Home Fertilizers Vulnerable narcissism. How to recognize people with narcissistic disorder and protect yourself from their influence. Narcissism is a syndrome

Vulnerable narcissism. How to recognize people with narcissistic disorder and protect yourself from their influence. Narcissism is a syndrome

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul, but what then could your lips be? When you communicate with other people, your mouth acts not only as a transmitter of information, but also as a source of nonverbal signals. Therefore, by the lips and their movement, you can learn about a person’s hidden thoughts. This is what experts in the field of physiognomy tell us - a science that studies human character based on the analysis of facial features.

Read my lips

Scientists around the world consider lips to be one of the leading functions that determine personality. When you feel happy, irritated or sad, the first thing that gives away your mood is your mouth. According to experts, the shape of the lips itself also has direct significance in identifying an individual's character traits. Writer and physiognomist Jean Hanier believes that the structure and fullness of your lips directly correlates with how you behave with the people around you. People are born with certain features in appearance, with distinctive features faces, and each individual element adds up to a unique personality. Let's look at this with specific examples.

Naturally full lips

If your lips are naturally full (both above and below), this reveals that you are a sensitive person with heightened parental instincts. The most striking example from among celebrities is Hollywood actress and director Angelina Jolie. Her desire to guard and protect others is innate, and she has a selfless nature and is happiest when she can help those in need. Also, people with naturally plump lips try to maintain a close social circle and value relationships.

Both lips are quite thin

Women with thin lips(actress Kirsten Dunst), as a rule, are loners. Their introverted personality indicates a reluctance to seek help from others and independence. Loneliness does not depress them at all; they are quite happy with their status, the opportunity to develop and live for themselves. They haven't had many relationships in their lives, but that doesn't mean they can't develop relationships with people or function as partners. To build harmonious relationships, you need to find a like-minded person who will share interests and hobbies.

Lips that are fuller in the center

People with fuller lips in the center can safely be called egocentric. They love to receive attention and take pride in their performance. That is why they surround themselves with people and cannot stand being alone. However, despite the craving for popularity, these people can be the life of the party. But when it comes down to it romantic relationships, women play "drama queen" and love to have fun. They do everything to get the most out of life.

Cupid's wings

This shape is usually referred to as “bow sponges”. The most prominent celebrity example is singer Taylor Swift. If the lower lip is quite full and the upper lip is slightly thinner and resembles the letter M, this person can be described as creative personality constantly striving for self-expression. He is endowed with keen self-awareness and has impressive memory abilities. He can remember names and faces from the distant past and formulas learned during school. In contrast to a sharp mind, this person is given a reactive and explosive character, as well as a tendency to impulsive actions.

Round bow

Before us previous version lip shape, but without pronounced sharp wings in the upper part. Most shining example- actress Amanda Seyfried. Physiognomists believe that these people are characterized by compassion and kindness. They are very attentive and love to help people. And their sensual disposition indicates that they are easily offended by unfair treatment.

Irregular shape of cupid's wings

This type of lips is less common than others and has irregular shape Cupid's wings (like Julia Roberts). These people can be classified as responsible and reliable individuals; they are not familiar with the concept of emotional boundaries, so they give their feelings to people without regret. Excessive generosity indicates a lack of consideration and implies that they should have a prudent person nearby to prevent unnecessary spending. Despite their inability to manage money, these people are accustomed to solving problems on their own and finishing the job they start. They know how to meet deadlines and manage time, so they are valuable personnel in the professional field.

Lips of medium plumpness and regular shape

Nature has endowed many of us with normal lips of medium plumpness (including actress Emma Stone). However, averageness does not mean the absence of distinctive features. They know how to find balance in life and are able to solve any problems, have common sense, ingenuity, logical skills and sharpness. One of the main advantages of these people is the ability to listen to others. Despite their emotional reserve, they love to joke and laugh. Deep affection is expected from relationships.

