Home perennial flowers Review of the game Neverwinter Online. MMO is easy

Review of the game Neverwinter Online. MMO is easy

Modern European MMORPG based on the Dungeons and Dragons universe.

The release of Neverwinter Online in Russian has become a real treat not only for fans of the world of Dungeons and Dragons, but for fans of MMO games in general.

Recently, our market has been flooded with thoughtless localizations of frankly dumb Asian crafts with a merciless grind, and since in our country the guys do not have very good English, it’s impossible to play and enjoy truly high-quality foreign games.

But as soon as Neverwinter Online spoke Russian, we finally got a smart game with an excellent plot, on which the developers made the main bet and did not fail.

Another good thing is that there is no nerd grind in the game.

Yes, there are mobs here, but you don’t swing on them, but mainly on quests, which are a real pleasure to go through.

The game has the coolest combat, you can aim, dodge and strike in different places, which is more like an action game than an MMORPG.

If you have a weapon, a small pack of friends and a couple of hours of free time - this is enough to have fun in the game - easy, cheerful and fast.

Well, the most important thing is that even those who do not like MMORPGs at all can like the game. Why? Read more in the Neverwinter Online review.

Race and class selection

We choose a character.

The game begins classically - with the creation of a character. This is where the roots of the D&D universe come into play. You can find tailed tieflings, halflings, half-orcs, and other interesting creatures. Each race has a unique bonus that improves performance. So it's worth thinking about the race-class combination. Still, it is not very reasonable to sculpt a rogue out of a dwarf race, and glue a berserker out of a sun elf.

Class selection in Neverwinter Online classic:

Dodger- he is a robber, a master of stealth and deceit, he owns two daggers and does not hesitate to plant them in the back of the enemy.

Cleric- his main task is to treat everyone around, but he is also able to stand up for himself.

Wizard- specializes in controlling enemies and their subsequent splitting.

Hunter- he is an archer, a specialist in ranged combat.

Warrior- just a warrior with a two-handed sword, a specialist in contact combat, crushing skulls.

Guardian- specializes in defense and is a typical tank.

Then you will be greeted by a screen for distributing stat points. But it was made in a funny way - you don't hand out what you need yourself, but roll the dice until the result suits you. Each class has its own characteristics, but everything is very simple.

Then you are waiting for a serious stage of creating the appearance. The editor is very advanced, so it's easy to sculpt a unique Persian. There are so many options for noses, ears, chins, noses and other things that the probability of meeting your twin in the game is almost zero.

There are enough runners with settings to make both cute and ugly sluts. You can change almost everything up to the size of the foot. And if you are too lazy to mess around, there are ready-made presets. True, it is rather difficult to see the hero in detail directly in the game, so in general, everyone seems to have the same face.

Well, the last step before the start of the game is the choice of the hero's background: where he was born, what he did, as well as the deity to whom he offers prayers. True, all this backstory does not really affect the game, but is designed to create the right atmosphere.

Let's start playing

In the city of Neverwinter, you can always meet and talk with other players.

We run along the corridors, merge everything in our path, sometimes we solve small riddles and, having chosen tactics, we bend the bosses - this is in general terms, the gameplay of the game at the initial levels. Then, of course, it becomes more interesting. Events, dungeons and PvP arenas will appear, where you have to capture and control several points in order to win.

Events follow each other all day long, and if during the day you can cut with the undead, then at night you can already pile on the pirates. The thread of the plot quickly takes you to such distances that it takes your breath away.

After you have come up with a name for the character, you will finally find yourself in a training location, where you will learn the basics of control.

Neverwinter Online has a very low entry threshold, that is, to start playing, you do not need to go through long training and read the manuals. The mechanics of Neverwinter is closer to Diablo - ran up, pressed the left mouse button, worked the enemy as expected.

As the level increases, access to new skills opens up, but in general there are not very many of them, and only ten of them can be used.

In the game, you need to be smart about the set of skills - one is well suited for PvE, the other for PvP. However, the character also develops thanks to skill points - they need to be invested in the techs of the Persian's specialization, deciding what to sharpen him for. For example, a rogue can become an uber-damager with frequent crits, or turn into an invisible warrior who damages furiously from invis.

At certain moments, the hero can also choose the path of the ideal, in order to finally set his focus.

The non-target breakout system makes every fight so much more fun.

Overall, the character development is quite interesting. The only thing that surprises is the distribution of skills. The ones you pick up at level 50 are strangely no better than the ones you get at level 5. So there is not a zero chance that you will use the same skills in different combinations throughout the game. And it would be boring if not for the non-target system. For those who don't know, this means that you don't need to stupidly click on the mouse, and then stupidly click skills. Everything is much more fun - you just fly into a crowd of freaks, quickly use your skills, who you roughly aim at, and get fun. That is, everything, as in the mentioned Diablo - you go and chop without straining.

