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This set of exercises will take you only 12 minutes of free time! Feel a surge of strength throughout your body, pleasant warmth and lightness in your head. Try to give your body some precious minutes :)

1. Plank

This pose makes you feel strong and uses all the muscles in your body. But most importantly, the abdominal muscles are activated to stabilize the spine.

Technique: place your knees and palms on the floor. Place your hands shoulder-width apart. Straighten your legs and lift them off the mat. Pull your stomach in. Mentally draw a line from the crown to the tailbone; your back should be strong and straight. Legs are straight.

2. Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

This pose tones the entire body.

Technique: The legs can be hip distance apart or together. Bend your knees, placing your weight on your heels so that your knees don't go over your toes. Try to keep your pelvis in a neutral position. Press your stomach to your spine, and as you inhale, lift your ribs forward and up. As you exhale, raise your arms up, aligning them with your back. Do not press your shoulders to your ears.

3. Four-Legged Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)

This pose is great for developing arm and chest strength.

Technique: From the plank, move to the very tips of your toes so that when you bend your arms, they are at an angle of 90 degrees. Press your stomach toward your spine and bend your arms. The back is straight. If you feel that it is very difficult for you to be in it, then everything is correct. You can always make a simplified version from your knees.

4. Sage Vasishtha Pose (Vasishthasana)

This pose stabilizes the core and trains the obliques and abs.

Technique: from the bar, transfer the weight of the body to right hand and right leg. Press your left foot close to your right and raise your left arm up. Don't fall on your hand or feet. Keep your pelvis straight. Left hand in line with the right. Do a set on the other leg.

5. Warrior Pose 2 (Virabhadrasana 2)

This pose strengthens back surface legs and back.

Technique: from the plank, lunge right foot. The knee is over the toe of the left foot, at an angle of 90 degrees, the left leg is straight and strong, remaining on the toe. The pelvis is straight. Hands rise up, palms facing each other. Repeat on the other leg.

6. Warrior Pose 3 (Virabhadrasana 3)

Pose to develop balance and strength! The perfect combination!

Technique: from a standing position, bend your knees, move your right leg back and up. Exhale, lower your body parallel to the floor, arms forward, palms facing each other. Straighten your legs. Hold the pose for as long as possible.

7.Crane Pose (Bakasana)

In order to strengthen your arms, shoulders and back, the simplest hand balance is bakasana. You will feel strong outside and inside.

Technique: Sit on your toes, place your palms on the mat shoulder-width apart. Spread your fingers, spread your elbows slightly to the sides. Rest your knees in your armpits and lift your pelvis up. Don't round your back. Then shift your body weight forward onto your hands and try to lift first one leg, then the other, then both legs. Engage your pelvic floor muscles, pulling your stomach toward your spine.

You can write down your dream, describing the feelings that surfaced in your imagination. You need to take the bundle with you wherever you go, and so on until your dream comes true.

The most important thing when addressing the Saint is to remember sincerity.

In the temple, approaching the image of Matrona, you need to:

  • cross yourself twice
  • bow
  • light a candle (you can use the cheapest one, as Mother herself ordered before her death)
  • read the prayer (you can use it on paper)
  • cross yourself once

If we come to the temple asking for God’s mercy, then alms must be given before entering. After visiting the temple, you no longer need to give alms. It is not advisable for women to take off their headscarf before coming home. Also, unless absolutely necessary, you should not talk to strangers.

In order to ask for help from Matrona at home, you must buy a consecrated icon in a shop at any Temple. Also in every home Orthodox Christian icons of the Savior must be present, Holy Mother of God and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. All images should be placed in a room in the east or to the right of the entrance.

Before contacting Matrona at home you need to:

  • stand in front of the image
  • throw away all earthly thoughts
  • cross, bow
  • light a candle bought in the temple
  • read a prayer
  • cross and bow again

The candle must burn out completely. Before addressing the Saints at home, it is advisable for women to cover their heads with a scarf.

When asking Matrona for help, you should remember that there is always only the Will of God for everything. Therefore, you should not grumble and offend the Holy Elder if everything in life begins to turn out differently than you expected. In this case, you need to let go of your iron grip and let things take their course. And believe that everything will work out.

Who is Matrona?

Matrona of Moscow, or Matronushka - this is how people affectionately call the clairvoyant, canonized after death. She was born at the end of the 19th century in a very poor family in the village of Sebino Tula region. She was blind from birth, but during baptism a blessed white haze appeared over the font, and the priest predicted that the girl was overshadowed by holiness.

