Home Fertilizers Aquarius man: a loyal and devoted friend or a free romantic. Characteristics of an Aquarius man in marriage

Aquarius man: a loyal and devoted friend or a free romantic. Characteristics of an Aquarius man in marriage

The Aquarius man feels lonely almost always. He tends to feel sorry for himself, to grieve that no one understands him. At the same time, in public he is cheerful, easy-going, does not cause antipathy, and is not scandalous. It is difficult for an Aquarius man to tune in to achieving one goal, therefore in life his plans are changeable, the results are not always satisfactory. The nature of Aquarius is unpredictable, unexpected actions in love are possible, he is capable of getting involved in dangerous adventures.

January 21 - February 19

zodiac sign Aquarius

Men born under the constellation Aquarius are loners by nature. However, at the same time, they are extremely charming and are always ready to put their own on the line for the interests of loved ones. These people are reserved, fair towards others, modest, they Good friends. As a rule, Aquarians are not rich, since money is not a subject of life aspirations for them. Nevertheless, they handle finances carefully; They can hardly be called spenders or simply generous people. And yet they are ready to help financially without hesitation if someone needs it.

Character of a man - zodiac sign Aquarius

Being loners at heart, men born during this period are distinguished by great charm, a focus on fair and equal relationships with others, they are wonderful friends, ready to sacrifice their interests for the sake of others. These people are extremely independent in all their manifestations; social norms and traditions are an empty phrase for them if they consider them wrong. People around them do not always fully understand Aquarius, which is why they are considered great originals. Aquarius is open and friendly, but, nevertheless, his relationships with others often depend on his well-being - both mental and physical. Such men do not consider it necessary to smile and pretend that everything is fine when in fact it is not. Then they curtail communication, limit meetings, and trying to influence them is pointless.

Virtues of an Aquarius man

The Aquarius man will easily forgive you minor shortcomings, since he understands that it is easier to kill an adult than to change him. But in matters of principle, he will fight to the end, especially if he realizes that not only his own well-being, but also your fate depends on his actions and decisions. In addition, Aquarius is very multifaceted, and you will not get bored with him, as he will constantly begin to reveal more and more of his talents and advantages to you.

Weaknesses of the Aquarius man

An Aquarius man can only be lifted from the sofa with a jack. He prefers to wallow and daydream instead of going out and doing something worthwhile. Moreover, if he is offended by you, then you will rub your hands bloody and become hoarse before you beg his forgiveness. He is also very passionate, so don’t be surprised if, with an excellent salary, his finances flow into an “unknown” direction, and he himself begins to regularly shoot you a couple of thousand (or tens of thousands) before payday.

Aquarius man in love

Men of this zodiac sign by nature romantic. Aquarius carries the memory of his first love throughout his life, and also sacredly honors the feelings that he felt for the first beloved in his life, and always compares others with her. Feeling a lack of spiritual harmony in the relationship with his partner, the representative of this sign initiates the termination of their union. A man of this sign is a very addicted person, new novels embrace his entire being, but they usually don’t last long. In a chosen one, a person born under such a constellation wants to see not so much a mistress as a friend. It is difficult for him to imagine that only one single woman will walk next to him all his life. He is attracted to everything new, unknown, including female representatives, and he wants to solve this riddle. For a long time life together Only the woman who can retain a certain mystery and intrigue can count on it. But even to her, as the horoscope warns, the Aquarius man will not belong completely, because he belongs to everyone at once. Nature has not endowed Aquarius themselves very generously with temperament and opportunities in the field of sexual relations.

Aquarius man in marriage and family

Aquarius men for the most part have a negative attitude towards marriage. Family life does not change Aquarius, and even after marriage, he always acts as he sees fit, without taking into account the interests of his wife. Tears, hysterics, attempts to start a scandal, cause jealousy will not have any effect, they will only cause irritation or provoke an unpredictable reaction. If a woman comes to terms with his nature, realizes that she will not be able to re-educate her Aquarius, and accepts him for who he is, she will soon understand that this particular strategy is the most reasonable. An Aquarius man will show himself to be gentle, caring, sweet, interesting person, which will open up an unknown, fascinating world for his wife. Aquarius is a good father, keenly and sincerely interested in the lives of his children. They respond to him with ardent love and boundless trust. The feelings that Aquarius shows towards his loved ones directly depend on how well he feels - physically and psychologically.

Man - zodiac sign Aquarius

Good afternoon, dear readers! It's time for you and I to get acquainted with the characteristics of an Aquarius man. With its compatibility with other zodiac signs. We will also learn how to charm and make an Aquarius man fall in love with you.

An Aquarius man's horoscope will be told to us by an astrologer with more than 9 years of experience! Read in our article the full characteristics of the Aquarius zodiac sign!

Horoscope sign: Aquarius

Planet - ruler: Uranus

Element: Air

Stone: Sapphire, obsidian

Color: Blue

The Aquarius man is a rapid flow of emotions and brilliant ideas. The most capacious characteristic of the sign: not a day without an adventure. Hobby: collecting prints thumb on plasticine children are albinos, work is a shampoo tester, friends are mad scientists. Aquarius himself always looks surprised and curious. Dressed so that it would be comfortable to jump through the turnstile in the subway, although the ticket has been purchased. In his youth he wears a mohawk, after forty he goes to the store and plays tricks on the salespeople. Literally everyone around him is drawn to him, like a charming alien. Children obey him, even strangers.

And he loves the whole world. Although he is prone to mischief and creating dangerous situations. Not because he’s evil, he just needs risk, movement, ebullience. So that there is a bustle around. He is always aware of himself, and when he does stupid things too.

