Home Flowers Economic and geographical characteristics of Australia and Oceania. Natural conditions and resources

Economic and geographical characteristics of Australia and Oceania. Natural conditions and resources

Area - 7.7 million ?? km2. Population - 20.3 million people

State composed. Commonwealth - six states and two territories. The capital is. Canberra


... Australia (Australia)- the only country in the world that occupies an entire continent. Australia is located southeast of. Eurasia. It is washed by waters. Quiet and. Indian oceans... The main feature of the economic and geographical position of Niya. Australia - isolation, remoteness from other continents. Technical progress in transport and communications "close" it with other continents. Relative closeness takes on a positive meaning. Australia to countries. Southeast and. Eastern. Asia and. Oceania. In terms of territory, the country ranks sixth in the world after. Russia ,. Canada ,. China ,. USA and. Brazil. From the west to the east is the territory. Australia stretches for 4.4 thousand km, and from north to south - for 3.1 thousand k1 yew. km.

Australia is an economically highly developed country. By absolute size. GNP it is included in the group of the first 15 countries of the world.

Australia is a member. UN,. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and other world and regional organizations


... Modern population. Australia was formed at the expense of emigrants... To the beginning European colonization about 300 thousand aborigines lived on the mainland, and now their number is more than 150 thousand people. They belong to the Australoid race and do not ethnically form a single whole. Aborigines are divided into many tribes, speaking different languages.

After. World War II. Australia received many so-called "displaced persons", as well as immigrants from the European south and east - Italians, Yugoslavs, Greeks, etc. Among them there were more than 20 thousand Ukrainian raintsiv. Per recent times part of immigrants in the population growth is 40%. In recent decades, the country has suffered from an increasing rate of illegal immigration from countries. Southeast and. Eastern. AziAzia.

The population of the country is distributed very unevenly. The main areas of greatest density are concentrated in the east and southeast, southwest and south. Here the population density is 25 - -50 people per 1 km2, and the rest of the territory is very poorly populated (the density does not even reach one person per 1 km2). In selected inland desert areas. Australia's population is absent. In recent decades, there have been shifts in the distribution of the country's population, thanks to the discovery of new mineral deposits in the north and south. The Australian government encourages population movement to the center of the mainland, to underdeveloped areas of the region.

By the level of urbanization. Australia ranks one of the first places in the world - 90%. Among urban settlements. Australia is divided into three groups of cities: firstly, these are small mountain cities that are scattered throughout the continent and are an integral part of it; secondly, these are state capitals, which perform not only administrative and political functions, but also economic, commercial, scientific, cultural, thirdly, these are medium-sized centers that have arisen near the capitals, taking over the functions of centers various industries industry.

Employment structure. Australia is typical of post-industrial countries. Thus, agriculture employs 3.6%, industry 26.4%, and services 70%. In 2005, unemployment was around 55%.

Natural conditions and resources

With 0.3% of the world's population. Australia 5.8% of the earth's surface. Therefore, its provision with natural resource potential is 20 times higher than the average in the world, primarily mineral

resources. The discovery of new deposits brought the country to a leading position in the world in terms of reserves and production of iron and lead-zinc ores, bauxite

The largest deposits of coal, oil and gas are located in the eastern part. Australia. In the western and northern parts of the country there are deposits of ore raw materials: iron, nickel, polymetals, gold, silver and copper, manganese. Bauxite deposits are concentrated on the peninsula. Cape York and the northeastern part. Northern Territory. With the exception of oil, the country fully meets its needs with the main types of raw materials neither for industry.

60% of the territory. Australia is occupied by drainless areas. The river network is the densest on the island. Tasmania is the country's full-flowing river. Murray with tributaries. Darling and. Marrumbidgee. Rivers flowing from the eastern slopes. Big. Dividing ridge, short and quite full-flowing central rivers. Australia does not have a permanent flow. Most of the country's lakes, like rivers, are characterized almost exclusively by rainfall. In they have neither a constant level nor a drain. In summer, the lakes dry up and represent shallow saline depressions in the west.

