Home Indoor flowers Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and corruption - get rid of the spell with the help of faith. Strong prayer (conspiracy) from the evil eye and damage

Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and corruption - get rid of the spell with the help of faith. Strong prayer (conspiracy) from the evil eye and damage

Every mother worries about her child and wants to protect him from evil. Small children are vulnerable to magic and are easily targeted evil eye... Used for protection special prayer from the evil eye of the child.

There are slander, spells and whispers that will help remove negative impact... They are addressed to different saints. Most often, rituals are performed with prayers addressed to the Virgin Mary, Nicholas the Wonderworker or the Guardian Angel of the baby.

How to read prayers from the evil eye of a child

Babies especially often suffer from flows of negative energy. They can be accidentally jinxed by any guest or relative. To protect a child from the evil eye or remove a negative program, you can read God's word. It is the mother who should conduct the protective ceremony. Mother and child are one, the connection between them is inseparable.

  1. The mother should be in direct contact with the baby (hold the hand, stroke the head, wash with water).
  2. Thoughts should be filled with a desire to help your child, you should not think about something else.
  3. You need to read prayers in secret from strangers and other family members.
  4. It's important to focus on the words. It is desirable to memorize the text, your voice and your desire to protect your child is the best shield.

How to understand that the baby has been jinxed? He becomes moody, sleeps very badly, loses interest in his favorite activities. Mom can run her tongue between the baby's eyebrows. If you feel a salty taste, it's not without the evil eye.

Daily protection of the child from the evil eye

Newborn babies need protection from the evil eye every day. A simple ceremony will help to provide it. It is held in the early morning in the baby's room, while the rest of the family is still sleeping. The words of prayer must be learned by heart. It will not be difficult to do this, because the ceremony is held every day.

What to prepare for the ceremony

  • church candle;
  • the text of the prayers.

Different combinations of prayers are used for boys and girls. You must use a new candle, bought in the temple.

How to perform a protective ritual

To protect your baby from negative energy for the whole day, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Get up early in the morning by the window, cross yourself, light a candle wick.
  2. To protect your son from the negative, whisper first "Our Father".
  3. To protect the little daughter from negativity, whisper an appeal to the Virgin Mary:

“Theotokos Virgin, rejoice, blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as you gave birth to our souls ”.

To overshadow yourself with a cross three times, say the main prayer:

“As the mother of the servant of God (name) gave birth, so his mother departed. There will be no evil on the servant of God (name). All the dashing will go beyond the blue sea, beyond the endless field. He will leave and will never return to the servant of God (name). Amen".

In order for the words to reach the Lord, you need not read the text mechanically, but fill your thoughts and heart with it. It is sincere faith that will serve as a talisman.

The daily ritual will calm the soul of the father and mother of the baby, because now he is protected Mother of God... They will not be able to harm him or others, intentionally or without malicious intent. Prayer for the evil eye of a child - strong remedy that works flawlessly.

Strong protective prayer from corruption

They rarely damage babies on purpose, they can also do it by accident. Provide the child reliable protection only a mother's plea can. The ceremony is very simple, you do not need to prepare for it in advance.

It is necessary to light a candle in the sleeping child's room (preferably opposite the icon of the Virgin Mary and the Child). Prayer for children from corruption is pronounced three times:

“As I gave birth to a servant of God (name), so I left him. From now on there will be no evil on him. Corruption and evil eye will go over the high mountains, the sea is wide, the oceans are bottomless. Evil will perish and never appear to the servant of God (name) again. Holy Mother of God, hear your mother's prayer. Amen".

You need to turn to the Mother of God sincerely and with bright thoughts. You can ask the Prosperous for protection and help any day and at any time, the main thing is to do it sincerely.

Conspiracy on water from negativity

Words can charge water. It carries the energy of purification and harmony. For protective rituals, blessed water and Orthodox prayer from the evil eye of a child are used. The rite is best performed on Sunday.

What to prepare for the ritual

To protect against negativity, the following attributes are used:

  • consecrated water;
  • prayer words.

Water is best sanctified in a temple in Sunday morning before the ceremony. Words are learned by heart.

How to perform the ritual

It is very simple to carry out a protective ceremony:

  1. Put on a skirt.
  2. Pour water into a transparent container, read the words above it:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Protect my son (daughter), (child's name) from evil envious, vile haters. Save anyone from the evil eye: female, male, child, gypsy. Amen".

  1. Wash the child's face, neck and hands three times with holy water.
  2. Wipe your face with the hem of your skirt.

The ceremony can be used before going with the child to the clinic, Kindergarten, at any public place... Holy water and magic words will create a kind of shield around the baby that will reflect all evil.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel of the child

After the sacrament of baptism, the baby has a Guardian Angel. This is the most powerful saint from whom you can ask for help in any matter. A mother can turn with prayer from the evil eye to the patron saint of her child. It is better to carry out the ceremony in a room with a sleeping child. It is imperative to go to the temple, light a candle at the icon of the Saint.

