Home Natural farming A detailed business plan for opening a pharmacy with calculations. Description of products and services

A detailed business plan for opening a pharmacy with calculations. Description of products and services

The modern pharmacy business is one of the most successful and profitable investments. Medicines belong to the category of vital goods, the need for them among the population not only does not decrease, but, on the contrary, grows every year. However, not every establishment will be profitable. For a successful start, you need to correctly execute organizational arrangements, think over a management system and develop a confident business plan for opening a pharmacy with calculations.

According to Russian statistics, the segment pharmacy business acts as one of the most promising and stable Russian market... Despite the need for fairly high investment investments at the start, the business will also please with a high level of profitability. Key factors successful business are as follows:

  • high quality service, provision of consulting services to the population, assistance in choosing medicines;
  • high level margins on medications;
  • high level of demand, which will always grow;
  • wide range of assortment. Possibility of selling additional health products;
  • large average check.

Pharmacies have always been a profitable and profitable business. Today the relevance of this investment project is increasing due to the fact that the range of the pharmacy has significantly expanded. The institution can sell not only medicines, but also related health products. It can be cosmetic and perfumery products, care products, dietary supplements and proper nutrition, clothes and shoes, and much more. With proper management, even a small pharmacy kiosk in the future can become a large store with a permanent customer base.

The only significant drawback that the pharmacy owner will have to face is the high bureaucratic burden. Our legislation sets out clear responsibilities for each institution that sells medicines. It will be necessary to obtain a large number of permits, as well as the selection of premises that will exactly meet the requirements of regulatory enactments.

In addition to selling medicines, the investment project will have a number of related functions:

  1. Sale of prescription drugs.
  2. Providing the first medical care citizens, in the event that it is needed urgently.
  3. Providing the population with consultations, as well as information regarding the intake of medicines, their effect, and their storage.
  4. Service for the category of citizens who are endowed with benefits in accordance with the law.
  5. Sale of cosmetics, personal hygiene products, medical devices and products, sale of medicinal raw materials, which are made on a plant basis.

Before opening a pharmacy, it is required to determine the most suitable format of the institution. This can be a counter format, which is appropriate for streets with good traffic or in a residential area. Or it could be a self-service pharmacy. This option is more suitable for shopping centers and supermarkets.

Market and competitor analysis

According to the data presented in Russian statistics, over the past 10 years, one can see stable growth in this segment. Every year, you can observe an increase in market share of approximately 8%. The pharmacy business is a direction that is not afraid of crises and economic turmoil. Despite the fact that in 2015 a slight decline could be observed due to a sharp increase in the cost of imported drugs, this does not make the area less promising and profitable.

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However, in order not to face difficulties, you need to competently and as objectively as possible evaluate the competitors of your institution. It is necessary to conduct an analysis of competitors in the city, as well as direct competitors that will be located in the immediate vicinity of your establishment. Approximately, this is a radius of 1-2 kilometers. Let's immediately divide them into several categories:

  1. Classic establishments. As a rule, they are located on the first floors of residential buildings in residential areas. Middle and senior buyers age group trust these pharmacies as they have been using them for a long time. Prices can be somewhat completed here, but the assortment is quite wide. These pharmacies will become your direct competitors.
  2. Local and large network players. The establishments of these pharmacies are located throughout the city. They cover the market as widely as possible. Chain pharmacies can offer customers the maximum low prices as well as discounts. This is their main advantage over the rest, and this is the reason why many prefer them, despite the disadvantageous location in some cases.
  3. Online pharmacies. The level of trust in such pharmacies is rather low. Their services are used by people of a young age group, as well as those buyers who need delivery.

In order to neutralize the influence of a competitive environment, it is necessary to develop the most productive ways business promotion, as well as understand what target audience your work will be directed to. The most promising segment for the pharmacy business is the female audience. These can be both working women and housewives. As a rule, their age ranges from 25 to 50 years, in most cases these women have children. They value their time highly, try to spend money wisely, and also like to please their loved ones. Taking care of the health of their families and children is a very important factor for them. Remember that such customers want to see in the pharmacy not only medical products, but also products for beauty and health, baby food, proper nutrition. Convenience of choice, speed of service, comfortable atmosphere.

Finding premises for a pharmacy

First, you need to determine the location of your establishment. According to our business plan for opening a pharmacy with calculations, such points can be located:

  1. On high traffic streets. The main guarantee of the success of such an institution is close placement popular places... These can be grocery or hardware stores, shopping centers, bus stops, large transport interchanges.
  2. In a mall or supermarket. A pharmacy located in such a place will always find its client. Such an institution is characterized by a very quick exit to the break-even point. This is due to the fact that customers of shopping centers and large stores are in the mood for shopping and have an adequate supply of money.
  3. Establishments in large sleeping areas. If you want to open such a pharmacy, you need to assess the presence of direct competitors. Such an establishment will be very profitable and profitable if there are no direct competitors within 1-2 kilometers.

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When choosing a room, you must be guided by the regulations of the licensing conditions. Remember that the need to reconstruct the facility will significantly increase the investment burden at the start. If you need to conduct construction works, as well as to obtain permits, and subsequently to legitimize the redevelopment, then you will not only delay the opening date of the pharmacy, but also make it very expensive.

Personnel search and equipment purchase

In any direction of business, it is necessary to select qualified and competent specialists. If you are planning to open a pharmacy, then it is important to consider the personnel issue with special attention... Give preference to candidates:

  • polite;
  • friendly;
  • responsible;
  • disciplined.

It is important to understand that only those persons who have medical education... As a rule, pharmacists who were educated in technical schools, colleges, institutes are hired to work in pharmacies. Each hired employee must have a medical record with all the marks. Employees should be fluent in the assortment of the pharmacy, know the features of the drugs, in order to advise the buyer on all issues.

