Home Diseases and pests Pochaev icon meaning. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Pochaevskaya

Pochaev icon meaning. Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Pochaevskaya

Celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of God
The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on July 23 was established in memory of the deliverance of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh war with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobieski (1674-1696), the regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vishnevets, encircling it on three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not represent any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky persuaded the brethren and laity to turn to the heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job of Pochaev (Comm. 28 October). Monks and laity prayed fervently, falling down to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and to the shrine with the relics of St. Job. On the morning of July 23, at sunrise, the Tatars held the last advice on the storming of the monastery, while the abbot ordered to sing the Akathist to the Mother of God. With the first words to the "Climbed Voevoda", the Most Pure Mother of God herself suddenly appeared over the temple, "the white-shining omophorion dissolving," heavenly angels holding drawn swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery. The Tatars mistook the heavenly army for a ghost, in confusion they began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned and wounded those who fired them. Horror gripped the enemy. In a stampede, without taking apart their own people, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery rushed in pursuit and captured many. Some of the captives later adopted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever.

In 1721 Pochaev was occupied by the Uniates. However, even at this difficult time for the Lavra, the monastery chronicle recorded 539 miracles from the famous Orthodox shrine. During the reign of the Uniates, in the second half of the 18th century, for example, the Uniate Count Nikolai Pototsky became a benefactor of the Pochaev Lavra for the following miraculous circumstance. Accusing his coachman that the furious horses turned the carriage over, the count pulled out a pistol to kill him. The coachman, turning to Pochaev Mountain, raised his hands up and exclaimed: "Mother of God, manifested in the Pochaev Mountain, save me!" Pototsky tried several times to fire a pistol, which never betrayed him, but the weapon misfired. The coachman survived. Pototsky immediately went to the miraculous icon and decided to devote himself and all his property to the construction of the monastery. At his expense, the Assumption Cathedral and the fraternal building were built.

The return of Pochaev to the fold of Orthodoxy in 1832 was marked by the miraculous healing of a blind girl Anna Akimchukova, who came to worship the shrines with her seventy-year-old grandmother 200 miles away from Kremenets-Podolsk. In commemoration of these events, Archbishop of Volyn, Holy Archimandrite of the Lavra Innocent (1832-1840) established a weekly, on Saturdays, reading of the cathedral akathist in front of the miraculous icon. During the management of the Lavra, Archimandrite Agafangel, Archbishop of Volyn (1866-1876), a special chapel was erected in the choir of the Holy Trinity Church in memory of the victory over the Tatars, consecrated on July 23, 1875.

Description of the icon of the Mother of God "POCHAEVSKAYA"

The history of this miraculous icon of the Mother of God is inextricably linked with the Pochaev Monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos (Ukraine). On the mountain where the Dormition Pochaev Lavra is now located, two monks settled in 1340. Once one of them, after praying, went to the top of the mountain and suddenly saw the Mother of God, standing on a stone, as if enveloped in flames. He called another monk, who was also honored to contemplate miraculous phenomenon... The third witness to the vision was the shepherd John Bossoy. Seeing an unusual light on the mountain, he climbed it and, together with the monks, began to glorify God and His Most Pure Mother.

After the phenomenon disappeared, an imprint of Her right foot remained on the stone where the Mother of God stood. This imprint has survived to this day and is always filled with water, which miraculously exudes the stone. The water in the foot does not become scarce, despite the fact that numerous pilgrims constantly fill their vessels with it to heal from ailments.

The very same Pochaev icon of the Mother of God appeared in the monastery in the following way. In 1559, Metropolitan Neophytos from Constantinople, passing through Volhynia, visited the noblewoman Anna Goiskaya, who lived in the estate of Orlya, not far from Pochaev. As a blessing, he left her an icon of the Mother of God brought from Constantinople. Soon they began to notice that radiance emanated from the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. When Anna's brother Philip was healed in front of the icon in 1597, she gave the image to the monks who settled on Pochaev Mountain.

After some time, a church was built on the rock in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God, which became part of the monastery complex. Throughout its history, the Pochaev Monastery has undergone many disasters: it was oppressed by the Lutherans, was attacked by the Turks, fell into the hands of the Uniates, but thanks to the intercession of the Mother of God, all adversities were overcome.

On the lists of the miraculous Pochaev Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, a stone is often depicted with the imprint of the foot of the Mother of God.


Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Pochaevskaya"

First prayer before Pochaev icon Mother of God

Oh, All-Merciful Lady, Queen and Lady, chosen from all generations, and blessed by all heavenly and earthly generations! Look mercifully at the people who are standing before Your holy icon and earnestly towards You, praying this people, and make your intercession and intercession with Your Son and our God, so that no one will come out of his hope, thin and put to shame in his hope, but let him take everyone from You all, according to the good will of his heart and according to his need and demand, for the salvation of the soul and for the health of the body. Look with mercy, the All-singing Mother of God, and to this abode, which is named by Your name, even from the ancients you have loved, choosing it as your possession, and endlessly emanating currents of healing from Your miraculous icon and from an ever-flowing source, in the footsteps of Your feet, Yours, and save you from every slander and slander of the enemy, as long as you preserved by Thy appearance whole and intact from the lutago invasion of the Hagarian, so that the Holy Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit is sung and glorified in it, and Thy glorious Assumption, forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer before the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