Forest resources. Australia is insignificant. Forested areas, including scrubbing, account for about 18% of the country's total area. Under the influence economic activity vegetation has changed tremendously

In terms of relief, the country is a vast plateau, concave in the central part and raised at the edges. Mountains occupy 5% of the territory. There is a large depression in the center -. The Central Lowland is an arid region. And australia.

The northern and northeastern parts of the country are located in the tropical climatic zone. The largest part. Australia occupies a subtropical climate belt. Only the extreme south is included in the temperate climate belt. Australia is known as arid continent, however, territories with sufficient rainfall account for 1/3 of the total area. Arid regions have significant reserves of groundwater.

Unique natural landscapes... Australia and the magnificent beaches of its east coast is the basis for the rapid development of ecological, tourist and sports (diving, yachting, windsurfing) tourism.

Prepared by Maria Kalinina and Irina Dolgovets Australia and Oceania
Area - 7686.3 thousand km 2. Population - 18.3 million people. The capital is Canberra.
GNP per capita - 18.2 thousand US dollars. Doll.Territory composition:
Australia (Canberra), New Zealand(Wellington), Oceania: Papua- New Guinea(Port Moresby), Solomon Islands (Honiara), Tuvalu (Funafiti), Western Samoa (Apia), Vanuatu (Vila), Tonga (Nuku'alofa), Fiji (Suva), Eastern Samoa, French Polynesia, Micronesia, Palau, Marshall Islands, Nauru, New Caledonia, Kiribati. Oceania consists of three parts: Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia.

Features of the EGP of Australia and Oceania

Australia is located southeast of the mainland of Eurasia, Oceania - in the central part The Pacific... Australia is washed by the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. The main feature of the economic and geographical position of Australia and Oceania is isolation, isolation from other continents.
The Commonwealth of Australia is the only state in the world that occupies an entire continent. In terms of territory (7.7 million km2), it ranks 6th in the world after Russia, Canada, China, the USA and Brazil. The Commonwealth of Australia stretches 4.4 thousand km from west to east, and 3.1 thousand km from north to south. Australia is crossed almost in the center by the Southern Tropic. The state is located in the subequatorial (north), tropical (center), subtropical (south) and temperate (south of Tasmania) climatic zones.
At the beginning of the 17th century. the Dutch navigator V. Janszon first discovered Australia, and after him in 1770, James Cook, an English navigator, visited its shores and proclaimed Australia an English possession. The Parliament of England passed a law on the formation of a settlement of convicts on the territory of Australia. For the period 1788-1850. 146 thousand convicts and 187 thousand people arrived on the continent. free settlers. It follows from this that the population of the country is mainly immigrants from Europe and form the Anglo-Australian nation.
The state of the Australian Union is named after the mainland, on which more than 99% of its territory is located, includes about. Tasmania and many small islands. Australia - federal state, which is part of the British Commonwealth, consists of six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queenland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General, who is appointed on the recommendation of the Australian government. The formation of the state took place in 1901, when six separate British colonies were united into the Australian Union, which received the status of dominion, and in 1931, according to Westminster status, Australia received complete independence from the metropolis in external and internal affairs.
Oceania is a cluster of islands in the Pacific Ocean, which are of continental, coral, volcanic origin. The region is located in equatorial and tropical latitudes, except for the extreme northern and southern islands... The air temperature ranges from + 23 ° to + 30 ° С, precipitation falls from 3000 to 14000 mm per year. The exception is the mainland Australia - it is the driest continent on Earth. Deserts occupy vast areas and extend for 2.5 thousand km from the shores of the Indian Ocean to the foothills of the Great Dividing Range, with a temperature of 35 ° C and 200-300 mm of precipitation. It was generally accepted that almost 1/3 of the continent is generally useless, unpromising from the point of view of economic development. However, in desert places, deposits of iron ore, coal, manganese, lead-zinc ores, uranium, bauxite, gold and other minerals were discovered, which made Australia one of the first places in the world in terms of mineral wealth and as one of the largest producers. and exporters of minerals.
Australia has gone through a difficult path of economic development in a short period of time. From an agrarian and raw material appendage of the metropolis, which the country was at the beginning of the 20th century, it turned into an economically developed state. The industry, initially mining, and then manufacturing, in part Agriculture began to develop at the level of technical development in England, which was the highest in the world at the time when the settlement of Australia began. In the person of immigrants from England, Australia received highly skilled workers and engineers. At the same time, the fifth continent for a hundred years has remained one of the largest producers of agricultural raw materials (wool) and food (wheat, meat, sugar, fruits); takes one of the first places in the export of raw sugar, honey; first place in the world in terms of the number of sheep (200 million heads - 12 per person), exports of wool and sheepskin, is the world's largest exporter of beef, lamb and veal. More than 60% of the country's agricultural products are exported. The dairy industry, winemaking and brewing are also well developed.