Do not forget about the constant improvement of the quality of service, for this, employees must be interested in work. This is ensured by the possibility of promotion and material motivation (for example, part of the salary may consist of salary and percentage of sales).

You will need to purchase equipment to decorate the sales area and utility room. For the sales area, you will need: prescription cabinets, counter walls, counters, closed and open display cases. The utility room will need to be used as a warehouse and a staff room. Accordingly, there should be furniture for storing medicines, wardrobes for clothes, tables.

Organizational and legal issues

In order to open a pharmacy, you will need to own all the information from the point of view of the law. To begin with, you will need to register a business with government agencies. You can give preference to the form of ownership of an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The most profitable tax system will be the simplified “income minus expenses 15%”.

The pharmacy business is an activity that must be licensed. The process of obtaining a license is the longest and most difficult part. In order to obtain all the necessary permits, notifications and licenses, you can spend about 2 months. And if you have not experienced this before, it may take you more time.

Do not think that obtaining a license is just paperwork. It will take a large-scale work:

  • The room must fully comply with the requirements of regulatory enactments. Requirements for reconstruction, equipment, equipment, utilities must be met.
  • All documents must be legally correct, including a lease agreement for the premises must be drawn up and registered.
  • The work experience of the hired specialists must be at least 3 years.
  • If you decide to register a pharmacy as an individual entrepreneur, you must have a pharmacist diploma. If you do not have the appropriate education, registration of an LLC will be required.

You will need to obtain the conclusion of the SES for the conduct of the presented type of activity. This opinion is provided after checking the premises. It is important to conclude agreements with organizations that carry out cleaning and disinfection of the premises, as well as the removal of household waste. The next step is the development of documentation by which the internal work of the pharmacy is regulated. You will need to draw up the regulations of the organization, prescribe the operating mode, with each employee it is compiled separately labor contract and a liability agreement.

Pharmacy services is one of oldest species business. Times have changed, morals have changed, but there have always been pharmaceutical establishments. Unfortunately, mankind is most likely still far from eradicating all ailments, which means that pharmacies, as an attribute of society, will continue to accompany civilization.

Before proceeding with the development of a business plan for a pharmacy, here is a generalized view of this business. This will give an understanding of what the entrepreneur will face in the formation of his pharmacy business. We will give general recommendations for writing a business plan, an example of calculations. In the conclusion, several important caveats will be voiced, perhaps predominantly of an ethical nature.

The pharmacy business is an area of ​​activity that is closely monitored by the state..

Errors, negligence, misunderstanding, deliberate deception in the work of the enterprise can lead to serious, negative consequences for all parties. Therefore, before starting planning, in addition to studying the legislation, it is advisable to consult with specialist pharmacists, or an independent deep study of the topic.

At correct planning it is possible to build a profitable business.

Requirements for a pharmacy, types of pharmacies

Pharmacy activity requires compulsory licensing... This is the most difficult and time consuming part. Moreover, it does not have of great importance- it will be a small kiosk or a whole extensive network.

Obtaining a license involves:

  • requirements for reconstruction, equipment and fittings (water supply, sewerage, ventilation, access zones, refrigerators, cabinets, etc.);
  • appropriate documentation, including requirements for lease (sublease) agreements;
  • requirements for specialists: pharmacists and pharmacists (their work experience cannot be less than 3 years);
  • if the form of ownership is an individual entrepreneur, then an individual entrepreneur must be a certified pharmacist, otherwise register an enterprise as a joint stock company.

And a number of other requirements (SES, firefighters, etc.). It takes from 2 months to six months to obtain a license.

By type, pharmacies are divided:

  • production (with the right to manufacture aseptic agents and without such a right);
  • ready-made drug store (prescription drugs can be sold);
  • pharmacy (you cannot sell prescription drugs);
  • pharmacy kiosk (pharmacy less than 20 square meters).

The license requirements for all types of pharmacies are different. The smallest requirements for pharmacy kiosks, but the possibilities are sharply limited.

You can also enter differentiation by volume:

  • network of pharmacies;
  • large pharmacy points;
  • small kiosks.

A separate type of pharmaceutical business is online pharmacies. There are some peculiarities here. Lower selling prices due to the lack of additional overhead costs. Less trust from customers.

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Pharmacy organization, market analysis

The pharmacy market is oversaturated... That's why a ready-made pharmacy business plan should include well crafted production, organizational, marketing and financial plan.

The production plan defines the manufacture of drugs, necessary equipment, organization of the sale of drugs.

Organizational - the number and structure of staff: pharmacists, promoters, drivers and other support staff.

A marketing plan for small pharmacy outlets is optional. Enough advertising signs. For large pharmacies and even more so for networks, a well-developed marketing policy: promotions, discounts and more.

The financial plan summarizes all the others and actualizes the idea. Since the main goal of organizing an enterprise is making a profit. The financial plan should reflect the time to reach the break-even point, the profitability of the project.

The location of the pharmacy plays a significant role.

It is advantageous to locate a pharmacy within walking distance from places where people live. Also in places of high concentration - train stations, shopping centers. At the same time, you need to clearly analyze and monitor the content. V different places the demand for goods is slightly different.

In addition, before opening, you will need to carefully study the closest competitors in the district. The prices for the goods in the newly opened pharmacy should be comparable to those of the neighbors.

Due to the great competition in order to increase profitability, in addition to medicines, it is recommended to trade in related products: shampoos, pastes, massagers, etc.

The larger the pharmacy, the more investment will be required and the more difficulties it becomes with obtaining a license and regulatory authorities. Depending on the intention of the enterprise, a specific pharmacy business plan should consider:

  1. The main anticipated customer base... For example, pensioners - beneficiaries and those leaving at train stations need a different set of goods.
  2. Competitors' proposals.
  3. A set of goods, prices, discounts, location, advertising.

