Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill Who is Dmitry Tarasov dating now? Dmitry Tarasov told why he divorced Olga Buzova. TV personality with an iron business acumen

Who is Dmitry Tarasov dating now? Dmitry Tarasov told why he divorced Olga Buzova. TV personality with an iron business acumen

Dmitry Tarasov's new passion, Anastasia Kostenko, is ready to give her beloved what Olga Buzova did not give him.

Anastasia Kostenko gave a frank interview. Dmitry Tarasov's new darling spoke about the ideal man and stated that she was ready to start a family and have a child.

Recently, football player Dmitry Tarasov and Vice-Miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Kostenko have stopped hiding their relationship. After several months of complete silence, the girl finally gave an interview to reporters.

Kostenko considers himself absolutely an ordinary person with "banal" family values, despite the fact that her parents divorced. “I can safely say that I am very happy man. Since childhood, I was taught to enjoy everything that happens in my life. Yes, sometimes it’s very difficult, but I’m already at that age when I fall asleep and wake up with gratitude to God for everything I have,” Kostenko said.

It is no secret that soon after it became known about the breakup of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova, a hail of criticism and even abuse from fans of the host of “House-2” fell on Anastasia Kostenko. Kostenko even closed her profile on in social networks to shut up this negativity drain. “It became clear to me that, in fact, there was no one to justify, report and crucify to. All the people around us are things that come and go. All they know about me is practically nothing,” noted Anastasia.

While married to Tarasov, Buzova actively demonstrated her feelings, and also regularly shared details of her family life with fans. By the way, later Olga was accused more than once of the fact that she should not have put this side of her life on display. Kostenko adheres to the position that personal things should be left only to oneself.

“As today shows, excessive awareness and publicity only harm personal relationships. By opening up what is most valuable to everyone, you let everyone into your innermost life. Such a choice is fraught with the fact that later all this may turn into spitting on your open soul,” the model reasoned. However, Anastasia noted that she is not a fan of completely hiding from everyone.

We also started talking about the ideal man. According to Kostenko, her chosen one should be caring and responsible. “Honesty also plays a paramount role in the lives of each of us. In a man, I also appreciate the willingness to become a family man. For me, a man is the opposite of a woman, which means strength, intelligence, strong character and kindness. A woman, by her nature, is fragile, wise, with an easy-going character, a real keeper of the hearth,” Tarasova’s chosen one expressed her point of view.

For Anastasia, the priority is not career, but family. “The basis of life is love, but it can easily be lost in the pursuit of a career. People constantly rise and fall, and it is important to have a reliable and loving shoulder nearby. A person himself feels when it is time for him to start a family and give birth to a child. I can say that I’m already ready for this,” Woman.ru quotes Anastasia Kostenko.

Ex-wife Dmitry Tarasov name is Oksana Tarasova. Born Oksana October 26 1986 of the year. Before marriage Oksana was the last name Ponomorenko. Oksana Tarasova former gymnast, medalist Russian Championship and master of sports, speaks very good English and Italian languages, has a degree in sociology, but in this moment works in a men's hairdressing salon and simply loves his job. Oksana Tarasova doesn’t like to talk about her unsuccessful marriage and she acts wisely, because they have Dmitry Tarasov have a common daughter - Angelina-Anna. The girl loves her father very much, and he, in turn, loves her, and all the quarrels between the parents can harm the daughter, in addition Oksana brought up in such a way that she will not wash dirty linen in public and wash her ex’s bones in public. This girl is beautiful, spectacular and unlike the next wife Dmitry TarasovOlga Buzova- smart and educated. In order to make sure that nature has not deprived Oksana Tarasova brains, just read her thoughts on Instagram. All phrases are formulated clearly, life priorities placed correctly. Oksana Tarasova The girl is unusual, for example she really likes to cover her body beautiful tattoos. The artist who did the tattoo Oksana Tarasova, lived before V Moscow, and now moved to Belarus, in town Orsha. Oksana Tarasova travels to another state for these wonderful tattoos.