But due to the overabundance of love from others and his own, he is rarely faithful. He chooses these friends for life, and for their sake he will drop everything and run to the rescue. Parents come in second place. And only then – caring for your beloved. Aquarius figures out: this woman will leave, another will come. There is no point in trying. And only true, crazy love can put a wife in the forefront.

But his independence, openness and inner freedom drive women crazy. Ladies are ready to fight on the street for him. Not suspecting that it will not go to the winner. But he adores children, although he does not want to raise them - he prefers to show them personal example or pay off with toys.

The horoscope sign of Aquarius is a man who may not know anything, but can come up with a solution to the most difficult problem on the fly. And his advice always works. So one of his leading professions is psychologist.

The Aquarius man does not like to earn money. Doesn't value matter. But he still has enough money for everything! And for the promise of a special holiday from his beloved, he will buy everything he needs for the house, and with a reserve. At the same time, he would prefer one spoonful of some unusual foie gras to a good plate of borscht.

What is he like in love - an Aquarius man?

The love horoscope of an Aquarius man does not depend entirely on him, but rather on the lady of his heart. The characteristics of the Aquarius sign presuppose the ability to adapt. With his first wife, who demanded to turn off the light and lie in one position, he did so (that’s why she is the first, but not the last). The second demands that she be chained to the bed - please. If an Aquarius man has confidence that he can do anything, expect the most unusual surprises. This is a call to his wife so that she would quickly come to his work, and sex on his desk. These are body art paints instead of foreplay. Or jokes in the process of love.

And all this is combined with refined romance, with tenderness and attentiveness to the beloved. Simply put, it is never the same two days in a row.

How to make an Aquarius man fall in love with you

Bright attributes, free style clothes and an open smile - that's what Aquarius is looking for. And accepting him for who he is, without judgment. Even better is active participation in his madness.

Start “parodying” him - this will attract the attention of Aquarius, but in no case in an angry or offensive way. Only with humor! Pay attention to everything bright and shiny and unusual - and he will feel a kindred spirit in you. Talk openly about your feelings. Zodiac signs like Aquarius are men who are captivated by honest and vivid emotions. Even negative ones.

And instead of declaring your love, you can tell him something like: “I would jump with a parachute with you!” or “Let’s see who can climb over the fence faster?” And watch how Aquarius falls into a happy love swoon.

Compatibility characteristics of an Aquarius man

The difficulty in relationships lies in the tension. You need to constantly be on the move. To put up with the appearance of his friends in the house. Endure mountains of old refrigerators, from which Aquarius is going to make an X-ray machine. Listen to his thoughts, bordering on madness. Talking to him at three o'clock in the morning about geopolitics. In return, he will make every day of your life special, important, full of memories. You will feel loved, a Woman, a Goddess!

  • Aries- a difficult union. The Aquarius man lives in the world of ideals, and the Aries woman lives in the world of matter. The horoscope recommends making mutual friends in order to get closer not only in bed.
  • Taurus– don’t try to change your spouse. And try not to dictate the to-do list, but in a playful manner “exchange” his household work for the promise of entertainment.
  • Twins– the characteristics of both signs are very similar. This is the happy couple who, at the age of forty, play war with water pistols.
  • Cancer– You will not attract an Aquarius using conventional methods. If you are disgusted by excessive mobility, then at least dye your hair, change your wardrobe and wear sexy lingerie more often.
  • a lion- a happy couple, unless the wife is her husband’s boss at work. In this case, demonstratively give in to him in something in everyday life.
  • Virgo– if you don’t learn to trust your spouse’s discordant thinking, then you will become less close.
  • Scales– two narcissistic people will be happy. If they have fewer points of contact. And sometimes even sleep in different rooms.
  • Scorpion- you both will be happy. Your life will boil every second. Just don’t punish Aquarius with silence - he won’t forgive it.
  • Sagittarius– do not try to present a “bill” for your care. Aquarius does not need as much domestic comfort as you need. And he won't appreciate it.
  • Capricorn– You will have to learn to understand when your husband is joking and when he is serious. Or there will be a lot of misunderstandings. Use your spouse's intuition more often.
  • Aquarius– warn each other about your plans. Otherwise, you will both put each other in an awkward position.
  • Fish– an Aquarius husband will never live up to your fairy-tale ideas. Don't be offended if he doesn't guess what you're keeping quiet about. Tell yourself what you need.

An Aquarius man is only honest (for a short time) when you are honest with him. And the truth, whether incredible or shocking, is better than the untruth. Then your husband will speak to you honestly.

Characteristics of an Aquarius man: conclusion

It is impossible to understand an Aquarius. You can feel it. And let him feel you. And try to be bright in everything - Aquarius is a magpie in human form.

See you soon, dear readers!

Compatibility horoscope: Aquarius zodiac sign man characteristic in love - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

at the Women's Club!

Aquarius is an unsociable man; many might call him a loner and even a snob.

In fact, the characteristics of this zodiac sign are much deeper than it might seem. This man is a man of few words - but this is rather a virtue, because he never wastes words. And for the sake of his loved ones, he is ready to do anything - the interests of his relatives are sometimes more important to him than his own. This is such a noble zodiac sign.

General characteristics of the sign

What are the main advantages of this zodiac sign? First of all, it is honesty, gentleness and courage. Not everyone will understand him, but if you are able to penetrate the inner world of Aquarius, find common interests and aspirations, then you will become a true friend for him.

It is unlikely that you will meet a rich Aquarius, since this zodiac sign does not put money and well-being in the first place. He puts in the first place internal, spiritual values ​​- honor, friendship, and not material wealth.

