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How many years did Stalin live? Role in WWII All about Stalin: study and a difficult path of struggle

Until now, disputes over the life of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin have not subsided. This is a man who was able to outstrip all other people by as much as 2 generations in his understanding of not only the state apparatus, but also global sociology. Stalin's nationality even now causes many opinions, as a result, a lot of versions have been put forward, several of which will now be considered.

Mystery of origin

Exploring a large number of archives, you can stumble upon various references and facts that may speak in favor of a particular theory. So, the Armenian version says that Stalin's nationality is directly related to his mother, who, due to her poverty, was forced to work as an ordinary laundress for a rich merchant. After she became pregnant, she was quickly married off. But this version still does not provide enough facts to understand what nationality Stalin was.

The Georgian theory says that its roots go back to one prince named Egnatashvili. By the way, already at the time when Stalin came to power, he maintained contacts with his brothers.

Russian version

According to Russian theory (if it can be considered as such), Stalin's father was a nobleman from Smolensk, and his name was Nikolai Przhevalsky. He traveled a lot and was quite a famous scientist. In 1878, he became very ill, which is why he was treated in Gori, in the Caucasus. Here Przhevalsky meets one distant relative of the prince, her name is Catherine, who went bankrupt and had to marry an ordinary shoemaker Vissarion Dzhugashvili. He, in turn, was a fairly respected person, but there was grief in his family, which slightly overshadowed the whole existence of their couple. The fact is that they lost three very young children. Against this background, Vissarion began to drink a lot and often raised his hand to his wife. But even despite all the hardships of her life, Catherine was still able to charm the scientist, who was so imbued with her beauty that he continued to send her money.

It is worth noting that this version, which should shed light on Stalin's nationality, is actually quite vulnerable. I would also like to add that she is not so much Russian as it might seem at first glance, since Przhevalsky has roots in Belarus.

It seemed that Stalin was well aware that the whole society was convinced of his illegal origin. Then the drunkenness of the father is explained by many things. He probably knew, but he just couldn't accept it. So, in one of the drunken fights he was killed, but 11-year-old Soso did not experience any feelings about this.

A life

Of course, Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich was and remains a cult personality. Despite the fact that various disputes are constantly being conducted about his life, more and more questions appear in the biography than answers. His personality continues to give rise to many myths that biographers and researchers are trying to figure out. You can even start from the birthplace of the dictator. According to some reports, the first entry speaks of the city of Gori, although it is possible that Stalin could well have been born not far from Batumi. Further - this famous blood connection with his father and the resemblance to the traveler Przhevalsky.

The date of birth also causes a lot of controversy. Historians managed to find a record book of the Gori Assumption Cathedral Church, in which the birth record differed from the official date. According to the old style, it was December 6, 1878, exactly the same number is on the certificate of graduation from the religious school.

Initially, all official documents contained the true date of Stalin's birth, but in 1921, by his personal order, these numbers were changed in all documents, and they began to indicate not 1878, but 1879. As political scientists say, this was a forced measure in order to hide not only his noble origin, but also his illegitimacy.

Every year it becomes more and more difficult to explain why two dates of birth are indicated in the biography, what nationality Stalin was and a large number of different nuances from his life. Despite the fact that he independently surrounded himself with a certain halo of obscurity, there was a small circle of people especially close to him who knew a lot about him. Perhaps that is why they did not die by their own death and under rather mysterious circumstances.

Stalin's life is replete with many pseudonyms, of which there are up to 30 in total.

Governing body

The period of tenure as the first person of the state was marked by the time huge amount executions, collectivization and one of the most terrible wars that claimed a lot human lives worldwide. Naturally, the USSR should have seemed to everyone a country in which progress, harmony and devotion to their leader were developed.

Portraits of Stalin were hung everywhere, and his era became the time of the fastest economic development. Thanks to propaganda, absolutely all the undertakings of the “father of nations” were praised, this was especially true regarding the great infrastructure projects that were being built very quickly, turning an agrarian country that was at its peak of backwardness into an industrial state. This was the main goal, but in order to achieve it, it was necessary to expand the production of agricultural products to meet the needs of the working class. Thus, collectivization became great solution for this. Private farmers were literally taken away their land and forced to work at large enterprises Agriculture state type.

The whole truth about the reign of the leader is still impossible to find. This is due to the fact that in fact neither modern world, much less during his life, they did not talk about it publicly. The entire period of Stalin (while he was head of state) was due not only to repressions and harsh dictatorship. It is safe to note a large number of positive nuances that largely influenced the current formation of the Russian people:

  • Work according to conscience in order to benefit, first of all, society.
  • Victory in 1945.
  • The dignity of an engineer and an officer.
  • Independent country.
  • The innocence of high school girls.
  • Moral.
  • Hero mothers.
  • Chastity of the media.
  • Prohibited abortions.
  • open churches.
  • Bans on: Russophobia, pornography, corruption, prostitution, drug addiction and homosexuality.
  • Patriotism.

The name of Stalin is associated with his desire not only to unite, but subsequently to strengthen the country into the most short term, and thanks to his energy and will to win, no one had the impression that he was not able to translate his plans into reality.


Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich very carefully concealed all information about himself, and his personal life was no exception. He very carefully destroyed all kinds of documents that in one way or another spoke of his family and love affairs. Thus, the modern generation can present a far from complete picture, which consists of a small number of verified facts and the testimony of several eyewitnesses, whose stories are replete with errors and inaccuracies.

The first when he was only 26 years old was Ekaterina (Kato) Svanidze. At that time, he still did not have his own significant party nickname, nor a special “political weight” in society, but, despite this, he was already famous for his reputation as an inveterate revolutionary who strove for the universal idea of ​​​​equality. But at the same time, I would like to add that even those bloody methods and means by which the goals were achieved gave the Bolsheviks a certain veil of romanticism. And so the famous pseudonym Koba appeared. This was literary hero like Robin Hood, who robbed the rich and gave everything to the poor.

