Home Indoor flowers The syllabic principle of Russian graphics. Basic principles of Russian graphics

The syllabic principle of Russian graphics. Basic principles of Russian graphics

Several types of relationship between letter and sound are possible.

1. One letter can represent only one sound. For example, the letter y denotes only the sound "iot", the letter y - only the sound [y].

2. One letter can denote different sounds acting in different positions.

For example, the letter o in the word city [grdavo: j] denotes 3 different sounds - unstressed vowels [b], [a] and stressed vowel; the letter b in the word fish means ringing sound[b], and in the form of R. p. pl. including fish - a dull sound [p]: [roar]. The letter e is often used in printed texts not only in its basic sound meaning, but also replaces the letter ё, that is, it denotes the stressed sound [o] in a similar use (brought, ice, led), and after a vowel or separating letters ъ and b - combination (reception, rise, curls).

3. One letter can represent a combination of two sounds. For example, iotated letters, as mentioned above, often denote a combination of a consonant sound [j] and a vowel sound: I sing [пajy].

4. A letter may not denote a single sound, that is, it may not have a sound value. This applies not only to the mute letters b and b (entrance, notebook), but also, for example, the so-called unpronounceable consonants: feeling [feeling], heart [s'erts], sun [son].

5. The combination of two letters in a word can mean one sound. For example, in a word to count the first two consonant letters denote one long soft consonant sound: [sh`itat`]. The combination of a consonant letter with a soft sign denotes one consonant sound: day [d'en`], mouse [mouse].

6. Different letters can mean the same sound. So, the letters t and d can denote the same sound [t]: that [that], year [goth].

Syllabic principle Russian graphics is that in the Russian letter in certain cases the unit of writing is not a letter, but a syllable. Such a syllable, that is, a combination of consonant and vowel letters, is an integral graphic element, parts of which are mutually dependent. The syllabic principle of graphics is used in the designation of consonants that are paired in terms of hardness and softness. In modern Russian, consonant sounds, paired in hardness-softness, have phonemic meaning, that is, they serve to distinguish the sound shells of words. However, in the Russian alphabet there are no separate letters to denote consonant sounds paired in terms of softness-hardness, so, for example, the letter t is used for both hard and soft sound[t] - (cf.: become - pulled together).

The absence in the Russian alphabet of separate letters for the consonant sounds paired in terms of hardness and softness is compensated by the presence of double vowel styles in our schedule. So, the letters I, o, u, e, s indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant, paired in hardness-softness, and the letters I, e, u, e, and - on softness (cf.

: glad - a row, they say - chalk, fat - bale, sir - gray, was - beat). Thus, the letters denoting consonants, paired in hardness-softness, are two-valued: without taking into account the subsequent letter, it is impossible to determine whether a consonant sound paired in hardness-softness is hard or soft. Only at the end of a word and before consonants (though not always) is the softness of consonants, paired in hardness-softness, indicated by a special letter b.

The syllable principle is also applied to the designation of the consonant sound [j] (iot), and this application is carried out only within words. The consonant sound iot is denoted by a special letter y only when the syllable ends with this sound following the vowel (compare: sing - sing, lei - leyte, spring, blind, etc.). In all other positions, the sound iot, together with the next vowel sound, is denoted by one letter, namely: i -, e -, e -, yu -. This meaning of the letters i, e, e, yu takes place: 1) at the beginning of a word (compare yama, hedgehog, south, spruce); 2) after the vowels (mine, mine, go, mine); 3) after the dividing marks b and b (declare - monkey, volume - bend, exit - mouth, conjuncture - blizzard).