Artificially enlarged lips

Physiognomists believe that people who go against nature by resorting to the services of plastic surgeons are interfering with their destiny and changing their path. Self-rejection speaks volumes emotional instability and problems on love front. These people can be described as voluptuous, but dramatic in their relationships. A more enlarged lower lip indicates the sensual side and a hedonistic lifestyle (the desire for pleasure).

Men love with their eyes. And the first thing their eyes fall on is the lips. Eastern sages believed that you can tell a person’s character by their lips.

Lips are a part of a woman’s body, which has been sung by poets from all countries for centuries. After all, lips have long been considered a kind of indicator of a woman’s state of mind. A slight smile and sweet Nothing, flying from the tender female lips, easily confuse men.

The upper lip symbolizes spiritual life. The lower lip is sensual.

If we talk more fully about this classification, then the upper lip correlates with a gentle feeling of warmth and comfort, with the spiritual, while the lower lip correlates with the physical, material, worldly, and carnal pleasures.

1. Full, wide lips. Gambling.

If she liked something, she wants to get that “something” immediately, and it doesn’t matter what it’s about. we're talking about- O new handbag or a man. Relaxed and energetic, she does not hesitate to take the initiative and be the first to make dates or call. Such a girl does not expect favors from nature and prefers to take what she needs herself. Something interesting is always happening in her life, and when she hears the word “boring” from her friends, she sincerely does not understand what they are talking about. “Now or never” is her motto.

Freedom and independence are extremely important to her; she respects personal space and expects the same from her loved one. The man with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life must certainly be a delightful lover and be able to make fateful (and other) decisions. Mama's boys and mumbling is not her taste.

Physiognomy experts confirm that when men look at women with large mouths, they are just following their basic instinct. Full lips are irrefutable evidence of increased sensuality. It’s not for nothing that Marilyn Monroe’s erotic mouth inspired the entire male population of the planet to perform sexual exploits and became a symbol of temptation. By the way, for owners of large mouths, it is not so much love that is important, but the opportunity to always be in the center of attention. After all, girls with full, sensual lips are big egocentrics.

2. Full but small lips. Romantic.

For this person, emotions come first, and not sober, cold calculation, which is why it often seems to her that as a child she was put on a huge swing, but they forgot to take her off. Her life consists exclusively of ups and downs. She is somewhat reminiscent of Chip and Dale at the same time, rushing to the rescue. Sympathy and a pack paper napkins This girl always has a better vest ready to cry in, and I couldn’t think of a better one. It's no wonder that many people like her. But there is another side to the coin - a romantic person prefers not to delve into serious problems, but simply turn a blind eye to them, deceiving yourself.

Her ideas about what an ideal man should be like are a bizarre mix of illustrations in glossy magazines and romance novels. Men often consider such girls to be shy, gray mice who will look into their mouths and unconditionally recognize their superiority, and in doing so they make a big mistake; such an impression is deceptive.

3. The upper lip is larger than the lower lip. She loves to command.

An integral personality who takes on a task thoroughly - with feeling, with sense, with determination, and always brings it to its logical conclusion. This does not spoil her karma at all, because such a girl, as a rule, knows exactly what she wants. TO active actions she starts only when she is 200% sure that she is right. Her life credo is “All or nothing.” She is annoyed by people who are capable of abandoning some endeavor halfway.

The tandem of vanity and high self-esteem helps her achieve what she wants. This young lady has a full range of leadership qualities, including charisma. She habitually sets the tone in everything and is amazed when her desire to be better adds tension to the relationship. The man of her dreams should be as ambitious as she is, and constantly “push” her to conquer new heights. The only thing that can save this union from collapse is learning the art of compromise on both sides.

Europeans consider girls with a full upper lip to be sensual coquettes. Such girls feed so much strong passion To delicious food, which over time turns it into a cult. For a man, a woman with a full upper lip is a real find, because she not only cooks deliciously, but also loves to make love. Both sex and food are objects of worship for her.

