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Interesting facts about the Chinese people. Interesting facts about China


China is a huge, overpopulated and amazing country.

Unusual ancient traditions and no less strange new achievements are mixed here.

Here are the 30 most strange facts about China that are hard to believe.

1. Children are allowed everywhererelieve yourself.

Children in China are often seen wearing pants with a hole in them, designed to allow the child to relieve themselves easily whenever they feel like it. Children can wear these pants almost until they are younger. school age, although this tradition has been preserved more in the villages.

2. Some police officers use geese instead of police dogs.

Geese have excellent eyesight and can be aggressive, making them a good alternative to police dogs, authorities say.

3. Football appeared in China.

Cuju, which means "push the ball", was a popular game during the Han Dynasty (206 BC -220 AD). It later spread to countries such as Japan, Korea and Vietnam and led to the emergence of what we now call football.

4. Pajamas – new fashion in Shanghai.

Pajamas have recently become the favorite clothing of Shanghai residents, who wear them both in restaurants and in shops.

5. Many children in China were named after the Olympic Games.

More than 4,000 Chinese children were named Aoyun, which means "Olympic Games". The habit of naming children after famous events and popular mottos is quite common.

6. Eggs boiled in urine are a delicacy in China.

Eggs boiled all day long in the urine of boys under 10 years old are a real delicacy in China. According to Chinese medicine, consumption of such eggs has a positive effect on health, improving blood circulation and strengthening the immune system.

China: facts about the country

7. You cannot have children without government permission.

Married Chinese couples must apply for and receive approval under the Family Planning Certificate three months before and after pregnancy.

8. Most Chinese turn on the same TV channel at 19:00.

Every day at 7 p.m., most Chinese television channels include a half-hour news program from state-run Central Television. It has been the most popular television program in China since 1978.

9. China has only one time zone.

Despite being the third largest country in the world, China has only one time zone: Beijing Standard Time. Because of this, in some cities, such as Xinjiang, located in the westernmost province of the country, the Sun rises at 10 am.

10. The Chinese have a festival dedicated to eating dogs.

According to Chinese tradition, eating dogs stimulates internal warmth and brings good luck and health.

11. China will soon have the most Christians in the world.

The Christian population is growing rapidly and by 2030, experts say China will have the most Christians in the world.

12. Everyone goes on vacation at the same time.

Everyone in the country goes on vacation at the same time - during Chinese New Year. Within 40 days, more than 3.7 million people travel.

13. Residents of houses are not forced to leave their homes even with a new builder bquality

“Nail House” is a term used to refer to the homes of residents who refused to move due to the construction of new houses. In some cases, builders are forced to build buildings around a “nail house.”

14. The one-child policy had serious consequences, but not as serious as you think.

IN Chinese families, where there was more than one child, had to pay a large fine at the beginning of the introduction of this policy. However, despite the publicity in Western media, forced sterilizations and abortions were quite rare.

15. You can hire someone to help you avoid traffic jams.

If you get stuck in a traffic jam in China, you can always contact a service that will send a person on a motorcycle to pick you up and someone to sit in your car and wait.

16. At one time, China executed more prisoners than all other countries.

However, after the news spread to other countries, the Chinese government suspended many death sentences, which amount to life in prison.

17. China has only recently adopted video games.

For 14 years they were banned in China gaming consoles, such as Playstation and Xbox. The ban was lifted in 2014.

18. In China, you can rent a life partner.

China has services that allow you to hire a date partner, but unlike Western escort services, this does not include sexual relations. The Chinese rent a companion to reassure parents who complain about the loneliness of their children.

19. There is a lot of free space in China.

Many abandoned cities in China are completely new and have never been inhabited by people.

20. China has improved the production of counterfeits.

China is known for its counterfeits, and it's not just DVDs or designer glasses. For example, in Shanghai there is a place called Thames City - a miniature copy of London.

21. About 35 million Chinese still live in caves.

Today, many people in China still live in caves, and we are not talking about just a few people, but at least, 30-40 million people. Many caves have modern amenities such as running water, electricity and telephones.

22. Women should stay in bed for a month after giving birth.

As in other East Asian countries, mothers in China are advised to remain in bed for 30 days after giving birth. It is believed that during this time the mother's body is restored.

23. In China there is an amusement park called the Kingdom of Little Men.

The Kingdom of Little People in Kunming employs more than 100 dwarfs, whose height does not exceed 130 cm, who entertain visitors with songs and dances.

24. The Chinese army uses pigeons to send messages.

The Chinese Army is preparing 10,000 pigeons as a pigeon army for a backup communications system.

This country does not have a film rating system, but there is a committee responsible for cutting any scenes from films that are considered inappropriate for viewers, regardless of age. Any scene that discredits China is usually removed.

1. The modern English name for China, “China,” most likely comes from the imperial Qin dynasty (Qin, pronounced “chin”). Under the rule of this particular dynasty, the country became united. The “unifier” was Emperor Shi Huang Di (260-210 BC), the unbreakable imperial period lasted until 1912.