You need to swing mainly on quests. Unlike most Asian online games, there is no hell of a grind here. Quests are another matter. Each of them is presented in the form of a story, connected by an interesting plot, and they give decent experience for completing it.

In essence, the assignments are, of course, classic - kill that, bring that, but it pleases that the essentially banal assignments are wrapped in a smartly chic intricately woven plot with an unpredictable denouement. This Neverwinter is even closer to single-player role-playing. Here even the structure is similar - there is central city- Neverwinter, in which all players hang out. All merchants and the main distributor of tasks are also located there. But already from the city with the help of the map you go to other zones - areas adjacent to Neverwinter.

The world here is not seamless, strictly divided into zones, which is understandable - it is too huge, and it would simply not be reasonable to load the entire map as one location.

You can also upgrade your companion - these are animals that help a lot in adventures. They, like the main character, grow in levels, they can even be equipped.

The satellite system allows you to support strengths hero and compensate for his weaknesses. If you play as a cleric, then a strong warrior will not interfere with you, who will tank during your battles and vice versa - a fearless warrior will need a good cleric who will heal your character and give him buffs.

You can play quests that other players create.

Neverwinter Online is not only a story-driven game, but it also encourages creativity. Not only can you write a biography of a character, but there is also a unique feature called the Workshop. The essence is simple - with the help of a friendly editor, everyone can make their own quest and present it to the public. Players have the right to leave comments, rate the quest, and even reward the author with valuable astral diamonds. This really brings the game to life, and the content here is generally theoretically endless.

As with any high-quality MMORPG, there are many crafts here. The most interesting thing is that you can deal with them both in the game itself and through a web browser. In the game, you will find professions such as alchemy, gunsmithing, cutting and sewing, and so on.

Crafting in the game, like many other things, is very unusual. Instead of sewing or kneading iron with a hammer, you can send special slaves to do all this, and you just have to wait.

Now about finances. There are tons of different currencies in Neverwinter Online. Silver and other gold dropped by monsters, for which you sell unnecessary loot to merchants, is of little use. For it, you can only buy health banks, and untie stones from equipment.

The main game currency is astral crystals. It is for them that powerful equipment is bought, as well as crafting processes are accelerated and companion training is facilitated. Diamonds can either be farmed by doing daily tasks or buy with real money.

If we are already talking about real money, then everything is ok with this. At the first levels, there is no reason to spend money at all, further on the choice - if you want to pump faster - spend money. There is free time? All the same things can be farmed in dungeons, completing tasks and so on. It will take a lot of time, but the wallet will not suffer.

Game video

Is Neverwinter Online worth playing?

Plus - there is excellent graphics and animation, so the battles look just gorgeous.

So why can this MMORPG appeal even to those who don't like MMORPGs? Yes, all because it is an inferior MMORPG, and more cooperative game for those who are dying to save the world from the creatures of darkness, but do not like to do it in big company and does not want to spend dozens of hours on zadrot pumping, grinding and other troubles. In other words, the developers threw out all the traditional flaws for multiplayer games and added a number of advantages that will undoubtedly appeal to fans of fantasy atmospheres.

Neverwinter is a very decent online game with its own focus. This focus is a single player game, story quests, separate mini dungeons with tasks for each player and dynamic battles that do not put you to sleep after a couple of hours of play.

Playing Neverwinter Online at least up to level 30 is definitely worth it because, firstly, it will cost you nothing. Secondly, it’s not every day that decent books come out in Russian Online Games with a good storyline. Thirdly - Neverwinter will give you many pleasant hours and can provide a pleasant aftertaste after each gaming session.

Everything from the interface to the dialogues is fully translated into Russian.

The game has a full-fledged localization in Russian, including the voice acting of all characters. All quests in the game are also voiced in Russian, so you don't have to read anything!

To start enjoying the game, you do not need to cram various tactics, select the right purchase and study the road from point A to point B. The game is so simple that it is even impossible to get lost in it.

All in all, Neverwinter is a great example of a good European MMO that isn't about blood, guts and war, but about co-op adventures through scary dungeons with consistently great goals. Well, if you also creative person, then you can create your own adventures, in which live players inhabiting the world can participate. And maybe your quests will be liked so much that you will be called the master of the game.

