Home Diseases and pests Internal audit plan. Internal audit is a guarantee of improving the company's activities

Internal audit plan. Internal audit is a guarantee of improving the company's activities

The International Professional Standards for Internal Auditing (ISPPIA) require the formation of a risk-based internal audit plan, in particular, on the basis of a formalized risk assessment carried out at least once a year.

Canonical approach.

Certainly the canonical approach can be called an approach that is based on the existing risk assessment. This site is quite myself, on which I will show the approaches to the formation of an internal audit work plan for the year.

So, there is a register of risks with calculated mathematical expectations of the current and residual risk. You need to start by ranking the risks for internal audit.

The first thing that needs to be determined is by which of the mathematical expectations the risks should be ranked. My opinion is that you need to rank according to the current one. The logic is roughly the following: management will always insist that “yes, everything is bad with us now (well, or everything is good), but in the near future, it’s“ zakolositsa ”(well, or it will become“ even better ”)." As practice shows, the near future does not always come quickly (after all, the duration human life is negligible from the point of view of the time of existence of the universe, and on this scale the nearest future is 100 years). Therefore, the test plan is drawn up based on the current mathematical expectation. But theoretically, I admit a situation when the audit plan is drawn up proceeding from both the mathematical expectation of residual risks and the change in the delta between the mathematical expectation of the current and residual risk. The logic of the latter is an audit of the effectiveness of the efforts made by management.

When determining labor intensity, it is not necessary to take into account the speed of decision-making by management. If a particular leader has taken a break of three weeks due to vacation, the person from the internal audit department needs to be loaded with something else. Yes, there are different psychotypes, and among internal auditors too. I have a feeling that the more I have to do, the more I do. Perhaps this is just my peculiarity: stress helps someone, hinders someone. But stress resistance seems to be required for all vacancies.


Some obvious scheduling tips.

Council number 1. If during the year it is planned Big changes curves of processes, it is advisable to schedule an audit for January-February (an unambiguous example from the program above is an audit the current system purchases).

Council number 2. If the management indicated the date of execution on March 33, then it is advisable to start the audit of the process execution on March 34.

Council number 3. Do not plan any field trips for July-August. Of course, excursions in summer are much more interesting than in winter (although for me it’s more comfortable in winter because you don’t sweat afterwards). But tickets and other accommodation are much cheaper in February or November. We are not talking about unscheduled tasks - here, if you need something, you need it right away.

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The internal audit process contains four stages (Div. Figure 15.4), one of which is planning.

Planning is an important step in the work of an internal auditor. The auditor should plan his work so as to correctly and timely complete the audit. The plans are drawn up taking into account the business of the enterprise, its accounting system and the current internal control. The purpose of audit planning is to focus the auditor's attention on its most important areas, to identify problems that should be checked in the most detail. Planning helps the auditor to properly organize his work and supervise the work of the assistants who take part in the audit, as well as coordinate the work that is carried out by other auditors and professionals in other professions.

The plan may be accompanied by the necessary comments on the organization of verification and coordination of the work of the enterprise personnel and auditors. The comments contain the purpose of the audit, a description of the main methods and techniques that will be used by auditors (survey, inspection, observation, inquiries, spot checks, testing, documentary verification, analytical warehouse, etc.). An audit program is based on the plan, where work, working documents and performers of audit procedures are established.

It is necessary to carefully control the time taken to complete the audit work, which will make it possible to use it most effectively.

To fulfill the plan, the auditor must prepare a written audit program. Audit program is a document containing: the audit task for a specific object (control systems for certain business transactions, account balances accounting, cycle of business transactions, etc.); the procedures required to complete the assigned tasks; volumes and terms of their implementation.

Today, the business community often emphasizes the importance of quality internal audit for the implementation of good leadership the firm as a whole. Thus, the European Commission issued in July 1996 the Creen Paper "on the role, position and obligations of the auditor in the countries of the European Union". It says: “Companies where there is weak internal audit will not be able to cope with the responsibility to provide sufficient material information to the audit committee. information systems management of the company and the assessment of internal control systems should be carried out on an ongoing basis.

The quality of internal audit defines such basic concepts as professional competence and compliance with professional standards (both technical and ethical) when drawing up an opinion on the results of internal audits or when providing other services.

