Home Diseases and pests The coolest sniper rifle. Monsters with optics. Five of the best large-caliber sniper rifles in the world

The coolest sniper rifle. Monsters with optics. Five of the best large-caliber sniper rifles in the world

Opens the rating - ASVK or large-caliber army sniper rifle. The length of the equipment reaches 1400 mm with a weight without cartridges and optics of 12 kg. Five-round magazine, rate of fire 10 rounds per minute, sighting range 1500 m, muzzle velocity 850-900 m/s. In ninth place is a screw cutter. Its length does not reach 900 mm, and its weight without optics and cartridges is only 2.45 kg. The magazine holds 10 or 20 rounds, and the bullet speed at the beginning of movement will be 290 m/s. In eighth place is a rifle from the USA Calico M951S. Seventh place is occupied by the large-caliber sniper rifle Accuracy International AW50. In sixth place is the SVD (Dragunov Sniper Rifle) - the best large-caliber sniper rifle produced by the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant since 1963. Fifth place is occupied by the CheyTac m200 “Intervention” - one of the components of the American sniper system, produced in various modifications since 2001. It is distinguished by very high shooting accuracy at target distances from 1500 to 2000 m. Length 1220 mm with a weight without optics of 12 kg. In fourth place, the German AMP Technical Services DSR-1 rifle is used by various European formations such as special forces units of the German Federal Police. The length of the rifle is not great - 1000 mm, with the same small weight of 5.9 kg. Exceptional shooting accuracy can be achieved by using specialized ammunition and in the absence of wind. The third place in the ranking belongs to Accuracy International AS50 from the UK. Length 1369 millimeters, weight 14.1 kg without optics and cartridges. A sniper can quickly fold or unfold this rifle and bring it into combat readiness. High accuracy of long-range shooting, a device for mounting various, including night optics and additional accessories. Among long-range semi-automatic sniper rifles, the Barett M82 occupies a leading position. The almost meter long barrel is capable of accelerating a bullet to 900 m/s, and its decent weight of 14 kg makes it possible to strengthen its position. The rifle is capable of aimed shooting at a distance of almost 2 km. Ammo comparable to machine gun ammunition is fed from a 10 round magazine. The rifle takes an honorable second place. And finally, the leader of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare rating, which has had no equal since the mid-1980s. Great Britain uses it for military purposes, and modified models are used by forces special purpose and the police. The length of the equipment is a little more than a meter, weight 6.8 kg. without optics, the rifle's sighting range is 880 meters. Military Times is a magazine for those interested in the Armed Forces, their construction, history, wars... Our address on the Internet.

Quote, Sergey-82 message No. 9

They spelled SNIPER correctly, and it’s a real one, not an infantry one, which is in every squad.

In every infantry squad there is a "man with an oar"
Snipers are now trained quite satisfactorily in sniper companies, where they immediately learn to work in pairs.
The first number is a shooter with a main rifle, by the way, the troops already have quite a lot of large-caliber ASVK Kord,
the second number is a spotter armed with a support weapon VSS, SVD or AKM with optics.

Americans with large-caliber rifles often use triples...

The second number is the main one in the pair. The first number only completes the operation with his well-aimed shot, and all the preparation and cover lies with the second number.

The responsibilities of the second number include selecting and assigning priority targets, preparing and checking special equipment. He leads the march, he is the leader. And all measures for the defense of the couple lie mainly with him. When entering the final firing position, he follows the first number, that is, he becomes a wingman. He protects the first number from pursuit, since he must have a weapon that allows him to suppress targets at close ranges. He, together with the first number, participates in the preparation of field long-term shelters, draws up sketches and fire cards. His word is decisive in determining the distance to the target. He observes with the help of a telescope, binoculars, estimates the wind, measures meteorological parameters, carries out all ballistic calculations and reports to the first number only the finished correction that must be entered into the sight. Takes into account the change in wind and gives the command to the first number “fire” when it believes that the settings made on the sight correspond to the wind that is present in this moment. He makes a connection; records all intelligence information that is discovered along the way; directs and coordinates support units, if available; installs special equipment, including explosive and other devices; removes traces of presence when leaving a position. Who will now argue with the fact that this is the main number in the pair? In fact, the leader of the pair is the second number. And maybe we need to break the tradition and call him number one.