Bought Cryptic Studios from Atari. Initially, the genre of the game was announced as "", but later Perfect World Entertainment announced that the game will be released in the genre and will be distributed according to the model. As a result of this change, the release of the game was shifted to the end of 2012. Then, the release date was pushed back again, due to the need to "polish" the game. This time the release of the game was scheduled for 2013. As a result, he saw the light on June 20, 2013. Later, he took part in the creation of one of the modules, who wrote the script for the Underdark campaign. By August 2016, the game was released on three platforms: PC, and (different servers).


The scenario of the game, built on the basis of the fourth edition of the rules, is independent, but has a response in the Neverwinter series of books by R. E. Salvatore. By itself, it is linear and has no plot branches. The events of the game unfold in the vicinity of the city of Neverwinter, destroyed by the Sorcerous Sea and the hotenow volcano. The inhabitants, not having time to fully restore the city, were attacked by the necromancer Valindra Shadowmantle and her Dracolich, which she could get as a result of a deal with the dragon cult, as suggested by Makos, a tiefling warlock, one of the game's story characters. The main task of the player is to investigate the attack of a necromancer.

The story is presented to us through dialogues with the key characters of the game and notes that appear in the process of completing quests or exploring locations (collecting notes or visiting new places). Dialogues are poorly constructed and for the most part are limited to describing the task from the side plot character and an "Accept/Reject" response from the player. True, there are exceptions when it is necessary to conduct a dialogue, as a result of which one of several events may occur, but they are quite rare. For example, one of the bosses asks the player some questions about the game's world. If you answer correctly, then you can avoid a fight with him.

Game world

The game world is divided into separately downloadable locations, interconnected by transition gates. Locations have several instances (channels) and often a large number of players are not observed around. However, players are united by a common chat where they can communicate with each other and arrange a meeting in a certain instance for further grouping in order to complete tasks or dungeons together.

The player can move around the locations both on foot and on horseback. Among possible means movement there are horses, wargs, bears, leopards, gelatinous cubes and so on. Each horse has several cells for signs. The signs themselves have their own bonuses, which are summed up with the performance of your hero. If you fill all the cells, then your horse acquires a permanent property. For example: each time you parry an attack, you recover 1.2% of your maximum hit points over 4 seconds. It makes sense to change the vehicle if the situation requires certain properties. The horses are stored in a corral, which has 5 places. Whom to place in the paddock is up to the player to decide. Each mount has a harness, which can vary in speed bonus. Active in this moment the horse is located in the "Current" tab, where you can change the harness, giving one horse a speed bonus from another horse in the paddock.

Loneliness main character does not suffer, because it is accompanied by satellites, which also have their own parameters and features. They can be equipped with special stones and equipment, as well as increase in levels. Stones, in turn, can also be upgraded with other stones, increasing their level. Only one satellite can be active. The rest are in stock. By themselves, companions are not very talkative, so they are only additional support in battle. If desired, they can be sent on vacation or training. They can die only by falling into the abyss, and in the event of a violent death, they simply fall to their knees. The player can pick up the fallen companion, or simply wait for a while until the companion himself gets up with new forces (literally a few seconds before recovery).

Your companions may be involved in "Adventures on the Sword Coast". This is a mini-game that can be accessed either through the satellite screen or by following the link. The point of the game is to roll dice and collect prizes for completing adventures. Adventures are divided into several challenges, each of which describes the victory conditions: the sides of the dice that the player must roll are indicated. Each satellite has its own types of dice and its own probabilities of falling out of one or another facet, which the player must take into account and carefully select characters for passing this or that test and the adventure as a whole.

The game contains artifacts and artifact equipment that can be improved with magic stones and increase their level. In addition to the artifact equipment itself, we can also improve the stones themselves, inlaid in it. Also in the game there are sets of armor and weapons that give additional bonuses when equipping several or all parts of the set. The more pieces of the set worn, the more bonuses.

Character and development

Character creation takes place in several stages:

There are nine races in the game, three of which have their own variations. Half-orc, human, dwarf, drowdrow" and " Menzoberranzan apostate»), elfforest», « lunar», « solar»), half-elf, halfling, tiefling, draconiandraconian», « metal draconian»).

There are eight classes in the game (the ninth one is under development): Dodger rogue, zealous cleric, master wizard, hunter-tracker, tormentor warlock, righteous paladin, fearless warrior, guardian warrior. Each of them, like the race, has its own strengths and weaknesses. When choosing a class, it is worth considering the chosen race, since the effectiveness of the hero depends not only on good equipment and proper character improvement, but also on the adequate selection of the "race-class". The race gives bonuses to the characteristics, and the class determines which characteristics are important for him.

"Roll the dice" to select the starting characteristics of the hero, among which strength, endurance, dexterity, intelligence, wisdom and charm. You can "transfer" characteristics endlessly.

