Home Useful properties of fruits Credit consumer cooperatives: educational program

Credit consumer cooperatives: educational program

Relatively new, but successfully developing, for Russian region non-profit association KPK stands for credit consumer cooperative, rather unusual for our market. What is a consumer credit cooperative? This is a voluntary association of citizens, the purpose of which is to provide material assistance (mutual assistance) by accepting deposits and issuing loans at interest to its participants (shareholders).

In essence, credit cooperatives are similar to microfinance organizations, but they have significant differences in some respects.

People unite in such unions (partnerships of mutual credit) for some common feature(professional, territorial, etc.). The union of credit cooperation is headed by a meeting of shareholders - its members.

What is the main difference between the CCP and other microcredit organizations?

The main point here is that the opening PDA does not have its main purpose of gaining income.(although the availability of profit is not superfluous, and when the association is liquidated, it is divided between the shareholders). In fact, this is a mutual assistance fund (an organization created by the shareholders themselves), where the shareholders place their contributions, at the expense of which other shareholders receive loans. Issuance and acceptance of funds occurs at interest. For loans they are more, for deposits they are less. It is possible to attract borrowed funds from outside, but it is impossible to issue loans to non-members. Also, the KPC cannot act as a guarantor and surety for loans (even for its shareholders) in other financial associations.

People do not apply to the PDA very often due to the fact that such organizations are not yet so widespread in the financial market. The low prevalence is explained by the following points:

  • the legislation governing the area of ​​activity of this association was developed relatively recently - in 2009;
  • memories of all kinds of financial fraudsters like "MMM" are still alive in the memory of people;
  • the level of awareness of such associations is rather low.

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Operating principles and rules

How this organization works:

  1. Participants (shareholders) make an entrance fee (the amount of contributions may be different) in accordance with their shares in the organization. By the charter of the organization, other membership fees are also possible: annual, quarterly, monthly, additional;
  2. A fund of the organization is formed from the contributions of the shareholders of a credit consumer cooperative, which consists of three parts: a reserve (needed to cover unforeseen expenses), a share (from which current needs are paid) and a mutual financial assistance fund for providing loans to shareholders.

What are the features of the organization of the KPC financial fund? The organization's budget is formed from the following sources:

  • contributions of shareholders: membership, share, entrance and additional payments;
  • income received from the activities of the KPC (interest on loans);
  • funds received from outside and other sources.

The rules for the activities of such a union are determined by law and are contained in the following paragraphs:

There are also some restrictions on issuing loans and accepting deposits:

  • maximum amount a loan for one shareholder should not exceed 10% of the total amount of loans issued by this association (if the organization has been operating for less than 2 years) and not more than 20% (if the union was registered more than 2 years ago);
  • overall volume Money, which is not aimed at issuing loans (for reporting period) should not be more than 50% of the attracted capital of the shareholders;
  • the size of the reserve fund must be at least 5% of the funds raised.

In addition, there may be some restrictions on the rates of accepted deposits (these restrictions can be both mandatory and recommendatory).

PDA varieties

Since the PDA can include both individuals and legal entities, credit consumer cooperatives can be divided into the following types:

PDA standards

As for other credit institutions, the Central Bank of Russia for the KPC has established certain financial standards that must be observed:

  • the size of the reserve fund must be at least 5% of the total amount of funds contributed by shareholders;
  • the contribution of one shareholder cannot be more than 20% of all attracted funds;
  • the volume of the mutual fund must be at least 8% of the volume of all funds of the shareholders;
  • amount of deposits from legal entities non-members of the association should not be more than 50% of all contributions

The state monitors compliance with these standards and periodically arranges inspections.

What are the benefits of participating in a cooperative

Is it so profitable to be participants such a union?

If you regularly pay membership fees, then you can definitely get a loan for personal needs. The advantage of the PDA is that it will not study your credit history, collect documents on income and certificates from the place of work. One of the restrictions on the loan - you can be given a loan no more than 20% of the total amount of loans that were provided during the reporting period to the rest of the organization.

You also have the opportunity to receive a higher rate on the deposit than in the bank. You can manage the activities of the association as a shareholder, i.e. be aware of his financial affairs and influence decisions. With consent general meeting shareholders can invest money in own business and get additional profit.