Kato was only 16 years old when they got married and began to live in a shabby room, having practically no means of subsistence. Her father was as much a revolutionary as Soso himself, so he was even glad of their marriage, since Koba already had sufficient authority among the Caucasian freedom fighters. Despite the fact that huge funds passed through his hands almost every day, not a penny of them went to the improvement of family life and the hearth.

Due to his intense revolutionary life, he practically did not appear at home, therefore most His wife spent most of her time alone. In 1907, their common son was born, who was given the name Jacob. Thus, the life of a poor woman becomes many times harder, and she becomes ill with typhus. Since they did not have any extra money (due to the fact that everything went to the needs of the party), she dies. According to eyewitnesses, Soso was very upset by the death of his beloved woman and even began to fight with his enemies with redoubled fury. Yakov, meanwhile, began to live with Kato's parents, where he was until the age of 14.

A very young Nadya Alliluyeva became Soso's second lover. They sincerely loved each other, despite the fact that the manifestation of tender feelings in those years, especially for such a fierce fighter for the revolution, was considered weakness. So, already in 1921, the second son of Stalin was born, who was named Vasily. At the same time, he takes away Jacob. Thus, Koba finally acquires complete family. But the old story is repeated again, when he has absolutely no time for some ordinary human joys on the way to revolution. In 1925, little Svetlana appears in the family.

Very little is known about the relationship of the spouses, a large number of mysteries remain to this day, and not only about them. life together but also about death.

It is worth noting that life with a man who has one like Stalin's was inexplicably difficult. It is known that he could be silent for three days, being in the deepest thoughts. It was difficult for Nadezhda not only because her husband was a tyrant - she did not have any opportunity to communicate. She didn't have any girlfriends, and the men were just afraid to have sex with her even friendly relations, because they feared the wrath of her husband, who might think that his woman was being whipped, and "shoot". Nadezhda needed ordinary, human, domestic, warm relations.

Suspicious death of wife

On November 8, 1932, Aliluyeva Nadezhda, Stalin's wife, died under strange circumstances, whose nationality cannot be unequivocally confirmed, since her mother was a true German, and her father was half a gypsy. The official version said that suicide had taken place, allegedly she had independently committed a fatal shot in the head. As for the media reports about the death of Nadezhda, Stalin only allowed to say that she suddenly left this world, but what caused her death was not indicated.

Another point that deserves attention is Koba's attempts to attribute everything to the fact that his wife died due to appendicitis, but two (and according to some sources - three) experts who arrived at the scene were supposed to give an opinion on death, but refused to put your signature on such document. Her death still causes a lot of controversy, and therefore at the moment there are several options for this incident.

Several versions of the death of Stalin's wife

At the time of her death, Nadezhda was only 31 years old, and there are a lot of rumors about this. As for some conspiracy version of what is happening, here it is worth noting such a figure as Trotsky. At one time he was objectionable to the government and personally to Stalin, therefore, through a certain Bukharin, he tried to exert emotional pressure on the leader's wife. They tried to convince her that her husband was pursuing a too aggressive policy, organizing a deliberate famine in Ukraine, collectivization and mass executions. Trotsky thought that thanks to the political scandal that Nadezhda was supposed to arrange, Stalin could be overthrown without resorting to violence. Thus, his wife could simply shoot herself from the information received, which she could not accept.

According to another version, at the celebration of the 15th anniversary October revolution, during a banquet in the Kremlin, Stalin said something insulting to his wife, after which she defiantly left the table and went to her apartment, and then the servants heard a shot.

There is also a version, which was confirmed by the head of security of Joseph Vissarionovich. According to his story, after the banquet, Stalin did not go home, but went to one of his dachas and took the general's wife with him. Nadezhda, in turn, was very worried and called the home security phone. The duty officer confirmed that her husband was indeed there, and not alone, but with a woman. Thus, the wife, having learned about this, could not survive the betrayal and committed suicide. Stalin never visited Nadezhda's grave.

Chief's mother

Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, whose nationality and origin are shrouded in mystery, as well as everything connected with his personal life, raises many questions. Stalin's relationship with his own mother was also strange. Many facts spoke about this, and even the fact that he introduced her to her grandchildren only when the eldest turned 15. Ekaterina Georgievna had practically no education, she could not write, she spoke only Georgian. Stalin's mother, whose nationality did not cause controversy, was a fairly sociable woman and was never afraid to express her personal opinion on any occasion, even sometimes on political topics. She did not interfere at all with the lack of education. Some conclusions can be drawn from their correspondence, which can hardly be called letters, but most likely more notes. It is worth noting that, despite such dryness of communication, it cannot be said that the son did not take care of his mother. She was under constant and close supervision. the best doctors but, despite this, due to age, her health did not get better. So, in May 1937, she fell ill with pneumonia, which is why she died on July 4. Relations were so bad that he could not even attend her funeral, but limited himself to a wreath with an inscription.

Death of the "Father of Nations"

It was 1953. Stalin's death already long time many wanted. On March 1, he spent the whole day in his office, he did not look through important state mail and did not even have lunch. Without his permission, no one had the right to go to him, but already at 11 pm one of the duty officers at his own peril and risk went there, and a terrible picture appeared before his eyes. After going through several rooms, he saw how Stalin was lying on the floor and could not utter a word. For several days, doctors fought for his life.

Thus, the year of Stalin's death was marked by conflicting opinions in society. Some were glad that the days of the dictator and tyrant had come to their logical end. Some, on the contrary, considered the inner circle of the leader to be traitors who, one way or another, were involved in his death.