Our Blessed Queen, Most Blessed Lady, Our Lady of Hope! We are now flowing to You with affection, and with a contrite soul and a humble heart we pray to Thee, All-chanted, before Your Most Pure image: remember Your bounties of old, even from You who were here, and as sometimes you appeared on the rock of Pochaevsty stone, in a pillar of fire, in a pillar of fire exuding, sit and now appear to us, Mother of many powerful, and with the warmth of the Mother of God Your love, warm our petrified hearts, tears of love and repentance from our eyes plucking out tears of love and repentance. Thou art one, our God-endowed Intercessor: We pray that Thou shalt deliver from all misfortunes, from all misfortunes, sickness and sorrow, Thy servants, through the intercession of Thy great intercessor and intercessor for us, our all-blessed father Job, Thy saint Pochaevsky, listened to his prayer in return sometimes in the air, always glorious and terrible phenomenon Thou hast delivered Thy abode from Thy invasion and taxation of the Hagarian. Look with mercy, All-singing, with the charity of Your merciful intercession, and on all your kingdom and our country, and on all Your people, pour out Your rich mercies: gather the scattered ones, unbelievers and infidels, in our countries, instruct them on the true path, who have fallen away from the pious paternal faith. return and bring them into contact with Thy Holy Orthodox and Catholic Church; Establish peace in our families, support old age, educate young people, educate babies, step in for sirens and widows, heal the captive freedom, heal the sick, in judges and in dungeons, and in captivity, and in the bitter works of remembrance, guarding us to take out, visiting and comforting currents of miracles and signs of many different kinds, even pour out to everyone from the holy icons of Your celibacy. Grant, O All-Merciful, fertility to the earth, goodness of air and all, even for our benefit, gifts of good time and worthwhile, through the prayers of Thy saints, Thy gracious face on holy icon Your associates: Elijah the God-versed, the holy archdeacon Stephen the first-long-distance, the Monk Abraham the all-blessed one, and the God-husband Mina of the martyr of many names, and with them a bunch of holy and righteous wives: Paraskeva, the most praiseworthy, St. Whenever our departure from this life and our resettlement to eternity, present to us, the Most Blessed One, as sometimes Thou didst hurry up Thy monastery to salvation during the battle of Zbarazh, and with Thy warm intercession grant us the Christian death of our belly painless, peaceless, peaceless I will participate; yes, even in this life, bitch and in the future, let us all, by Thy prayers, be honored with endless heavenly life in the Kingdom of Thy beloved Son, Lord God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, all glory, honor and worship, forever and ever, befits Him. Amen.

The third prayer before the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Lady Theotokos! I thank Thee with all my heart, as if Thou art honored me, a sinful and unworthy servant of Thy to appear here and worship holy grief Yours. Oh, the colic blessings of those who are so much sinful as Thy mercy. I see, Most Pure One, and I am terrified, and my spirit is languishing, in vain is this multi-healing source of Thy grace with my own eyes, which from ancient times in the trail of Thy holy foot Thou inexpressibly showed Thou, and we bow all reverently on the spot, where the Maiden's Nose stands and Thy Hope, I pray our souls and bodies: washed me with Your celibate water from all defilement of flesh and spirit, quench all my heart's passions with Your grace-filled streams, heal all my bodily ailments with drops from Your ever-flowing source, yes, I am instructed by You, healed and delivered by Thee: Rejoice, source of endless joy, rejoice, point of inexpressible kindness. Rejoice, drowning of unclean lusts; Rejoice, depletion of all filth. Rejoice, a stream of the most luminous in the health of the faithful from the mountain of a forest that has come to rest, giving the grace of healings, rejoice, heavenly dew, sending down the currents of wisdom to those who are thirsty for true knowledge from above. Rejoice, praise Pochaev, save us, praying to You, Our hope and consolation. Amen.

The fourth prayer before the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God

To You, O Bogomati, we, sinners, flow in prayer, Your miracles in the Holy Lavra of Pochaevstey manifested hummingly and about our contrite sins. Vema, the Lady, vema, as if it is not befitting us, sinners, to ask only for the hedgehog Righteous Judge of our iniquity, leave us. Everything we endured in our life, sorrows, and needs, and diseases, like the fruits of our falls, vegetating to us, to this God allowing us to be corrected. Even so, all this by His truth and by His judgment, the Lord guides His sinful servants, who in His sorrows to Your intercession, Most Pure One, appealing to You and in tenderness of hearts to You, cry out to You: sins and iniquities of ours, Good, do not remember, but more piously lifting up Your hand Come to Thy Son and God, let the fierce deed by us let us go, but for the many unfulfilled promises our face will not turn away from His servants, and He will not take away His grace, helping our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, wake our Intercessor for our salvation and, not abhorring our cowardice, look at our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows before Thy miraculous way we exalt. Enlighten our minds with affectionate thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm hope, grant love to the sweetest gift to accept us. These ubo, Most Pure, by gifts, and not by sickness and sorrow, let our belly be raised to salvation, but from despondency and despair of our souls, save us weak from the troubles and needs that are on us, and the slander of humanity and unbearable diseases. Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian intercession by Thy intercession, Mistress, confirm Orthodox faith in our country, all over the world. Do not betray the Apostolic and Cathedral Church to belittling, the statutes of the holy fathers are forever unshakable, save all those who come to You from the ruinous moat. Also, bring the heresy of our deluded brethren or saving faith in sinful passions that ruined the packs to true faith and repentance, so that, together with us, those who worship Your miraculous image will confess Your intercession. Grant us, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, even in this belly, behold the victory of truth by Thy intercession, grant us gracious joy before our death to perceive, as in ancient times the inhabitants of the thought of Thy appearance showed the conquerors and enlighteners of the Agarens, yes, we are all grateful and together with a heart prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to God the Father who is singing, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called "Pochaevskaya"

Troparion, voice 5

Before Thy holy icon, the Lady, praying healings are vouchsafed, true knowledge of faith is accepted and the Hagarian invasions are reflected. The same for us who fall to You, ask for forgiveness, enlighten the thoughts of piety of our hearts, and lift up a prayer to Your Son for the salvation of our souls.


We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, and venerate Thy honest icon, which Thou didst glorify on Mount Pochaevsty from the ancient years.


Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, in front of Her icon, called "Pochaevskaya"

Kontakion 1

We will bring songs of praise to the chosen Voevoda of Christian clans and our country, our more famous Redeemer, faithfully, on Her holy mountain, we will gather; You, who have unspeakable mercy, O Lady Theotokos, do not reject our prayers before your miraculous way of Thy exaltation, but in the tenderness of our hearts we call Ty: Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Ikos 1

Archangel Gabriel first rejoice in you, O Lady, when you preach the gospel of the Son of God, and according to Your glorious Assumption, all Heavenly powers are always praising You in Heaven; How can we, sinners, dare to mate with our voices from the voices of the Fleshless? Thy mercy to all those who repent in remembrance is abundant, we open our lips with fear and love, saying to the mouth: Rejoice, mercy is an abyss; Rejoice, inexhaustible sea of ​​love. Rejoice, Good Representative of the Christian clan; Rejoice, unbreakable wall of the Pochaev monastery. Rejoice, Orthodox people attracting Pochaev mountain with bonds of love; Rejoice, driving away all sorrow from their souls. Rejoice, Eyazhe miraculous image, like a star, guides us from Mount Pochaev; Rejoice, to Eije the prayers offered up by the passionate supplications will soon reflect. Rejoice, having comforted the people by your appearance on this mountain; Rejoice, for you have left us a trace of your foot on it. Rejoice, inherent boldness of the faithful; Rejoice, you who hesitate to make a good statement. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 2

Seeing the hermitage pochaevstia and simple John the Barefoot of the Most Holy Theotokos on a rock in a pillar of fire appeared, the footprint of Her foot on the way and water, where the stones expired, sprinkling, crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Misunderstood reason about Thy appearance, Lady, seeking, in the titular hope is affirmed, as if first from the Hagarians, after the heretics of the stronghold of Orthodoxy on Mount Pochaevsty, you were pleased to approve, for this sake, for the sake of Thy holy temple, we come to Thy holy temple, with the warm faith of our hearts, we fulfill: verb true faith statement; Rejoice, clear denunciation of wickedness. Rejoice, in ancient times, in the Burning Bush of Sinaistey, who was announced; Rejoice, you who appeared here as a Christian in a pillar of fire. Rejoice, for in a burning cave, with dew of salvation, Thy youths foreshadowed Abraham; Rejoice, as Thy grace preached through the water from the footprints of Thy healing. Rejoice, our land, ruined by the Hagarians anciently, having comforted by Thy appearance; Rejoice, and now, praying here with many banners, you are encouraging. Rejoice, soon hearing of those who repent; Rejoice, help and refuge for those who struggle. Rejoice, admonition to those who do not lead; Rejoice, for strengthening the faint-hearted. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 3

Thou didst manifest the power of augmented grace, to the Lady, on Mount Pochaevstey, when thou didst enrich the place of Thy appearance with Thy miraculous icon of Thy saintly icon; Thou art joyful people and singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Have Thy icon in their house, Lady, noblewoman Anna, and having led away the healing from her to her brother Philip who was born blind, abie with the spirit of jealousy about Thy glory and an abode of stone in the name of Thy Most Holy Dormition as a hermitage in Pochaevsky cries out to her mouth: Rejoice, rich treasure in your holy icon teaching us; Rejoice, for you have sanctified our land by the hand of Your bestowed manner. Rejoice, turning our souls away from earthly wealth; Rejoice, teaching us the glory of God. Rejoice, for Thy miracles are seen, we admire our hearts to Heaven; Rejoice, as in Your monastery, as on the threshold of paradise we find ourselves. Rejoice, Orthodox people who have comforted Thy icon; Rejoice, people who are praying from all countries are calling to the Pochaev monastery. Rejoice, faith is multiplied by it; Rejoice, she will drive away despondency. Rejoice, monks of Pochaev's everlasting joy; Rejoice, shameful Hope of worldly people. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 4

The storm of heretical fury at Thy holy abode, striving, Lady, the holy icon by Thy hand, captivated the evil iconoclasts and motivated by the blasphemy of those, was quickly restrained by the wrath of God, when the invisible power of the cold-hearted blasphemy and like Artaxerxes over Thy shrine of those who swore and did not take away the pet: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hearing the monks of Pochaevstia and all Orthodox people, like Thy holy icon, after seven and ten years of heretical captivity, returns to the holy abode from the shameful detractors, the Abiye has worn out to meet her and weep for the joy of You, crying out to you: Rejoice, a Christian refuge; Rejoice, denunciation of heretics. Rejoice, you have not completely deprived the monastery of Your Pochaev icon; Rejoice, for you have put to shame the blasphemy of the iconoclasts. Rejoice, for in trouble do not be discouraged and teach us; Rejoice, for you command us to trust in the Justice of God. Rejoice, even Orthodoxy in our country has been established; Rejoice, the whole universe will be worthy of accepting the embodied truth. Rejoice, imitating the patience of God; Rejoice, thy people who affirm in patience. Rejoice, for Thy humbleness will receive consolation; Rejoice, for they are humbled by pride in Thee. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 5

The divine star appeared to those seeking salvation, the Lady, leading to the Sun of these Truth, as if in Thy earthly life about the people, the Representative to Thy Son in Cana, Galiley appeared Thou, thus and according to Thy glorious departure to Heaven, bringing prayers for the faithful from the end of the earth Deliver to Thy Son, and here, on Mount Pochaevstey, many different healings from Him, give people who cry to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Seeing people, on Mount Pochaev, as in the ancient, tacos and in last summer flowing, a multitude of healings, given by You, in the desire for the salvation of my soul I affirm and for my sins I warmly offer repentance, crying to You: Rejoice, blind insight and healing of the lame; Rejoice, deliverance from demons from demons. Rejoice, having miraculously returned the captive monk to Thy abode in the air; Rejoice, child Simeon, who died by the prayer of the elder, resurrected. Rejoice, for in these famous ones the power of Your ancient miracles has appeared as a people; Rejoice, for the healing from your holy icon is not depleted in the last days. Rejoice, in the whole world you are a source of healings from Thy holy icons; Rejoice, more than these who prays with spiritual gifts enriching. Rejoice, they even boast of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, help and lack of faith flow to Her. Rejoice, hope of the earthly; Rejoice Heavenly ranks joy. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 6

The preachers of the glory of the Most Pure Virgin, the Hagarians appeared at the monastery of Pochaev, and the vision of the Most Pure Mother of God with the Monk Job did not comprehend first; Whenever there are more arrows, fired from them, you rush to nya, abie the power of the Mistress enlightened and brought repentance for his madness, crying out by faith: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

