Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill The meaning of the name Frol. Characteristic features of the name Frol

The meaning of the name Frol. Characteristic features of the name Frol

The name Frol has great energy, intensified by the fact that now it is found infrequently. And, as you know, the less common a name, the more powerful influence it has on the person wearing it.

The origin and meaning of the name Frol

The name Frol came to Russia from Latin, from which it is translated as "blooming". Or in a figurative sense - "magnificent", "luxurious". The full and original name of this name - Florian, or Floria, Frolos - is still very common in Europe.

Astrological and esoteric meaning of the name:

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • The patron planet is Saturn.
  • Favorable colors are golden, green.
  • Lucky number - 6.
  • The talisman stone is jasper.
  • The day of the week is Tuesday.
  • The plant is hyacinth.
  • The animal is a fox.

Childhood and youth

Little Frol is a quiet and calm child who does not deliver special trouble your parents. He is very impressionable and is very upset about any remark addressed to him. He has few friends. He is closed in himself and spends most of his time thinking and reading books. He loves his parents very much, literally worships them.

The meaning of the name Frol was manifested in him by his honesty and ability to learn. If the parents are able to correctly approach his upbringing, then the impressionability and lack of communication of the child will eventually come to naught. He is a true romantic, dreamer and dreamer. In his youth, Frol begins to get carried away science fiction, astrology or philosophy.

He repels his peers with his inner alertness, which is perceived by them as aggression. In fact, this is just a constant readiness for self-defense. He cannot be called sociable, he is not the soul of the company and envies those who manage to be in the spotlight.

Grown man

From the outside, this man seems mysterious and cold. In the character of the bearer, the meaning of the name Flor was manifested by a serious attitude to life, will and great capacity for work. From negative traits in adulthood, increased anger and irritability persist, even for minor events.

Hurt for the sick, Frol loses self-control and instead of confronting the circumstances, he simply gives up and worries. Behind his pride and a visible sense of superiority over others, there is a banal indecision. He has no sense of humor at all, and he takes all jokes, especially about himself, seriously. The meaning of the name Frol endowed him with a love of flattery in his own address. It is worth paying him a compliment, praising him, and this man will be ready for anything.

He lacks foresight, thoroughness and realism. He can make decisions too spontaneously, without thinking about what this might lead to. And also Frol would use a little common sense, so as not to solve his problems in the heat of the moment, in the heat of the moment.

The meaning of the name Frol also affects health. Adverse life circumstances and frequent stress lead to stomach diseases and depression. People named Frol are at risk of accidents on the water.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Frol has a strong enough effect on character and fate, and especially on relationships with women. It is not easy to be paired with this person: he does not try to hide the irritation of his partner, he is capricious and nagging. His personal life is never stormy, but he does not suffer about it. Women are scared off by his harsh character, and only an extraordinary girl can connect her life with him.

Frol is too demanding in choosing a wife, but if he finds a spouse who meets his claims, he will be gentle and faithful with her. With all her might, she will not allow disagreements in the family, to which she is very devoted. Will never forgive betrayal. With children, he is not always affectionate, rather even harsh. Raises them in severity, but justly.

Favorable relationships can develop with women bearing names such as Alla, Polina, Klavdia, Victoria, Larisa.

Career and money

In his work, Frol values ​​stability. Honesty and respect for him is preferable to easy gain. The meaning of the name Frol did not endow him leadership qualities... They rarely make great leaders, but they are diligent and conscientious workers. Frol is comprehensively developed, well-read and smart. His good performance, great will and serious approach to life are bearing fruit.

This man will be able to realize himself in natural sciences, mathematics, philosophical research. In his work, Frol feels best alone, as he believes that those around him do not fully understand him.

He loves nature and everything connected with it. Frol has a well-developed sense of beauty, he loves collecting antiques and rare, beautiful things. This hobby always requires large financial costs, so he just needs to work hard. He loves money very much and knows how to manage it. For full realization, Frol needs an understanding of his purpose and the ability to use intuition.

Name number: 6

People born under the number six strive for altruism and selflessness, help others, maintain family and friendship ties. They always make loving parents and children, they also feel confident when working in education, healthcare, and doing social work. Caring, traditional views, denial of too drastic changes provide sixes with stability and confidence, but at the same time can make them vulnerable and inert.

The meaning of the letters in the name Frol

F- perfectly adapt to conditions environment... Always have a lot of great ideas. In their stories, they are able to embellish and lie a little. They love to help people. It's never boring with them. Their life is always filled with many interesting events.