He turned out to be right, because the Lord gave Matrona a true spiritual vision. Despite the fact that in at a young age the girl’s legs were paralyzed, she continued to receive people who asked her for help before the Almighty.

After death, Saint Matrona of Moscow continues to help all people who sincerely and with a contrite heart pray to her.

Therefore, if in your life there are following problems:

  • irregular cash receipts
  • job loss
  • a meager salary at a job to which you are nevertheless committed
  • failure to find a job vacancy
  • difficulties in career growth
  • inadequate leader
  • scandalous team
  • chronic lack of money

And if you despair of solving them on your own, then Matrona of Moscow will certainly help when you turn to her with prayer.

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for the fulfillment of desires

Appealing to Mother Matrona with a prayer for the fulfillment of a desire is very a powerful tool impact on the surrounding reality. It should be noted that a desire will certainly be fulfilled if it is useful for a person’s soul and contributes to his further development.

  • Mother of God.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Matrona of Moscow.
  • Saint Martha.
  • John the Theologian.
  • Archangel Gabriel.
  • Holy Spirit.
  • Guardian Angel.
  • Saint Charbel.
  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

In addition to reading prayers, it is worth taking care of your mental, physical and spiritual self-development.

Prayer to the Lord

To strengthen our position in society, we make plans and anticipate our actions for the future. But it can be extremely difficult to overcome all the difficulties on the path of life without the help of a Higher Power. Prayers for the fulfillment of your cherished desire, coming from the heart, will certainly help you.

If you adhere to a righteous life, then you should turn to the Creator for help. He will hear a request from a righteous person, but he will also listen to the requests of a sinner, showing him the right way.

Prayer to the Mother of God

mother of God will not leave those in need without help. Eat strong prayer Quick to Hear, who is advised to read 3 times. If you pray to her sincerely every day, then in the future your dream will come true. The prayer for the Annunciation will be especially strong.

Here is one of the most effective Orthodox prayers, bringing your dreams closer to reality. The person praying must carefully prepare for reading it: forget about troubles, cleanse himself of negativity, and specifically formulate his request.

Ideally, if the request is read out in the church. If you do not have time to regularly visit the temple, then you can read a prayer to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker at home. But, as we said above, it is better to ask for Higher powers in silence, in front of the face of a saint, putting a candle so that it burns out.

Often people really want something, and in order to achieve their cherished goal, they are ready to do anything: go against their conscience, resort to tricks and deception, neglect their feelings and even abandon their family and friends. Some are ready to put a lot of effort into achieving their goals, while others simply count on a miracle. Some achieve their goal, others do even more, but in the end they get nothing.

You can buy icons of the Blessed Matrona, Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas in advance and place eleven candles in front of them, reading your request to them. This prayer ritual must be done every day until your cherished dream won't come true.

There are many saints to whom you could turn. Among them are Saint Martha (Martha). What is known about her? Two sisters, Martha and Maria, were completely different. If Martha devoted a lot of time to housekeeping and everyday life, then Mary chose the sermons of Jesus Christ, believing that all this was unimportant. And in this she was supported by the Lord, who said that Mary devotes more time to saving her soul.

Martha is considered the patroness of servants, cooks, waiters and home life. She is also considered one of the myrrh-bearing women.

Another strong prayer for the fulfillment of a desire is a request to John the Theologian. Judging by what people say, it really is quite effective.

John the Theologian was a beloved disciple of the Lord God. He is the author of the fourth Gospel, the Apocalypse and the Council Epistles. For sincere and strong love to the Lord and humanity he is called the “apostle of love.” Like other preachers of the gospel, he had a difficult time life path, he was persecuted, endured imprisonment, exile and teaching, but lived to be 105 years old.

IN holy scripture there is a lot of information about to whom and with what the Archangel Gabriel conveyed the will of God. He was the leader of the fighters against the attack of dark forces, providing reliable protection. People ask him for different things, incl. and about the fulfillment of desires.

Find time and go to church any day and buy 6 candles there. Leave three of them for home use. Place candles at the icon of the almighty Trinity, cross yourself and say prayer lines.

Seven Saints Prayer

Another prayer that can make your wishes come true. For this you will need one church candle, icon of All Saints. You can buy it at the church store. Its size can be any. The only difference is that you need to read it for yourself.