However, the syllabic principle is not carried out consistently in Russian graphics. The main deviation from the syllabic principle is the designation of vowel sounds after consonants, unpaired in terms of hardness and softness. So, after always solid consonants [w], [w], [c], vowel sounds are indicated, contrary to the syllable principle, with letters and, e, e, occasionally y, i (compare fat, breadth, gesture, pole, groove, whisper , brochure, jury, parachute, figure, chain, Kotsyubinsky, Tsiavlovsky, etc.); after the always soft [h], [u], contrary to the syllable principle, the letters a, o, y are written (cf. bowl, clink glasses, miracle, food, Shchors, pike, etc.). These deviations from the syllabic principle in modern Russian graphics have developed historically. In modern Russian, the sounds [w], [w], [c] do not have soft varieties, and the sounds [h], [u] have hard varieties. Therefore, the hardness and softness of these sounds are indicated by the consonant letters themselves, which are unambiguous and do not require designation by subsequent vowels.

Particular cases of deviations from the syllabic principle: 1) writing foreign-language (more often French) words with ё instead of ё (compare: broth - with linen, etc.); 2) spelling of compound-abbreviated words with bo, ba, by and yu (compare selokrug, selaerodrome, Dalugol, construction site); 3) writing at the beginning of foreign words yo instead of e (cf. hedgehog, ruff - iot, iodine, Yorkshire, New York).

In addition to the indicated inconsistency in the application of the syllable principle, in the Russian graphics, it is possible to note the absence of the stressed syllable in the word, as well as a special letter for the sound [w "] (compare yeast, squeal, drive, etc.).

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More on topic 22. Principles of the ratio of sound and letter. Syllabic principle of Russian graphics:

  1. 10 Graphic system of the Russian language. The syllabic principle of Russian graphics.
  2. 6. Graphics, its principles, the history of Russian graphics. Letter designations of the phonemes of the Russian language
  3. Legality: concept, principles, relationship with the rule of law.

Purpose: to summarize and deepen students' knowledge of modern graphics. The student must know the syllabic principle of Russian graphics; the designation of the phoneme / J / in writing, the hardness and softness of consonants, the composition of the modern Russian alphabet. Possess the skills of graphic analysis of a word.

Preparation for the lesson: prepare an essay or multimedia presentation on the topic "History of the Russian alphabet"

Graphical analysis diagram of a word.

1. Write out a word, divide it into syllables

2. Indicate the number of letters and sounds, explain the reason for the discrepancy between the number of letters and sounds, if any.

3. Analyze each syllable and prove which spellings adhere to the syllabic principle of graphics, and which ones do not.

Sample. Yotation yo-ta-chi-i - 7 letters, 8 sounds, tk.

the letter i denotes two sounds after a vowel

1. In the syllable "yo" the consonant letter "and short" denotes a consonant sound, although in writing this letter is followed by a "softening" vowel "and", therefore, SPG is not observed.

4. In the syllable "I" the sound [J] together with the subsequent sound [a] is indicated by the letter "I" in the position after the vowel sound, therefore, SPG is observed

Exercise 1. Determine which of these words contains the sound [s`] and where its softness is indicated by means of graphics, and where it is not

Mow, bridge, sister, smile, cassette, suit, joint.

Task 2. Distribute these words into groups depending on the way the sound [J] is denoted in writing:

1. With the help of vowels at the beginning of the word and after the vowels;

2. With the help of combinations of letters b or b + e, e, u, i, and;

3.Using the letter y

Tea room, barn, button accordion, spearman, go, apple, volume, play, ruffy, removable, nightingale, border, skirt, whose, congress, bear, adjutant, lamb, spruce, crow, wolf-like.

Task 3. Distribute these words in three columns, depending on what function b performs in them: a) denotes the softness of the previous sound; b) is a signal that the beech following it denotes the sound [J] together with the vowel sound; c) has no graphic value

Whose, cut, coat, go, shadow, skates, ink, gallop, pour, guard, judge, September, wash, lotion, pour, sit down, supine.

Task 4. Describe the cases of departure from LNG.

Life, figure, silk, jury, thicket, miracle, jump, sorrel, pike, broth, chignon, mayonnaise, major, Yemen, fireworks, silence, burn, zinc, burned, squint, stocking, chad, cloak, shoulder, pavilion, battalion, district, foyer.