PDA advantages and disadvantages

How to distinguish a real consumer credit cooperative from “fakes” - financial pyramids and so on?

Please note that the name must contain the abbreviation KPC or Credit Consumer Cooperative. The presence of other abbreviations - LLC, CJSC, etc. mean something completely different. Before you are definitely scammers. You can confirm that it is actually a PDA by going to the Bank of Russia website. If it appears in the register of the Central Bank and the name completely coincides, like the INN and OGRN, then this is a real cooperative.

This cooperative will not offer rewards or benefits for attracting new shareholders. Be careful - the promised interest rates for the CCP will, of course, be higher than the bank interest rates, but not several times. If, when depositing money, you are not allowed to familiarize yourself with the documents, or the conditions are not clearly spelled out there, then you should think about joining such an association.


Question answer

What is SPKK among other types of cooperatives?

SPKK is an agricultural consumer credit cooperative. It is the simplest form of cooperation and is more widespread than other types of cooperation. Such cooperatives are created by agricultural producers to meet their needs.

The lending market in Russia is quite developed. At the same time, in our time, banks are not always engaged in the provision of such services. An excellent alternative to those familiar to many borrowers bank loans is membership in credit cooperative... Both legal entities and individuals can join such an association.

There are many such organizations that unite borrowers according to a wide variety of criteria. Further, we will take a closer look at what a consumer credit cooperative is, how such organizations work, as well as who and how can become their member.

The activities of such organizations are regulated by domestic legislation, namely by the Federal Law "On Credit Cooperation" No. 190-F3 dated July 18, 2009. There is also a law of December 8, 1995 N 193-FZ "On agricultural cooperation", which regulates the activities of agricultural cooperatives.

The law says that a consumer credit cooperative is a voluntary association of persons (both individuals and legal entities) on a territorial, professional or other basis for the purpose of mutual financial assistance.

Such organizations are created for the purpose of mutual assistance to the participants, but not for obtaining financial profit. In other words, a consumer credit cooperative cannot be a commercial structure.

According to domestic legislation, for the creation of a cooperative by individuals, a minimum of 15 participants is required. If the organization is created by legal entities, then minimal amount members are reduced to 5.

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There are also mixed-type cooperatives, members of which can be both legal entities and individuals. In such a situation, at least 7 members will be required to create an organization.

In domestic legislation, there is one very important point... If, after the exit of one of the members of the cooperative, the number of its members falls below the mark established by law, then the organization is automatically subject to liquidation.

The minimum age of participants in such organizations deserves special attention. You can become a member of a credit cooperative from the age of 16.

However, the legislation does not allow minor citizens to issue loans, therefore, until the age of 18, a member of the organization can only act as a depositor.

Participants in credit cooperatives can become both those who want to receive income from free capital, and those in need of additional funds. Earlier it was said that such organizations are created for mutual assistance, and not for commercial purposes.

However, contributors can invest their savings in the organization's fund, which will allow them to receive income from interest.

It is worth noting that both members of the cooperative and third parties can be contributors.

However, the issuance of loans is possible only to members of the organization (shareholders).

Large domestic credit institutions

There are a number of similar organizations in Russia, which have their offices in most regions of the country.

It is to large and trusted organizations that most investors are ready to give their funds.

  • Vkb-credit. One of the largest cooperatives Volgograd region... The organization has been operating since 2010, providing loans to improve housing conditions and quality of life to its shareholders.
  • Credit-Alliance. This organization operates in the city of Dyurtyuli. A fairly large and reliable cooperative issues targeted loans at 29.9% per annum for up to 12 months. According to the feedback from the members of the cooperative, the organization operates in a very transparent manner.
  • Fundraising. This cooperative was created in 2014 in St. Petersburg. Provides targeted loans for the purchase of a car or real estate. In the future, the cooperative plans to expand to other regions. Feedback from shareholders indicates the presence of hidden conditions in loan agreements.
  • Russian credit. This cooperative operates in the city of Togliatti, providing loans to its shareholders for the purchase of housing. Judging from the feedback from the members, the cooperative issues loans under low interest rates and works transparently.
  • People's loan. This PDA operates in the Leningrad region in the city of Luga. Its activity is to issue non-earmarked loans to shareholders at moderate interest rates.
  • Mutual loan. The cooperative also operates in the city of Luga Leningrad region... He specializes in issuing both short-term and long-term loans to his shareholders.
  • Saving. This cooperative has been operating since 2010 in Krasnoyarsk. Its shareholders have access to both non-targeted short-term loans and long-term targeted lending programs. The organization proposes profitable terms for depositors.
  • Credit consumer cooperative trust. The organization has been operating in Amursk since 2010. It has its offices in some other settlements... Here you can get a loan for a period from 1 month to 5 years.

