30 seconds.

Prevention of varicose veins

Among the variety of exercises for women after childbirth, there are also those that help fight varicose veins. Many people face such a problem, but not everyone knows about its solution. In fact, there is nothing particularly difficult about this.

For the prevention of varicose veins, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Lie on your back, straighten and squeeze your toes. After holding on for 15 seconds, relax, and then strain them again. In total, it is worth doing 10 repetitions (if desired, the number can be increased to 20).
  2. Without leaving the previous position, you need to quickly strain and relax the buttocks (together or in turn), hips and ankles for a minute. Then put a pillow under your feet and lie down in a relaxed position for about 15 minutes.

Pelvic muscle complex

The joints and muscles of the pelvis, oddly enough, also need attention. To work them out, there is an interesting complex, which includes only 2 exercises. Fulfilling them is not so difficult, therefore, even for mothers who have just been discharged from the maternity hospital, they will not present any particular difficulty.

Effective Postpartum Pelvic Exercises:

  1. Sitting on the floor with your legs extended in front of you, take a few "steps" back and forth, using only the gluteal muscles. This must be repeated for a minute.
  2. Standing straight with palms at the waist, perform 10 pelvic rotations in one direction, and then in the other. In this case, the muscles of the buttocks, abdomen and thighs should be relaxed.

after childbirth

Another amazing set of exercises designed for the muscles of the pelvic floor is liked by all women. The main task after childbirth is to keep the internal organs in the small pelvis, which is difficult, because under normal conditions these muscles work extremely rarely.

Before you start considering Kegel exercises, you need to identify the muscles you need. This is done very simply: you need to try to stop urination. At this time, tense muscles will be felt, which are necessary in this complex.

Now it's worth going directly to the training. The whole complex contains a lot of exercises, but it makes no sense to consider all of them, because the process of their implementation and effectiveness are similar to each other. During the training period, only pre-defined muscles need to be tense (as indicated above).

The best exercises in the Kegel complex are the following exercises:

  1. Contract muscles, hold for 5 seconds and relax (10 reps).
  2. Squeeze and unclench the muscles at a fast pace (3 sets of 8-12 reps)
  3. Squeeze the muscles as much as possible, hold for 30 seconds and return (5 times).
  4. Tighten moderately, as during labor (4-5 reps).

The whole complex should be performed in the supine position. These 4 actions will take no more than half an hour, so the mother will have time to work out while her child is sleeping peacefully.

Breathing exercises

Special breathing exercises help in losing weight no less than Kegel exercises after childbirth. It is recommended to restore the body and improve well-being. Its goals are to improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism. Besides, breathing exercises help to strengthen the abdominal muscles well.

Gymnastics is performed as follows:

  • put your hands on your ribs;
  • inhale deeply through your nose, inflating your stomach;
  • exhale smoothly through the mouth, drawing in the navel.

In the process of execution, be sure to watch the shoulders. They must remain motionless, otherwise no effect will be obtained. In total, it is recommended to perform 2 sets of 10 inhalations and exhalations.

The rhythm of a woman's life after childbirth changes, as a newborn baby tirelessly requires attention. But sometimes you really want to devote time to yourself in order to stay slim and beautiful. Particular grief for mothers of babies is the figure that has changed during pregnancy. Consider where to start to get in shape, and how to do it right without harming the body and lactation.

When to start exercise after childbirth

The female body undergoes tremendous changes during pregnancy. Childbirth, being a very energy-consuming process, takes away significant amount the strength of the young mother. Exercise will not only help you tidy up your figure, but also improve your health. Adequate loads have a beneficial effect on the joints, restore musculoskeletal system, have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, normalize hormonal levels, and also help increase lactation.

Thanks to the special hormonal background in the postpartum period, the woman's body undergoes active regeneration. That is why it is not worth neglecting physical education at this time. It will be especially useful and the results will be visible faster. But you don't need to overdo it either. Remember that everything is good in moderation.