Additional features.

What related products can be offered at the pharmacy. Agreements with organizations and private individuals for the provision of additional services, for example, for measuring blood pressure, sugar, etc.

An example of a pharmacy kiosk calculation

Opening a pharmacy is a complicated process. It is better to order a business plan for specialists or, as a last resort, search the Internet for a more suitable one for a specific implementation.

Here, a sample is taken from a small pharmacy kiosk.

Licensing is the simplest: there is no production, there is no sale of prescription drugs.

The room is small, about 10 sq. meters. Employees: 2 pharmacy specialists. Complex equipment is not required: cash register, computer, payment terminal. Equipment - racks. No marketing costs required. From advertising - signs.

The mark-up for different groups of goods is not the same. For medicines, usually - 20-30%, for related products can be up to 50-100%. On average, we take 30%.

With a daily passage of 70 - 100 people and an average check of 200 - 400 rubles, we get: 14 - 40 thousand rubles a day. Per month: 400 - 1,000 thousand rubles.

In this case, the monthly profit can be: 50 - 300 thousand rubles. And the payback period is from 1 to 3 years.

Some notes on the pharmacy business

It should be emphasized once again that the pharmacy business is specific. And without an understanding of pharmaceuticals and the legislation of the state in the field of selling drugs, it is risky to engage in it.

In addition, there are three more reservations about not entirely correct business conduct.

  1. It is a fairly widespread practice of selling various cheap alcohol-containing preparations in small pharmacies to the corresponding contingent. This method makes small pharmacy stalls cost-effective.
  2. Sale of near-narcotic, strong anesthetics and other drugs semi-legally to the corresponding contingent. Also makes small pharmacy kiosks cost effective.
  3. Arrangements with clinics and doctors to write prescriptions for certain drugs and refer clients for a fee.

If the first two practices border on criminal liability, then the latter has a more ethical aspect. However, the use of such business methods is entirely on the owner's conscience.

Before starting the pharmaceutical business, you must decide what exactly you want to open: a pharmacy kiosk, a full-fledged large pharmacy or a network of pharmacies. The pharmaceutical business is a fairly popular area for aspiring entrepreneurs. The demand for drugs has always been, is and will be. Opening a pharmacy, in principle, is not difficult, it is enough to find a room and buy all the products. It is much more difficult to obtain a license.

There are about nine thousand pharmacies in our country, about two thousand pharmacy chains. These numbers are increasing every year. The pharmacy business is considered highly profitable, since there is always demand.

Requirements for opening a pharmacy

The most important thing when opening is getting a license. This is a laborious and rather lengthy procedure, regardless of whether it is a kiosk or a whole network. To obtain a license, you must:

  • comply with the requirements for equipment, equipment (ventilation system, refrigeration equipment,
  • water supply and sewerage, showcases, lockers, etc.);
  • correct execution of lease agreements;
  • experienced staff, pharmacists and pharmacists (work experience must be over three years);
  • if you are applying for an individual entrepreneur, then when you open a pharmacy, you need your education to be directly related to pharmaceutical activities. Otherwise, register the company as a joint stock company;
  • obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station;
  • obtaining permission from fire safety;
  • receipt of payment of the license fee.

In general, it takes from two to six months to obtain all permits and licenses for opening pharmaceutical activities. It is difficult and painstaking, but be patient and everything will work out.

Types of pharmacies

If you do not know which pharmacy to open, check out several types.

  • Manufacturing pharmacies - such outlets have the right to manufacture aseptic products.
  • Pharmacy dispensing finished products(implementation of the sale of prescription drugs).
  • Pharmacy points (sale of drugs is allowed, it is forbidden to dispense prescription drugs).
  • Pharmacy booth (premises for a pharmacy are less than twenty square meters).

A license for all types of pharmacies is required. Requirements for pharmacy kiosks are minimal.

Pharmacy location

It is most advantageous to locate a pharmacy in a large residential area. It is also beneficial to open in shopping malls, train stations or in places where there is a lot of traffic. The main thing is to always follow the replenishment. Before opening, take a closer look to see if there are competitors in the environment. Set the price segment either the same as that of competitors, or slightly lower. This will allow you to win over buyers and build your customer base. In order to avoid competition and to increase sales, supply the pharmacy with related products (for example, pacifiers, shampoos, diapers, massagers, toothpastes, personal hygiene items, medical utensils, lens solutions, nail polishes, decorative cosmetics, dietary supplements, etc.). etc.).

Financial investments for opening a pharmacy

There are a number of costly items before opening a pharmacy:

  • The cost of finding premises, or rent.
  • Costs for licenses and other obtaining documentation.
  • Investments in the repair (reconstruction) of the premises.
  • Purchase of equipment (refrigerators, cabinets, air conditioners, showcases, etc.).
  • Investments in the installation of security and fire alarm systems.
  • Purchase of a computer and other office equipment.
  • Both the installation and the production of a sign require financial investments.
  • Investments in pharmacy advertising.
  • Creation of discount cards (if you plan to introduce a bonus program).
  • Contacting a recruiting agency (when selecting qualified personnel).
  • Finances for paying salaries to the administration and pharmacy employees.

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Pharmacy assortment

The range of drugs in the pharmacy is huge. There are about 19 thousand items. When opening, purchase those drugs that are in demand, and for this you need to conduct a survey or monitor the state of drug supply in your region. Price perception is a leading factor in the pharmacy business. Drugs that cost up to 100 rubles are considered readily available drugs among citizens. Funds from 100-300 rubles are also considered acceptable for the majority, and many cannot afford drugs that cost more.