Thy vision ascend, Lady, on Mount Pochaevstey, when the brothers of the monastery are besieged by the Hagarians, with a great cry of prayer before Thy holy icon and before the reliquary of the Monk Job, when the Hagaryan brothers, with this vision, confused and fleeing with joy, look, abie Sing to Thee: Rejoice, our Redeemer and salvation; Rejoice, a Christian kind of help. Rejoice, you who drove away ungodly enemies from Your holy things; Rejoice, leading them to repentance. Rejoice, Eyazhe and the invisibility of our salvation tremble; Rejoice, Hedgehogs of the Holy Angels and the departed righteous women worship in Heaven. Rejoice, having received the Monk Job with You in prayer; Rejoice, you who brought the Hagarians to Holy Baptism by your vision. Rejoice, for by Thy faithfulness you have postponed mortal fear to the end; Rejoice, as for Thee for the sake of the God-fearing monks of the Hagarians have appeared here. Rejoice, an inherent manifestation of truth; Rejoice, good admonition to those who are in error. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 7

Wanting the desire for Eternal Life to kindle in the hearts of Christians, the Most Holy Theotokos heals the ailing miracles, casts out demons, frees the captive, resurrects the dead, but we all, the power of God enlightened, the earthly will hate and for our souls we will apply Alluia, ceaselessly crying out to God.

Ikos 7

The monastery of Pochaev has endured new and grave troubles, when, together with the whole country from Orthodoxy, the flattery was torn away into the possession of heretics, even by the past hundred and ten summers, the Orthodox Christians were given a swift, in nude Orthodoxy, monks, who came from the holy power of the Venerable , to the miraculous image of the Lady of the fall, saying: Rejoice, defender of Orthodoxy; Rejoice, denouncer of heretics. Rejoice, for you have not left your abode to the end; Rejoice, teaching us the fear of God. Rejoice, as through your intercession the country of Volyn will return to Orthodoxy; Rejoice, for you have been corrected by Your admonition from the ancient years of the heretic. Rejoice, in Thy Holy Lavra you are calling the faithful to prayer; Rejoice, and the unbelievers are here to worship Orthodox shrine teaching. Rejoice, South of the righteous and the righteous they ceaselessly sing; Rejoice, in Neija and fallen in repentance they flow. Rejoice, return of apostates to the faith; Rejoice, erection of those who are tempted to the light of truth. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 8

We see a strange miracle about You, Bogomati, your holy icons are healed by kissing and sprinkling of Pochaev water, so spiritual passions are taken away by the vision of Your shrine, faith is affirmed and our affections of our hearts are fulfilled, singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

All I was unworthy of sins, I was filled with worldly scattering and became neglectful of my soul, both at Your holy icon, Lady, looking at and enlightenment from her by countless people who come here, seeing packs on the path of salvation, I rush and in the joy of my heart I sing to Ty sita: Rejoice, treasure of purity; Rejoice, the abyss of mercies. Rejoice, to Thy Son for the faithful I will bring forth prayers; Rejoice, for you do not reject the prayers of sinners. Rejoice, for you have run away from sinful despair; Rejoice, as those who call your name from the fall of a strange revolt. Rejoice, for even the iconoclastic heresy in the universe put yourself to shame; Rejoice, return the true faith to the Volyn country. Rejoice, elevating the soul to the feat of chastity; Rejoice, teaching forgiveness to those who offend. Rejoice in our hearts tenderness; Rejoice, hope of our souls. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 9

You, Lady, let go of any apostasy and heretical wanderings to the repentant people of the land of Volyn, and pack the source of healings from Thy miraculous icons from Thy footprints on Mount Pochaevstey in the Orthodox Lavra Thy people revealed Thy people, only if Thou hast brought thy repentance to God without hesitation, they will cry out to him: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The vetiya of Thy glory appearing, to the Lady, blindness and lameness, healing from Thy icon, returned by the Orthodox people; Heavenly supplication: Rejoice, earthly intercession. Rejoice, for you have turned your wife away from some kind of illness by healing from Luther's delusions; Rejoice, for you have assured all people of the truth of Orthodoxy. Rejoice, for for the sake of Orthodoxy, people are so many seductions, the Hagarian victory; Rejoice, for for the sake of you and for perversion from the Latin pack the Orthodox faith is kissed. Rejoice, to Neyzha all those who live in prayer raise up their eyes; Rejoice, Yuzha and those who pray for the repose of the dead are calling for help. Rejoice, and from the necessities of life flowing to You, taking away; Rejoice, more than these who endure any need, granting strength to those who endure. Rejoice, help to the Christ-loving army in battle; Rejoice, good instruction for the demons that are militant. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 10

Save at least, Most Pure Mother of God, a simple old woman who was blinded by Latin, and a small possessor of her grandson, who was enlightened by Orthodoxy, but she was slain with bodily hair; he heals and teaches the eldress to confess the Orthodox faith, crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

The indestructible wall of true faith appeared to you, the Lady, as if the wickedness of a heretic from glorifying You, like the True Mother of God, rejected with stubbornness, so Orthodoxy, in Your faith, abide by the Lord, and from prayers incessantly to You and sacred for the sake of this sacrifice they will not dare to accept their cliffs, but they will not stop praising Thee with a grateful heart, saying: Rejoice, Christian joy and consolation; Rejoice angelic rank glory and worship. Rejoice, for turning us away from the heretical flattering verb; Rejoice, remembering Thy mercies our minds are lifted up to God. Rejoice, holy apostles for Thy Dormition called upon the clouds of the air; Rejoice, and sinful people on that day to Mount Pochaev in thousands and tons for every summer gathering. Rejoice, for the sake of Christians, the difficulty of the path, like sweet repose, will lift; Rejoice, for the sake of and laziness, they strive to imitate them. Rejoice, as a monk, forget the sweetness of the world with Your grace, helping; Rejoice, frightening fearsome looking backward with menacing dreams. Rejoice, Church of Christ is the best diaadimo; Rejoice, invincible shield of our country. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 11

Singing grateful about Your, Lady, blessings all over the world from Christians ascending, like incense to Heaven constantly ascending in thought and our wretched praise not to avert to You, we also pray to grant You the grace of repentance, singing hopefully to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