4. The lower lip is larger than the upper. Mysterious stranger.

She is always the center of attention because she stands out from the crowd. Men often look after her with longing, women prefer to throw evil, usually envious, glances at her. Such a girl would rather put on a potato sack than put on a “produced” fashionable thing that every woman has. Her need to feel her own individuality is incredibly high. This is reflected in the style of clothing and manners.

She knows for sure that she needs a very special man, even if it takes time to find him. The mysterious stranger never lacks admirers, but she is more interested in those who did not succumb to her charm at first sight.

If a girl's lower lip is fuller than her upper lip, it makes no sense to demand consistency from her. This is not for her. However, after thirty, such women (provided that they meet a worthy man) are ready to treat fidelity more leniently.

5. Narrow, wide lips. Realist.

She always stands firmly on her feet - castles in the air are alien to her as a class. The realist likes to plan everything in advance - she not only buys new Year gifts in the fall, and begins to pack a suitcase a month before the trip, but also sincerely enjoys the process. She is practical to the core and is in no hurry to put on rose-colored glasses even when she falls in love. Something extraordinary must happen for this girl to rush headlong into the pool without first testing the temperature of the water with her toe, without assessing the depth and topography of the bottom.

The realist can serve as an illustration of the definition of “thing in itself.” She prefers not to show her emotions in public, which is why she often comes across as a cold, withdrawn and arrogant person. In fact, this is a mistaken impression - it’s just harder for her than for others to open her soul, even if not wide open, but for “winter airing.” This girl prefers stability and enjoys the fact that everything in her life is predictable. The man of her dreams can easily do without romantic surprises and extravagance; he is not required to have any sophistication or ingenuity in any area of ​​life, just one quality is enough - reliability.

6. Narrow, small lips. Adventuress.

Any sea is knee-deep to her, and her reserve of natural optimism is definitely enough for 3-4 ordinary people. She physically cannot sit in one place - she will spend her vacation taking care of elephants or conquering Kilimanjaro. Less global - standard projects are of little interest to her. She loves adventure and adrenaline, which brightens up gray everyday life. bright colors. The adventurer believes in herself so much that she often takes on risky undertakings that others prefer to refuse so as not to spoil their reputation.

She is a real fighter and so strong strong-willed woman, which often scares men away. Not everyone can become a worthy companion to this prototype of Lara Croft - her lover must have the same set of qualities as herself. More than one henpecked and weakling will not stay near her for long.

Those with small mouths are less lucky in love, but they do not break under the pressure of circumstances. Moreover, the only sign of excitement in strong emotional experiences is tightly compressed lips, which makes the mouth seem even smaller. Under no circumstances will these strong-willed beauties beg for mercy. By subordinating people to themselves, the owners of narrow lips often become so independent that they turn into convinced loners.

7. Asymmetrical mouth

Women with this mouth shape are ready to remain faithful, but often there is no one to be faithful to. In general, they have to work on their image: intuitively, a crooked mouth causes hostility in people. In fact, these ladies lie easily and love to embellish their character. If they do not keep themselves in check, they suffer defeats in the field of love, because they have a tendency to deceive.

8. "Mouth to Ear"

Such a mouth is always smiling, and its owner is full of optimism. Sometimes she even has to pretend to be strict in order to scare away fans. But the stern look doesn't help her. These enchantresses are doomed to universal adoration!

9. Sad mouth

Unfortunately, girls with drooping corners of their mouths cannot boast of a crowd of loyal fans. As a result, they become disappointed in people. Partners next to the “weeping willow”, quickly realizing their uselessness and the impossibility of demonstrating their masculinity, do not stay long.

The owner of such lips has an underestimated assessment of the world around her and often manifests a denial of life. She is almost always dissatisfied with something, prone to melancholy, apathy and depression.

The language of the lips is the language of love until the lips begin to lie. Based the latest research physiognomists, one can even argue that: by studying a person’s mouth, one can draw fairly accurate conclusions about his inner life.

Lips reflect harmonious balance human body. The mouth looks most pleasant when its width is one and a half to two times the width of the eye. But this is ideal. In fact, we all now know that there are women with large lips, with small and thin lips, and also with asymmetrical lip shapes.


