Home Fertilizers What awaits us in 10 years. Russia's transition to a new economy

What awaits us in 10 years. Russia's transition to a new economy

The analyst team made detailed forecast innovations for the next 10 years.

What will the world look like in 10 years? It is likely that this question interests many people, given that we live in an era that is rapidly developing and does not even try to stand still.

What will our world be like in 2025?

Analysts from one of the world's largest media companies, Thomson Reuters, also asked this question. In their detailed report The World in 2025: 10 Predictions of Innovation, they outlined how our world will change.

The era of the sun is coming

The collection, storage and conversion of solar energy will become so common that it will become the main source of energy on our planet, and oil and gas will become a thing of the past.

Gene modification

Changing the human genome will become a reality, leading to the possibility of preventing diseases such as type 1 diabetes.

The planet will be fed

With advances in technology and genetic modification of crops, food shortages and fluctuating food prices will become a thing of the past.

Air transport to every home

Instead of a driver's license, everyone will have a pilot's license. Experts are confident that the aerospace industry is developing by leaps and bounds, which will allow everyone by 2025 to purchase a small vehicle for individual travel by air over short distances.

The concept of the SkyTran air taxi, which is starting to be built in Israel.

The whole world will become digital

"Smart" houses and vehicles will adapt to users and carry out their commands even before the order is given. It is not yet clear whether books and magazines will remain or whether we will read everything from tablets. But precisely by 2025, according to analysts, the Internet of Things will operate at full capacity.

New era of packaging

Oil will remain a thing of the distant past. Instead, cellulose will be used everywhere, which is 100% degradable and therefore environmentally friendly. The usual plastic bags will forever disappear into oblivion.


Cancer can be cured forever

Cancer treatment will be targeted, that is, aimed exclusively at the tumor without damage healthy cells body. This will reduce toxic side effects, which themselves harm the body no less than tumors.

DNA testing at birth

Every child born will undergo genome sequencing and DNA mapping. This will reveal hidden asymptomatic diseases and predispositions to various ailments. The data will be attached to the medical record, which will facilitate further diagnosis.

Victory over dementia

According to the report, due to the growth average duration life, more and more scientific research and funds will be used to ensure that older people remain capable for as long as possible.

Quantum teleportation

Of course, objects and people will still not be able to be teleported through space, but quantum data transfer, which is much safer and faster than normal, will become the norm. In 2025, scientists will be much closer to the discovery of teleportation as such. It is likely that by the end of the century people will be able to move freely to any point.

It's hard to believe, but 10 years ago there were no smartphones, the first video was uploaded to YouTube, Android was still a small startup, and the term "drone" referred strictly to military themes. In accordance with Moore's law, we see how humanity is moving by leaps and bounds into the technological future, or towards something else. What will we see in the near future, for example in 2026?

1. Human brain for $1000

In 2025, there will be a computer capable of performing 10,000 trillion operations per second. This speed is equivalent to the processing speed of the human brain. Such a car will cost only $1,000.

2. “Internet of Everything”

The “Internet of Everything” will take the global economy to a new level: geographical boundaries will dissolve and people from different parts of the Earth will be able to work on projects online as fruitfully as in reality. By 2025, the Internet of Everything will include 100 billion connected devices with data collection sensors. According to a recent Cisco report, the mega-internet will generate $19 trillion. dollars.

3. Perfect knowledge

With a trillion sensors collecting data around the world (autonomous cars, satellite systems, unmanned aircraft, wearable cameras), you can find out everything you need - anytime, anywhere.

4. 8 billion closely connected people

Facebook (Internet.org), SpaceX, Google (Project Loon), Qualcomm and Virgin (OneWeb) plan to provide global connectivity to every person on Earth at speeds exceeding one megabit per second. Eight billion people will be connected by the latest means of communication. Those who are currently cut off from global networks will have access to all Google information, 3D printing, Amazon services, etc.

