Home Mushrooms Russian graphics, the syllabic principle of Russian graphics. Question. The essence of the syllabic principle of Russian graphics. Deviations from the syllabic principle of Russian graphics

Russian graphics, the syllabic principle of Russian graphics. Question. The essence of the syllabic principle of Russian graphics. Deviations from the syllabic principle of Russian graphics

Letters b, c, d, e, h, k, l, m, n, p, r, from, t, f, x can mean both hard and soft sounds. For example: [sound], [z'd'es'], [bridge], [me's't'] (revenge). In addition, the softness of consonants (excluding hissing) in writing is indicated by letters e, e, u, i, i, u, and hardness - with the letters e, o, y, a, s. For example: measure-mayor, pen-peer, puree-blizzard. This designation principle is called the syllabic principle of Russian graphics.

However, in Russian graphics there are deviations from syllable principle- writing vowels after letters w, w, c, h, w. The sounds [zh], [sh], [ts] in Russian are always solid, after them it would be necessary to write only the letters a, o, u, u, e. However, this is against the rules of spelling, and we write lived, sewed,

tin, six, circus, intact. And the sounds [h '], [sh '], denoted by the letters h And SCH, always soft, but letters are written after them a oh u like after hard (bowl, miracle, pike, prim).


Principles of Russian spelling

spelling (Greek) orthography, from orthos-right, grapho- I write) - a system of rules about the spelling of words and their forms.

Russian spelling has long history, which explains some of the difficulties of our spelling. IN Ancient Russia(X-XII centuries) there were no differences between the pronunciation and spelling of words, but over time there were significant changes in sound system language, and now many words are not pronounced the way they are spelled. A lot of rules have appeared that determine certain spellings.

The spelling of many Russian words is supported by tradition: we write them the way we wrote them hundreds of years ago. For example: after sizzling w, w customary to write and: live, sew; in adjectives in the form genitive singular the ending is written -oh, -his: big, good(although instead of G here it is pronounced c). The basis of such spellings is the traditional principle.

There are also such words in Russian, the spelling of which corresponds to their pronunciation, for example: painting-receipt(under stress in the prefix it is written about, and in an unstressed syllable, as it is heard, but); smash-drink(before a voiced consonant is heard and written ringing sound h, in front of the deaf - deaf from). Such spellings are phonetic in nature: we hear as we write.

However, traditional and phonetic spellings in Russian orthography did not receive widespread, because the morphological principle turned out to be more convenient for the Russian language. It means that morphemes (meaningful parts of words) are always written the same way, regardless of pronunciation. For example, in related words ah, the roots have the same shape. Yes, root. water- written in the words: water, water, flood, underwater, although the sound [o] is pronounced only under stress in last word, and in other words it changes into the sound [a] or a shorter sound, the middle one between [s] and [a] (in transcription it corresponds to b).

In sounding speech, the roots of words, prefixes, suffixes, endings can be pronounced differently, but they are always written the same way, otherwise it would be difficult to understand the meaning of the written words. The use of the morphological principle of spelling facilitates the understanding of written speech.

In accordance with the morphological principle, the following are written in Russian:

1) roots of related words: house, home, brownie(in the first word, [o] is pronounced at the root, in the second - the vowel [a], in the third - a weakened vowel, the middle one between [s] and [a]);

2) prefixes: feat-move(in the first word in the prefix, the vowel [o] is pronounced clearly, as it is under stress, in the second one instead of [o] one hears [a], but one must write on-); toss up-subscribe(in the first word in the prefix, a voiced consonant [d] is pronounced, and in the second - a deaf consonant sound [t], besides, instead of [o] in both prefixes it sounds [a]; but the prefixes “over-”, “pat-” not in Russian, so we write only a prefix under-);

3) suffixes: caring-silent(in the first word in the suffix, a weakened vowel is pronounced, in the second, the vowel is stressed And, but the same suffix is ​​written -liv); animal, chicken, nightingale(in suffix -in always write one n);

4) ending: on the river - on the river(in the first word e under stress it is pronounced clearly as [e], in the second - instead of [e] a weakened sound is pronounced, the middle one between [e] and [i] (in transcription it corresponds to b), but spelled e; He speaks-breathes(in the first word, the ending under stress is pronounced clearly, in the second - not. However, in this case, in the verb of the second conjugation in the form of the third person singular, you must write the same ending - it).