In love and close relationships

Who knows, an Aquarius man in love is the kind of character you won’t get bored with. There will definitely be nothing predictable in such a relationship - he behaves, of course, differently with various other zodiac signs, but general principle it is to find a kindred spirit, a true heart friend.

A man is in no hurry to start strong, intimate relationships. And you should understand right away that this person is not closed and cold, but simply takes the love sphere seriously.

This is how an Aquarius man is in love. He is looking for a “fighting girlfriend”, a person close in spirit, and not just someone who will serve as decoration or cook borscht.

What to expect in bed?

As for intimate sphere, then this sign is unpredictable. He can behave like a true gentleman, he can be gentle and courteous, or he can become passionate, uncontrollable and hot.

This largely depends on the partner. Because this gentleman is flexible, can adapt and go “from his partner”, that is, behave with each lady as in in this case most appropriate.

A man likes soft, delicate young ladies - Aquarius does not accept rudeness and courageous girls. In bed, he is not selfish and tries to do everything so that his partner is in seventh heaven.

Is your spouse ideal?

In marriage, this sign is almost ideal; another thing is that it will not be easy to “drag” him into marriage. This is the characteristic of Aquarius - he is reluctant to walk down the aisle; among the representatives of this particular zodiac sign there are many bachelors, and convinced ones at that.

Not because he doesn’t like women or is against the family - no, Aquarius is just looking for an ideal partner, a true friend and ally, and it’s not easy to find one.

The Aquarius man is not jealous, not selfish, honest and open, and will do absolutely anything for the family. He will be able to understand his soulmate, will take care of and adore her - an ideal spouse!

But the wife must also comply. You need to love Aquarius sincerely, not take advantage of his gullibility and gentleness, respect his human and masculine qualities and try to deeply understand his difficult nature.

These are the rules that should be in this family - the main thing in it is respect. If you manage to get an Aquarius spouse, then take care of him - this is a real treasure! Besides, Aquarians are such good fathers and educators!

Will the couple be happy?

This depends on the characteristics of the man’s compatibility with other signs. How an Aquarius man behaves with women depends not only on his qualities and beliefs, and not only on the character of the lady, but also on her zodiac sign.

Good compatibility of signs is already half the guarantee that you can safely build relationships, penetrate the difficult soul of your partner and try to get to know her. Here general characteristics Aquarius's relationships with representatives of all zodiac signs:

1. An Aries woman must understand that the character of her chosen one is more delicate than her nature. The Aries lady is assertive and expressive, and not every Aquarius can withstand such pressure.

In a couple, compatibility is low, however, if the partners really like each other and are ready to make an effort, the union can work out. To do this, the young lady should behave docilely and accept the nature of the chosen one.

2. A couple in which an Aquarius man and a beautiful Taurus woman come together is almost an ideal option. There is high compatibility here; such a man is looking for a lady of his heart with exactly the same character qualities as the Taurus lady.

3. But the compatibility of a lady under the sign of Gemini with this man is controversial, but very probable. Both of them are inquisitive, open and sincere, they will not be bored - especially if they have common interests.

Another thing is that if you are a Gemini lady, try to behave gently with this gentleman, taking into account your mood swings.

4. Yes, an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman are an extraordinary union. Cancer is a soft, cautious sign; these women are ideal wives, housewives and mothers. These are the kind of ladies that Aquarius likes, but he will not tolerate boredom and the monotonous routine of everyday life.

5. The Leo woman is the complete opposite of this man. You can smite him with your bright nature - he loves everything unusual, and this sign can attract him like a magnet. However, a strong relationship is unlikely - there will be conflicts, because these two signs do not accept much about each other.

6. If you are a Virgo according to your horoscope, do not make big plans for Aquarius. Such an alliance is unlikely - Virgo is unlikely to be able not to put pressure on her partner, not to try to point out his mistakes and shortcomings, but he will not tolerate this.

Perhaps a wise and understanding woman who will be ready to work on herself and subtly understand the nature of the chosen one. Then the couple can have a future.

7. But a Libra woman can be happy with such a partner - this perfect combination characters! This marriage can be passionate, tender, sensual, deep, imbued with understanding and respect.

8. When an Aquarius man and a Scorpio woman come together, miracles often happen. It is difficult to understand why such opposite characters come together, but these two signs often make up ideal families. They complement each other, fill voids and shortcomings, and at the same time do not try to change anything in their partner.

9. If a Sagittarius woman “catches” Aquarius in her net, then unearthly love happens. They are both bright, loving unusual things and adventures, and it is precisely such couples who live together into old age, and live a bright, rich, interesting life.

10. If an Aquarius man meets a Capricorn woman on the way, this couple rarely results in a strong marriage. They are different - he is bright and impressionable, she is conservative, and he will simply find her boring.

11. But a couple of an Aquarius man and an Aquarius woman rarely happens - because each of them is more busy with themselves than with finding a partner. But the couple is successful - if, of course, each participant can be a little more attentive to the chosen one.

12. Pisces Woman – perfect couple for the Aquarius man. Both of them - Aquarius and Pisces - are bright, extraordinary seekers of new things and adventures, and together they will have a great, eventful journey through life together.

What year was he born?

For full characteristics and understanding of this sign, it is worth considering in whose year (according to eastern horoscope) he was born. Considering eastern sign, you can understand your chosen one much more deeply, because men even of the same zodiac are so different.