The first number follows the second on the march and covers the rear; removes traces along the march; leads when reaching the final firing position, which is set up with all means and methods of camouflage; leads while moving in the enemy's tracks; conducts observation using binoculars; introduces sight corrections for wind, distance, angle and other parameters. It destroys manpower and material targets.

"One shot, one kill" is the motto of any sniper, and this can only be achieved with a highly modified wood or fiberglass hollow-handle rifle, an upgraded trigger mechanism, and a high-powered scope.

But which rifle is the most powerful sniper rifle in the world? Undoubtedly, such a sniper rifle is the M107 Barrett, the most impressive weapon of its kind ever produced. It is the most technologically advanced sniper rifle in the world: it is mainly used by the US Army in resolving the bloodiest conflicts.

Powerful sniper rifle used American troops, M107 (formerly M82) was first used by American forces in Operation Desert Storm. It was designed by an independent contractor called the Barrett Firearms Company, owned by Ronnie Barrett, making the M107 the fourth independently developed rifle used by the US Army.

The 50-caliber M107 is a long-range semi-automatic rifle currently used by armed infantry forces. It can accurately hit a target at a distance of 2000 meters. The rifle has a frame length of 72.5 cm, an XM107 bolt, and its weight including optics is 13 kg.

The most powerful cartridges in the world are used for the shots, Browning 50 caliber cartridges (12.7x99 mm NATO). The bullet diameter is 12.98 mm, the total length is 138.43 mm. 5.56 NATO or 7.62 NATO cartridges are used in the AK-47: the shot resembles a firework.

A well-trained sniper can hit a 12 cm target at a distance of 2 km. A report from American snipers indicates that they successfully used this rifle at a distance of 2430 meters while eliminating insurgents in Afghanistan.

The bullet can penetrate 3 cm of armor (the standard amount of armor for lightly armored vehicles), as well as a 30 cm wall, behind which most enemies in Iraq and Afghanistan feel safe. Most often, these bullets are used to hit targets such as a radar cabin, a truck, an aircraft stand, etc. They are also used to eliminate human threats such as enemy snipers, mortar teams, and machine gun pillboxes.

Depending on the grip, the rifle itself measures between 115 and 122 cm in length, and although it is a fairly large weapon, it has 70% less recoil than other large bore rifles, while weighing only 13.6 kg, making it very comfortable to use .

But the most impressive feature of this monster is the fear factor. The bullet hits its target quietly and effectively, causing the target to drop dead seconds before the sound of the shot is heard. And the fact that the rifle can fire all ten rounds in its magazine in less than 10 seconds means it's possible to kill a small squad of enemies before they even hear the gunshots.


Large-caliber sniper rifles- this is a special type of sniper rifle with a caliber from 9 mm to 20 mm inclusive. As a rule, such models are significantly superior to ordinary sniper rifles in terms of effective firing range, bullet energy, dimensions, weight and recoil, which leaves an imprint on their use. Currently, Russia has created a sufficient number of interesting solutions in this area, which are presented by both state and private manufacturers of small arms.

The main area of ​​application of large-caliber sniper rifles is the disabling of unarmored and lightly armored enemy equipment, including low-flying or grounded helicopters and airplanes; protected firing points (firing at embrasures and observation devices of pillboxes); control, communication and reconnaissance equipment (satellite communication antennas, radar, etc.); destruction of unexploded bombs and mines. Also, such rifles are quite effective means conducting anti-sniper combat.