5. Health care disruption

Existing healthcare institutions will be close to extinction as more efficient industries emerge. Thousands of startups, as well as today's data giants (Google, Apple, Microsoft, SAP, IBM, etc.) will enter the new lucrative ($3.8 trillion) healthcare industry with new business models. Biometric sensing will make each of us the master of our own health. Thanks to breakthroughs in genetic engineering and the latest devices we will be able to understand the cause of cancer, heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases and be able to cure them. Robotic surgeons will perform surgeries and it will be much more efficient and cheaper. Each of us will be able to grow a heart, liver, lungs or kidneys when we need it, without having to wait until the donor dies.

6. Augmented and virtual reality

The billions of dollars invested by Facebook (Oculus), Google (Leap Magic), Microsoft (Hololens), Sony, Qualcomm, HTC and others will not be wasted. A new generation of user interfaces and displays will emerge. The usual screens of smartphones, computers and televisions will disappear - they will be replaced by glasses. Not the Google Glass kind, but something similar to what hipsters wear today. This will lead to massive disruption across a range of industries, from trade to education, travel and entertainment.

7. Childhood

Humanity will continue to develop artificial intelligence. If you now think that Siri is the height of perfection, then in 10 years you will see the real Jarvis from Iron Man. IBM Watson, DeepMind and Vicarious will develop a super-powerful assistant that will scan your biometrics, read your email and listen to your conversations - and it will be convenient.

8. Blockchain

Chances are you're aware of Bitcoin, a secure, decentralized cryptocurrency. But the innovation is not the electronic currency itself, but the protocol, the blockchain, which carries out the direct and secure digital transfer of assets without intermediaries. For investors like Marc Andreesen, the widespread introduction of electronic currency is the same important step like the invention of the Internet.

Rostrud reminded about the next long weekend. Day national unity, celebrated on November 4, will give residents of the country three days off in a row.

“Russians will have another long weekend at the beginning of November. They will rest for three days - from November 2 to 4,” the department’s press service said in a statement.

Let us remind you that National Unity Day has been celebrated in Russia since 2005. The holiday was established in honor of the liberation of Moscow from Polish invaders in 1612.

Let us add that in July the government approved. According to the calendar, new year holidays will last from January 1 to January 8.

The State Duma of the Russian Federation will consider a bill banning installation on the facades of objects cultural heritage air conditioners, various antennas and other technical devices.

According to the press service of the lower house of parliament, security systems and alarms will be an exception. In addition, technical devices already installed on the facades will be subject to dismantling only if work is carried out to preserve the cultural heritage site.

If the document is accepted, the changes will take effect within 180 days after its publication.

According to the ministry's website natural resources and ecology of the region, from 00:00 to 12:00 automatic stations control of atmospheric air pollution in Nizhny Tagil, an excess of the maximum one-time maximum permissible concentration was recorded - hydrogen sulfide 3.1 MPC, and in Serov - sulfur dioxide 1.1 MPC.

In other municipalities, no emissions of harmful substances were recorded.

Let us remind you that earlier in Serov there was an emission of sulfur dioxide for three days in a row.

GAZ Group may switch to four-day working week with wage cuts.

As Kommersant reports, the planned transition to a part-time work week is associated with the worsening situation on the commercial transport market and the consequences of sanctions. It is noted that GAZ will abandon this measure if the market situation stabilizes.

They expect that the market for light commercial vehicles may decline by 15% at the end of this year, and, consequently, their production will decrease by the same amount. The market is negatively affected by high loan rates, inflation, reductions in government support and investment in fixed assets, as well as the completion of large federal construction projects.

Let us remind you that the GAZ group is the largest asset of Oleg Deripaska’s Russian Machines engineering holding. It came under US sanctions along with the businessman’s other companies, but remained his last asset from which restrictions were not lifted.

Authorities Sverdlovsk region approved the region’s investment strategy until 2035.

As RBC reports with reference to a document approved by the head of the region Evgeniy Kuyvashev, the emphasis in the strategy is on the fact that currently in the Middle Urals there is no work being carried out to implement large infrastructure projects with funding from the state budget, which provide the main investments in the regions.

At the end of last year, the volume of investments in fixed capital in the Sverdlovsk region amounted to 318 billion rubles. Wherein most of Of these, it is concentrated either in the Ural capital itself or in its agglomeration. Thus, the volume of investments in fixed capital of Yekaterinburg amounted to 127.8 billion rubles, and in the cities of the Yekaterinburg agglomeration - 150.8 billion rubles.