One cannot be 100% sure that conspirators from the top of the Politburo were involved in his death. Judging by some of the recollections of Comrade Khrushchev himself and a number of close people, the leader this year was no longer able to govern the state, he could see insanity and paranoia, which meant the inexorable approach of death. Despite the fact that he is no longer there, Stalin’s famous quotes have reached us, like “Shoot!” or "It doesn't matter how they voted - it matters how they counted." They will be relevant for a long time, because the period of the life of the “father of nations” has forever entered all textbooks and remained in the memory of many people.

Stalin: Russian man of Georgian nationality

In order to understand his personality, it is necessary to draw his conclusions solely on the basis of a few facts that are known from the direct speech of the leader himself. One thing can be said with certainty: Joseph Stalin, whose nationality can cause a lot of controversy, is a rather ambiguous personality. But be that as it may, his assessment will always have several elements of subjectivity, which is based on the personal understanding of each world and Soviet history.

In the modern world, Stalin's nationality can cause some controversy, this is all due to a certain halo of the mystery of his birth and origin, but, as the leader himself liked to say: "I am not a European, but a Russified Georgian-Asian."

Even decades after death Joseph Stalin his last days and the clock is surrounded by an aura of mystery. Could the doctors help the dying? Was his inner circle involved in the death of the Soviet leader? Were the events of the first days of March 1953 a conspiracy? AiF.ru cites several facts related to the death of a person who forever left a mark on world history.

The fatal stroke was not caused by alcohol abuse.

There is an erroneous opinion that a fatal stroke overtook Stalin after a hearty dinner, where the wine flowed like water. In fact, on the evening of February 28, Stalin in the company Malenkov, Beria, Bulganin and Khrushchev watched a film in the Kremlin cinema hall, and then invited them to the Middle Dacha, where a very modest banquet took place. Eyewitnesses claim that Stalin drank only a little wine diluted with water on it.

Stalin's guests departed on the morning of March 1, but for the leader it was the usual daily routine - for many years he worked at night, going to bed only at dawn. According to the security guards, Stalin went to rest in a good mood. Moreover, he ordered the guards to go to bed too, which had not been noticed before by the leader.

The building of the near dacha of Joseph Stalin in Kuntsevo in Moscow. Photo: RIA Novosti / Press service of the FSO of Russia

Stalin did not call for help, the guards did not show initiative

Stalin rarely slept for a long time, and, as a rule, by 11 o'clock the first orders of the new day for the guards and servants were already coming from him. But on March 1, there were no signals from the leader. The pause lasted until the very evening, and at about 18 o'clock in the rooms occupied by Stalin, the light came on. But the leader still did not call anyone, which was, of course, an extraordinary event.

Only after 22:00 on March 1, 1953 did the security officer Lozgachev, taking advantage of the fact that the mail was brought, he decided to go into Stalin's chambers. He found the leader on the floor, his pajama pants were wet. Stalin was shaking with chills, he made inarticulate sounds. Judging by the lights on and the clock found on the floor, Stalin, despite the deterioration in his condition, could still move for some time, until he collapsed to the floor exhausted. In this position, he spent several hours. It remains a mystery why the leader did not attempt to call the guards and ask for help.

The leader's entourage pretended that nothing serious was happening.

What happened next allows a number of researchers to accuse Stalin's entourage of a conspiracy. The first reports of the guards on the leader's condition stumbled upon a very strange reaction. Khrushchev and Bulganin, having arrived at the Near Dacha, left it, confining themselves to a conversation with the guards. Beria and Malenkov, who arrived at three o'clock in the morning, declared that Stalin simply took too much at the banquet. At the same time, Lavrenty Pavlovich could not help but know that the leader did not use significant amount alcohol, and, therefore, his condition could not be the result of intoxication. There is reason to believe that all members of Stalin's entourage were well aware that something serious was happening. However, shortly before this, the leader began to renew the composition of the Soviet leadership, directly making it clear to the "old guard" that he intended to replace them. Khrushchev, Beria and others did not kill Stalin directly, but they did not leave him a chance of salvation, delaying the arrival of doctors as much as possible.

Doctors were allowed to see Stalin when he had no chance to survive

Only by 9 a.m. on March 2 did a team of doctors appear at the Near Dacha, headed by one of the best Soviet general practitioners. Pavel Lukomsky. Doctors diagnose - stroke, ascertain paralysis right side body and loss of speech.

Later Vasily Stalin will shock those around him with cries: “They killed their father!” The leader's son was not far from the truth - it is known that the so-called "gold watch" is important to save the life of a stroke survivor. As a rule, doctors mean providing first aid within an hour, as well as delivering a patient to a hospital within four hours.

But Stalin was found no earlier than three to four hours after the attack, and he received medical help after another 11 hours. It is not a fact that the 74-year-old leader could have been saved even if immediate assistance was provided, but the delay of half a day left him no chance of surviving.

Already during March 2, 1953, Beria, Malenkov, Bulganin, Khrushchev and other members of the "old guard" were holding meetings at which the top posts were redistributed. A decision is made that the new cadres nominated by Stalin will be removed from the main posts in the country. Doctors report that the Stalinist entourage understands perfectly well even without this - the leader has no more than a few days to live.

President of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR Alexander Nikolayevich Nesmeyanov read out the address of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Presidium Supreme Council USSR to all members of the party in connection with the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Photo: RIA Novosti / Boris Ryabinin

The people were informed about the serious illness of the leader on March 4

On March 4, 1953, Stalin's illness was officially announced. Twice a day bulletins about the state of health of the Soviet leader begin to be issued. Here is the text of the bulletin published in the Pravda newspaper on March 4, 1953: “On the night of March 2, 1953, I.V. Stalin, there was a sudden cerebral hemorrhage that captured vital areas of the brain, resulting in paralysis right leg And right hand with loss of consciousness and speech. On March 2 and 3, appropriate therapeutic measures were taken to improve the impaired functions of respiration and circulation, which have not yet resulted in a significant change in the course of the disease.

