Home roses What tourists can not do in Cuba. Natural landscapes and parks. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

What tourists can not do in Cuba. Natural landscapes and parks. Cathedral of the Holy Trinity

If your goal is to visit as many exotic countries with a warm climate as possible, where you can have a great vacation at any time of the year, we strongly recommend that you take note of Cuba - a colorful state with its own culture, always smiling indigenous people, incredible nature and crazy atmosphere.

Holidays in Cuba

Cuba- the "heart" of the Caribbean Sea - is located on two large islands: the island of the same name Cuba and Huventud and on numerous small islands (there are more than one and a half thousand of them), framed by coral reefs.
Cuba is an ideal place for relaxation and solitude. The coasts are literally strewn with small bays and picturesque bays.
The country is washed by the waters of the Caribbean Sea from the south and the waters of the Gulf of Mexico - from the north, the Atlantic Ocean - from the northeast.
Analyzing the location of Cuba, we can confidently say: this is the ideal starting point for diversifying your trip. He wanted to and went to the USA (the distance from Cuba to America through the Strait of Florida is only 180 km) or Mexico (210 km right along the Yucatan Strait).
Not far from Cuba are located famous island Jamaica (140 km along the Strait of Colon), the island of Haiti (total 77 km along the Windward Strait).
The cost of holidays in Cuba can hardly be called low, but this factor absolutely does not stop Russian tourists from traveling to a country with luxurious beaches, no visa formalities, majestic nature and characteristic exoticism. Caribbean Islands. The birthplace of revolutions, communism, the legendary Fidel Castro and Che Guevara, which the whole world knows about.
Most vacationers have an income above average. It is difficult to make a tourist portrait of a vacationer - these are elderly couples, young people, families with children, and single men with women.
Cuba is associated with incredible, simply over the top patriotism local population, a constant, long-term struggle with the United States, the socialist ideology of the people that has survived to this day. Cuba fifteen years ago was literally associated with the USSR that existed then, but unlike the latter, today's Cuba has millions of tourists throughout the year, a highly developed hotel business with a decent level of service, a variety of entertainment for visitors, from diving to exotic walks on yachts with a stop in picturesque bays.

Moscow-Cuba: how to get to the Island of Freedom from the Russian capital?

The best option without transfers and paperwork is a direct "Aeroflot" flight from Moscow to Havana, which takes about 12-13 hours.
Additional options:
- Moscow-Paris-Havana (transit), Air France.
- Moscow-Frankfurt-Havana (Varadero), Condor airline.
- Moscow-Amsterdam-Havana, KLM airline.
Travel times will vary along with transfers and waiting times at transit airports between 16 and 21 hours.
For example, if you go to Havana via Amsterdam, tourists will have to spend the night in Amsterdam due to poor connections between flights arriving from Moscow and departing for Cuba. Therefore, you will have to take care of booking a hotel room in advance.

Transport links in Cuba

Very poorly developed. It is practically non-existent. The local population prefers to travel within the country by hitchhiking. The most common type of public transport - buses, but! This is only for the extreme! Firstly, there is no traffic route (today the driver drives in one direction, tomorrow - in another), secondly, the absolute non-compliance with the speed limit, which is fraught with a high accident rate on the roads, thirdly, there is no comfort during the trip to talk about it is not necessary at all, fourthly, it will be difficult for a tourist to find even an approximate bus schedule both within the city and over long distances.
If you want to experience happiness and fate at the same time - you can take a chance, of course, but it's best to use the so-called taxis for tourists: good, well-groomed cars, always serviceable and, most importantly, modern. You can order a tourist taxi from any hotel or from any place, wherever you are. Taxi fares will have to be paid in dollars.
City taxis also run in cities, where the calculation is made in the national currency - pesos, but there are few such cabbies, and their cars leave much to be desired.You can use the services of private cab drivers - the price tag for travel is democratic, but the cab driver will not give any guarantees.
Resting in the resort of Varadero, you can use the services of the so-called shuttles: the price is normal, and the level of service is also not bad. At least you can move around the resort area calmly. Travel to Varadero is organized tourist buses for which an unlimited travel ticket is valid - I bought a ticket in the morning and ride at least all day, leaving at one stop and sitting at another.

Car rental in Cuba

There are no difficulties in renting a car. Enough to deposit rent as well as a security deposit. You can find the office of a car rental company in any more or less large city in Cuba, as well as in tourist centers.
When renting a vehicle, you will be required to have a passport, as well as an international driver's license. The tenant must be at least 21 years of age. The security deposit is paid in cash in cash. Its amount will depend entirely on the brand of the vehicle, as well as on the rental period, and will be about 200-300 pesos. The brand of the car, as well as the year of its release, the quality of each agency are different. It is difficult to predict here - it can be either lucky or not very lucky. In general, it makes no sense to pre-book a car for rent - Cubans do not always provide for temporary use exactly the transport that was reserved in advance by the tourist.
What can also upset a little is the cost of fuel - you will have to pay about 1.40 pesos per liter of gasoline.
The variety of colors of license plates on cars is surprising: red - tourist, yellow - private, and blue - state. The attitude of the police towards motorists in cars with red numbers is condescending and they do not pay attention to minor offenses at all. However, in Havana the rules traffic will be the same for everyone: both for local residents and for tourists.
Traffic in Cuba is right-handed, and you will be pleased with the good quality of the roadway literally everywhere. What will definitely surprise you is the absence of small road markings and signs of the direction of movement, settlements - they are not found anywhere. Therefore, when traveling independently around the country, you need to stock up either with maps of the area or simply look for the desired destination yourself.
On the roads, you should be extremely careful: there are few cars, but there are a lot of people traveling on bicycles.