Parents of babies are increasingly wondering about the need and feasibility of routine vaccination for their children. We will talk about how the PDA vaccine is tolerated. Adults do not trust the manufacturers of vaccines, the quality of their production, adherence to the conditions of transportation and storage. In addition, the health of our children is impaired and weakened due to environmental factors- often babies suffer from allergic reactions, There are questions about how the child will undergo vaccination, what kind of immune reaction will follow and what are the possible consequences for the baby's health. Everything in order in our article.

What diseases are MMR vaccinated against?

MMR vaccination is the introduction of diseases such as measles, mumps (popularly called "mumps") and rubella. Vaccination against these diseases can be carried out as part of a complex or monovaccine. Do children need protection from these diseases, how are they dangerous?

Measles is infection accompanied by a characteristic rash and fever. After about 5 days, the rash begins to decrease, the body temperature returns to normal. A short-term illness that goes away on its own - how is it dangerous for a child? The danger lies in the development of various serious complications: pneumonia, encephalitis, otitis media, eye damage and others. A feature of the spread of the disease is that, upon contact with a sick person, an unvaccinated child becomes infected in almost 100% of cases. Given this fact, children are less and less vaccinated with CPC, the consequences were not long in coming - the cases of the disease are increasing every year.

Rubella in childhood it is easily tolerated, often even without an increase in body temperature. Symptoms of the disease are a small rash and swollen lymph nodes. But the disease poses a serious danger to a pregnant woman, namely to her fetus. If a girl was not vaccinated against rubella in childhood or did not get sick with it, then as she grows up, she is at risk during pregnancy. Rubella disrupts regular infection future mother leads to miscarriage or premature birth. At the birth of a child, serious malformations of the newborn are possible, often incompatible with life. Therefore, the MMR vaccine is extremely necessary for girls.

Mumps affects the parotid glands. Headaches arise, appears heat, up to 40 degrees, a swelling forms on the neck and in the ears. It is difficult for a child to chew, swallow. The following complications of mumps are possible: otitis media, inflammation of the brain, boys often develop inflammation of the testicles (orchitis), which in the future can lead to infertility.

All of the above diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets and household way, that is, every unvaccinated person can become infected, regardless of preventive measures.

The principle of action of the MMR vaccine

Vaccinate against diseases using a complex or monovaccine. The immune response is developed in 92-97% of vaccinated people.

Possess common property all drugs for MMR vaccination - they contain live (weakened) pathogens. How does the PDA (vaccination) work? The instruction indicates the direct infection of a person after the administration of the drug. But the vaccine provides for such a number of live microorganisms so that all protective functions begin to work in the body, including the production of antibodies to pathogenic flora. A full-fledged disease does not develop. However, various side reactions are possible. We will tell you more about them below.

What are MMR vaccines?

To date, the following drugs are used in the CIS countries for inoculating MMRs:

Measles vaccine:

  1. Preparation L-16 Russian production... Manufactured on the basis of what is an advantage, since on chicken protein(namely, it is used in most foreign vaccines) children often have an allergic reaction.

From mumps:

  1. The Russian live vaccine L-3, like the drug L-16, is made from a quail egg.
  2. Czech drug "Pavivak".


  1. "Rudivax" made in France.
  2. Ervewax, England.
  3. Indian SII vaccine.

Complex vaccines:

  1. Russian medicine for measles and mumps.
  2. "Priorix" is a Belgian-made CPC vaccine. Reviews of the drug are positive. He won the trust medical professionals and consumers. In private clinics for immunization against 3 diseases - measles, rubella and mumps - this particular vaccine is recommended as the safest and most effective.
  3. The Dutch vaccine "MMP-II" has an ambiguous reputation - there is an opinion that after vaccination with this drug autism symptoms developed in children, but reliable verified information on this matter is this moment does not exist.

How is vaccination carried out?