This is explained by the fact that it is there that the sales market is now developed and concentrated labor resources and technology. At the same time, the key investors are local enterprises, and therefore it is planned to create conditions for businesses from other regions, taking into account the existing characteristics of the cities.

Main objectives of the strategy look like this: creating a favorable investment climate, stimulating the infrastructural development of the region, creating opportunities to expand the investment activity of local enterprises and attracting new investment entities.

Thanks to the implementation of these measures, according to the plan of the regional authorities, the volume of investments by 2035 should increase almost 7 times - to 2.085 trillion. rubles In total, the list of strategies lists 221 projects, and the publication highlights some of them.

Creation of investment infrastructure

  • Nizhny Tagil - Industrial Park "Vostochny" (2018-2025); Chemical Park "Tagil" (2010-2022).
  • Ekaterinburg - Technopark "University" (2014-2020); SEZ "Titanium Valley" (2010-2035).
  • Promoting the integration of state corporations Rostec, Rosatom, Roscosmos and PJSC Rostelecom for the implementation of global projects - development Polar Urals and the Arctic zone, energy development in Siberia and Far East, creation of an oil pipeline for supplies to Asian countries.

Industry, mining and agro-industrial complex

  • Ekaterinburg - Production and logistics complex for the production of bakery and confectionery products (2019-2026).
  • Kachkanar - development of the Sobstvenno-Kachkanarskoye field (2021-2035).
  • Krasnoturinsk - construction of a factory for processing polymetallic ores (2017-2032).
  • A focus on the development of industrial production in cities located within the Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Tagil agglomerations and on the modernization of mining industry enterprises in the north of the region.

Transport and logistics complex

  • Ekaterinburg - creation of the Ural high-speed railway "Chelyabinsk - Ekaterinburg" (2019-2050); construction and reconstruction of facilities at the Koltsovo airport complex (2004-2025); creation of the “Ekaterinburg Logistics Postal Center” (2019-2021); construction of a new freight yard at the Yekaterinburg - Tovarny station (2019-2023); development of the metro and tram service.
  • Sysert - construction of a transport and logistics center (2020-2035).

Housing and communal services sector

  • Pervouralsk - reconstruction of a sorting complex with a capacity of 200 thousand tons (2020).
  • Nizhny Tagil - implementation of a concession agreement in the field of municipal solid waste management (2020).
  • The region has concluded 34 concession agreements in the utility sector with a total investment volume of more than 18 billion rubles. The forecast volume of private investments for the long term will be more than 50 billion rubles. It is expected that the property of 12 municipal unitary enterprises will be transferred by 2020.

Social sphere

  • Yekaterinburg - construction of a sports and recreational cluster (2018-2020); creation of a chess center (2019-2020); creation of a center nuclear medicine and proton therapy (2015-2020).
  • To eliminate the second shift, municipalities need to introduce at least 20 thousand new places in schools every year, which will require annual funding in the amount of 16 billion rubles for the construction of new buildings and reconstruction of existing ones.


  • Nizhny Tagil - creation of the Belaya Mountain tourist and recreational cluster (2017-2028). Total investments until 2028 should amount to 45 billion rubles - 15 billion rubles will be spent from the budget on basic infrastructure, business will invest 30 billion rubles in service and entertainment facilities.
  • Verkhoturye - development of the tourist and pilgrimage cluster “Verkhoturye” (2017-2028).

Development projects In Dagestan, the deputy head of a village in one of the districts overestimated his income by 34 years. own age to receive a labor pension. A criminal case has already been initiated against him.

As reported by the press service of the Republican Prosecutor's Office, an official born in 1989 received a false passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation with deliberately false information about his date of birth and an inflated age of 34 years.

In addition, the man purchased a counterfeit work book with information about work on the collective farm in the period 1985-1996. As a result of fraudulent actions from March 2018 to July 2019, a young man illegally received pension payments in the amount of over 155 thousand rubles.