2. China is often called one of the most ancient civilizations in the world. Scientists date some of the historical sites created at the dawn of Chinese civilization to 6000 BC.

3. Chinese is one of the most ancient languages ​​still used in the world.

4. China is the fourth country in the world in terms of territory (after Russia, Canada, and the USA). The country's area is 3,179,275 km2 (this figure is only slightly inferior to that of the United States). The length of borders with other states exceeds 189,000 km. There are more than 5,000 islands off the Chinese coast.

5. China is one of the most densely populated countries. Every fifth person in the world is Chinese. As of July 2009, the country's population was 338,612,968. This is 4 times more than the number of people living in the United States.

6. Fortune cookies are not a Chinese tradition, contrary to popular belief. This tradition was “invented” in 1920 in San Francisco, by a worker in one of the noodle factories.

7. China is also known to the world as the “Flower Kingdom”. Many fruits and flowers developed here are now grown throughout the world.

8. Toilet paper was invented in China in the 1300s. The “novelty” was allowed to be used exclusively by members of the imperial family.

9. In addition to paper, Chinese innovators invented the compass, paper, gunpowder and printing.

10. Chinese kites (“paper birds”, “Aeolian harp”) were invented about 3000 years ago. Initially, they were used not for entertainment purposes, but for military purposes. Snakes were launched into the air to intimidate the enemy in battle. Marco Polo (1254 – 1324) noted in his diaries that sailors used kites to predict the success of a voyage.

11. Cricket fighting is one of the most popular entertainments in China. Many children keep crickets as pets.

12. Despite its large territory, China is located within the same time zone.

13. Many historians claim that China is the birthplace of football and the Chinese “drove” the ball around the field back in the 1000s BC.

14. Ping pong is one of the most popular games China. But the idea of ​​invention table tennis belongs not to the Chinese, but to the people of Great Britain.

15. The most popular hobby of the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire is collecting stamps.

16. Giant pandas have lived in China for about two to three million years. The first Chinese emperors kept pandas to ward off evil spirits and natural disasters. Black and white bears were also considered a symbol of power and courage.

17. Unlike European countries, the color of mourning in China is not black, but white.

18. Although Leonardo da Vinci (1452 – 1519) is officially recognized as the inventor of the parachute, historical information has been preserved about the use by the Chinese of kites tied to a person’s back. China was flying kites as early as the 4th century AD, and the use of a parachute only became effective and safe in the late 1700s.

19. The custom of foot binding (“golden lilies”) was popular among female performers and members of the Chinese court during the Song Dynasty (960-1279 AD). The tight bandage gradually disrupted the arch of the foot, and the toes and heels grew parallel to each other, the leg muscles atrophied and they became very thin. “Lotus legs” were considered very sexy in those days.

20. Historians suggest that with the increase Chinese population people were forced to come up with a way of “healthy” cooking, in which the maximum amount of food would remain in the products useful substances. This is where the Chinese "tradition" of chopping food into small pieces comes from so that the food cooks as quickly as possible. Small cutting of food led to the disappearance of the need for knives and the invention of chopsticks.

21. In the year 130 AD. Zhang Heng, a Chinese astronomer and literary scholar, invented the first instrument for monitoring earthquakes. The machine detected and indicated the location of the earthquake.

22. China is the birthplace of ice cream. The recipe for the “cold” dessert came to Europe along with the noodle recipe thanks to Marco Polo. The first ice cream was made from a mixture of milk and snow.

23. A civil servant named Su Song became the world's first creator of a mechanical watch. Between 1088 and 1092 he created an instrument capable of determining current time days, and also track the phases in which the constellations were located, which made it possible to compile horoscopes as accurately as possible.

24. On September 27, 2008, a Chinese astronaut traveled into outer space for the first time. It was astronaut Zhai Zhigang.

25. The Chinese were the first in the world to invent the iron plow. In Europe, metal plows began to be used only in the 17th century.

26.V different times the capital of China wore different names. Earlier main city The Celestial Empire was known to the world as Yanjing, Dadu and Beiping. Today the Chinese capital is called Beijing, which translated into Russian means “ northern capital" Beijing is the country's second largest city after Shanghai.

27. Long nails were considered a sign of nobility and high status in China. Men and women grew their nails and often wore special gold and silver overlays that visually lengthened their fingers and at the same time protected the nail plates from breaking.

28. In the fourth century BC, the people of China began to use natural gas to heat their homes. Fuel was extracted by drilling wells, ahead of European countries in this area by 2,300 years.

29. By 2nd century AD The Chinese discovered that blood circulates through vessels throughout the body and that its movement occurs due to the beating of the heart. In Europe, such knowledge of biology became available only at the beginning of the seventeenth century, when William Harvey (1578-1657) published his scientific works.

30. People in China used decimal system calculus as early as the fourteenth century BC, 2300 years before the first famous case application of the system by European mathematicians. The Chinese were the first to use zero when counting.