Usually it does not cause difficulties in carrying out the MMR vaccination. The baby's reaction during insertion may be intense, restless crying. Post-vaccination complications may appear only on the fifth day after vaccination. In order to minimize possible side reactions, the procedure must be carried out in compliance with all safety standards. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the vaccine must be unpacked immediately before the procedure. Dissolve the drug only special solution that comes with the vaccine.

Newborns are inoculated in the thigh or shoulder area, for older children, in the subscapularis area, the CPC is inoculated. Complications that do not cause concern for health care providers may include the following: pain, redness, swelling in the area of ​​drug administration within two days. But if the above symptoms become pronounced and are accompanied by other adverse reactions, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

Vaccination schedule

The MMR vaccination is carried out in one-year-old babies, after which the immunization is repeated at the age of 6. V individual cases on medical indications and adults are vaccinated. For example, a woman while planning a pregnancy. It should be noted that the onset of conception should be planned at least 3 months after the MMR vaccination.

The vaccine is combined with other drugs for immunization: MMR can be carried out simultaneously with vaccinations against hemophilic infection, hepatitis A, KDP, tetanus, poliomyelitis vaccines.

Absolute contraindications for MMR vaccination

There are absolute and temporary contraindications to the MMR vaccination. We will have to refuse immunization in the following conditions of the patient:

  • congenital or acquired immunodeficiency;
  • the presence of cellular defects in immunity;
  • severe reactions to previous vaccinations;
  • the presence of an allergy to the components of the drug.

Temporary contraindications

In the event of temporary health disorders of the vaccinated child or adult, the CPC vaccination is carried out after complete recovery and restoration of the body's immune forces. Contraindications are as follows:

    • taking corticosteroids, immunomodulating drugs, radio and chemotherapy;
    • acute respiratory infections;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • curable diseases of the circulatory system;
    • kidney problems;
    • fever and fever;
    • pregnancy.

Common adverse reactions

PDA (vaccination) is usually well tolerated. Adverse reactions occur in 10% of cases. Some complications that arise do not cause concern for doctors; they belong to the list of normal immune responses to the drug. It is important to remember that any reaction to the MMR vaccine can occur only from 4 to 15 days after immunization. If any deviations in the health of the vaccinated person appeared earlier or later than the indicated dates, then they have nothing to do with the vaccination, with the exception of reddening of the injection site, which is observed in the first two days.

Common reactions after MMR vaccination include:

  • temperature rise (up to 39 degrees);
  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • redness of the throat;
  • increase in parotid salivary glands and lymph nodes;
  • allergic reactions: rash, urticaria (most often such reactions occur to the antibiotic "Neomycin" and the protein included in the preparations);
  • women have post-vaccination complaints of pain in muscles and joints. Such a reaction in children and men is observed only in 0.3% of cases.


There have been cases of serious complications after MMR vaccination. Fortunately, they are rare, against the background of other disorders in the work of the body. The reasons for the development adverse reactions there may be diseases of the patient, poor-quality vaccine, improper use of the drug. Complications after MMR vaccination include:

  1. Convulsions developing against a background of high fever. With this symptom, antipyretic drugs of paracetamol are prescribed, and it is also recommended to be examined by a neurologist to exclude the background development of damage to the nervous system.
  2. Post-vaccination brain damage (encephalitis). When deciding whether to conduct or CPC, it should be borne in mind that such a complication after vaccination occurs 1000 times less often than with a full-fledged infection with measles or rubella.
  3. After vaccination against mumps or complex vaccination, which includes this disease, in 1% of cases it is possible development of meningitis, whereas with the transfer of the disease, this figure reaches 25%.
  4. Within 30 minutes after the vaccination, MMR is possible anaphylactic shock reaction... Only the injection of adrenaline will help save lives in such a situation. Therefore, do not self-medicate - contact a specialized public or private clinic for vaccination, and also follow all the doctor's orders, including track the reaction to vaccination within half an hour within the walls of a medical institution. It is also necessary to consult a visiting nurse on the fifth and tenth days after vaccination.
  5. In extremely rare cases, registered thrombocytopenia- a decrease in platelets in the blood.