Task 5. Perform a graphical analysis of words:

Option 1. Endless, lotion; Option 2. Avatar, mayonnaise; Option 3. Enchantress, circus performer; Option 4. Honeysuckle, foyer.

Laboratory work № 8

Topic: Spelling. Types of spelling. Principles of writing words and morphemes: morphological, traditional, phonetic. Differentiating spellings.

Purpose: to generalize and deepen students' knowledge of the principles of writing words and morphemes. The student must know what a spelling is, the types of spelling, identification signs of spelling, be able to designate spelling, possess the skills of spelling analysis of a word.

Spelling analysis scheme for a word:

1. Write out a word, designate spelling

2. Analyze each spelling: a) name the spelling; b) determine whether the spelling of the spelling is uniform or non-uniform in the variants of morphemes; c) determine what explains the choice of spelling, name the spelling principle.

Sample: Soggy

1. Spelling of vowels in the prefixes ras-, ras-, ros-, ros-. The spelling of the spelling is not uniform, there are no reference spellings, the choice depends on the pronunciation, therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the phonetic principle of spelling.

2. Spelling of prefixes in З-с-. The spelling of the spelling is not uniform, the choice of spelling depends on the pronunciation, therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the phonetic principle of spelling.

3. Spelling of voiced and voiceless paired consonants at the root of the word. Spelling spelling uniform, fashionable to check strong position(limp), therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the morphological principle of spelling.

4. Spelling of vowels after sibilants. The spelling of the spelling is uniform, does not rely on pronunciation, cannot be checked with a strong position, therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the traditional ( historical principle) spelling.

Exercise 1. Prove that words of group 1 are written according to morphological principle, 2 groups - phonetic, 3 groups - historical.

1. Well done, slippery, give away, feather, sad, sweet, refresh yourself

2. Excessive, sell out, wedding, backstory, flash

3. Shito, awl, sunbathe, plant, die, boot

Task 2. Label spelling words. Indicate in accordance with what principle this or that spelling is written.

Option 1. A giantess, noodles, a dog, a family, joyfully, melodiously, ruddy, couch, icy, we fight. Option 2. Fresh, melted, ground, selling, about trifles, crimson, foggy, painless, ominous, furious. Option 3. Forest, relative, ball, luggage, in general, tree, hair, deer, windless, burns. Option 4. Field, in the city, unearthed, age, guys, carry, pig, goose, cloak, scattered.

Task 3. Perform spelling analysis on words (see diagram)

Option 1. Unprincipled, disturb. Option 2. Flirty, red hair. Option 3. Dispersed, habitable, Option 4. Chocolate, boneless.

Similar information.

Graphics and spelling

The syllabic principle of Russian graphics. Its expediency in the context of the Russian phonetic system. Deviations from the syllabic principle of graphics and their historical reasons.

Due to the fact that in the Russian alphabet there are no special letters to denote soft consonants, and in writing this softness must be indicated in order to ensure correct reading, in Russian graphics it is used syllabic principle... This means that the unit of writing and reading is a combination of letters, which conveys a combination of sounds. The presence of a particular vowel after a consonant indicates a solid or soft pronunciation(reading) this consonant. So, in the words I am glad and the number of the letter p is read differently, which depends on the vowel following the p; in the same way, in the word, the angle l is read hard, and in coal - softly, since the letter b indicates softness.

In other words, when reading, not only the letter that denotes the consonant sound is taken into account, but also the vowel that follows it. Since such combination of consonant and vowel for the most part coincides with the syllabic articulation of words, the basic principle of Russian graphics is called syllabic.

The syllable principle of Russian graphics is very rarely violated, and all these violations are associated with the spelling of borrowed words. A deviation from the syllabic principle is observed, firstly, in those cases when to designate the combination [j] with the vowels [e] and [o] are used not letters e, e, but combinations of letters ye, yo: Yemeni, iod, iot; district, major; in some cases, the combination [j] with [o] in borrowed words is transmitted through bo: battalion, postman, pavilion. The same deviation, secondly, can be noted in those cases when the letter e is written after the consonant, although the consonant is pronounced firmly: antenna, parterre, tennis, highway (compare, on the other hand, sir, mayor, pari); writing e, not e is also accepted in a number of words, where the vowel denoted by this letter is pronounced after the vowel as [e]: pro [e] kt, di [e \ ta.