31. The crossbow was first invented and used in China. Chemical and gas weapons were also created and tested here for the first time. The latter was first used 2000 years before its use in Europe during the First World War.

32. China has the largest dam in the world. Also this part The hydroelectric power station, located on the Yangtze River, is the most controversial - during its construction and operation, scandals often broke out related to technological difficulties, human rights violations, and negative changes in the environment.

33. According to ancient Chinese legend, tea was discovered in 2737 BC. Emperor Shennong. This happened by accident when the fragrant leaves fell into the royal cup of hot water. Modern Chinese people consider tea an integral, necessary part of their lives.

34. The Chinese actively practice different kinds martial arts Many techniques are developed from ancient agriculture and hunting methods.

35. Most important holiday in China - Chinese New Year or Lunar New Year. The Chinese believe that on this day every inhabitant of the planet becomes one year older, therefore the holiday is considered the birthday of all people.

36. 92% of the Chinese population uses Chinese for communication in everyday life. There are seven families of the Chinese language, which include: Chinese, Cantonese, Wu, Hakka, Ghana, Xiang, Ming.

37. The color of happiness and celebration in China is red. Red textiles and decorative elements are often used when decorating and holding weddings, birthdays, and national festivals.

38. Lotus is a symbol of purity and purity in China. It is a sacred flower used by Taoists and Buddhists. Residents of China widely use floral symbolism - the peony is a symbol of spring, it is called the “king of flowers”, the chrysanthemum symbolizes long life, daffodils, according to Chinese beliefs, bring good luck.

39.The Chinese have been making silk since at least 3000 BC. The Romans called China the “Land of the Way” (“Serica”). The secret of Chinese silk is still carefully guarded by manufacturers. Anyone caught smuggling silkworm cocoons or butterflies was sentenced to death.

40. According to Chinese legend, the inventor of silk is Lady Xi Ling Sui, wife of Emperor Huang Di. The idea of ​​creating silk was born during a tea party, when the cocoon of a silkworm fell into the empress's cup and thin threads formed in the water.

41. The oldest piece of paper discovered in China dates back to the second or first century BC. The paper was so durable that it could be used as clothing or light body armor.

42. The Chinese were the first to use stirrups. This event took place in the third century AD.

43. China's one-child program has led to the killing of female infants, leading to a significant gender imbalance. Today there are 32 million fewer girls than boys in China. In the future, tens of millions of men will not be able to find a wife. Some scientists suggest that this inequality may pose a threat to global security.

44. Materials discovered by scientists indicate that the first people lived in China between 300,000 and 500,000 years ago. known species Homo erectus. It is also known that the “Beijing” man knew how to use fire.

45. In the first half of the twentieth century, Shanghai was the only port accepting fugitive Jews without an entry visa to escape the Holocaust.

46. ​​Chinese mathematics developed independently of Greek mathematics, which arouses great interest among scientists.

47. Chinese lanterns were invented in 250 BC. For the Chinese, they represent an important symbol of long life and prosperity. For wealthy families, lanterns were made so large that they had to be lifted by several people.

48. In the Tang Dynasty, it was customary that educated people had to greet and say goodbye only in poetic form.

49. In 1974, while digging a well, a group of Chinese farmers in Shaanxi Province discovered fragments of very ancient pottery, as well as the tomb of Emperor Qin (259-210 BC), the first ruler to unify China. In the grave, in addition to the relics of the emperor himself, there was an army of 1000 warriors, horses and chariots.

50. China's Grand Canal is the oldest and longest canal in the world. Its length is 1795 km. 24 castles were built along its walls, and more than 60 bridges connect the banks.

51. In China bat- a traditional symbol of good luck. The image of an animal can often be found on textiles and porcelain products.

52. The last Qing Emperor (Pu) loved to ride a bicycle and often took walks to the Forbidden City in Beijing. In 1981 in China mass use bicycles were introduced. The idea belonged to two American travelers Allen and Sachtleben. For modern Chinese, the bicycle is the main means of transportation. The country has long been the world's leading bicycle manufacturer.

53. Between 1898 and 1901, Northern China experienced a rebellion against Christian missionaries, foreign diplomats, and technology, initiated by secret society"Righteous and Harmonious Fists" (Yihequan or I-ho-ch'uan), so called because its members practiced unarmed martial arts and secret rituals. In Westerns, this group is called “Shadow”, and its members are called “Boxers”.

54. In 25 BC, suspension bridges were invented in China. In the West, similar designs began to be used 1800 years later.

55. The first American woman to receive the Nobel Prize was Pearl S. Buck (1892-1973). Her novels took place in China. The most popular work was “Good Earth,” published in 1931. Today's best-selling Chinese-American author is Amy Tan, whose books are top sellers on The Joy Luck Club.

56. In China, it is believed that calligraphy reveals the morality and spirituality of the calligrapher; in the process of writing hieroglyphs, a process of self-improvement occurs.