By two o'clock in the morning on March 4, the state of health of I.V. Stalin continues to be heavy. Significant respiratory disorders are observed: the respiratory rate is up to 36 per minute, the breathing rhythm is incorrect with periodic long pauses. There is an increase in heart rate up to 120 beats per minute, complete arrhythmia; blood pressure- maximum 220, minimum 120. Temperature 38.2. In connection with the violation of breathing and blood circulation, oxygen deficiency is observed. The degree of brain dysfunction increased slightly. Currently, a number of therapeutic measures are being carried out aimed at restoring the vital functions of the body. The last bulletin - on Stalin's condition at 4 pm on March 5 - will be published in the newspapers on March 6, when the leader will no longer be alive.

Photo: RIA Novosti / Dmitry Chernov

Stalin was stripped of power 1 hour 10 minutes before his death

Joseph Stalin lost even formal power during his lifetime. March 5, 1953 at 20:00 began a joint meeting of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers USSR and the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. After the report of the Minister of Health of the USSR Andrey Tretyakov on Stalin’s condition, a redistribution of posts began in order to “ensure uninterrupted and proper guidance throughout the life of the country. Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, that is, the actual head of the country, was appointed Georgy Malenkov.Lavrenty Beria became the head of the united department, which included the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security. Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Klim Voroshilov. At the same time, they did not dare to completely withdraw Stalin from the leadership - he was included in the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU

The meeting ended at 20:40, that is, a little over an hour before the death of the leader. Information about it in the Soviet media appeared on March 7, but without specifying the time of its holding. The message did not mention that by the time these decisions were made, Stalin was alive.

The secrets of the last hours of the leader died with Colonel Khrustalev

From the moment the doctors appeared at the Near Dacha on March 2 and until last minutes Stalin's life, one of the members of his inner circle was on duty next to his bed. During the meeting, at which the posts in the country's leadership were redistributed, next to Stalin was on duty Nikolay Bulganin. However, at about half past ten in the evening of March 5, almost all members of the "old guard" gathered at the Near Dacha. At 21:50 Joseph Stalin died. Chief's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva recalled: “Beria was the first to jump out into the corridor, and in the silence of the hall, where everyone stood silently, his loud voice was heard, not hiding the triumph: “Khrustalev, the car!”

The phrase "Khrustalev, the car!" became historical. Colonel state security Ivan Vasilievich Khrustalev since May 1952 he was the head of the bodyguard of unit No. 1 of the 1st department of the UO of the MGB of the USSR. Khrustalev replaced in this post Nicholas Vlasik, who headed the Stalinist guard for half a century. Many historians associate the passivity of the guards in the first hours after the stroke with the personality of Khrustalev, who is considered "Beria's man." Even before the removal and arrest of Beria, on May 29, 1953, Khrustalev was transferred to the reserve due to age. In December 1954, Stalin's last head of security died at the age of 47. All secrets related to last hours the life of the leader, he took with him to the grave.

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Without any exaggeration, the figure of Joseph Stalin is one of the most discussed and bright among all the heads of our state who have held this post at different times. Many are interested in the smallest details. For example, where was Stalin born, what was his life path how he came to power and how his personal life developed. Let's get acquainted with the biography of this great man. Consider what is the role of Stalin in history. His personality is ambiguously assessed by historians, as well as modern society.

Where and when was Stalin born?

The birthplace of the future leader is small town Gori, located in eastern Georgia. Stalin's birthday is December 21, 1879. He was born into a poor family. His older sister and brother died in infancy, Joseph is the third child, the only one who managed to survive.

Health in childhood

IN childhood Soso (that's what his mother called him) had problems with his limbs (two toes of his left foot had grown together), as well as problems with the skin on his back and face. To all the congenital troubles, an accident was added that happened to seven-year-old Joseph - he was hit by a phaeton, which led to a malfunction of the left hand.

To all the troubles, the boy was beaten by his father, one of which caused a serious head injury, which left its mark on the psycho-emotional state of the future leader of the country.


Father Vissarion was a shoemaker by profession. He often drank, which led to fits of rage, which were accompanied by domestic violence. The situation became especially acute when Stalin was born. Vissarion beat his wife and little son Joseph, who once even tried to defend his mother and threw a knife at his father.

Soon, Vissarion's affairs began to decline even more and he began to drink more and more often. Having left his wife, he tried to keep his son with him, but his mother did not allow him to do this. When Joseph was eleven years old, his father died from a knife stab received in a drunken brawl.

Stalin's mother, Ekaterina Georgievna, was of peasant origin, her father was a gardener. She herself worked as a day laborer. The love for the only surviving child was boundless, despite the fact that she sometimes beat little Soso. With all her might, she tried to make up for that love for the boy, which he did not receive from his father. Working to exhaustion, she did everything so that her son would not need anything and be happy. Ekaterina Georgievna dreamed that Joseph would grow up as a worthy person and become a priest. But her hopes were in vain - her son devoted more and more time to spending time in the company of street hooligans, and not in the seminary.

Studying at the Theological Seminary

In 1888, at the request of his mother, Joseph Vissarionovich entered the Gori Orthodox School (in the city where Stalin was born). It was within the walls of this seminary that Stalin's acquaintance with Marxism and his entry into the ranks of the underground revolutionaries took place. Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was a capable student, all the subjects he studied were easy. He began to lead an illegal circle of Marxists, where he was engaged in propaganda.

He was not destined to graduate from the seminary, as his mother wanted, he was expelled from the school for absenteeism.