Features of the distribution of the population

Before the start of European colonization, 300 thousand aborigines lived on the mainland, and now there are 150 thousand people. Aborigines belong to the Australo-Polynesian race and in ethnically do not form a single whole. They are divided into numerous tribes speaking different languages(there are over 200 in total). Civil rights the aborigines received it in 1972.
Recently, the share of immigrants in the population growth is 40%. In 1998, the country's economy employed 8.5 million people. Unemployment is 11%.
The unemployed receive $ 120 a week, for those with children the unemployment benefit is increased to $ 300. The pension is $ 160 a week. Great benefits - pensioners in paying for housing, gas.
The population on the territory of the country is distributed extremely unevenly, its main centers are concentrated in the east and southeast, northeast and south. Here the population density is 25-50 people. per 1 km 2, and the rest of the territory is very poorly populated, the density does not even reach one person per 1 km 2. In the deserts in the interior of Australia, the population is completely absent. In the last decade, there have been shifts in the distribution of the country's population, thanks to the discoveries of new mineral deposits in the north and south. The Australian government encourages population movement to the center of the mainland, to underdeveloped areas.
Australia occupies one of the first places in the world in terms of urbanization - 90% of the population. In Australia, cities are settlements with a population of more than 1,000 people, and sometimes less. The population lives in cities that are significantly distant from each other. This resettlement predetermined the uneven distribution of the manufacturing industry and the high cost "of its products due to very significant transport costs.
The largest urban agglomerations of the country are Sydney (3 million people), Melbourne (about 3 million people), Brisbane (about 1 million people), Adelaide (over 900 thousand people), Canberra (300 thousand people). .), Hobart (200 thousand people), etc.
Australian cities are relatively young, the oldest 200 years old, most of them were colonial centers, and then became state capitals, performing several functions: administrative, commercial, industrial and cultural.
The official language of Australia is English. However, in English language Anglo-Australians have a lot of borrowings from Aboriginal languages. Aborigines living in the vicinity of the cities speak English, while those wandering in the hinterland do not know this language. The vast majority of the Australian population is Christian. Some of the aborigines were subjected to Christianization, but only sedentary inhabitants accepted it, and the nomadic people preserved ancient traditional beliefs.

Role of the country in MGRT

Australia is among the top ten developed capitalist countries. It stands out among them for its large territory and small population.
Australia is significantly inferior to other developed capitalist countries in terms of the share of manufacturing in GDP. This is due to the fact that the country's industry long time was focused on domestic market... Since the 70s. began to carry out its restructuring in the direction of orientation to the external market. The emphasis was placed on the basic industries related to the processing of raw materials. This was due to the presence of rich natural resources in the country.