57. Carp is a symbol of strength and perseverance in China. The size and whiskers of the fish make it look like a dragon, the greatest talisman of happiness for the Chinese. Fish play a big role in Chinese culture, and even the words for "abundance" and "fish" are pronounced the same - "yu".

58. In some parts of China, braiding was considered more than just hair styling. Young girls always wore two braids, and married girls always wore one. Perhaps it was this Chinese tradition that contributed to the Western opinion that two braids are only worn by little girls.

59. B Ancient China They believed that the mirror protects the house from evil, makes the hidden spirit of a person visible, and special rituals can reveal the secrets of the future. Mirrors were often installed on the ceilings of burial chambers.

60. The longest rivers in China are the Yangtze (Changjian), with a length of 5623 km, and the Yellow River (Huanghe) - 4672 km.

61. The Chinese developed the theory of “three levels of heaven”: heaven, Earth, man. This theory is carefully traced in painting. In particular, paintings depicting flower arrangements and landscapes.

62. It is believed that horses most likely originated in Central Asia and became very important animals for China. The Chinese attribute horses to the masculine energy of yang, classifying horses as elements of fire. According to the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom, people born in the year of the Horse are smart, talkative, independent, cheerful, and know how to handle money.

63. In China, the cicada (green grasshopper) is considered a symbol of rebirth, because the insect is a long-liver of its kind (lives up to 17 years) and periodically sheds its skin. In ancient China, a cicada was inserted into the mouth of the dead, as it was believed that this slowed down the process of decay of the body and accelerated rebirth in the “other” world.

64. Polygamy has been practiced in China throughout the history of the state. First of all, harems were started by rich people who had the means to maintain them. The harems of Chinese emperors numbered hundreds of concubines.

65. The most revered bird in China is the phoenix. According to Chinese legend, she represents female imperial power. In the eyes of the Chinese, the crane symbolizes long life; it is the second most important bird of the Celestial Empire. Ducks are considered a symbol of happiness and marital fidelity.

66. The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976 led to the death of thousands of Chinese, famine and the destruction of thousands of hectares of farmland.

67. For Western countries, the dragon is considered an evil creature; in China, this animal takes honorable first place among the four great creatures of the world described in mythology (the other three are the tiger, phoenix and turtle).

68. The highest mountain in the world (8,847.7 m) is named after the Englishman Sir George Everest, the chief surveyor of India. The Chinese call Mount Everest Qomolangma, which means "Earth Mother Goddess".

69. The national flag of China was adopted in September 1949, on People's Republic Day. The red color of the flag symbolizes revolution, big star- communism, and the little stars are the Chinese people. The position of the stars is not accidental - it reflects the equality of the Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party.

70. Chinese moon calendar- the oldest in the world. It consists of 12 zodiac signs and was created in 2006 BC. One calendar cycle takes 60 years.

71. Every year the number of children born with various defects continues to grow steadily. Environmentalists and officials blame severe pollution in certain areas of the country for what is happening.

72. It is documented that the Chinese began eating mushrooms at least 3,000 years ago. In 1996, the country produced 600,000 tons of mushrooms, most of products were exported. China produces 60% of the world's mushrooms.

73. In 2007, China suspended the production of dog food and toothpaste by certain companies because the products contained toxic ingredients. During the investigation, it was found that one of the officials accepted bribes from pharmaceutical companies. The culprit was sentenced to death.

74. The most famous Chinese and Chinese-American actors: Jackie Chan (Hong Kong), Chow Yun Fat (Hong Kong), Bruce Lee (San Francisco), Jet Li (Beijing), Zhang Ziyi (Beijing), and Lucy Liu (New York).

75. The 2008 Olympic Games, held in Beijing, are recognized as the most expensive in the history of these competitions. 40 billion dollars were spent on their organization and implementation. By comparison, the 2004 Athens Olympics cost just $15 billion.

You can't help but like interesting facts about China. Both children and adults would be happy to learn something new and funny about this state. Moreover, it is both ancient and modern China have many secrets and discoveries.

1.China is considered the most ancient civilization peace.

2.Archaeological finds that have been found in this country reach 8000 years ago.

3.Rich people in China hire body doubles and send them to prison in their place if necessary.

4.China is to blame for 29% of San Francisco's air pollution.

5.In China more people speaking English language than in the USA.

6. There is a website in China where you can rent a girl for $31 a week.

7.China is considered the most populous country in the world.

8.Toilet paper first appeared in China in the 1300s.

9. Gunpowder first appeared in this state.

10.China lives in only one time zone.

11.White is considered a mourning color in China.

12.A necessary part of life in China is drinking tea.

13.In China they don’t like to sunbathe. Tanning is considered unfashionable among them.

14.Marriages in China are often concluded late.

15.The color of the holiday in China is red.

16.China has the lowest divorce rate.

17.The symbol of good luck in China is the bat.

18.China is considered the world's producer of mushrooms.

19. Queues are not accepted in China.

20.70% of the Chinese population wear glasses.