To determine when to start physical training, you should take into account the peculiarities of the course of labor. After a cesarean section, a young mother should forget about the stress for the next one and a half to two months and deal only after consulting a gynecologist. In the event of a rupture or incision of the perineum, the imposition of internal or external sutures, you should wait until they are removed and the wounds are completely healed.

The timing of the beginning of physical education is determined by the peculiarity of the course of childbirth and the well-being of the mother

If the birth was easy and without complications, and the young mother feels well, then the first exercises can be started the next day. They will raise the general tone of the body and help to stretch the joints.

Features of physical exercise in the postpartum period

At first, do all the exercises slowly, smoothly and gently, practically without effort, carefully monitor your well-being, do not allow severe tension and pain. Weight training is contraindicated. After you are at home, move more, walk, walk with your baby. This will be a great addition to your exercise routine.

The set of exercises to restore health must be selected taking into account physiological characteristics young mom

The first days of physical education should resemble a light warm-up. Simple exercises are designed to help the body recover faster after pregnancy and birth. Take your time and do them for 2-3 repetitions, gradually increasing the load. You can switch to more intense workouts no earlier than after 2-3 weeks.

In some maternity hospitals, women in labor are advised to do the exercise "Bicycle". It helps not only to put in order weakened abdominal muscles, but also contributes to a faster contraction of the uterus, which is especially important during repeated births.

The first exercises can be bends forward and to the sides, swings and circular movements with the hands, turns of the body to the sides, circular movements of the head, rotational movements feet, raising the legs bent at the knees, rotational movements in the knee joints. Breathing exercises are very useful.

After the second birth, the extra pounds went away pretty quickly. Household chores, childcare, long walks with a stroller on fresh air did their job. After a couple of weeks, all the things that I wore before pregnancy fit. But the weak muscle tone and the skin that had lost its elasticity in the abdomen, hips and buttocks darkened the position. Since there were no contraindications to physical activity, after 3 weeks I began to do the first exercises without weights. These were: squats with a narrow and wide stance of the legs to engage the buttocks and the problematic inner thighs; swing legs back and to the sides from a standing position; tilts to reduce the waist; turning the body in a standing position; the complex of asanas from yoga "Surya Namaskar", which helps to slightly stretch the muscles of the whole body, has a beneficial effect on the spine, prepares it for the loads coming during the day. After a week of regular classes, when the exercises began to be given easily, she began to take the child in her arms during squats and bends, thereby receiving a small burden in the form of 4 kg.

Exercise should be stopped and seek the advice of a doctor if, under any stress, you experience:

  • the discomfort;
  • pain in the abdomen or perineum;
  • severe tiredness;
  • dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms.

Perhaps the body is not yet ready for postpartum physical education or there are some contraindications.

If a young mother feels severe weakness, does not get enough sleep, then you should not start classes yet. In this case, daily care of the baby and wearing a postpartum bandage will be enough, and exercises can be started after you feel better.

We fight diastasis

Divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles (diastasis) is sometimes unpleasant consequence pregnancy and childbirth.

Diastasis is a dangerous disease prone to progression

First, it's worth checking for this problem. We lie on our back, bend our knees and place the pads of the fingers along the midline of the abdomen vertically a few centimeters above and below the navel. Then we slowly begin to lift our head off the floor. Ideally, the abdominal muscles under the toes should close together. If there is a distance between them, then this indicates the presence of diastasis.

Physical exercises in the usual mode can be done with a discrepancy of up to 2 cm. If the distance is from 2 to 5 cm, then exercises should be done to correct this problem. With more than 5 cm, it is necessary to practice exclusively in a bandage.

For diastasis, avoid any exercise that creates pressure inside the abdominal cavity:

  • bar;
  • push ups;
  • regular abs exercises;
  • slopes;
  • jumping;
  • raising the legs from a lying or hanging position.

To correct this ailment, such exercises are used (we will consider the technique for performing them below):

  • "A hundred";
  • "Cat";
  • "Vacuum";
  • "Half-bridge";
  • lying twisting;
  • bending the legs while lying down;
  • stretching the opposite arms and legs.