In this regard, try to buy products, the cost of which will be up to 500 rubles upon sale. But this does not mean that there should not be others. There are drugs that are rare and expensive, which are difficult to find in pharmacies, so it is better to negotiate with a supplier and consider the service of a product to order. To summarize, we can say that you will invest most of your finances in drugs of frequent use. In order to understand what exactly to buy, the Ministry of Health approved a list of drugs that should be at the opening. This list contains about 60 items, including:

  • activated carbon (capsules, tablets);
  • ascorbic acid (in the form of tablets or dragees);
  • paracetamol (tablets);
  • analgin (tablets);
  • ammonia;
  • captopril (tablets);
  • ibuprofen (suspensions, tablets, capsules) and more.

WITH complete list you can find it on the official website of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. Please note that the inventory must contain at least 4 thousand items at the time of opening.

There are also three classes of inventory:

  • targeted drugs, antiviral and anti-infectious;
  • drugs that are in constant demand;
  • medicines of seasonal accumulation, such as: all kinds of herbs, mineral waters, fish oil.

The pharmacy also needs to have drugs from Russian and foreign manufacturers. And also - from pharmaceutical products, such as: medicinal cosmetics, baby food, personal hygiene products, etc.

What financial investments are required to open a pharmacy

You decided to open a pharmacy, but wondered how much you need to collect for this? Let's figure it out together. So, a license and other documentation is about 90 thousand rubles. Fire and burglar alarms are 45-50 thousand. Repair and decoration of the premises is about 1 million (it all depends on the area of ​​the premises). The cost of office equipment is 100 thousand. At the opening of the assortment, it will take 100-150 thousand, well, for other expenses 30 thousand. As a result, the amount is equal to one million 180 thousand. These are attachments only when opened.

Opening your own pharmacy can be a smart and profitable decision for a budding entrepreneur. This area is popular for its demand, relative stability and regulation of prices for goods. We offer a business plan for a pharmacy, an example with calculations for 2018.

Project summary

Below is a description of the ready-made business plan of the pharmacy, calculated for Samara.

Purpose: To open a retail outlet for the sale of pharmaceuticals in one of the shopping centers of Samara.

Initiator: a small business entity. The entrepreneur owns two pharmacies and each of them shows positive financial dynamics.


The total investment amount is 2 million rubles. It includes the cost of repair (decorative) work in retail space, purchase of equipment (commercial and refrigeration), primary wholesale purchase of goods for sale.

Investment structure:

  • Equity capital - 30%;
  • Bank loan - 70%.

The entrepreneur plans to take a loan from a local bank at 16% per annum, with an annuity repayment schedule for up to five years. For this, the property will be mortgaged - the premises of one of the pharmacies owned by the businessman.

Payback period

Based on previous experience and taking into account the current situation for the new project, the following calculations were made:

  • Payback period (idle) - 6 years and 4 months
  • Payback period (discount) - 8 years and 3 months

Sold goods for a pharmacy

The product line in the business plan of the pharmacy contains mainly the most popular drugs: antiallergic drugs, antimicrobial drugs, cardiovascular drugs and others.

Investment plan for opening a pharmacy

The initial investment capital will be 2 million rubles. The table provides a detailed breakdown of investment capital expenditures:

Name of work / equipment Price Qty Sum
Renovation of the premises - - 500 000
Equipment costs
Vertical showcases 3 000 8 24 000
Horizontal showcases 5 000 4 20 000
Refrigerators 35 000 2 70 000
Counter for cashier 20 000 1 20 000
Cash machine 20 000 1 20 000
Table 3 000 1 3 000
Chair 1 000 1 1 000
Working capital contribution
Initial purchase of goods - - 1 342 000
TOTAL: - - 2 000 000

Plan of periodicity of investments and works

The table below shows a plan of the required measures for opening a pharmacy:

* A detailed plan for the purchase and installation of equipment is not required. Since the purchase will be one-time, and the installation will be delegated to the contractor.

Production plan

Trade point

Commercial real estate for rent in one of the shopping centers was chosen as a retail outlet in the business plan of the pharmacy business. The total area of ​​the pharmacy is 60 sq. meters.

The area is distributed as follows:

  1. 8 sq. meters - warehouse;
  2. 52 sq. meter - to the trading floor.

Pharmacy opening hours

The work schedule of our business will take into account the opening hours shopping center, that is, we are open from 10:00 to 21:00.

Manufacturing process

This process in this business plan for the pharmacy business, we will consider the process of delivering products from the supplier's warehouses to the final customer. Simplified it looks like this:

  • The supplier's employee delivers the purchased goods to our warehouse. We sign all the required papers;
  • An employee of our company (seller) puts the product names in the appropriate places (refrigerator and display cases);
  • At the request of the buyer, the goods are removed from the showcase / refrigerator and made their way at the checkout;
  • Business proceeds are collected every day.


The cost of production is variable, but we take the price from our supplier as a basis. The average margin (mark-up) is approximately 30%.

Marketing plan


For a beginner pharmacy business entrepreneur, it is no secret that this business sector is highly competitive. The reason is the relatively large share of this segment's profitability. Including the absence of restrictions on the location of the points to be opened (for example, alcoholic beverages and sell tobacco products near educational institutions forbidden).

In the city of Samara on this moment more than 1,500 pharmacies have been opened different types... In the shopping center we have chosen, near our point, there is a direct competitor. However, the high traffic of the chosen shopping center, as well as a flexible pricing policy (a slight decrease in prices for “locomotive” goods), should facilitate the outflow of buyers from the competitors' point.


We chose a shopping center in the city of Samara as the location for our pharmacy. A suitable space was chosen on the ground floor of the building, despite the higher rental price for this space.

Pricing policy and product range

The average margin for each product unit will be 30%. The planned average check will be 1,000 rubles per customer. Upon reaching the target volume of sales of products, the average throughput of our outlet will be equal to 100 buyers per day.