What is needed for the ceremony

They refer to the Guardian Angel using the following attributes:

  • church candle;
  • the face of the Saint;
  • words of prayer.

The icon of the Holy Guardian Angel must be in the baby's room. It can be bought and consecrated in the temple.

How to read a prayer correctly

It is not difficult to save a baby from evil with the patronage of the Guardian Angel:

  1. Light a candle fire in front of the icon.
  2. They say the words of prayer from the evil eye for a child:

“In my prayer I turn to you, bringing goodness to my child (name), the holy Angel of Christ (name). You are also the hasty servant of the Almighty Creator. Therefore, by the will of the Most High, deliver the child from the evil eye, from the dashing man. Save and preserve by the will of the Lord God. Amen".

Personal appeals to the saint are also used, then you can ask for the protection of the child from negativity. The ceremony can be performed every day, in the morning or in the evening. You need to ask the Saint respectfully, with faith in his power.

Address to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Remove from little child a negative prayer will help Nicholas the Wonderworker. This is a very strong Saint, he never refuses patronage, especially to mothers. You can contact Nicholas, even if he is the Guardian Angel of the baby. Prayers with an appeal for protection can be read in the temple. A simple and effective ceremony is performed at home.

What is needed for a protective rite

For simple rite removing the negative, you need to prepare the following attributes:

  • consecrated water;
  • church candle;
  • words of address.

In the room where the ceremony will be held, there should be the face of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This icon in itself is already protection, but if you strengthen its action with prayers, the effect will be many times stronger.

How to conduct a ceremony

To remove the negative from a daughter or son, you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Light a candle in front of the image of Nicholas.
  2. Before going to bed, wash your son or daughter with holy water.
  3. Lay the baby down, sit next to the baby.
  4. Turn your eyes to the Saint, say three times:

“The miracle worker Nikolai. Save my child (name) from the evil eye, cleanse it from dashing corruption. Amen".

The same address is read in the temple. Before that, a registered note on the Health of a son or daughter must be submitted.

What saints are prayers read from negativity

There are several strong Orthodox saints who will always help a mother to protect her child from evil, to rid him of negativity. Who can I contact:

St. Matrona Moscow

Prayer words that deliver from evil:

"Blessed Old Woman, save my child from the evil eye and damage sent on a clear day or dark night... Amen".

Prayer for the healing of a child


Before reading the prayer, it is better to ask the priest for advice on which saint to turn to, how to ask correctly. You can bring your child to the temple for a blessing. This will greatly enhance any rituals. For protection against negativity, you can make a bracelet from a red woolen thread. On it, 7 knots are made in turn, reciting "Our Father" for each.

Appeals to Orthodox saints will help protect the child. Mom should pray for the baby. The most powerful are appeals to the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, the Guardian Angel. The sincere prayer of a mother is the most reliable amulet against evil.

We are far from always able to easily achieve our goal or implement our plans. Sometimes there are situations when you need to change plans and ways to achieve our goals. But it also happens when a person is constantly haunted by trouble for no apparent reason. In such cases, prayers from the evil eye and corruption can help. Orthodox faith in many respects is based precisely on prayers addressed to God and the saints. They can really help, especially if the person himself believes in what he is talking about.

Who can read such prayers?

Prayers from the evil of enemies and corruption, as well as witchcraft, can be read by any person, regardless of age and other factors. The main thing - this is his faith in God... Often people are interested in whether it is possible to read Orthodox prayers to pregnant women. Of course, it is possible and even necessary.

Appeals to God from pregnant women provide protection not only for her, but also for the unborn child. They will not harm either the mother or the unborn child in any way and will not overwhelm the negative.

Even adolescents and small children can read prayers for the evil of people and witchcraft, because there are no restrictions in terms of turning to God by age. Often, when a child has been exposed to the evil eye or the action of witchcraft, the mother should pray for him, but this is not necessary, if he is conscious, then can ask God for protection and help on his own.

How is the prayer from the evil eye and corruption read correctly?

Before you start reading such a prayer, you need to properly prepare for this:

  • tune in to turning to God;
  • do not think about strangers while reading;
  • focus on words;
  • pray in complete silence, remove anything that might be distracting;
  • feel oneness with God;
  • faith must be real.

You need to grasp the essence of what has been said, which is very difficult for beginners. These are words asking for protection, intercession and expression of gratitude..

The most powerful prayers against witchcraft and corruption

V in this case you can turn to God with the most famous one that every Orthodox believer knows. It is recommended to do it like this:

  • read it in the morning after waking up;
  • before bedtime;
  • during the day to remove negativity and acquire divine protection.