The morphological principle of spelling allows you to develop a single spelling of the same grammatical forms, which in oral speech often have minor differences. This is especially important for the Russian language, which is distinguished by a variety of inflection forms.

Separate rules Russian orthography are distinguished by the spelling of words that coincide in pronunciation, but have different meaning. Differentiating spellings allow you to distinguish in writing, for example, such words: arson(noun: commit arson)- set fire to(verb in past tense: Who set fire to the paper?); company(a group of people) - campaign(event, for example: sowing campaign); ball(dance night) - score(grade: received five points in the exam); cry(noun: baby crying)- cry(the form imperative mood singular verb cry: Don't cry, everything can be fixed!).

There are not many words in Russian that have the same pronunciation, but are spelled differently.

Spelling of vowels

in Russian letter certain cases The unit of writing is not the letter, but the syllable. Such a syllable, i.e. the combination of consonant and vowel letters is an integral graphic element, the parts of which are mutually conditioned. The syllabic principle of graphics is used in the designation of paired consonants in hardness-softness. In modern Russian, consonants that are paired in terms of hardness and softness have a phonemic meaning, i.e. serve to distinguish the sound shells of words. However, in the Russian alphabet there are no separate letters to designate consonants paired in softness-hardness, so, for example, the letter t is used both for hard and for soft sound [t] - (cf .: they will become - pulled together). The absence in the Russian alphabet of individual letters for consonants paired in terms of hardness and softness is compensated by the presence of double vowel styles in our chart. So, the letters i, o, u, e, s indicate the hardness of the previous consonant, paired in hardness-softness, and the letters i, e, u, e, and - softness (cf .: glad - row, they say - chalk , knock - bale, sir - ser, was - beat). Thus, the letters denoting consonant sounds paired in hardness-softness are two-valued: without taking into account the subsequent letter, it is impossible to determine whether a consonant sound paired in hardness-softness is hard or soft. Only at the end of a word and before consonants (although not always) the softness of consonants, paired in hardness-softness, is indicated by a special letter b. The syllable principle also applies to the designation of the consonant sound [j] (yot), and this application is carried out only within words. The consonant sound yot is indicated by a special letter y only when the syllable ends with this sound following the vowel (cf.: sing - sing, lei - pour, spring, blind, etc.). In all other positions, the sound yot together with the next vowel sound is indicated by one letter, namely: i -, e -, e -, u -. This meaning of the letters i, e, e, u takes place: 1) at the beginning of the word (cf. pit, hedgehog, south, spruce); 2) after vowels (mine, mine, I will go, mine); 3) after the separating signs b and b (announce - monkey, volume - let's go down, congress - mouth, conjuncture - blizzard). The use of the syllabic principle in Russian graphics is a very convenient solution to the issue of transferring hard and soft consonants in writing, as well as the sound of yot (reducing the number of letters, significant space savings by eliminating spellings with iot). However, the syllabic principle is far from consistent in Russian graphics. The main deviation from the syllabic principle is the designation of vowels after consonants, unpaired in hardness-softness. So, after always solid consonants [w], [w], [c], vowels are denoted, contrary to the syllabic principle, by the letters i, e, e, occasionally u, i (cf. fat, breadth, gesture, pole, groove, whisper , brochure, jury, parachute, figure, chain, Kotsyubinsky, Tsyavlovsky, etc.); after always soft [h], [u], contrary to the syllabic principle, the letters a, o, y are written (cf. bowl, clink glasses, miracle, food, Shchors, pike, etc.). These deviations from the syllabic principle in modern Russian graphics have developed historically. In modern Russian, the sounds [zh], [sh], [ts] do not have soft varieties, and the sounds [h], [u] do not have hard varieties. Therefore, the hardness and softness of these sounds are indicated by the consonants themselves, which are unambiguous and do not require designation by subsequent vowels. Particular cases of deviations from the syllabic principle: 1) writing foreign (more often French) words with ё instead of ё (cf .: broth - linen, etc.); 2) writing complex abbreviated words with yo, ba, yu and yu (cf. village district, village airfield, Dalugol, construction site); 3) writing at the beginning of foreign words yo instead of ё (cf. hedgehog, ruff - iot, iodine, Yorkshire, New York). In addition to the indicated inconsistency in the application of the syllabic principle, one can note in Russian graphics the absence of a stressed syllable designation in a word, as well as a special letter for the sound ["] (cf. yeast, squeal, drive

Question. The concept of Russian spelling. Spelling principles, their relationship