The first step in ensuring High Quality the performance of work by the internal audit department is the inclusion of quality control measures in the internal audit process. Though specific directions of each individual internal audit department on documentation, the use of practical manuals, consultations and reviews, as well as the ways of their mandatory implementation, largely depend on the size organizational structure and the style or philosophy of enterprise management, each of these elements should be available to one degree or another.

The quality of internal audit consists of many elements, combined, depending on their content and purpose, into the corresponding constituent parts. Quality indicators, depending on the nature of the tasks to be solved in assessing compliance with the constituent elements and the quality of parts or the entire process, can be classified according to a number of criteria: content; sources of education; completeness of certainty; assessing the compliance and quality of the process components being investigated; purpose and way of expression.

The management of the internal audit service provides for the implementation of organizational and executive measures according to a certain model, the so-called management model of internal audit:

goal setting(reaching a certain level of conservation of resources, increasing capital, etc.);

planning- selection of means to achieve the goal, determination of the required qualifications of auditors, drawing up plans, schedules, preparation working documentation, preparation of an appropriate regulatory framework;

organization- provision of the necessary resources, administrative regulation, selection, testing, training of personnel, determination of the procedure for the implementation of control measures, generalization and implementation of the results of inspections;

personnel management- provision of orders, development of our own internal audit standards. Such standards can be the organizational status of the internal audit service, requirements for the competence of internal audit, relationships with service users, training of employees of the unit, planning and implementation of internal audit, types of final documents based on the results of internal audit, procedures for communicating the results of internal audit to stakeholders and subsequent actions. internal audit management, regulation of the rights and obligations of the internal auditor, criteria and indicators of the quality of work of internal auditors. Management also involves the implementation of modern techniques and audit technologies, drawing up programs and plans for conducting audits, determining accounting for the work of the service, organizing documentary support for management and implementation decisions taken, control over the efficient use of working time by auditors;

coordination- consistency of control activities with the divisions of the enterprise, providing them with consulting services, ensuring interaction with the external audit and other representatives of the financial control, coordination of plans, programs, schedules;

control- development of methods and organization of quality control of auditors' work, control and analysis of the effectiveness of inspections and identification of reserves for improving work, increasing the effectiveness of control measures, maintaining contacts with departments after internal audit.

One of the main and significant differences between internal audit is that it should be conducted as a carefully planned (and not spontaneous) process. The precautionary nature of internal audit is important psychological factor... This means that each audit is planned, and the staff of the department, checks, communicates about the time, object and criteria of verification in order to provide auditors with the necessary level of confidence and exclude the possibility of personnel deviating from providing and demonstrating all the necessary data. The unexpectedness of internal audits can impede operations. There are two options for carrying out work by internal auditors: a horizontal model and a vertical one.

Horizontal model used to check compliance a separate kind activity or process to the requirements of management systems and to assess their effectiveness and efficiency.

Vertical model is used to check the compliance with the activities of a separate division of the company. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the horizontal model is more laborious and time-consuming, but also more significant, since it includes in the field of view activities at the junctions of various departments and officials involved in meeting the requirements for the object of verification. In addition, horizontal review breaks down communication barriers between departments and encourages participants in management systems to interact with each other.

The most important step in internal audit is planning. The planning, like every stage of the audit, is documented. Consider the documents used at the planning stage and can be developed at the enterprise. The main document, used by the head of the service, is the annual Program, approved by the head of the company (Table 15.1).

Table 15.1

Internal audit program

The program should be designed taking into account the status and significance of the activities and processes. Primary importance should be given to key activities and processes that have a decisive impact on the success of the company, the achievement of its goals, as well as critical activities, processes, the improper performance of which at a certain stage of time can represent a real or potential danger For the company.

Typical processes that can be considered key are the study of demand, customer expectations, procurement management, interaction with customers, product sales, training and competence of personnel.

Key processes are ranked using economic or peer review influence individual processes on the end results of the business.

Critical processes are considered, the improper organization of which or non-compliance with the requirements for which may present an actual or potential danger to the efficiency of activities. These processes require immediate intervention in the form of corrective or preventive actions and should be closely monitored. Any business process can be classified as critical due to various kinds of internal reasons.

Based annual program audit consists timetable audits, and a plan for each individual or complex audit. Based on the annual audit program, an internal audit plan is developed for each audit, taking into account the need for resources (Table 15.2).

The plan should qualify the audit object both organizationally (audit of a department, group of departments, etc.), and functionally (audit of finance, marketing, etc.).