If you think your problems or poor health are the result of envy, witchcraft or other influences evil people, then you can pray to the Holy Trinity. She should be asked for mercy and turned to God for the cleansing of sins. The text can be downloaded or listened to in a recording for memorization.

And for parents you can use the texts of appeal to God in order to protect children from the influence of evil eyes... Such prayers can be read to babies in the crib or overhead before going to bed. It is possible to pray for the protection of adolescents even in their absence. You can download the text of the prayers on thematic resources. They call on scoundrels, scolders, sorcerers and other dark people to leave the child in the name of the Lord.

Strong prayer for newborns from the evil eye

Very often, babies are exposed to witchcraft and the evil eye. So, if older kids can already pray on their own and turn to God in a difficult situation, then the smallest still cannot speak, therefore protection from evil should be provided by their mother... It is worth noting that it is the mother who should pray for them, and not the grandmother, sister or aunt.

To provide a reliable blockage from the evil of enemies for nursing baby, you need to read the Orthodox prayer from the evil eye. It is also necessary to read it in the following cases for mothers of newborns:

  • if he is afraid of something, especially at night;
  • if the baby is restless;
  • does not sleep well.

Such behavior may indicate not only that damage was imposed on the child, but also that he is able to see dark entities that are trying to harm him.

Mom needs to pray for the baby in the early morning, before the rest of the family wakes up:

  • sit next to;
  • cross yourself;
  • light a small candle purchased from the church;
  • read the doxology.

For the boy, you can read the prayer "Our Father", which is very powerful. And for your daughter you need to read a prayer in which you ask God, Jesus and the Mother of God to protect the slave (baby's name) from evil, evil eye and various curses. At the end, repeat the "Amen" three times.

The selected doxology is read three times. At the end you need to cross yourself and start reading main prayer... Its text should be listened to in advance or downloaded and learned. It is very important that you do not get confused, do not repeat the words like a tongue twister.

You need to realize that every word addressed to the Mother of God and the Lord will help you protect your child from various troubles. Mother of god is able to cover the baby with a cover, hide him from the evil gaze and drive away sorcerers and spirits from him. As you read the prayer, be aware that you have saved the child from trouble. Read the prayer only when you understand that you are mentally prepared.

For many years to remove negative influence praise to Matrona of Moscow is used for the child... This saint was considered a miracle worker, and people regularly come to worship her. a large number of people and ask her about the following:

  • health;
  • support;
  • protection of various kinds.

It is believed that Matrona is able to help a person even in the most difficult situations. Turning to her with a request from the evil eye for a child, ask to heal your child (say his name) from damage and evil eye, a dashing person and an evil eye, ask for enlightenment in his soul, and all ailments recede. The appeal should be completed with the phrase “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Repeat these words three times.

If you feel that after completing the ceremony you need to pray more, then do it. And the more honest and sincere your words are, the more reliable the child will be protected from evil forces.

Strong prayer from corruption to Saint Cyprian

You can find the text of the prayer yourself and learn it. This treatment is very strong, it protects against the evil eye, damage and witchcraft. Please note that in order to read the doxology, this Saint must receive a blessing from Orthodox Church.

Saint Cyprian should pray like this:

  • the rite of cleansing from spoilage must be carried out by an adult. For the child, the appeal should be read by the mother;
  • read a prayer every day;
  • to enhance the effect, give the child water to drink, over it, first read the appeal to the Saint. Wash it off with the remaining water.

How to protect yourself from envy

From the point of view of Christianity, envy is very often very difficult to get rid of its action. In order to protect yourself from negative influences, you need to pray daily, because it is prayer that will allow you to gain a blockage from negativity, you will lighten your soul and thoughts.

Prayer from the influence of evil people and envy helps in such cases:

It is worth remembering that what more people he himself believes in the miraculous power of his words, the sooner his request will be heard by higher powers and fulfilled.

Any text of a prayer in which you ask for protection from all evil is a small appeal, they need to be read every day, even several times.

There are many Orthodox prayers for envy, corruption and the evil eye, but there are the following varieties:

  • prayers that protect a person from negative impact in the future;
  • texts asking for protection from expressions of envy and anger;
  • prayers of envy, which are directed at those who manifest it.

Many believers note that the most powerful appeal to God that helps protect against envy and anger is the prayer "Alive in the help of the Almighty." Its text can be found in Psalm 90 in the Bible. The petition helps not only the asking person himself, but also his relatives to protect themselves from bad influence, but only when it is pronounced 12 or more times. Also, after each reading, you need to cross.

Each prayer you choose from damage and the evil eye can really help, the most important thing is believe in the power of your words and read it from the bottom of your heart... Unlike different conspiracies, the power of prayer lies not in verbal content, but in spiritual fulfillment.