As a result of a long development, Russian writing, gradually adapting to the language system, has developed into a certain system that functions in the form of graphics and spelling, which are in close interaction. For written communication, it is not enough to use only graphics due to the lack of graphic tools in comparison with the variety of speech sounds. There are peculiar relationships between the sound system of the language and graphics, which are regulated by rules that are binding on everyone who uses writing in a given language. hyphenated spellings, on the use of capital letters and the transfer of words. Thanks to spelling, words and their forms receive a single graphic image, which is usually associated with a certain meaning without the mediation of the sound side of words and their forms. The practical role of spelling - to serve as a means of written language communication - makes spelling socially significant. Spelling is characterized by a constant lag behind the development of the sound system of the language, and at the same time, spelling rules remain equally binding on all writers. Our spelling is phonetic, it conveys speech by letter designation its sound side. However, in the Russian language, the speech unit, denoted by a single constant style, is the morpheme. chorus-choir-choir ... [choir] - [xAr" ist] - [xharAvO?]. The given words have a common morpheme -chorus- , which is pronounced differently, but has a single constant style. This means that Russian orthography is built on the MORPHOLOGICAL PRINCIPLE. Its essence lies in the fact that significant parts (morphemes) common to related words retain a single style in writing, although they differ in pronunciation. Regardless of pronunciation, the morphological principle of spelling is used when writing roots, prefixes, suffixes and endings.


Deviations from the morphological spelling principle. Fusion, semi-fuse. and separate spellings

Along with the morphological principle of Russian spelling, the so-called phonetic spellings are used, which represent deviations from the morphological principle. in this case, the unity of spelling of morphemes is not maintained and the morpheme is written differently under different conditions of its use. Against the background morphological spellings, phonetic are only a collection of a number of disparate examples: 1) in the spelling of the roots: but) transmission in writing historical alternations in the field of root vowels and consonants: growth-grow, dawn-dawn, lock - lock, etc. b) spelling ы after prefixes in roots starting with and: search-find also applies to writing prefixes, suffixes, endings ... Violations of the morphological principle of spelling also include traditional and differentiating spellings. TRADITIONAL SPELLINGS are relics of the past. one example is the use of the letter and after the hard hissing w, w and c, mk in Old Russian they were soft. Due to penetration into literary language akanya have become traditional spellings: kalach, quotation marks, pocket, glass, etc.

Differentiating spellings are spellings of words that are phonetically the same, are homophones, but have different meanings. burn (ch) - burn (n), ink (m.r.) - ink (f.r.)


CONTINUOUS WRITING is used in cases where the semantic value of any lexical formations has a specific expression in the most complex meaning of these words (motor ship, five-year plan) one lexical unit, but do not reach a complete merger into one word.

Separately, both significant and official words. object separate writing the word appears with its own meaning, without relying on pronunciation.

Graphics is an applied field of knowledge about the language, which establishes the composition of the styles used in the letter and the sound meanings of the letters.

Alphabet - complete list letters located in conventional manner. (33 letters; each has two varieties - uppercase and lowercase).

The alphabet of the SRLYA is based on the Old Slavonic alphabet, which did not correspond to the then sound system (yus large and yus small - letters denoting sounds that were not in the Russian language).

Features of Russian graphics.

A) There are fewer letters of the alphabet than sounds in living speech - the letters are polysemantic.

Letter C: [s] - court, garden, [s "] - here, sit down, [s] - surrender, collection, [s"] - mowing, done, [w] - sew [w] - squeeze

b) division of letters according to the number of designated sounds. letters devoid of sound meaning: b and b, unpronounceable consonants (sun, heart) letters denoting two sounds: i, e, e, u, letters denoting one sound, i.e. other.

C) the presence of single-digit and double-digit letters in the schedule.

unambiguous - h and c in all positions denote the same sound [h "], [c].

two-digit - all consonants, paired in hardness-softness; vowels i, e, e, u.

Ambiguity is associated with the syllabic principle of Russian graphics.

The syllabic principle of Russian graphics is: in certain cases, the syllable acts as a unit of writing as an integral graphic element, the parts of which are mutually conditioned.

Cases of changing the syllable principle.

1. to designate paired consonants in terms of hardness-softness. The letter t can express both a hard sound (become) and a soft sound (stretched). The absence of separate letters for sounds paired in terms of hardness and softness is compensated by the presence of a double outline of vowels. So, a, o, y, e, s - indicate the hardness of the previous consonant, and I, e, u, e, and - softness (glad - a row, was - beat, they say - chalk, tuk - tuk). Only at the end of a word and before consonants (but not always) is the softness of consonants conveyed by the letter ь.