The syllable principle of Russian graphics in certain cases as a writing unit is a syllable as an integral graphic element, parts of which are mutually conditioned.

Cases of changes in the syllable principle.

1. to designate consonants paired in terms of hardness and softness. The letter t can express as solid sound(become) and soft (tighten). The absence of separate letters for sounds paired in hardness and softness is compensated by the presence of a double vowel outline. So, a, o, y, e, s - indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant, and I, e, u, e, and - on softness (glad - a row, was - beat, they say - chalk, fat - bale). Only at the end of a word and before consonants (but not always) is the softness of consonants conveyed by the letter ь.

2. to indicate the consonant sound [j] within words and if the syllable ends with [j] after the vowel, ith is used (sing, in spring).

But: -at the beginning of the word (pit, hedgehog)

After the vowels (mine, I'll go)

After b, b (volume, knock down)

Deviation from the syllabic principle:

1. after always solid zh, sh, ts, vowel sounds are designated and, e, e, u, i (fat, pole, number, jury).

2. after always soft h, w - a, o, y (thicket, miracle, pike).

4. spelling of compound words with oo, oo, oo, yu (selokrug, construction site, Dalugol).

5. yo instead of e at the beginning of foreign words (New York, iodine).

6. the absence of a letter to denote the sound [f "] (yeast).

Lack of designation of the stressed syllable in the word.

Deviations from the vocabulary principle

Derogations are those cases of violation of the syllabic principle of Russian graphics, when it can be observed, but not observed.

There are also several dissimilar cases here.

1. Notation iota in loan words

Some cases of iota designation in borrowed words deviate from the syllabic principle. In Russian words, letters are used to convey the combinations "iot + / e /" or "iot + / o /" at the beginning of a word in accordance with the syllabic principle of graphics e and e: spruce, tree; in borrowed words, these combinations at the beginning of a word (keeping the separation of the transmission of the sound iot in writing with a special letter, as is customary in the source language) are sometimes conveyed in letters ye and yo: Yemeni, iodine, iot, New York etc. (in accordance with the syllabic principle of Russian graphics, one should write: " emensky", "food", "hey", "New York").

To convey combinations of iota with the following vowels in Russian words after vowels, in accordance with the syllable principle of Russian graphics, iotated letters are used ( loan, pile, singing, three etc.); in borrowed words and in the middle of a word, combinations of iota with the next vowel can be transmitted using the letter th and the corresponding vowel, for example: major, district, mayonnaise, majolica, foyer, fireworks etc.

Designating the sound iot with a separate letter, and not "hiding" it in a vowel, they preserve the graphic appearance of internationally used words, such as, for example: major(from lat. major- larger, higher, senior), district(French. rayon).

In Russian words, to convey the combination "iot + vowel" after consonant letters, iotated letters are always used (in this case, separating letters are placed after the consonant b or b): volume, rise; in some types of borrowed words after consonants to convey the combination "iot + / o /" is sometimes written oh: battalion, karagnola, cotillion, medallion, minion, pavilion, postman, hairpiece etc. Letter O gets a special sound meaning with this use: / yo /. In Russian words, the letter O does not have such a meaning, and nevertheless, such borrowed words are read by Russians correctly because in all Russian words, where a vowel follows the letter ь, iot is certainly pronounced before the vowel letter: cell, songstress, liu, potion, shelter etc. The letter before the vowel warns of iota. Loan words with a combination of letters oh stand in the same row.