Character of a woman based on her lips. Today is a small test. It's not difficult to get through. Everyone knows the shape of someone's lips. We find ours in the photo and then read the decoding of the meaning. Character by lip shape

  1. Wide and full lips. This type is Gambling Whatever the owner of such lips likes, she must have, no matter the man or the new shoes. They are very energetic and relaxed, very often they take the initiative into their own hands. Often they are the first to call or invite you on a date. Such kindnesses of nature are not expected - it is better to take everything yourself and only what is needed right now. The motto of such individuals is “Now or never.” In their lives, something is constantly happening and the word boredom is not even close to this. Life is filled with emotions. Freedom and not depending on anyone is another important character trait, which sometimes plays a bad role. Such women should have personal space. He chooses men who are determined and impetuous, who must be excellent lovers and accept important decisions. Mumbles are clearly not her style.

  2. Small and full lips. This type is Romantic Emotions come first for such women. There is no smell of cold calculation here, and sometimes it is necessary to think soberly. Life is like a rollercoaster - ups and downs. There is no such thing as a smooth and calm streak in life. This is a kind of Chip and Dale, who are always in a hurry to help everyone. You can always find sympathy with her and cry into her vest. There is no better listener to problems, he will comfort anyone. Many people like these. But at the same time, she does not like to delve into major problems, because it is complex and tricky, and it is better to simply turn a blind eye to such problems, thereby only deceiving herself. Ideal man such a woman is a mixture of a hero from love story with a face like glossy magazine. Very often, men consider such mice to be ordinary gray mice and think that such mice will constantly look into their mouths and raise their tails. But this opinion is wrong.

  3. The upper lip is larger than the lower lip. This type - Loves to command Well, this speaks for itself. This is a person who takes on any task and brings it to the end. This one knows exactly what she needs from life and what to take. The first one does not begin to act until she is 100500% sure that she is right. The motto is "All or nothing." These people really don’t like people who quit what they started halfway through. Achieves what he wants thanks to a strong and strong tandem of vanity and high self-esteem. Leadership skills+ charisma do their job. Command is her strong point. A man who is suitable for such a woman must be a match for her. Ambitious and capable of pushing her to take decisive steps upward. But often such unions fail and only those who can find a compromise will be able to stay together.

  4. The lower lip is larger than the upper. This type - Mysterious stranger They are always the center of attention and they like it very much. Standing out from the crowd is the most important rule in life. Not like everyone else. Men often drool and look after you with longing, but women look with envy and cast sidelong glances. Such women are very individual and would rather wear a bag on their head than like everyone else. The most important thing is to feel like an individual and to be different from everyone else. And this is noticeable in her demeanor and clothing style. These people also need a special life partner. She agrees to spend quite a lot of time searching for her chosen one. Such people have a lot of ordinary fans, but they strive to get someone who is not immediately at her feet.
    Such people do not look for easy ways.

  5. Narrow and wide lips. This type - Realist Such a girl stands firmly and confidently on her own two feet. She has everything planned out for the year ahead. Such New Year's gifts are bought in the fall so that everything is ready in advance. Impromptu is not their strong point. These people are very practical and even when they fall in love they won’t put on rose-colored glasses. Being thrown into a pool with your head is not realistic and happens once every hundred years. Without knowing the ford, you can’t go into the water. Such women never show their emotions in public and may give the impression that they are cold, withdrawn and arrogant. Such people open their souls to very few people, and then only for winter ventilation. What kind of man would suit a realist? She doesn't need a romantic - that's for sure. A person must be reliable - this is the most important quality.

  6. Narrow and small lips. This type is an adventurer. Such a woman’s optimism is through the roof and any sea seems knee-deep to her. She can't sit in one place for more than three seconds. She even likes to spend her holidays very actively. Conquering Everest or helping elephants from Africa - that's her thing. Adrenaline and adventure are hers life position. Life should be painted only in the colors of the rainbow - no gray colors. She often takes on even the most risky things - she is very confident in herself. This is a fighter and a person with great willpower. This often scares men away from her. Henpecked and weaklings do not stay long.