2. to indicate the consonant sound [j] inside words and if the syllable ends in [j] after the vowel, y is used (sing, spring).

But: - at the beginning of the word (pit, hedgehog)

After vowels (mine, I'll go)

After ъ, ь (volume, we will knock down)

Departure from the syllabic principle:

1. after always solid w, w, c, vowels are indicated and, e, e, u, i (fat, pole, number, jury).

2. after always soft h, u - a, o, y (thicket, miracle, pike).

4. writing complex abbreviated words with yo, ba, yu, yu (selokrug, construction site, Dalugol).

5. yo instead of ё at the beginning of foreign words (New York, iodine).

6. the absence of a letter to designate the sound [g "] (yeast).

The absence of a stressed syllable in a word.

Russian spelling is a system of rules for writing words. It consists of five main sections: 1) the transmission of the phonemic composition of words by letters; 2) continuous, separate and hyphenated spellings of words and their parts; 3) the use of uppercase and lowercase letters; 4) word wrap; 5) graphic abbreviations of words.

1) spelling is a spelling chosen or still sought, in the case where the writer is given a choice of letters to denote a particular sound;

2) a spelling is such a spelling of a word that is selected from a number of possible ones with the same pronunciation and meets the spelling rule.

The principle of checking is this: the sound of a weak position is checked strong position(see phonemic analysis); by establishing a phoneme that is realized in given sound, it is denoted by the corresponding letter. The same letter designates a phoneme in strong and weak positions within the same morpheme. This is the essence of the basic principle of Russian orthography. This principle is implemented in cases where a weak position of a phoneme can be unambiguously verified by a strong position in the same morpheme. This principle is referred to in the educational literature in different ways: morphological (morphematic), phonemic or morphonematic. The morphological name focuses on the dependence of spellings on the morphological characteristics of the word, i.e. to the uniform spelling of morphemes. The phonemic name establishes the relationship between letters and phonemes. The term morphonematic seems to be the most successful, because it synthesizes the correlation of a letter with a phoneme within a morpheme. Basic (morphonematic) principle orthography provides a uniform spelling of the same morpheme in the forms of the same word and in different words. The same spelling of the same morphemes makes it easy to recognize words with these morphemes, and this contributes to rapid understanding and reading.

The morphonematic principle of Russian spelling determines the spelling of most spelling letters, therefore this is the main principle of conveying the phonemic composition of a word by letters (see the first section of spelling).

Not all spelling rules obey the morphonematic principle. In some cases, it is not possible to check a weak position, because in this morpheme, the phoneme does not occur in a strong position: mabout loco, tobut casting, into hall, rede , usidchAnd out etc. In this case, a hyperphoneme appears: m/o\a/loko, k/a\o/litka, vo/k\g/zal, etc. The morphonematic principle of spelling here limits the choice of letters, but does not give an unambiguous solution, because the choice of letter is not motivated by modern linguistic patterns. Writing in such cases is based on two principles: morphonematic and traditional (historical).

Traditional principle Russian orthography lies in the fact that the spelling is used, fixed by tradition (history). In school practice, words with a hyperphoneme are fundamentally called dictionary words and are given lists for memorization. The traditional principle of spelling comes into play not only in cases where a phoneme cannot be placed in a strong position, but also when there is an alternation of phonemes in a strong position of the same morpheme, for example: hbut revo - sabout ri, poklabout nclassbut to take; letter selection but (hbut rya) or about (according toabout thread) in an unstressed position is determined by tradition. Thus, traditional (historical) spellings reproduce the graphic appearance of a word or morpheme that has developed in the past. At the same time, in modern Russian writing, the traditional spellings of some morphemes are uniformly reproduced in all related words or in similar morphemes of other words, which does not contradict the morphonematic principle. For example: milk about,milk ny,milk nitsa,milk sheep, etc.; usidchiv oh, insultchiv oh, changechiv yy, etc.; reds , largeie , handsomes and etc.