In the XIX century. wrote postman, battalion... So N.M. began to write. Karamzin. (Earlier they wrote postal, battalion, million.) The spellings of the battalion type, which appeared already then, were considered incorrect. Ya.K. Grotto wrote: "... there is no way to approve of the battalion, million... words in such an outline can be read in no other way, as if it was written: Batalen, Milen... To check, you just need to transfer the syllable he to another line; then you have to read: battalion and so on. If only million read the same as milion, then instead of pour, live could write live... The inconsistency of the outline will be even more visible million if instead of O take a and write in this way, for example, the words: brillant, safian, family, dresses vm. diamond, morocco, family, dresses... for the sound / yo / in foreign words we do not have the proper sign and must sometimes resort to this diagraph ( yo), which cannot be replaced by a simple O; those. we write battalion etc. "1.

However, prohibited styles like postman entered the writing practice. Modern spellings deviating from the syllabic principle of Russian graphics with oh(instead of ё) are explained by the fact that they practically do not use the letter in print e... If you strive for correct reading such borrowed words, they cannot be written with th... Wed: " boulene", "respectable", "pavilion"etc., when reading which you can easily get lost in pronunciation / bul" en / etc.

Letter e, if the letter is not used e, turns out to be double-readable. When writing borrowed words like postman etc. there is a way to avoid this ambiguity of the letter e: you can not write th, a oh... Here we deviate from the syllabic principle of Russian graphics (Russian words with sounds / yo / after b written with e(instead of e): pouring, pouring, linen, housing, rags, crows etc.), but this inconsistency pays off by the error-free reading (pronunciation) / o /, and not / e / in borrowed words like medallion, pavilion, minion etc.

Russian words like pouring linen are read without the use of the letter e correctly because they stand in a row with many other similar words, where in place of the letters e (e) under stress is pronounced either / o / or / yo /: take, go, carry, row etc.; linen, flair, bye, forgetting, washing etc. Correct pronunciation (reading) is fixed by the regular transition / e / v / o / in such cases, the wide use and popularity of these words 2.

It is thanks to the optional use of the letter e fixed in the Russian letter and writing of some borrowed words with an initial iota of the type yogi, yorkshire... They do not form large word-building nests, their correct pronunciation is not fixed by frequent use, therefore it is more expedient to write a letter in them th.

Writing letters e and eh

Writing letters e and eh after letters denoting consonants paired in hardness of softness

A deviation from the syllabic principle of Russian graphics in modern Russian writing is the writing of a softening letter e after letters that are paired in terms of hardness-softness of consonants in those cases when they denote hard consonants.

Letter e after letters denoting solid consonants (from among paired ones), it is written in many borrowed words, as it were, illegally. Wed, for example, / e / after / t /: antenna, conteyner, partep, syntheteak, tepmos, tennis, estetick; after / d /: delta, modeeh, deformation; after / n /: comfortere, tunneleeh; after / s /: highwaye; after / s /: chimpanzeee; after / p /: Requiem, shooting rangee... But in most borrowed words, the letter e is already written legally - this is observed in cases where the hard consonants of the source language have already changed to soft ones. Wed, for example, words with / e / after / t "/: Tema, tenor, tehnika, teOriya; after / d "/: devisas, demon, deconfused; after / n "/: policeep, peonyep, fanera; after / with "/: Witheans, sektor; after / s "/: gasethat, sesconce, senit; after / p "/: correspondentector, pebrand, peclam.

Since the letter e in borrowed words it is written both after letters denoting soft consonants, and after letters denoting hard consonants (from among, of course, paired ones), then for the reader it is a well-known riddle how to pronounce letter combinations be, ve, de, not, fe etc. (in borrowed words): to/ fe / or to/ f "e /, pho/ ne / tick or pho/ n "e / tick, O/ de / ssa or O/ d "e / ss a, etc.

The problem from graphic and orthographic, as we see, grows into orthoepic. The question naturally arises: does the spelling of the letter interfere e both after letters denoting soft consonants, and after letters denoting hard consonants, in literary pronunciation? Is this detrimental to language practice? L.V. Shcherba believed that he was doing it, and suggested, through reform, to replace, where it is necessary in pronunciation, the spelling e on the eh... In the 30s. he wrote that "it is directly criminal not to use all the means possible in Russian graphics to indicate correct pronunciation... Therefore, it is definitely necessary to write in foreign words. te, te, ne, se, ze, re" 1 .