Well, how did you determine your Character by the shape of your lips?

It’s not for nothing that a Japanese proverb says that a person’s lips can sometimes speak much more eloquently than their eyes. The fact is that in reality the shape of the lips and the character of a woman are connected. Knowing how, you can find an approach to any representative of the fair sex and learn a lot about her.

How can you determine your character based on the shape of your lips?

Do you think that only especially gifted individuals can read lips? No matter how it is! Anyone who wants to become familiar with the science of physiognomy can do this. Scientists-physiognomists not only determine the shape of the lips, but are also able to tell about the life - present, past, future - of the “readable” person. The latter, of course, is more difficult to master, but if desired, anyone can do this too. The main thing is assertiveness and determination.

Lip shape and character

Scientists and psychologists have long understood how the shape of lips and a woman’s character are connected. Research on this topic is already underway for a long time. Thanks to this, the science mentioned above appeared. In the modern world, the essence of how the shape of the lips and the shape are connected has become even more popular and has even begun to be successfully used in medicine, legal practice, trainings on personal growth.

Lip size

Not only the shape, the size of the lips and the character of a woman are also interdependent:

  1. Regular size indicates that in front of you is a balanced person who is used to a sensible approach to solving various problems, who knows how to listen and extract useful information from the conversation, stress-resistant, unwavering and cheerful.

  1. – a symbol of sensuality and impressive sexual energy. Prominent representatives of this category are Angelina Jolie and Marilyn Monroe. Women with lips like these love to live life to the fullest. Most are even guided by the motto “you need to get everything, here and immediately, or never again in your life.” At the same time, they have strong willpower and self-control. Some women with full lips are calculating but self-critical.

  1. Thin lips A woman's vicious character is emphasized. By at least many people want to think so. But small lips do not always symbolize an envious and evil character. More often than not, representatives of this group are reserved and charming, assertive, stubborn and witty, a little reserved, but insightful. The main disadvantage of the majority is the inability to demonstrate their own willpower.

Upper lip

You also need to pay attention to the lip ratio. It is important. Let’s say if the upper lip is larger than the lower lip, then this person is bright personality. Almost all members of the group are charismatic and incredibly cheerful. In addition, if the upper lip is larger than the lower lip in women, this indicates high self-esteem and the ability to win people over. The ladies from this group love to be the center of attention and always carry themselves with dignity - the most funny jokes, the most sparkling sayings, funny scenes always come from them.


It's another matter when the lower lip is larger than the upper. Such people are simply not created for monotonous work in any office, because there are so many interesting things in the world that wasting their time within four walls is unforgivable. Those with lips of this size know a lot about real fun, and to keep their spirits up they need to constantly be nourished by new acquaintances, places, experiences - they are very inquisitive and, in addition, have leadership qualities.

Corners of the mouth

The location of the corners of the mouth affects the visual impression and plays important role in defining character:

  1. Raised corners among optimistic people who are almost always in a good mood. Such women never remain alone for a long time and attract everyone to them like a magnet. Great news - representatives of the category will definitely enjoy prosperity in life.

  1. If the corners of the lips are drawn down, this character demonstrates pessimistic and sad. Such women are used to taking everything to heart and masterfully dramatize. Some ladies are arrogant, but more often the representatives of the group suffer from an inferiority complex.

Features of the location of the lips

Another important factor, capable of telling something about an interlocutor, friend, relative, acquaintance. Here's how some features are interpreted:

  1. It is believed that symmetrical lips They talk about a deceitful character and unpleasant human nature. Of course, this is not always the case - many people are simply put off by curved lines. Although sometimes the theory works flawlessly, in most cases, asymmetry on the face symbolizes a kind and cheerful disposition.