The light of the belly of temporary and Eternal Life, hope appeared to you, to the Lady, to a certain man in Bessarabia, die who has, but suddenly, after eating water from the Pochaev shrine, he was healthy, he saw his relatives, with fear and tenderness crying out to you who are sick: Rejoice; Rejoice, hearing of those who grieve. Rejoice, for you have driven away death; Rejoice, for you have given us the faith that you did not know. Rejoice, for the prediction of Gabriel before our eyes is coming true; Rejoice, as from all generations, according to Thy verb, now and everlastingly delighting. Rejoice, Mount Pochaev, as you have consecrated your place of stay; Rejoice, like the second Nazareth that showed you. Rejoice, you who have turned away no hope; Rejoice, receiving all prayers warmly. Rejoice, giving us health; Rejoice, who elevates us to salvation. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 12

The grace of healings and tenderness of prayer from Yours, Lady, the icon, is exuded, but it will not be vain for our souls, if only sin for the sake of petrified insensibility with a breath; both, as if the one who has the power to resurrect the dead, and awaken our mental mortification, and with the best thought of our hearts, illumine our hearts, and hate sinful delights, let us sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Thy miracles manifested in the monastery of Pochaevsta, we pray to Thee, Lady, do not turn Thy face away from our country, but also to all who come to Thy holy mountain and seek mercy from Thee in a good petition, fulfill, so that all will sing to Thy sice: Rejoice, the all-righteous God. ; Rejoice, boldness of Christians to Christ. Rejoice, manifesting the triumph of faith in Thy Lavra; Rejoice, stirring up the hearts of men with love. Rejoice, for you have been honored with such ancient miracles like here to see people; Rejoice, for this mountain, like the second Sinai, glorified in Christian countries. Rejoice, O thou who didst carry God on earth in Thy womb; Rejoice, people, by Thy prayer, lift up to God. Rejoice, Thy icon, as a preacher of salvation in Thy abode she left; Rejoice, Thy footprint, healing water performed, glorified miracles. Rejoice, from Heavenly heights to Thy servants who look upon; Rejoice, you instruct faithful in good deeds. Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev and the whole world Hope and Consolation.

Kontakion 13

O all-singing Mother of Christ God, all generations of Christian love for Himself who have instilled worthy of praise praise You, we sinners, both of Thy love of conquest and to Thy miraculous image, lift up our eyes, we pray to Thee: in our struggles and needs, do not leave Thy children for Thy warmth, for believers and crying to Thy Son: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)


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Many miraculous icons of the Mother of God were revealed the Russian people, but not all were able to reach our days. It is difficult to say whether they are lost forever or hidden until the time. But there are those who today remain a spark of hope that the Lord did not leave his people. The Pochaev icon has been such a lamp of faith for several centuries. Having become famous more than five hundred years ago, and today it attracts thousands of pilgrims.

The history of the holy image

In the 16th century. Metropolitan Neophyte passed through Pochaev, where he was greeted very warmly by the noblemen of Goysk. In memory of his visit, he presented them with an icon. Soon the metropolitan became patriarch, and the icon became famous for great miracles. She was destined to become the shrine of an entire people.

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God spent several decades in the house of pious Christians until the first healing happened. Then the owner decided that it was unworthy to have such a shrine alone. The image was transferred to the monastery, where it became the property of the entire Orthodox people. True, this did not last long. After the death of Anna Goyskaya, the relatives decided to return the icon to themselves.

The mockery of the holy image was not in vain - the wife of the heir became demoniac. On the advice of a pious monk, the image was returned to the monastery. The quiet life of the monastery was again disturbed in 1721, when it was transferred to the Catholics. They were very respectful of the image - Pope Clement even sent a golden robe adorned with crowns.

Almost a century later, the monastery was returned to the fold of the Orthodox Church. Today it has the status of a laurel and belongs to the Moscow Patriarchate. Every Saturday, an akathist is sung in front of the Pochaev icon. It is made in memory of the miraculous healing of a blind girl.

The meaning of the Pochaev icon

A characteristic difference between the icon is that under the faces of the Savior and the Mother of God there is a footprint. This is the trace of the Mother of God herself. Why did they begin to portray him on the image? This was done in memory of the visit of the Queen of Heaven herself.

The Pochaev Lavra is located on the mountain of the same name. But once it was empty, and one night two monks were awarded a wonderful vision. The Mother of God stood in a pillar of fire - her head was crowned with a crown, in her hand the Virgin held a scepter. The flame did not burn her - it was like the one that Moses saw at Sinai. When the vision stopped, a trace remained on the rock. The print is filled with clean water.

From this place, the monks began to build up the mountain, on which today there are 16 temples. First, the Assumption Church appeared here, then the Cathedral was erected over the footprint of the Virgin Mary. The source, together with the foot, are covered with an ark and fenced off with a grate.

This is what the image of the imprint on the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God reminds of.

The original image was made on a lime board, like many icons. Used oil paints. Thin strip the silver that was deposited on top was lost. It was replaced with a pearl garment. Also unusual is the setting, which resembles a star, the rays of which are richly decorated with stones.

Where is the image

The miraculous icon is placed over royal gates... In the church where the Pochaev icon is kept early in the morning (the monks get up even after dark), the brethren of the monastery serve the midnight office. Then, with the singing of the troparia, the miraculous icon is lowered to the usual level. It hangs on silk ribbons; a monk is always on duty. In turn, everyone who came to the service approaches the icon.

In the same temple, you can get water from a wonderful spring discovered by the Mother of God. The spring itself is located behind a fence, where inextinguishable lamps glow. You can attach to the image of the foot. The water itself is distributed by the novice ("stack"). But the Pochaev Lavra is rich not only in these shrines.

The monastery has been a stronghold of the Orthodox faith throughout western Ukraine for several centuries. The illustrious prayer book, the Monk Job, reposed here, having lived for more than a hundred years. Now his holy relics are also kept here.

