Home Vegetables Various ways to calm the nervous system. How to quickly and effectively calm your nerves

Various ways to calm the nervous system. How to quickly and effectively calm your nerves

Any medicinal intervention must necessarily come from the attending physician. You can't self-medicate. Even seemingly harmless herbs can bring significant harm to health, especially if they are used incorrectly.

In pharmacies without a prescription, you can buy the following drugs for loose nerves:

- "Persen";
- "Novopassit";
- "Persevit" ("Persena");
- valerian tincture ();
- motherwort tincture;
- tincture of lemon balm;
- mint tincture;
- ;
- peony tincture;
- .

It should be remembered that any sedative drugs lower blood pressure.

Most sedative preparations contain valerian and mint. But a single dose cannot be cured. You must take these drugs for at least a month. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual tolerance to each component. It's worth knowing that long-term use may lead to constipation. Therefore, people suffering from this disease, long-term use of drugs based on valerian is not recommended. In any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Sold in pharmacies and a special sedative collection. It consists of:

Leaves peppermint- 33.3 grams;
- water shamrock leaves - 33.3 grams;
- rhizome from valerian - 16.7 grams;
- hops - 16.7 grams.

Two tablespoons of the collection are brewed with boiling water (400 ml). Infuse for about 20 minutes. Then filter and drink in the morning and before going to bed for half a glass.

Folk remedies to calm the nervous system

Tea from mint, lemon balm, yarrow, oregano, thyme and St. John's wort in equal proportions can soothe nervousness and relieve irritation.

Natural honey can be used as a remedy for insomnia and anxiety. To do this, it is enough to drink one teaspoon of honey with warm water or milk. A stronger effect can be achieved by drinking warm herbal tea from a sedative collection.

It has an excellent sedative effect. You can cook it like this: 3 tablespoons of motherwort are steamed with boiling water (200 ml). The medicine is insisted for 20 minutes and filtered. It is necessary to drink the infusion in the mornings and evenings for 15 days in a tablespoon.

An infusion of thyme will help not only soothe, but also strengthen nervous system. It is quite easy to prepare it. One teaspoon of herbs should be poured with boiling water (200 ml) and insisted for one and a half hours under the lid. Drink before bedtime, adding a little honey to the drink.

Well relaxes and soothes a hot drink from Ivan-tea. A teaspoon of herbs is steamed with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse for ten minutes. You can, if desired, add a little honey, then the drink will become more fragrant and healthy. You can drink this tea for a long time.

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Healing properties motherwort long known traditional medicine. Its ability to relieve nervous tension surpasses even the well-known valerian. In addition, it is effective in the treatment of respiratory failure, heart disease and Graves' disease. Most effective means, which contains motherwort, is a tincture.


For heart rhythm disturbances, 25 drops are needed motherwort on alcohol. Usually this kind of disease is treated with a course, so you should drink three times a day for at least a week. The tincture is mixed with three tablespoons of water and drunk 30 minutes before a meal. After using the tincture, it is recommended to lie down, so the effect will appear much faster. To calm a strong arrhythmia, it is necessary, after taking the medicine, to take a deep breath and not breathe for a while. The heart rate will gradually return to normal after a smooth exhalation.

With heart pain, a 30% tincture will come in handy motherwort. It will also help with rheumatism and myocarditis. Before each meal, drink 30 drops of the medicine. Therapy should last at least a month.

Neurosis-like manifestations and neurasthenia are perfectly treated pharmacy tincture motherwort. Under these conditions, the dose of the drug will be quite large - 40 drops. But that shouldn't scare you. Side effects from treatment are extremely rare, but a shattered nervous system when taken motherwort is being restored. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, the dose of the drug will be similar. And concussion of the head in this dosage is an excellent auxiliary measure.

At poor eyesight ophthalmologists recommend taking 35 drops of tincture motherwort on alcohol. Of course, motherwort alone is not enough in this situation, but as additional measure he is very efficient. With paresis and paralysis, the same is shown. Reduced tone in the postpartum period is fraught with bad consequences. And in this situation, the same motherwort will help to cope with the problem. Take 35 drops of the tincture twice a day.


With arterial hypotension and bradycardia, alcohol tincture of motherwort is contraindicated.

Peony tincture contains essential oils and organic acids. It is used both in cosmetology and medicine. With its help, you can improve the condition of hair and skin, as well as overcome insomnia and vegetative-vascular dystonia.

You will need

  • - peony roots;
  • - vodka.


For treatment, you can use both pharmacy and self-prepared tincture. In terms of efficiency, they are in no way inferior to each other. Cooking in takes two, that's how long it takes for the peony to infuse. As a raw material, use 50 g of fresh plant roots. Wash them thoroughly, pour half a liter of vodka, close the container tightly and put it in a dark place. Periodically shake the liquid, and after the allotted time, strain the resulting tincture.

Accept tincture peony at night if you suffer from insomnia. Dosage for - 3 teaspoons. For teenagers, half the dose will suffice. Children under 14 years of age are contraindicated. Continue therapy for two weeks. If the sleep problems return after discontinuation of the drug, repeat the course of treatment.

To improve well-being before menstruation and for the treatment of gynecological diseases, drink a teaspoon of tincture peony 2-3 times a day. It is preferable to take the medicine before or during meals. The course of treatment for PMS is a week, and for other diseases of the female genital area - a month.


The drug is incompatible with certain drugs (antidepressants, tranquilizers, neuroleptics, etc.), therefore, in order to avoid the development of complications, take peony tincture only after consulting a doctor.

Morning is not the easiest time for most people. Starting your day right is very important. That is why it is so important to drink and eat the right foods in the morning.