21. In China they do not prefer to eat liver and kidneys.

22.Chinese people are not compassionate towards animals. That is why they use animals where they can make money from them.

23.Vegetables in China are never eaten raw. They are either boiled or steamed.

24. In China you can see children with holes in their pants, so they can relieve themselves at any time they need.

25.Everyone’s vacation in China begins at the same time, before the New Year.

26.Chopsticks were invented in China.

27.Rice is the basis of most Chinese dishes.

28. In China, women who have given birth are required to remain in bed for 30 days after birth.

29.Chinese residents drink alcohol only in large groups.

30.China has a large percentage of vegetarians.

1.Football arose in Ancient China because ancient people played this game back in the 1000s.

2. Mushrooms – favorite dish ancient Chinese.

3. In ancient Chinese calendars, the year began with the first new moon after the winter solstice.

4. In Ancient China, the dragon was considered a symbol of honor. He has been depicted in mythology.

5.The main symbols of Ancient China were birds.

6.In Ancient China there were harems.

7. The mythology of Ancient China says that a mirror protects the house.

8. Suspension bridges were invented by the ancient Chinese.

9.Paper was created by the ancient Chinese.

10. Making silk is the skill of the ancient Chinese.

11.Approximately 6,000 years ago, the ancient Chinese civilization began.

12.The ancient Chinese invented varnish. They covered shoes and wooden products with it to protect them from getting wet.

13.Ancient Chinese thinkers made significant contributions to the development of philosophy.

14.In Ancient China, people could be brutally executed for smuggling silk.

15.The ancient Chinese began eating mushrooms about 3000 years ago.

16.Confucius was an ancient Chinese sage.

17.The compass was created in Ancient China.

18.In ancient China, beds were equipped with heating and central heating.

19.White tea is the favorite drink of the ancient Chinese.

20.The world's first seismograph was invented in Ancient China.

1. The total length of the Great Wall of China reaches 8851 km 800 m.

2.The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure in the world.

3.When laying the stone blocks to build the wall, adhesive was used rice porrige with the addition of slaked lime.

4. This building is the longest and largest cemetery in the world.

5.The Wall of China can be seen from space.

6.The Great Wall of China is included in the UNESCO list.

7.The Chinese Wall is a recognized symbol of China.

8. In 2004, the largest tourist visit to the Wall of China was recorded, with more than 41.8 million tourists visiting it.

9. About 2 thousand years were spent on the construction of the Chinese Wall.

10. The Great Wall of China is not one of the wonders of the Ancient World.

11.The wall changed its name several times.

12.The first Europeans could not set foot on the territory of the Chinese Wall.

13.In 1644, the construction of the Great Wall of China was completed.

14.The Wall in China was the site of many sports competitions.

15.Battles on the territory of the Chinese Wall were fought for many years.

16.The construction of the Chinese Wall began in 221 BC.

17. Night visits are organized on the Chinese Wall.

18.The military were the builders of the Great Wall of China.

19.It is impossible to see the Chinese Wall on local currency.

20.The wall has good acoustics.

1.On Chinese spoken by about 1.4 billion people.

2. Chinese language is one of the most ancient.

3. This language is distinguished by a huge number of dialects.

4. There are about 100 thousand Chinese characters.

5. A special feature of the Chinese language is its tonality.

6.The Chinese language has simple grammar.

7.Most of the characters in Chinese are similar to each other.

8. The hieroglyph, which speaks of difficulties, has an image of two women under one roof.

9.Chinese language lacks punctuation.

10. There are no Chinese language keyboards in the world.

11.This language is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

12.The Chinese language is rightfully considered one of the most complex languages in the world.

13.In Chinese there are no words “Yes” and “No”.

14.Most surnames in China are written in one syllable.

15.Native speakers of Chinese have excellent hearing.

16. In terms of popularity, the Chinese language ranks second among all languages ​​in the world.

17.The Chinese language is considered status and respected: it is considered the 6th language of all the working languages ​​of the UN.

18.The Chinese language does not have an alphabet.

19. There are 7 dialect groups in the Chinese language.

20.Depending on intonation, words in Chinese can sound different.

China is the third largest country in the world after Russia and Canada. It takes 9.6 million square kilometers and borders 14 countries. Since ancient times, this vast territory has been home to the largest people on earth. What interesting and mind-blowing facts about this country do we not know?


1. On the border of China and Nepal there is the highest mountain point in the world - Everest, with a height of 8848 m. But in the north of China, in the foothills of the Tien Shan, there is one of the deepest depressions on Earth - the Turfan depression with a depth of 154 m. Thus, the difference in heights in China is more than 9000 m.

2. The ancient oasis city of Turpan is located in the Turpan Depression. Once upon a time, the Great Silk Road passed through it, and caravans stopped here to rest. Now the city is home to about 60 thousand people who are mainly engaged in growing fruits. The Turfan Depression is a desert area with a dry and hot climate. For Agriculture local residents use melt water, which flows down the slopes of the Tien Shan, filling a system of ancient underground irrigation canals with a length of 5 thousand km.