Weather in Cuba

Climatic features of Cuba depending on the season

Cuba is really hot for 365 days a year, with a minimum temperature of +22 degrees Celsius in January. But even it does not feel cool due to the constantly high humidity. Afraid to fly to rest in Cuba in the winter months is not worth it - today the air temperature is + 20, and tomorrow it will already be + 30 degrees. The average annual temperature ranges from 25 to 27 degrees Celsius with 80% humidity. August is considered the hottest month, when the temperature does not fall below + 28 degrees. Upon arrival in Cuba, get ready for acclimatization - without this, nowhere, unfortunately. The only place where heat in "tandem" with humidity is easily perceived is the sea coast, blown by ocean winds. By the way, the wind is an integral part of the Island of Freedom. Sometimes one gets the feeling that the wind currents blow constantly, without stopping, and certainly in one direction, as indicated even by tree trunks, amicably tilted in one direction.
Many people are worried about the rainy season in Cuba. Precipitation usually begins in June and ends in September. From October until the end of May there is a rainless period.
You can talk endlessly about a beach holiday in Cuba! Absolutely all the beaches are in perfect condition, well-groomed and clean and ... free, as they are completely owned by the state. The only exception is parts of the beach area that belong to hotels and are carefully guarded by the hotel security service, so you won’t meet the local population at all in these areas, which increases the level of safety for vacationers at times. Beach paraphernalia in the form of umbrellas and sun loungers is issued to vacationers free of charge.
One can sing odes to the crystal purity of water, its color and transparency. Visibility up to 60 meters! The water is very warm and comfortable for swimming at any time of the year. Minimum it can drop to + 23 degrees. The maximum temperature in August reaches + 30 degrees.
Cuba can be safely considered the best place for recreation and entertainment for divers. the beauty sea ​​depths just amazing. More than a thousand species of fish and other mammals live in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. Coral reefs alone are worth something - their beauty is difficult to compare with anything at all. Flocks of dolphins, sea turtles, lobsters, crabs, octopuses - this is just a small fraction of what lives in the waters of the Caribbean Sea.

About living in Cuba

There is no need to worry about living in Cuba - in all resort areas and large cities there are hotels of well-known European chains, you can mainly find Spanish hotel chains. Hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis. If we are talking about resort areas, then all hotels are located on the first coastline, which certainly pleases vacationers. Before coming to rest, you should clarify the voltage in the sockets - in Cuba it is 110 V, so you may have to grab an adapter. However, some hotels have European sockets with the usual voltage of 220 V.

What to see in Cuba

Being in Cuba, you should definitely organize an excursion program for yourself. The country is literally “stuffed” with mysterious caves with their own history, national parks, valleys and fabulously beautiful natural landscapes.
If you want to know how tobacco is grown and cigars are made, you should definitely visit a tobacco plantation in the Pinar del Rio region and a tobacco factory in the city of Pinar del Rio.
Nature lovers are advised to go see the waterfall that falls on the Manantiales River, as well as Mount Loma del Fuerte.
You can organize a quiet and secluded vacation, without dozens of prying eyes, in the province of Havana with its many wild beaches and coves.
Since Cuba is hundreds of small and not so small islands, some of them will have to be reached by air. The island of Cayo Largo, where an excursion to the so-called natural national park with hundreds of species of birds, mammals, wild animals, is located far from the mainland of Cuba, so you can’t do without a flight. Travel time will take about 30 minutes. And, if there is an opportunity to choose - a mini-plane or a helicopter, it is better to choose the second option. Planes like corncobs are, well, very creepy, as evidenced by the many reviews from tourists who have chosen this method of transportation by air. Even those who are absolutely not afraid of flights experienced a real shock from flying on Cuban planes. Therefore, if there is a fear of air travel, then it is better to refuse the idea of ​​​​flying in Cuba.
In Cuba, you can play a staged wedding or organize wedding photoshoot or video recording. Some hotels are happy to agree to hold a Dream Wedding for vacationing tourists, since the beauty of nature allows you to make a chic holiday without pomp and decor. Both local operators and photographers work in Cuba, as well as Russian ones who come specifically to earn money and to cooperate with Russian tourists. According to the reviews of all the same vacationing tourists, we can conclude that hiring Cubans for video and photography is more profitable not so much in terms of money, but in terms of the quality of the final work - they do everything at the highest level, while Russian pros can "cheat".

Cuisine of Cuba

lovers meat dishes Cuba will be a real "paradise"! Cuban specialties are chicken and pork, which is prepared in a variety of ways, technologies and methods. Be sure to try "Ajiako" - the most tender pork with a vegetable side dish and spicy herbs. In general, Creole cuisine has become widespread throughout Cuba. For lovers of the exotic, such dishes have been created as: turtle eggs, dishes from turtle, crocodile meat, as well as spicy lobsters with lemon sauce.
Fruit dishes are an integral part of Cuban cafes and restaurants. Fruits here are the most diverse, always fresh and tasty. Fruit dishes are served literally with every dish ordered. And also coffee ... Fragrant, strong, rich and very sweet.
From alcohol, a tourist should definitely taste Cuban rum, as well as dozens of cocktails based on this alcoholic drink. To find good restaurant or a decent cafe can be found in several major cities (in the capital and in Santiago de Cuba), as well as in the resort area. In small towns, the choice of catering establishments comes down only to snack bars and the so-called eateries, where they will not offer anything other than fast food.