Drinks are a good way to wake up the body

Sleep slows down every cell human body, biochemical processes are suspended. To in in full the body needs a couple of hours to restore dormant functions, only after this moment you need to start breakfast. However, today some people do not have such a volume of time in the morning, but it is nevertheless necessary to wake up and wake up the body. To speed up the awakening process, it is advisable to drink a glass of clean, non-carbonated water on an empty stomach. This will allow you to compensate for the loss of fluid during sleep, "wake up" the stomach. In the morning, the intestines and kidneys work, which are engaged in the removal of toxins. Water speeds up this process.

If your body is accustomed to a hearty breakfast, try to move it a little forward, anticipating breakfast with water. A glass of water is ideal for any organism. But you can complement it with other options. For example, the European habit of drinking freshly squeezed orange juice in the morning makes a lot of sense. Essential oils This citrus fruit stimulates digestion and the functioning of the urinary and gall bladders. However, if you have a stomach ulcer, orange juice is worth the water.

If in general your body is healthy, but in the morning there is no energy for anything, try drinking a glass of sweet soda. Such a drink will give enough energy for the morning jerk. But this is an option as a last resort, you should not use it regularly.

Coffee is not a panacea

Generally natural juices with ballast substances and pulp activate the digestive glands, promote the absorption of heavy food, so it is also better to drink them before meals. However, if you are used to breakfast with milk porridge, replace the juice with another drink. Coffee or tea in this case can replace juice, but it is not recommended to drink coffee on an empty stomach. at least, black coffee. So flavor it or cream. If you have atherosclerosis peptic ulcer stomach, or gastritis, prefer tea to strong coffee. Black teas, by the way, are also able to invigorate well.
If you prefer fermented milk drinks, drink them separately from other products. So they bring maximum amount benefit.

Undeservedly forgotten as a morning drink. But this great option. The combination of sugar, hot milk, dry chocolate can provide the human body with energy for a long time. In addition, cocoa contains a fairly large amount of minerals, vitamins and proteins.

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Sleep disturbance is serious problem, indicating a downed biorhythm. While you understand the causes, it is necessary to maintain the strength of the body and take a sedative for insomnia.

You will need

  • - "Menovalen"
  • - Melatonin
  • - "Valerian"
  • - "Ethylbromisovalerianate"
  • - "Valocordin"
  • - "Phenobarbital"
  • - Mint leaves and lemon balm
  • - Beet juice
  • - Honey
  • - Motherwort
  • - St. John's wort
  • - Yarrow
  • - Chamomile flowers


With any ailment, a person does not want to waste time on clarifying and going to the pharmacy. In order not to harm the nervous system, it is worth taking pills for insomnia. Menovalen is a safe sedative. It relieves stress, has virtually no side effects and is not addictive. This sedative for insomnia is taken in courses whose goal is the complete restoration of sleep. Menovalen is good because in the morning after taking it, there is no drowsiness.

If you have confused day with night, you should give preference to Melatonin. The drug is made on the basis of a hormone produced by the body at night. This is not sleeping pills, but pills for the natural restoration of the rhythm. The drug is especially suitable for "owls" who hardly get up in the morning.

People who prefer insomnia pills will love the gentle action of Valerian. You just need to coordinate the dosage with your doctor: with a slight sleep disorder, pills will help. In case of serious disorders in the functioning of the nervous system, concentrated drops are needed.

You can also use Ethyl Bromisovalerianate, Valocordin, Phenobarbital, or simply use peppermint oil. But it's best not to be lazy and take advantage of folk recipes fight insomnia.

Phytotherapy takes longer than the treatment of sleep disorders with drops and. But the effect of it lasts for years. The easiest way is to drink tea with mint leaves and lemon balm every evening as a preventive measure. In the absence of allergies, you can improve the taste of the drink with lemon and honey. But the sugar in soothing tea is superfluous - on the contrary, it excites the brain, leading to insomnia.

With severe stress and depression, motherwort is indicated. First you need to prepare an infusion by pouring 3 dessert spoons of crushed leaves with a glass of hot water and leaving it under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Strained infusion drink a dessert spoon 4 times a day with the same intervals between doses. In order not to suffer from a regimen that is sometimes difficult to comply with, you can drink tea. Welding is prepared from motherwort, St. John's wort, yarrow, mint and chamomile, taken in a ratio of 2:2:1:1:1. For 1.5 cups of boiling water, pour 2 dessert spoons of the mixture. Drink before meals and at night.

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Sleep medications can be addictive. With a mild form of sleep disturbance, it is worth using herbs that will help normalize sleep, stabilize the cardiovascular system and autonomic function.

You will need

  • - hawthorn fruits;
  • - valerian;
  • - red elderberry;
  • - common oregano;
  • - Hypericum perforatum;
  • - angelica;
  • - fireweed;
  • - hemp seeds;
  • - lavender;
  • - alfalfa;
  • - Melissa;
  • - mint;
  • - motherwort;
  • - peony;
  • - chamomile;
  • - knotweed;
  • - hops;
  • - clover.


Decoctions and infusions of blood-red hawthorn fruit stabilize the cardiovascular system, have a relaxing effect and are traditionally used to combat insomnia as part of sedative preparations.

Valerian has a powerful sedative effect, normalizes the work of the heart and vegetative function. It is used to treat insomnia not only as part of fees, but also as monotherapy.

Oregano has been used for many centuries as a folk remedy to stabilize sleep, eliminate symptoms of autonomic instability, mood lability, and irritability.

St. John's wort helps to get rid of a mild form of depression, stabilize mood and sleep. It is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, as part of vegetable medicines intended for the treatment of depression.

In addition, many other herbs with a sedative effect can be used to treat insomnia and stabilize sleep: angelica, fireweed, hemp seeds, lavender, alfalfa, lemon balm, mint, motherwort, peony, chamomile, knotweed, hops, clover.

Herbal preparations for the treatment of insomnia, you can buy at a pharmacy or cook it yourself, using medicinal raw materials in appropriate proportions.