The character editor allows you to change the build and appearance. Of course, it cannot be compared with some kind of editor, but it can satisfy most players.

We choose the homeland of the character and the deity that he worships. If desired, write a biography of the hero. It doesn't affect the gameplay in any way. At the end, we come up with and write down the name of our hero and begin the adventure.

Character development consists both in the selection of equipment and in the selection of skills and abilities that will allow you to adequately play the role of your class. There are three roles in the game: defense, attack, support. As a rule, for successful completion dungeons, you need to choose the right group of heroes. Each stone, item of equipment, mount or companion increases the parameters of the hero, of which there are quite a lot in the game (lists of parameters of attack, healing, defense, PvP and utility).

Skills and abilities

A character can have a range of skills and abilities. The difference is that skills are passive bonuses to a character's stats, while skills are techniques that can be used in combat. The number of active skills can only be a limited number:
- Two daily skills, which can only be used by dialing the Action Point (AP) bar. The OD scale supplemented the fourth edition of the rules, since the original rules only provide for step-by-step gameplay.
- Three combat skills that have a temporary rollback.
- Two free skills, which make up the basic combat on the left and right mouse buttons.
- Two class features, which are essentially passive bonuses.
- One base skill , which can be both teleportation and control, depending on the chosen character class.

This approach was chosen to implement the game on game consoles and the ability to control the character through the game controller.

Above the red health bar are the skills available in battle. FROM right side: (3) - active artifact slot, (4, 5, 6) - active item slots, (7) - active mount slot.

After level 30, the player is prompted to choose one of two ideal paths (each class has its own ideal paths). This affects further development character, so you should carefully read the description of each option. The choice affects not only the list of skills, but also the list of skills. If desired, all skills and abilities can be reset for free (sometimes developers provide such an opportunity in honor of some event), or with the help of special items. Skills can also be reset for astral diamonds.

Game process

represents, in which there is an emphasis in PvE, but PvP is also present. The combat system of the game is based on mouselook with soft targeting. This gives the game a good dynamic, which is strikingly different from the standard targeting system () and quite close to the rarely seen non-target system (). The player directs the sight at the enemy and he is highlighted with a red halo, which means the choice of the target. All subsequent attacks will be directed at the highlighted target, and even if the sight is moved a little to the side, the computer will automatically aim it at the target, without the player's request. During the battle, this practically does not interfere with the player and serves only as a smooth adjustment of the center of the screen to the target.

There is a system of groups, guilds and guild alliances. Groups can include up to 5 people, which is quite enough for cooperative passage both simple dungeons and epic ones. The group's loot is distributed by a "roll of dice" (random). After picking up each item, all the players in the group are only required to give the answer "need", "I will not refuse" or "pass", and the computer itself will calculate who will get the item. Guilds may include more than a hundred players who have one separate location with a fortress. In the fortress you can take various tasks and construct buildings, among which there may be shops, farms and more. Guild strongholds cannot be attacked directly, but constructed buildings count towards the "fortress siege" (PvP mode). Guild Alliance is a union of guilds that allows you to visit allied fortresses and help develop them, receiving guild marks for this, which are necessary to buy various equipment on the fortress marketplaces.

There are professions, each of which gives its advantages. For example: the Weaponsmithing profession allows you to hire blacksmiths who can create different weapons for different classes. The very process of creating objects remains "behind the scenes". The player only chooses what needs to be produced and continues to engage in the passage of game content.

The maximum level of the character is 70, but gaining experience still remains an actual occupation, since for each full filling of the experience scale they give prizes and the opportunity to improve the skill. After level 70, campaigns become available that have their own plot and their own prizes, which are called "gifts". Gifts give a good bonus to character parameters, so campaigns are highly recommended.

player versus player

Since PvE is primarily a game, the main goal is to complete the storyline. For fans of PvP, there are several modes:

- domination: 5v5 game. In this mode, players must capture and hold the marked points, after which the collection of victory points begins;

- Epic event "Battlefield in Gauntlgrim": 20 vs 20 game. The mode includes 3 phases in which players have to fight both among themselves (faction by faction) and against computer-controlled opponents (mixture of PvP and PvE);

- Fortress siege: 20 vs 20 game. This mode resembles a multiplayer battle arena (). the main objective- destroy the enemy fortress. Players are free to follow different tactics. You can actively participate in combat operations to attack enemy buildings, or transport resources and supply your fortress. The location has two fortresses connected by three roads. On the roads there are important strategic points that must be captured before attacking the enemy fortress;

- Free PvP in Icewind Dale: you have to fight in a special territory, entering which the hero receives a PvP sign of the faction that the player chose at the entrance to the valley. You can remove this sign by visiting the nearest city, leaving the location, or simply dying at the hands of an enemy hero.

