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Online Workshop Neverwinter. Early game, gradual development vs quick start

Neverwinter announced the offensive important event- Dungeon Master's Day, which starts on September 22nd. In turn, this event is divided into two campaigns: Respena's Game and Portobello's Game. Each company will have new tasks and challenges for players throughout the whole month. For this event, a new location "Dawn in the Hole" Tavern will be available, in which players will have to overcome a series of trials and fights. Every week a new Skirmish will open:

- From October 13 at 04:00 Moscow time, "Strange Things at the Dawn in the Hole Tavern" starts.

All events are accompanied by pleasant bonuses in the form of various rewards, such as the Dagger of the Apocalypse, Lliira's Payment, Red Veins from Neverwinter, Tin Golem, Green Slug, Lathander's Dew, Owl Figurine, Portobello's Wand of Vision, Charming Pocket Companion.

A miniature world on the game table will allow you to plunge into fascinating story With interesting plot and dangerous tests. Good luck and stunning victories!

An integral and perhaps one of the most interesting aspects of the game is the use of the Neverwinter online workshop. The process of creating your own quests and levels is not difficult, but players still have questions. Now we will look at the Neverwinter - online Workshop guide in detail.

First, users have questions about why they need it at all. workshop Neverwinter why you need to create your own tasks and levels. First, by creating tasks in the online workshop, you have the opportunity to receive a reward. Your quest will be seen by all Neverwinter players and appreciated, if the level is well done, of course. And the higher your task is valued, the more reward you get.
Secondly, creating your own quests can be a great way to have fun with friends. You create a level and then invite your friends to complete it with you. Interesting and fun. And thirdly, by creating your own levels, you contribute to the refinement and expansion of the game universe. And that really makes your friends jealous and proud of you. Especially if your levels get the highest scores.

Now let's move on to the creation process itself. tasks online Workshop Neverwinter. Despite the extremely clear interface, many users have questions about its use. Now we will try to describe the process of creating a level in an accessible way.

After you have launched the game and it has loaded, you will see your character and its characteristics (if, of course, you created it). Under the hero control panel (includes buttons such as "New Character", "Buy Rename Token", "Delete Character") you will see the coveted "Workshop". Feel free to click on it. A welcome window will appear in front of you. After reading click on New task”, and then agree to the terms of use of the workshop. I highly recommend reading the terms and conditions. If you have already created tasks, then a control window will immediately appear in front of you. Here you can create a new one, edit or delete an old one. After doing the necessary operations, you are again waiting for where you have to " paper work". You need to name the quest, come up with a description and fill in the main concept of the task. After filling in the required fields, you will be prompted to create a completely new one or choose an existing one. ready map. The choice is yours.
It should be noted that in creating new card there is nothing difficult. But it can keep you busy for several hours and bring a lot of pleasure. You can also assemble your map as a mosaic, according to ready-made locations. After that, you should think over the tactics and possible behavior of the players on the location. Create a path for the players to follow and fill it with traps, enemies and the usual decorations. We advise you to do this in test mode. In this case, you will be able to predict the most incredible developments.

By the way, do not forget that there are other game guides on our website, for example, which you can use to facilitate the process of learning and passing games.

If you completed the previous tasks successfully, now you will be asked to think over the plot of your task. You will be taken back to the Neverwinter Workshop. Here you can work through everything, up to the answers plot characters. The main problem is to keep the sequence. You can not immediately kill the enemy, and then talk to him. Remember this. After you've finished everything, run the test mode again and check everything, including the most inconspicuous little things. Now, if everything suits you, arrange enemies, a chest with a reward and go through the quest again. Pay Special attention on the grammatical errors in dialogues and descriptions! If everything is correct, feel free to publish the task. And then you just need to follow the feedback left, receive a reward and, if necessary, adjust the level. Good luck.

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Foreword: This article is intended for newcomers to the game. Neverwinter Online or wanderers who have just started their journey and contains general recommendations and opportunities for leveling from level 1 to level 70.

1. [A little ENT "A] What is Neverwinter ( NeverWinter online)?

If you've never heard of the game series Neverwinter, then most likely, NWO for you is just an MMORPG game from the MMO list. But if you nevertheless turned your attention to the description or looked at the review, then you already know that, first of all, this is part of the lore (Lore) of the aforementioned universe Dungeons & Dragons, which originates from the distant 70s in the form of a fantasy board game, which in turn influenced the creation of a series of manuals, books, games, and the development of an entire cult universe with various fantasy settings. In NWO, all action takes place in the expanses of the Faerûn subcontinent in one of the most popular settings called the Forgotten Realms (Forgotten Realms). [The same world was used to create the popular role play Baldur's Gate, whose fans, by the way, still play it and consider it one of best games of this genre.] I recommend to get acquainted with the books and information about the game / universe in more detail on my own, and we move on to the next blocks, which will contain more useful information about the game itself.

2. Beginning of the game, gradual development vs. quick start

Before starting the game, you need to decide on the choice of leveling style from level 1 to level 70. All this gap is original content, plot, dialogues, etc., which introduce you to the basic mechanics of the game and your class in general. We begin to engage in the full development of the character closer to the 70th level, or rather, immediately after reaching it, until this moment, it is absolutely not worth bothering with pumping. The only thing that needs to be determined is the race that best suits your class, as it cannot be changed in the future, except by purchasing a Draconid Seal. You can read more about suitable races.