  • If his year is the rat, then this animal adds decisiveness to Aquarius, but he is not aggressive. Two opposite signs soften and complement each other, resulting in a harmonious personality.
  • Aquarius the bull is well-read, inquisitive, the life of the party - it’s interesting to be with him, and it seems that he knows everything in the world.
  • The tiger under the sign of Aquarius is a tame and affectionate predator. It combines passion, animal features, and softness, affection, tenderness and kindness.
  • If he is a cat, he is charming, infinitely affectionate, and sometimes melancholy.
  • The Dragon is a bright creature with unbridled imagination, which only enhances the extraordinary texture of Aquarius.
  • A dangerous man who was born in the year of the snake and under this zodiac sign. He is incredibly charming, but not always honest, it is difficult to resist him, but it is impossible to understand his soul.
  • If he is a horse, he will do everything to please others. He is bright, sometimes even too much, and modesty is not his virtue.
  • The Goat is a sensitive nature, but this man is used to being a winner. It’s safe to be with him, but he won’t tolerate lies and insincerity.
  • It is not easy with Aquarius, who is a monkey according to the eastern horoscope - he does not like responsibility, has difficulty getting close to people, and is not serious. But a wise and loving lady can raise him!
  • And the rooster is not only bright and expressive, but also understanding, sensitive, and diplomatic. He has a complete balance of the best masculine qualities.
  • Aquarius dog is a wonderful combination. A devoted friend, an excellent diplomat, an understanding and sensitive, honest and open person.
  • Aquarius the Pig is thrifty, reasonable, in addition, he is insightful, creative and loves everything beautiful.

It is not easy to understand this sign, but among these men you will rarely find a rogue, a deceiver or a traitor. Understanding someone else's soul is always difficult, but if you pay attention to him, an amazing person will be revealed.

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Aquarius man in love

The Aquarius man is quite changeable in love. He'll come up with something for himself perfect image women and transfer it mentally to her partner. IN the best option he will try to understand her actions and justify her. At worst, he will simply begin to alter it to suit his ideals of beauty, which his beloved will not like. He is quite fickle, but at the same time he is not flighty and will not stoop to treason. He has the following qualities: relaxedness, courage, sincerity.

Dreams and plans

The Aquarius guy in love prefers to dream and often builds castles in the air, being in a state of love. He gets so carried away by the sensations that he becomes unpredictable and forgets about work, which negatively affects his career. Feelings, if they are real, sometimes make him a weak person who indulges all the desires and aspirations of a woman. Always remember that he is able to replace feelings with friendship. Friendly feelings mean more to him than love ones.

He very often spends a lot of time with his girlfriends, but does not feel sexual desire for them. He is able to make friends sincerely and disinterestedly, helps many ladies in their work and careers, even to the detriment of himself. This is his weakness. A lover is always vulnerable. If his partner betrays him or cheats on him, he will not trust the girls who come his way for a long time. This may result in coldness in sex and relationships. However, he does not allow himself to take advantage of their trust. After all, he is a noble man.

Romantic nature

He often showers his beloved with flowers and gifts. He is gentle and attentive. Will always support Hard time and will reassure, inspiring the beloved with optimism and faith in her strength. Many women blossom in union with him, since he never complains about their appearance or any other shortcomings, so the lady of his heart begins to trust him and transforms before his eyes.

Heart in ice

How does an Aquarius man love? If he has been betrayed often, he becomes a real cynic, his heart becomes covered with ice. And no one can melt such a block. Betrayals make him bad person. However, if there is a girl who will patiently convince him that everything is not so bad, that she will not betray him, he will melt the ice of his heart. The love of an Aquarius man is always beautiful, like in a fairy tale. And many women appreciate this.

It has the following qualities:


An Aquarius man will be unpredictable in a relationship, but only in in a good way this word. He will shower his beloved with rose petals, dream about family life, and then suddenly buy two plane tickets and go on an adventure with his other half. You will never be bored with him. He will protect, and caress, and give hope for the continuation of the romance.

How can you win him?

If your goal is to have an affair with this person, then this will not be difficult for you. If you dream of marrying him to yourself, then it will be quite difficult to do. You will need to prepare in advance and take action. Decide whether you are able to put up with the fact that he will disappear like that with his friends without even calling you. If you are confident that this person really is of some value to you, then you need to start taking some steps.

His dream girl should have the following characteristics:

Consider the fact that he values ​​girls who are not available to him. He will appreciate your deep inner world, if you open up to him. Reveal the secret of your soul, but not completely. You will need to demonstrate that you also value your freedom and independence. He values ​​independent people very much. Do not claim him until he himself declares his love for you. However, do not talk about gender equality, as he will not like it at all. If he earns less than you, then don't mention it. There is also no need to rush him to open his soul to you.

You should also not be the first to confess your love to him; talk about your experiences only in hints; it is not necessary to open up completely. Such an action will intrigue him and will not leave him indifferent. Be sure to follow these recommendations if you want to win him and make him your husband. However, remember that this will be quite difficult.

Continue to take care of yourself and dress with taste, as representatives of this sign love when their chosen one looks good. And even if you have a lot of things to do that are quite difficult for you to cope with, find time to get your nails done, get a haircut, and put on makeup. Follow the stylists' recommendations. But remember that he hates vulgar girls, so you shouldn’t wear too much makeup or wear revealing dresses. This will push him away from you.

Sexual relations

If you want to achieve harmony in bed, don't rush him. If he believes you, over time he will become more gentle and relaxed. Is there something you don't like about sex? Don't tell him about it directly. Hint that you can try a new position or increase the duration of foreplay. You will have to do hard work to make him feel at ease and finally express his passion. Such emotions will not arise in him at one moment, so take your time, achieve your goal slowly.