However, when replacing spellings those on the te, de on the te etc. a spelling question would always arise: what to do as the borrowed words become Russified, in which hard consonants before / e / can be replaced by soft ones - change the spelling of words again eh on the e? This turns out to be quite disadvantageous: there would be a constant spelling fever. It is believed that it is more profitable to always write a letter in borrowed words. e, leaving it as if "in advance" 1.

Before the unification of fluctuating spellings in 1956, there were quite a few double spellings in print: and with e, and with eh, many borrowed words were written, in accordance with the pronunciation, with the letter eh, For example: adequate, bacon.

In 1956 it was decided to leave the writing of the letter eh after solid consonants in only three common nouns: peer, sir, mayor and similar roots, as well as in proper names (see § 9, paragraph 3 of the "Rules ..."). But writing a letter eh after the letters denoting solid consonants, nevertheless, despite the rules, it gets into print.

The question of the choice of letters is especially difficult. e and eh in new borrowings. Translators and publishers, obviously, believe that the reader needs to be prompted for a solid pronunciation of consonants, and they prompt him by choosing a letter eh... So, in the dictionaries of new words, new borrowings are recorded and with eh, and with e(depending on the spelling in which they are used in print): in the first place is put (with an appropriate reference) the spelling that occurs more often: cap and cap- the captain of the ship (in colloquial speech); cashew nuts and cashew- fruit (fruits) of a tropical tree (of the same name); happy end and happy end(happy ending, happy ending) 2.

Selecting a letter e or eh difficult also because some new common borrowed words, formed from proper nouns, are written with eh("Rules ..." are allowed to write e in proper names). Wed, for example: birchism- the extreme right, militant reactionary ideological and political trend in the United States, whose supporters are united in the so-called "John Birch Society" 3. Wed modern usage: Thatcherism, Thatcherian views("Izvestia". March 4, 1989), Thatcherism's postulates("Pravda". December 10, 1989) - derived from the surname Margaret Thatcher.

There is one more category of words where it is written eh after letters denoting consonants paired in hardness-softness. These are words formed from the names of letters. So, in print we meet the spellings: chepe, eser(orthographic dictionary), obehaesovtsy, peteushniki, ersau, kaveen, menees(Jr Researcher) one . These spellings give the reader a solid consonant pronunciation. But in print there are also spellings with e in the same and similarly formed words: chepe, eser, caveen etc. Obviously, when writing such words, one should proceed from the spelling of the names of the letters. The names of letters in school textbooks are written with eh: "be", "ve", "ge", "ge", "de", etc. This should be taken as the norm.

Writing letters e and eh after vowels
and at the absolute beginning of the word

In accordance with the syllabic principle of Russian graphics, after the vowels, as well as at the absolute beginning of the word, letters are written to denote iota and the subsequent vowel sound i, u, e, e(see above, p. 44). However, in borrowed words, in the place of the letter e after the vowels, / e / can be pronounced without the preceding iota. So, it is very common to pronounce without an iota of the word project... Fixed pronunciation without iota and words diet, applicant, sharp and etc.

In accordance with the syllable principle, reflecting the "iota-free" pronunciation, one should write eh: "project", "diet"and so on, that is, in the same way as words are spelled poetry, figurine, maestro... But since the pronunciation of words project, diet, applicant etc. is unstable (some pronounce these words with an iota, others without it), then conditional decisions are made regarding the spelling of letters e and eh(see "Rules ...", § 9). Thus, writing like project for those who do not pronounce iota here, they violate the syllabic principle of Russian graphics; for the same persons who pronounce iot here, they correspond to the Syllabic principle. Due to fluctuations in the pronunciation itself, these cases are very difficult in spelling.

At the absolute beginning of words, the letter eh is written when / e / is pronounced in this position without the preceding iota: this, kind, era, hellene etc. (see "Rules ...", § 8, 9, paragraph 1).