Collection number 1. Mix 20 g of valerian roots, crushed hawthorn, elderberry, add 10 g of lemon balm, chamomile and hops. Brew one tablespoon of the resulting mixture in a thermos for half a liter of boiling water. Insist for three hours. Take a strained infusion of a third of a glass three times a day.

Collection number 2. Mix three parts of oregano, lavender, angelica, valerian, motherwort, add one part of St. John's wort, peony, mint, hemp seeds. Brew and take in the same way as indicated in the first recipe.


Before using herbs and fees with a sedative effect, you should get a doctor's recommendation. Phytotherapy is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with cardiovascular diseases, against which hypotension is observed. Also, phytocollections cannot be used in case of individual intolerance and allergy to any components of plant materials.

"Corvalol" is a sedative a vasodilator, which is widely used for insomnia, irritability, hypochondriacal syndrome, neurotic conditions. The drug can be used to relieve spasms and relieve symptoms of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.


The drug should not be used in severe hepatic or renal insufficiency. It is forbidden to use "Corvalol" during lactation. If a woman requires medication, the doctor may consider transferring the patient's child to alternative ways nutrition. It should be noted that the remedy is contraindicated during pregnancy. In the process of use, do not exceed the prescribed dosage. If the condition worsens, you should stop taking the drug and seek the advice of a specialist.

Among the side effects of Corvalol, increased drowsiness, dizziness, and impaired attention are noted. Some patients may experience allergic reactions, as well as symptoms of bromine poisoning, including depression, rhinitis, impaired coordination of movements, diathesis, conjunctivitis.

The agent should be taken orally, dissolved in a small amount of water (30-50 ml). Drink the medicine should be immediately before eating 15-30 drops, depending on the doctor's instructions. If necessary (for example, at the moment) it can be increased to 50 drops. When prescribing to children, a solution of 3-15 drops per day should be made. The selected dose should depend on the age of the child and the type of disease. The course of treatment is determined by a specialist in accordance with the individual indications of the patient.

Since the drug, as well as almost 80% ethanol, during the period of treatment, the patient is not recommended to engage in activities that require an increased concentration of attention and speed of reaction. The drug slows down the activity of the nervous system, and therefore, after taking it, you should drive vehicles with extreme caution.

With prolonged use of Corvalol, a person may develop dependence on the drug. You may need to consult a doctor to completely stop the remedy. Also, with prolonged use of the drug, bromine may accumulate in the body, which can cause corresponding consequences for the body. For example, as a result of intoxication, a very sound sleep is possible, in which a person cannot be woken up, or constant fatigue. In severe overdose, depression of the central nervous system, amnesia, incoherent speech, euphoria, a drop in blood pressure begin, and in special occasions and coma.

Modern life is full of stress and tension that every person faces on a daily basis. As you know, nervous tension is not only a debilitating factor, but also negatively affects the body, leading to disturbances in its work. It should be noted that most of the diseases that are known to modern medicine have a psychosomatic form. As a result, maintaining your own psychological balance becomes the most important condition, and this can be achieved using a variety of methods that are described in this article.

How to understand that the nerves are out of order or a nervous breakdown has occurred

In order to differentiate a nervous breakdown from other pathological phenomena of the psyche, it is necessary to give the maximum precise definition. Since in medicine there are no clear criteria for determining a nervous breakdown, one should be guided by individual factors that explain the nature and essence of such a process.

Thus, a nervous breakdown is a reactive, temporary disturbance mental activity a person that arose as a result of some emotionally intense event, whose intensity exceeded the permissible barrier of individual sensitivity of the nervous system. As a result of a nervous breakdown, the mental and physical activity of the individual, sensitivity to external factors and interaction with the social world change.

A variety of reasons can lead to the described phenomenon, and it makes no sense to characterize them. In this case, a number of symptoms can be distinguished, according to which one can assume the presence of a particular syndrome:

  • increased sensitivity to light and sounds;
  • loss of working capacity due to loss of concentration and volitional activity;
  • loss of appetite;
  • overly intense response to the most insignificant stimuli;
  • feeling of worthlessness;
  • increased irritability;
  • feeling of anxiety, fear, uncertainty, confusion, panic, etc.

There is a large number various techniques to bring thoughts and feelings back to normal. At the same time, few people guess, but the harmonization of their psychological state can be carried out without any additional tools. Most people drink sedatives when irritable or in anticipation of nervous tension, but you can also cope. with my own hands". That is why below are the best ways to calm your nerves, depending on the situation.

How to stop being nervous before an exam

Fear of exams is one of the most common phenomena during the student period, to which great amount research. According to various approaches, you can get rid of this excitement with the help of different ways. One of the traditional methods used in practical psychology, is a method of systematic desensitization. If you disassemble the name of the approach in words, then it will have the following meaning: a gradual decrease in sensitivity to the experienced event.

You can carry out the process both independently and with the help of a professional. Within the framework of the designated process, one should be guided by the rules that will be described below in the context of the desensitization instructions. It is important to note that the method should be used a week, or at least a day before the exam. So, starting the process, you need to relax, close your eyes and imagine the upcoming exam, but do it in stages.

First you need to imagine the day of the exam and when the excitement appears inside, you need to relax so that the anxiety disappears. When everything became smooth inside, you need to present the fees for going to the exam, gradually approaching the most important thing. Similarly, you will need to relax in order to get rid of the tension after the last picture. At the next stage, you can go further, for example, imagine a trip to educational institution, the way the audience looks, the moment of drawing out the exam tickets, etc. It is important to relieve tension through relaxation every time, as a result of which the real exam will seem like an ordinary event that does not cause any discomfort.

How to get rid of stress at work fast

If you need to quickly, here and now, relieve stress by getting rid of excitement, you can resort to express methods. Most The best way to bring thoughts and feelings back to normal is to normalize breathing. There are many techniques and trainings that address the most effective breathing exercises. However, for quick calm, there is almost the only exercise that is part of holotropic breathing.