Trust him

You must try very hard not to do anything that will cause negativity in him. He can easily notice that you are rummaging through his things, reading correspondence on the Internet and trust in you will disappear, the relationship can instantly collapse. Try to trust him by all means. Such people are very secretive and do not share their problems. Therefore, in conquest, use slow tactics. Try to ask him about life yourself.

He can accumulate within himself for a long time negative feelings from your bad actions, but he will never show it. And one fine moment, your next action may provoke him to break off the relationship. In this case, you need to explain everything to him; perhaps you did not want him harm, you did not want him to be offended. He will understand you. But try not to do this again, otherwise you may lose it. Never use flirting with someone else to make them jealous. This will lead to the collapse of the relationship.

If he behaves incorrectly from your point of view, you should not scold him or blame him. Just sit down and discuss everything thoroughly, exchange opinions. He will appreciate your patience and ability to listen and understand him. You need to preserve your love and carry it through your whole life if you want to be with this person. This will help make your feelings stronger. If you quarrel, try to immediately make peace and apologize for the offense caused.

This video will help you understand love horoscope for Aquarius in 2015

Aquarius man horoscope

Aquarius men, no matter what their age, always remain boys at heart. This is noticeable not only in their appearance, they behave accordingly. They are not used to wearing formal business suits, for their own sake best shape clothes include simple jeans, regular T-shirts and everything like that.

They like all kinds of new items, and this applies not only to clothes, but also to perfume, which can support their easy image of an open person.

Deep down in their souls, representatives of this zodiac sign are true loners, but they have enormous charm. They have fairly equal relationships with other individuals. Moreover, Aquarians make amazing friends who will be very happy to sacrifice own interests for the sake of making the other person feel good.

Individuals born under the sign of Aquarius are independent. They do not conform to or adhere to all traditions and possible social norms, because it means nothing to them at all. Of course, only if they themselves believe that it is wrong. People around them are not always able to understand them.

Aquarians are very open and friendly people, but one way or another, his communication and relationship with other people depend entirely on his well-being, not only psychological, but also physical. Men of this sign are not able to smile, and pretend that everything is fine, when in fact everything is not so joyful. At such moments they try their best possible ways stop communicating and avoid meetings.

Regarding their work, these men have a huge opportunity to be at the peak career ladder. This can happen due to their natural talent and great charm. But at the same time, they are not assertive individuals and can hardly be called able-bodied. From time to time, representatives of this sign need to be encouraged to work, it is important that this is done very delicately and carefully.

They are incapable of wasting money. Quite rarely, representatives of this sign become rich people, simply because they are not used to making some kind of cult out of money.

Aquarius man in love and marriage

Men of this zodiac sign are very often attracted to the opposite sex. When starting new novels, they are able to completely dissolve in them, since at this moment their entire being is absorbed. As a rule, such relationships do not last long enough. Even when given maximum freedom, they are “tamed.”

In his chosen one, he wants to see not so much an ardent lover, but a faithful and devoted friend. It is very difficult for him to imagine that only one woman will walk next to him through life. He is interested in everything new; it literally attracts Aquarius to him. This also applies to all representatives of the opposite sex.

Every time he wants to solve more and more riddles. Only the lady who will retain some mystery and intrigue, so that he will be interested in constantly solving it, can count on the fact that Aquarius will be with her for the rest of her life.

They do not have the slightest desire to bind themselves by marriage. But, precisely from this person, his lady of the heart may receive a proposal at the most unexpected moment in time. basis marital relations for the representative of this sign are friendly relations, the presence of common interests, the wife’s ability to be with her husband during ups and downs.

How to understand that he is in love

The character of this man is such that when he sincerely falls in love, a lot of new and unforgettable adventures await his chosen one. The guy of this sign strives to gain new impressions every day. They are very easy to find mutual language, since they are quite open and friendly people. But in order for Aquarius to be able to get carried away by a lady, he will need to wait a certain period of time.

Aquarius man in bed

Intimacy is not a priority for Aquarius. He is capable of very vigorous activity in all areas of life, but not in sex. If a woman has strong temperament, then she is unlikely to be able to get what she wants. In order for you to have intimacy with an Aquarius man, you must initially conquer him with your intellect. So, let’s face it, he’s not a very good lover.

What kind of women does an Aquarius man like?

He really likes sports girls. Very often, Aquarians themselves devote a lot of time to making their figure ideal. That is why they expect the same from the fairer sex. In the event that you start visiting together gym and take up tourism, then your relationship will only become stronger.

Aquarians don't like routine. So a woman must be prepared for the fact that she will have to come up with new ways every day to attract this man sexually, otherwise you will fail.

You should not demand from him that he be constantly next to you. He should feel complete freedom and that he is trusted. If you start pestering him constantly phone calls and arrange checks on him, then in this case you will very quickly lose your relationship with him.

What kind of women are suitable for him?

As mentioned above, a woman who should be close to a representative of this sign must constantly conceal some kind of mystery within herself, and besides, she should not be very demanding. Under no circumstances try to change his views on life or change his usual way of life.

Such a man should have personal space. The woman who will be next to him must respect his interests and try to share them with him.

Aquarius man - characteristics and horoscope

Aquarius - a man in love

Sexual life of an Aquarius man

  • Aquarius man

    general characteristics

    An Aquarius man remains a mischievous and carefree boy throughout his life. He has to force himself to obey numerous rules from the adult world. The personality characteristics of a representative of this zodiac sign include the following main features:

    • unusual, sometimes defiant behavior;
    • rejection of many norms and rules;
    • desire to stand out;
    • charm and friendliness;
    • craving for everything new.