It is noted that a criminal case of fraud was opened against the deputy head of the village. Criminal cases of abuse of official powers and official forgery were also initiated against officials of the district branches of the Pension Fund and the Federal Migration Service.

The Russian Ministry of Defense continues to publish declassified historical documents about the history of the Great Patriotic War.

A new multimedia section was opened on the department’s website, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Chisinau from the Nazi invaders. In particular, schemes of combat and reconnaissance operations, operational reports, award lists and photographic materials about Yassko- Kishinev operation.

“The key events of the Kishinev operation of August 1944 appear in detailed diagram with the order of distribution of troops at the forefront, combat reports and reports. Special interest will cause users archival document, containing an ultimatum from Army General Fedor Tolbukhin to the command of the 3rd Romanian Army and the 9th German Division, put forward after the liberation of the capital of the Moldavian SSR,” the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

In the southern regions of Russia, several deadly tropical diseases, carried by mosquitoes from Africa and Asia, have spread massively.

The first type of mosquitoes have bright white stripes on the back and white markings on the legs; the second type of insects have a spotted abdomen and black and white stripes on the legs. Insects came to Russia from Egypt and South-East Asia as a result of global warming and are carriers of Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika and yellow fever viruses.

To reduce the growth of the mosquito population, experts recommend, first of all, reducing the areas suitable for their breeding - removing loose garbage and containers in which water can accumulate.

3D printers that “print” human organs, paper money that has completely disappeared from circulation, and drones that deliver pizza. This is exactly how participants in a survey conducted in the United States see our world in 20 years. What other forecasts, which now seem incredible, have US residents made for 2036?

Pizza will be delivered by drones

Will become part Everyday life, considered 66% of 2,088 Americans surveyed by London & Partners. Indeed, largest stores in the US they have long been thinking about using unmanned aircrafts for transporting goods by air.

For example, Amazon three years ago began testing the Prime Air service for air delivery of packages in 30 minutes, and the world's largest hypermarket chain by revenue, Wal-Mart, wants to adapt it to monitor inventory. Google also has its own project of flying robot couriers - Project Wing.

It will be possible to expect couriers from “heaven” at your doorstep in a year or two. Current regulations prohibit the commercial use of drones, but the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is already working to relax the law.

Drivers will be replaced by cars on autopilot

By 2036, “regular” cars will give way to vehicles with artificial intelligence that can drive without a driver, 60% of Americans expect. IT giants, including Google, Uber, Apple, Tesla and the Chinese Baidu, are working hard on projects that can make driving safer, as well as reduce the number of traffic jams and accidents.

Business Insider estimates that 10 million self-driving cars will hit the roads by 2020. Market development will be facilitated by a reduction in the cost of owning a smart car, as well as the adoption of laws regulating the use of self-propelled vehicles.

The Rise of Biohacking

Meeting a person on the street with communication chips embedded under their skin would not be something unusual - 49% of Americans think so. Biohacking - the “modernization” of the human body by implanting electronics - has been gaining momentum in recent years, but only a few enthusiasts are still deciding to modify their bodies.

The most prominent representative This direction is Istvan Zoltan, the leader of the American Transhumanist Party, which approves the use of scientific and technological progress (up to the complete replacement of organs) to improve human nature. Zoltan himself, who is running for president of the United States, has an RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chip built into his hand, which allows him to open doors without a key.

Another example is the Dutch entrepreneur Martin Wismeijer, who underwent surgery to implant a chip with support in both hands. contactless technology Near Field Communication (NFC). So, in one hand of the “biohacker” the contact information (it can be overwritten) to his electronic wallet is stored, which can be scanned using any NFC smartphone, in the other - an encrypted secret key for accessing “bitcoins”.

Paper money will disappear

Non-cash payment technologies will completely replace “physical” bills and coins, 69% of respondents are sure. Payment services are developing Apple Pay, Square, Samsung Pay and Android Pay, which allow you to pay for purchases using your smartphone, and mobile applications, such as Venmo and Splitwise, help you split your check with friends, optimize your spending, and see where your money was spent.

Active supporters of electronic payments are millennials - a generation of people who grew up in the era information technologies and cannot imagine life without a smartphone. Experts expect that based on the results of 2016 alone total number mobile payments will grow by 210%.