Opera House in Sydney, Australia.
Modern Australia is an economically developed industrial and agricultural country. Real income is $ 18,220 per person per year. (1998). After the Second World War, the manufacturing industry and the electric power industry developed significantly (Australia is one of the first in the world in terms of electricity production per capita). Metallurgy, oil refining, chemical, textile, and printing industries are also developed. Australian factories produce automobiles and electrodes, machine tools and industrial equipment, televisions and radios, refrigerators and washing machines.
The restructuring of the sectoral structure of the manufacturing industry is closely related to its territorial shifts. In the second half of the 20th century, on the one hand, the role of largest cities Australia (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide and Perth) and the surrounding areas, where the overwhelming part of the manufacturing industry is concentrated, on the other, the development of small cities in the interior mining areas. As a result, the territorial concentration of the manufacturing industry in individual states has decreased, and the balance of power between them has changed. The leading role in the Australian economy belongs to the states located in the southeastern part of the country - New South Wales, Victoria. The capital of the country is underdeveloped economically. It was specially built for administrative functions. The most developed and economically developed region of Australia is the South-East. It accounts for more than 70% of the production of the manufacturing industry. To the north and south of Sydney, on the basis of significant coal reserves, a TPK was formed, consisting of coal mines, enterprises of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, oil refining and the chemical industry. All these enterprises are concentrated in cities located on the coast: in New Castle, Port Kemble, etc.
In the northeast of Australia, on the basis of large deposits of minerals, industrial complexes for the primary processing of raw materials have been formed, consisting of enterprises equipped with new technologies. The largest alumina refinery in the capitalist world in Gladstone and other large enterprises were built here.
The smelting of zinc and lead in Western Australia, aluminum in the north of the continent, ferrous metallurgy enterprises in the main industrial centers of the country are of world importance.
Tasmania, which is rich in minerals, also has a developed manufacturing industry focused on their processing. There are enterprises for the processing of non-ferrous metals, chemical and pulp and paper. The largest of them are concentrated in the capital of the island.
Agriculture accounts for 67.2% of the land, of which 43.7% is occupied by arid pastures, 17.4% are pastures in arid territories. Intensively used agricultural land occupies 0.3%, and extensively used - 5.8%, unusable - 26%.
The irrigated area is 1.8 million hectares. Heavy soil erosion occurs during heavy rains. Animals live mainly in a few places where water is retained in dry times, their accumulations lead to the fact that the vegetation cover there is completely destroyed, and the soils, not protected by vegetation, are eroded by rains and carried by the wind.
The leading branches of agriculture in the country are sheep breeding and grain farming. Already in mid XIX v. Australia emerged as a major supplier of wool to the UK, a light industry that was increasing the demand for wool. Australia ranks first in the world in terms of sheep population (200 million), and meat and dairy farming is also developing. Three-fourths of the sown area is sown with wheat, mainly in the southeast of the country. In the humid tropics, sugarcane, pineapples, mangoes, bananas, citrus fruits, and stone fruits are grown. On irrigated lands, viticulture, cotton growing, tobacco and corn cultivation are developed.
Transport plays big role in a vast and sparsely populated country. Length railways is 41 thousand km, and automobile - about 900 thousand km. 75% of cargo and passenger transportation is carried out by road. The densest road network is in the southeast of the country.
Various types of transport have a single transport network, which is owned by the state.
The country's maritime transport serves mainly foreign trade relations on the ships of foreign companies. Air transport is of great importance in external and internal communications. The government company "Kuontas" has offices at major airports in the world. Pipeline transport is well developed in Australia; long-distance water pipelines are of particular importance.
The role of Australia in MGRT is determined by the main export items: agricultural products 30% - cereals, fruits, cheeses, meat and meat products, raw hides, wool; mineral raw materials, energy resources, aluminum ores, oil and oil products, iron ore, rare precious metals; products of the manufacturing industry.
For the development of the manufacturing industry, agriculture, the country receives investments from Japan and the United States. The main import item is machinery and equipment, finished goods.