A: I love MMOs / Fan of the series B: Inveterate MMO player / Straight up!

For you story line is a priority, you do not pursue instant success, but calmly and confidently enjoy the passage, gradually developing in the game.

In this case, you just need to follow the quest track, complete all the quests, even the secondary ones, explore every corner and enjoy the game (for the time being :D).

You feel free to skip most of the conversations, the plot is practically not interesting, the faster the maximum level of development is obtained, the better!

By choosing this approach, you can pump out quickly enough, it is worth doing only the main story campaign, skipping mountains of text.

You will fully unlock all initial content (including knowledge / notes / titles and upgrade initial campaigns + gifts) Very fast pumping, 1-2 days before maximum level with intensive play (below there will be a way to pump in a couple of hours with outside help)
You won't need outside help, you will be able to go to the goal on your own. Character development comes faster due to the availability of high-level content
Development will be quite slow, it will take at least weeks to reach the 70th Unfinished campaigns, lack of some gifts/knowledge/titles, most likely you will need to return for gifts in order to close everything.

Highly important point in both options is third-party help or factors that accelerate the development of the character:

Do not forget to go through the fight and the dungeon available to you several times a day in order to receive astral diamonds and process them into ab, which will be very useful to us in the future, also always pray on time and do not throw things out of your inventory just like that, most of them can be sold for gold that might come in handy someday.

If this is not your first character and you need to get to level 70 as soon as possible, for example, for an additional seal artifact, you will be fine this method getting experience on bears in the guild fortress.

You need:

  1. Guild access. As an option to join or create your own.
  2. Find a person who will kill them, the stronger the better, for example, ask someone from the guild to help. (I personally did it myself in 2 windows (not prohibited by the rules), with a character of only 9000 ops, since I have several accounts, but in extreme cases you can ask a friend or his acc for a while).
  3. Come to the point, attach the desired character to yourself with the /follow command in the case of 2 windows, and run to kill the bear camp respawn cd (poor bears:s).

Path and spawn locations for bears, respawn time 1 minute.

3. Tipping point.

After reaching level 60-70 in the game Neverwinter Online across the universe Dungeons & Dragons many doors, locations, campaigns, development paths are opening up for us, in general, new content in which it is quite difficult to survive. At this stage, you need to do a lot of things, the passage of the direct story campaign is almost completely replaced by repetitive daily / weekly quests - dailies that you need to complete in order to receive campaign resources, gifts and astral diamonds, do not forget to process the diamonds received for daily rewards and move on character development by going through charandar campaigns and beater fights, at the end of which you can get a random artifact or a horse of even epic quality, or at least a cloak for 5% bonus experience, which will not be superfluous when leveling from 60th to 70th. If you haven't joined a guild yet, do so. At the time you get to level 70, you should have about 4500 opp, if you haven’t bought or upgraded things before that time, then the first thing you need to do is upgrade your equipment in order to get enough level items (7500/8400) to enter epic dungeons, without it you will have less opportunity to get ab and items. Also, before this paragraph, you must definitely read 1 of the game guides for the class you have chosen in order to understand the general meaning of the mechanics and the need for certain skills / stats / items and, if necessary, use the free retraining token. It is important to find a guide that does not rely on top-end items and items, since at the beginning we simply cannot have them due to a number of reasons and do not chase the mighty overclocking, but increase at least a few thousand penetrating damage in order to break through creeps, later steeper pumping, we can completely forget about it, but at first there should be several thousand penetrating damage.

Initial equipment, what to wear? There are actually many options:

After buying things and rings, you need to insert at least 7 stones into them, the cost is very low, and bonuses already make you feel comfortable when passing almost any dungeon.

Artifacts: In addition to the initial artifact, do not forget to complete the quest to get the seal of your class, both seals should be upgraded immediately to blue, since the cost is again very small. Also, if you have a small amount of ABs, consider buying a cheap belt/cloak/artifact artifact set, like a Lost, and upgrade them to blue. The necklace and belt will cost 10k ab they should be taken immediately, and the horn is a little more expensive, from 75.000.

Companions: First of all, it is worth buying an amplifier companion (list at the link), which transfers all its parameters to you and dress it in cheap things with 7th stones. The minimum cost in the case of a quasi (20.000 ab) will provide a decent increase to the stats at the initial levels.

Steeds: One of good first horses is a buckskin horse, worth 35k, and a bonus to the judge's patience, the rest can be safely put any green, and insert the necessary blue / green signs on the sign bonuses.

Weapons: During the passage of the spiral stronghold, you will receive fire weapons, for which in the future you can buy or ask to craft someone howling / drowned set and upvote it on blue. Auction price for such a set ranges from 150k for 2 pieces, but the cost of crafting them is much lower, so always ask people in the chat / guild about crafting cheaper.

In total, in just a few days, provided that we ran through campaigns / dungeons / skirmishes / fortresses and earned ab, we get a playable character who can safely run through all the dungeons and feel confident for almost meager investments. Finally, my personal screen of pumping such an initial character in 1 day on bears: Alas, I already had the initial budget in the form of ingots and ab, and the artifact fell from the first run on the beater, but to farm 250k ab in a few days, even a week, gradually spraying things for seals and rings and processing diamonds obtained from dungeons / fights is not difficult, this is a slightly separate topic about which I may write later, do not forget to check collections for items and where they fall from, read current guides and browse the forum, but for now That's all, thank you all for your attention, and good luck!


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