No less effective in terms of fulfilling desires is a prayer to the guardian angel. It is better if you say it on your birthday, because it is characterized by particularly high energy, and you should take advantage of it.

The clergy advise before praying to go to the temple and buy twelve candles there. Wake up early in the morning (you can at dawn) and pray, holding a candle in your hands.

Many believers from all over the planet confirm that a sincere request coming from a pure heart can bring about cherished wish. It is important that the prayer be read from a pure heart with strong faith, then it will bring a positive effect. It is better to contact the monk in front of the image, which should be in your home. In order for healer Charbel to hear your requests, it is better to pray every day, not forgetting about prayers of thanks.

All people have desires, and they are very different. Some dream of visiting new corners of our planet, others dream of a delicious lunch. It so happens that if a wish does not come true, then people turn to help To higher powers, including praying to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

At the same time, many pilgrims go to Greece to ask, namely to the island of Corfu, where the relics of St. Spiridon. According to the monks, if the request is sincere and does not contain harm to others, then it will definitely come true.

What are the features of turning to Higher powers? Main secret is that the prayer to the Universe must be sincere. This is how the suffering person is heard and helped.

How to ask for help at work?

If a woman reads a prayer for herself, then she should read it on her own behalf, changing masculine words in prayer for women.

Even after successfully getting a job, the calm flow of life can be interfered with by:

  • hysterical leader
  • envious colleagues
  • futility

When your cherished wish comes true

As you can see, there are many Orthodox prayers that can help a believer fulfill his desire if they are pronounced correctly. However, they should not cause harm.

Of course, everyone wants to find a prayer for the fulfillment of desires in the near future, so that they do not have to wait long. And if you follow all the rules, then the Lord and his saints will definitely hear you. Although it varies, and may often be necessary certain time- all the will of God.

How to make your prayer heard, accepted by God and fulfilled?

It’s worth saying right away that no matter how hard we try, we cannot force God to do what we wanted. In other words, we cannot deprive God of his freedom, no matter what actions we take. Although some people still try. This is where the border between magic and religion lies.

Magic is an attempt to manipulate “that” world through certain actions and spoken words. That is, if you at a certain time, at certain place stand in some position, say certain words, clap your hands, do something else, something in that world, the afterlife, other world, will begin to change.

It doesn’t work like that with God: we cannot force the Lord to do something. We cannot come up with such conditions, actions, under which God is simply obliged to do something. No, this will never happen. We cannot deprive God of his freedom, no matter how hard we try.

Magic is attractive to people because it gives a false feeling that you are supposedly in control of something. This feeling is false. In fact, a person does not control anything, but he has such a deceptive feeling. At the same time, it doesn’t matter white magic, black magic. This is her generic trait, a sign – an attempt at manipulation.

In religion, unlike magic, prayer is a conversation between two free individuals: man and God. God does not limit our freedom, and we do not try to manipulate God. Sometimes, however, the manipulation is unconscious. In this case, a person either threatens God, or blackmails him, or tries to bargain with him.

What are these conditions?