Anyone can suffer from the evil eye, and especially small children. Usually, a person feels when they are "looked at badly", because immediately after this event in life, a streak of failures begins. At the same time, the person who jinxed you could have absolutely no bad intentions - it can be involuntary. Since ancient times effective protection is a pin - but if you have not taken care of such a simple amulet in advance, it is quite possible to read a prayer against the evil eye.

Prayer for the evil eye and envy

When leaving the house, especially in a crowded place, or heading to a meeting with an "eye" person, read the following prayer:

“Blessed Vladimir, human defender! Just as during your lifetime you defended the Lord's Faith and people from troubles and adversity from a fierce enemy, so now give protection to the Lord's servant (name) from his enemies. Do not let an evil eye or an unkind thought harm me. May my prayer be a protection from harm done by the eye. Tame my haters and take away the heavy weight. In the name of the Lord, amen. "

This prayer will protect you from bad influence from any people - both those who can jinx it by accident, and those who do it deliberately.

Prayers to remove the evil eye

There are two short prayers from Abbot Savva that can be used in cases where, as you suspect, you have been jinxed or may be jinxed:

  1. “You work in vain in me, fallen archangel. I am a servant of my Lord Jesus Christ; you, exalted pride, humiliate yourself, so intensely fighting me weak. Amen".
  2. “In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and His suffering for the human race, go out, the enemy of the human race, from this house, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

These prayers are very simple, and they are unlikely to help from a serious evil eye. But they are quite capable of protecting against accidental problems of this kind - the main thing is, keep them always in your head.

Evil Eye Treatment: Prayer

There is a longer, more serious prayer, which is used when an incident of this kind has already ruined your life enough. Sometimes such a prayer against the evil eye is read into the water, and then the water is drunk. The procedure is repeated three days in a row.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with Thy saints Angels and the prayers of the All-Pure Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal Heavenly Forces, holy Apostle and Evangelist John Mirlicia, miracle worker, Venerable Seraphim, Sarov wonderworker; the Monk Sava, the Zvenigorod wonderworker; holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, saints righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all Thy Saints, help us, unworthy (names), deliver us from all the slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, magic, sorcery and wicked people, may they not be able to cause us anyone evil.

Lord, with the light of Your radiance save us for the morning, for the day, for the evening, for the sleep of those who are to come, and by the power of Your grace turn away and remove from us all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, bring their evil back to the underworld, for yours is the kingdom, and power, and glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Of course, removing the evil eye and damage with prayers will be more effective if it is read by a professional - for example, an old witch, to whom popular rumor will easily lead you. In the mouth of such a person, a strong prayer from the evil eye will surely help you return to your usual way of life and forget this incident, like bad dream... You can always come to church for additional help on this matter.

Prayer against demonic wiles

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who struck the ancient serpent with the cross and tied the bonds of darkness in tartar, protect me from his wiles. Through the prayers of the All-Pure Lady of our Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, the holy Archangel Michael and all Heavenly forces, Holy Prophet and Baptist John, Holy Evangelist John the Theologian, Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. John of Shanghai and San Francisco ... malice, from wicked people, from witchcraft, curses, evil eye and from every slander of the enemy. By your omnipotent power, save me from evil, so that I, illuminated by Your light, safely reach the quiet pier of the heavenly Kingdom and there eternally thank You, my Savior, together with Your primordial Father and Your all-holy and life-giving Spirit. Amen.

A person can be spoiled, and envious and unkind people can be jinxed. But not everything is so simple. They become vulnerable due to their own carelessness and from ignorance of how to resist witchcraft. Only those who are left without God's protection suffer from the evil influence. Christians have weapons that are stronger than any magic in the world.

For your information: Of a hundred people who believe that they have "done" damage, or someone has jinxed, only 1% are really exposed to people who practice witchcraft or magic. The rest suffer from self-hypnosis, lack of faith and ignorance of how the forces of evil work, attributing their intrigues human governance.

Who are sorcerers?

Magicians and sorcerers- people who connected with fallen spirits, rejected the True God, chose to serve demons. Interaction with otherworldly forces can manifest itself explicitly or hidden, consciously or out of bewilderment. Be that as it may, such are deprived of the protection of the Heavenly Forces.

Having opened the entrance to the demons, they receive information from them (both true and false). Having transgressed the Lord's prohibition not to communicate with unclean spirits, sorcerers then suffer, not knowing rest. If they do not harm others, demons torment them. Attracting the attention of evil spirits occurs when they are engaged in:

  • divination is any kind of fortune-telling, astrology, spiritualism, kabbalism, palmistry, etc .;
  • meditation, yoga, shamanism, mediumship, etc .;
  • non-traditional treatment - exposure to biofields (passes), coding, extrasensory perception, etc .;
  • sorcery, witchcraft, all kinds (colors) of magic.

Note: When looking for protection and salvation, pay attention to the resources you visit. If they offer only a miracle prayer (rather a conspiracy), remove damage with the help of a psychic, or white magic, then the site is far from Orthodoxy. Instead of helping, open doors for demonic influence.