It should be remembered that all loads are performed with the abdomen pulled in as much as possible. Do not let it inflate. Otherwise, exercise instead of benefit will have the opposite effect, because diastasis is prone to progression.

Video: exercises for diastasis after childbirth

Physical education with lactostasis

Almost every nursing mother faces the problem of milk stagnation at least once. It turns out this situation can be corrected with the help of simple physical exercises. They will serve not only to prevent lactostasis, but also to help release clogged breast ducts.

In addition to the above, many exercises that gently engage the pectoral muscles will be helpful when milk is stagnant.

For the first time after childbirth, my friend was regularly faced with lactostasis. This malaise caused a lot of trouble: the body temperature rose, the chest swelled and ached, caring for the baby and household chores became a burden. Straining the stagnation was a real painful torture for a nursing mother. The sister, having learned about her problem, advised to knead the mammary glands before feeding and do stretching exercises pectoral muscles... The first results were not long in coming: for 2 weeks there was never a stagnation, although before this hardening appeared about once a week.

What exercises can you do after a cesarean section?

Delivery by surgery involves a fairly long recovery period. It usually takes 6 to 8 weeks, during which time you cannot start physical activity. Also, before starting physical education, you should visit your gynecologist to make sure there are no contraindications. But this does not mean that such a long recovery period completely precludes exercise.

Proceed to physical exercise after cesarean, you can not earlier than 6-8 weeks after childbirth and only after consulting a doctor

Even in the maternity hospital, you can start restorative gymnastics... The obstetrician-gynecologist, depending on the condition of the woman in labor, can advise light breathing exercises, stroking the abdomen, coughing while holding the seam area, warm-up the ankles and knee joints... The load on the entire abdomen is excluded for now.

After one and a half to two months, you can start more intense physical exercise. It should be remembered that no matter what level of physical fitness a woman had before pregnancy, you need to start with light exercise. Should not immediately run to gym or for fitness, start with simple exercise at home or in the fresh air. Kegel exercises, "Half-bridge", "Plank", forward and side bending of the body, squats, "Vacuum", exercises for the press will come to the rescue. Also, after a cesarean, swimming at a slow pace, water aerobics, yoga are good. But you will have to give up running, jumping and weight training for 9 months, or better - for a year.

Exercises for converging the pelvic bones

Divergence of the pelvic bones is a common problem in women after pregnancy, causing discomfort and pain that restricts movement. The following exercises will help the pubic articulation converge more quickly and return to its previous position for the sacrum connection:

  • walking on the buttocks. To perform this exercise, you need to sit on the floor, your legs can be bent at the knees or left straight. In this position, try to walk on the priest. Move in this way for a few minutes forward, and then back. This exercise also gets rid of cellulite in the thighs and buttocks;

    Walking on the buttocks will help the pelvic bones converge faster

  • "Turtle". Lie on your back, exhale, drawing in your stomach, pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest. This exercise will help eliminate the accompanying coccyx pain;

    Exercise "Turtle" will help get rid of the accompanying pain in the tailbone

  • "Half-bridge". Lie on your back, put your hands along the body, bend your legs at the knees. Push your pelvis up. Tighten your buttocks and stay in this position for a few seconds. Do 2 sets of 20 reps.

    Performing the "Half-bridge" exercise, suck in your stomach and tighten your buttocks

Exercises to relieve back pain after childbirth

The spine has a heavy load not only during pregnancy and childbirth, but also after them. Household chores, frequent long-term carrying in the arms of a baby can contribute to the development of pain. It is not always possible to reduce daily household loads, but to help your spine to be more flexible and healthy is within the power of every mother. It is necessary to fulfill simple exercises for back muscles:

  • lying twist. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees, spread your arms to the sides. Bend your knees to the right, lowering as much as possible, turn your head to the left, do not lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold this position for a minute or as long as you like. Repeat on the other side;

    Spine twisting exercises can help relieve back pain

  • turns of the body. Sit up straight with your arms crossed at your chest. Rotate the body slowly to the left and right. Do it 5 times in each direction. Repeat the exercise with your arms folded behind your head;
  • sit on the floor with your legs bent under you. Raise your hands above your head, put your fingers in the lock. Slowly lower your palms behind your head, keeping your elbows pressed to your head. Twist the pelvis forward, removing the arch in the lower back. Repeat 10 times;
  • sit flat on the floor with your legs bent under you. Raise your right hand and put it behind your head, put your left hand behind your back from below. Stretch your arms towards each other, trying to connect. If it works, stay in this position for 30 seconds, then repeat, changing hands;

    If you manage to close your hands behind your back, stay in this position for 30 seconds or longer.