PvP is interesting only up to level 70, since the game connects more or less equal players within 10 levels. After 70, there are no limits and you can get thrown against high-end players with a high "total item level" (oops). As a result, a player with 1900 op will be clearly weaker than a player with 3500 op, which completely kills the interest in the battle. For PvP there is a separate option " Dauntless (PvP)", which gives a bonus to resistance to attacks by other heroes. Thus, the equipment in the game is silently distinguished into PvP equipment and PvE equipment.

About PvE: the passage of the plot is only fun if you follow it. Otherwise, the player may lose interest in the game, because most locations are built according to the principle “I come to the location, take tasks from NPCs, kill mobs, kill the boss, gather a group in the dungeon and go through it, leave the location”. Meanwhile, the plots of each location have a connection with the overall plot of the game. An exception can be considered locations that belong to individual campaigns, where the plot may not have a connection with the starting plot of the game.


Some tasks require killing 100 or more enemies, which sometimes takes quite for a long time, but for the most part, tasks are limited to a small number of some actions, whether it be killing enemies or collecting items. If you put together a group of 5 players, then even tasks such as "kill 100 mobs" are completed in a matter of minutes. Grinding can be called the daily execution of the same tasks of various campaigns. This is necessary to collect resources that can later be spent on campaign items or gifts - the most important campaign prizes. Everything related to the plot does not require much effort. The game allows you to follow the plot without being distracted by the grind.


Donat only speeds up what you can get for free with some effort. The game has great amount currencies, but the main ones are Astral Diamonds (collected during the game) and Zen (purchased for real money, for Astral Diamonds or for ARC points).

Minimum rates (subject to change):
1 Zen = 866 Astral Diamonds
500 Zen = 5000 ARC points
660 Zen = 200 rubles

For comparison, the prices of some items in the game store:
- Bottomless bag (12 cells) - 600 zen;
- A set of tools for professions - 1600 zen;
- Equipped Ice Flame Golem (Companion) - 2550 zen;
- Giant crab (horse) - 3500 zen.

Prices on platforms, and can vary dramatically. At the moment, the most affordable prices for players are for . At the time of reading this review the degree of relevance of this information may be low.

Workshop (Foundry)

For those who want to prove themselves in creating quests, a rather interesting Foundry tool is available, which allows you to create your own quests and combine them into campaigns, and then implement them into the game. The player has at his disposal an editor of locations, characters and various logics, which allows you to literally piece by piece collect your locations and implement your plots in them. There is also a built-in dialog editor that allows you to create branched dialogs leading to various events. In order to try out your plot in the game itself, just go to the bulletin board and find it in the list of custom quests and campaigns. After completing such tasks, players are invited to rate them on a five-point scale and leave feedback.

Technical side of the game

Everything is ambiguous here. Some players complain about frequent lags, while others claim that there are no lags. Some say that the provider is to blame, others say that the problem is on the server side. The construction of some locations looks like they were made "by a blunder". Perhaps they were in a hurry, perhaps something else, but it was possible to arrange the objects according to the location somehow more accurately and accurately. The game is often updated: something is corrected, something is added. If to give a subjective assessment of the technical state of the game, then I would rate it as "satisfactory".


As a PvE game it is very good. Tries to stick to the original lore of the D&D Forgotten Realms universe. Locations hold many secrets that are easy to miss if you play carelessly. Cooperative campaigns against bosses sometimes make you fray your nerves. Dynamic and interesting.

In terms of PvP, the game is not entirely successful. Up to level 70, you can still somehow compete with other players, but after level 70 it all depends on the equipment and the general development of the hero, which introduces a terrible imbalance in the battle. The developers have already paid attention to this and are currently rebalancing classes (three classes have already undergone changes).

Jack Emmert hoped that the game would be close in spirit to and, but in the end, during all the bureaucratic changes, something went wrong and the game turned into that multiplayer role play which we see now. Whether he is happy with this result or not is unknown. But the fact is that the game has been living and actively developing for 3 years now. New additions are released, new storylines, new gaming platforms are being conquered, which pleases me personally, as a player and fan of this product.

What we liked:
--- Dynamics of the game;
--- Setting;
--- Variations of character development;
--- There is always something to do;
--- You can comfortably play without cash investments.