When damage and evil eye act

To become a candidate for the induction of corruption, they are guided by the motto: "Do according to your will," that is, do not observe Christian piety. Such a person is deprived of the Graceful protection of the Heavenly Forces. A sinner who realizes his fall and asks for the mercy of God is inaccessible to the influence of unclean spirits, although he walks on the edge of a knife.


  • The teacher came to the sorcerer to ask to kindle the passion of her student, so that he fell in love with her. The demons could not do anything until they persuaded the young man to commit a mortal sin. Only after that did it become open to damage.
  • The woman came to the magician to ask him to guide her rival fatal disease hiding that it comes about a legal wife. The demons, having received the assignment, rushed to fulfill it, but it turned out: the spouse is a believer, goes to church, reads the Household Rule. Then the evil spirits directed all the evil to the customer of damage. She got cancer.
  • A sorcerer was called to the patient to get rid of the disease. The wizard came at the moment when he was reading the Jesus Prayer. The demons became so furious that they beat their "master", who began to ask for help from the prayer.
  • Young man broke paralysis: for 8 years he could neither sit nor lie down. He was brought to Paisiy Svyatogorets. It turned out that while studying at school, the boy did not give up his seat on the bus to an elderly man. When the remark was made, he collapsed in the chair even more impudently. The old man cursed him, saying: "So that you are in this position all your life." What happened later. After sincere remorse, the young man was healed.
  • The girl decided to go to a psychic to decide family problems... She was dissuaded, warning: she works with demons. She did not believe, because grandmother had Orthodox icons She used "prayers" and helped many people. But the woman obeyed one piece of advice - she read (to herself) the Jesus Prayer during the session. When the witch tried to do something, nothing came of it. In the end, angrily drove the visitor out.

The examples show who is affected by damage and who is not. If a person goes to confession, takes communion, prays, then no magicians can harm. Most of the people "put themselves at damage", believing in the power of otherworldly forces more than God. Those who suspect (most often in vain) their relatives, neighbors, colleagues of evil deeds also commit a sin.

How the evil eye works

Well, with adults it is understandable, but after all, an innocent baby can be jinxed. They can. The parents are to blame, they are the protection. For example, a childless woman looked with envy at someone else's baby, with the following thoughts: "Some are lucky, why are they given a child?" And the day before, the mother was proud of her baby (mentally), comparing it with others. This made him vulnerable.

The evil eye will work, if you do not protect the child with prayers, to the same Most Holy Theotokos. Babies are baptized so that the Angel always protects the baby. But the mother or father, by their behavior, can create a gap in protection. It is even worse when they themselves, without thinking about the consequences, scold, curse, and call their disobedient children names.

On a note: Leaving the child under someone else's supervision, baptize and entrust him to the care of the Queen of Heaven. With such protection, nothing will happen to him for sure.

How to get rid of damage, witchcraft, evil eye

The Orthodox Church has a guide on how to act for those who have been attacked by demonic attacks. By the way, the influence can be exerted not only at the direction of the magician, but also by the demons themselves, when there is no protection of the Holy Spirit. In any case, the reason is in the person himself: the source is a graceless way of life, the commission of mortal sins, the removal from the Sacraments given in the Church. The book of P. Mogila (1648) recommends:

Once you regain protection, stick to Christian life, do not lose protection from evil spirits. If a person has acquired Divine grace, then no magician can touch. And no fear. If God is with us, who is against us? There is no power in the world that exceeds the Lord's.

It is possible to get rid of demonic intrigues with the help of the Sacraments and prayers, but not simple reading is needed, but labor. Christ helps those who apply their strength, participate in salvation, meet halfway, correct themselves, or at least strive for this.

Note: The time required to completely get rid of corruption depends on sincere humility and diligence. This can happen instantly or over a period of time, depending on how much a person has fallen without God.

Prayers from the evil eye and corruption

Troparion to the life-giving Cross

Save, Lord, Thy people and bless Thy heritage; victory Orthodox Christians on resisting by giving and Yours keeping Your residence by the Cross.