  • sit up straight, raise your straight arms up, palms together. Try to reach as high as possible with the top of your head and your fingertips. Stay in this position for 30 seconds or longer;
  • stretching the opposite arm and leg. Get on all fours with your back straight. Raise your right arm and left leg. Pull in your stomach. Reach forward with the crown of your head and fingers and backward with your toes. Hold this position for 20-40 seconds or longer. Change your arm and leg.

    Remember to suck in your belly when doing the exercise.

Effective exercises for body restoration after childbirth

The existing variety of physical activities will allow any mother to compose a suitable set of classes for herself. There can be various variations - both daily loads on the whole body, and the division of workouts by day for different muscle groups. It is worth focusing on your priorities and characteristics of the body. Let's consider in more detail some very effective exercises, the techniques for their implementation, as well as the types of physical activity allowed in the postpartum period.

The existing variety of exercises will help a young mother choose the right load


It is difficult to overestimate this exercise, it effectively affects the muscles of the back, buttocks, shoulder girdle, helps to shape a sagging tummy.

"Cat" will help the new mother to relieve tension from the muscles of the back and tighten the belly

Get on all fours to complete it. Exhale and lower your head between your hands, arching your back like a kitty, pull your stomach in as much as possible. As you inhale, raise your head, slightly arching your back. Try to keep your belly pulled in. Repeat 10 times at a slow pace.


Highly effective exercise, helping to return a flat stomach even with diastasis. Do it in the morning on an empty stomach. Stand with your legs slightly bent and place your hands just above your knees. Exhale, trying to push all the air out of your lungs. Press the chin to the chest, and twist the tailbone towards the pubis. At this point, pull your belly under your ribs as much as possible. Hold in this position until you need to inhale. Repeat 10 times.

Pulling in the belly as you exhale will help you safely get rid of a saggy tummy after childbirth.

The exercise can be complicated. Exhale as you exhale and push your stomach in and out. Take a breath, rest, take a breath. Repeat 3-5 times.


This exercise is performed using the hands and toes. If it is difficult to maintain this position, you can shift the emphasis to your knees.

Exists different kinds"Plank". You can alternate their execution or choose one option you like:

  1. "Plank on straight arms." Lie on the floor with your hands under your shoulders. Lift your body up, using only your hands and toes. The buttocks are tense, the stomach is pulled in as much as possible. Try to stay taut like a string. Stretch forward with the crown of your head. The whole body should be in a straight line: do not sag in the lower back and do not lift the pelvis up. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Start with 10-20 seconds, gradually increasing the time. Get down on the floor, rest. Repeat 3 times.

    When doing the exercise, make sure that the whole body forms a straight line.

  2. "Plank with raised arm and leg." To enhance the exercise, you can try to tear off an arm or leg or the opposite arm and leg from the floor. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds.

    Raising the arms and legs during the "Plank" puts additional stress on the whole body.

  3. "Plank on bent arms." The technique is the same, but the support is on the forearms. Place your elbows under the shoulder joints.

    Bent Arms Plank Pose helps tone muscles throughout the body.

  4. "Side bar". When doing it, the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms and back, are well worked out. From the Plank pose, unfold your body to the right, lifting your right hand off the floor, lift it up or place it on your belt. Place your right foot on your left. Place the left hand under the shoulder joint, rest on the entire palm, not just on the wrist. The body is stretched out in a straight line, do not bend in the lower back, keep balance. Stay in this position for 10-15 seconds or longer. Repeat on the other side. Do the exercise 3-5 times on each side.