What did not like:
--- The general clumsiness of building locations: I can get into some ridiculously organized places from where the edge of the game world or the universal void is visible. Textures in textures, the wall is floating in the air... I fell into a cave, I thought there was some kind of secret, but it turned out that the designer just didn't notice the poor implementation of the location. As a result, I was able to get out only by changing the instance;
--- On some locations, with a large number of players, lags may slip;
--- The game engine should definitely be improved (or changed);
--- Imbalance in PvP after level 70;
--- Localization of the game: Charthraxis translated as Chartharix, Drizzt as Drizzt and so on. The gnomes call the goddess Lolth Lolth - that's okay, because the dialect, as it was said in one of the books on this universe. But why the drow themselves call their goddess "Lolth" (in the dialect of "foreigners") is not clear. Of course, this can be regarded as nitpicking, but still I perceive it as a sloppy attitude towards lore. Occasionally, untranslated words slip through the text or voice actors stumble and repeat the same thing, which, in theory, should have been cut out and somehow edited. For the rest, I have no nit-picking about localization: text and voice translations are done well.

Download PC version games can be played through the Arc app or Steam. For owners Xbox One download available via Xbox Live. Owners PlayStation 4 can download the game for free, without PlayStation subscriptions Plus.

The game Neverwinter Online has a good abundance of classes, so you can choose a class to your liking. This article will short review all classes in order to understand what role each of them performs.

1) The wizard is the master. The magic of all the elements has always been effective tool on any battlefield. Therefore, a master wizard can be useful in any group. Powerful
fire and ice damage spells can knock down any foe. However, this
the class is very fragile in close combat and should never be placed on the front flank. Always magicians - overlords feel good under the cover of melee warriors. Even if such a magician is caught up close, then he can always use a special teleport skill that will move this hero to another place, away from the approaching enemy.

2) Devoted cleric. Support spells and healing of party members have always played a decisive role in
any confrontation. This class copes with this role with a bang. In addition, Devoted Cleric
can control the behavior of his enemies with all sorts of dark spells. Therefore, do not underestimate this class. Due to the fact that the role of the devout cleric is practically one of the most important in the group, he is the No. 1 target for all enemies on the battlefield.

3) Warrior - Guardian. One of the "thickest" classes in the game, thanks to his heavy armor, shield and sword, he can pull together and hold on to crowds of enemies. it great option to divert attention to
mass battles between guilds and groups of players. While magicians, archers and assassins are doing their job, the Warrior-Guard diligently takes all the incoming damage from the numerical enemy and at the same time tries to survive. This class is highly dependent on the group, since alone they have low damage, which makes it difficult to counter against other classes.

4) Rogue-Trickster. Perhaps one of the most popular classes in the game, which, while under invisibility, can inflict crushing unexpected damage on the selected target. This is a great killing machine for mages, clerics and archers. The main strong point of this class is stealth,
dexterity, speed, powerful damage to single targets and, of course, surprise. The trickster rogue is mainly played by those players who love stealth games. After all, a significant part of his time has to be invisibility and mainly attack in the back. On the battlefield between guilds, the Trickster Rogue acts uniquely independently, choosing the highest priority targets for him, which play an important role for the whole group.

5) Fearless warrior. This is the very option for players who like to be in the thick of things at the time of confrontation between groups of players. Thanks to a rich arsenal of useful skills (dash into the crowd,
slowing down the enemy, knocking back the enemy, jumping on the enemy, etc.), as well as with enough of his health, he can easily carry out an attack and keep the defense on the front line. In other words, playing for this "Terminator" you will never be bored. His main weapon is a two-handed sword.

6) Hunter - tracker. An ideal option for any situation, because this class is well effective, both in close combat and in long-range combat, thanks to the presence of a long bow and a pair of sharp daggers. On the battlefield with groups of opponents, hunters more often
just use the bow and arrow as distant option attacks are best suited to this class.

7) The warlock is a tormentor. This class has a number of dark skills that deal amazing damage, both on single targets and on the whole group. A warlock - a tormentor is not a magician who throws fireballs, this is a necromancer who inflicts a lot of nasty and vile troubles on the enemy in the form of controls, paralysis, silence, slowdown, and so on. In addition, this class can increase the damage of group members, which can also completely decide the outcome of the entire battle at some point.