    A guy born under the sign of Aquarius values ​​personal freedom and friends more than material wealth or love relationship. The sign resists with all its might everything that could prevent him from living the way he wants. Because of this, Aquarius often has conflicts and misunderstandings with others, colleagues and superiors.

    Men of this zodiac sign love to dream and want to achieve a high social position. But to achieve the goal they lack diligence and consistency. Aquarius rushes from one idea to another without waiting for the desired result. The sign loves to travel and may be interested in creativity or sports.

    Health and appearance

    Aquarius man doesn't resist well stressful situations. Violation of psychological comfort can cause health problems for representatives of the sign. Often the slightest sneeze causes attacks of panic and despondency in Aquarius males. Vulnerable places are the legs, blood vessels and heart. Due to their restless nature, men of this zodiac sign often have injuries associated with extreme recreation or sports.

    The main thing in the appearance of an Aquarius man is big eyes with long eyelashes. They truly are a mirror of his soul. Changes in mood, emotions or fatigue may not be noticeable to a man, but the expression in his eyes will tell everything. Most often, Aquarius males have large facial features, a high forehead and fair skin. High growth and a rather slender physique give the impression of a frail intellectual. But the hardness of Aquarius’ muscles is compensated by strength of character and crazy energy.

    Professions, career and business

    The professional characteristics of the Aquarius man indicate that a job that allows free flight of thought is suitable for him. Moreover, these do not necessarily have to be professions related to creativity. Aquarius can produce brilliant innovative ideas in any area that interests him.

    This zodiac sign hates routine; he gets bored doing the same thing over and over again. Therefore, you should not entrust Aquarius with performing the same type of operations. He will shy away from such a task, as a result of which the quality and speed of work will suffer. Due to the craving for new experiences and sensations, Aquarius often changes jobs. A sign can live his whole life in search of his calling, without having decided on his favorite job.

    The thinking of people of this astrological period is aimed at the future; their ideas are often not understood by their contemporaries. An Aquarius man can become an excellent pioneering scientist or invent something completely new. Sociability and persuasiveness make Aquarius wonderful psychologists, mentors, teachers or consultants.

    Despite the love of freedom, the sign rarely achieves success in business. It’s hard for him to do only one thing for many years in a row. He comes up with a lot of business ideas, but Aquarius can only bring the project to financial return when paired with someone more consistent. Representatives of this zodiac sign do not chase money; self-realization and psychological comfort are more important to them.

    Love and marriage

    An Aquarius man in love avoids strong affection for fear of losing his freedom. A guy of this sign often changes girls, he gives them a surprisingly romantic and carefree romance, while avoiding even talking about a serious relationship. In every woman, the sign sees a new peak and a mystery that needs to be solved. To be the life partner of an Aquarius, you need to try to become an unsolvable riddle for him.

    The amorous representative of the sign suffers from failures on the personal front, so he tries to hide his vulnerability under the guise of a cold and impassive Don Juan. An Aquarius man in love greatly values ​​friendly relations with his beloved. Without such a connection, their romance is doomed to a quick end. The sign needs support, sympathy and trust, he needs an assistant and a muse.

    A guy born in the month of Aquarius trusts his girlfriend and expects the same attitude from her. He will not tolerate scenes of jealousy, surveillance, or attempts to change his usual way of life. The sign is not going to give up his friends, so his chosen one is better off making friends with them too. A guy with this zodiac sign is sexually active, but with age, spiritual intimacy becomes more important for him.

    Astrological characteristics indicate that the Aquarius man usually makes a decision about marriage late. The family life of a representative of this astrological period is most often filled with bright events and impressions that Aquarius himself creates. The spouse needs to support any attempts to diversify everyday life at home, since the sign does not like routine and dullness in anything.

    Father Aquarius does not spend too much time with his children, but they simply adore him, because only he knows how to come up with such exciting games and entertainment. The sign easily gains the authority and trust of kids. Aquarius is clean and loves order in the house, but he does not want to do housework himself, so he will not reproach his wife for a small mess or a cold dinner.

  • Character Aquarius ambiguous. Saturn makes them melancholic, indulging in sad memories, and pushes them to rebellion, to the destruction of old traditions.

    But still Aquarius naturally calm, kind, helpful, soft, sensitive and at the same time powerful.

    Aquarius They strive for great travel, new sensations, unknown horizons and new friends.

    Born under sign of Aquarius attractive with their humanity, they are ready to help even strangers. Aquarians are constantly surrounded by acquaintances, but they do not have many friends. They care not about quantity, but about quality. Long and serious relationship Usually they do not support people for long, as they prefer new acquaintances to permanent friendship. People make acquaintances quickly, everyone feels comfortable with them, people are drawn to them because they seem to radiate light. They do not trust everyone, but only close friends. If Aquarius loses interest in a person, his affection cannot be returned by any means.

    Communicating with friends and family Aquarius They allow only equality and do not recognize any oppression or coercion. They are confident that mutual understanding and agreement can be reached.

    Aquarius free from prejudices, do not recognize authorities and traditions, since they believe that all this limits individual freedom. The opinions of others do not affect them at all, since Aquarians are confident that everything in this world is in constant change and movement. They express their opinions about others directly and frankly, but do not impose them on others. They sympathize with all people, understand everyone, sympathize with everyone and are ready to help at the first call.

    Thanks to its thin nervous system Aquarians feel people very well; they can predict other people's secret desires.

    People Zodiac sign Aquarius have amazing property- calm people down.

    Aquarius They sympathize with eccentrics who attract them with their oddities. Among Aquarius’ friends there will always be an eccentric whom he will look after, protect, and help, but this will not be the first person he meets: he watched him for a long time, studied him carefully, tried to understand the motives of his actions.