  1. Owners soft lips very impressionable. It is easy to make them cry, they can easily be touched, offended, hurt.
  1. Hard lips characterize a strong, strong-willed, decisive personality. Such representatives of the fair sex easily endure all difficulties, and those around them may not even guess about their problems.

Do you know that lips reveal character traits? The shape of your mouth reflects how you relate to people; your lips bear the imprint of your temperament. The ability to determine a person's character by their lips helps in communication.

The skill of Chinese sages in determining a person’s character by his face has been known for more than 3,000 years, and it has not lost its significance even today. Facial features are inherited from parents in the same way as temperament traits. With age, your character changes and so do your facial features. The faces of older people very eloquently reveal their essence: on some faces the stamp of bitter disappointment, anger and envy appears, while on others a calm peace, kindness and generosity of soul appear.

When trying to understand the character of an unfamiliar person, first of all, pay attention to the eyes. Yes, of course, they are the “mirror of the soul.” But this mirror is sometimes so deceiving! Take a closer look at your lips too. They will also say a lot about a person.

What do your lips say about your personality?

Key guidelines for analysis:

  • The cupid's bow is a double curved upper lip with a central "V" or indentation. This line resembles the bow of Cupid, the Roman god of love.
  • Lip contour - the border of the lips where the mouth ends and the face begins.
  • The corners are the outer edges of the lips.

Where are the corners of the lips directed?

People with raised corners of their lips are considered optimistic and cheerful, they are sociable and greet every day with a smile. People with downturned lips are often pessimistic, very shy and tend to be alone. However, you can count on them to be honest and fair.

With age, the facial muscles weaken and the corners of the lips droop in almost all people. However, for some they form a rigid line, while for others they give the face an unhappy expression of bitter disappointment.

Full lips

People with thick lips are confident and energetic, although sometimes prone to rash actions. They sincerely care about others, value friendship and social connections, but at the same time they have their own opinions and are not afraid to defend them. Men are active and if they are engaged in some activity, they devote themselves completely to it, no matter what it is - business, hobby or entertainment. Women with full lips are generous and affectionate, and they naturally gravitate toward motherhood. They are also sociable and sociable. People with thick lips are believed to be passionate and loving.

Thin lips

Thin-lipped people are independent, cautious and restrained in their expressions of emotion. They are patient and persistent, diligent and pedantic. Usually they study well and achieve a lot in their profession. Men with thin lips can be sarcastic and mocking; if they become leaders, their subordinates fear them. They open their souls only to the closest people and never forgive betrayal. Women with narrow lips seem dry and calculating, but behind external coldness and restraint they sometimes hide high sensitivity and vulnerability, which can lead to loneliness.

Wide mouth

People with wide mouths are energetic, enterprising, lively and talented. They have different interests and big circle friends. They are self-sufficient, have their own opinion, although they are not always in a hurry to express it; they are said to walk to the beat of their own drum, and not follow the crowd. Men are often prone to rash and thoughtless actions, but if they make a mistake, they honestly admit it and try to correct it. Women with the corners of their lips wide apart are able to find their own ways out of difficult situations, without particularly taking into account the opinions of others.

Small mouth

A small mouth is considered a sign weak character and touchiness. Sometimes this is true, but more often these people are bright and charismatic. It's easy and pleasant with them. The mouth-button in the shape of a kiss reveals a lively and charming woman. But sometimes they are capricious and in no case want to be left without attention. A man's small mouth indicates a hidden inner strength, which sometimes manifests itself quite unexpectedly, which makes them especially attractive.

Cupid's bow

In some people, the upper lip has a pronounced depression in the middle, the so-called Cupid's bow. This indicates a creative and bright personality. The essence of their life is glamor and sophistication. People with bow-shaped lips grab life by the horns and are not afraid to take responsibility for the situation. However, they often act impulsively, flare up like matches, and go out just as quickly.

Plump in the center

Sometimes there are lips that are full in the middle and thin at the corners. Cupid's bow. Such people are often the life of the party; they love to be the center of attention. They are caring and cheerful, their character is most often light and pleasant. Thin angles indicate a cheerful disposition.