Neither the first nor the second world wars prevented the monks from carrying out their obediences - the monastery was not closed. The German occupation, Khrushchev's persecutions - during all these difficult moments for the country, prayer sounded within the ancient walls, the services continued. They say the world will stand as long as the Liturgy is celebrated. Therefore, monasteries are the spiritual strongholds of the entire earth.

Russian churches of the icon of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" are being built in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, there are existing churches in other cities.

The meaning of the holy image

Most of the icons of the Mother of God fit into several basic types. V in this case this is "eleusa" ("merciful") - although the name is not entirely accurate and is one of the epithets that was awarded to St. Mary, it switched to an iconographic scheme. You can recognize it by its main features:

  • The Infant and His Mother touch each other with their faces. This opens up a very personal communication between them.
  • Mary's head bows to the Son.
  • Christ embraces the Mother of God with his left hand.
  • The image is half-length.

Pochaev's edition is also distinguished by the fact that the Mother of God in right hand holds the board that the Infant is wrapped around. Also miraculous icon known for its precious salary, which is comparable in size to the image itself. The faces are, as it were, surrounded by a golden glow.

The faces of the saints are present on the icon:

  • martyr Stephen - it is believed that he was the first to be killed for the Christian faith;
  • Monk Abraham - in history there were many ascetics with that name, perhaps it is Abraham of Rostov, who destroyed idols and converted several pagan tribes to Christianity;
  • Prophet Elijah is the most famous Old Testament prophet, patron saint of paratroopers and pilots, also revered in Islam and Judaism. Known for being taken to heaven alive;
  • Martyr Mina - the first Florentine martyr;
  • Great Martyr Catherine - lived in the first centuries of Christianity, was executed after refusing to marry the Roman emperor, deciding to devote herself to Christ;
  • St. Irina - put to death together with two Christian sisters in the 4th century;
  • St. Paraskeva is one of the first martyrs who died with her whole family during the reign of Nero.

The meaning of the composition of the Pochaev icon is deeper than it might seem at first glance. Of course, here is shown an affectionate Mother, a loving Son. Anyone can "try on" one of the roles - all were children, even if they themselves did not become parents. But it also depicts the ideal relationship of God and human soul.

What they pray for and how the Pochaev icon helps

Over the centuries, a very extensive list of miracles (more than 500) has been compiled, which the Lord has honored believers who prayed in front of the image. How did the Pochaev icon help people?

  • The very first known miracle happened in the house church of a noble family, where the image was located. The man, blind from birth, performed prayers in front of the icon, after which he began to see. After this incident, it was decided to transfer the image to the monastery.
  • One monk was captured by the Tatars. Being in shackles, he bitterly lamented that he would no longer be able to see the walls of his native monastery. And suddenly he found himself in the midst of festively dressed people - the Mother of God took him to the Pochaev Lavra.
  • Among the Turks, a legend has been preserved about the appearance of the Mother of God during the siege of Pochaev. In the host of angels, she appeared before the attackers, who lost their heads from fear and began to kill each other.
  • In 1664 a son of a landowner died. His grandmother prayed all night in front of the Pochaev icon, begging for the return of her beloved grandson. By morning he woke up and asked for food.
  • Among modern wonders- healing little boy who has lost his hearing. This became a complication after the illness. The doctors said it would take a long time to recover. Grandmother brought Yura an icon, which was left overnight in the ward. And in the morning the child was discharged - he was healthy.

Soul education

When faced with inexplicable phenomena, a person may become confused, since the mind is used to giving everything its own interpretation. But not everything lends itself to explanation - even scientists admit it. In this case, prayer will help to collect thoughts. Countless numbers of them sounded at the "Pochaev" icon, many of them received a wonderful response.

Miracle has many meanings, especially in the area of ​​faith. The main miracle that God can perform is the healing of the human soul, the change of heart. It becomes softer, sensitive to the voice of conscience, open to the pain of others. Then a person realizes that he can work miracles himself - showing concern for others, sacrificing something for their sake, becoming an example. One must tirelessly ask the Lord for this.

What else are the Orthodox praying for at the Pochaev Icon?

  • About healing from ailments of the body, including problems with hearing, vision.
  • About protection from enemies in any situation.
  • On the cessation of hostility.
  • About strengthening faith, healing the soul from the demons of despondency.

Prayer to the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

To You, O Bogomati, we, sinners, prayerfully flow in Your miracles, revealed in the Holy Lavra of Pochaevsty, remembering our contrite sins. Vema, the Lady, vema, as if it is not befitting us, sinners, to ask only for the hedgehog Righteous Judge of our iniquity, leave us. Everything we endured in our lives, sorrows, and needs, and diseases, like the fruits of our fall, we are vegetating, this God allows us to be corrected. Even so, all this by His truth and by His judgment, the Lord guided His sinful servants, and in His sorrows to Your intercession, Most Pure One, and in tenderness of hearts, they cry out to You: the sins and iniquities of ours, Good One, do not remember, but more honorably lift up Your hand. Come to Thy Son and God, let the fierce deed by us let us go, but for the many unfulfilled promises our face does not turn away from His servants, so He does not take away His grace, helping our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, wake our Intercessor for our salvation and, not abhorring our cowardice, look at our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows before Thy miraculous way we exalt. Enlighten our minds with affectionate thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm hope, grant love to the sweetest gift to accept us. These ubo, Most Pure, by gifts, and not by diseases and sorrows, let our belly be erected to salvation, but, from despondency and despair of our souls, protect us, save us, the weak, from the troubles and needs that come upon us, and the slander of mankind, and intolerable diseases ... Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian life through Thy intercession, Lady, affirm the Orthodox faith in our country and throughout the world. Do not betray the Apostolic and Cathedral Church to belittling, the statutes of the holy fathers are forever unshakable and save all those who come to You from the ruinous moat. Also, the heresy of our deceived brethren, or the saving faith in the sinful passions that ruined the pack. true faith and bring repentance, so that together with us, worshiping Your miraculous image, they will confess Your intercession. Grant us, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, even in this belly behold the victory of truth by Thy intercession, grant us gracious joy before our death to perceive, as the ancient inhabitants of Pochaev showed Thy appearance the victors and enlighteners of the Agarens, may we all be with a grateful heart and taste the prophets, and the apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to God the Father who is singing, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. She is known to everything to the Slavic world: she is revered in Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and other countries. Along with the Orthodox Christians of other confessions come to worship the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the Pochaev Lavra, the ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy, the miraculous Pochaev icon of the Mother of God has been in existence for about 400 years. The miracles that flow from the holy icon are numerous and are attested in the monastic books by the records of believers who prayed for deliverance from incurable ailments, deliverance from captivity and admonition of sinners.