Shopping in Cuba

Trade objects of Cuba
The opening hours of retail chains in Cuba are from nine in the morning to six in the evening, on Saturdays the opening hours are reduced to three in the afternoon. There are retail chains open until 8 pm. But this is more an exception than a rule for large cities and smaller towns. As for the resort areas, the shops in them work an order of magnitude longer, hours until nine or ten in the evening. Almost everything at lunchtime shopping facilities close together for a break that can last several hours.
What currency will you have to pay in Cuba
When planning a vacation in Cuba, you should take euros with you, not dollars. There are two good reasons for this. The latter were banned for circulation in Cuba at least five years ago (the United States is a fierce enemy of Cuba). But, if you still have dollars at your disposal, we recommend immediately upon arrival in Cuba to exchange them for a convertible Cuban peso. But! The commission for exchanging dollars for pesos in all banks reaches 20%, and when exchanging euros for pesos, no commission is charged at all. This, in principle, is the second reason why it is advisable to take euros with you on vacation.
A convertible Cuban peso is the same as a regular peso, valid among local residents, but only "tourist". The only difference will be the word "convertible". In and all, in principle. Both the first and second options are legally allowed to circulate in Cuba, only ordinary pesos are used by native Cubans, and convertible ones are used by tourists. Convertible pesos can be used in the tourist area. For the entire period of rest, a tourist may not even see the usual peso.
Bank opening hours in Cuba
Banks are open all days of the week except Sunday. Usually the working day starts at half past nine in the morning and ends at three in the afternoon. There is a mandatory lunch break from twelve to one in the afternoon. On Saturdays, banks work on a reduced schedule - from half past nine to eleven (although they may close earlier).
Calculation in progress plastic cards, but they should not be issued American bank! The same goes for checks. Any, except for those issued by American banking institutions. That's the kind of love they have for the United States.
About tips
Tipping can and even should be left, but in moderation. At the hotel, it will be enough for the maid to leave 50-60 euro cents.

What to bring from Cuba

Let's make a list of rating purchases, without which a vacation in Cuba will not be a vacation:
- Cuban cigars (yes, yes! Even if none of the family members smokes, it won't hurt to buy a couple of things as a keepsake);
- Cuban rum (the most delicious traditional drink of local residents, which Cuba became famous for a hundred years ago);
- paraphernalia of the Cuban revolution: berets, scarves, T-shirts of the legendary Cheguevara, souvenir photo albums, etc.;
- Guayaberu shirt (worn by officials of the country during the visit to the tropics);
- jewelry made of black coral (spectacular, unusual, beautiful);
- tortoise shell jewelry (original and tasteful);
- Cuban coffee (a very aromatic and incomparable drink).

What should a Russian tourist know when going on vacation to Cuba?

The usual precautions and maximum care will not be superfluous in any Latin American country:
- valuables, including money, should be kept only in safes;
- tap water can be contaminated, so it is not recommended to drink it, even boiled;
- it is best to eat in restaurants under the "trusteeship" of the state - the probability of getting poisoned is minimal;
- in Cuba it is forbidden to photograph industrial facilities, military personnel, military equipment;
- It is advisable to move around Cuba only during daylight hours. If you went to another region in a rented car and do not have time to return before dark, it is best to spend the night in the locality where you were. At night, both single criminals and those acting in groups with the aim of robbery are "activated".

Being in Cuba, you can organize a full and unforgettable vacation. The flat-mountainous terrain, many bays and bays open up almost limitless possibilities. Today you are basking on a snow-white sandy beach, tomorrow you are exploring the beauties of Liberty Island from a bird's eye view, the day after tomorrow you are diving or other extreme sports.

Cuba (Spanish Cuba), the official name is the Republic of Cuba (Spanish República de Cuba), unofficial since 1959 - Liberty Island) is an island nation in the northern Caribbean Sea. The country occupies the territory of the island of Cuba as part of the Greater Antilles, Isle of Youth and many smaller islands. From North America Cuba is separated by the Strait of Florida to the north and the Yucatan Strait to the west. Capital and The largest city- Havana. Cuba can rightly be called heaven on earth. Endless sandy beaches, azure sea, passionate dances and restless fun - you will not leave the thought that you are in a fairyland.
To get to know the island of Liberty, first of all go to Havana. It is here that the contrasts of the country are best seen. Do not be surprised by the neighborhood of luxurious skyscrapers with dilapidated houses. And be prepared for the sincere cheerfulness of their inhabitants. The life of Cubans is open, it takes place on the street or on the balcony. They sit for themselves, talking through open windows and doors, playing dominoes by the porch, playing music and dancing.
Anyway, if you are dancing or want to see how the locals dance (and there is something to see), do not waste time, dance in Havana. A kind of extreme during a trip to Cuba can be found in the evening, when electricity is turned off in some areas. Entire streets and neighborhoods are plunged into darkness. But walking there, as assured by those who have already visited Cuba, is completely safe.
Cuba is a country with a unique culture. The construction of socialism and poverty are strangely combined with world-class resorts and general fun. Wake up here to the crowing of roosters, look at the streets lined with "We're Feeling Good" signs, taste freshly squeezed sugar cane juice and enjoy life with the inhabitants of the island. Call a horse with a cart instead of a taxi, and quickly go on an excursion. After all, there will be something to see!