Prayer to the Holy Cross (read before bedtime)

May God rise, and His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As the smoke disappears, so let it disappear, as the wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face loving God overshadowing themselves sign of the cross... Rejoice, the all-honorable and life-giving cross of the Lord, driving out demons by the power of Christ crucified on you, into hell that the devil's power came down and trampled down, and gave us His honest cross to drive out every adversary. O glorious and life-giving cross of the Lord, help me with the holy Lady Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Psalm 90

He who lives with the help of the Most High, will settle himself under the roof of the Heavenly God. He will say to the Lord: "You are my protector and my refuge, my God, I trust in You." He will deliver you from the net of fishermen and from the rebellious word. He will protect you with His shoulders, and under His wings you will be safe. His truth will shield you with a shield. Thou shalt not fear the terror of the night, the arrow that flies during the day, the ulcer that walks in the darkness, the plague that devastates at noon. A thousand will fall beside you, and ten thousand to your right will not come close to you. You will only look with your eyes, and you will see the reward for sinners. For you said: The Lord is my hope. You have chosen the Highest as your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the plague will not come near your dwelling. For He commanded His angels to keep you in all your ways. They will take you into their arms so that you do not stumble with your foot on a stone. You will step on the asp and the basilisk, and you will trample the lion and the serpent. Since he trusted in Me, I will deliver him, I will cover him, for he has known My name. I am with him in sorrow: he will call on me - and I will hear him, I will deliver him and glorify him, with long days I will satisfy him and show him My salvation.

Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed your name Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we also leave our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and power and glory forever. Amen.

Brief Prayers for Enlightenment and Direction on the True Path of Those Doing Evil

Lord, like a Good and Man-lover, turn the hearts of the hardened to You, if this is not possible, then put an end to their evil.

Lord, put a limit to evil that proceeds from this man.

One of safe ways removing from a person the negative impact sent by the sorcerer is a prayer. Words-appeals to the Lord, the faces of saints are endowed with special power, fueled by the faith of the one asking. The cleansing energy of prayer texts is so powerful that anyone can use it. baptized man... Incantatory texts are the basis of any ritual to neutralize the evil eye and corruption, but not everyone can do them. An incorrectly performed ceremony does not remove the negative effect of witchcraft, but enhances it. A prayer appeal works differently. It is safe for the performer.

Who is allowed to read prayers

Every person can use Orthodox prayers from the evil eye and damage. A request from a clergyman (priest, monk) is endowed with special power. Therefore, if there are suspicions that a person is suffering from a negative program imposed on him, the first thing to do is turn to the clergy for help.

Proofreading of the negative is carried out in the temple or, if the spoiled person cannot go to church, at home.

If he feels in himself the power to get rid of sorcery on his own, he should go to the temple and confess. After repentance and acceptance of the sacrament of Holy Communion, you need to ask the priest for blessing to read prayers from corruption and witchcraft. Sometimes clergymen, after assessing the strength of the impact of a negative program, recommend using special prayer texts.

Rules for reading a prayer

Turning to God, the holy saints, is hard spiritual work. Not every person can concentrate on pronouncing a prayer word so that it can be heard. Priests recommend praying according to the rules.

  1. Before contacting higher powers you have to clear your thoughts. To do this, you need to calmly stand for 3-5 minutes, relax.
  2. Prayers from the evil eye are read in seclusion in a room. If another person suffers from the impact of negativity, he should be present in the room where they ask for his healing.
  3. They ask for help, kneeling in front of the icon.
  4. It is recommended to light a candle or a lamp. This is a sacrificial offering to higher powers, from which they expect healing, cleansing from the curse. Candles can be used non-church candles purchased on the market.
  5. Orthodox prayers from corruption and witchcraft are written difficult to understand church language... To read them at home, you must first translate them into a language understandable to the applicant. Texts in Russian have the same power as in the original language. It is more difficult to find them in a quality translation. But prayer appeal on native language- this is a meaningful petition, where every word is understandable, pronounced sincerely.
  6. Faith is the key to salvation. The evil eye cannot be removed if you do not believe in the result, the power of the Lord.
  7. Before starting to read the prayer against corruption and the evil eye, they are baptized three times. The sign of the cross is superimposed right hand... Then the introductory prayer texts "Our Father" and "Theotokos Virgin" are read.

The opinion that one should pray in the evening is wrong. They turn to the Lord God in the hour of need, when they feel that it is necessary. Christian families praise Hashem before dinner, during work, and at the end of the work.

What saints do they pray for cleansing from negativity

Every person every day becomes the envy of others. The evil eye, one of the involuntary negative programs sent by fleeting thoughts strongly affects the psycho-emotional state of the object.

Children with a weak energy biofield, more susceptible to the evil eye. Their negative impact is immediately manifested by a change in mood - the child becomes restless, cries for no reason. You can get rid of this influence by using prayers from the evil eye.