    Side plank allows for great work on the lateral abdominal muscles

  5. "Reverse plank". Sit on the floor, leaning back slightly. Lean on straight arms located under the shoulder joints. Slowly push your pelvis upward so that your body is in a straight line. Do not throw your head back, your gaze is directed up. Tuck in your buttocks, pull in your stomach. Feel the tension in your body. Hold this position for 20 seconds or more. Get down on the floor, rest. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

    Be aware of your hand position when performing the Reverse Plank to avoid injury to your wrist.

Exercises for the press

Exercises for the press are performed lying on a hard surface, the floor is perfect. Young mothers can work with the abdominal muscles when performing both static and dynamic exercises. They differ in the load on different areas press, depending on which part of it is involved - upper or lower.

  1. Lower abs workout includes leg raises. Place your palms under the buttocks to relieve the lower back. Slowly lift your feet off the floor and raise your straight legs to an angle of 30–45 degrees (the smaller the angle, the stronger the tension). Hold this position or make "scissors" with your legs, crossing your shins and spreading them apart. Lower your legs, repeat 10 times. Make sure that your stomach is pulled in during the exercise.
  2. Study of the upper section of the press. Lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees or fix your feet, for example, under a sofa. Place your hands behind your head. Lift the housing off the floor, bringing it into vertical position... Do not round your back while doing it, try to keep it as straight as possible, and do not press your elbows against your head. Do 2 sets of 10-20 reps. The second option is to lift your head and shoulders off the floor, stretch your face up. V extreme point linger for a couple of seconds, lower your shoulders first, and then your head. Repeat 20 times.
  3. Exercise on the oblique abdominal muscles - twisting. Lie on your back, bend your knees, arms behind your head. Tear off your shoulders and head from the floor, turn your body to the side, trying to reach your left knee with your right elbow. Get down to the floor, repeat to the other side. Perform a total of 20 crunches.
  4. "Bike". To do this, lie on your back, hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs at an angle of about 45o. Tear off upper part torso from the floor, bend your left leg at the knee and reach towards it with your right elbow. Straighten your leg, repeat in the opposite direction. To get started, do the exercise 10–20 times. Make sure your stomach is pulled in.

    A very effective exercise "Bicycle" uses all the muscles of the press

Video: how to remove the belly after childbirth

Breathing exercises for weight loss

Effective weight loss methods for young mothers are breathing exercises, in particular bodyflex. In addition to reducing body volume, such exercises help to saturate the body with oxygen and improve the functioning of the respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems. The skin becomes more elastic and does not sag after losing weight. In just 15 minutes a day, you can get in shape without resorting to grueling workouts. An important point is that you need to do it strictly on an empty stomach.

Respiratory gymnastics in combination with strength exercises is a great way to say goodbye to extra pounds

All positions are performed with the abdomen fully retracted, as if you want to reach the spine with the navel. To draw in the stomach like this, you need to completely exhale the air from the lungs. Take a deep breath, puffing out your belly, and then a noisy, sharp exhale without connecting your voice. A noisy exhalation should be obtained only due to a sharp release of air. Hold your breath and immediately draw in your stomach as much as possible under the ribs. Take the position of the exercise, hold in this position for 10 seconds. Relax, inhale sharply and deeply. The complex usually consists of 10-15 poses, involving different groups muscles. Each exercise must be performed 4 times.

Bodyflex is a set of exercises that helps to lose weight thanks to breathing exercises

After the first birth, it took a long time to get in shape. Having a thin physique, she painfully perceived every extra centimeter. And the hated 6 kilograms seemed to stick to the sides and stomach, causing heaviness, shortness of breath and aesthetic discomfort. Regular ab exercises and squats strengthened the muscles, but the subcutaneous fat did not decrease. The reason for this was a disturbed regimen and abundant food at breastfeeding... It was bodyflex that helped to get back into shape. The extra centimeters began to melt before our eyes, the skin became more elastic and tightened. All these changes took place without changing the usual diet. The sessions took only 15–20 minutes. I performed them daily, immediately after waking up. In addition to the gone centimeters, it is impossible not to note positive influence on general state organism. After the complex, the mood improved, cheerfulness appeared, the thoughts became clearer and more calm.