General information

System requirements

Genre: classic of the genre, MMORPG
Operating system: Windows XP/7/Vista/8/10
Type of: client game, free-to-play
CPU: Intel® Pentium® 4 at 1GHz
Mid to High Range Dual-Core 2.5GHz CPU or better
Release date: December 12, 2013
RAM: 1GB of RAM (2GB or more for XP)
3GB or more for Windows Vista and Windows 7
Developer: Crypto Studios
Video card: GeForce 4 Ti4200 64MB or ATI Radeon 8500 64MB
For Windows Vista and 7 - GeForce FX 5200 128MB or ATI Radeon 9500 128MB
Official site:
Hard disk space: 8 GB

Neverwinter- a game that received pretty good reviews from critics and has absorbed millions of fans around the world. The game takes place after a terrible catastrophe that struck 1000 years ago, after the cataclysm the whole world of the game has changed and forever changed its former appearance. Once mighty empires were wiped off the face of the earth, and cities were buried in ruins. The great catastrophe did not reach only one Cities Neverwinter, it is this city that the player will have to revive and explore.

Neverwinter wallpapers

At the beginning of the game, the gamer will have to create his future hero. The game features eleven types of races and six classes, among which you need to choose your unique race. Each race has its own unique qualities, combat, its own skills and characteristics. When choosing your future hero, you first need to study his main fighting qualities and characteristics.
After the player has created his unique hero, he will have to go to amazing journey, in to the world full of danger and riddles. On his way, the hero will meet many dangers and terrible monsters, he will have to fight with the legendary monsters and demons of the dungeons. Any action taken by the hero will have an impact on environment, the game world will change regardless of the player and his actions. As gameplay, the player can join various teams and, together with his team, fight back against his enemies. When fighting in a team, do not forget to cover your allies, only well-coordinated teamwork will be winning.

After reaching the tenth level, the player can master various professions. With the help of the received profession, you can create your own unique weapons and armor, brew various potions and trade in the market. Also included in the game by the developers themselves workshop mode, with which the player will be able to build and build castles, dungeons, mountains and forests, build their own fascinating world with their own NPC characters and monsters. Other players, in turn, will be able to explore the player's created world, complete tasks and evaluate the environment.
Also in the game there is a game currency for which you can buy weapons and equipment. The player receives in-game currency for completing tasks and for killing monsters; you can also pick up some equipment and items from killed opponents. Having received a profession, the player will be able to create unique things himself, and then sell or exchange them on the market.

Pictures of Neverwinter

Combat system in Neverwinter Online

Combat gameplay Neverwinter games quite unusual. When conducting a battle, the player must take into account each of his next moves, running around brandishing weapons will not work. First of all, you need to choose the moment for an offensive attack, and moving away from the enemy, you need to consider your next move. Also, do not forget about healing potions, since there is no automatic health regeneration in the game, you should always have at least one healing potion with you. When playing in a team, you can also get some items, potions, weapons and supplies from allies.
During the game, when performing various quests and tasks the hero will receive experience points that can be spent on improving his skills and talents. As the level increases, the player can train his hero in various combo attacks that have devastating power.
In general, the game is very original, a diverse and constantly changing world will surprise any avid gamer with its beauty. Having put together your team, you can participate in the tournament against another team, the winning team receives valuable prizes. Modern graphics and convenient gameplay and a huge number of features, all this in one Neverwinter game.

Just in case, let's dispel possible doubts: - not an online version. Its action takes place in the same universe and near the same city, but otherwise it is a completely different game from completely different developers.

Neverwinter events unfold in one of most popular worlds Dungeons & Dragons - Forgotten Realms. The focus is on the continent of Faerûn, where the city-state of Neverwinter is located. It is called the Pearl of the North, and for good reason: according to many, this is the most civilized and progressive place on the entire mainland.

Fae... what?

According to the amendments made by the fourth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, Neverwinter was out of luck. First, the Witch Plague hit him - and the city miraculously survived. But soon a volcano woke up nearby, and he had already completed the job, leveling Neverwinter to the ground. Now most the cities were rebuilt, but robbers and various evil spirits settled in the remaining ruins, and much more terrible creatures live behind the wall.

IT IS INTERESTING: The Witch Plague is not a disease at all, but a catastrophe on an interplanetary scale. Once the goddess of magic Mystra was killed by two other demiurges, Sirik and Shar. With the death of Mystra, the spells stopped working as expected, and all over Toril (the planet where the Forgotten Realms are located) a destructive magical flame began to flare up, which was accompanied by a series of cataclysms.

Supplement Fury of the Feywild tells that the kingdom of elves in the once beautiful parallel world of Feywild was attacked by the Fomorians, led by the evil King Malabog. The heroes will have to escape from Neverwinter and help the big-eared ones.

The plot of Neverwinter is a series of sketches about how life is on Faerun after the disaster. It is not bad in general, but the presentation greatly spoils the impression: talking about something, the game simply shows your eyes walls of solid text, through which you can still go through. In MMOs built on history, it is not at all necessary to make cut-scenes of the level and (there are still other budgets), but, in the end, look at and - there each story mission is preceded by a simple scene. The staging is uncomplicated, but it really enlivens the quest briefings.