To carry out the process, you need to sit up straight and straighten your back, and then take a deep breath through your mouth. At the moment when the air has filled the lungs to the maximum, it is necessary to exhale sharply through the nose, without making any pause between inhalation and exhalation. This exercise should be done about 10 times, after which you can feel relief.

Ways to relieve nervous tension before bed

The best way to de-stress before going to bed after a hard day labor day This is a progressive relaxation method. This method is good because it can be done just before going to bed, while under the covers in bed. As an instrument, you can use relaxing quiet background music without words, which sounds from the speakers, since nothing should hold you down, including headphones.

In order to start the process, you will need to start breathing evenly, taking long deep breaths and exhalations, while there should be no pauses between them. Breathing should be continuous, resembling a wheel that rolls down a hill. Breathing is something to focus on, something that will allow you to clear your mind and stop thinking about anything.

Now it is important to start relaxing, and this should be done gradually, relaxing each muscle and each part of the body in turn. It is necessary to start with the hands, gradually relaxing the right hand, then the forearm, shoulder, then the second arm, leg, back, head, etc. It will help to relax if you imagine that the body is gradually getting heavier, filling with warmth.

Effective remedies for calming the nervous system

Everyone at least once in their life has come across drugs that calm, relieve stress, and help to fall asleep. All of them are aimed at enhancing the processes of inhibition taking place in our nervous system. Wherein medications have different shapes and origins. As part of this, herbal preparations will have a less pronounced sedative effect, and strong drugs aimed at oppressing nervous activity, are used to treat neurosis, stress and psychological trauma.

List of sedative names: pills, drops

The most popular and well-known remedy for everyone is valerian, which is currently sold in the most different forms, including in tablets, and in drops, and in the form of tinctures. The drug reduces excitability, relieves intestinal spasm, improves sleep.

Another medicinal product based on St. John's wort is "Deprim" - this is a high-quality drug that is prescribed for depression varying degrees gravity. The tool helps to inhibit the activity of the autonomic nervous system, improve mood and sleep. It should be noted such a pharmacological agent as "Persen", based on plant components and having a highly effective effect. The drug is suitable for both men and women.

Acupuncture can help you calm down and not be nervous

Acupuncture is an ancient method Chinese medicine, in which the human body is affected by the introduction of needles under the skin in certain places. According to the statement of people involved in this type of non-traditional treatment of diseases, by acting on special points, it is possible to increase or decrease the intensity of the activity of the nervous system. Thus, the method of acupuncture is successfully used to calm the nerves.

Folk remedies for stress and depression

As part of folk remedies that can help cope with stress and depression, carrot juice should be noted. In this case, the juice must be freshly squeezed. AT this product contains a large amount of vitamin B, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Good sedative - medicinal herbs

As you know, most sedative drugs are based on herbal ingredients. Thus, using infusions or decoctions of various herbs, you can calm your nerves, improve sleep and relax. You can also brew herbal teas, which will also have a positive effect on the nervous system. Of the most worth highlighting:

  • valerian;
  • peppermint;
  • melissa;
  • St. John's wort, etc.

Sounds of nature for relaxation at home

Most people use special music for relaxation and relaxation. Music containing the sounds of nature, birds singing, wind noise, rain - all this suggests harmony with nature, unity, peace and balance. Using specific melodies, you can relax, meditate, concentrate and even relax, which is very important in case of stress or nervous strain.

What foods calm the nerves

Doctors have found that eating certain foods helps reduce the risk of depression, improve the flow of metabolic processes in the body, and increase the body's resource to deal with stress. These products should include:

  • beets;
  • carrot;
  • cocoa;
  • potato;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts, etc.

Chronic nervous tension is a companion of our time. We are constantly nervous and worried about something in our lives: about ourselves and about our future, about relatives, relatives, children, about work, about money and many others, not always important things. A lot of disturbing thoughts run through your head every day, causing constant stress. Many are in a state of nervous tension without even realizing real reason his anxiety. Therefore, in this article we will talk about how to calm down when you are very nervous, how to find harmony and inner peace.

Worry and anxiety is a natural, and even useful tool by which our body informs us about external threats. That is why the fight against stress is often not effective. Unfortunately, there is no one universal technique or “not to be nervous” switch. What works great for keeping calm for some people, for others, is completely ineffective. Therefore, try and choose exactly the method that will help you calm down and not be nervous for you.

Exercise "square breathing"

Helps to cope with anxiety and excitement, it is easy to move from a negative to a neutral, calm state. The square breathing technique can be used if you are very nervous before meetings, important negotiations, public speaking, exams. The exercise is very simple, everyone can do it, and does not require special training, it is performed in 4 steps:

  • take a breath and at the same time count to yourself: “one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four ...” (as it is more comfortable)
  • Hold your breath for a count of one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four...
  • Now exhale to the count of one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four...
  • now hold your breath again, counting one thousand one, one thousand two, one thousand three, one thousand four...

Scheme of square breathing: inhale (4 sec) - hold the breath (4 sec) - exhale (4 sec) - hold (4 sec) - repeat from the beginning. Moreover, the duration of inhalation-exhalation can be selected individually, it can be 4 seconds, maybe more - 6-8 seconds, or less, the main thing is that it is comfortable to perform the exercise.