Road to Power

Stalin began his revolutionary path (you already know his birthday) in the early 1900s. Then he was actively engaged in propaganda activities, as a result of which his authority in society grew. Already not only in the city where Stalin was born, it was known about him, but also far beyond its borders. During this period, Joseph Dzhugashvili met Vladimir Lenin and other famous revolutionaries. Repeatedly, Stalin was sent into exile and imprisoned, from which he always found a way to escape. In 1912, his surname Dzhugashvili changed to the pseudonym "Stalin". So he is known to his contemporaries. Many do not know his real name.

During these years, Joseph Vissarionovich became the editor-in-chief of the Pravda newspaper. It was there that Lenin saw in him his assistant in resolving revolutionary issues. In 1917, for special merits, Stalin was appointed Lenin People's Commissar for Nationalities in the Council of People's Commissars.

After it ended Civil War on which Stalin showed professional quality, he began, in fact, to govern the state (Lenin at that time was already mortally ill). Joseph Stalin cracked down on all his opponents and those who claimed the post of head of the USSR.

In 1930, Joseph Vissarionovich concentrated all power in the USSR around himself, which led to upheavals and restructuring within the country. These years of Stalin's rule are accompanied by mass repression and collectivizations, when all the villagers were driven to collective farms, people were starved. Food was taken from the peasants and sold abroad. Industrial enterprises were built with this money. In this way, the Soviet Union became the second in terms of industrial production, but at what cost ...

By the fortieth year, Comrade Stalin became the sole ruler of the state. A strong leader of the country, he possessed a unique capacity for work, knew how to manage people, aim them at solving the most important issues for her. Stalin was characterized by the ability to quickly make decisions on any issues and control all the processes that took place within the country.

Stalin's achievements

Historical experts highly appreciate Stalin's achievements, even though they were often not obtained in the most humane way. Under the leadership of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, the USSR defeated the enemy in the Great Patriotic War, industrialization and mechanization in agriculture were in full swing in the country. In the Soviet Union there was nuclear weapon, which helped him become a truly superpower and have colossal authority in world geopolitics.

Negative points of government

Of course, in addition to achievements, the time of Stalin's rule is characterized with a lot of negative aspects that are perceived by modern society as terrible, inhumane. Endemic repressions, dictatorial regime, violence and terror - this is what the years of Stalin's rule are for many historical experts. He is also accused of suppressing scientific direction The Soviet Union, which was accompanied by the persecution of doctors, engineers, which led to harm to the development of culture and science in the state.

Although the reign of Comrade Stalin ended a long time ago, his political activities are discussed to this day. The head of the Soviet Union is accused of a famine of people, which led to millions of victims. But, despite all this, in many cities he is an honorary citizen posthumously, and many people still revere and respect him as a decisive and intelligent ruler, calling him a great Leader.

Stalin's personal life

Not much is known about the personal life of the leader; he destroyed all the evidence relating to him and the relationship. Historians have been able to recover only a small part events family life former ruler of the state.

Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili was married twice. The first wife was Ekaterina Svanidze (Kato). The future spouses were introduced by brother Kato, who in those years studied with Stalin at the theological seminary. Three days later his mother met future wife and receiving blessings from her. On July 16, 1906, their secret marriage took place (in the city where Stalin was born), because even then, due to revolutionary activities, his position was illegal.

After 9 months, the couple had a son, Jacob. But just a month later, Catherine fell ill with typhus and died. Then the harsh Stalin devoted his life to serving the country and the revolution, and decided on a second marriage only 14 years later.

Stalin's second wife was Nadezhda Alliluyeva, who was much younger than her husband. She gave birth to a son, Vasily, and a daughter, Svetlana. In addition, she took upon herself the upbringing of Stalin's first son, Yakov, who until that time lived with his grandmother.

In 1932, the children became orphans, and Stalin became a widower for the second time. Nadezhda shot herself on the basis of another family quarrel. After that, Joseph Vissarionovich never married again.

The fate of Stalin's children

The son from his first marriage, Yakov, was captured by the Germans during the war. There is a version that the German side offered Joseph Stalin to exchange his son for a field marshal, to which the leader replied: “I don’t change soldiers for field marshals.” In 1943, Yakov was shot while trying to escape from the camp.

Vasily Stalin was an officer Soviet army, served in command positions during the war, after which he was the head of the Air Force in the Moscow region. After the death of his father, Vasily was arrested and released in 1960, and two years later he died of alcohol poisoning.

The only daughter, Svetlana Alliluyeva, was a Soviet philologist-translator. In 1967, she left the Soviet Union and emigrated to the United States, asking for political asylum. Passed away in 2011.

Until the age of 11, the Stalin family raised Artem Sergeev, who was the son of a revolutionary and Stalin's ally, Fyodor Sergeev, who died in a railway accident. Joseph Stalin raised him on a par with his own children. Artem devoted himself to the army, in 1981 he retired with the rank of major general of artillery. Passed away in 2008.

Death of a leader

The great leader died on March 5, 1953 from a cerebral hemorrhage at one of his many dachas (Blizhnaya dacha) in the Kuntsevsky district. An autopsy showed that Stalin had suffered several ischemic strokes over the years of his life on his feet, which were the result of heart disease, as well as disorders related to the mental state.

There are also such versions that his enemies, who had a negative attitude towards political activity heads of state. Historical research they claim that these people deliberately did not allow doctors to approach Stalin, who could help him and put the leader on his feet.

Farewell to the leader

Stalin's funeral took place on March 9, 1953 in the Hall of Columns. Beria, Khrushchev, Malenkov spoke at the funeral meeting. On the street, during the funeral of Stalin, there was a stampede that led to the death of people, the number of victims is unknown.