The city is thoroughly saturated with history and salt spray. Its picturesque boulevards and wide avenues with houses painted in pastel colors, from light pink to pale blue, remember the Spanish conquerors, filibusters, and Cuban revolutionaries. Here, Hemingway walked along the embankment, dreamed of a bright future for his country, Jose Marti, and the legendary Che fought for the freedom of the Cuban people.
La Villa de San Cristobal de la Habana was founded almost five hundred years ago by the Spanish conquistador Diego Velasquez. The city had a favorable geographical location, and the bay, located in calm waters The Gulf of Mexico was the most convenient in the Caribbean. All this contributed to the fact that Havana soon turned into a major port. Trade and warships anchored here to replenish supplies of food and water. However, the wealth of the city began to attract pirates, so defensive structures were built around Havana. Today it is a local pride.
Havana is the largest city in Cuba and its cultural center. Defensive fortresses and forts are located in the historical center. Castillo del Morro - the oldest fortification, a kind of symbol of Havana. Since the 19th century, the fortress has served as a lighthouse. Another stronghold is Fortaleza de San Carlos de la Cabaña. And although it was built later than Castillo del Morro, they together make up architectural ensemble- Morro Cabaña Park.
In the bay of Havana, the ruins of the fortress wall remained, which once protected the sea city from land. On both sides are the fortresses of La Punta and La Fuerza. The latter now houses the Museum of Ancient Weapons. Not far from the fort of San Carlos de la Cabaña, a marble statue of the Christ of Havana rises 18 meters high.
Do not walk along the Havana Malecon - do not see half of Havana.

It is here that the festive procession takes place during the carnival. Carnival in Cuba.
From here originates the main street of the city - Paseo del Prado Boulevard. Here is the building of the National Capitol - a huge palace, impressive in its grandeur. It was built in 1929 in the image and likeness of the Capitol, which stands in the US capital, but surpassed it in size. Nearby are the Museum of the Revolution, the Museum of the City and the monument "Granma", built in honor of the yacht of the same name, on which the revolutionaries arrived in Cuba.
Be sure to visit the chapel of El Templete. It was built in 1828, supposedly on the site of the founding of Havana. The Baroque Cathedral is located in the Plaza de la Catedral.
Here you can also visit the Bodeguita del Medio bar, where Ernest Hemingway liked to enjoy ice-cold mojitos.
If you are interested in the life and work of Papa Hem, visit the La Vigia estate, today the Ernest Hemingway Museum is located here.
The districts of New Havana are modern administrative buildings, villas, hotels. In this place is the University of Havana and Revolution Square, which houses the memorial to José Marte.


If Havana is the cultural capital of Cuba, then Varadero is the entertainment capital. Endless beaches with white sand, sky-colored water, Cuban rum and dancing until the morning - this is Varadero.
And it all started with a small villa built by American businessman Irene Dupont. With his millions, the city was equipped in such a way that it soon became popular, rich people came here to relax, play golf and swim in the crystal clear waters ocean.
Gradually, Varadero acquired infrastructure and turned into the most popular resort in Cuba. There are luxury hotels with excellent service, restaurants and nightclubs.
History buffs can visit La Cueva de Ambrosio, the famous cave with rock art ancient Indians who once lived in this area. Varadero has the ancient fort of Fuerte Espanyol and the church of Iglesia de Santa Elvira.


It is located in the same province as Varadero and is the second largest city in Cuba. It is called the Cuban Venice because it stands at the crossroads of rivers over which many bridges have been built.
Most famous bridge- a hundred-meter Bakunayagua. Historically, Matanzas has been associated with the cultivation of sugarcane and tobacco. Slave labor was used for this, so the mixing of Cuban-African traditions is more noticeable in this area.
There are many places in Matanzas worth visiting. On the Plaza de la Vigia, which is considered the founding place of the city, is the Teatro Sauto, built in 1863 by the Italian architect Daniel Dal Aglio.
The Plaza de Libertad is home to the Pharmacy Museum, which exhibits antique tools and equipment. To see all of Matanzas, visit the chapel of Montserrat.
Just a few kilometers from the city is the Belyamar Cave, where you can see cave drawings that are over a thousand years old.


One of the oldest cities in Cuba, Trinidad has been preserved in the form in which it survived its heyday. In the 18th century the city played important role in trade relations with neighboring countries. There were huge plantations of sugar cane, which ensured its prosperity.
Trinidad is like an open-air museum: stone pavements, carved windows and wrought-iron railings. Each building has its own history. It seems that you are in the past.
The city has many museums and galleries. You can see the Church of St. Francis and the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary Trinidad. The city itself is located in a picturesque area. You can enjoy nature in the Topes de Collantes National Park. Here you can see the El Caburni waterfall, and the ruins of ancient sugar factories have been preserved in the San Luis Valley. And if you want to spend a day on the beach, not far from the city are the beaches of Ancon and Maria Aguilar, located on a sandy spit that goes far into the sea.

Isle of Youth

The legendary island, where, according to legends, pirate treasures are stored. The second largest island of Cuba, covered with pine forests (the island was called Pinos - from the Spanish pino - pine) and orange groves, the island is part of the Los Canarreos archipelago. Due to its mild climate and natural diversity, it is considered one of the most popular holiday destinations in Cuba.
Caving enthusiasts can explore caves and grottoes to their heart's content. And those who prefer diving will find everything here. The international diving center "El Coloni" annually holds competitions in underwater photography. Those who are fond of flora and fauna can walk around the Los Indios Reserve, located near the city of San Felipe.
The capital of the island of Youth is Nueva Gerona. Here are the famous Presidio Modelo prison, where Fidel Castro was imprisoned, the house where Jose Marti lived when he was in exile for his political convictions, a church, a museum.

What else is worth visiting in Cuba

Bibihagua beach on the island of Youth. It differs from others in the black color of the sand - the result of the action of sea water on the basalt rock of local rocks.
The first capital of Liberty Island - Santiago de Cuba with the 17th century fortress Castillo del Morro and the Museum of Colonial Art

What is Cuba known for?