Video: bodyflex for weight loss

Fitball lessons

Many young mothers know perfectly well how fitball is useful in gymnastic exercises for babies. With the help of such a wonderful ball, you can arrange a home workout both alone and with a baby in your arms. These exercises tone all muscle groups, and their performance cannot be called boring.

Fitball exercises are not only useful, but also not boring.

Exercises with fitball may include the following exercises:

  • jumping on fitball. If you take a child in your arms, then such a workout will not only make the legs slim, and the ass elastic, but, if necessary, will help rock the baby;
  • slow turns of the body to the sides while sitting on the ball;
  • swing of the press. Lie with your back on the ball and do head and shoulder raises;
  • lifting the head and shoulders while lying on the stomach on a fitball will help strengthen the back muscles;
  • exercise to engage the muscles of the whole body. Lie with your stomach on the ball. Stretch your arms forward, and lift your legs off the floor, keep them straight, maintain balance.

Workout with a hoop

The hoop is a very useful tool for a woman looking to reduce her waist. But young mothers shouldn't rush to practice the hula hoop. You can twist this sports device only 4–5 months after giving birth, and after a cesarean section, this period can increase up to a year.

When the long-awaited months have passed, you should carefully consider the choice of the hoop. It is better if it is light, smooth and large in diameter. It is such a hula-hoop that will most effectively help to cope with fat deposits, since its contact area is larger than that of one with massage balls. In addition, turning a light hoop is much harder, which means more energy will be spent for this.

Regular hula hoop exercises can help remove body fat at the waist

Explaining how to turn the hoop is quite problematic. The exercise needs to be tried in practice. It looks like this:

  1. Put the hoop on yourself and position it around your waist.
  2. Press it lightly against your back and twist your hands to either side.
  3. Make oscillatory movements counter-rotating with the body. The easiest way to do this is to lightly shift your weight from one leg to the other at a fast pace.

The hoop may fall a lot at first, but it will work out over time.


Daily exercise is good for anyone. It helps you wake up faster, stretch your muscles and joints, and recharge your batteries for the whole day. Even if you are planning a more serious workout during the day, morning work-out will not be superfluous. An easy set of exercises will only take a few minutes. It has practically no contraindications.

Morning exercises will help a young mother get a boost of vivacity for the whole day.

Charging can include:

  • circular movements and head tilts;
  • rotational movements with the hands, arms extended or bent at the elbows;
  • torso tilts forward and to the sides;
  • circular movements of the body;
  • rotational movements of the feet;
  • lifts of legs bent at the knees to the parallel of the thigh with the floor, etc.

Charging usually takes no more than 10 minutes, but if desired, morning complex you can include other exercises described in the paragraphs above.


Pilates is power training based on correct breathing ... This sport is perfect for young mothers who want to be athletic and toned body... It is worth noting that Pilates exerts quite tangible loads on the body, and you can do it only after preparing with lighter home workouts for several weeks.

Pilates will help a young mother to find a beautiful toned body

Usually, in one Pilates session, the muscles of the whole body are worked out. Workouts take place with their own weight or with light weights. All exercises are performed smoothly, the stomach is always drawn in, the pelvis is twisted forward, the buttocks are tense. Maximum concentration on execution technique is required. It is better to start classes under the guidance of an instructor in the hall.

It is worth noting that Pilates is yoga asanas adapted for sports.

Water aerobics

Exercising in the water is a great way to tidy up your figure after childbirth. If you doubt whether you should give preference to this sport, then it is worth recalling a few advantages of just such training:

The employee, being on maternity leave, decided to try to restore her figure after childbirth with the help of water aerobics. The first lesson delighted her. It turned out that when training in water, fatigue is not felt in any way. The lesson goes on, calories are consumed at a tremendous rate (in comparison with training in the air), and the woman experiences only pleasure. On the positive side it was also that the classes are performed to music. It creates an enjoyable pool atmosphere, boosts your mood and adds energy for a productive workout.