Traditional (historical) spellings can be divided into two categories - actually traditional (historical) and differentiating. The following spellings can be attributed to the traditional ones:

    letters denoting hyperphonemes: Gabout roh, kbut Tbut stanza, spaceabout on thein t etc.;

    o-e at the root after hissing: wabout rox, we sweat, he rny, habout porn, etc.;

    s - and after c: cAnd pk, cAnd panty, cs gan, cs films, etc.;

    spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots zar/zor, ros/rast, gor/gar, kos/kas, skoch/skak, lag/lodge, mok/mak, stil/stel, dir/der, mir/mer, bir/ber, fir / per, blist / shine, clone / clan, etc.: zarabout sli/zarbut become, toabout sleep/tobut sit down, sunabout read / searchbut kat and others;

    o - a in suffixes of adverbs like: leftbut - to the leftabout , drybut - dryabout etc.;

    nn in adjective suffixes –enn-, -onn- and н in suffixes –an-, -yan-, -in-, as well as exceptions to this rule: kinshipenn oh, stationhe N oh, the winden th, etc.;

    nn in participle suffixes in full form and n in short form: checknn oh, checkn a, etc.;

    endings -th / -his in the forms of the genitive and accusative cases adjectives and pronouns and in the word today: bigWow , sinhis , mohis etc.;

    b for verbs after hissing in different forms: liveb , cut offb etc.;

    ь in adverbs, particles on hissing: backb , allb , leashb , bishb etc. and some other spellings.

Differentiating traditional (historical) spellings perform the function of delimiting words or their grammatical forms. This may include cases:

    e - and in the suffixes of verbs: exhaustede t (lose strength) - exhaustedAnd t (deprive someone else of strength), etc .;

    particles are neither: Where does she gonot applied! Where does she goneither She called, no one helped her.

    prefixes pre-/pre- in homophones: at to visit (to come)pre to be (to be)at emnik -pre emnik, etc.;

    double and single consonants in homophones: bal - ball , sum a - summ a, etc.;

5) lowercase and uppercase letter for proper and common nouns: n hope -H hope,about rel -ABOUT rel, etc.;

6) n in the short form of passive participles and nn in the short form of adjectives : She brought upn but a father. She is smart and educatednn but.

7) ь after hissing in nouns of the 3rd declension and its absence in nouns of the 2nd declension : rypb , daughterb , knife etc. and some other spellings.

In contradiction with the morphonematic principle of spelling is also phonetic principle, which lies in the fact that the letter does not denote a phoneme, but a sound, i.e. we write what we hear. Such spellings include the following: o - and in the prefixes ras- / ros-, raz- / rose-: Rbut write off - rabout sleep, rbut play - rabout gamble, etc.; with at the end of prefixes: rah beat - rafrom drink andh cut - andfrom bite, etc.; o - e after hissing and c in the endings of nouns and adjectives, as well as in suffixes of nouns, adjectives and adverbs: cloakabout m - cloude y, bigabout y - goode y, merchantabout m - chintze m, suchabout k - handkerchiefe k, brocadeabout out - chintze wow, hotabout - brilliante etc.; and - s at the root of the word after prefixes to a consonant: And play withs play,And skat - rosess ck, etc.; and in the endings of the dative and prepositional cases of nouns 1 declension into -iya and prepositional nouns 2 declensions into -th, -th: (dedicated) armyAnd , on excursionsAnd , in productAnd , about the sanatoriumAnd etc.; s after c: lads , cutss y, Sinitss etc.. and some other spellings.

Modern Russian graphics in this respect is one of the most perfect, since most of the letters of the Russian alphabet are unambiguous. Based on the alphabetic meaning of the letter and the letter-sound correspondence, there are quite a few spellings: house, world, table, tourist, empty, joking, in hand, etc.

However, the system of Russian graphics has a number of deviations from the letter-sound principle. Depending on the alphabetic meaning, the letters of modern Russian writing can be grouped as follows:

    letters for vowels: A, O, U, E, S, I;

    letters denoting a combination of a vowel sound with the previous [j]: E, E, Yu, I;

    letters for solid paired consonants: B, C, G, D, Z, K, L, M, N, P, R, C, T, F, X;

    letters for unpaired hard consonants: Zh, Sh, Ts;

    letters for unpaired soft consonants: H, W;

    letter for [j]: J;

    letter to indicate the softness of consonants: b;

    letter without alphabetical value: b.

Thus, all letters of the Russian alphabet in their alphabetic meanings reflect strong variants of Russian phonemes. The exceptions are the letter Y, which denotes a weak version of the phoneme, and the letters b and b, which do not denote sounds. Not in the Russian alphabet special letters for sounds of weak positions, their designation is handled by spelling. This is an objective gap in the Russian alphabet, formed historically. There are no special letters in the alphabet to denote paired soft consonants. This is the second objective gap of the Russian alphabet. There are two letters for each vowel phoneme in the Russian alphabet:<а>- A and I<о >- Oh and Yo,<э>- E and E,<у>- U and Yu,<и>- Y and I.