  1. Saints Kupriyan and Justin. In his youth, the walnut youth was sent to study sorcerers who served the forces of evil. Having studied black magic, he reached the heights of mastery - he controlled the elements, sent pestilence to people. But he did not succeed in bewitching Justina, a Christian girl. Having made sure of the power of the sign of the cross, Kupriyan believed and accepted the sacrament of Baptism. Soon the saint was elevated to the rank of bishop. During his service to the Lord, Kupriyan was able to convert many pagans to the faith of Christ. Considering that the saint most spent his life in the service of the dark forces, prayers are offered to him to remove damage and the evil eye.
  2. Saint Tikhon. The patriarch was canonized recently. But his protective power is able to get rid of evil, curses, and other types of witchcraft influence. Over the years of his life, the saint always went to meet the people, helped those in need, spoke to people kind words... After the death of the bishop, his powerful energy continues to come to the aid of those in need, protecting them from negativity.
  3. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Travelers and seafarers turn to this saint in a difficult period of life. The prayer from the evil eye and corruption, read before the icon of Nicholas the Pleasure, is strong. She is able to remove the negative impact, protect from the curse. To increase the protective power of the texts, a candle is lit in front of the face of the saint.
  4. King David. He is known as a wise ruler, the author of psalms. The texts written by him are recommended to be read in order to protect themselves from human envy, bad thoughts. If a person was jinxed, a difficult period began in his life, the situation can be corrected by reading Psalm 90 (to help the living).
  5. Matrona of Moscow. The blind saint became famous far beyond the borders of the country for her good deeds. The Lord gave her the grace of healing serious illnesses. Death did not become an obstacle for Matrona of Moscow in the creation of good deeds. She helps people to establish family life, find happiness, get rid of witchcraft, protect the family from evil people.
  6. Holy Trinity. The most powerful prayer against the evil eye is an appeal to the three main forces of Christianity. It is short, but with regular reading it has a powerful defensive power.

Not only appeal to the Lord God and the saints has protective force from the negative. Church ministers recommend asking for the healing of diseases, the end of the black line in a person's life from the Guardian Angel.

Self-Reading Protective Prayers

To remove the negativity sent by the sorcerer, the enemy, it is not enough to read a strong prayer against the evil eye and corruption. Most of the prayer addresses to the saints are accompanied by simple ritual actions.

Prayer to Kupriyan and Justin

They turn to these saints in order to independently cleanse themselves from evil influences, to protect themselves from negativity, evil thoughts and actions of other people. The words of the conspiracy-appeal are read at dawn, facing east. They say the request seven times:

“They direct their words to the holy martyrs Cuprian and Justinia! Listen to the prayer of the servant of God (name), hear him, help him solve the problem. I am turning to you with a request, with one prayer, from witchcraft, from black magic, from bad people, protect Me. Save me from what they wanted me to do badly. Help me to remove all the dark, smoothed, spoiled from me. Pray for me to the Lord God, help me find his help, salvation. I pray not for wealth, not for prosperity, I ask for protection for my soul, for my body. Amen!".

To intensify the appeal, the "Our Father" is read three times in front of him. After a very strong prayer for damage has been read, you need to wash your face with water saying:

“I wash away the spoilage with water, the evil eye and witchcraft are dark, as the water leaves the face, so everything is bad. Amen!"

This prayer ceremony should be repeated every morning for two weeks. After this time, a person will feel how his energy has been freed from the effects of sorcery. To consolidate the result and form a protective shield, it is necessary to read the "Our Father" for three days in the morning and in the evening.

By turning to Kupriyan and Justina, you can protect the child from the evil eye. Mother, grandmother, aunt, church ministers can pray to the saints in order to protect the baby. Prayer for the evil eye, damage to the child is read once every two weeks:

“Saint Cyprian, help protect my dear child, the little one from the eyes of strangers, from bad words, from bad people, from envious words, from hypocritical praise. I wrap my child with the words of a prayer like a veil, protect from troubles and leprosy, protect from diseases and witchcraft. Let it come true as it is said. Amen!"

If there is a suspicion that the baby has become a victim of evil spells, this prayer appeal is read over him every morning and evening until he is fully recovered. So that children are less exposed magical negativity, parents should take care of their protection - consecrate pectoral cross, amulet.

Prayer to the Life-Giving Cross

In the hopeless life situations, in a period of troubles, sorrows, dangers, serious illnesses, Christians turn to the life-giving Cross for help. This prayer helps from the evil eye, envy and strong black witchcraft. The Life-giving Cross is a symbol of Christianity.

“Let God rise again, and scatter them against Him, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence. Yako smoke disappears, yes disappear; as if wax melts from the face of fire, so may demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away demons by the power of the prophesied Lord Jesus Christ on you, the power that has descended and gone down into hell to the devil, and who gave us to you His Honest Cross to drive out every adversary. Oh, Most Honorable and Life-giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady the Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

There is a short version of the prayer conspiracy, which is used as “ ambulance"In difficult life situations:

"Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross and save me from all evil."

Before contacting To the life-giving cross you have to cross yourself, bow your head. Words are spoken in a whisper.