3. At the beginning of the 20th century. China was divided into 5 time zones, but in 1949 the entire territory new country— PRC — unified Beijing time was introduced. In China, local time is 5 hours ahead of Moscow and completely coincides with the time in the Irkutsk region and Buryatia.

4. A. Taiwan is located 150 km from China in the Pacific Ocean. This state declared its independence in 1911 and was partially recognized in the world, but the PRC considers it its 23rd province. It has a democratic form of government, its own currency (Taiwanese dollar) and a GDP 11 times higher than China's. Taiwan's technology industry plays a huge role in the global economy, and its educational system is focused on engineering and natural sciences.

5. Chinese civilization for more than 5 thousand years. The chronicles that have reached us describe only 3.5 thousand years of the history of this state, but they have been discovered on the territory of the country historical artifacts, which, according to scientists, are about 8 thousand years old. China gave the world paper, silk, porcelain, compass, watches, gunpowder, fireworks, suspension bridge and book printing.


6. Since the end of the 20th century. Chinese economy is developing at a rapid pace, producing GDP growth of more than 10% annually. China is known as the world's factory for metal, concrete, fertilizers, home appliances, clothing and toys. Many foreign companies have their factories and assembly shops in China.

7. The country's urbanization rate is rapidly growing: 300 million people have moved from rural areas to cities over the previous 30 years, and the same number will move in the next three decades. By 2025, China plans to build more than 10 megacities the size of New York, the urban population will be 1 billion people, and there will be more than 200 million-plus cities. Due to the growth of the urban population, the transport system. China has been swept by a wave of construction of subways and intercity high-speed railways.

8. Produced in huge quantities concrete and steel are used to build new cities. Today in China there are more than 20 ghost towns, in which 64 million houses are empty, completely ready for habitation. True, no one lives in them yet, but it is not possible to stop construction, because it provides work for thousands of builders and engineers and loads the capacity of several factories.


9. China's population is more than 1.38 billion people, or 1/5 of the total population of our planet.

10. Officially, there are 56 ethnic groups in this country, the largest of which is the Khan people. This includes 91% of all Chinese residents. The remaining 9% of the country's population are small nations: Zhuang, Manchu, Miao, Hui, etc. Most of them have their own special cultural traditions, oral and written languages.

11. One of the most serious social problems There is a gender imbalance in China: there are 32 million more boys than girls in this country. Therefore, after a few years, hundreds Chinese men faced with the impossibility of starting a family. Such a significant bias towards the male population was caused by more than 40 years of state demographic policy, which limited families in the number of children. According to the law adopted back in the 1970s, one family living in the city could have only one child, and families in rural areas could have no more than two children, provided that the eldest child was a girl. Violation of the law was punishable by huge fines equal to several annual family incomes. Such bans have led to an increase in abortions, especially if unborn child was female. This strict birth control was caused by a lack of natural and energy resources during tall population of the country. Since 2016, all families in China are allowed to have two children.

12. Chinese is considered the most widely spoken language in the world and the most difficult to master. There are almost 80 thousand characters in the Chinese language, and it is simply impossible to learn them all. Even the Chinese who received higher education Only about 2000 of them know. However, mastery of such a relatively small number of hieroglyphs allows them to read and express themselves in native language pretty good. Mandarin - the name adopted in the West national language in China, here it is called Putonghua. This is the so-called Beijing dialect, which is taught in schools and used in the media, but in total there are 292 dialects in the country, so different in terms of spelling, phonetics and grammar that their speakers sometimes completely do not understand each other.

13. One of the features of Chinese dialects is their tonality, i.e. the same word, pronounced differently, can have completely different meanings. There are 4 tones in total, but this does not simplify the language at all. True, linguistic tonality also has its own positive side: Due to the fact that the inhabitants of the country master their native language from childhood, they all have perfect pitch.


14. The growth of industry not only brought the country into the TOP 10 strongest economies in the world, but also resulted in environmental disaster. The smog in the largest cities of China does not dissipate, and people are forced to go outside wearing protective masks, because... it is simply difficult for them to breathe. Exhaust fumes and toxic emissions in the capital Beijing reach the US coast, and breathing local air during the day is like smoking 20 cigarettes daily. The Ministry of Health in China has been sounding the alarm in recent years about the growing number of cancers among the country's population.

15. Favorite Chinese cutlery is wooden chopsticks. The Chinese manage them very cleverly, however, few people think about the harm they cause to the environment. Every year, residents of this country use 74 billion pairs of chopsticks. To produce such a number of devices, 25 million trees are required, which leads to massive deforestation.

16. The authorities are very concerned environmental situation and they even plan to complete the construction of an eco-city by 2020, which will practically not pollute the atmosphere. Renewable energy sources will be used here, solar panels, eco-friendly species public transport, bicycles and electric cars. The garbage will be sent directly from the garbage chute to the recycling plant.