Diaphragmatic breathing

When a person is worried, nervous, his breathing becomes rapid and intermittent (a person breathes from the chest). A little explanation: there are several types of breathing. Most people expand the middle part of the sternum when they breathe. This is chest breathing. If breathing is top sternum - high costal breathing. However, more useful and effective for calming and relaxing is diaphragmatic breathing, that is, breathing with the participation of the diaphragm, breathing with the stomach. In order to calm down and get rid of stress, we take a deep breath, absorbing a large volume of air, and then exhale it slowly. It's called very deep breathing. Such for many will be an effective tool for excitement and nervousness. In order to learn to breathe with the diaphragm, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Lie on your back and place a book on your stomach. It is necessary to breathe so that the book rises from the breath.
  2. Sit in a comfortable position, straighten your posture and lower right hand on the stomach, and the left - put the chest. Breathe in such a way that only the right hand moves.
  3. It is desirable that the inhalation and exhalation be equal in time. For this, it is most convenient to count the beats of your heart. 4-6 strokes inhale - the same exhale.
  4. To enhance the effect, you can repeat the affirmation to yourself: “With every breath I relax, with every exhalation I smile”


The technique is simple, but very effective in the fight not only with excitement, but with other negative emotions and experiences. It can be attributed to art therapy, and the implementation takes from 5 to 15 minutes. Instructions:

  • take a pen or pencil, a sheet of clean paper, or rather several at once, because with strong emotions one may not be enough.
  • as a rule, excitement is physically felt in a specific part of the body: in the chest, in the abdomen, in the head, in the form of spasms, clamps, or simply vague unpleasant sensations, i.e. you need to determine the localization of your destructive emotion;
  • mentally give yourself the setting that all the excitement through your hands goes to paper, leaves your body, and does not return; there are no strict recommendations here, everything is done in an arbitrary form, as you like it better;
  • you just start to drive a pencil or pen on paper without controlling your movements. If you do everything right, the hand itself will begin to draw all sorts of lines, “bad-hards”, write out all sorts of pretzels; do until you feel relieved, until you get the feeling that enough is enough (if one sheet is hardened, feel free to take the next one);
  • then you need to get rid of the painted “masterpiece” in any convenient way: you can tear it into small pieces and flush it down the toilet, you can burn it and scatter the ashes in the wind, crush, trample and send it to the trash can, or come up with your own way - the main thing is to get rid of your “negative creations."
  • enjoy the relief, it usually comes fairly quickly.

This technique is quite versatile, with its help you can get rid of excitement, irritation, resentment, worries, any stress. For more long-term effect- needs to be repeated more often.

Contact with water

One of the simplest and available ways calm down, especially if you are very nervous and worried - this is any contact with water. Scientists have long noted that the noise and contemplation of running, flowing water, the sound of waves soothes, relieves fatigue, promotes deep relaxation. So, if you need to calm down quickly, you need to:

  • drink a glass of plain water in small sips - unbelievable, but it helps;
  • go to the bathroom, turn on the water, hold your hands under running water, for as long as possible;
  • wash the dishes, the floor, anything else;

When there is a little more time:

  • take a shower, the most effective contrast;
  • take a bath with hydromassage, if possible;
  • go to the pool, to the lake, swim (double effect: the calming effect of water + physical activity);
  • go out into nature, sit by the stream, by the river, look at the water.
  • walk in the rain without an umbrella; not suitable for everyone, because there is a danger of catching a cold, but the effect is amazing. Whoever accidentally gets wet in the rain knows that then you come home, and your heart is joyful, it is not clear why, problems fade into the background, just like in childhood, when you got into a puddle up to your ankles, and you are satisfied ...

During exercise, the body releases certain chemical substances, which explains the usefulness of the motor load for the mental state of a person. These chemicals include endorphins. Their action is similar to the action of opiates - they dull pain and cause a state of calm and peace. Another substance - dopamine is an antidepressant, also produced by the body during physical activity. The improvement of the psychological state due to physical activity is based on a physiological basis, and this is a scientific fact.

The positive effect persists for several hours after the “physical exercise”, or rather after the “after physical exercise”. The most accessible types of physical activity:

  • general cleaning of the apartment;
  • hand washing, washing floors, windows;
  • dancing;
  • yoga practice;
  • walking, running, cycling.


Meditation techniques are the most popular and easy to master. They have been studied enough in terms of relaxation and a positive effect on physical and psychological health.

Many people think that meditation takes a lot of time and do not even try this effective method. Here are some of the shortest and most effective meditations that will help you quickly calm down and not be nervous.

Exercise: track your own thoughts

Find a quiet place where no one will disturb you, close your eyes. For 5 to 10 minutes, just observe the thoughts that come to your mind. At the same time, the main thing is not to do anything, not to strain (even mentally) - you just need to observe. Allow your thoughts to simply come and go, without any evaluation of what is happening. Most likely, there will be complete confusion and chaos in your head, a heap of sensations, memories, situations, assessments, your own and other people's statements. This is fine.

Already after the first minutes of this exercise, you will notice that thoughts slow down, you become more calm. For a certain moment you abstract from everything, you become just an observer. After a while, you will begin to notice that there are small pauses between thoughts. During these periods of thoughtlessness, you can experience real peace and tranquility.

Calm Reflex Technique

This technique was proposed by psychologist Charles Strebel. The author claims that this technique allows you to relax very quickly, with systematic training in 6 seconds. So, the technique itself:

  • Focus on what's bothering you.
  • Smile to yourself. This will help relieve tension from the muscles of the face.
  • Say to yourself: “My body is relaxed and my mind is actively awake.”
  • Breathe in easily and calmly.
  • When exhaling, relax and lower the lower jaw - when correct execution upper and lower teeth should not touch
  • Imagine how heaviness and warmth spread through your body from the top of your head to your heels.

Method "Instant calm"

  1. Continuous breathing. Despite the appearance of excitement, continue to breathe calmly, evenly and deeply.
  2. Positive facial expression. As soon as you feel that you are starting to get nervous, smile slightly.
  3. Appearance. Imagine that you are being lifted by a string - straighten your chest, stretch your neck, lift your chin.
  4. Send a wave of relaxation to tense parts of the body.
  5. Soberly assess the situation, tell yourself: “Everything that is happening now is real, and I will find the best solution”

Meditative Breathing: Basic Exercise

The technique of pure observation of one's breathing is simple and effective at the same time, does not require special skills, the state of relaxation and calm comes quickly, in a few minutes. Close your eyes, get comfortable, and just watch your breath. You should not strain, try to influence the rhythm or depth of breathing - just watch. Concentrate on how the air enters the lungs through the nostrils - then exits back. Inhale - exhale. This is the simplest technique applicable in almost any situation. After a while, you will be able to notice how your breathing becomes slower and calmer. The more consciously and attentively you observe your breathing, the faster you will feel calm.