Rum. This drink began to be made from sugar cane in the 16th century. It is believed that Cuban rum is strong and at the same time tasty.
Cigars. Given that the variety of tobacco for cigars was bred in Cuba, Cuban (Havana) cigars rightly took the place of the leader in the tobacco business.
Guantanamera (Spanish Guantanamera - a girl from Guantanamo) is one of the most famous Cuban patriotic songs, based on the first verse of the very first poem written in the 19th century by a Cuban poet and writer, a fighter for the liberation of Cuba from Spain, José Marti, first published in his collection "Versos Sencillos" ("Simple Poems"). The music is thought to have been written by José Fernández Díaz ("Joseito") in 1929 (the exact date is unknown). He also wrote the full version of the song, which is considered "classic". Given the respect Cubans have for Marty, we can say that the song has become almost the unofficial anthem of Cuba. There are numerous versions and re-hashings of this popular song.
The prison in Guantanamo (Guantanamo Bay detention camp) is a camp for persons accused by the US authorities of various crimes, in particular, of waging war on the side of the enemy, at the naval base in Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), leased indefinitely by the United States, 15 km from city ​​of the same name. The prison appeared in January 2002, when the first 20 people were brought there from Afghanistan, accused of "taking part in hostilities on the side of Islamic extremists" - the Taliban. From 2002 to 2006, over 750 foreigners, captured US troops during operations in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Incendiary dance "salsa" (remember "Dirty Dancing"?)

Who is Cuba known for?

José Marty. Journalist, writer, national hero of Cuba, organized the Cuban Revolutionary Party, and in 1895, under his leadership, the second war for the independence of the Cuban people began. Marty died in the first battle. Ernesto Che Guevara (Spanish Ernesto Che Guevara, full name Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, Spanish Ernesto Guevara de la Serna; June 14, 1928, Rosario, Argentina - October 9, 1967, La Higuera, Bolivia) - Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban Revolution of 1959 and Cuban statesman. In addition to the Latin American continent, it also operated in the Republic of the Congo. He received the nickname Che from the Cuban rebels for the interjection che, characteristic of Argentines, borrowed from the Guarani Indians, which conveys, depending on intonation and context, various feelings. Most often translated as "friend, buddy."
Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz (Spanish: Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz, born August 13, 1926) is a Cuban revolutionary and political figure, Comandante, leader of Cuba from 1959 to 2008. Together with his brother Raul Castro and the Argentinean Ernesto Che Guevara, he led the revolutionary movement in Cuba against the dictator Batista. After the victory of the revolution on January 1, 1959, Fidel Castro became Prime Minister of the Republic of Cuba, and from 1976 to 2008 - President. At the moment, the President of Cuba is his brother - Raul.
And if you have the opportunity to visit Cuba, don't hesitate. Liberty Island and new experiences you will definitely never forget! True, this pleasure is expensive.

In the photo - Western Cuba.

Hot tropical Cuba is one of the best places for a beach holiday. The Caribbean coast delights tourists with the turquoise color of clear water, white sand and sincere hospitality of the locals. The resorts of Havana, Varadero and Villa Clara open the doors of comfortable hotels and always offer quality service.

People go to colorful Cuba for the passionate rhythms of salsa and rumba, for the constant atmosphere of the holiday that reigns in the streets painted in bright colors. The spirit of freedom, the almost unconditional adoration of the national hero Che Guevara, the vintage cars on the streets and the constant siesta make this country unique and unlike any other. Well, in Cuba, a tourist is waiting for the triumph of life, dancing, spicy cuisine and an even Caribbean tan.

The best hotels and hostels at affordable prices.

from 500 rubles/day

What to see in Cuba?

The most interesting and beautiful places, photos and a brief description.

Former parliament building built in 1929. The deputies sat in it for 30 years until the victory of the Cuban Revolution, after the Capitol was turned into a conference hall and offices for some ministries. The building is built in a pompous and solemn style and at the same time resembles St. Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican and the American Capitol in Washington. The project was designed by the architect Eugenio Piedra.

The main museum of Cuba, located in the former presidential palace. After the fall of the Batista regime, many elements of the luxurious interior decoration (for example, the lamps of the Tiffany jewelry company) were removed, but the original furniture and decoration remained. The museum has 30 rooms and 9,000 exhibits that tell about the history of Cuba since the 15th century. The main emphasis, of course, is placed on the period of the Cuban revolution.

The theater building is a wonderful example of the colonial baroque style. The construction was carried out by the Belgian architect Paul Belau in 1915, or rather, he reconstructed the old theater building of 1838. The stage is named after Bolshoi Theater Moscow in 1985 at the suggestion of ballet prima Alicia Alonso. You can get inside not only for a concert, but also with a special tour.

The largest art museum in Cuba, one of the most visited cultural sites in Havana. The exposition has existed since 1913, but only in 1954 was built for it separate building. The rich collection of the museum presents works by Latin American and European artists of the 18th-21st centuries, exhibits of more than early periods. It also exhibits many works related to contemporary art.

Main Catholic cathedral country, built in a fairly original style. The architects moved away from the traditional European canons and added a bit of local flavor. The cathedral has asymmetrical towers, coral was added to ordinary stone when laying the walls, and the lines of the facade were smoothed out. The remains of Christopher Columbus were kept in the temple for almost 100 years, but then they were sent to Spain.

The world-famous writer spent the last years of his life in Cuba. At the insistence of his last wife, he bought a manor not far from his favorite bars. The house was turned into a museum in 1962. Everything remained exactly the same as it was during the life of the writer. Almost the entire free space is occupied by books in dozens of languages ​​of the world, bookshelves reach the ceiling. Together with the Hemingway couple, their numerous pets lived.

7. Havana Club Rum Museum

A bar-museum where the visitor will be introduced to the history of the appearance of the famous drink, the technology of its production and will be offered to taste several varieties. The Havana Club is the most visited Cuban museum, the number of tourists a year reaches a million people. On weekends, the institution arranges dances to the accompaniment of an orchestra, and the atmosphere of an endless holiday reigns around.