Table 15.2 INTERNAL AUDITING PLAN (for a specific site)

The head of the internal audit service must also develop a plan for the development of the internal audit service (hereinafter - SBA). Based on and taking into account the audit plan and service development plan, a internal audit budget. It contains a list of expenses necessary to ensure the implementation of the audit plan and development plan. The budget should also include the ability to conduct unscheduled audits and outsource audits.

When preparing for an internal audit, it is necessary:

1. Group members: get acquainted with the plan and clearly define the boundaries of the check, analyze all documents and materials regarding his duties in order to identify the most significant issues that are subject to qualified discussion with the personnel of the unit.

2. To the chief auditor: receive from the SBA all the documents specified in the plan, according to which the check should be carried out, as well as documents related to the object of the check: organizational and administrative, job descriptions, process maps, their detailed description, matrices of distribution of responsibility and authority, etc .; make the necessary group appointments and schedule the audit; prepare a questionnaire; provide auditors with working materials - checklists, auditor logs, non-compliance report forms, etc.

Questionnaire- a questionnaire with a list of questions for employees of the unit where the audit is being conducted. Answers are used to preliminary assessment object of audit. The questions of the questionnaire should be built on the basis of audit criteria and cover their most significant parts, be formulated concisely, unambiguously, in a certain sequence, provide an unambiguous answer.

Checklist- a pre-compiled systematic list of questions, the answers to which allow the auditor, directly during the audit, to receive information about the degree of conformity of the state of the audit area established requirements... Questions should be posed in such a way that the answers enable the auditor to complete and correct representation about the object.

Auditor's log- a journal or form in which the auditor records facts, results of interviews and other information collected during the audit. The log entries are the basis for making appropriate decisions (Table 15.3).

Table 15.3



List of questions

Actual state

Today the concept of "internal audit" has received wide distribution in business. Many large enterprises and companies choose to create their own internal audit services and departments by training their employees. In addition, the demand for specialists who have the relevant knowledge and have an international diploma is constantly growing on the labor market.

Internal audit tasks at the enterprise

Internal audit in an enterprise is an activity that is aimed at providing objective and independent advice and guarantees to improve the company's performance. The goal of internal audit is to assess risks, find ways to reduce them, and increase the profitability of business processes.

Auditor consulting includes assessing, analyzing and reporting on the productivity and reliability of processes. They are addressed directly to the administration of the organization.

The main tasks of internal audit at the enterprise:

  • checking internal control systems to determine the level of efficiency of the departments;
  • development of an integral risk management system, analysis of its work, as well as the creation of measures to reduce them;
  • control over compliance with the principles of corporate governance.

The need to implement internal audit

V recent times in Russia, there is an orientation towards the separation of management and business ownership functions. The owners are implementing one overall strategy development of the organization and manage the main directions, and for solving small and everyday tasks, as a rule, top managers are hired. In this case, the company uses a tool for monitoring the state of affairs - internal or external audit. It allows owners to obtain a complete and objective assessment of the activities of the entire organization.

On the implementation of internal audit in Russian companies influenced no less and the federal law"On accounting" dated 06.12.2011. According to article 19, from the beginning of 2013, absolutely all economic entities must carry out internal control. economic activity.

Internal audit checklist

Controlling accounting and management accounting, as well as other areas of management should occur absolutely at all enterprises. However, it is important to be aware of the specifics of this procedure. All processes must follow one another in an orderly manner. Since it is precisely due to the compliance with this requirement that many mistakes and problems can be avoided during the audit by the regulatory authorities. Filling out the checklist greatly simplifies the process. Its role is very difficult to exaggerate.

What you need to know about the checklist

This document consists of a checklist of detailed audit questions. The checklist does not have a format defined in the legislation. However, it is necessary to follow some rules when drawing up and filling it out. This is what will reduce the likelihood of problems during the audit process.

In fact, with the help of a checklist, you can solve a fairly large number of issues and tasks, not only during the audit, but also during the ongoing activities of the enterprise. This document can be used by various organizations, supervising institutions and their officials.

Using a checklist, you can solve the following tasks:

  • correctly plan the audit in accordance with legal regulations;
  • carry out intermediate and selective control, conduct effective time management;
  • ensures that no important parts of the audit are missed;
  • is one of the means of memory;
  • simplifies the audit;
  • with its help, the audit is carried out in a complex, structured and holistic manner, etc.