    Sometimes Aquarians prefer loneliness to communication. At such moments, it is better not to touch Aquarius - he is tired, he spent a lot of energy on helping others. Laziness and inaction, however, do not last long.

    Aquarius They are calm about the weaknesses of others, but do not allow themselves any concessions. They are demanding only of themselves, but not of others.

    Being surrounded by people, they can at the same time be lonely and incomprehensible. Astrologers say that Aquarius people will understand only fifty years later, since they live in the future and only occasionally descend to this sinful earth.

    Among Aquarius there are many geniuses, much more than among people of other signs. They were born to transform the world and improve society. People born under the sign of Aquarius are the hope of humanity and its ideals.

    At first glance, Aquarians seem to be idealists, but upon closer examination of their actions it becomes clear that they are realists. They are endowed with too much intuition to build castles in the air and believe in something ephemeral. They are destined to strive for the future, even if only obstacles are placed in their path. During such periods, their rebellious character manifests itself: they are called upon to fight for freedom and against all prohibitions.

    But sometimes their reaction is unpredictable. It may seem that they are avoiding open struggle, but this is a mistaken opinion. They remain true to their ideals and views, but consider a long and meaningless discussion a waste of time, and are even ready to agree with wrong opinion, retreating to previously prepared positions to gather new strength.

    They consist of many surprises. Their actions are sometimes very difficult to explain: Aquarians act as they see fit, without coordinating their actions with anyone. But this does not mean that they act spontaneously. The originality of Aquarius is caused by the situation in which they find themselves at the will of people. They are constantly busy analyzing the actions of friends and enemies, they are interested in solving riddles. But when Aquarius the truth is revealed, they lose all interest in both the problem and the person.

    For Aquarius truth is above all, they will never give up on it. Aquarians are not original, they oppose inertia, it gives them great pleasure to rebel against public opinion, especially since they know what the reaction to their actions will be.

    They are subtle politicians. They have the ability to instantly grasp the essence. They can talk and listen to what is happening nearby at the same time.

    Aquarius They do not tolerate someone’s will being imposed on them. They believe that they themselves have no moral right to determine what others should do or how they should behave.

    Aquarians are disgusted by lies and deception; They sense deceitful and hypocritical people a mile away, but they do not refuse to meet them. Convinced that you are right, Aquarius move away from these people, refusing any sort of showdown with them. They are not cowards, it’s just that fighting and sorting things out are not part of their plans. They have a completely different philosophy.

    Sometimes they can be tactless, asking questions on intimate topics. But this is due to the fact that Aquarius is tormented by a problem that they are trying to solve; having solved it, they become absent-minded, with an abstract, wandering gaze.

    Aquarius They don’t have a good memory, but they don’t suffer from it. They absorb knowledge easily and freshly. They receive them only in a way known to them.

    Aquarians do not engage in materialism; they prefer to make do with the minimum, sometimes giving up everything. Things don't matter to them. Freedom is above all.

    From all troubles Aquarius come out victorious thanks to their intuition.

    Men who were born from January 21 to February 19 belong to the zodiac sign of Aquarius. They are distinguished by their originality and love of freedom.

    Even he himself cannot recognize himself from A to Z, let alone his friends and relatives, for whom he remains a mystery all his life. Only astrologers know what kind of Aquarius man he really is. They can tell everything about his character, preferences in relationships and other aspects of life.

    It makes sense for men of this sign and their loved ones to familiarize themselves with the opinions of astrologers. This will help Aquarius to understand themselves and move in the direction that will be best for them, and it will help the people around them to better understand this sign.

    The element of this sign is Air. It has a strong influence on this zodiac sign. Air shapes the character of an Aquarius man. Thanks to this element, a man of this sign has such qualities as love of freedom, sociability, optimism, diplomacy and artistry.

    The Aquarius man received his love of freedom from Air. How this element cannot be grabbed and closed. So you can’t hold Aquarius by force.

    Thanks to Air, Aquarius feels all the colors of life, enjoys them and strives forward. It is always in motion, just like air. He does not like boredom and monotony.

    From Air the Aquarius man received and negative sides of your character. He can be very cold and stingy in showing emotions. He is selfish and stubborn. For him there is only one opinion - his own.

    The elements Air are well suited to the element Fire. They complement each other. These elements have common interests. They strive for everything new and do not like a pessimistic attitude.

    Air will find understanding with Air itself, but due to each other’s frivolity, their union will be fragile and too frivolous.

    The element Air does not combine with the element Water, but they are always attracted to each other. Not finding mutual understanding, they soon separate.

    The element of Air does not suit the element of Earth at all. Earth loves stability and permanence. The frivolity of Air is alien to her.

    When choosing housing, Aquarians need to be guided by their belonging to the element of Air. A cramped room on the ground floor filled with furniture will not suit them. They say about these people: “There’s nowhere to breathe.” For Aquarius to feel good, he needs to be closer to his element. Aquarius is suitable for living upper floors with a minimum set of furniture and the latest technology. He can also choose a house on a hill, where there is a lot of space and air.

    Aquarius’s workplace needs to be organized near a window and the room must be ventilated periodically. This will improve its performance.


    An icon is the best amulet for Aquarius. She will show him the right path, protect him from wrong actions, will give strength and will not let you lose heart.

    An angel is also a good amulet for men of this sign. It can be placed in the interior of your home or carried with you. Astrologers advise wrapping the angel in a scarf and putting it in the pocket of a jacket, trousers or jacket. He will protect Aquarius from troubles and bring him happiness. If you put the angel at the head of the bed at night, he can send Aquarius a prophetic dream.