Cycling is beneficial for more than just getting in shape after childbirth. Such a load has a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system of a young mother, strengthens muscles, respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and is an excellent prevention of varicose veins. In addition, the lover of pedaling in the fresh air improves immunity, improves digestion and accelerates metabolism, and postpartum depression goes away.

Pedaling in the fresh air is good for the health of a young mother

Unfortunately, there is no exact data on when exactly you can get on the bike after childbirth. Here, the mother needs to pay attention to her own well-being. If there were tears or incisions in the perineum, then it is imperative to wait for their complete healing. It is also not recommended to start skating until the lochia is over.

Kegel exercises

Scientifically proven Kegel exercises are used to restore the perineum and strengthen the pelvic floor muscles after childbirth. They help fight prolapse or prolapse of the pelvic organs and urinary incontinence, which often occurs in women during the first time after childbirth. You can do the exercises anytime, anywhere, as these workouts are invisible to others. They are not contraindicated after a cesarean section. The technique of execution consists in alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles of the perineum and lower abdomen. It is worth starting with a few squeezes 3-4 times a day, then increase the amount up to 200.

Kegel exercises normalize the organs of a woman's reproductive system

Exercises can be varied various technicians... For example, the "Lift" variation. Tighten the muscles as if an elevator is moving inside from the perineum to the navel, stopping alternately at ten floors.

All the exercises that are listed in this complex can be started on the very first day after childbirth, if your well-being allows and the doctor supervising your health does not prohibit you from doing so. Exercises remain relevant throughout postpartum period, not just in its early phase. They can and preferably be done within 10-12 weeks.

It is best to start exercising on the first day after giving birth.

Exercise should be done regularly, several times a day. Most of them are performed lying on flat surface- it can be a bed with a regular, not very soft mattress, you will need a small pillow for convenience.

Movements must be performed smoothly - in no case abruptly.

The area where you study should be well ventilated. The optimum temperature is 18-20 ° C.

It is necessary to work out in comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.

Remember to visit the toilet before exercising.

It is better to exercise after breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, there is often a complication such as varicose veins. lower limbs... 1st, 2nd exercises will help prevent further progression of varicose veins and its complications - the formation of blood clots in the veins, etc.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 1

Starting position: lying on your back, both legs bent together at the knees, feet on the bed. Hands along the body, palms on the bed.

We straighten our legs without lifting our knees from each other. 10 times strongly squeeze the toes ("pull the claws") and release again.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 2

Starting position: the same.

We straighten one leg. We perform a foot movement, pulling the sock towards ourselves at a slow pace and with a large amplitude - 10 times. We return to starting position, repeat the exercise with the other leg.

If you have varicose veins while carrying your baby, or if it was before pregnancy, use special elastic stockings during the exercise.

Exercises 3 through 5 are aimed at training abdominal breathing and strengthening the abdominal muscles.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise # 3

Starting position: lying on your back, both legs bent at the knees, feet slightly apart. The hands are located on the lower abdomen.

Slowly inhale through the nose and then exhale with the mouth just as slowly, while the sounds should be pronounced: "haaaaa", trying to draw in the stomach as much as possible. During exhalation, we slightly "help" him with our hands, leading our palms in the direction from the pubic bone to the navel. In this case, you need not to press with your palms, but simply stroke the lower abdomen with your hands. We repeat the exercise 10 times.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 4

Starting position: lying on your side (you can use a small pillow or roll under the neck), knees slightly bent.

We repeat the inhalation and exhalation as described in Exercise 3, combining them with the movement from the pubic bone to the navel. We perform the exercise 10 times on each side.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise # 5

Starting position: lying on your stomach, hands resting on your elbows. Place a small, firm pillow under your lower abdomen. It is important that there is minimal or no pressure on the breasts, as it can be painful after childbirth.

When exhaling (on "haa", "pff" or "fluff"), we move the pelvis forward. On inhalation, we return to the starting position. We repeat 10-12 times.