One of the central streets of Havana, stretching from Central Park to the seafront. The boulevard appeared in late XVIII century, was completely reconstructed and renovated in 1929. Colonial-style mansions are lined along the edges of the street; the influence of Spain is clearly felt in the architecture of the houses. Walking along the Prado, with some assumptions, you can imagine that you are somewhere in Madrid or Seville.

Havana's main promenade, beloved by locals and tourists. Extends from the fortress of San Salvador de la Punta to new residential areas. Here you can learn a lot about the original culture of the Cubans, drink fragrant coffee or strong rum, dance salsa right on the pavement. Elderly Cubans love to fish on the waterfront, and young people enjoy sunsets and make dates.

The main square of Havana, where cultural and government institutions are concentrated. During the design, it was assumed that in the event of an uprising or an armed conflict, weapons could be quickly distributed on the square (hence the name - "armas" in Spanish means "weapons"). The place is the heart of Old Havana, in the center there is a monument in honor of the revolutionary Carlos Manuel Cespedes.

A large square in the capital of Cuba, where Fidel Castro often spoke for many hours and where thousands of rallies took place. In the middle there is a high tower with an observation deck, along the edges of the buildings there are graphic portraits of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro. Behind the observation tower is the imposing Palace of the Revolution. Due to its size, the area around the square looks a bit deserted.

Installed on Revolution Square in 1996. Jose Marti is a poet, a revolutionary and a highly revered figure in society. Inside the monument there is a repository of documents, engravings and other relics that tell about the life and work of a public figure. The statue is located in front of the observation tower in the middle of the square. The Havana Jose Marti Memorial is one of the many monuments to the poet in the country.

The tomb of the great and still beloved by all Cubans revolutionary Che Guevara. The place for the mausoleum was not chosen by chance - the decisive battle of the Cuban Revolution took place in the city of Santa Clara, where the Comandante won. The building was built by Cuban volunteers in 1988. The ashes of Che Guevara and his associates, transported from Bolivia, were buried here only in 1997.

Both fortifications rise above the peninsula on the western coast of Havana and guard the passage to the bay. The forts are part of the Morro Cabaña Historical Park. El Morro was built by the Spaniards in the 16th-17th centuries to protect their newly acquired possessions, La Cabaña appeared in the 18th century. The structure served as a garrison, warehouse and prison in different periods. In the evenings, the walls are illuminated.

The fort is one of the oldest in Latin America, originally it served as a defense against pirate attacks. The fortress was erected in the middle of the 16th century, over the next two centuries it was repeatedly rebuilt and strengthened. When defensive functions lost their importance in the 19th century, an archive was organized in the building, then a library and a museum of ceramics were located here. In the 2000s a maritime museum was established in the fortress.

17th century defensive structure erected to protect the city of Santiago de Cuba. Construction works continued for over 40 years. The fortress was needed to protect the city from English pirates who constantly attacked Cuban harbors. In the first half of the 20th century, the building was in disrepair, but then it was restored and was included in the UNESCO lists. Now the castle houses a museum of the history of piracy.

Territory in Northeast Cuba with a unique tropical ecosystem. In 2001, UNESCO included the park in its protected lists. The area is named after a German explorer who visited the island in the early 19th century. Tourism on the territory of the reserve began to develop relatively recently, after the lands were declared a nature protection zone. Now the park can be visited as part of a tour.

Protected natural area near the city of Santiago de Cuba. The park is famous for its valley, where there are 200 life-size sculptures of dinosaurs and mammoths. The reserve has an aquarium with a tunnel, from where it is interesting to observe the inhabitants of the Caribbean Sea. Also, tourists will be interested in the museum of old cars. There are hotels and beaches in the coastal area of ​​Baconao, but they are not considered the best in Cuba.

The cave is located a few dozen kilometers from the resort of Varadero. Her visit is included in many excursions called "jeep safari". The cave was discovered in the middle of the 19th century by local shepherds who were looking for lost cattle. Its age, according to various estimates, is approximately 40 thousand years. Tourists can only go 300 meters deep, the rest of the levels are closed to the public.

National park in the valley of the Sierra de los Organos mountain range. The reserve is taken under the protection of UNESCO. The territory consists of flat karst formations, flat hills ( locals called them "backs of elephants"), underground rivers, caves and waterfalls. In ancient times, Indian tribes lived in this territory. The Viñales Valley has Botanical Garden and the former slave camp of Palenque de los Cimarrones.

Cemetery them. Christopher Columbus in Havana, where cultural and public figures of Cuba, who played an important role in the life of the country, are buried. There are thousands of graves on the vast territory, many of which are decorated with beautiful marble monuments. Chapels, statues, mausoleums are scattered everywhere, graves are fenced with figured fences. The cemetery can be considered as an independent cultural monument.

An engineering structure built in the middle of the 20th century to shorten the route from Havana to Matanzas. Construction lasted only two years. The bridge supports 41 columns over 100 meters high, with a total length of over 300 meters. Equipped nearby observation deck from where you can see the Yumuri river valley. Here you can also have lunch and listen to national Cuban music.

A mansion formerly owned by an American millionaire. Located on the Hicacos Peninsula. Before the victory of the Cuban Revolution, rich foreigners settled in this area and built luxurious villas for themselves. After 1959, the land, along with the houses, were nationalized. From that moment on, the Las Americas restaurant has been operating at Dupont's villa; you can go to the mansion itself for money along with an excursion.

The main dance show in Cuba since 1939, as well as the main center of entertainment, where every tourist aspires to go. Located on the territory of Villa Mina. Colorful concerts, costumed performances and performances are held here. The Tropicana team consists of more than 200 dancers, singers, and musicians. Meals are served during the performance. national cuisine, Cuban rum and a variety of cocktails.