The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on August 5 (according to the new style) was established in memory of the deliverance of the Pochaev Lavra of the Assumption from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh war with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobieski (1674-1696), the regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vishnevets, encircling it on three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not represent any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky persuaded the brethren and laity to turn to the heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job of Pochaev. Monks and laity prayed fervently, falling down to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and to the shrine with the relics of St. Job.

On the morning of August 5 (July 23, according to the old style), at sunrise, the Tatars held the last advice on the storming of the monastery, while the abbot ordered to sing the Akathist to the Mother of God. With the first words to the "Climbed Voevoda", the Most Pure Mother of God herself suddenly appeared over the temple, "a white-shining omophorion dissolving," with heavenly angels holding drawn swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery.

The Tatars mistook the heavenly army for a ghost, in confusion they began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned and wounded those who fired them. Horror gripped the enemy. In a stampede, without taking apart their own people, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery rushed in pursuit and captured many. Some of the captives later adopted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever.

More than half a century ago, on June 17, 1950, in the Pochaev Lavra, the miraculous healing of nun Varvara (in the world Elena Konstantinovna Putyatina) took place, whose both legs were paralyzed for 48 years. She came from the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg), with difficulty walking on crutches with the help of her companion nun Maria. Attaching herself to the list of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, the nun immediately got to her feet. The crutches she left in the monastery are still standing at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, testifying to the miracle that had taken place.

Troparion, voice 5:
Before Thy holy icon, the Lady, / praying healings are vouchsafed, / true knowledge of faith is accepted, / and the Hagarian invasions are reflected. / For the same to us, who fall to You, / ask for forgiveness, / enlighten the thoughts of piety of our hearts, / and lift up a prayer to Thy Son / for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice 1st:
Source of healings and faith Orthodox affirmation of Pochaev Thy icon, the Mother of God, appear as we who come to her from troubles and temptations of freedom, keep Thy Laura intact, affirm Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries, and resolve sins Thy prayer book: the tree is more desirous , you can.

Prayer of the Pochaev Mother of God:

To You, O Bogomati, we, sinners, flow in prayer, Your miracles in the Holy Lavra of Pochaevsty, revealed in remembrance of our contrite sins. Vema, the Lady, vema, as if it is not befitting us, sinners, to ask for something, only leave us for the righteous Judge of our iniquity. Everything we endured in our life, sorrows, and needs, and diseases, like the fruits of our falls, vegetating to us, to this God allowing us to be corrected. Even so, all this, by His truth and by His judgment, the Lord guided His sinful servants, and in His sorrows to Your intercession, O Most Pure One, and in the tenderness of their hearts they cry out to Thee: sins and iniquities of ours, Good, do not remember, but more honorable hand of Thy having raised up, stand up to Thy Son and God, let the fierce deed by us let us go, yes, for the many unfulfilled promises our face will not turn away from His servants, but He will not take away His grace, helping our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, wake our intercessor for our salvation and, having not abhorred our cowardice, look at our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows before Thy miraculous way we exalt. Enlighten our minds with affectionate thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm hope, grant love to the sweetest gift to accept us. These ubo, Most Pure, by gifts, and not by sickness and sorrow, let our belly be raised to salvation, but from despondency and despair of our souls, save us weak from the troubles and needs that are on us, and the slander of humanity and unbearable diseases. Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian intercession by Thy intercession, Mistress, confirm the Orthodox faith in our country, throughout the world, do not betray the Apostolic and Cathedral Church to belittling, the statutes of the saints, Father forever unshakable, save all those who come to You from the perilous moat. Also, bring the heresy of our deluded brethren or saving faith in sinful passions that ruined the packs to true faith and repentance, so that, together with us, those who worship Your miraculous image will confess Your intercession. Grant us, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, even in this belly, behold the victory of truth by Thy intercession, grant us gracious joy before our death to perceive, as in ancient times the inhabitants of the thought of Thy appearance showed the conquerors and enlighteners of the Agarens, yes, we are all grateful and with a heart together prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to God the Father who is singing, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

What they pray for in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

Before the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, they pray for:

  • Strengthening faith;
  • Liberation from bad addictions;
  • Help in any business;
  • Healing from infirmities;
  • Protect from enemies.

Through prayers in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, miracles happened more than once.

  1. The grace of the Most Holy Theotokos did not leave the believers during the time the icon was in the possession of the Uniates.
  2. The man born blind has become clear.
  3. Healing of nun Barbara.

Based on materials open sources internet

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Video

There are many icons of the Mother of God in the world. Some of them managed to survive, and some have not survived to our time. There are also such images that are considered miraculous and many people come specially to the temple in order to pray for help. One of these icons is the Pochaev Icon, which has been helping and illuminating many parishioners for centuries.

Pochaev icon of the mother of God, what does it help?

The history of the emergence of the Pochaev icon originated in the sixteenth century. When Metropolitan Neophytos drove through the city of Pochaev. In this city he was greeted by the noblemen and presented him with an icon as a token of gratitude. After that, he became patriarch. And the donated image became famous for the fact that performed great miracles.

For many years she lay in the house of Christians, and after the first healing from her happened... Then the owner of the icon decided to transfer it to the monastery, and since then it has become the property of the Orthodox people. After the owner of the icon died, her relatives decided to return it to themselves. But in the new house, the image of happiness did not bring. Therefore, she was given back to the monastery. Several decades later it was given to Catholics... Pope Clement then installed a robe of gold on it.

After a century, the property was returned v Orthodox Church ... Now this is the property of the laurel, and every Saturday it is sung over it, thereby remembering the healing of the blind girl.