The modern history of the development of large-caliber sniper rifles begins with the appearance in the United States of the M500 sniper rifle, which was created in 1981 by RAP. It was the M-500 rifle that was the first to be put into service American army and was intended to solve problems of combating enemy lightly armored vehicles, fortifications and other rather complex tasks. At the same time, real success for the new weapon came after the appearance of the M82 rifle, developed by weapons designer Ronnie Barrett. The rifle he created chambered for the NATO 12.7x99 mm cartridge effectively solved all sniper tasks at firing ranges above 1500 meters. In the army, this rifle received the nickname “Light Fifty” (“Light fifty dollars”). It was after the appearance of the M82 rifle in the United States that a real boom in such weapons began. Currently, overseas, more than fifty companies have created solutions for the 12.7x99 mm cartridge, as well as special ammunition. 308, .338 Lapua Magnum, and later the most interesting and promising ammunition 408 Cheyenne Tactical, or CheyTac for short.

Russia has not remained aloof from the development of such weapon systems. At the same time, Russian large-caliber sniper rifles are a completely competitive product. To create such rifles, both here and in the USA, cartridges were used that were borrowed from heavy machine guns: 12.7x99 mm (USA and NATO) and 12.7x108 mm (Russia). This decision is rational and has a fairly impressive basis: the power of such a cartridge would be enough to penetrate any standard military means of protection and armor throughout the entire flight path of the bullet. But such rifles also have disadvantages. Because of high energy and large mass, the potential of large-caliber sniper rifles cannot be realized within the framework of maneuverable combat. They can be used from specially equipped sniper positions or for anti-sniper activities as part of special forces teams.

OSV-96 "Burglar"

Large-caliber sniper rifles today are a special source of pride for Russian gunsmiths. One of prominent representatives The weapon of this class is the OSV-96 rifle with the sonorous nickname “Burglar”, which was so nicknamed for its unique characteristics. It is considered the first Russian model of a large-caliber sniper rifle, which is able to hit not only manpower, but also various equipment enemy at long distances. The rifle was created in Tula at the Instrument Design Bureau (KBP) in the mid-1990s (designer Arkady Georgievich Shipunov). OSV-96 "Burglar" was put into service in March 2000.

The OSV-96 rifle is designed to engage unarmored and lightly armored targets at distances of up to 1800 meters, as well as enemy personnel behind cover and in means personal protection at a range of up to 1000 meters. When firing sniper cartridges in series of 4-5 shots at a distance of 100 meters, the dispersion diameter does not exceed 50 mm. One of the main disadvantages of the rifle is the very loud noise when fired. Because of this, it is recommended to fire from the OSV-96 large-caliber sniper rifle while wearing headphones.

OSV-96 is a self-loading large-caliber sniper rifle that operates on the principle of using powder gases. The issue of large dimensions, which is typical for weapons of this class, was resolved due to design features. In the stowed position, the rifle can be folded: the barrel, together with the gas exhaust system, is tilted back to the right and pressed against the receiver, while the receiver and the breech end of the barrel are closed from possible clogging using a cover. In the folded position, the Burglar does not exceed the dimensions of a conventional SVD rifle, which allows the shooter to easily fit into vehicles and armored vehicles. The rifle is transferred from the folded position to the firing position and back in a matter of seconds.

The weapon's features include self-loading and an effective muzzle device, which reduces the sniper's fatigue and allows him to fire at a high rate of fire. And the height-adjustable bipod allows you to take the most comfortable position for shooting. The rifle also has 24-hour use due to the use different types sights, including night vision. And a long effective firing range, which allows the sniper to be out of range of aimed fire from small arms of conventional calibers. At the same time, a 12.7 mm sniper bullet has three times less drift than a 7.62 mm bullet.

TTX OSV-96 “Burglar”:

Cartridge type: 12.7x108 mm (sniper SPTs-12.7) or 12.7x108 mm cartridges from heavy machine guns.

The target firing range is up to 1800 m.

Weight without magazine and optical sight - 12.9 kg.

Dimensions: in combat position - 1746x431x425 mm, in stowed position - 1154x132x190 mm.

Shooting mode - single.

VKS/VSSK "Exhaust"

For cases that require a special approach from shooters, Russian gunsmiths have quite a few efficient system- VKS/VSSK “Exhaust”. Of course, the effective firing range of such a rifle is lower than that of its counterparts. Sighting range - 600 meters. But the STs-130 ammunition of 12.7x55 mm caliber, weighing 76 grams, used in the rifle allows it to hit almost any target almost silently, as far as the caliber of this ammunition allows. At the same time, another competitive advantage of the sniper rifle was its weight, which is almost 3 times less than the weight of its “louder” brothers in caliber.