Oceania Peculiarities of the region's EGP

The total area of ​​Oceania is 1.3 million km2, and 90% of the territory is occupied by two islands - New Guinea (its eastern part) and New Zealand. Oceania became known to Europeans in the 16th century, from the time of the first travel around the world F. Magellan. A special chapter in the history of its discovery and research is made up by the voyages of Russian seafarers. Only in the 19th century. the islands of Oceania were visited by 40 Russian expeditions, which collected valuable scientific information. N. N. Miklouho-Maclay made a great contribution to the study of Oceania, describing the life and everyday life of the peoples inhabiting the islands.
Exploring the natural conditions on the maps, you can draw the following conclusions:
a) a change in air pressure over the ocean space leads to the emergence of hurricanes, which sweep all life into the ocean;
b) frequent earthquakes and volcanic activity lead to the formation of tsunami waves and the disappearance of islands in the depths of the ocean.
Vegetable and animal world very peculiar, and this is due to the isolation of the islands. The world's poorest plants and animals on the coral islands. Representatives of the most ancient plants grow here, such as tree ferns, reaching from 8 to 15 meters in height.
In the animal kingdom of the islands there are no large animals and Poisonous snakes... Swifts, flightless kiwi, petrels, albatrosses, seagulls, weed hens, etc. are very richly represented. Feral domestic cats have bred on many islands.
The modern political map of Oceania has developed as a result of the stubborn struggle of the colonial powers for the division of islands and archipelagos among themselves. Until the early 60s. XX century in Oceania there was only one independent state - New Zealand, created by colonists from England.
Recently, in the context of the collapse of the world colonial system in Oceania, national liberation movements have intensified, which led to the curtailment of the colonial yoke and the formation of independent states, such as Western Samoa (since 1962), Naugu (since 1968), Fiji (since 1970), Papua New Guinea (since 1978), Tuvalu (since 1978), Kiribati (since 1979), Vanuatu (since 1980), the rest of the islands are still colonially dependent on England, France, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Chile.
The natives of Oceania are the Papuans and Polynesians, Micronesians, Malanesians. They retain their language and culture, although the European influence is very great. Among the non-European population are Indians, Malays, Chinese, Koreans, Japanese.

Australia is located southeast of the mainland Eurasia, Oceania - in the central part of the Pacific Ocean. Australia is washed by the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans... The main feature of the economic and geographical position of Australia and Oceania is isolation, isolation from other continents. The Australian Union is the only state in the world that occupies an entire continent. In terms of territory (7.7 million km2), it ranks 6th in the world after Russia, Canada, China, the USA and Brazil. The Commonwealth of Australia stretches 4.4 thousand km from west to east, and 3.1 thousand km from north to south. Australia almost in the center crosses the Southern Tropic. The state is located in subequatorial (north), tropical (center), subtropical (south) and temperate (south of Tasmania) climatic zones.At the beginning of the XVII century. the Dutch navigator V. Janszon first discovered Australia, and after him in 1770, James Cook, an English navigator, visited its shores and proclaimed Australia an English possession. The Parliament of England passed a law on the formation of a settlement of convicts on the territory of Australia. For the period 1788-1850. 146 thousand convicts and 187 thousand people arrived on the continent. free settlers. It follows from this that the population of the country is mainly immigrants from Europe and form the Anglo-Australian nation. The state of the Australian Union is named after the mainland, on which more than 99% of its territory is located, includes about. Tasmania and many small islands. Australia is a federal state within the British Commonwealth and consists of six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queenland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General, who is appointed on the recommendation of the Australian government. The formation of the state took place in 1901, when six separate British colonies were united into the Australian Union, which received the status of a dominion, and in 1931, according to Westminster status, Australia gained complete independence from the metropolis in external and internal affairs. Oceania is a cluster of islands in the Pacific Ocean, which are of continental, coral, volcanic origin. The region is located in equatorial and tropical latitudes, except for the extreme northern and southern islands. The air temperature ranges from + 23 ° to + 30 ° С, precipitation falls from 3000 to 14000 mm per year. The exception is the mainland Australia - it is the driest continent on Earth. Deserts occupy vast areas and extend for 2.5 thousand km from the coast Indian Ocean to the foothills of the Great Dividing Range, with a temperature of 35 ° C and 200-300 mm of precipitation. It was generally accepted that almost 1/3 of the continent is generally useless, unpromising from the point of view of economic development. However, deposits were discovered in desert places iron ore, coal, manganese, lead-zinc ores, uranium, bauxite, gold, etc. mineral, which made Australia one of the first places in the world in terms of mineral wealth and as one of the largest producers and exporters of mineral raw materials. Australia has passed a difficult path of economic development in a short period of time. From an agrarian and raw material appendage of the metropolis, which the country was at the beginning of the 20th century, it turned into an economically developed state. Industry, initially mining and then manufacturing, partly agriculture, began to develop at the level of technical development in England, which was the highest in the world at the time when the settlement of Australia began. In the person of immigrants from England, Australia received highly skilled workers and engineers. At the same time, the fifth continent for a hundred years has remained one of the largest producers of agricultural raw materials (wool) and food (wheat, meat, sugar, fruits); takes one of the first places in the export of raw sugar, honey; first place in the world in terms of the number of sheep (200 million heads - 12 per person), exports of wool and sheepskin, is the world's largest exporter of beef, lamb and veal. More than 60% of the country's agricultural products are exported. The dairy industry, winemaking and brewing are also well developed.