Address to Archangel Michael

At the first suspicion of a negative energetic impact, you need to protect yourself from evil, to strengthen bioenergetics. To do this, use special daily prayers from damage, evil eye, curse. One of the most powerful prayer texts that help to strengthen the energy protective shield is an appeal to Archangel Michael. The words of the conspiracy are read when they feel the need:

“Holy Archangel Michael of God, I am the Servant of God ( given name) I appeal to you and to all the Heavenly disembodied forces for help and support. Pray to the Lord God Almighty and Merciful, suffering and earthly for me. Ask the Lord God to turn away from me various harmful alien thoughts. So that they do not torment me, but they do not harm me, so that they do not bring me to despair and bodily exhaustion. Amen".

Archangel Michael is the leader of the army of angels, who is constantly fighting the forces of darkness. Christians believe that all diseases are the work of evil spirits. Therefore, Archangel Michael is often approached with a request for the patient's recovery.

Special prayers against witchcraft

If you had to deal with generic damage (several people connected by blood ties suffered from the negative witchcraft influence), they use special texts from the prayer book. One of the saints who help to neutralize strong witchcraft is Nicholas the Wonderworker. The face of the saint is one of the three obligatory icons in the home iconostasis. To carry out the removal of damage by Orthodox prayers, you must:

  1. Order a service in the church for the health of all members of the clan, who are supposedly injected with negativity.
  2. After the service, three candles should be placed near the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker, whispering: “Nicholas the Wonderworker, protect my family from damage, evil eye, dashing thoughts, cleanse us of all evil. Amen".
  3. Holy water is collected in the church. Buy 12 church candles, an icon of St. Nicholas (if not in the house).
  4. In the evening, candles and an image brought from the church are placed on the table. A vessel with holy water is placed in front of the icon. Candles are lit.
  5. They read a powerful prayer 12 times for corruption and witchcraft:

“Miracle worker Nicholas, Defender and Savior. Not blaming anyone in my soul, I ask only one of you. Help all my family members, and if there is, then take the spoilage from us. All diseases, squabbles, quarrels and heat, you are the holy water of this mind. Let the sorcerer not suffer from corruption, the witch will not die from it. Let there be no discord in my family, I beg you a hundredfold. Thy will be done. Amen".

After the end of the reading, they drink a sip of holy water. The candles are left to burn out completely. The wax remaining after the candles is discarded. Holy water is added to drinks or food for all family members (relatives). The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is used for its intended purpose - in the home iconostasis. They are installed near the faces of Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. This is the most powerful prayer against the evil eye that can remove the ancestral curse, improve the life of children suffering from the mistakes of their ancestors.

Prayer before a nominal icon

If a person is spoiled, cannot independently remove the negative impact from himself, the prayer texts are read by relatives. The room is placed name icon(with the face of a saint, after whom the person requiring help is named). A church candle is lit in front of her. Putting their hands on the patient's head, they read a prayer with severe damage:

“Take, birds flying, a handful of earth. Take the animals by hand. A hole was dug and a straight line to it. Help the servant of God go straight (name) So that you go around all the pits. Four sides, four forces, help! Save and protect from a deep pit. It's dark in the pit, light in life. Farther from the pit, closer to the sun. Keep away from me. My word is strong. My strength is great. Darkness move away, power help me. Amen!"

They read it 9 nights in a row. During this period, a person, if there was a curse on him, feels a surge of strength, recovers. After neutralizing the negative, the healed person should go to the temple and put candles in front of the icon of his saint as a token of gratitude for the help in getting rid of witchcraft interference.

Protective prayers

It is easier to protect yourself from sorcery than to remove negativity from a person. Therefore, priests are advised to read prayers of protection from corruption every day. The most popular way to protect yourself and your family is by turning to Jesus Christ:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Protect your servant (say your own name) from the enemy's thoughts. Protect me from evil people and black envy. Cast out curses, corruption and evil eyes from the soul. Clear my life path from leprosy, infection, illness and pain, from languor, persecution and vegetation. Forgive me all sins and crimes, send me holy forgiveness. May it be so. Amen!"

Another option that protects well from magical effects is to appeal to Matrona of Moscow. This saint helps people in different situations - family matters, heals from diseases, leads to the path of the righteous. To protect yourself from sorcery, you must periodically put candles in front of the face of the saint and ask for mercy:

“Oh, blessed Old Lady Matrona. Cleanse my soul and mortal body from diseases and ailments. If the enemy has sent damage and noted with an evil glance, return to him that which nests in me. Send me protection from the evil people and ask the Lord God for holy absolution. Pray for me in God's palaces and protect me from the evil eye and grief from the enemy's intent. May it be so. Amen!"

This most powerful prayer from corruption and witchcraft will protect the family, small children. To create a protective shield around the baby, most susceptible to the influence of negativity, an icon of the Matrona of Moscow must be placed at the head of the bed. Put a pectoral cross on the baby's neck.


Prayers are powerful weapon against the forces of evil, sorcerers, demons. The texts from the prayer book are endowed with special power if they are read with faith. Using Orthodox prayers from the evil eye, you can remove even the strongest negative program.

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