This sniper rifle was created by designer Vladimir Zlobin from 1999 to 2004. The rifle was created under a special order, which came from the Special Purpose Center of the FSB of Russia. This sniper rifle is produced at the Central Design and Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons (TsKIB SOO) in the city of Tula. The STs-130 cartridges used in this rifle allow you to achieve penetration of 15 mm steel plate at a distance of 200 meters or body armor of class 5 protection at a distance of 100 meters.

the main task, which the “Exhaust” sniper rifle must solve, is the destruction of protected targets, including those using personal armor protection (PIB) class 4-6, targets located behind shelters, obstacles, as well as enemy vehicles, unarmored and lightly armored vehicles at a distance up to 600 meters with a flameless and silent shot due to the use of a silencer of an original design and special powerful ammunition with subsonic bullet speed. Structurally, this rifle is a non-automatic weapon with manual reloading with the layout of its mechanisms and parts according to the “bullpup” scheme. The rifle is equipped with an integrated silencer, which can be removed for cleaning and when transporting the weapon.

TTX VKS/VSSK "Exhaust":

Cartridge type: 12.7x55 mm (SPTs-130).

Sighting range - up to 600 m.

The weight of the rifle with an empty magazine and without an optical sight is 6.5 kg.

Dimensions without optical sight: 1125x220x220 mm.

Magazine capacity - 5 rounds.

Shooting mode - single.

Sniper complex 6S8

Currently, the “royal crown” among all Russian large-caliber rifles belongs to the 6S8 sniper rifle, created at the plant named after. Degtyareva. This rifle was created back in 1997, but for various reasons for a long time was not accepted into service and was not mass-produced. Having collected all the developments over 10 years and worked on the mistakes, the Degtyarev team managed to get their weapons accepted into service. This happened in June 2013. The ASVK rifle (large-caliber army sniper rifle) was adopted by the Russian Armed Forces under the designation 12.7 mm sniper complex 6S8.

The 12.7-mm 6S8 sniper rifle is designed to solve special fire missions to defeat unarmored and lightly armored enemy vehicles, as well as openly deployed manpower, including those wearing personal armor, group targets, and others. technical means at a distance of up to 1500 meters. The rifle can be used with a specially created 7N34 sniper cartridge and the entire range of conventional 12.7x108 mm caliber cartridges.

Structurally, this large-caliber sniper rifle was made according to the bullpup design. When using this scheme, as is known, the trigger is located in front of the firing mechanism (trigger mechanism), which makes it possible to reduce the size and weight of the weapon, resulting in increased maneuverability and compactness. In general, this sniper rifle turned out to be quite simple and reliable, which is very important for army weapons. And reviews of its combat use are mostly positive.

Cartridge type: 12.7x108 mm (sniper 7N34).

Sighting range - 1500 m.

The weight of the rifle with an empty magazine and without an optical sight is 12.5 kg.

Rifle length - 1420 mm, barrel length - 1000 mm.

Magazine capacity - 5 rounds.

Shooting mode - single.


But what to do when it comes to hitting targets located beyond the mark of 1500, or even 2000 meters? Russian gunsmiths will also have an answer to this. It's about about sniper rifles, which are created by Vladislav Lobaev. His companies “Tsar Cannon”, Design Bureau of Integrated Systems and his own brand “Lobaev Arms” are the first in our country to begin the development and production of high-precision and long-range weapons, from the barrel to the butt. If previously Lobaev's sniper rifles were produced for a specific client ( most of rifles "Lobaev Arms" is a commercial product intended for sale to individuals), the company now presents a whole series of sniper rifles, polished and monstrously powerful, designed for different calibers. The leader among them is one of the best sniper ammunition available today - .408 CheyTac.