Rose petals

This is the name for lips in which no particular feature can be identified. They are simply beautiful. As in the fairy tale, these symmetrical lips are “just right” and the character is also without extremes. They are neither full nor thin, but medium in size. Cupid's bow is rounded, this is a sign that the person is kind and gentle. These lips indicate a man with a balanced temperament, he is sociable, but not excessively, he loves to have fun, but can always stop and refrain from any adventure. A woman with such lips is calm and attentive to other people. She loves to communicate, she has a good relationship with friends and relatives, but she is unobtrusive and not touchy.

Symmetry and personality traits

According to ancient Chinese ideas about the correspondence of facial features and character, the upper lip represents the “feminine” side (yin) while the lower lip represents the “masculine” side (yang). A person's upper lip can show his sensuality and ability to love, while his lower lip indicates how much love he needs to receive from other people.

A thick lower lip combined with a thin upper lip is a sign of greed and selfishness. Such people love pleasure, but only their own; what their partners feel and desire does not interest them at all. But they can be witty and funny, bursting with energy, entertaining and captivating. They know how to get joy from life, this is worth learning from them.

If the upper lip is full and the lower lip is narrow, then such people are often indecisive, unable to stand up for themselves. They willingly take care of someone, help and save. At the same time, they often like to manipulate others, are vain, strive to set the tone, make plans and captivate others with their ideas. Surprisingly, they usually succeed.

A lip print will tell all the secrets

Gilly Eddu studied more than 10,000 lip prints over the course of almost 30 years. Her work has been presented in New York Times, Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times. She is also interviewed on radio and television. Jilly Eddy shares her findings and observations about the connection between the shapes of lip prints and the character traits of their owner.

Do a little test:

  • Apply dark lipstick to your lips.
  • Gently pat your mouth dry with a tissue.
  • Find your lip print among the images below.

Imprint shape

Triangle. Your top peak on your lip print in central point, lower lip almost straight.

Interpretation. You excel at developing talent and supporting ideas. You are ideally suited for the professions of teacher, consultant, manager and coach. Your career niche is in human resources and technical support.

Diamond (Rhombus). Both your upper and lower lips have a peak at the center point, an imprint in the shape of a diamond crystal.

Interpretation. You are a dazzling personality. Diamonds best friends girls, and you too. You easily achieve success and gain experience in everything you do. You enjoy helping others achieve their dreams. Your professional area is mentoring. You will make progress and teach others.

Rectangle. Your lip print fits in rectangular shape, without any curves.

Interpretation. You are the person people go to for advice, money or other help. You help solve problems. You are a skilled negotiator and know how to negotiate. You can become an excellent arbitrator, mediator, lawyer, and also a manager.

Closed or open?

Closed. The imprint of your lips has a small space between them, with your lips almost closed on the imprint.

Interpretation. You are a man of your word. Once you have made a decision, nothing can change it! You always finish what you start. This ability makes you a respected accountant, lawyer and project manager.

Open. The prints of the upper and lower lips are almost never connected.

Interpretation. You are full of energy and can keep a lot of things on your mind. You can excel in a receptionist role, as a department manager, as an event planner, as a nurse, as a teacher, as a waiter, and as a cook.

How to check the accuracy of a lip characteristic?

The answer is very simple: take a closer look and observe people with whom you are familiar and whose character is no secret to you. Start with yourself and those people who clearly have certain structural features of their mouth and lips.

It's not always convenient to look closely at a person, so start with photographs. Choose those where your friends and relatives are not posing, but accidentally got into the frame. Characterize a person based on his lips and check whether your personal opinion matches what the lips indicate. And don’t forget to look at photographs of your elderly relatives in which they were taken in their youth. Old photographs will reveal a lot to you.

Learn to read lips, it will help you in relationships. Sometimes behind a pleasant smile and in beautiful words it is difficult to discern evil and deception. But lips can reveal the truth. Knowing this will help you avoid unpleasant surprises.

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