Legislative act that governs the compilation of this document, is Federal Law No. 307 of December 30, 2008 “On Auditing”.

An example of an internal audit checklist is available.

Internal audit of the QMS

QMS - a quality management system - one of the parts of the entire management system of the company, which was created to ensure and control the stability of economic activities, high quality and minimize the cost of manufacturing products or providing services.

According to QMS structure documentation looks like this:

  • quality requirements (quality manual);
  • goals and policy in the field of product and service quality;
  • required documented processes;
  • regulations of procedures, work instructions;
  • quality records.

The audit of quality management systems is not regulated by either federal or international legislation. Therefore, there are no mandatory legal regulations, which determine the procedure and rules for auditing quality systems at the enterprise. This is due to the voluntary desire of the organization to certify quality systems. And all work that accompanies the construction and implementation of a quality system is also a voluntary initiative.

Consequently, organizations that are engaged in auditing the QMS can carry out their activities without additional licenses or other permits. And for the implementation of internal audit, even more so, these documents are not needed. Despite this, there are special rules that govern the conduct of audits of the QMS. For example, ISO 19011: 2011, which is called Guidelines for auditing management systems. It can be used for internal and external audits.

Internal audit order

Internal audit order is an internal document that is drawn up by the head of the company and establishes:

  • dates of the audit;
  • a group of internal auditors and specialists responsible for its implementation;
  • provision of conditions for conducting internal audit;
  • control over the conduct of the audit.

How to become an internal audit professional

Every day the demand for specialists who are able to carry out internal control of the enterprise is growing. But the requirements for them are also increasing. They should have knowledge in the financial sector, understand internal control and corporate governance, know national and international standards for internal audit, and understand the specifics of the activities that need to be analyzed.

Online training comes to the rescue of always busy financial professionals. Online Courses allow you to study without interrupting your main activity, at home or at work in convenient comfortable familiar conditions. Quality distance learning, is not inferior, and often exceeds the full-time counterparts, due to the involvement of high-quality teachers, a modular course system, online tests and much more.

Internal Audit Diplomas and Certificates

To obtain a diploma that confirms qualifications in the field of internal audit, you should choose international program foreign institute. Today, Russian specialists have access to such programs as IPFM, IFA, ICFM and CIA.

The need for internal audits has already become commonplace for medium and large organizations. Small companies do not always conduct audits due to the smaller volume of work processes, but some of them could benefit from such control. Read about improving the process of conducting, planning and preparing it in this article. Here you will also find information on conducting an internal audit at an enterprise using an example.

Internal audit program and schedule

Scheduling an audit is one of the most important milestones preparation. At this time, it is necessary to assess the total amount of work, determine the schedule and timing of the audit, draw up a control program, choose a suitable methodology and first identify the most disadvantaged divisions. Also at the planning stage, it is advisable to try to take into account potential external factors of influence.

The internal audit program is developed in conjunction with the plan. Most often, the program has a personal form that takes into account the most important aspects subject to control in a particular company. This document describes all the nuances of the auditor's activities and includes the following items:

  1. The main purpose of the internal audit.
  2. Application area.
  3. Definitions and abbreviations.
  4. Data on additional documents.
  5. List of persons responsible for the application.
  6. Description of the audit process.
  7. Schedule and frequency of control checks.
  8. Preparation detailed plan audit.
  9. Preparation of the necessary documents.
  10. The sequence of collecting information.
  11. The nuances of preparing the final reporting.

Internal audit order (sample)

Internal audit order - 1

Internal audit order - 2

When an internal audit is conducted by a third party company, an agreement must be added to the order. Only on the basis of this document is it possible to sign an agreement for conducting an IA.

The rules and procedure for conducting internal audit are described below.

The internal audit of the QMS in order to comply with ISO 9001 is shown in this video:


There are certain international and Russian standards for internal audit. At the same time, it is not prohibited by law to develop its own in-house rules for VA. The main part of federal standards concerns the activities of third-party auditors, regulating their work to ensure the quality of the services provided.

At the same time, internal audit standards created by a particular company cannot contradict federal and international rules... Regardless of the level of the rules, they are all divided into several blocks. Of these, 3 are required:

  1. Block No. 1 reflects the nuances of the organizational and economic activities of auditors.
  2. Block No. 2 specifies the responsibilities of the auditors, how control evidence is obtained, and how conclusions are drawn.
  3. Block No. 3 contains rules for the choice of techniques, documentation, work instructions.