Met Dmitry Tarasov And Oksana Tarasova by chance, the girl caught a taxi, Dmitriy gave a ride. In order to get cherished numbers, he even resorted to a trick and said that he had lost his phone in the car. Oksana dialed the number, and oops, her phone number remained in the phone memory Dmitry Tarasov. In general, these two struck up love, got married, gave birth to a daughter and fled. Dmitry Tarasov walked to the left Oksana She was jealous of him and made scandals. In case of divorce Dmitry Tarasov had to leave ex-wife an apartment and a car, plus good alimony for the maintenance of my daughter.

Dmitry Tarasov chooses spectacular, long-legged, pretentious beauties. But Oksana Tarasova A non-public person, she, of course, posts her photos on Instagram, but all this is of a calm nature. No boasting or pretense. But she is still a glamorous, luxurious woman.

Did she take you away? Buzova Tarasova from the family? Nowadays it is difficult to find the answer to this question online. But I think that was the case. Already at that time Tarasov began to walk on the left and quarrel with his wife because of this, a crisis was brewing, it is possible that the spouses had already been communicating for some time using standard phrases and were accumulating grievances against each other. It is possible that Oksana waited and hoped to the last that Dmitriy comes to her senses, almost every woman who finds herself in such a situation would like this. But Dmitriy went on a rampage and there was no stopping him. Well yes, if only Buzova was an angel in the flesh, she would have started to rub Dmitry Tarasov that family is important, “come back to the family,” she would beg him. But Buzova- a show business shark - she had the right option: a rich, on the verge of divorce, young but promising football player, and she did everything to ring him and fulfill her dream - to become successful, loved, married lady. One that everyone would envy. Because I decided that she If he doesn’t do this, then the tasty morsel will go to someone else. But that is another story.

On this photo Oksana Tarasova with daughter Angelina

And in this photo you see Oksana Tarasova, who decided to recall some element from rhythmic gymnastics, and at the same time showed her excellent physical shape to her subscribers on Instagram.

And in these numerous photos you see that the body Oksana Tarasova cover numerous tattoos and they are beautifully done.

And in these photos you see Oksana Tarasova with one of his suitors. Once upon a time Oksana Tarasova there were modest one-color wings on her back, but now her back is all punctured up and down.

And in this photo you see Oksana Tarasova at my work in a hairdressing salon.

On this photo Oksana Tarasova and her daughter. Angelina Tarasova goes to first grade for the first time.

And in this photo you can see an amazing body Oksana Tarasova.

And this is a photo from the wedding Dmitry Tarasov And Oksana Tarasova, these two were once happy.

The television project Dom-2 has been successfully operating for more than 12 years. Until now, scandals around him have not subsided. The opinion is constantly expressed about the forced closure of the reality show, but interest in the project is still quite high.

If you want to see new episodes without censorship, then go to the unofficial website of the show exdom2. You can find a lot here interesting information and also find out last news project.

Property issue

The close attention of the audience is focused not only on the participants of the project, but also on its presenters, especially those who themselves came to the reality show to build love. Olga Buzova got involved in the project as a simple St. Petersburg student, and after a few years she turned into a Moscow student. socialite and a popular TV presenter.

The whole country followed its development with interest. romantic relationships with football player Dmitry Tarasov, which ended in a magnificent wedding. Unfortunately for fans, today they are officially divorced. Many fans are interested in the question of how the couple will divide the property.

According to the marriage contract, which Buzova and Tarasov drew up before marriage, all jointly acquired property is divided in half during a divorce.

But the prudent Dmitry registered all his property in the name of himself or his relatives. Buzova personally owns a small store that sells jewelry.

Price issue

The list of property that is the property of Dmitry Tarasov has long been no secret for fans of the couple. Famous football player owns:

  • Moscow apartment. The newlyweds bought it immediately after the wedding;
  • three cars, one of which Dima gave to Olga, but officially does not belong to her;
  • cottage with an area of ​​800 square meters;
  • land. There are three of them in total, each of them has an area of ​​42 acres.