84. The modern geographical, geopolitical, geoeconomic and ecological-geographical position of the Russian Federation.Russian Federation(RF) is the largest state in the world in terms of territory. It covers the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia, thus being a Eurasian country in terms of its geographical position. Russia's geopolitical position is interconnected by its economic and geographical position (EGP), i.e. position on the economic map of the world, reflecting the position of the country in relation to the main economic markets and centers of the world economy. For the first time the concept of EGP was introduced into geographical science by the famous scientist N.N. Baransky (1881-1963). This concept is widely used to assess the place of countries on the world map, and in addition, to determine the relationship of any geographic object to others located outside it. The area of ​​the territory of Russia is 17.1 million km 2, which is almost 2 times more than the PRC or the USA. As of January 1, 2010, the population was 141.9 million people, and the population density was 8.3 people per 1 km 2. Russian Federation ranks 1st in the world in terms of territory, 9th in terms of population and 8th in terms of GDP, calculated in US dollars at purchasing power parity. The size of the territory is an important economic and geographical feature of any state. For Russia - the largest country in the world in terms of area - it has far-reaching consequences, both geopolitical and economic. the necessary conditions rational geographical division of labor, the possibility of freer maneuver in the distribution of productive forces, the state's defense capability is increased, and other positive results are achieved in the field of economic and social development. north point countries - Cape Fligeli on Rudolf Island in the Franz Josef Land archipelago, and on the mainland - Cape Chelyuskin; the extreme southern - on the border with Azerbaijan; the extreme western - on the border with Poland at the Gulf of Gdansk on the territory of the enclave formed by the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation; the extreme east is Ratmanov Island in the Bering Strait. Most of the territory of Russia is located between the 50th parallel and the Arctic Circle, i.e. located in middle and high latitudes. In this respect, only Canada can serve as an analogue among foreign countries. The maximum distance between the western (excluding the Kaliningrad region) and eastern borders is 9 thousand km, between the northern and southern ones - 4 thousand km. There are 11 time zones within Russia. The length of borders is 58.6 thousand km, including land - 14.3 thousand km, sea - 44.3 thousand km International legal registration and measures on the development of Russian state borders are carried out by the Federal Agency for the Development of the State Border RF. International agreements on the state border have been concluded with China, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Georgia, Finland and Norway. A complete list of countries adjacent to the Russian Federation is given in table. 2.1. Russia in many aspects of international relations is the legal successor the former USSR and in this capacity performs the functions of a permanent member of the UN Security Council, is a member of the most important international organizations. Geopolitical position of the country- this is its place on the political map of the world and its relationship to various states. The geopolitical position of Russia in modern conditions determined by many factors different levels- from global to regional. As a Eurasian country, Russia has ample opportunities for economic and political cooperation with foreign countries of various geopolitical orientations. Through its territory are communications of world importance, providing transport links between the west and east, north and south. Russia is a single economic space, within which the free movement of people, goods, services and capital is ensured, intra-district and inter-district ties are carried out, covering both material production and non-production sphere. This space is consolidated by a unified transport, energy and information system, a unified gas supply system, various networks and communications, and other infrastructure facilities. The size of the territory predetermines the variety of regional conditions and resources for economic activity. In terms of the scale of its natural resource potential, Russia has practically no analogues. At the same time, most of the territory is located in temperate and cold agro-climatic zones. The need to travel huge distances poses serious problems for transport, which are exacerbated by the harsh climatic conditions in a large part of the territory. With regard to transport accessibility, the conditions are very differentiated. With large territorial spaces, despite the fact that it is considered to be a favorable condition for the development of the economy and ensuring the economic independence of the country, intensive economic development is possible only with a developed transport system. Significant differences in the degree of economic development of the territory, the level of provision with natural and labor resources are reflected in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the economy. The production potential of the European part is much larger, and the structure of the economy is much more complex, it is characterized by wider diversification than in the eastern regions.