First human clone

The world's first cloned person will be “born” no later than 2036, the Americans believe. No known cases of human genetic copying have yet been recorded, but scientists around the world are successfully creating “duplicates” of other mammals. IN South Korea, for example, there is a clinic that offers the service of cloning a dog (of any size, age and breed) for $100,000.

The National Human Genome Research Institute in the United States explains that cloning people with technical point vision is much more difficult than any other creatures. Even if such a technology ever appears, it is unlikely that it will find wide application due to the moral, ethical, religious and legal aspects of the issue and will be approved at the state level. Moreover, the chances of success are usually very small - only 1% of attempts to clone an animal result in the creation of a “successful copy”.

Virtual visits to the doctor

65% of Americans predict that in 2036 people will visit doctors in virtual reality. Already today, many clinics in the United States practice providing remote services, offering medical consultations by telephone, e-mail and webcam. And in 20 years, patients, wearing VR glasses, will be able to see a doctor without leaving the couch.

"Printed" human organs

According to 54% of respondents, 3D printing technology will improve so much that it will make “printing” of human organs a reality. The cells of a living organism will act as “ink,” and printers will be able to reproduce an organ of the required size layer by layer. Bioengineers from Wake Forest University, a private research institution in the United States, are already performing operations on animals to implant skin, ears, bones and muscles artificially “grown” in the laboratory.

Connected clothing

In 20 years, the clothes people wear will be connected to the Internet, 58% of US residents expect. The process has already started. Google, for example, is developing the Jacquard project. Its essence is that manufacturers can interweave conductive fibers with “regular” threads, thus creating a homogeneous fabric. By interacting with tiny sensors (for example, by stroking a sleeve with sewn-in metal threads), a person will be able to control the electronics around him: turn on a smartphone, make calls, pause music, adjust the volume, turn off the lights in a room, start a car, etc.

Additionally, last month Google partnered with Levi's, one of the largest denim brands, to create a smart jacket. Thanks to a special sensor built into the sleeve, you can answer calls, control music playback and navigation, etc., without interrupting other activities. Later this year, Nike will begin selling self-lacing sneakers, and in Japan you can already buy boots with a GPS tracker built into the heel that tracks the location of the owner of the shoe in real time. Analysts estimate that by 2025, the market for wearable electronics will exceed $70.

Robots in the service of corporations

In the near future, robots with artificial intelligence will work in large companies, 39% of respondents are sure. Moreover, the “computer mind” will take the place not of an ordinary employee, but in management, and will make decisions itself. Robot managers will be highly valued if their intelligence is sufficiently developed and logic prevails over emotions. However, almost half (48%) of respondents thought that such a scenario was unlikely.

From the airport to space

In 2036, it will be possible to fly into space from the most ordinary airport, predict 45% of Americans. In the United States, commercial space transportation is being driven forward by SpaceX, a private company led by Elon Musk. 2016 has already become a breakthrough year for the industry: a few months ago, SpaceX for the first time managed to land the first stage of the Falcon 9 rocket on a platform in the ocean, which in the future will significantly reduce the cost of space launches

And the space agency NASA last year entered into a contract with the Boeing company for the transportation of ISS crew members into orbit. According to forecasts, commercial trips to the ISS could start as early as 2017.

Dating with AI

People "dating" virtual boyfriends and girlfriends is a common occurrence in 2036, think 35% of Americans. According to a third of respondents, chatbots and artificial intelligence will someday replace meetings and usual communication with a “real” person - as in the film “Her”, where the main character falls in love with operating system your smartphone.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with programs that can conduct a meaningful dialogue with people. For example, the Microsoft-developed chatbot Xiaoice is a huge success in China. Millions of teenagers spend several hours a day texting with the “sensitive, caring girl” Xiaoice. Unlike other chat programs, her behavior is indistinguishable from a 17-year-old girl: she uses emojis and expresses sympathy, can ask a stupid question and remembers what people talked to her about before. And it’s not hard to imagine how perfect “robot lovers” will be in 20 years.

In 2045, the world we know today will be completely different. Predicting the future is almost impossible, but when it comes to scientific facts or technical achievements, then DARPA people are the best people to ask about this.

DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is a well-known US agency for advanced defense research and development. Founded in 1958, it has behind it some of the largest discoveries related to weapons issues. Many of the agency's developments subsequently spilled over into the civilian industry. These are, for example, advanced robotics, GPS navigation systems and the Internet.

IN general outline The picture of the future is as follows: there is a possibility that thanks to robots the industry will completely change, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) will appear not only in military aviation, but also in civil aviation, and self-driving cars (those without drivers) will make our commute to work more tolerable .

In addition to all this, scientists from DARPA have several more grandiose assumptions. They share their thoughts about what awaits our planet in 30 years in a video called Forward to the Future. Below are some excerpts from this video, as well as the video itself in English.

Dr. Justin Sanchez, a neuroscientist and one of the DARPA scientists, believes that in the future we will be able to control things simply by using the power of thought:

Imagine a world where you could mentally control everything that happens around you. Just imagine being able to control various devices in your home or communicate with your friends and family simply by using brain impulses.

To date, DARPA already has some innovative developments that confirm Sanchez’s words. For example, brain cells that control prosthetic arms. This study involved a man who had been paralyzed for over ten years. It was thanks to the futuristic prosthetic hand that he was able to “feel” physical touch.

Stephanie Tompkins, a geologist and head of one of DARPA's research divisions, believes that in the future it will be possible to produce incredibly strong, but at the same time very light things. For example, skyscrapers made of carbon fiber. This material is much more reliable than steel, very rigid and durable, but has much less weight. This is direct evidence that things become much more complex at the molecular level.

“I think we'll have a very different relationship with machines in 2045,” says Pam Melroy, a space engineer and former astronaut with DARPA. She is confident that we will find a time when it will be enough to simply verbally explain to the machine what you want from it, or press a single button, instead of using a keyboard or basic voice identification systems.

Today, in order to land an airplane, a pilot will need to perform a certain sequence of actions: check the navigation systems, adjust the brake throttles, pull the handle to lower the landing gear, and so on. All of these steps must be completed in the correct order for a successful landing.

Instead, according to Melroy, in the near future, in order to land, it will be enough to say just two words: “Start landing,” and the computer itself will sequentially carry out a series of necessary steps. And who knows, maybe then a pilot won’t be needed at all.

Bold assumptions about the near future are made not only by DARPA employees, but also by some other scientists. Ian Pearson has some very interesting ideas. You may think that this is just another boring report in the style of “augmented reality and artificial intelligence will become an integral part of people’s daily lives, flying cars will fill all the roads, and gadgets will be super smart and super thin.” But no, everything is much more interesting.

Ian Pearson

Doctor of Science and researcher, knowledgeable in many branches of science: from aeronautics to cybernetics. He writes articles, gives lectures and provides advice on technological innovations that await us in the near future. Below are some of his assumptions regarding what cities and transport will be like by 2045.

Below are seven of the most interesting speculations about the future of cities.

1. Buildings will be controlled by artificial intelligence (“Hello, construction version of Siri!”)


Residents will have the opportunity to "" with the building and formulate a request, for example, in order to change the temperature in the room.


With land prices as high as they are now, supertall buildings will be transformed in such a way that they can function as mini cities. That is, they will have floors intended for offices, apartments, recreation and entertainment.


In the second part of the film, Marty's house was equipped with a virtual reality window that could show anything. Presumably, by 2045, buildings will not have windows, because they will be replaced with just such screens. This will greatly help in building economy-class housing very cheaply and quickly.


This is much like the solar panels we have today. But unlike them, a special material made from nanoparticles can be sprayed onto various surfaces. Such surfaces will be able to absorb and convert sunlight into energy.


The light will accompany you as you move around the apartment. You can also adjust the amount of lighting that is sufficient for you. Some such developments already exist. For example, Ario is a lamp that mimics the natural light of the sun to help improve the user's health.

6. Builders will use exoskeletons to carry heavy loads without harm to health


Not only Robert Downey Jr., but also ordinary builders will be able to boast of Iron Man. Thanks to this exoskeleton, a common person will be able to perform many activities that he would not normally be able to do, such as lifting significant loads. Moreover, this additional protection from damage.