Road traffic

17. Throughout China traffic right-handed. The exception is Hong Kong, where it is customary to drive on the left. Therefore, traffic jams often form on the bridge between mainland China and Hong Kong, because drivers need to change lanes left-hand traffic to the right and vice versa.

18. The world's largest traffic jam was recorded in China in 2010, when hundreds of cars were stuck in a 260-kilometer traffic jam. Motorists covered this seemingly not very long distance within 12 days.

19. There are more than 60 million cars on the streets of Chinese cities, and this number is constantly growing. True, there are still fewer car enthusiasts in China than bicycles and motorcyclists, who impede the movement of cars and buses and very often become victims of accidents.

Bad habits

20. The Chinese are the most smoking nation. According to scientists, a third of all cigarettes in the world are smoked annually in China. People smoke here almost everywhere: at home, on the street, in transport, restaurants and even in saunas. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of smokers are men. It is almost impossible to meet a woman with a cigarette in China, because such behavior is considered indecent for women. It is quite difficult to fight against smoking in China, because... the sale of tobacco products here is controlled by the state and brings the treasury about 7% of all its revenues.


21. In 2013, the largest shopping and entertainment center in the world was opened in the Chinese city of Chengdu with total area 170 hectares, which is almost 4 times more territory himself small state in the world - the Vatican. The huge New Century building houses restaurants, cafes, shops, cinemas, offices, hotels and even a water park with an artificial beach, an ice skating rink and a giant aquarium with 30 thousand fish. This shopping center is incredibly popular, and it has more visitors per year than most tourist centers in the world.

SEC " New Age» in Chengdu

22. The Chinese love to sing karaoke and watch crickets fight. Many people keep these insects as pets.

The death penalty

23. China is a country that has legalized the death penalty. Annually In a similar way about 5 thousand people are executed. Previously, such a sentence was carried out by shooting, but today lethal injections are used. Criminals are executed either in places of detention or in special mobile vans.

24. Chinese cuisine It is distinguished by a variety of both ingredients in dishes and cooking methods. This country loves rice, pork, seafood, hot sauces and seasonings, beer and tea. The latter, by the way, is customary to drink both before and after meals. But the Chinese practically do not consume milk and products made from it, citing lactose intolerance. However, there is no scientific evidence for this claim yet. The only milk you can find on store shelves is pasteurized, and the cheese is only imported. These products are aimed at tourists and migrants, which is why their prices are quite high. Kefir, fermented baked milk and cottage cheese cannot be bought anywhere in China.

Attitude towards foreigners

25. Foreign appearance, which is very different from the appearance of native Chinese, is very attractive and highly valued in this country. Europeans easily find work in the fashion industry in China, regardless of external data. The main thing is to be different from local population height, build, skin and hair color, eye shape. Also, foreigners are often given discounts at entertainment venues in China, because... they are believed to attract more visitors.

26. Chinese employers are willing to hire foreigners, especially if they speak English or Russian. All other data being equal (education, experience), the manager will prefer foreign worker Chinese and will be ready to pay him a higher salary, because having an employee from abroad is incredibly prestigious.

It is relatively easy for foreigners to get jobs in Chinese companies

27. For a long time Tourist trips abroad for the Chinese were prohibited, and only in 2002 32 states were opened to them. Since 2013, Chinese residents can visit more than 110 countries around the world. Perhaps because of such a long isolation, Chinese tourists prefer to travel in groups, and individual foreign tourism in this country is practically not developed.

Information Technology

28. Since 2009 social media Facebook and Twitter, Internet resources Google, Wikipedia and Youtube, messengers Telegram and WhatsApp, as well as the website of one of the most influential newspapers in the world The New York Times, blocked in China. True, according to many Chinese, only the illiterate do not have access to these resources.

29. China became the first country in the world to recognize Internet addiction as a specific clinical disorder in 2008. Today there are special institutions in the country in which such disorders are successfully treated.

30. IN Chinese cities Chongqing and Xi'an have built special pedestrian paths for people with smartphones. These sections of the road resemble bicycle paths and are marked with a double solid line, have one lane for traffic in opposite directions and markings painted on the sidewalk.

One of the most amazing countries China is rightfully considered the world's leading country. Modern Chinese have inherited a rich heritage in the form of several thousand years of unique history, which they have been able to preserve and even increase.

China is now home to 1.4 billion people, making them the largest nation in the world. On the vast territory of China there are many large cities, unique historical and natural sites. Tourists travel to this country to discover amazing world The Celestial Empire, as China has also been called since ancient times.

What else distinguishes Chinese People's Republic? This collection contains the most interesting facts!