How to calm the nerves? The state of nervous tension is familiar to everyone, only someone feels and notices it, and someone gets used to it and lives in such a permanent frozen nervous lump all his life, solves issues, builds the future, naturally complaining about inefficiency and many problems. The most reliable way to put the nervous system in order is to adjust the area of ​​​​life that causes increased nervous excitement or solve one problem that does not allow it to function normally. The method is excellent, effective and should definitely be striven for, but it is also long-term and requires a high degree of awareness. In the meantime, you are moving along the path of eliminating the cause of stressors, learn to take care of yourself and reduce the level of nervousness on the spot, albeit with temporary methods that do not eliminate the problem, but help to survive the crisis.

How to calm your nerves and relieve stress?

To know how to quickly calm your nerves, read about breathing practices and go to a practice session dedicated to this (practiced in yoga studios, massage parlors and body-oriented therapists). Breathing affects the physical and emotional state, it can regulate the level of stress and anxiety. Organize the space in a way that is comfortable for you in order to get the maximum amount of rest, find time for self-care (it is not necessary to make a march through beauty salons and shopping malls, it is enough to give yourself a rest when you can not think and not do, which is extremely important in a state of stress). Taking care of your body will give you back some energy - massages, exercise and proper nutrition work wonders and dissolve stress in the air.

In the fast pace of life with maximum loads and informational overdose, the knowledge of how to calm the nerves, relieve anxiety and should be present in the luggage of every person. As in any problem, before talking about solutions (treatment), it is worth saying a few words and prevention, because. it is usually easier to prevent a deplorable state than to get out of it later.

There is an opinion that ours are born from our response to the situation, i.e. not the situation itself is stressful, but only our reaction to it. Of course, there are cases where it is impossible to regulate your condition and choose to laugh at failure, instead of being nervous about it for hours. But most of the problems that create a chronic state of stress and undermine the nerves bit by bit are not very significant. You can experience a reprimand from your boss right up to the decision to quit, or you can step back and understand that he just blew his Bad mood and pity him. You can freak out because of the constant rains, or you can buy cool yellow rubber boots and jump through the puddles. By correcting your point of view in this way, looking for positive aspects in everything, you can save your nervous system.

If a jamb has happened somewhere with prevention or an event has happened that is really unsettling and now you are sitting and thinking how to calm your nerves, relieve anxiety and fear, it means that the protective functions of your psyche have suffered and you need to quickly regain your ability to think, which is paralyzed fear and anxiety. The best help in this matter is to focus on your body, starting with breath control, trying to make it as deep and slow as possible, if you can go from chest to abdominal. If you breathe certain time at a constant pace with such breathing, the production of adrenaline will stabilize and you will slowly stop shaking. After that (or during, focus on your own feelings), stretch the muscles of the body - twist the joints, stretch the muscles of the neck and arms with your hands. This practice is for physical way regulation, suitable if you are worried about the question of how to calm your nerves before the exam.

But this impact is aimed at a point and single impact, after which it is necessary to analyze the situation in order to find the reasons that caused such a strong emotional reaction and work them out separately in a more relaxed environment, possibly with the help of a therapist.

How to calm the nerves in 1 minute?

People have different stress resistance, strength and stability of the nervous system - it depends on who and how susceptible stressful influences(speed of occurrence, duration, strength of nervous excitation). It is not always possible to retire, take a break and deal with your condition, and you should know how to quickly calm your nerves even in a situation with limited time. Several options have been tracked and developed to help change nervous tension to a calmer response to the situation literally within a minute, which one is preferable to decide on the spot, starting from the situation, because the methods of how to calm the nerves before the exam and how to calm the nerves after an unpleasant conversation can vary significantly.

Working with visual reality helps to switch from an unpleasant factor and make its influence less destructive. Changing the visual picture is possible with a purposeful translation of the gaze to pleasant and soothing stimuli, or with the help of one’s own and the presentation of harmonizing images ( white light, waterfall). To work with your own resources, you should take a comfortable position, preferably sitting, in order to remove muscle tension as much as possible, normalize breathing, making it deep, even and rhythmic, and then draw in your imagination the most detailed pleasant picture. The images of water washing you from head to toe or putting a barrier between you and an unpleasant effect help well. Water can be replaced with white, sparkling light that fills every cell, banishing darkness and negativity.

The beneficial and calming effect of water extends beyond visualization techniques, you can use it physically. Under time constraints, you will need a faucet with running water and closed door so that no one disturbs you at this moment. You should lower your palms under cool water and hold it under it for a while, noticing and concentrating on the sensations of the body from contact with the streams. Then you can massage the neck, shoulders, fingers, tubercles behind the ears with wet fingers. While in the bathroom, you can use a towel to relieve muscle-emotional tension, for this you need to make twisting movements, and the more effort you put into this kind of squeezing, the better. After you feel that this is the maximum tension of your hands - throw them in relaxation, repeat several times. Around the third repetition, when you relax your arms, you will feel emotional relaxation, which is explained by the connection between the physical and mental state.

Drinking sweet water (plain water with sugar or honey is better) helps relieve acute stress or even used by witnesses of accidents, fires and other unforeseen situations.

These methods will help reduce the critical level of nervous tension, which will make it possible to control your behavior and analyze the situation logically. It is also necessary to support your body and cope with the consequences of a nervous situation after the event has passed, but these are longer methods.

How to calm nerves at home?