Preparation for vaccination

In order to reduce the risk of developing various post-vaccination complications, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation to immunization. Such measures are especially important when vaccinating children. Before routine vaccination, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Do not introduce new foods into your child's diet. If the baby is on breastfeeding, a nursing mother should also follow a normal diet.
  2. A few days before the intended vaccination, you must pass general analysis blood and urine to exclude latent, sluggish diseases.
  3. Children who are prone to allergic reactions or have such complications during previous vaccinations may be prescribed antihistamines 2 days before vaccination and several days after vaccination.
  4. After the MMR vaccine is performed, the body temperature often rises to high levels. But, nevertheless, doctors do not recommend taking antipyretic drugs in preventive purposes... They are prescribed only to children with a predisposition to take the medicine immediately after the vaccine is administered.
  5. If your child is healthy and does not have any indications for taking medications, for the sake of safety, make sure that there are first aid medications in the house - antipyretics (Nurofen, Panadol) and antihistamines, such as Suprastin, before vaccination.
  6. Immediately before vaccination, the child should be examined by a pediatrician: measure the temperature, evaluate general state health.

What to do after MMR vaccination?

Has the child received an MMR vaccine? The body can react only on the 5th day. To minimize the appearance side effects, follow some tips. So, after the vaccination, also prevent your child from trying new foods. In addition, exclude heavy food, you can not overfeed the baby. Increase your fluid intake.

In the first two days, it is better to stay at home, since the body of the crumbs is weakened and easily susceptible to infection various diseases... Limit contact with others for two weeks. Avoid hypothermia or overheating of the baby.

When should you call a doctor?

After vaccination, carefully monitor the baby's condition: regularly measure the temperature, observe his reactions, behavior, complaints. If the following symptoms are found, urgent medical attention is needed:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • high fever, which is not knocked down by antipyretic drugs;
  • temperature above 40 degrees;
  • severe allergic reaction;
  • swelling or induration of the injection site, more than 3 cm in diameter, or suppuration;
  • lingering gratuitous crying of the child;
  • convulsions;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • suffocation;
  • loss of consciousness.

When deciding whether to give your child a CPC (vaccine) or refuse, weigh the pros and cons. Consider the disappointing statistics that indicate that with full infection with measles, mumps or rubella, the likelihood of complications various degrees severity is hundreds of times higher than after vaccination modern drugs... In addition, the reviews of moms speak of high level the safety of the MMR vaccine - the vast majority of vaccinated children did not have any post-vaccination complications. Observe preventive measures and doctor's prescriptions - then the vaccination will only benefit your baby and protect against serious diseases.

A PDA is an organizational form of uniting a group of people on certain grounds for mutually beneficial financial support.

PDA is non-profit organization, which means that maximizing income is not a super task. The cooperative unites those who do not have the means to solve urgent problems, and those who have money, which they can provide at a small percentage.

V to a greater extent the funds of the cooperative are used to provide loans to its members at a rate exceeding the profit from bank deposits by about 2-3 times. Therefore, the shareholders of the cooperative have the opportunity to receive more income than from placing money in a bank deposit.

What are the contributions to the PDA?

Each cooperative has its own charter, procedure, number and amount of contributions. Almost every cooperative has a membership fee. The shareholder (member of the cooperative) pays these funds monthly / quarterly / annually. The money goes towards the costs associated with the ongoing activities of the cooperative.

There are often registration fees that go towards the costs of accepting a new member.

In the charter of many CPCs, there is also an additional contribution, which is collected from the shareholders in case of emergency. For example, when the CCP has financial problems, losses that need to be compensated for with these funds.

The share contribution can be voluntary or mandatory. It all depends on specific organization and her charter. At the expense of the share contribution, the base is funded for providing loans to other members of the cooperative.

How is a PDA different from an MFI?

PDAs are more likely to be compared to peer-to-peer lending exchanges than to MFIs, but many borrowers do not see the difference between these organizations. And the differences between them are much more than similarities.

First, the CPC and MFIs operate under different laws. Secondly, microfinance organizations are engaged in providing, and main goal is to maximize profit. KPC is a non-profit organization main task which is to provide financial support to its members.

Thirdly, investing in MFOs has a high minimum threshold for individuals in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. In the CCP, limits on the minimum amount of a share contribution are established by the charter, not by law.

Fourth, the risks associated with microfinance activities are significantly higher due to the provision of high-risk unsecured loans. In a cooperative, it is more difficult to get a loan and the first person they meet will not be given it, which means that the probability of loss of funds by shareholders is much lower.