  1. The area of ​​the state is 9.5 million square kilometers, and the population has exceeded 1.4 billion people. Thus, the population density in China reaches 150 people/sq. km. In terms of population it is in first place in the world ranking, and in terms of territory it is in third place.
  2. China has the largest army in the world in terms of numbers. According to the latest data, it consists of 3.35 million people. But the USA is only in third place on this list, with India in second.
  3. In China, unlike most European countries, the color of mourning is white. It is surprising for them that the bride walks down the aisle in a white dress, because they use this color only for mourning and in case of illness.
  4. All pandas in the world belong to China. If you see a panda in another country, it means that the country simply borrowed the black and white animal. Previously, pandas were given as gifts for diplomatic purposes, but now they are simply leased for 10 years. All pandas born in other territories are immediately transported to China.
  5. China, as the most populous country in the world, suffers from traffic jams more than others. There is even a special business here - if you get stuck in a traffic jam, you can call rescuers. Two Chinese will arrive on a motorcycle, one will stay in the car, and the second will take you where you need to go.
  6. China also has a downside, not just its huge and developed megacities. Due to poverty, some Chinese still live in caves to this day. And this is not just one or two, according to rough estimates, about 35 million people live in natural caves. Some are even equipped with electricity and can be rented out to tourists as accommodation.
  1. On the territory of this country there are 5 time zones accepted throughout the world. But China itself recognizes only one time, which is the same for all territories. No matter how strange it may be, in the west of the country the sun rises at 10 o’clock local time, and in the east it sets after lunch. This decision was made after the formation of the People's Republic of China in 1949.
  2. Chinese New Year- the most revered holiday in the country. The celebrations last 15 days and are held on an extraordinary scale. By the way, every year the date of the new year is different.
  3. In China due to high density population has been subject to a strict birth control program for several decades. This country is the only one where families are dictated by the number of children they can have. Until 2015, the territory had a one-child policy, but over the decades it has been broken family ties and a spoiled generation has been raised. Now the Chinese can plan two children.
  4. On the territory of the republic there is the largest man-made monument in history. The Great Wall of China stretches for 8850 kilometers, and if you count all its branches - more than 21 thousand kilometers. Construction began in the 3rd century BC. e., and lasted more than 10 years.
  5. China is the longest-lasting civilization in human history. It originated back in 6000 BC. e. and has retained its uniqueness to this day. And how many powerful empires perished during this time... China is also famous for having the longest empire in history.
  6. There are more than 8 thousand skyscrapers in Hong Kong (an administrative region of the People's Republic of China). It ranks first in the ranking of cities with high-rise buildings.
  1. The most common is called Putonghua, as well as Mandarin. He received this nickname during times of active trade with European officials. By the way, the fruit was named after the Chinese, and not vice versa!
  2. China is home to the famous Terracotta Army of Emperor Qin Shi Huang. It consists of 8 thousand clay warriors who were created to protect the emperor in the next world. By the way, we have not yet been able to reach the tomb of Shi Huang, so for now you can only enjoy the view of this powerful army! Its creation took about 37 years and the efforts of 700 thousand Chinese.
  3. The last emperor of China was Pu Yi, who abdicated the throne at the age of 6. After the Xinhai Revolution, his mother accepted the decision to abdicate the emperor in 1912. But Pu Yi was finally deposed and expelled in 1924, after his 18th birthday. By the way, Chinese emperors were considered descendants of dragons.
  4. The Chinese are famous for their contributions to the fields of medicine, mathematics, writing and architecture. They were the first to invent paper, gunpowder, compass, tea porcelain, silk, printing, oar, bell, fork and many other useful things.
  5. The kite was invented in China, but not for fun. Chinese and Mongolian armies used it to intimidate opponents. And the sight was truly creepy - fairy-tale dragons soaring in the air.
  6. The Chinese were also the first to drill wells, both for water and for natural gas and oil. Confucius described the design of the drilling rig in writings dating back to 600 BC. e.
  7. According to Chinese legend, tea was created completely by accident. Emperor Shen Nong always traveled with his cauldron for healing decoctions. One day a tea leaf fell from a tree there, and from then on he began to drink only that. Nowadays the whole world drinks tea, and China is famous for its tea ceremonies.

  1. One of the most favorite colors in this state is red. The bride walks down the aisle in a red dress, because it symbolizes happiness.
  2. The Chinese were very meticulous about their inventions, especially silk. Its recipe was kept strictly secret. Anyone who sold the secret of silk production faced the death penalty.
  3. The Chinese are ahead Western world for 1800 years, also building the world's first suspension bridge. Scientists have established that this structure was first erected in 25 BC. e. in China.
  4. In this country, caring for your elderly relatives is regulated by a special law on the protection of the rights and interests of older people. The Chinese are required to visit relatives more often, and the employer provides vacation and days off to care for parents.
  5. According to experts, in 2020 there will be 30-40 million more Chinese men than women. This is due to the one-child policy that was common until 2015.
  6. The highest-grossing film in history, Avatar, made its billions without China. The screening of this film is prohibited in the country, as it promotes methods of overthrowing the government.

Back in the 20th century, it was a fragmented and warring republic. But in the 21st century, which has already been dubbed the century of China, it can become one of the most powerful powers!

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