It is important to understand that in order to obtain reliable audit data, it is necessary to have an audit structure with clear rules. Only systematized activity according to certain standards is able to demonstrate a clear result.

Step by step

At first glance, conducting an internal audit is fairly straightforward. This procedure includes only 3 stages:

  1. Preliminary preparation.
  2. Collecting audit evidence.
  3. Registration of test results.

These stages are often referred to as preparatory, working, and final. The cancellation or dismissal of any of the stages deprives the internal listening of any meaning.

  • At the preparation stage, it is necessary to plan and collect the necessary data, documents and various information about the object of control.
  • The working stage involves the direct application of the selected control methods, conducting tests, searching for evidence and documenting the actions taken.
  • On the final stage the results of the audit are summed up, the audit is analyzed, and the preparation of documentation is being completed.

Implementation results

  • All IA results in mandatory must be in documentary form for later study. Most often, documents mean or its smaller forms. It contains not only information about the detected deficiencies, but also the proposed ways to eliminate them. Also, the results of internal audit necessarily reflect potential ways to improve the efficiency of work processes.
  • In addition to drawing up reports and other audit documentation, another procedure is required. It is important to clarify in advance the criteria for the effectiveness of the inspectors and, upon completion of the internal audit, to analyze the quality of the control carried out.
  • Often, such criteria are compliance with the stated framework of the verification time frame, the presence of complete and intelligible comments on all the items studied, an indication of potential problems in the future. It is also necessary to analyze the activities of auditors for compliance with the regulations of inspections and correct use a variety of control methods. Another criterion is the availability, completeness and timeliness of the submission of documentation on the audit.

When conducting an internal audit big role is also assigned to its preparation (and do not forget about!). Without a properly conducted preparatory part, a high-quality work of inspectors is impossible. Unified system audit does not exist, each company independently combines control methods, so it is worth Special attention devote to preparation, and the very verification, and analysis of the effectiveness of work.

The internal audit of the management system is described in this video:

3. Normative references

ISO 9000: 2005 - Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary ".

ISO 9001: 2008 - “Quality management system. Requirements".

ISO 19011: 2002 - Guidelines for auditing quality and / or environmental management systems.

4. Terms, abbreviations and conventions

Terms and Definitions:

Audit is a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objectively in order to determine the extent to which agreed criteria are met (ISO 9000: 2005).

Auditor - a person who has demonstrated the personal qualities and competence necessary to conduct an audit (ISO 9000: 2005).

Group of auditors - one or more auditors conducting the audit with the involvement of technical specialists (if necessary).

Applicable abbreviations:

DP is a documented procedure

QMS - quality management system


Forking / merging process operations

5. Description of the process

5.1 Basics

The audit of the QMS at KPMS is carried out in order to:

  • determine the level of QMS compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008;
  • determine the level of compliance of the QMS with the requirements of internal regulatory documents.

An audit can be carried out as planned (based on the annual audit plan) and unscheduled (based on an order general director).

The frequency of the scheduled audit should be at least once every six months.

The person responsible for organizing the audits is the quality commissioner.

The lead auditor is responsible for conducting audits.

The annual plan of internal audits is developed and approved no later than December 20. The annual plan of internal audits is developed by the quality commissioner. When planning internal audits of the QMS, a mandatory check of each of the departments, each of the processes and each of the requirements of ISO 9001: 2008 is provided.

Before the start of each audit, an audit schedule is developed. The schedule is developed one week before the date of the audit.

To conduct internal audits, a lead auditor, auditors and technical specialists are appointed from among the company's employees. Lead auditors and auditors are determined by the quality commissioner. The appointment of the lead auditor and auditors is carried out by order of the General Director for Personnel. The order may indicate the date of appointment. If the term is not specified, then the lead auditor (auditors) is considered appointed indefinitely and loses its auditor status only on the basis of an order from the general director to appoint a new lead auditor (auditor) or upon dismissal from the company.

Technicians are assigned (if necessary) for each audit as advised by the lead auditor. The appointment of technical specialists is carried out in the order for the organization to conduct an internal audit.

When scheduling the audit, the distribution of auditors and technical specialists according to the objects of audit should exclude the possibility of their checking the departments in which auditors and technical specialists work.

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