So, the Russian alphabet is characterized by insufficiency in the field of letters for consonants and redundancy in the field of letters for vowels. The objective gaps of the alphabet are compensated by graphics. Since graphics determine the relationship between the designated sound / sound segment and the letter used, it establishes the rules for the use of the letter, its meaning and prescribes writing and reading letters in a certain way in one position or another. In Russian graphics, the unit of writing and reading is not a single letter, but a combination of letters. For example, the letter P will be read as a hard or soft consonant, depending on which letter will be used after it: [r] - ra, ro, ru, ry, re or [r '] - rya, ryo, ryu, ri, re, r.

In native Russian words, the phoneme indicated in three ways:

1) at the beginning of a word, before a vowel and between vowels< j>together with vowels< а>, < у>, < э>, < о>lettered i, yu, e, yo;

2) phoneme after consonant before vowel< j>lettered i, yu, e, yo, and using b And b:blizzard, flaw etc.;

3) after a vowel and before a consonant and at the end of a word< j>denoted by the letter th. in borrowed words th stands for< j>and before a vowel phoneme: iodine;

after a consonant combination of phonemes< jo>transmitted in letters yo: medallion

after a vowel before< и>phoneme< j>the letter does not indicate: lose.

  • I. Nursing process in hypertension: definition, etiology, clinic. Principles of treatment and care of patients, prevention.
  • I. Nursing process in diffuse toxic goiter: definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic. Principles of treatment and patient care
  • I. Nursing process in acute leukemia. Definition, etiology, clinic, blood picture. Principles of treatment and care of patients.
  • I. Nursing process in pneumonia. Definition, etiology, pathogenesis, clinic. Principles of treatment and care of the patient.
  • I. Nursing process in chronic bronchitis: definition, etiology, clinic. Principles of treatment and care of patients.
  • I. Nursing process in chronic hepatitis: definition, etiology, clinic. Principles of treatment and care of patients. The role of m / s in the prevention of hepatitis.
  • I. Skeletal muscle tissue: localization and structural principle
  • Moiseev A. I. Russian language: Phonetics. Morphology. Spelling. A guide for teachers. 2nd ed. Revised Moscow: Education, 1980. 255 p.


    The main task of graphics

    The main task of graphics as a writing factor is replenishment one of the gaps in the modern Russian alphabet - lack of special letters for paired soft consonants. Graphics sets also general terms and Conditions the use of all letters of the alphabet in the designation of sounds of functionally strong positions.

    A common feature of graphics rules is their independence from specific words or parts of words, their suitability for all words. The rules of graphics are therefore the original and basic rules of writing, and the sound meanings of letters, established by graphics, as well as alphabetic ones, are their basic meanings.

    The syllabic principle of graphics

    Its main task - filling in the known gap of the alphabet - graphics solves with the help of the so-called syllabic principle . The syllabic principle of Russian graphics is that what the unit of writing and reading is a syllable, or rather a combination of sounds and, accordingly, letters. With this in mind, the principle itself should be called not syllabic, but letter-combining.

    The essence of the syllabic principle of graphics can be explained by the following examples. In words small And crumpled letter m is read differently: in the first word it is hard, in the second it is soft, and this depends on the letters immediately following it - and in the first word, I in the second. Thus, consonants in the composition of words can only be read taking into account the letters immediately following them, in this case- taking into account the following vowels. And this means that the unit of reading (only reading was considered so far) is not a single letter, but a combination of letters, conditionally - a syllable. The same thing, but as if in an inverted form, is also manifested when writing words: knowing, for example, what is in the word five consonants are soft, we, using the corresponding consonants, which by themselves cannot designate soft consonants, use the letters i and b, which indicate the softness of these consonants, and the letter i at the same time denotes the corresponding vowel sound.

    Consider the action of the syllabic principle using the example of reading vowels: in the word tulle, in words snowstorm And sing letter Yu it is read differently - without iot and with iot: [t'ul '] - [v'yuga], [payut], and it depends on which letter precedes it; after consonants Yu and letters similar to it are read without iota, and after vowels and dividing marks - with iota in relation to vowels and consonants, the absence of letters also matters - a space consonants: before a space, i.e. at the end of words, they are read firmly: House, and vowels like I after a space, i.e. at the beginning of words, are read with iot: pit- [yama]. This is a significant absence of letters, as if a special letter - "the letter of the gap."