Snipers have always been the elite of any country's armed forces, as they possessed a whole set of qualities that had to be either innate or acquired through years of training. We will tell you about the five most best shooters in history.

Carlos Hascock

Carlos Hascock during the Vietnam War

Carlos Hascock was a famous American sniper during the Vietnam War. Having joined the army at the age of 17, he was greeted very coolly by his future fellow soldiers. Everyone doubted that the guy in the hat was capable of anything, but their doubts came to an end after the first shooting at the range. The young man did not miss a single time. The command could not miss such a talent, and in 1966 Carlos went to Vietnam, where at least 300 enemy soldiers died from his bullets. Ultimately, North Vietnam put a huge bounty on his head. Hascock's notable feature was the white feather he always wore in his hat, despite his fellow soldiers' concerns about camouflage.

One of Carlos's most famous shots was the killing of a Vietnamese sniper when the bullet went through the optical sight of his own rifle. This case formed the basis of many Hollywood blockbusters. In addition, Hascock was able to set a record for the range of a successful shot - 2250 meters, which was broken only in 2002.

But the war came to an end, and Carlos returned home without a single injury. He died in his bed, just short of his 57th birthday. Hascock is rightfully considered one of the most famous soldiers in the US Army.

Simo Häyhä

Next on our list is a sniper from snowy Finland. Simo Häyhä became not just a soldier, but a real symbol both for Finland itself and for Soviet Union. During the few months of the Winter War, which lasted from 1939 to 1940, Häyhä killed between 500 and 750 Soviet soldiers. A feature of the work of the “White Death” (this is the nickname Simo received among Soviet soldiers) was the use of weapons without an optical sight. History knows few examples of snipers using such rifles. The reliable distance at which the Finnish sniper’s bullets reached opponents is 450 meters.

The name Simo Häyha raised the morale of Finnish soldiers even in the most difficult situations for them, and he himself quickly became national hero Finland. In addition to his small height (152 cm), which helped him with camouflage, Häyhä used various tricks: for example, he kept snow in his mouth so that the steam from his mouth would not give it away to his enemies while breathing, or he froze the crust in front of the barrel of his rifle with water so that when shooting Don't kick up the snow.

The famous Finnish sniper lived long life and died in 2002 at the age of 96.

Lyudmila Pavlichenko

The list could not help but include a sniper who frightened the Germans during World War II as much as the “White Death” frightened Soviet soldiers in its time. We are talking about Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in world history. From the first days of the war, she was eager to fight and, having completed sniper courses, ended up in the ranks of a rifle company.

As Pavlichenko herself admitted, the hardest thing is to kill for the first time. In total, the legendary “Lady Death” accounted for 309 killed soldiers and officers.

Vasily Zaitsev

Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaitsev (left) during Battle of Stalingrad, December 1942.

The name of another Soviet sniper terrified German soldiers. We are, of course, talking about Vasily Zaitsev. He, like many soviet soldiers, mercilessly destroyed enemy soldiers, but the most famous battle was a sniper duel with a German ace sniper, who received the task of destroying Zaitsev. After many hours of tense waiting, Vasily was able to calculate the sniper’s location by the brilliance of the optical sight and fire one accurate shot. The man killed was a major in the army of the Third Reich.

Zaitsev, who headed the school of masters, made a significant contribution to the development of sniper art, writing several books on combat and developing new tactics for sniper hunting.

Chris Kyle

One of best snipers of our time, who has proven this title in real combat is Texas native Chris Kyle, who from the age of 8 decided that accurate shooting was his life’s work. By 2003, the young man had experience participating in special operations, and the command decided to send him to Iraq. There he showed himself to be a real master. A year later, when he had more than 150 people on his account, the nickname “Shaitan from Ramadi” was attached to him, and a reward of $20,000 was placed on his head. The American sniper is famous for his shot from a distance of 1920 meters, when the bullet overtook the Iraqi militia who was threatening the advance of American tanks.

Chris Kyle was killed in 2013 by another Iraq War veteran who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder. During his service, Chris Kyle defeated 255 opponents.

Illustration: depositphotos | BestPhotoStudio

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