Tarasov also owns an unfinished house in one of the elite suburban villages.

It is not yet known which of this property will be recognized as joint property. Buzova’s fans are worried about her; they advise her to hire a lawyer and defend her rights in court.

Despite the difficult stage in her life, Olga continues to work. She still remains the host of the popular reality show and also runs her own store. So she will not be left without a livelihood. According to rumors, her fees allow her to lead a comfortable life.

On New Year's Eve 2017, Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova filed for divorce in one of the capital's registry offices. The former “tarabuziks” preferred not to intersect within the walls of the institution, so they arrived separately. Numerous fans of the couple hoped until the last that Olga and Dmitry would be able to improve their relationship, but a miracle did not happen.


It is difficult to imagine, however, the development of relations between Tarasov and Buzova, especially in recent months, watched great amount people, and not only representatives of the press, but Dmitry himself received additional fame.

However, the athlete himself does not see anything surprising in this. "I was married to famous person. Olga is a popular girl with a large social circle, so such interest in our breakup is easily explained. Nobody knows how I really feel about this, let it stay with me,” Tarasov said.

According to Dmitry, he did not read and, moreover, did not react in any way to all the messages that were actively written by the media in connection with problems in his and Olga’s personal life. Tarasov admitted that at first, journalists even followed him. “It’s funny. But I’m completely calm now. Time takes away everything,” the footballer is sure.

Numerous fans of Buzova regularly scold Tarasov on his pages on social networks. "Their right. I learned myself and am teaching my loved ones to react correctly to all this. I have no time for those who write nasty things. I haven’t read anything for a long time. I don’t want to answer or prove anything to anyone. And in general, how many people have me hates, loves so much. I’ve never done anything bad to anyone in my life. I’ll move on calmly,” Sport-Express quotes Dmitry Tarasov.

Dmitry Tarasov, a young successful football player, midfielder of Lokomotiv Moscow and member of the Russian National Team, became a hero gossip columns thanks to marriage with famous TV presenter Olga Buzova. While the couple was together, there was a feeling that Olga was the only woman famous athlete. But Dmitry also had another personal life. Both before and after.

Athlete, excellent student and simply beautiful

Dmitry got married for the first time quite early - at the age of 21. His first wife Oksana Ponomarenko was born in Moscow in 1986. She is an athlete, practiced rhythmic gymnastics and reached certain heights in this sport. She was a prize-winner at the Russian Championship and received the title of Master of Sports.

Since competition in rhythmic gymnastics extremely tall, Oksana at a certain stage decided to leave her career and began studying. Having received a diploma in sociology, she did not work in her specialty. Today Oksana works as a men's master in a beauty salon.

Dmitry and Oksana met by chance. The girl hailed a taxi, and Dmitry gave her a ride. The athlete liked the spectacular companion, and he pretended that he had lost his phone somewhere. He asked the girl to dial his number, so he got her contacts. The young people started dating, and then they got married.

In this marriage, a daughter, Angelina, was born in 2009. The marriage lasted 2 years, after which the couple separated.

There is a version that their marriage was destroyed by Olga Buzova, but at first both the athlete and the TV personality denied their romance. After the divorce, they innocently declared to secular reporters: “We are just friends.”

However, Oksana stated that cheating had taken place, and the main reason for the breakup was a photo on Instagram where Tarasov and Buzova kissed at karaoke. Dmitry even made excuses, explaining the incident by saying that the kiss was a loss in the argument.

For a long time, the couple hid their relationship, but Buzova paid for a luxurious banquet in honor of her birthday. She also paid a fine for Tarasov’s violation of the sports regime.

One way or another, Oksana and Dmitry divorced. Ponomarenko initially demanded 20 million in compensation, claimed real estate and an expensive car. By court decision, she received 1 million 800,000 thousand at a time and 50,000 alimony monthly.

Oksana has one interesting hobby - a passion for tattoos. And these are not cute girlish tattoos in the form of cats, butterflies, and flowers, but full-scale canvases.