The embalmed body was placed in the Mausoleum. Lenin” and was there until 1961. On the night of November 1, the body was taken out and reburied near the Kremlin wall, and then a monument was erected at the burial site.

Name: Joseph Stalin

Age: 73 years old

Place of Birth: Gori, Tiflis Governorate; A place of death: Kuntsevo, USSR

Activity: revolutionary, head of government of the USSR

Family status: widower

Joseph Stalin - Biography

Historical figure, person. Without the strong-willed decisions of which, perhaps, the Great Victory over fascism would not have taken place. Stalin is treated ambiguously. There are people offended by him for life, there are those who idolized this man. But you can try to figure out what he was like in childhood, what was his biography as a whole, you can try.

Childhood, the family of Joseph Stalin

The family of Joseph Vissarionovich was not rich, they lived in the city of Gori, which is located in Georgia. Outwardly, the boy had fused fingers on his left foot. From the age of seven as a result of misfortune left hand lost the ability to stretch. My father worked as a shoemaker, and like a real shoemaker, he cursed and beat his household. Joseph, too, once got straight on the head.

The mother, too, was not distinguished by softness of character. Joseph from childhood got used to her severity and imperious voice. In the end, the parents did not live together. The boy stayed with his mother. She had to work hard so that her son did not need anything. She gave him the priesthood. On a drunken basis, my father died in a fight, my mother died before the war.

Years of study of Joseph Stalin

The study began at the theological school, then at the seminary. Joseph was given very easily all subjects. He easily composed poems, correct in rhyme and good in meaning. But getting into the spiritual school was not easy. In this institution, they taught exclusively in Russian. The Georgian boy did not know, and the mother loved her son so much that she could not allow Soso to be upset. The mother asked the Russian children to study the language with her son. Joseph so quickly mastered all the knowledge and skills of reading and writing in Russian that he successfully entered the first grade of the Gori Theological School.

The school entered the difficult situation of the mother of the child, appointed Soso a scholarship, and the boy studied well. The stubbornness of character and the desire to always be the best ran into physical weakness, short stature. In addition, he was from a poor family and knew "his" place. Therefore, he grew up secretive and vindictive. Joseph's hobby was reading, he educated himself. Unfortunately, not always the works that the boy chose taught only good things. Many of the heroes of the books brought up selfishness and pride in Soso. But the circle of reading was very extensive.

Stalin was a self-taught genius, he was drawn to everything new, therefore revolutionary Marxist sentiments become especially close to him. The students read those books that were on the banned list. They put sheets of such literature between the pages of church books. So in the open bible, no one saw anything illegal, and at that time everyone was reading Marx and Lenin. Actively cooperates with V.I. Lenin, expresses the interests of the Bolshevik Party, for which he was repeatedly imprisoned and exiled.

During the civil war, the figure of Stalin is noticeable, he heads the leading posts. He actively advocated collectivization and industrialization in the country. Collective farms appeared, heavy industry began to revive. But there was a huge minus in this Stalinist policy: almost twenty million people suffered as a result of dispossession and mass terror. Times of the Great Patriotic War demonstrated Stalin's talent as a military leader.

Joseph Stalin - biography of personal life

Stalin was married twice. Ekaterina Svanidze And Nadezhda Alliluyeva- his wife. Two sons and a daughter. Jacob was born from his first marriage, his wife died of tuberculosis when the boy was still very young. Nadezhda was a sharp woman and very touchy, after 14 years of marriage, character traits became aggravated, and the wife commits suicide because of resentment against her husband. She shot herself. All information about the life of the leader of the Soviet state with women is scarce and classified. For the first time, Joseph Dzhugashvili (this is Stalin's real name) married at the age of 26.

The romantic Georgian beauty believed that a real hero, a fiery knight of the revolution, fell in love with her. At that time, the hero Koba was popular. Local Robin Hood helping poor people. Catherine was only 16 years old, the young were married. Stalin was often not at home, his wife spent her days and evenings alone. A son was born, Catherine's body was weak, there was no money for treatment, every penny went to the party treasury. The wife dies, and the son lives with his maternal grandparents.

Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich is a popular Russian revolutionary. He made political, state and military activities. For almost thirty years he was the head of the Soviet state. He was elected Generalissimo and Marshal of the Soviet Union. In 1917, he showed great efforts and became People's Commissar for Nationalities Affairs in the Council of People's Commissars. Since 1922 - general secretary Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party. It's about about the Bolsheviks. Since 1946 he became Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Biography of Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Ruled from 1922 to 1953. The personality of Joseph Stalin is associated with mass repressions, violence and genocide of the people. Most people still believe that Stalin is a real hero and savior of the people, who helped them and led the country to victory in Great Patriotic War. However, there is also such a category of the population who remember the personality Russian revolutionary with anger and hatred. For some time he was the editor-in-chief of the Bolshevik newspaper "Truth" and showed great success in this area.

Stalin was always tough in his activities, made clear and radical decisions, always destroyed all enemies in his path. In connection with the administration of this statesman innovations have always been developed in the country and restructuring has begun. Thanks to Joseph Stalin, the Union became the second state in the world in terms of industrial production. Unfortunately, Stalin achieved such success using very hard methods. He took food from the peasants and sold it abroad.

Joseph Stalin as a child

Within eight years, Joseph Vissarionovich was arrested about eight times. The arrests were due to various reasons. For example, Stalin's repeated attacks on banks in order to replenish party cash desks. Almost always, the revolutionary managed to escape.

Young years of Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich was born on December 9, 1879 in the city of Gori, Tiflis province. However, there is not a single official source that could confirm the date of birth of a famous statesman. To this day, at least four alleged dates of the birth of Joseph Vissarionovich wander. Real surname Stalin - Dzhugashvili. Father of a famous revolutionary Vissarion Dzhugashvili, was a shoemaker and earned a small amount of money, so he could not properly provide for his family. Moreover, he often abused alcohol. Capable of alcohol intoxication Vissarion often beat his wife and son. In addition to Joseph, the family also had two children- a boy and a girl. However, they died in infancy. It is related to illness.