However, the word breaks the syllabic principle heck(in this spelling it is given in the Spelling Dictionary of the Russian language), which is pronounced more often without iota: / e / kanye.

Writing heck does not match the sound value of the letter e(when it is used at the beginning of a word). Corresponds to the sound value of the letter spelling ekane(of course, when pronouncing / e / kanye, without iota). Though orthographic dictionary Russian language recommends writing heck, due to a violation of the syllable principle, the spelling practice differs from this recommendation 1.

The relationship between letters and phonemes in Russian is determined by the action of the syllabic principle.

Its essence is that not a letter, but a whole syllable is taken as a unit of writing and reading. In this regard, letters for the transmission of both vowels and consonants are read and written taking into account neighboring letters.

The syllable principle manifests itself in two cases:

1. When designating the hardness and softness of consonants standing within one syllable before vowel sounds

Let's compare: 1) nose 2) carried 1) small 2) wrinkled

[nose] [n "os] [small] [m" al]

In the first case, the vowels "o" "a" denote, firstly, the sounds [o] [a], and secondly, they denote the hardness of the preceding consonant sounds.

In the second case, the vowels "ё" "I", firstly, denote the sounds [o] [a], and secondly, the softness of the preceding consonant sounds.

Thus, the hardness of consonants is indicated by the use of letters after them: a, o, e, y, s; softness - I, e, e, u, and.

Such a manifestation of the syllabic principle of Russian graphics saves our writing, since each pair of consonant phonemes by hardness-softness is designated by one letter:<н> <н " > <б> <б " >

A deviation from the syllabic principle is observed when phonemes are transmitted in writing (w, w, c, h, w ").

For example, after "w" we always write 2 and ", but still [w]<ж>always firm, after the "h" we write "a", but<ч>always soft.

2. The syllable principle manifests itself in the designation< >on the letter.

< >together with the following vowel, it is transmitted by one vowel with an eted letter in the following cases:

1) At the beginning of a word:< ама >

2) After will divide. b b:<в " уга>

3) After the vowel phoneme:<мо а>

the syllable principle is convenient for characterizing the sound system, for transferring linguistic units in writing.

But with morphological, morphemic analysis, it causes difficulties.

Spelling often obscures the composition of words: fox - [l "is" y], beat - [b "y].

Letter designation< >

1. Phoneme< >conveyed in writing by the letter "y" in a position not before a vowel:

a) at the end of a word: May

b) before the consonant: T-shirt.

2. In certain cases< >is conveyed in writing by the letters e, e, yu, i, and (after soft sign: nightingales).

3. In some loan words< >betrayed with the letter "o" after separating "b": broth, postman.

Thus, in Russian there is no special letter to designate< > .

Writing designations for hard and soft phonemes.

According to the IDF in Russian, there are 14 pairs of consonant phonemes in terms of hardness - softness: p b v f d t z s l m n r w

n "b" c "f" d "t" z "s" l "m" n "r" f "w"

There are no special letters for many phonemes. For example, for soft or hard.

The exception is the pair "w, u".

The letter "u" denotes a phoneme<ш">.

Thus, 13 soft or hard consonant phonemes are denoted without the introduction of special letters.

The softness of consonant phonemes in writing is indicated as follows:

1. If a soft consonant phoneme is not in front of a vowel, but at the end or in the middle of a word, then its softness is indicated by the combination "consonant letter =" b ": mole, boy.

2. If a soft consonant phoneme comes before a vowel, then its softness is indicated by the iotated letters e, e, yu, i, and: nanny, no, carried, thread, sniff.

The hardness of consonant phonemes is conveyed as follows:

1) In a position not in front of vowels, the absence of "ь"<с тол>;

2) In the position in front of the vowels using the letters a, o, y, s.

Deviation from the syllabic principle of Russian graphics:

1. When writing vowels after sibilants and "ts", compare: we pronounce [zhony], write “wives”.

2. When designating< >loan words:< >with the following vowels are conveyed using the letter "y" and the corresponding vowel letter: major, district.