A popular resort with many excellent hotels, trendy clubs and quality restaurants. Tourism infrastructure has been developing since the 1930s. XX century. The beaches of Varadero are a realm of white sand and azure sea, a triumph of exotic nature. The coastline of the resort has been repeatedly recognized as the best in the world. Varadero is a popular holiday destination for American and European travelers.

Sights of Cuba. The most important and interesting sights of Cuban cities: photos and videos, descriptions and reviews, location, sites.

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    The very best

    La Cabaña

    The fortress complex of San Carlos de La Cabaña was built in the 18th century in the harbor of Havana with a completely understandable purpose. Charles III, the Spanish monarch, began the construction of a fort on the basis of the old fortification of El Morro. After the construction of the fortress, the English administration controlled it.


    Viñales Valley

    Viñales Valley is a locality in the west of Cuba in the province of Pinar del Rio, which since 1999 has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site for its outstanding karst landscape, traditional Agriculture, folk architecture and crafts. The valley is located in the Sierra de los Organos and covers an area of ​​132 sq. m.

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The cultural attractions of Cuba are not as rich and numerous as in other countries. There is no trace of the indigenous population, which was actually destroyed by the Spanish colonialists in the 16th century. And after the conquerors of the sea, who lived in the era of the great geographical discoveries, and created a huge empire united under the flag of Spain, very little has survived to this day. But rare grains of the Golden Age of one of the most powerful European powers that plied the expanses of water, when viewed, are valued much higher than the historical sights of the same Rome, scattered in abundance along the streets of the city. True Wealth island nation- nature. The natural beauty of tropical Cuba has a much stronger effect on tourists than the same fortresses. There really is something to see here. Starting from the unique landscape of the Viñales Valley, which is under the protection of UNESCO, and ending with national parks, with rare representatives underwater and surface world.

The Best Natural Attractions in Cuba

The Zapata Swamp Nature Reserve is part of a vast, gigantic biosphere reserve, the largest not only in Cuba, but in the entire West Indies. It is believed that this swamp is the best preserved among similar ones, but located on other Antilles. Great amount rare plants, about 175 species of birds, more than 30 species of reptiles and much more attract nature lovers from all over the world. Some representatives of the Zapata swamp are endemic and can only live in this area. Another national reserve worth visiting is the Topes de Collantes Park in the Sierra del Escambray. It is located 20 km from Trinidad and is home to the tocororo bird, the symbol of Cuba. The main attraction is one of the largest waterfalls in Cuba, Salto del Caburni. There is a health center in the park. No less attractive for tourists is the Alexander Humboldt National Park near the oldest city of Cuba, Baracoa. This place is protected by UNESCO and is home to many endemics. The park territories unite all the most important landscapes of the region. The Sierra Maestra Mountains are another natural attraction in Cuba. This is the most tall array in the state with the highest peak in the country of Pico Turquino. People come here to visit the national park.

Top Cultural Attractions

Beyond its borders, Cuba is known not only for the legendary comrade Che, the Guantanamer song, the country's unofficial anthem, but also for the capital Havana. The old part of the city is under the protection of UNESCO and is of the greatest interest to tourists. The first thing you should pay attention to is the famous Cathedral or the Cathedral of St. Christopher in Plaza de la Cienaga ( Bolotnaya Square). This is a wonderful architectural masterpiece, built in the colonial baroque style. Inside you can find copies of the works of artists Rubens and Murillo. At one time, the ashes of Columbus rested in the cathedral.

In addition to Havana, you should definitely visit Trinidad, founded in the 16th century and being an open-air museum city. Most of the local attractions belong to the 18-19 centuries. Another city founded around the same time is Camaguey. There are many architectural monuments of the colonial period. Among them stands out the largest area of ​​Cuba, San Juan de Dios. This place was chosen by churches built in the period from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Second largest locality Liberty Islands Santiago de Cuba is best known for the defensive fortress of San Pedro de la Roca, built in the 17th century. The town of Santa Clara is famous for the mausoleum in which lies the ashes of Che Guevara. The monument in honor of the great leader of the revolution is one of the top five attractions in Cuba. Car rental in Cuba video - see for yourself.

Hospitable and vibrant Cuba, with many attractions and excellent weather conditions, attracts many of our compatriots. It's really a good place for a fun holiday. But there are a number of rules of conduct that will have to be observed in without fail to avoid trouble.

1. Insult Fidel Castro

If you do not want to get into trouble in a foreign country, it is better not to speak badly about its legendary leader. Cubans call the former leader of the country nothing more than a "great clever girl." By the way, those who personally saw Castro use the word “big” for a reason, because the politician’s height is really impressive - 191 cm. Locals are mostly proud of the great commander who led the Cuban revolution. "My name is Fidel Castro and I have come to liberate Cuba" - a famous quote from the man who served as chairman State Council Cuba from 1976 to 2008.
According to rumors, they tried to kill the legendary politician several hundred times, and information about his death regularly appears in the press. However, the famous Cuban is in good health to this day. Today he is 89.

2. "Shine" with money

Being left without a wallet on the Island of Freedom on the first day of your trip is easier than ever. History is rich in many examples of successful street thefts. Considering that the average salary of a Cuban is $10-100, petty theft is not surprising. Although the police are actively patrolling the streets and popular tourist places today, it is better to be careful and not lose your vigilance.

3. Kill cows

For killing a cow in Cuba, you can get up to 15 years in prison. Whereas the killer of a person will be deprived of freedom for only 10 years. Such is the paradox. Indeed, every Cuban from the cradle knows that slaughtering a cow is a terrible crime. This animal is not sacred, but all the cows of the island belong to the state. If a cow is stolen, its unfortunate owner will be forced to pay a large fine "for inadequate protection of livestock." When the cow leaves this world of her own free will or because of illness, it is necessary to call the police, who will officially testify to this fact.