    All this can be shown schematically for clarity:

    wayP reads firmly, as further y, t- gently, as further b, in general - [put '];

    crumpledm reads softly, as further i, l- firmly, since further is a gap, I- without an iota, since there is a consonant in front, in general - [m'al];

    sprucee read with iot, since after a space, l- gently, as further b, in general - [yel'].

    Thus, when reading, in most cases, not only the given letter is taken into account, but also the letters adjacent to it, preceding or following. Therefore, the principle itself can be characterized as a positional principle of writing and reading: when writing and reading, the position of letters in a word is taken into account.

    Positional principle graphics are used in two main cases:

    1) when denoting the softness and hardness of consonants;

    2) with the designation iota. The examples given illustrate both of these cases.

    § 3. Violations and limitations of the syllabic principle of graphics

    The rules of the syllabic principle are not always applied: there are cases of deviation from them - these are violations of the syllabic principle; there are also limits to its scope.

    1. Violations syllabic principle are created by orthography and are observed in the sphere of designation iota. Yot before vowels is denoted together with these vowels like I, and in all other positions - by the letter and: tree, mine, volume, underwear, but edge, nut. But there are spellings legalized by spelling in which these rules are violated: instead of letters like I other letters or combinations of letters are actually written. This is seen in borrowed words and in proper names, too for the most part foreign language:

    1) instead yo, relying on the syllabic principle, the letter combination is actually written yo: iodine(at the beginning of words) majolica, mayonnaise, major, district(after vowels); Joseph, New York(in proper names), etc.;

    2) instead yo after b actually spelled about: battalion, broth, lotion, medallion, pavilion, postman, champignon, guillotine, pocket; signor, signora, signorina, as well as señor, señora, señorina(borrowed from Italian and Spanish), etc., in particular the names big numbers: quadrillion, quintillion, rare, obsolete words: bruillon, canyon, cotillon, minion, modillon, chignon and etc.;

    3) instead of letters like I combinations of these letters with the previous one are written th(letter e not shown here): Yemeni, fireworks, foyer; yaMaya, Goya etc.

    Spellings containing violations of the syllabic principle are established by spelling in dictionary order.

    2. Retreats from the rules of the syllabic principle, graphics that determine the ratio of neighboring letters in a word are observed in the area of ​​​​the use of vowels, soft sign and "space letters" after hissing and c.

    Sounds h and w- soft and w, w, c- hard, therefore, it would seem, according to the prescriptions of the syllabic principle, after the letters denoting these sounds, vowels, as well as signs of softness and hardness, should have been differentiated: after h, w should write vowels like I, and at the end of words - b; after w, w, c- vowel type but, and leave the end of words without a soft sign. In fact, after all these letters - and after h, w, and after w, w, c- then vowels are written like but(a, uh, oh space, and after c also s), then vowels like I (e, i, sometimes Yu, and after hissing, but not after c, yet yo And b); only a letter is missing e. For example: h: hour,miracle,shoulder And bang,honour, rank,doctor And night;u: mercy, pike,raincoat And brush,crushed stone,cloak And help;well:heat,beetle and jury,arson(n.) and set fire to(Ch.), gesture, live,hedgehog,rye;w:step,noise,brochure,Okay And walked,pole,awl,hut And wilderness;c:heron,train,letter,goal,Gypsy And the circus,cucumbers. We now select only the necessary letter combinations and show their relationship to the syllabic principle by highlighting: fatty font - compliance with the principle, italicsdiscrepancy to him.

    Purpose: to generalize and deepen students' knowledge of modern graphics. The student must know the syllabic principle of Russian graphics; the designation of the phoneme /J/ in writing, the hardness and softness of consonants, the composition of the modern Russian alphabet. Possess the skills of graphic analysis of the word.

    Preparation for the lesson: prepare an essay or multimedia presentation on the topic "History of the Russian alphabet"

    Scheme of graphic analysis of the word.

    1. Write out a word, divide it into syllables

    2. Indicate the number of letters and sounds, explain the reason for the discrepancy between the number of letters and sounds, if any.

    3. Analyze each syllable and prove in which spellings the syllabic principle of graphics is observed, and in which it is not observed.