To normalize your emotional state, you can do a lot in the walls of your own home. Common and effective method is a bath. It is worth clarifying a few details to increase the impact: the water should be warm, preferably with aromatic soothing salts and aromatic oils, you should take such a bath for no more than twenty minutes, and then go to bed. It can be like a one-time procedure, but if you take a monthly course, you will strengthen the nervous system and prevent further nervous exhaustion.

How can you calm your nerves at home? Incorporate music into your daily routine that can play in the background in your home or on your headphones as you move around the city. Only to restore nerves, music is worth picking up - for this you can use special selections of music therapy, relaxation collections, classics, good recordings of natural sounds. An important point is to listen to soothing music constantly, in a certain course (for example, an hour in the evening for a month, or in the morning on the way to work) - the main thing is that there should be a system and constancy in this, and not random use.

Diversify your tactile sensations, because it is their lack or monotony that impoverishes the body's resources. It is good to communicate with animals, play, stroke, walk barefoot at home, which will add stimulation and activation to the points that are mirror reflection many organs. Try dipping your fingers into various grains and foods while cooking, feeling their texture, and simply sorting through the beans is a very meditative exercise.

By the way, waking up half an hour earlier and devoting this time to meditation, you will feel how you have become calmer about troubles. Choose what you like best - already recorded texts, just music or yoga classes. In addition to relaxation and soothing meditative activities, active physical activity has an excellent effect on relieving nervous excitement - running, strength exercises and swimming help to relieve stress accumulated during the day, and punching a pear or engaging in another type of struggle helps to cope with aggression that has not been splashed out. Walk more, if there is no time for a purposeful walk, then at least diversify the work-home route.

How to calm the nerves, if everything pisses you off? Find activities that energize you (hobbies, charity, exciting research) and dedicate your free time these activities, instead of sticking into social networks. In addition to developing your own personality and possible financial improvement, you get a positive emotional charge and a sense of meaningfulness of what is happening and your own non-empty existence.

With shattered nerves, you can drown out excessive excitation with sedatives, sleeping pills, without going into the details of the occurrence and course of such a condition. We do not take into account extreme cases of impaired nervous activity, when medical intervention is indispensable, and we suggest that you first try psychological methods on the use of hidden resources.

How to calm the nerves, relieve anxiety and fear? With stress and nervous tension, muscle spasm and hypertension occur, this happens due to the blocking of the body's natural reaction to factors that exceed the norm. AT natural conditions the two responses are either attack or flight, and in either response, the body's natural systems trigger a response in the muscles to carry out the desired action. Since in society we stop and suppress most of these reactions, and the muscular reaction is running, an overstress is formed, which can then be manifested by tightness, stoop. You can feel it well at the peak of the stress reaction, when it is impossible to make a person relax by any effort of will. It is through the removal of muscle tension that the removal of psychological occurs.

Start with breathing to saturate the body with oxygen and normalize the experience of emotions. With strong experiences, breathing goes astray, some stop breathing altogether or breathe in fits and starts. The primary task is to restore the respiratory rhythm so that the inhalation smoothly flows into the exhalation and this process is continuous. Watch for smoothness and depth of inspiration. After breathing is established, do a little exercise - its goal is not to improve physical fitness, but to work out and feel every muscle and joint. Accordingly, the joints need to be scrolled, and the muscles need to be pulled. After stretching, you will be able to localize tension in a specific area or even several, after which they should be kneaded. Perhaps, with strong physical clamps, it will be painful or unpleasant for you to knead some parts of the body, but you should continue to massage until discomfort will not disappear, and the muscles will not become soft. At the end of such a warm-up, shake your whole body well, trying not to control your movements and not think about how you look, but to shake the relaxed body as much as possible.

For less crisis moments, meditation and yoga are suitable with targeted immersion in those moments that usually cause a stressful reaction in order to work out the origins and find inner possibilities and ways of resolution. You can take a course of psychotherapy and develop your own strategies for overcoming nervous tension, as well as options for building space in such a way as to get into less unnerving situations.

How to calm your nerves and relieve stress? The advice of psychologists in this regard is as follows: you should take care of your nerves regularly, and not just when it's covered. Do not overwork, organize quality and productive weekends, sleep enough and in comfortable conditions. Define your weak spots and sources of stress, stay away from those you can't influence and sort out those relationships or processes that are important but not satisfying. Remove unnecessary discomfort from life in the form of rubbish in the apartment, shoes that rub, uncomfortable clothes and ticking clocks. The fewer small annoying factors in your life, the stronger the nerves and the more likely it is not to break loose at a crucial moment. To live emotions, include sports or just regular walks in your life, wash dishes with cheerful music, dance, and do not hold back tears. Do everything to throw out your feelings - you can write, sing, draw, tell your best friends or random fellow travelers - the main thing is not to keep it to yourself.

Observe adequacy and measure in everything, watch your reactions, listen to your feelings. If yoga does not help, the bath does not work, the pressure has risen from the nerves and the hands are shaking, if this condition does not go away for many days, then stop tormenting aromatherapy and ruining the body. If symptoms do not go away, intensifying, you should consult a doctor and use the help of possibly herbal tinctures, possibly medications, depending on your condition. Nerves are not just a bad mood, overexertion affects the entire body and many organ systems, and a nervous breakdown leads to hospitalization and a long recovery.

Life modern people full of worries and stress. Disastrous results nervous disorders often felt even by a balanced healthy person. Irritability appears, sometimes sleep is disturbed. The functioning of the body suddenly begins to fail. No wonder there is a saying that any ailments are from nerves. Doctors completely agree with her. Therefore, each person must know the system to prevent the development of serious diseases.

Main cause of stress

Before we talk about how to calm the nervous system, it should be said that only by learning to take your negative emotions under control, you can achieve what you want.