    Any thing that has to do with air will become an amulet for Aquarius. This could be a figurine of a butterfly, an imitation of a bird’s wing, a model of an airplane and other objects. Such amulets will bring good luck and happiness.

    A lock with a key is an amulet for those Aquarius who want to find love.

    Among amulets stones, astrologers advise Aquarians to turn their attention to. It will bring them good luck, help them complete any business they start, and protect them from evil spirits, evil eye and damage, will restore peace of mind and improve health.

    It is also suitable for Aquarius. Such a gem will help him see his shortcomings and overcome them. Jade will protect this zodiac sign from evil spirits, damage and the evil eye.

    Personality characteristics of an Aquarius man

    The main characteristics of an Aquarius man are the desire for new knowledge, versatility of interests and lack of prejudice. He is interested in any new information. Material wealth does not matter to him. The main thing that an Aquarius man wants is to gain new knowledge.

    People of this sign will be the first to know about all technical innovations. They know or are eager to know about everything interesting that is happening in the world. That's why passive rest- this is not their story. They travel, but not to lie on the beach, but to visit new places and see historical sights with their own eyes.

    To find out what kind of Aquarius men they are, you need to know their character. The stronger sex of this sign loves freedom. A rebellious spirit lives in him. He is always looking for new ways to solve standard problems. Such a man has his own point of view on everything and zealously defends it. He moves forward and always finishes what he starts.

    Not every Aquarius man has such a character. Many of them stop halfway, give up what they started and take on something else. They need to make great efforts to correct this side of their character. You can turn to the help of the same sapphire or jade, which enhance their determination.

    Men of this sign are open to communication. They are always surrounded by many friends. He will come to the aid of each of them.

    The characteristics of Aquarius men are not always positive. Despite their openness and goodwill, they can be two-faced. They always see their own benefit and adapt to the current situation instead of defending their opinion. To be fair, it should be said that not all men of this sign fall under this description.


    Aquarius men have good health. Diseases rarely occur with them, but if the disease occurs, it can be serious and may not be diagnosable. This is such a feature of the health of Aquarius.

    The weak point of men of this sign is their legs. They are susceptible to swelling of the lower extremities, varicose veins and muscle spasms. For this reason, astrologers do not advise Aquarians to choose professions that involve being on their feet for a long time. They do not need to create additional stress on lower limbs and impair their blood supply.

    Aquarius men are susceptible to psycho-emotional disorders. They often suffer from depression and insomnia.

    Aquarians need to be careful when working with electricity. Statistics show that most accidents among people of this sign are related to electricity.

    Aquarians are not ideal patients. Such a negative character trait as abandoning a business that has been started manifests itself here too. As soon as they feel better, they immediately try to stop treatment. This is what makes them return to the hospital room again and again.


    If a man is Aquarius, then astrologers advise him to choose a job related to research and study. They make excellent scientists, discoverers and other intellectual workers.

    Many Aquarius men are talented people who love social life. They can become good actors, directors, singers and other figures in cinema, theater and show business.

    Aquarius men become good politicians, teachers and programmers. They can also realize themselves as volunteers.

    People of this sign easily join the team. Therefore, astrologers say that they can become good secretaries, assistants, lawyers and public figures.

    Aquarians are not advised to open a business. Any profession related to finance is not their strong point. Aquarians do not strive for material benefits, so work that is directly related to money will not be given to them.

    When choosing a profession, an Aquarius man should be guided by whether he will be interested in it, whether he will be able to learn something new for himself or apply innovative methods in his work. If all these conditions are met, then he will be able to feel comfortable at work and get maximum pleasure from it.

    Love and marriage of an Aquarius man

    The Aquarius man is not prone to cheating. He does not look for consolation on the side. If the relationship does not suit him, he will simply end it. Only after this will he look for another relationship.

    A woman who wants to stay close to a man of this sign must be slightly extravagant and have a wild imagination. Even in everyday life, she must surprise her man so that he does not get bored. As soon as he starts to get bored, the relationship can end immediately.

    Many women want to know everything about Aquarius men in order to marry them. Since this man is characterized by a love of freedom, it will be very difficult to marry him. For him to propose, a woman must become his ideal. She should be interesting, intellectually developed, sociable and extravagant. She should not try to keep him close to her and limit his communication with friends. A man should want to spend as much time with her as possible. Only this can push him towards marriage.

    Aquarius often experiences divorces. Even having children together will not hold him back if he wants to leave. Only an understanding woman can keep him, who, as they say, will be on the same wavelength with him. Only such a union will be strong.

    Famous representatives of Aquarius

    Among the men of this sign there are many stars. This famous people domestic and foreign cinema. At the end of January, such Aquarius celebrities as Alexei Nilov, Dmitry Kharatyan, Leonid Yarmolnik and Dmitry Isaev were born. Among foreign stars, Elijah Wood, Gabriel Macht and others were born at this time.

    In February, such famous men of this sign were born as Alexei Makarov, Viktor Loginov, Garik Martirosyan and Konstantin Ernst. Foreign stars include such actors as Michael Sheen, John Travolta, Michael Bay and others.

    Famous men of this sign are not only actors. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Galileo Galilei, George Byron, Ivan Krylov, Charles Darwin, Franz Schubert, Dmitry Mendeleev, Jules Verne, Boris Pasternak and others were also born under this sign.

    All Aquarians are searching people that can change the life of all humanity, but some negative traits character prevents them from doing this. Astrologers advise them to fight them on their own or resort to the help of gems. If they manage to eradicate the negative aspects of their character, then they can expect great success and world recognition in life.

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