    Sample. Yotation yo-ta-chi-ya - 7 letters, 8 sounds, because

    the letter i stands for two sounds after a vowel

    1. In the syllable "yo", the consonant letter "and short" denotes a consonant, although in writing this letter is followed by a "softening" vowel "i", therefore, CNG is not observed.

    4. In the syllable "ya", the sound [J] together with the subsequent sound [a] is indicated by the letter "ya" in the position after the vowel, therefore, CNG is observed

    Exercise 1. Determine which of these words have the sound [s`] and where its softness is indicated by means of graphics, and where it is not

    Mow, bridge, sister, smile, cassette, suit, joint.

    Task 2. Divide these words into groups depending on the way the sound [J] is denoted in writing:

    1. With the help of vowels at the beginning of a word and and after vowels;

    2. Using combinations of letters b or b + e, e, y, i, and;

    3. Using the letter th

    Tea room, barn, button accordion, spearman, go, apple, volume, play, ruffy, removable, nightingale, border, skirt, whose, congress, bearish, adjutant, lamb, spruce, crow, wolf-like.

    Task 3. Distribute these words into three columns, depending on what function b performs in them: a) indicates the softness of the previous sound; b) is a signal that the letter following it denotes the sound [J] together with a vowel; c) has no graphic meaning

    Whose, cut, coat, go, shadow, skates, ink, jump, pour, guard, judge, September, wash, lotion, pour, sit down, back.

    Task 4. Describe the cases of deviation from the CNG.

    Life, figure, silk, jury, thicket, miracle, jump, sorrel, pike, broth, chignon, mayonnaise, major, Yemen, fireworks, silence, burn, zinc, burned, squint, stocking, chad, cloak, shoulder, pavilion, battalion, district, foyer.

    Task 5. Perform a graphical analysis of words:

    Option 1. Endless, lotion; Option 2. Personification, mayonnaise; Option 3. Enchantress, circus performer; Option 4. Honeysuckle, foyer.

    Laboratory work № 8

    Subject: Spelling. Spelling types. Principles of writing words and morphemes: morphological, traditional, phonetic. Differentiating spellings.

    Purpose: to generalize and deepen students' knowledge about the principles of writing words and morphemes. The student must know what a spelling is, types of spellings, identifying features of spellings, be able to designate spellings, master the skills of spelling analysis of a word.

    Scheme of spelling analysis of the word:

    1. Write out the word, mark the spelling

    2. Analyze each spelling: a) name the spelling; b) determine whether the spelling is uniform or non-uniform in the variants of morphemes; c) determine what explains the choice of spelling, name the principle of spelling.

    Pattern: Sour

    1. Spelling of vowels in prefixes raz-, ras-, ros-, ros-. The spelling is not uniform, there are no basic spellings, the choice depends on the pronunciation, therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the phonetic principle of spelling.

    2. Spelling prefixes on s-s-. The spelling of the spelling is not uniform, the choice of spelling depends on the pronunciation, therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the phonetic principle of spelling.

    3. Spelling of voiced and deaf paired consonants at the root of the word. The spelling is uniform, it is fashionable to check with a strong position (to become limp), therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the morphological principle of spelling.

    4. Spelling of vowels after hissing. The spelling is uniform, does not rely on pronunciation, cannot be checked by a strong position, therefore, the spelling is written in accordance with the traditional ( historical principle) spelling.

    Exercise 1. Prove that the words of the 1st group are written according to the morphological principle, 2nd groups - according to the phonetic principle, 3rd groups - according to the historical principle.

    1. Good fellow, slippery, give away, feather, sad, sweet, refreshment

    2. Excessive, snap up, wedding, backstory, flash

    3. Shito, awl, sunbathe, plant, die, boot

    Task 2. Mark spellings in words. Indicate in accordance with what principle this or that spelling is written.

    Option 1. Giantess, noodles, dog, family, joyfully, melodiously, ruddy, couch, icy, wrestling. Option 2. Fresh, melted, earth, sale, little things, crimson, foggy, painless, ominously, furiously. Option 3. Forests, relative, ball, about luggage, in general, tree, hairy, deer, windless, burns. Option 4. Field, in the city, unearthed, age, guys, spread, pig, goose, raincoat, dispelled.

    Task 3. Perform spelling analysis of words (see diagram)

    Option 1. Unprincipled, disturb. Option 2. Flirtatious, kumach. Option 3. Dispersed, lived-in, Option 4. Chocolate, boneless.

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