Oceania- it is part of the world; geo-graphic, often geo-poly-li-ti-ch-r-gi-he of the world, which is predominantly out of hundreds of small islands and atolls in the central and western parts of Ti-ho-go oke-a-na. Oke-a-niya represents the largest-necked cluster of islands in the world, located in the west and central -in parts of Ti-ho-go oke-a-na, between sub-tro-pi-che-ski-mi shi-ro-ta-mi Se-ver-no-go and moderate-mi South-no-go-l-sha-ri. When the entire land is divided into a part of the world, Oke-a-nia usually merges with Av-stra-lia into a single part of the world "Av-stra-lia and Oke-a-niya ”, although sometimes you-de-la-is-Xia to the most-me-and-so part of the world.

Oke-a-niya - the world's largest cluster of islands and ar-khi-pelagov in the central and south-western parts of Ti ho-ho oka-a-na. Ost-ro-va and ar-hi-pe-la-gi Oke-a-nii ras-po-lo-ze-us on a huge ak-va-to-rii Ti-ho-go oke-a-na between 29 gr. with. NS. and 53 gr. NS. NS. and 130 gr. v. etc. and 109 gr. h. The whole of Oceania, except for two relatively large landmasses - New Guinea (829 thousand sq. km) and New Zealand ( 265 thousand sq. Km), one hundred and one without a small of 7 thousand islands. The total area of ​​Oke-a-nii is only about 1.3 million square meters. km.

Rice. 1. Physical map of Oke-a-nii (Source)

Geo-gra-fi-che-ski Oke-a-niya under-de-la-et-Xia on:

1. Me-la-ne-ziyu.

2. Mik-ro-ne-ziyu.

3. By-li-not-ziyu.

Me-la-not-zia, ras-in-lo-feminine in the western part of Oke-a-nii, including New Guinea, ar-hi-pe-lag Bismar-ka, island D `An-tr-ka-hundred, ar-hi-pe-lag Lu-i-zi-a-da, So-lo-mo-no-you island-ro-va, island-ro-va San-ta- Cruz, New Hebri-dy, New Ka-le-do-niya, islands Lu-ai-o-te, islands of Fiji and a number of others. The total area of ​​Me-la-ne-zii (black-island-ro-vie) is 969 thousand square meters. km, of which almost 6/7 comes to New Guinea - this mik-ro-ma-te-rik Me-la-ne-zii.

V By-l-not-ziyu(many-island-ro-vie), ras-ki-nouv-shu-yu-Xia from the edge of the south-for-pa-da to the eastern pre-de-l Oke-a -nii, enter-dyat islands: New Ze-lan-diya, Tonga, Samoa, Uo-l-lis, Horn, Tu-wa-lu, To-ke-lau, Cook, Tu-bu-ai , Societies, Tua-mo-tu, Mar-kiz-skie, Ha-vai-skie islands, Easter Island, etc. The area of ​​Poland without New Ze -land-diy - only 26 thousand sq. km, moreover, 17 thousand of them come to the Ga-vai islands.

Mik-ro-not-ziya(small-to-island-ro-vie) - for-ni-ma-yu-shchaya se-ve-ro-zapad-nyu part of the Oke-a-nii so-in-kup-ness stranded-chai-shikh island-ro-vov and ar-khi-pela-gov pre-imu-shche-ustvenno-but co-ral-lo-in-th, but also vol-ka-no-che-pro-is walk-de-niya. Important island groups of Mik-ro-ne-zii: Ka-ro-lin-skie, Mary-an-skie, Mars-shal-lo-vy islands and island-ro-va Gil-ber-ta. The total area of ​​the islands of Mikro-ne-Zii is only about 2.6 thousand square meters. km, but the islands of the ro-va are scattered across a huge water-space with an area of ​​14 million square meters. km.

From the point of view of geology, Oke-a-niya is not a continent: only New Ka-le-do-niya, New Zealand, New Gui -neya and Tasmania have a con-ti-n-tal-n-tal pro-out-walk, formed in the place of gi-po-te-ti ma-te-ri-ka Gondwa-na. In the past, these islands represented a single land, one-on-one in the re-zul-ta-te sub-nyatya of the Mi-ro-vo- go oke-a-na significant-naya part of the top-of-the-sti appeared under the water.