Fifth, the interest for the loan is different. If in MFOs the average interest on long-term microcredits varies from 80 to 350% per annum, then in the PDA you can get money at 20-45% per annum.

Sixth, the very process of obtaining a loan varies significantly. In an MFI, you can receive money within 1 day or a few minutes, depending on the amount and the company. In the CCP, you must first join, make the appropriate contributions, etc. On average, it takes about 1-2 weeks to receive funds.

The only similarity between the CPC and the MFO is in attracting funds from depositors / shareholders at a certain percentage. It is the profitability in percentage is the main similarity, since the average rates in both organizations are approximately equal to 20-25% per annum.

KPC Moscow

PDA "City Savings Bank"

The city savings bank offers borrowers several types of loans, including those secured by real estate. Average interest rates for the provision of credit funds vary from 2.7% to 5% per month. The profitability of shareholders depends on the amount of the share contribution and varies from 13% to 20.5% per annum. Those participants who contribute several million rubles can count on the maximum profitability.

PDA People's Cashier

One of the oldest CPCs in Moscow, organized back in 2005. In the line of offers there are a lot of loans for cooperative members, which vary in amounts, terms, special conditions... Here you can take a small loan up to 50 thousand rubles. or a large loan up to 5 million. The interest rate varies at the level of 22-30% per annum.


PETR-I is a relatively new, but dynamically developing cooperative with simple and understandable options for allocating funds and obtaining loans. The minimum investment threshold is 30 thousand rubles, and interest rates vary from 16% to 20.6% per annum. Loans are issued in the amount of up to 50 thousand and 1.5 million, respectively. Rates range from 40 to 50% per year.

Where is the best way to go?

More loyal conditions for shareholders operate in KPC PETR-I. Here are the minimum investment amounts, good rates, convenient terms. But for members of the CPC - borrowers, the rates are too high compared to other cooperatives. Participants who want to get a loan, it is better to apply to the PDA "Narodnaya Kassa". There are over 10 programs for all occasions. There are also express loans, which are issued at higher rates.

Credit consumer cooperative(KPC) - a voluntary association of individuals or legal entities on the basis of membership and on a territorial, professional or other basis in order to meet the financial needs of the members of the credit cooperative - shareholders. In other words, these persons are united in a credit cooperative on one or another basis for mutual financial assistance.

Credit cooperative is a non-profit organization. Its activities are regulated federal law dated July 18, 2009 No. 190-FZ "On Credit Cooperation". Cooperatives can be created by at least 15 individuals or at least five legal ones. If it is created by both those and other persons, then there must be at least seven of them in total. Supreme body cooperative management - a meeting of shareholders.

The CCP acts like a mutual aid fund. It attracts funds from shareholders and allocates them by providing loans to members of the credit cooperative. The profit received from the borrower is used to pay for the contributions of shareholders. The KPC is not entitled to provide loans to persons who are not its participants, as well as act as a guarantor under the loan agreement.

The credit cooperative is obliged to comply with certain financial regulations. For example, the maximum loan amount provided to one member of the CPC should be no more than 10% total amount debts on loans issued by the cooperative at the time of the decision to grant a loan (no more than 20% - for a credit cooperative that has been operating for less than two years). Or, the total amount of funds sent by the CPC during the reporting period for purposes not related to the issuance of loans to members of the cooperative cannot exceed 50% of the total amount of funds raised from the CPC members during the corresponding reporting period.

Interest rates on deposits and, accordingly, on loans in KPC are higher than in banks. For example, personal savings are attracted on average at rates 5–15% higher than banking ones.

From August 4, 2011, cooperatives are required to be members of self-regulatory organizations (SRO). On the basis of the SRO, compensation funds are created, the funds from which, in the event of the bankruptcy of the cooperative, go to cover the costs of its shareholders. The fund is formed at the expense of payments (contributions) of members of a self-regulatory organization, part of the income from the placement of funds of the compensation fund and at the expense of other sources not prohibited by law.

At the beginning of 2012, there were 1,400 credit cooperatives in Russia as members of SROs with 31.5 billion rubles of total assets, whose shareholders were 1 million Russians. About 3% of the number of KPCs has a number of shareholders over 5 thousand. Moreover, the average amount of assets per shareholder is about 30 thousand rubles.

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