Planned volume of product sales

Taking into account the chosen location for our pharmacy, we plan to reach the required daily volume of drug sales as soon as possible, according to our example of a pharmacy business plan with calculations (relevant for 2018).

The chart below shows the planned volume:

To make our calculations more correct, we will also take into account the seasonality factor, which may affect the sales volume in this industry:

The graph illustrates the seasonality in sales. This factor is very important when planning staff work schedules and their vacations, as well as for large purchases of products.

Marketing strategy

To reduce the time it takes to reach the planned sales volume of medicines, we want to use the following Marketing tools:

  1. We will decorate the room in the colors and corporate style of our brand (starting with showcases and ending with a sign) - about 25,000 rubles;
  2. Promoter with flyers - from 5,000 rubles;
  3. We will agree with the managers of the shopping center to place a banner (pointer) on the floors above (example text “Pharmacy on the 1st floor”). We plan to place it for the first 3 months - 5,000 rubles per month.

Organizational plan

Registration of a legal entity

Our entrepreneur already owns the company (is legal entity), therefore, opening another one is not required (in your case, you will need to open an "LLC" with a choice of a simplified taxation system (income minus expenses). Obtaining a new license to open a pharmacy will still be required.

Staff structure

Another advantage of owning similar outlets is that there is no need for a large amount of additional staff. However, we will have to increase the salary of the current employees of the company.

In the table below, we have displayed the number of employees and their costs:

* - the firm already has a similar position, does not require hiring additional labor.

The hierarchy of the staff of employees in the company:

Financial plan

To build a payback model of a business model, we put in it the inflation rate in the country equal to 10% (per year), including interest rates at the current tax rates for entrepreneurs in the Russian Federation. The following picture turns out:

  • Income tax - 15%
  • Personal income tax - 13%
  • Social security contributions - 34.2%
  • VAT - 0%

We have already mentioned above the discount rate, which we also included in our calculations (11%).

Payback of the project

According to detailed calculations from maintenance economic activity within the framework of this pharmacy, the following indicators were obtained:

  • Payback period of the project (idle) - 6 years, 4 months
  • Payback period (discount) - 8 years, 3 months
  • Net present value (NVP) - 1,249,000 rubles
  • Internal rate of return (IRR) - 32%

The calculations were made for a time span of 10 years.

Break even

In addition to the above calculations, we also calculated the company's break-even point, which amounted to just over 690,000 rubles per month. Our point will be able to achieve such indicators only after five months from the date of opening.

Business model viability

In order to prevent losses due to fluctuations in product prices and costs, it was decided to test the business model for viability in the face of fluctuations in average market prices (fluctuating margins), supplier prices and operating costs. This metric is called the Net Present Value (NVP), which we have displayed below:

Risk analysis

  1. Considering all of the above, the discounted payback period of our project will be 10 years. We must take into account that this time period is very long and during this time events may occur that negatively or positively affect the profitability of our company. Let's take a look at possible factors that can have a profound impact on our business.
  2. Fertility is decreasing. Important social factor, which will adversely affect the purchase of medicines for children in the first years of life and newborns. This is important for us, since it is at this age that children often get sick, and accordingly, they need medications.
  3. Changes in taxation. An important factor the political environment, which can irreversibly affect the bottom line and further destiny your enterprise.
  4. Decrease in margin. A specific factor for our sector is the regulation of prices for medicines. If government bodies will pass a bill to reduce the maximum price for drugs, this could significantly affect our profits.
  5. Progress factor. The advent of better or permanently curing drugs for patients will have an impact on our bottom line. We do not wish people ill or ill, we just have to take this factor into account, since it directly affects the volume of our sales.
  6. Increase in rent. Increasing the price of an already promoted retail outlet by the lessor is not such a rare practice. We must take this opportunity into account and agree in advance on the conditions for a possible price increase. Higher rent will force us to increase drug prices, thereby lowering sales (for the same average margin).

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What sanitary norms and rules does the pharmacy obey, what must be observed?
Is a license required to open a pharmacy?
How much money does it take to open a pharmacy, how much does it cost?

Location, where to open a pharmacy - premises and rentals, how to choose premises?
Pharmacy equipment and equipment
Pharmacy staff

Sales of products

Financial plan:
Investments (calculations for opening, equipment, personnel, purchase of goods, taxes)
Payback, is it profitable to open a pharmacy?

The option of opening a pharmacy for a franchise, pros, cons, investments, payback

Pharmacy business development prospects:
1) Opening of our own laboratory for the production of tablets and drugs
2) opening a veterinary department in a pharmacy
3) opening a small pharmacy in the countryside

Opening a pharmacy business requires awareness of this direction. Today there are many pharmacy points as well as grocery stores.
Therefore, in order to somehow stand out, you need to have good advertising. But, at the same time, this business will never lose its relevance. Since there is always a demand for medicines, as well as for foodstuffs.

Who can open a pharmacy, what kind of education do you need? Is it possible to open a pharmacy without a pharmaceutical education?

According to state law, the owner of the pharmacy, as well as the staff, must have pharmaceutical education... A diploma is a confirmation of the completion of higher or secondary specialized education. In addition, the manager must have a corresponding uninterrupted work experience as a pharmacist for at least 3 years. In the case of secondary specialized education, this length of service must be at least 5 years. In addition, you must have a specialist certificate. These rules are provided for by licensing requirements for those who wish to start a pharmacy business.

But there is also another option. You can open a company for a third party to manage a pharmacy. For example, establish an LLC and hire a person with a pharmaceutical education as a director of the company.

Sanitary norms and rules for a pharmacy.

In the process of carrying out pharmaceutical activities, all pharmacies and pharmacy points must be guided by the relevant sanitary norms and rules. Failure to comply with these requirements is punishable by law. Responsibility for the implementation of the following standards rests directly with the head of the organization.