TV personality with an iron business acumen

Dmitry Tarasov married Olga Buzova in 2012. The wedding was luxurious, magnificent and exemplary, like all their subsequent family life. After registration at the Griboyedovsky Registry Office, the celebration continued on the ship. In addition to relatives, among the guests were participants in the television project “Dom-2” and friends from show business. More about relationships star couple can be read.

The whole life of Buzova and Tarasov was for show. A lover of endless selfies, Olga posted dozens of photos every day life together. You need to understand that Buzova’s Instagram account during her life together with Tarasov brought in about 1.5 - 2 million rubles per month.

As Olga herself believes, this publicity played a cruel joke and became one of the reasons for their breakup with Tarasov.

Tarasov’s official version is that the couple divorced due to Olga’s reluctance to have children. A version of Tarasov’s betrayal with model Anastasia Kostenko is also voiced.

The divorce of the “tarabuziks”, although it was scandalous, passed without legal proceedings. Olga did not lay claim to the house that the spouses acquired during their marriage; by law it could be considered jointly acquired property. Tarasov prudently arranged the purchase for his mother, but Olga did not lose anything materially from the divorce.

But due to the wave of rising interest, the number of subscribers on Instagram grew from 4 million to 9.4 million. Accordingly, fees for advertising in her personal account increased.

In addition, the “unfortunate abandoned” Olga started musical career , and her simple songs about women's fate often find themselves in the TOP of iTunes downloads.

Interesting notes:

Divorce opened up for Buzova not only “a world of other men,” as she sings in her song, but also a world of other houses, cars and travel.

New idyll - Tarasov’s new wife

After his divorce from Olga Buzova, Tarasov hid his personal life for some time. In one of his Instagram posts, he admitted that his mistake was that he allowed “everyone to be part of our relationship.” Be that as it may, the public was looking for traces of a new passion in Tarasov’s life, and found it.

One day, a famous video blogger was visiting Tarasov’s apartment, and a girl in pink shorts flashed in the background.

Then during live broadcast on Instagram he blurted out that his beloved’s name is Nastya. Soon he completely stopped hiding his relationship with new girl– model Anastasia Kostenko.

Anastasia was born in the Rostov region in 1994. Her parents divorced when the girl was five years old. Mom remarried and gave birth to three more children - brother Artem and two sisters, Anya and Olya.

As a child, Anastasia studied in music school And studio ballroom dancing. The girl made progress in modern ballroom and Latin dancing, and in the future she planned to engage in choreography professionally. After school, she entered the Stavropol College of Arts, where she studied ballet and choreography.

At the same time Anastasia actively took part in various beauty contests. She was noticed and invited to work in China, where she became the face of the Chinese company LAN YU.

In 2013 she won the international competition beauty in Mongolia. In 2014, the contract with the Chinese company expired, and the beauty returned to her homeland.

Here she applied to participate in the Miss Russia competition. She won the title of second runner-up, and received as a gift the opportunity to study at any university in the world. Anastasia chose RUDN University and entered the Faculty of Journalism.

In the same year, Anastasia was invited to represent our country at the Miss World competition, where she entered the top twenty most beautiful girls.

Real The popularity of Anastasia Kostenko was brought, oddly enough, by Olga Buzova. Rumors about her affair with Olga’s ex-husband have made Kostenko one of the most talked about people. She even had to temporarily close her profiles on social networks, as did Tarasov. The anger of the fans, or rather, Buzova’s fans, was terrible.

They threw mud at Kostenko and insulted her, while not forgetting to subscribe to her accounts.

The girl is constantly compared to Olga and accused of imitating the star. This is greatly facilitated by the not very original Dmitry Tarasov - he gives his beloved the same perfume (even the most expensive in the world), the same Chanel bags, and even the same house that he gave to Buzova.

Anastasia posted a photo in an orange neon tunic, very similar to the TV personality’s tunic. Some subscribers accused Anastasia of wearing Olga’s clothes.

However, there is no discussion online appearance girls, and Kostenko's pregnancy.

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