In some borrowed words, after the letters of the consonants, "jo" is written: broth, battalion.

3. When writing letters e, e in borrowed words: parterre (say par [te] r), project (about [ect]).

4. Writing compound words: remstroyupravlenie - remstro ("yu") board.


Lesson number: 11

Lesson topic: Syllabic principle of Russian graphics. The concept of orthoepy.

The purpose of the lesson:


1. Know what the syllabic principle of Russian graphics is, what orthoepy studies, be able to apply the syllabic principle of Russian graphics in writing, observe the orthoepic norms of the Russian language, be able to independently acquire knowledge, repeat the spelling of voiced, voiceless and unpronounceable consonants.

2. Develop spelling literacy, self-control skills.

3. Foster a culture of mental work.

Equipment: textbook, notebook, presentation

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new material.

Methods: verbal, partly search, practical.

Receptions: conversation, observation of the text, reflection (the result of the lesson, instruction on the d / h).

During the classes


II.Updating basic knowledge

What does graphics and spelling study? Let's see what parts this word consists of. What is the meaning of each part?

("Orfo" - correct, "epic" - speech. Correct speech)

Guess the riddle.

He is a joker, an invisible hammer,

Knock! - and hit the unstressed syllable ...

And immediately the huge castle disappeared,

And a small castle appeared.

Who is this joker guys? (Stress)

What is the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables?

III... Teacher message

The unit of reading and writing is a syllable, not a single letter. The combination of consonant and vowel letters is an integral graphic and pronunciation element. Therefore, consonants and vowels in a syllable are written and read taking into account the characteristics of each other: mal, soap, mayor, forest, ice, face.

The syllable principle of Russian graphics Is a combination of hard consonants with non-softening vowels and soft consonants with softening vowels.

There are deviations from the syllabic principle:

1. Fat, circus, wife (I, E, E after solid F, W, C)

2. Hour, miracle, pike (non-softening vowels after always soft H, U)

3. Rye, quiet (b after sizzling)

4. Thermos, model (E after firm in borrowed words)

III.Generalization and systematization of the knowledge gained

1. Writing dictation words: road, student, transition, dance, sons, sniff, white, urban planning.

Divide into syllables, demonstrate adherence to the SPDG. Make sentences with 3 words.

2. In the group of words with one root, select the root and arrange the words so that the stress falls on the first, second, etc. syllables.

Youth, young, young, younger.

Expensive, expensive, more expensive, expensive.

Carries, wears, carries, portable.

3. Write down the words from the blackboard, place the stress. In case of difficulty, refer to the dictionary. Label spelling words.

Alphabet, porcelain, catalog, library, prettier, calls, sentence, means, kilometer, document, beet, beginnings, leisure, interest, shop.

4. Distributional dictation. Guess the word by its lexical meaning, pronounce it correctly, write it down in the required column, explaining the spelling.

1) Hard consonant before e.

2) Soft consonant before e.

1. Workshop for tailoring. (A [te] le.)

2. A branch of science that studies the sounds of speech. (Fo [ne] tika.)

3. Wide asphalt road. (Shos [se].)

4. Punctuation mark. (Ti [re].)

5. A floating mountain that broke away from a spring. (Ice [b'e] rg.)

6. The highest achievement of mastery. (And [d'e] al.)

7. Lower seats for spectators in the theater. (Par [te] r.)

8. Sports game with a ball. (Tennis [teh].)

9. The name of the scientific concept. (The term [t'e].)

10. Scarf, neckerchief. (Kash [ne].)

11. Hotel. (Oh [te] l.)

IV... Song about stress

V... Homework: write a funny story or poem with words in which the lexical meaning depends on the stress (Iris - iris, Atlas - atlAs, etc.)

VI... Summarizing. Reflection

I remembered that ...

I understand that…

It was interesting…

I especially liked it ...

Caused a difficulty ...

It was difficult ...

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