Most of the islands of the Oke-a-nii have a vol-can-ni-ch-k-ni-r-out-walk: some of them are peaks us of large underwater vol-cans, some of them still show you-so-so-so-ko-ku-ni-che-sky activity ( for example, Ha-vai-skie islands).

Other islands have a co-ral-lo-voe pro-out-wandering, yav-la-yas atoll-la-mi, which-rye sfor-mi-ro-va -went to re-zul-ta-te-ra-zo-va-nia co-ral-lo-v-ek in-a-circle-la-ziv-shih-under the water of the vol-can-no (for example, the island of Gil-ber-ta, Tua-mo-tu).

Rice. 4. Po-li-ti-che-card of Oke-a-nii (Source)

Many countries of the Oke-a-nii (for example, New Zealand, Nauru, Ki-ri-ba-ti) are part of the Union of Friendship, that, including, from-ra-same-but on their flag. Many other countries of the regi-o-na yav-la-yut-sya for-wi-si-mi-ter-ri-to-ri-mi-mi.

Rice. 5. Flags of some countries of Oke-a-nii (Source)

3. Oceania: population

Ko-ren-us-mi-te-la-mi Oke-a-nii yav-la-yut-sya-li-not-ziy-tsy, mik-ro-not-ziy-tsy, me-la- not-ziy-tsy and pa-pua-sy.

Po-li-not-ziy-tsy, pro-zhi-va-u-si in the countries of Po-li-not-zii, have a mixed ra-co-type: in their outward sti pro-smat-ri-va-sya features of ev-ro-peo-id-noy and mon-go-lo-id-noy races, and in a lesser degree-ne-ni - av-stra-lo -id-noy. The most large-ny-ro-dy Po-li-ne-zii - ha-vai-tsy, sa-mo-an-tsy, ta-i-tyane.

Mik-ro-not-ziy-tsy live in the countries of Mik-ro-ne-zii. The most large-n-ro-dy-ka-ro-lin-tsy, ki-ri-ba-ti, marshall-tsy.

Me-la-not-ziy-tsy pro-live in the countries of Me-la-ne-zii. Ra-so-yy type - av-stra-lo-id-ny, with a small mon-go-lo-id-ny element, they are close to the pa-pua-sam of New Gui-nei ... Me-la-not-ziy-tsy speak in Me-la-not-ziy-language languages.

Pa-pua-sy na-se-la-yut the island of New Gui-nea and some paradise-islands of In-do-ne-zii.

Many languages ​​of Oke-a-nii are on the verge of disappearing. In their day-to-day life, they are increasingly being used by the English and French languages.

In New Ze-lan-diia and on the Ha-vai islands, most of the n-se-le-niya are ev-ro-pei-tsy, the share of which is also you -ka in New Ka-le-donia (34%) and in French Pole-ne-zia (12%). On the islands of Fiji, 38.2% of the population is represented by le-no-do-fi-jiy-ts-mi -tracted workers-bot-niks, brought to the island of bri-tan-ts-mi in the 19th century.

In the last time in the countries of Oke-a-nii, the share of exits from Asia is growing -pin-tsev). For example, on the Northern Mari-an-islands, the share of phi-lip-pin-ts is 26.2%, and ki-tai-ts - 22.1%.

On-se-le-nie Oke-a-nii in the main -tism).

The most numerous countries: Papua - New Guinea, New Zealand.

Rice. 6. Pa-pua-sy of New Gwi-nei (Source)

4. Oceania: general characteristics of the economy

Most of the Oke-a-nii countries have a very weak eco-no-mi-ku. Os-no-woo eco-no-mi-ki most of the countries of the region-gi-o-na are composed of agriculture (production of copra, palm oil, fruit, fish).

Mountain-to-by-va-yu-shchaya industrial-laziness in-lu-chi-la development in Papua New Guinea, New Ka-le-don-nii, New Ze-lan-diy.

In the last time, many countries, having a unique and very beautiful nature, pay attention to the development of riz-ma.

Rice. 7. Hotels on the island of Bo-ra-Bo-ra (Source)






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