7. Robots will work at dangerous sites


There are suggestions that in the future robots will work alongside people on various projects. They will replace a person in those places where the danger of an explosion or collapse is most likely.

What will transport be like in 2045?

The transport industry, unlike all others, is developing relatively slowly. Without a doubt, trains have changed significantly since their invention. But in fact, we are still using old, albeit modified forms of transportation. However, we are likely to see more changes in transportation over the next 30 years than we have seen in the previous 100 years.

Below are some of the boldest assumptions.


In fact, it will be possible to travel at speeds of more than 800 kilometers per hour.


A prototype of a flying car was already presented in 2014 during a festival in Vienna. The exact date It is difficult to name the appearance of these cars, but we can say that they already exist.


By 2045, there could be buildings built from super-strong carbon-based materials. The height of the buildings will reach 30–40 kilometers. These giant skyscrapers will make it possible to build spaceports. Nowadays, installing launch pads on top of high-rise buildings seems implausible, but thanks to innovative materials this could very well become a reality.

SuperJet International/flickr.com

The aircraft industry will continue to evolve over the next 30 years. Everything will be done to make planes fly faster. Eliminating windows will help increase speed. Augmented reality will allow them to be completely replaced.

5. Supersonic aircraft will appear


The opportunity to fly on an airplane will appear by 2040, although it will only be available to very wealthy people. The US Patent Office has actually approved an Airbus project that will be able to transport people from London to New York in just one hour.

These are the forecasts for the near future. Looks like 2045 will be pretty good.

Futurist Raymond Kurzweil: in ten years we will live in virtual reality and have conversations with artificial intelligence

American inventor Raymond Kurzweil is a futurist with twenty years of experience. The press calls him a tireless genius and an impeccable thinking machine; business magazine Inc included him in the list of top entrepreneurs of all time, describing him as the legal heir of Thomas Edison.

Kurzweil rose to fame in the 1970s by creating one of the first machine-based speech recognition systems; in the 1980s he founded the company Kurzweil Music Systems, which produces synthesizers of the same name. In the 1990s, he predicted the imminent appearance of self-driving cars and mobile phones that would answer questions from owners. He believes that he will live forever - thanks to biotechnology and uploading his consciousness into a computer; Since 2012, he has been Director of Engineering at Google. On Thursday, CNN published five of Kurzweil's predictions for the next decade. In all his forecasts, the futurist relies on the so-called law of accelerating returns - the exponential acceleration of technological progress, which, in turn, pushes all other aspects of human life - from economics to biology - to change.


In ten years, clinical practice will change radically - humanity will have mastered the technologies to transform its own biology to protect against disease and aging. We have now had the complete code of the human genome for ten years and have made significant progress in correlating certain genes with the processes for which they are responsible. Thanks to these discoveries, tools are emerging that make it possible to reprogram the human body in exactly the same way as a person reprograms his computer. For example, RNA interference can turn off genes that are associated with aging and susceptibility to various diseases. Gene therapy will allow us to modernize the human genome, improving some traits or adding new ones.

Medicine will be revolutionized by the recently developed method of creating so-called induced stem cells. It allows you to grow embryonic-like stem cells from ordinary cells human body- for example, from skin cells. Thanks to this, you can bypass the ethically controversial issue of using embryos - and grow human organs as much as you like. “We can already repair a broken heart—not from love yet, but from a heart attack—by rejuvenating it with reprogrammed stem cells,” says Kurzweil. Modern medicine also obeys the “law of accelerating returns.” Today, technologies that reprogram the “software” underlying human biology are already a thousand times more effective than in 2003, when the Human Genome Project was just completed. And if now their clinical use is a breakthrough, then in the 2020s it will become a daily routine.

Energy and food revolutions

Kurzweil is confident that by 2030, solar energy will be able to satisfy all the needs of humanity. The total number of watts produced by solar panels is growing exponentially, doubling every two years. “If we can at least partially use the tens of thousands of solar rays falling on the Earth, we will be able to satisfy one hundred percent of our energy needs,” the futurologist predicts.