To do this, try to understand what causes such negativity in you. This is a difficult task. After all, it is quite difficult to determine the cause of irritation. Psychologists say that the main source of negative emotions is excessive demands both on oneself and on others.

This situation puts the person on edge. There is a constant feeling of anxiety. This person unable to relax and fully enjoy life. And only after getting rid of such sensations can a person fully learn to control all his emotions.

But, unfortunately, this is a long process, but what to do today? We will tell you how to calm the nervous system quickly and effectively.

let off steam

This is an excellent method not to succumb to surging negative emotions and restore So, how to calm the nervous system quickly and effectively?

The most beautiful way is to give vent to feelings. You shouldn't hold onto them. There are many methods on how to do this. Choose the most suitable for you. You can beat a pillow, scream at the top of your voice, throw something and even break (for example, a cup).

German scientists in the course of the study confirmed that women who scream during a quarrel, beat dishes, many times reduce the risk of premature death from a stroke or heart attack.

Take a time out

Perfectly demonstrates how to calm the nervous system, the following rule. When you hear something unpleasant, do not rush to respond to the offender in the same way. Imagine that for 20 minutes you are just numb.

It's best to go somewhere. Movement is a great stress reliever. If possible, change the environment. Go outside, be sure to take a walk. In this case, you should alternate the pace of movement. Accelerate periodically and then slow down. Change the width of your steps. Very quickly, you will feel how nervousness and irritability have left you.

Such simple movements allow you to normalize the functioning endocrine system to activate the work of certain parts of the brain, responsible for the mood. You will be able to switch the biochemical processes occurring in the body as a result of stress to support physical activity.

white water

Scientists give a wonderful method of relaxation. Do you know what color calms the nervous system? White. And if you also imagine the water surface, then you are guaranteed a wonderful effect.

Try to calm down during times of stress. Sit down and mentally imagine the water surface, but not transparent, but white color like milk. Try to feel how slowly you sink into it. Feel the touch of amazing water on your skin. Dive into it.

Stay in this state for a couple of seconds. Enjoy your feelings to the fullest. After that, imagine that a certain hole has formed near your feet, and water gradually flows into it, taking away all the negativity with the flow.

Now take a deep breath and open your eyes.

Physical culture pause

Of course, such methods cannot change circumstances, but your attitude to problems will become completely different.

Folk methods

Despite the fairly frequent criticism of healers' methods of treatment by modern doctors, in this case even official medicine recognizes their effectiveness. doctors believe that you can perfectly calm the nervous system with folk remedies. The use of herbal infusions has a beneficial effect on the body, which endures various stresses.

In pharmacies, you can buy many soothing teas, the main ingredients of which are herbs. Useful valerian, mint, ginseng, chamomile, wormwood. In addition to calming the nervous system, they are very tasty.

Another method of herbal therapy is quite popular. This is a dream on a special pillow. It can be easily made with your own hands. Stuff your pillow with soothing herbs. It is recommended to use fragrant plants. The most suitable are mint, lavender, lemon balm.

Calming herbs

A big plus in the use of decoctions is a favorable effect and at the same time the complete absence of the body getting used to them.

  1. Mint. Calms the nervous system, normalizes sleep, relieves stress.
  2. St. John's wort. It has an anti-inflammatory, sedative effect, relieves feelings of fear and anxiety.
  3. Chamomile. Relieves muscle spasms, calms the nerves.
  4. Valerian. The root of the herb perfectly eliminates irritability, relieves anxiety.
  5. Thyme. In addition to the sedative effect, it has a mild hypnotic effect.
  6. Adonis. Not only calms, but also increases interest in life.
  7. Linden. An anti-cold remedy in combination with lemon balm perfectly eliminates irritability.
  8. Blooming Sally. Calms the nerves, eliminates insomnia, headache.
  9. Sagebrush. An herb that perfectly relieves nervous attacks, eliminates insomnia.

If the above methods do not help to overcome the unpleasant effects of stress, then it's time to visit a doctor. Perhaps the nervous system needs more serious therapy, and special medications are indispensable.


From nervousness, increased excitability, modern pharmacology offers many sedatives. Initially, we will focus on effective known means. I'm talking about tinctures:

  • valerian;
  • peony;
  • motherwort;
  • hawthorn.

Do not forget that any medication must be prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, if the tinctures do not bring the desired effect, go to the doctor. Only he can recommend how to calm the nervous system. The medicine selected by the specialist is completely suitable for you. And much faster will have a beneficial effect on the body.

In the case of anxiety and severe neurosis, one of the following medications may be prescribed:

  • "Adaptol";
  • "Tenotin";
  • "Haloperidol";
  • "Deprim";
  • "Fevarin";
  • "Cogitum";
  • "Dormiplant";
  • "Chlorprothixene";
  • "Eglonil";
  • "Fluoxetine".

Drops have a quick effect:

  • "Valocordin";
  • "Novopassit";
  • "Valoserdin";
  • "Negrustin";
  • "Corvalol".

For some patients, injections of drugs will be more effective:

  • "Haloperidol";
  • "Milgamma";
  • "Atarax".

Children's medicines

Despite the carelessness and such a young age, babies can also suffer from moral overload and stress. The period of growing up a child is always combined with disorders and difficulties. That is why almost every parent periodically faces the question of how to calm the child's nervous system.

For such purposes, developed a lot of teas, herbal infusions. Listening to appropriate music gives excellent results.

Pharmacists have developed special preparations that can protect babies from stress. Just do not forget that before using them, you should consult a pediatrician or neurologist. The most popular medicines for children are:

  • "Tenotin for children";
  • "Hare";
  • "Notta";
  • "Dormikind".


There are many ways to calm the nervous system. Some people recover after watching their favorite movie. For others, it is enough to visit a fitness club. Still others will be happy to meet with a friend for a cup of tea. It doesn't matter which method you choose for yourself. The main thing is not to let the problem arise.

Remember: there is a way out of any situation!

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