Joseph Stalin's parents

Stalin's mother Ekaterina Georgievna devoted everything free time to his son. She wanted Joseph to become a priest in the future. In 1888, young Dzhugashvili began attending the Gori Orthodox Theological School. He was accepted immediately into the second grade. A year later, the boy entered the first grade of the school. In this institution he received his education. He graduated from college in 1894 with honors. At the Gori School, Stalin became acquainted with Marxism and paid much attention to this aspect.

Autumn 1894 Stalin entered the Orthodox Tiflis Theological Seminary. During this period, Joseph began attending underground meetings of revolutionaries. His friends claimed that Stalin was distinguished by high intellectual abilities. Moreover, when he had free time, the revolutionary devoted him to self-education and development. After that, the man began to engage in revolutionary affairs. Unfortunately, he was kicked out of the seminary. The reason for this was the repeated absenteeism of classes. After that, Joseph tried to earn his living and was engaged in tutoring. Later, he visited the Tiflis Physical Observatory and got a job as an observer-computer.

In 1898, Stalin joined the first Georgian social democratic organization. There he was immediately remembered and noted for the oratorical abilities of the man. In this regard, he began to conduct propaganda in the working circles of the Marxists.

Joseph Stalin in his youth

Joseph Stalin: the path to power

Stalin began his revolutionary activities in the early 1900s. Initially, he was engaged in active propaganda. In this regard, Joseph began to be popular in society. At that time, Vladimir Lenin was the head of the Soviet government. Stalin met him and other popular revolutionaries. The man tried in every way to succeed and develop, but his attempts were unsuccessful. He was detained about eight times. Each time Stalin escaped from prison.

Soon in 1912 Iosif Dzhugashvili decided to change his last name. From that moment he became Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Moreover, he had many nicknames that his friends called him. Among them are "Koba", "David", "Stalin" and others. In the near future, Joseph became the editor-in-chief of the Bolshevik newspaper Pravda. His friendly and partnerships strengthened every day. Thus, soon Stalin became the chief assistant to the head of the Soviet government. Lenin was sure that his new friend would help him solve Bolshevik and revolutionary issues.

Joseph Stalin and Vladimir Lenin

A few years later, in 1917, Lenin appointed Stalin People's Commissar for Nationalities in the Council of People's Commissars. He was delighted with the actions of Joseph Vissarionovich. The Civil War began, during which the future ruler achieved high results and was successful in all its manifestations. Moreover, he demonstrated real leadership skills. At the end of the war, Lenin had serious problems health, he was terminally ill. Already at that time, Stalin became his deputy. His methods of struggle became more and more radical, cruel and precise. He destroyed all enemies in his path, namely, those who wanted to become chairman of the government of the Soviet Union on their way.

In 1930 Joseph completely controlled the Soviet state. This period was associated with various innovations, restructurings and changes. His reign is characterized by massive repression, violence, hunger strikes and brutality against the population. The tough revolutionary took away food from local peasants and sent them abroad. As a result, thousands of people died and suffered. Stalin received huge sums for food. He financed with these funds industrial enterprises and other institutions in his country. After a short period, the USSR became the second country in the world in terms of industrial production. Note that Joseph began the process of industrialization and mechanization of agriculture.

Joseph Stalin at the beginning of his career

Repressions of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

From the very beginning of the rule of the country, Stalin used harsh radical methods. However, many believe that it was precisely this policy of the famous revolutionary that helped the country reach a high level and achieve such results. Moreover, such a course of events became an argument for victory in the Great Patriotic War. The process of industrialization and mechanization of agriculture began. Soon the USSR- one of the most powerful countries in the world, which is characterized by success in all areas. Among them are politics, culture, economics, education and others.

However, even today there are many opponents of Stalin. In their opinion, the policy of this revolutionary is terrible. It was filled with violence, aggression, cruelty and pain. Stalin's main method of government was dictatorship. His reign is often associated with the repression of the population, which at that time was a frequent occurrence. They touched many peoples and millions of people. Among them are Germans, Chechens, Ingush, Koreans, Crimean Tatars, Turks and many others. Dozens of nations suffered from state activity Russian revolutionary. They died in terrible agony and pain. In addition, seven states lost their national autonomy during the repressions.

Joseph Stalin and Kliment Voroshilov

Historical experts assure that Stalin's actions had a negative impact on the state of the country's defense capability, namely, on the troops during the period Great Patriotic War. Most of the marshals of the Soviet Union became repressed. At that time there were five of them, three of them suffered from repressions. Also during the reign of this politician, a brutal anti-religious campaign and mass liquidation of churches were ended.

Moreover, Joseph Stalin suppressed other categories of the population. Among them are doctors, engineers and others. Such actions seriously influenced the state of culture and science in the state.

The role of Joseph Stalin in the Great Patriotic War

At the height of the Great Patriotic War, a catastrophic situation developed in Europe. In this regard, Joseph Stalin decided to improve ties with Germany. The Russian radical revolutionary was sure that soon there would be a war with Hitler. Therefore, he considered all further actions and decided to improve the condition. Thus, Stalin planned to purchase a new military weapon and other equipment to equip your army as much as possible.

Generalissimo Joseph Stalin

Further, the famous Molotov-Ribbentrop pact. The USSR annexed the territories of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, the Baltics, Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. In the summer of 1941, Hitler attacked the state of the USSR. During this period, the country suffered significantly in all areas. We are talking about human losses and material losses. Further, in addition to the USSR, many states joined the opposition to Hitler. Among them are China, the United States of America, the countries of Central and Latin America and many others. Every day the number anti-Hitler coalition increased more and more.