There are sanitary requirements for the arrangement and placement of pharmacies, requirements for equipment and decoration of premises, requirements for the improvement of premises, as well as for cleaning and hygiene of employees of the organization.

Sanitary requirements for the design and placement of pharmacies provide for the following points:

The pharmacy can be located separately standing building and on the first floors of residential buildings;
- there must be two entrances: separately for visitors and separately - a service entrance to carry out unloading and loading operations;
- availability of an entrance area road transport;
- the presence of several zones in the room: for customer service, staff workplaces, a room for storing and unpacking medicines, an area for storing medicines that require special conditions, a restroom with the obligatory presence of a washbasin, utility room where staff belongings can be stored or meals can be taken.

Sanitary requirements for equipment and decoration of the premises:

The finishing of the floor covering must provide for the possibility frequent holding wet cleaning using disinfectants;
- if the shop windows or windows of the room are located on the sunny side, then special protective devices (awnings or blinds) must be provided;
- vents or window openings that are necessary for ventilating the room must be equipped with special nets to prevent the ingress of dust, dirt or insects;
- a prerequisite is the presence of special bactericidal lamps in order to carry out regular disinfection of the premises.

Requirements for the improvement of the premises include the following aspects:

Mandatory availability of central heating;
- it is preferable to equip the room with special, smooth-walled radiators, which are the easiest to carry out the cleaning process;
- the possibility of airing the premises in the summer, winter and spring-autumn period using vents or window openings;
- during the heating season, the air temperature should not be less than 18 ° С;
- availability is required artificial lighting at the pharmacy;
- when organizing lighting, preference is given to incandescent fluorescent lamps;
- be sure to have water supply in the room with cold and hot water;
- the presence of a sewerage system, to remove water runoff, and waste bins, to remove solid waste;
- solid waste should be removed at least twice a day.

Sanitary requirements for cleaning and hygiene of employees include:

Wet cleaning with the use of special disinfectants should be carried out in the room every day;
- once a month, wet cleaning of windows, vents and window openings should be carried out using soap or disinfectants;
- during the thaw period and during the warm period, wet cleaning of the windows outside the premises is carried out;
- wet cleaning of cabinets and shelves, on which the storage of medicines is provided, is carried out at least once a week;
- must disinfect sinks and latrines on a daily basis using a separate cleaning equipment (special marking must be provided to distinguish it);
- employees of the premises must wash their hands before starting work, have special clothing (dressing gown, hat, gloves and a protective gauze bandage on the face if necessary). It is forbidden to leave the pharmacy in overalls;
- at the workplace of the employee there should be no foreign objects, as well as in the pockets of overalls;
- Each employee of the organization must have a special book in which data on the results of a medical examination must be regularly entered. This document gives the right to work in an organization of this direction;
- workers who have diseases that do not allow them to work in the pharmacy sector should be sent for treatment. And only after confirmation of their recovery is admission to work resumed.

What documents are needed to open a pharmacy?

To open a pharmacy, you must contact the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and provide the following list of documents:
- identity document and identification code;
- statement;
- original and photocopy of "Certificate of registration as a legal entity or individual";
- Extract from the USRN;
- a document that confirms the ownership of the premises that will be intended for the pharmacy;
- BTI plan;
- contract for disinfection, washing of linen and the possibility of destruction fluorescent lamps;
- a document confirming the possibility of inspecting employees;
- medical books workers;
- production control plan;
- data with the performed measurements of the microclimate of the room.

By submitting the above documents, you must receive in return a sanitary passport, which gives the opportunity to open a new pharmacy, as well as special permit at the location of the object of economic activity.

The next step is to contact the fire department for a special permit.

To do this, you must provide the following list of documents:

Documents that confirm the availability of funds for the implementation of fire safety;
- certificate of state registration;
- declaration for fire safety;
- a document with prescribed measurements of the insulation resistance of electrical wires;
- pharmaceutical license.

Do I need a license to open a pharmacy?

To carry out pharmaceutical activities, it is mandatory to open a license. This procedure takes about a month on average. The following documents are required:

Enterprise registration certificate;
- statement;
- extract from the USRN;
- a document confirming registration with the tax service;
- a receipt of the paid tax fee;
- certificate of a specialist of the head of the organization;
- a document confirming ownership;
- work books staff;
- a document confirming the right to use the equipment;
- permits obtained from the SES and the fire service;
- characteristics and plan-diagram of the object of economic activity.

How much money is needed to open a pharmacy?

The answer to this question depends on several aspects. First of all, the selected type of pharmacy plays a role. There are several of these: a pharmacy, a store or a kiosk, an industrial pharmacy, a pharmacy of finished drugs. Additionally, it is worth assessing the size of the organization and its location.

The funds that will go to start a business will be spent on the following: purchase of showcases, cabinets, shelves, medicines, safes, furniture, refrigeration equipment, computers, software, lease of premises, registration of all required documents and marketing activities.

For example, opening a pharmacy kiosk in a residential area of ​​the city can entail an amount of 10-12 thousand dollars. The opening of the same pharmacy booth, only in the central part of the city, will cost about 17 thousand dollars. If we talk about a pharmacy store, then the amount will be much higher. For the sleeping area, you will have to pay about 20-27 thousand dollars. A store in the center will cost from 30 thousand dollars and more, depending on the size of the premises itself.

Organization and arrangement of a pharmacy.

Location and premises.

After receiving all the necessary documents, you can start choosing the location of the pharmacy. First of all, it is important to focus on its size, type and potential buyers. For example, if you want to open a small pharmacy with a standard range of products (essential medicines and the most popular medicines), then you should choose a residential area of ​​the city. It is better to choose a place near a bus stop, grocery stores or in places with a large crowd of people. If you have opted for elite and expensive products, you are going to offer the consumer exclusive and expensive drugs, then you need to opt for the city center or its business district. When choosing any place for carrying out pharmaceutical activities, it is best to focus on places where a large number of people will pass every day: market, metro, transport stops and other similar areas.