What does the Pochaev icon mean?

A distinctive feature of the image is the face of the Savior and the Mother of God, on which there is a footprint. The foot is a memory of the visit of the Queen of Heaven herself. Lavra Pochaevskaya located on the mountain of the same name. Then it was empty and one day two monks saw it. There stood the Mother of God, who was crowned with a crown. The maiden held a scepter in her hand. And the flame, despite the fact that it emanated from it, did not burn. The vision soon ceased, but her trace remained. So that typo was filled with water.

From that place, the monks began to build a mountain, on which sixteen temples are located today. After that, the Assumption Church appeared there, and later the Cathedral was erected. The original image was made on a linden board, like other icons. They painted the icon with oil paints. A thin silver stripe is applied at the top, and at the bottom it is lost. But it was quickly replaced by a pearl garment. The frame looks unusual, which resembles a star, which is decorated with rays.

Where is the image of the Pochaev Mother of God located?

The icon of the miraculous Pochaev is located in the temple above the gates... Early in the morning, even when it is dark, it is lowered onto required level... It hangs on silk ribbons, and is guarded by a monk on duty. Everyone who is attending the service approaches the icon. There is also a healing spring in the temple, which was discovered by the Mother of God. The spring can be found behind the fence. It is allowed to kiss the image of the foot in the temple. And water can be drawn from a novice.

Pochaev Lavra with an original image Mother of God can be found on Western Ukraine ... There lived a prayer book, where he lived for several hundred years. His holy relics are also kept in the temple. The first and second wars did not destroy the cathedral, and during the war it was never closed.

In addition to the Ukrainian monastery, you can meet the Pochaev Icon in churches in Moscow, Rostov-on-Don and many other regions of Russia and former countries CIS.

Icon of the Mother of God - Pochaev icon

The image of the Mother of God has several main types. The Pochaev icon also has distinctive characteristics. It can be recognized by its main features.

  1. Mother and baby face each other. This image is applicable to the disclosure of the concepts of love and mercy.
  2. Mary's head is inclined towards the Son.
  3. The son hugs the mother with his left hand.
  4. The image is made with oil paints up to the waist.

In the Pochaev Icon, the Mother of God holds a plaque in her right hand, which wraps around Jesus Christ. In addition, the icon has a precious setting, as it shines with gold around it.

There are some faces of saints on the image... Let's consider all possible options.

  1. The first martyr to be killed for the Christian faith is Stephen.
  2. There are many famous Christians under the name Abramius, most likely he was the one who crushed idols and united the pagan tribes into Christianity.
  3. The prophet who was taken to heaven alive. He is famous prophet, who is considered the patron saint of the pilot, paratroopers. He is also revered in Islam and Judaism.
  4. The first Florentine martyr is Mina.
  5. The first martyr Catherine, who dedicated herself to God in refusal to marry the Roman emperor.
  6. A Christian woman who was put to death together with two sisters - Saint Irina.
  7. The saint who died with her entire family during the reign of Nero is Paraskeva.

Looking at the composition of the Mother of God and the Son, one can seem that love is depicted. Everyone will be able to try on this role. But in fact, it depicts the relationship between God and the soul. Therefore, if you look deeper into the icon, you can see a completely different context for this.

The meaning of the Pochaev icon and how does it pray?

To date, about five hundred miracles are known that occurred among believers who prayed in front of the image of the Mother of God and her son. Let's consider the brightest of them.

  1. The first miracle that happened in the temple of a noble family, where the icon was located. The man was blind from birth, constantly praying in front of the Icon. It happened that in time he was healed and received his sight. After that, the icon was transferred to the temple so that it could help others.
  2. The monk was taken prisoner by the Tartars. He was in custody far from the monastery and was to be executed. He lamented and prayed to the Mother of God that he could see the walls of his native monastery. And suddenly the Mother of God took him to the Lavra, where he found himself among the festively dressed monks.
  3. There is a known case when the Turks captured Pochaev and then the Mother of God appeared. She consecrated the city and the Turks lost their heads from fear and began to kill each other.
  4. In the seventeenth century, a son of a landowner died. His grandmother prayed all night in front of the icon of the Mother of God and asked that the grandson be returned. By morning, the grandson came to life and asked for food.
  5. Currently, one of the last miracles that the icon did is the healing of a deaf boy. The baby's grandmother took the icon to the hospital and left it in the ward. The prognosis for a cure was disappointing. But the next morning, the Mother of God healed him and he began to hear, he was immediately discharged.

God's icon: what is the meaning

When a person has problems that he cannot solve on his own, he cannot explain anything and is confused. But scientists admit that not all miracles lend themselves to explanation. In order for the Mother of God to help you need to learn how to pray correctly. A lot of prayers sounded in front of the Pochaev icon, and many of them acted correctly. But how to pray for the image so that the Mother of God will help?

An important point when communicating with icons, it is necessary to learn how to pray correctly, so that the Mother of God through the icon hears your requests.

  1. Great strength has the appearance of the mother of God and the son. This image helps thousands of people. Correct prayer is a heartfelt request.
  2. When praying, a person should not pray, but reflect on the wording of his request. Thus, he should not look at the request from the outside and on trifles.
  3. You should not be distracted from the main thought, since you can repeatedly strengthen the prayer with your energy and the call of the heart.
  4. The main thing is to disconnect from everything that surrounds you and is happening. You need to feel your request and prayer from the depths of your soul.
  5. Prayer should come from the heart and transmit your energy. Only in this case there will be a result from the help of the Pochaev mother, who helps everyone who comes to her with pure thoughts and strong faith.

Regardless of whether you go to the Pochaev Lavra for a real image or embroider it yourself. The main thing is to say the prayer correctly, with all your heart. In case you decide to embroider an image, it is best for you to do it on the territory of the church and be in a peaceful state. You must be pure of heart and focus on your request throughout your work.

It is worth noting that it is possible to receive help from the Mother of God, since she performed five hundred miracles. But we must remember, only one thing - true believer can get help from heaven. Faith can be gained by people who turn to divine powers for any help. Only they will help to be guided and protected.

icon of Pochaev Mother of God

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