  1. Refusal of attempts at manipulation. Prayer is a conversation between two free individuals: man and God.
  2. We need to prepare for prayer. When a person begins to pray, he must realize himself in the presence of God: here is the Lord and here I am before him. The awareness must be clear. It is very important. This is easy to achieve, it literally takes a split second. A person simply raised his mind to God and immediately feels as he should: “Here I am in the presence of God.” But not everyone does this during prayer. And this feeling does not always remain. It's going somewhere. It is important. Any prayer must begin with the fact that you have realized yourself in the presence of God.
  3. Living faith and trust in God. It is too important condition. The Lord speaks about this in the Gospel: “Whatever you do not ask for in prayer, believe that you receive it, and it will be done for you.” That is, there must be faith. But here, probably, every person who turns to God with prayer is faced with a problem: how to combine prayer and faith that the Lord, through prayer, will give what is asked of him.
  4. Humility and reverence. We must understand who we are asking from, who we are standing before.
  5. Sincerity in prayer. The prayer must be sincere. If we pray for someone, we must do it with all our hearts, with all our soul.
  6. Attention when praying. This is also a problem for people who pray. Everyone stumbles here, because it can be quite difficult to leave attention in the words of prayer.
  7. Ask for useful things. It is important that in prayer we ask for something useful for ourselves. The Lord does not fulfill our prayer if we ask for something that will not benefit us.
  8. Purity of conscience. If our conscience convicts us, that is, we have committed some kind of sin, then, first of all, we need to bring repentance to God and first pray for the forgiveness of sin. You need to ask God for forgiveness and repent of what you have done. If this is some kind of big sin, then go to church for confession, repent, and then ask God for your needs.
  9. Ask for Christ's sake. We must ask God not for ourselves, our virtues, our works, but for the sake of Christ. The Lord says about this in the Gospel: “Whatever you ask the Father in My name, He will give it to you.” That is, in the name of Christ, and not in the name of my faith, my holiness, my virtue or anything else.
  10. Consistency of prayer with the will of God. It is important that our prayer is in accordance with the will of God. We may ask for something sinful, but the Lord does not want sin. This means that your prayer will not be heard.
  11. Prayer is associated with piety and good deeds. The Lord will probably hear the prayer of a person who lives piously and righteously, who tries to follow God’s commandments, and will fulfill it more quickly. Another thing is the prayer of some ossified sinner, living in sins, who sins from morning to night, does not remember God, and suddenly some situation occurs, and he says: “Lord help me with this” or “Lord, I want this.” ! There are exceptions too. We know from the history of the church many exceptions, when the Lord hears, accepts and fulfills the prayers of a great sinner right away. But we're talking about not about conditions that guarantee, but about those that increase the likelihood that the Lord will hear us and accept our prayer.
  12. Diligence and consistency. If we pray from time to time, then this is one option, but if we have constancy and zeal in prayer, then such prayer with compulsion will be more successful. It is more likely that the Lord will hear and fulfill this prayer.

Principles of training and basic asanas

The ancient practice of yoga has gone through many interpretations over the centuries, but has adapted to modern trends and became one of the most popular destinations in the fitness industry.

Power yoga is one of the relatively new styles of yoga, created by Brian Kest in the late eighties.

This dynamic practice, developed by Western trainers, is a variation of Ashtanga yoga and involves synchronized fast movements with controlled breathing. This is an intense workout that connects the mind and body, improving endurance, speed and coordination.

Power yoga is focused on developing strength, flexibility and endurance, and includes strength exercises and stretching.

The training consists of a whole block of exercises in which the load on the muscles alternates with deep relaxation. Each block ends with a special breathing technique, which allows you to restore the body’s strength resource and achieve energy balance.

Power yoga does not use a constant set of exercises or asanas (yoga poses), so the classes are different from each other and do not have time to get boring. Thanks to this, regular training creates flexible and strong body, improve circulatory system, the functioning of the digestive system and promote weight loss. Yoga also compares favorably with other types of training in that it not only affects physical fitness, but also helps to get rid of stress and relieve nervous tension.

Yoga is suitable for both men and women of all ages.

Men thanks to fulfillment basic exercises quickly acquire a powerful muscle corset, while maintaining plasticity. Power yoga exercises allow you to maximally pump up your muscles, develop ease of movement and flexibility: such training is often chosen by athletes, speed skaters, tennis players and mountain climbers.

Asanas have a different effect on women, since the strength exercises of yoga combined with correct breathing Great for burning extra calories and strengthening muscles. The girl who studies power yoga, you don’t have to worry that her figure will look overly powerful - regular practice of asanas will form an athletic but feminine body. In addition, specific breathing techniques have a beneficial effect on women's reproductive system and can relieve monthly pain.

The practice of yoga is famous different styles and levels of training performance. Power yoga is a dynamic, but smooth exercise that can replace a full-fledged or strength training. An important difference What differs from other types of yoga is that power yoga does not adhere to a set sequence of asanas, which means people with different levels preparation.

It is important to consider that due to the dynamic change of postures during training, the muscles quickly warm up - this increases oxygen consumption and heart rate, so it is advisable for a person who has never played sports to start learning power yoga in a fitness club. Typically, classes are designed for average level training, but beginners are allowed to perform a lighter version of the training. But solo yoga at home is best chosen by people with a level of training much above average.

The power yoga technique is suitable for everyone: beginners will improve their physical indicators, and for experienced athletes, power yoga will be an excellent alternative to regular training.

Yoga is traditionally considered one of the least damaging ways to strengthen muscles, improve physical fitness and lose weight. However, in some cases, performing asanas may entail serious consequences for health: it is strictly forbidden to practice power yoga for people suffering from mental disorders, cardiovascular diseases and neuroinfections.