Premises can be rented both in a detached building and on the ground floors of residential premises. But for an elite pharmacy, it is still better to opt for a separate room in order to prepare a separate and comfortable entrance for visitors, as well as to brand the premises itself in the style of a pharmacy.

When choosing the very premises for a pharmacy, you must first of all focus on quadrature. For a medium-sized pharmacy, it should be at least 80 sq. m. It is also necessary to focus on sanitary standards: the availability of heating, water supply, sewerage, electricity, air conditioning.

Renovation and furnishing of the premises should be easy to clean on a regular basis. Another positive point will be the presence of a fire and security system. At the same time, an important condition is that the pharmacy should be separate from the premises of any other organizations.

A pharmacy needs a minimum amount of equipment to operate properly. It includes:

Cash registers and special software;
- racks, showcases and counters for storing medical supplies;
- closed cabinets and refrigerators (for medicines that require special storage conditions);
- safes (if there is a need to store drugs with a narcotic effect);
- computers, tables, chairs and other indoor furniture.

Only if you have all of the above equipment will you receive a license to set up a pharmacy business.


After purchasing the necessary equipment, you can start recruiting. The requirements for the pharmacy employees are quite high. All pharmacy workers, with the exception of a cleaning lady or a security guard, must have a higher pharmaceutical education. Some employees require a certain amount of work experience. For example, the head of an organization must have worked as a pharmacist for at least 3 years. This rule also applies to his deputy. In addition, the qualification improvement procedure for all personnel should be carried out once every 5 years. Insofar as, modern drugs they are improving every year, and people often come to the pharmacy not only to buy medicines, but also for advice. Therefore, it is important to retrain the pharmacy workers.

The number of staff directly depends on the size of the pharmacy itself. If you take into account a medium-sized pharmacy, then for the normal operation of the enterprise you will need:

Leader and Acting Leader;
- receptor controller (responsible for receiving the goods);
- analytical chemist (responsible for product quality);
- defect (responsible for storing the goods);
- assistant (engaged self-production drugs);
- pharmacist or hand specialist (sells medicines).

If the pharmacy is small, then the staff may be less or one person may perform two positions.

Marketing and sales of goods.

To determine the most necessary names of commodity items, you should monitor and familiarize yourself with the drugs that are in the greatest demand for this period... Another lucrative option for purchasing goods is direct collaboration with hospitals. In this case, you will provide the buyer with exactly the product that the doctor will prescribe for him. But such agreements require additional investments... To maximize profits, you can offer related products: cosmetics, baby food, accessories, orthopedic products, and more. At the same time, absolutely any mark-up can be set on such goods.

In order to somehow stand out, a small pharmacy needs to constantly pursue an active advertising policy. The main factors that attract buyers are advertising and flexible pricing policy. Of course, you can carry out active marketing activities and use all advertising tools: newspapers, magazines, Internet, radio, television. But not always such activities can entail a lot of buyers and bring the desired profit. Today there are enough pharmacy points and people often do not have a question about where to find a pharmacy. Therefore, sometimes it is better to use simpler actions. They won't cost you that much.

For example, if you decide to locate a pharmacy in a residential area. Then it is best to orient people with signs, signs that will be in sight and will be able to guide consumers. You can also reach the audience by handing out leaflets or through mailboxes... You can also distribute discount cards and set a small percentage of the discount, create an Internet site for ease of use with the ability to order or reserve goods. Additionally, you can offer customers high service, good advice. All of the above actions will subsequently turn out to be more effective and less costly.

Financial plan.

There are major costs involved in opening a new pharmacy. It is on their basis that it is necessary to calculate the financial plan.

For a medium-sized pharmacy, you may need the following expenses:

Rent of premises for 2 months - from 1.5 to 5.5 thousand dollars;
- Carrying out repair work (if necessary) - up to 3 thousand dollars;
- purchase of commercial equipment - up to 7 thousand dollars;
- purchase of refrigeration equipment - $ 400-700;
- purchase of cash registers - $ 150-300;
- additional equipment, if necessary - about 1.5 thousand dollars;
- documentation and taxes - $ 150-400;
- advertising and outdoor signs - about 2 thousand dollars;
- other expenses - $ 600;
- wages of employees - from 700 to 1.2 thousand dollars per month;
- purchase of the necessary goods - from 10 thousand dollars and more.

Starting a mid-sized pharmacy business can cost from $ 27,000 to $ 31,000. Having invested such an amount of money, it is important to understand the profitability and possible risks business.

The profit from a pharmacy will depend on many factors: where you choose to locate the pharmacy, the size of the area or population, competition, and rent and pricing. According to experts, it is quite profitable to open a pharmacy or pharmacy, even if there is high competition. For example, a small pharmacy will have a turnover of approximately $ 30,000. Considering monthly expenses, we get a net monthly profit 3-5 thousand dollars. V in this case you can recoup the initial investment in 1 year. A large pharmacy can generate profits of $ 150,000 or more. But her monthly expenses are much higher. Therefore, with the correct and competent organization work, you will recoup your investment in six months, maximum a year.

But even if the pharmacy payback is slower, the opening of the pharmacy still remains profitable business taking into account the growing demand for various medicines from year to year and the active development of this industry. Most often in the Russian Federation, the profitability of pharmacies fluctuates around 10%. Of course, this is not an impressive amount. But, if the development of a pharmacy is in the hands of an experienced businessman, then you can get significantly best result... For example, pharmacy chains give the highest profit. Since they have good advertising, are located in many areas of the city, they have an attractive discount system, as well as a low pricing policy.