Solar panels in India.

The cost of one watt of solar electricity will begin to decline rapidly as soon as the design solar panels The latest molecular technologies will begin to be applied everywhere. A recent report from Deutsche Bank notes that “in India and Italy, the cost of unsubsidized solar power is equal to the cost of electricity from the grid. By 2014, more countries will achieve parity between solar energy and conventional electricity." The energy revolution will entail a food revolution. As soon as inexpensive energy becomes available on the planet, the process of water purification and desalination will accelerate and become cheaper. Optimization will also affect Agriculture- from the traditional agro-industrial complex to vertical automated farms, where artificial intelligence will grow vegetables and fruits hydroponically. It will be possible to get rid of livestock farms altogether, Kurzweil predicts, by limiting ourselves to growing “meat” (that is, animal muscle tissue identical to “natural”) in vitro.

3D printers

In seven to ten years, most household items will be produced by 3D printers. Of course, today their functionality is extremely limited - it is difficult to imagine that by the end of the decade they will turn out to be truly indispensable in everyday life. According to Kurzweil, such skepticism is not justified.

"If you look at life cycle technology, we will see early period hyperenthusiasm, then decline and disappointment, followed by real revolution. Remember the Internet boom in the 1990s and the dot-com bubble that followed in the 2000s? Google started around the same time, and now we see multi-billion dollar Internet companies,” writes the engineer. Likewise, 3D printers are currently in their earliest stages of development, but their golden age will begin in the 2020s. At the same time, the ability to “print” your own wardrobe for mere pennies by downloading open source schemes will not put an end to the fashion industry. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at other industries that have also experienced “digitalization” - book publishing, cinema and music. Even in the distant future, when it will be possible to “print” a gun or a biodegradable frame for prosthetic internal organs at home using a 3D printer, industrial production will still remain profitable.

Artificial intelligence

Within five years, all search engines will completely switch to human language. A couple of years ago, IBM's supercomputer "Watson" became the top player in the TV show Jeopardy! - an analogue of the Russian “Own Game”. The quiz asks quite confusing questions, often involving puns, jokes and metaphors. Despite the fact that until recently a sense of humor and the ability to understand allegories were considered a privilege human mind, artificial intelligence answered all the questions without hesitation, beating the tandem of the two most successful human players.

IBM supercomputer Watson wins Jeopardy.

“Watson” gleaned most of his knowledge from Wikipedia and other encyclopedias; In total, the supercomputer read about 200 million pages. Kurzweil is currently working at Google on artificial intelligence that would be capable of having a full conversation with the user. "For example, he will engage you in dialogue to clarify ambiguities or difficult issues," he says.

A virtual reality

In the 2020s we will get used to full immersion work and communicate with each other in virtual reality - a set of artificially caused visual, sound and tactile sensations. In fact, says Kurzweil, the telephone is already a virtual reality in which people can “meet”, although so far only within the framework of acoustic perception. Video conferencing in instant messengers and smartphones has added visual perception - although not yet in three dimensions. Full visual immersion will appear within ten years, the futurist believes.

“We will be able to augment reality in such a way that I can see you sitting on the couch in my living room, although we will be hundreds of miles apart. Your augmented reality glasses will tell you interesting jokes and stories that are relevant to the conversation you are having,” he predicts. The final touch to virtual reality will be added by tactile sensations. Their simulation will be possible thanks to nanorobots that generate signals in the brain identical to signals from the nerve receptor.

In his book The Singularity Today, Kurzweil predicted that by the middle of the 21st century homo sapiens evolve into a new species - “people on software", which will "live on the Internet, project bodies where they need or want, including holographic and fog (steam) projections of bodies, and physical bodies, consisting of swarms of nanorobots." To survive until the technology becomes available, Kurzweil, 65, says he takes "250 supplements (tablets)" daily and receives "six intravenous infusions (nutrient supplements that go directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive tract)." Despite the fact that Kurzweil actually accurately predicted many events modern history, including the collapse of the USSR and the victory of a computer over a living chess player, not all of the futurist’s predictions are accurate - in 2012, Forbes magazine published a list of his unfulfilled prophecies.

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