4. Disdain home restaurants

There are cafes in Havana, which are located right on the first floors of residential buildings. In such an establishment, the owner of the house prepares dishes in the kitchen himself, and visitors are seated at the table in the hall. Among the advantages of this type of catering: enviable prices for large plates with delicious dishes and the opportunity to give special instructions to the chef. You can eat plenty of traditional dishes here. However, no one guarantees you perfect hygiene and compliance with the highest standards of recipes. Usually, home restaurants are not located on the main street, so only Cubans themselves know about them. One of your new local friends will tell you the way.

5. Be a "gray mouse"

When everyone around is dancing in colorful leggings, it is simply unacceptable to walk the streets in sports tights. You will be laughed at or, worse, not noticed at all! hot climate and bright colors tropical landscapes could not but affect the Cuban way of dressing. Cubans believe that they were not born to hide their sexuality. Therefore, they do not hesitate to wear open tops with short skirts. Young men, on the other hand, like to emphasize the relief of muscles, for which they wear T-shirts with a camouflage pattern. Of the fabrics, the inhabitants of the island prefer cotton and thin translucent silk. Tourists, in order not to get lost in this masquerade, should throw yellow and red clothes into their suitcases. Or update your wardrobe at the local market by changing into a T-shirt with a portrait of Che Guevara.

6. Stop smoking

If you don't get rid of bad habit in Russia, then in Cuba do not even try! Cuba's main export product - tobacco - is sold here at every turn. The manufacture and sale of tobacco is under special state control, and only purebred Cubans work on the plantations. As many famous lovers of Cuban cigars said: "A good cigar is a symbol of a prosperous life." Sigmund Freud, Winston Churchill, Angelina Jolie, Schwarzenegger only smoke Cuban cigars. And John F. Kennedy outwitted everyone and, before imposing an economic embargo, bought 1,200 Cuban cigars.
Tobacco prices on the island are set by the state. High-quality cigars, rolled by the master right in front of your eyes, will cost $150 for 20 pieces. Not the cheapest pleasure, but experts say it's worth it. For those who stick to only good habits, it will be interesting just to watch the process of making cigars.

7. Skip the mulatto show

Incendiary Latin American dances captivated the audience 70 years ago. The first Tropicana cabaret in Havana opened in 1939. At that time, it was not at all easy for Cubans to get a job as a dancer in a troupe, for this it was necessary to withstand a big competition. Today, the concept of the show has not changed much, but the audience still enjoys the riot of colors and is thrilled by the plasticity of local mulattoes and mulattoes. One scale of the holiday is worth something - up to 250 singers, dancers and musicians in costumes of all colors of the rainbow can fit on the stage! They say that Al Capone specially came to Cuba and did not spare any money to look at the enchanting performance.

8. Greedy

When leaving your hotel, leave your shampoos and other unspoiled hygiene products to the staff. Many of them will not even hesitate to “quietly” ask you about it. It is really not easy for Cubans to get hygiene items that are familiar and inexpensive for us. One Cuban grocery basket is worth what: a dozen eggs, a liter vegetable oil, 2 kg of sugar and rice, a kilogram of beans and some meat. And all this for a month! Ordinary Cubans are forced to save on the bare necessities. Life is especially hard for retirees. $10 is the average senior pension on Liberty Island. Therefore, a small tip for the staff can be a lifesaver. No need to be angry if the average Cuban asks for a drink at your expense. After all, his wallet may never have had as much money as you spend on lunch.

9. Abuse hot water

Cubans have constant power outages in their homes, problems with cold and hot water (some apartments have home-made water heaters that sometimes even have electric current), and the majority of the population lives in old, literally crumbling houses. This picture can be observed walking along the old streets of Havana and looking at the balconies hanging from the floors. But the inhabitants of the island are so pleased with the freedom in which they have been living for the last half century that they have not yet dared to protest.
It is not customary to talk about everyday difficulties in the press. But we know how real Cubans live. Therefore, in order not to offend the feelings of those people who survive from water to bread, it is better to wash yourself at home!

10. Play dominoes with Cubans

Cubans are called grown children because the inhabitants of Liberty Island are ready to play and dance all day long. So, in the evenings, there are tables for dominoes at every step. Hot battles are discussed by the whole court, not only fans of board games, but also simple onlookers come to look at the "championships". If you plan to beat the local masters, then prepare well for the game and learn some Spanish. Remember, the average Cuban has years of training behind him!

11. Forget about the "Soviet restaurant"

Surprisingly, there is a real Soviet restaurant in Havana! Here you can taste dishes of Russian and Ukrainian cuisine. On the menu: cabbage rolls, borscht with donuts and chicken Kiev. In addition, only in this establishment they serve a super scarce product on the Island - real white sour cream! An atmosphere of nostalgia for close relations between countries is created by soviet posters about the friendship of peoples and friendly Russian-speaking waiters.

12. Ignore folk art

From Cuban bazaars, you can and should bring exclusive paintings by local artists. Such a contribution to the interior of the house will be the most successful, while the banal tourist magnets and seashells are already rather fed up. The Havana Market on the waterfront (where San Jose's port warehouses used to be) is the most suitable place for original purchases. Moreover, the cost of paintings here is much lower than in the galleries and shops of the city.
In the market, of course, you have to bargain. It is curious that after lunch at this bazaar, prices are reduced. Probably, well-fed sellers at this time of day are more happy with buyers. Take note.
A bus stop and a brewery are conveniently located near the bazaar, where beer is brewed in three colors: light, dark and black.

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