Opening a pharmacy under a franchise.

Large pharmacy chains often offer businessmen to start their pharmaceutical business in partnership with them. For this, the franchise agreement applies. This method of cooperation remains one of the simplest ways to start your own business. The meaning of this agreement remains as follows: the ability to use an already well-known brand to create your own pharmacy. This agreement obliges you to plan your business in accordance with well-established rules. This is a certain size of the premises, the type of services, the work schedule, the specifics of the organization's work, and more. Considering the above points, we can highlight positive and negative sides development of your own business under a franchise agreement.

Positive points include the following:

Minimum marketing costs;
- reduced risks of business failure;
- assistance in promotion;
- low pricing policy and competitive prices for medicines;
- reliable and trusted suppliers;
- advertised and recognizable products;
- teaching the basic norms of doing business, trainings;
- assistance in obtaining a license to open a new pharmacy.

We should also highlight the negative aspects of running this business. First of all, it is important to note the high purchase price of a famous brand franchise. It is also important to note the restrictions on the conduct of various activities, which excludes the possibility of independent development. Additionally, it is necessary to independently search for premises, in accordance with the requirements of the contract, as well as to hire a specified number of personnel and specified equipment.

It is important to note that each particular network can dictate its own rules and offer unique terms of cooperation. For them, as well as for you, development and making a profit are important. But still, one can single out the average investment for organizing a pharmaceutical franchise business on the following conditions:

Lump-sum payment - from 1.5 thousand dollars;
- royalties - from $ 2;
- the size of investments, taking into account the opening of one pharmacy on an area of ​​more than 80 sq. m - 20-30 thousand dollars.

At the same time, franchising can provide the following conditions: ensuring the supply of goods from leading distributors, staff training, organizing advertising activities for a new outlet, support at all stages of creation and development, as well as other points that may differ for each pharmacy chain.
According to experts, even taking into account the large initial investment, this business can pay off in a one-year period. But this figure is influenced by many factors. Additionally, in the pharmacy franchise, it is worth choosing the right staff. This is, first of all, not education and work experience, but the ability to find an approach to each customer - communicative data. Professionally organized consulting for buyers is the key to running a successful pharmaceutical business.

Prospects for the development of the pharmacy business.

The pharmaceutical industry, like any other, can be developed to increase the profit of the enterprise and, accordingly, increase the interest of potential customers. When opening a new pharmacy, you can think about the development of the following areas:

Opening of our own laboratory for the production of medicines;
- additional opening of the veterinary department;
- opening of an additional pharmacy store in a sparsely populated area.

Opening of our own laboratory for the production of tablets and medicines.

The opening of our own laboratory for the production of medicines is a rather promising direction. Not every pharmacy can offer such a range of services, especially if we talk about a sparsely populated area. It often happens that a consumer who wants to buy drugs of a similar type is tormented in search of a point where they are produced.

Therefore, opening your own laboratory, you can safely count on an additional flow of customers, and, accordingly, a large profit. Additionally, it is important to note that such medicines can be more competitive with advertised foreign counterparts. Therefore, it is important to conduct an advertising campaign so that the consumer knows about the new possibilities of your pharmacy. Additionally, it is worth contacting hospitals, medical centers to talk about your new business strategy. And also, if possible, talk to doctors so that they can advise your pharmacy to people in need of such medicines.

The only moment, it is important to calculate the entire cost of the equipment, which is better: buy it or rent it. It is also important to take into account the additional costs of renting a special room, work personnel, equipment for storing medicines, and the necessary inventory. Most often, this industry entails large expenses, but, according to experts, this proposal remains quite profitable and cost-effective. Full payback, in the case of correct and competent development of the direction, can pay off in a six-month period.

But, before you make the final decision to open your own laboratory for the production of medicines, it is important to monitor the market in order to know exactly which specific medicines may be in great demand. Average this direction can raise the revenue side up to 30%.

Opening of a veterinary department in a pharmacy.

Additional opening of the veterinary department can also generate profits. According to the results of the survey, about 20% of the inhabitants of our state have pets, which are your target audience. This means that almost every fifth consumer has a pet and can buy the necessary medication for it. It is important to note, even in periods of crisis people continue to take care of their pets. Therefore, the veterinary department can generate a stable income for a long time period, since any animal, as well as a person, needs to regularly maintain health.

This department can be opened on the territory of the pharmacy. Since all the necessary equipment, as well as inventory for storing veterinary medicines, is already present, it remains to connect additional personnel to work, as well as buy racks, a showcase. Accordingly, it will be necessary to purchase veterinary drugs. You can also contact your human medicine distributors on this matter. According to experts, all investments can be recouped in 1.5 years if the advertising campaign is organized correctly.

Opening of a small pharmacy in the countryside.

Opening a small pharmacy in a rural area can become a stable income for a fairly long period. In the main, it is worth highlighting the main positive and negative aspects. On the plus side, there is usually no competition in rural areas. The villagers have to go to the nearest regional center for medicines. If you open a pharmacy on the territory of a village, then all its residents will immediately contact you, as well as, possibly, people living in neighboring villages. In addition, it can be noted that the price policy for medicines will be dictated by your pharmacy, which allows you to set the maximum markup for the product. But, it is worth noting a negative point - this is a narrow circle of potential buyers.

On the other hand, the sale of essential medicines and the most demanded drugs can generate significant profits. But this direction can be developed a little by offering customers goods for children, cosmetics or household products. Investments in this business will not be as large as compared to opening a pharmacy in big city... But the payback period may be at least a year, due to the lower turnover.

Business results.

The pharmacy business, even with a slow payback period, is well worth the effort and money invested in it. Since a constantly stable and high demand for medicines is the basis for a successful pharmaceutical business!

Video how to open a pharmacy:

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