Stalin did everything possible for the state to win. Thus, the victory over Nazism still happened and justice prevailed. In this regard, the USSR significantly increased its influence in Eastern Europe and East Asia. A world socialist system was also formed.

Postwar years

After the end of the war, the leader of the country, Joseph Stalin, did everything possible to develop military-industrial complex states. The USSR really became one of the most powerful countries, which had a high level of development in all areas. In 1945 the system of Stalinist terror was renewed again. The totalitarian control over the population was expanded to the maximum. In February 1945, Stalin took part in the Yalta Conference of the Allied States. This procedure was dedicated to the organization of the post-war world order.

Joseph Stalin

Oddly enough, during that period, the industrial aspect developed significantly. In the early 1950s, the level of industrial production almost doubled. The standard of living of the population still remained at a low level without changes. At that time, Stalin Joseph pursued a policy of combating "cosmopolitanism". This influenced anti-Semitism. Constant purges enjoyed enormous popularity under Stalin's rule.

Stalin's personality assessments

People have been talking about Stalin's government for decades. Someone admires him as an experienced and efficient leader, thanks to whom the country has achieved high level has been successful in all areas. However, the rest remember the politics of the Russian revolutionary with fear. They are horrified by such aggression, cruelty, anger and violence.

Joseph Stalin organized the strongest army, which succeeded and did everything possible. The USSR (republic) became one of the most powerful countries in the world at that time. Stalin's competitors also expressed their opinion about his rule. According to them, his policy was characterized totalitarian regime and authoritarian methods of government.

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin

We are talking about the maximum control of the state over all sectors of society, about violence, mass genocides and the death of millions of people. The deportation of many peoples was also recorded. Repression and the famine of 1931-1933 and other cruel events of that period were widespread. However, despite all the negativity that Stalin presented, the Soviet Union became one of the most powerful states, which showed record results in industry, agriculture and other aspects.

Joseph Stalin carried out dozens of revolutions, which, in fact, led to a decent level among other states. Recall that the republic has become the second industrial power in the world. A well-known public and political figure often appears in various historical ratings, where he often occupies a leading position. He became a well-known personality in the field of politics, which is still talked about by millions of people.

Personal life of Joseph Stalin

As you know, Stalin tried to hide the details of his personal life as much as possible, but the facts about his family are known.

Throughout his life, Joseph Stalin had two wives. He first married on July 16, 1906 in the St. David Church in Tiflis with Ekaterina Svanidze. A year later, the couple had a son. They called him Jacob. A few months later, the wife of the famous Russian figure died of typhus. After such a loss, the man plunged headlong into the life of the state and devoted himself political events. However, a few years later, Stalin nevertheless married again.

Joseph Stalin and Ekaterina Svanidze

Later Russian politician found new love. He married a second time in 1918. Stalin's new chosen one became Nadezhda Alliluyeva. She was twenty-three years younger than her beloved. As you know, the woman is the daughter of the famous Russian revolutionary S. Ya. Alliluyev. Three years later, a son was born in marriage named Basil. In the winter of 1926, a second child was born in the marriage - a daughter, who was named Svetlana. She also raised her son Stalin from her first marriage. Until that moment, Yakov lived with his grandmother, namely, with the mother of the deceased Ekaterina Svanidze.

Joseph Stalin with Nadezhda Alliluyeva

In 1932 Joseph and his wife Nadezhda had a serious conflict, after which she committed suicide. Children are orphaned. After this incident, no information about the personal life of the head of the Soviet state appeared. Moreover, a close friend of Joseph Stalin, a revolutionary, died Fedor Andreevich Sergeev. So he decided to adopt his child - Artem Sergeev.

In 1936 Stalin's grandson was born Evgeny Dzhugashvili. For twenty-five years, the grandson of the famous Russian revolutionary worked as a senior lecturer in the history of wars and military art at the Military Academy General Staff armed forces USSR them. K.E. Voroshilov. He is a citizen of Georgia and Russian Federation. In 2016, Evgeny Dzhugashvili passed away.

Joseph Stalin with son Vasily and daughter Svetlana

Death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin

Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich passed away March 5, 1953. He lived in the post-war period for many years in a residence called Near Dacha. There he spent the last days of his life and died. The unconscious revolutionary was discovered by one of the guards. Joseph's body was found in the dining room. Soon arrived medical workers who diagnosed - paralysis of the right side of the body. They provided the necessary assistance to Stalin, but within a few days he passed away.

According to doctors, death was due to severe cerebral hemorrhage. Such data was in the medical report. An examination and an autopsy were carried out, which showed that throughout his life, Joseph Vissarionovich suffered several ischemic strokes on his legs, which affected further complications. He got serious problems with the cardiovascular and nervous system.

The body of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin was embalmed and placed next to the body of his good friend Vladimir Lenin. He was placed in Mausoleum. However, later at the CPSU congress the decision was changed. The embalmed body of the Russian leader was moved to the grave at Kremlin wall.

Grave of Joseph Stalin

Some historians claim that the sudden death a Russian revolutionary could be influenced by his competitors and ill-wishers. However, today this version is excluded.

Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich - famous person which the whole world is talking about to this day. It evokes both positive and negative emotions. However, the personality of this leader played a huge role in political life country. His revolutionary activity is characterized by cruelty, violence, totalitarian regime and aggression. During the reign of this man, a mass deportation of many peoples was carried out, the death of millions of people. But despite all these terrible nuances of that time, the USSR was still one of the most powerful powers, which had a large-scale level industrial productions and other areas. The personality of Joseph Stalin and the stories associated with his reign will be in full view for many more years.

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