There are also a number of temporary contraindications: these include general malaise, postoperative period, physical fatigue. Before starting classes, be sure to consult with a trainer or doctor.

  • High pressure can be controlled with medications, but if medications do not help, then it is advisable to abandon training. Any stance is prohibited - an attack of hypertension can provoke a stroke.
  • Joint injuries. Old wrist or shoulder injuries can make themselves felt during handstands, and lotus pose is contraindicated for those who suffer from knee problems. Protect your joints and avoid putting unnecessary stress on them.
  • Advanced age. You can do power yoga at any age, but older people should be more attentive and careful about their health and level of training. To avoid health problems, experts strongly advise retirees to exercise under the supervision of a professional trainer.

Basic asanas for beginners

For beginners in power yoga, basic asanas are suitable, which help strengthen muscles and teach beginning practitioners correct technique breathing and relaxation.

There are more than 300 basic poses in power yoga, but experienced trainers highlight several asanas that will allow beginners to create a rich training program for every day.

It is important to remember that in yoga you should always listen to your body. If necessary, you can modify the exercise, and if you feel the slightest discomfort or dizziness, you should immediately stop the exercise.

“Six points” asana or plank (kumbhakasana).

The plank is a great way to strengthen your muscles and learn to maintain balance.

Technique: Take a lying position, leaning on your elbows and toes. Tighten your abdominal muscles and buttocks. You need to stand in this position for as long as possible, after which you can smoothly lower yourself to the floor.

Asana “Triangle” (trikonasana).

“Triangle” is a wonderful pose for stretching and strengthening the leg muscles.

Technique: spread your feet wider than shoulder-width apart (about a meter). Turn your left foot completely left side, bend your body to the left and raise your right arm vertically up. With your left hand you need to rest on the arch of your foot or the floor near it. Hold this pose, taking 5-8 deep breaths, and then repeat in the other direction.

Asana “Tree” (vrikshasana).

Tree pose is one of the most effective exercises to develop flexibility. With perfect execution of the asana, a beginner in power yoga will learn to maintain balance, keeping the entire weight of his body on one leg, while controlling his breathing.

Technique: stand straight, straighten your shoulders, lower your arms along your body. Take a deep breath. Slowly lift your right leg, bent at the knee, placing it on the inner thigh of the other leg. Try not to relax your shoulders and maintain balance as long as possible. Breathe slowly and deeply, fixing your gaze on one point. Repeat for the other leg.

Warrior asana (virabhadrasana).

Warrior pose is essential for increasing strength and endurance in a yoga practice. It perfectly stretches and strengthens the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

Technique: stand up straight, take a deep breath and take a deep lunge with your right leg, bending it at the knee. Left leg At the same time, he rests his full foot on the floor. Raise your arms above your head. Hold the pose for 60-80 seconds, and then change legs.

Baby asana (paschimotanasana).

One of the basic poses not only for beginners, but also for experienced practitioners. It can be used during training, before bed (to relax and relieve tension) or at any time. the right time, when you need to relieve stress and calm down.

Technique: get on all fours, lower your buttocks onto your heels and stretch your arms forward. Lower your forehead to the floor (place a pillow or blanket) and relax your body. Hands lie on the floor and stretch forward. Breathe slowly and steadily.

Asana “Boat” (navasana).

The “Boat” asana perfectly strengthens the muscles of the abs, back, arms and shoulder girdle, but for its correct execution It's important to remember to breathe.

Technique: Lie on your back and extend your arms along your body. As you exhale, smoothly lift your head, shoulders, straight legs and arms up, lifting them off the floor. With your toes and fingertips, try to stretch forward and upward as much as possible, tensing your core muscles.

Sumoist asana (rudrasana).

One of the most significant asanas in power yoga. Strengthens the muscles of the back, abs, inner thighs and buttocks, and has a beneficial effect on joints.

Technique: Place your feet wider than your shoulders and turn your feet out to the sides. Place your palms in front of you (namaste). Slowly bend your knees (your thighs should be almost at right angles to your shins). Try to stay in this pose for as long as possible without bending your knees.

Power yoga is a combination of standing and sitting asanas.

The training method combines smooth movement, deep breathing and meditation, while smooth execution of exercises guarantees a serious load on all muscle groups, helps reduce excess weight, improving coordination and endurance. Remember that effective results can only be achieved with systematic, regular training.

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