Tasks could be varied. Before us is a classic set: run away, kill, bring. It turns out to get out of the blows less often than we would like. It happens that you bounce in advance, but you still get a crack. Miracles!

MMO is easy

Combat here is a cross between slasher battles and classic MMO combat. We can swing the sword and throw spells where the scope is looking, but all attacks except skills mass destruction, are rigidly fixed on the victim, caught in the crosshairs. That is, purely technically, the fixation of the goal from traditional MMOs has not gone anywhere - the developers tried to disguise it, but the mustache of the old engine on which Cryptic was made Champions and Star Trek Online, still stick out. After Vindictus and TERA this approach is not very impressive, although it works more or less acceptable.

The combat NPC companion, who will join us very soon, complements your hero well. Various companions are appropriate in different situations. In instances, a strong warrior will get along well with a healer, and in simple PvE races, he will be more comfortable with a battle mage - you grow faster. It's just a shame that companions are only suitable for battles. They play no role in the plot.

Companions can be equipped, but at first it’s not bad without it. But when the companion grows up in levels - think about it.

The skill system turned out to be simple and convenient: seven (for some classes - eight) active abilities are placed on a single panel, which eliminates kilometer rotations of skills that have tired many in classic online role-playing games.

But here another problem arises. In the same Guild Wars 2, almost all skills are situational, and in order to succeed even in PvE, you have to build reasonable combinations of them. In Neverwinter, this is much easier: just collect everything that hurts, and you get a completely viable build for development. In addition, there is almost no synergy between the skills of some classes (let's say a warrior), and even in PvP, the pinnacle of tactical thought is to grab a couple of defensive or incapacitating skills.

There are five classes, and each has one path of improvement - in fact, this is a prestige class. The next expansion, Shadowmantle, should add more of these development paths. There is only one competitive mode - the usual retention of points. For a long time he will not carry away.

My own developer

The editor is simple, but if you think about it, it's good. Everyone wants to create, but to understand the complexities - no.

The only global element that Neverwinter took over from Neverwinter Nights is the scenario editor. You can start the workshop (as it is called) right in the game window. After completing the adventure, you can put it on public display so that anyone can play it.

The editor is simple to get used to, a couple of evenings is enough. True, it is far from being as flexible as the tools of Neverwinter Nights: you can place objects on the map, come up with characters, a story, plan battles, but you won’t be able to figure out the fork in the plot.

Other people's adventures are worth playing for the sake of author's stories and, of course, the rewards that are offered for passing. DIYers have already composed quite a few modules, and some of them are even more interesting than the official episodes. When this article was written, one of the top lines of the rating was occupied by a scenario about lovers who decided to relax in a forest house. It ended with a natural "Cabin in the woods".

And it’s also insanely pleasing that the creators of adventures are trying to come up with smarter tasks than “packing 11 monsters in piles.” In the notorious module about the forest house, there was a moment when I had to choose a book according to the girl's taste. Mathematics, history? A collection of romantic poems?

Simplify this, simplify that

Although the situation in Faerûn is tense, the heroes do not lose heart. The developers have tried to do everything for the player to live as freely as possible. Locations, for example, are arranged in such a way that all the necessary passages, quest givers, places you are supposed to visit cannot be missed - even if you really want to. Very handy if you want to run through the story campaign as soon as possible, but in general, for an open-world online role-playing game, this is enough controversial decision. The research component in Neverwinter is reduced to almost zero.

The world is divided into separate zones, between locations we move strictly through portals. Convenient, but the feeling that we are in an aquarium, and not on a large continent, creeps in. Perhaps the most spacious location in the game. And that one is swamp.

To extract production materials with blood and sweat, and then drag them to the city for processing - this is what craft professions have taught us to do in other online games. Neverwinter is simpler: if there are ingredients, you can select the desired action, and it will be performed in the background. At this time, do whatever you want: at least visit the dungeon, at least leave the game altogether.

Every hour you can call on the gods and get different goodies for free: for example, power-ups, experience and currency.

* * *

It's hard to die in regular PvE, and even more so to get lost. Such simplifications are a huge help to a beginner. The game is easy to dive into, easy to get carried away with, but the experienced roleplayer will soon want more. Level after level, you are waiting for "it's about to get really hot!". But this does not happen, and the enthusiasm gradually fades away.

But you can live in Neverwinter for a week or two. This world is interesting and intriguing in its own way, there is simply no need to stay here for a long time. It is better to leave Faerun for six months or a year and return when there are more serious trials in it.

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