The next exercise is aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum. One of the functions of the muscles of the perineum is to support the internal organs: the uterus, Bladder, intestines. During childbirth, the "holding" muscles of the urethra, vaginal opening and rectum are strongly stretched. The sphincters (circular muscles that close the urethra and rectum) weaken, and problems with urinary control and, less commonly, defecation may occur. Immediately after childbirth, there is often no urge to urinate due to compression of the bladder and urethra during childbirth. These exercises will help you cope with this problem as well. If during childbirth a perineal incision was made or there is a rupture, then these exercises should not be performed until the suture has healed (in the first 2 to 3 weeks after childbirth).

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 6

Starting position: lying on the bed or sitting in a chair.

We try to alternately strain the muscles of the vagina and anus, as if "blinking". At first you might get the impression that alternating reductions are not possible, but this is not the case. Soon you will be able to separate muscle tension. As soon as we learn to separate the "blinking", we try to conduct the "wave" from the anus to the pubic bone with the muscles. This exercise is also an aid in the treatment and prevention of hemorrhoids. During the exercise, be sure to monitor the muscles of the mouth. The tongue, palate, lips should be relaxed. This will help to relax the perineum and make your breathing soft. The exercise should be repeated 10-15 times.

In exercises 7 through 12, breathing control and the load on the pelvic floor are supplemented by training the abdominal muscles. Please note: all exercises are performed on exhalation and with mild pelvic muscle tension.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 7

Starting position: lying on its side; head, rib cage and the pelvis lie on the same line. The knees are bent. The lower arm is bent at the elbow, the palm is under the head. The upper arm is abducted, bent at the elbow and rests on the bed with the palm or fist approximately at the level of the navel.

As we exhale, raise the pelvis, leaning on the fist (palm). On inhalation, we return to the starting position. We repeat 8-10 times on each side.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 8

Starting position: lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, feet on the bed.

As you exhale, pulling the socks towards you, at the same time stretch your left hand to your left foot. On inhalation, we return to the starting position. Once again, on the exhale, pulling the socks towards you, at the same time we stretch our right hand to the right foot. We return to the starting position. Hands seem to slide over the surface, you don't need to raise your chest or lift your heels off the surface. We repeat 5-6 times in each direction.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 9

Starting position: standing on all fours (knee-wrist position), shoulders, pelvis are on the same line. Knees are slightly apart.

As you exhale, we draw in the stomach, while simultaneously raising the left knee and right palm... On inhalation, we return to the starting position. Then we change the "diagonal" - we raise our right knee and left palm. We repeat 10-12 times.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 10

Starting position: standing on all fours; the lifts of the feet are on the floor. As you exhale, we straighten the knees, distributing the body weight on the palms and raising the foot. We try not to bend in the lower back. The back and legs should be in a straight line. On inhalation, we return to the starting position. We repeat 8-10 times.

Gymnastics after childbirth. Exercise 11

Starting position: lying on your side, knees bent. The upper arm lies along the body, the lower arm is bent in shoulder joint at an angle of 90 degrees (palm down), providing an emphasis on the plane.

As you exhale, we draw in the stomach and raise the pelvis from the bed. On inhalation, we return to the starting position. Repeat 8-10 times on each side.

Exercise 12 (aimed at strengthening the abdominal and back muscles)

Starting position: standing facing the wall, legs apart and slightly bent at the knees. Hands rest against the wall with palms, forearms are also pressed against the wall (elbows are directed downward).

We strain the press, as if bringing the right elbow to the left knee, then the left elbow to the right knee, while not lifting your palm from the wall or your foot from the floor. No actual movement is required - only the abdominal and back muscles are working. We relax the muscles while inhaling.

After childbirth, during physical exertion, the following recommendations must be observed.

  • Rising from a prone position, first roll over onto your side and only then get up.
  • Better most time to lie on your stomach, thereby contributing to the contraction of the uterus and ensuring the best outflow of postpartum secretions.

Getting up early on the first day, a few hours after childbirth, and walking support recovery processes.

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