R- people with the letter "P" in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible, you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuitions, they have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. Constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

O- open, cheerful and cheerful natures. Those who have the letter "O" in their name are hardworking and possess creativity... For them, professions related to strategic thinking and the economy. They are friends only with reliable people whom they trust.

L- artistic and inventive personalities. They prefer to be guided in actions logical thinking... They know how to win over. On rare occasions, narcissistic and disdainful of other people. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are too capricious and demand increased attention to your person.

Name as a phrase

  • F- Firth (the meaning of the word combines the concepts: Spit, Axis of the World, Basis, Source);
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
  • O- He (Oh, Oh)
  • L- People

Name Frol in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should write first the name, then the patronymic with Latin letters and only then the surname. You may need to spell Frol's name in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering an overseas hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Frol is an independent Russian folk form named Flor (lat.).

Energy named

The name Frol has a very powerful energy, which is further enhanced by the fact that today the name is quite rare, and this, as has been noted more than once, exacerbates its effect on the psyche.

The most characteristic feature of the name Frol is a combination of firmness and extreme sensitivity. It would be more correct to say that this sensitivity becomes extraordinary precisely because of such a rather unfavorable combination with hardness. Usually, from childhood, Frol is distinguished by impressionability and significant pride, he rather sharply reacts to criticism or any comments addressed to him, but his inherent firmness inclines him to hide his emotions. In other words, trying to solve his problems, he begins to withdraw into himself, but, alas, emotions from this only deepen and over time can acquire the character of passion.

Sooner or later, the accumulating negative emotions becomes more difficult to contain, and painful pride, as luck would have it, provides more and more reasons for resentment. It is not surprising if one day this will result in Frol's irritability. However, quite often, even when there seems to be no reason for dissatisfaction, Frol cannot get rid of a strange internal tension - it seems that he is in eternal readiness to repel someone's aggression and does not notice that due to this he himself becomes somewhat aggressive.

Of course, all this makes Frol's life very difficult, but it is still possible to break this circle. The most important thing is to try, instead of hiding your negative emotions, just learn to smooth them out. Developing a sense of humor and the ability to forgive and understand people can help a lot here. Kind self-irony and a lighter attitude to life perfectly relieve self-esteem from pain, but, in addition, having solved this problem, Frol will not only noticeably improve his relationships with others, and especially with close people, but will also find good use your talents in any profession.

Characteristics of the name Frol (Flor)

Frol is an emotional person who happily combines a rich imagination and a penchant for fantasy with a logical mindset. He is vulnerable, reacts sharply to resentment, and this sensitivity does not dull over time. He lacks prudence, foresight. He makes decisions spontaneously, rarely weighs the consequences of his actions. However, he stubbornly follows his own path, pacifying the obstinate wife with his tenderness.

Secrets of communication

Often, others are frightened off by Frol's inherent internal tension, which from the outside is often perceived as aggressiveness. Nevertheless, do not forget that this is usually nothing more than a simple readiness for self-defense, and a sensitive and vulnerable person is hiding behind this tense mask. Try, without hurting his pride, to talk to him heart to heart - and, most likely, you will discover Frol's rather gentle nature.

Diminutive and affectionate forms of the name

Florchik, Florochka, Florushka, Floronka, Florka.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac matching of the name: Virgo.
Planet: Saturn.
Name colors: blue, steel, light green.
Most favorable colors: golden green, brown.
Talisman Stone: chrysolite, jade, jasper.

Frol's birthday

December 31 / December 18- Florus Amian, Bishop.
August 31 / August 18- Florus of Illyrian, martyr.

Name trace in history

With name Flor a beautiful medieval legend about love is connected. According to legend, the whole story began with the fact that once the pagan king Phyllis, having made a raid on Christian lands, took prisoner a beautiful woman who at that time was expecting a child. Returning to his homeland, to Naples, the king gave the captive to his wife, and soon the women became friends. It so happened that both gave birth at about the same time: the queen gave Phyllis an heir to Flora, and the captive had a daughter, Blanchefleur.

The children grew up together and became so strongly attached to each other that only a blind person could not predict further development their relationship. Afraid that Flor would eventually enter this unequal marriage, the king and queen went for a trick: they sold Blanchefleur to visiting merchants, announcing the girl's death to their son. Parents even built a tomb for persuasiveness, having lied to their son that the remains of his beloved were buried there, but soon regretted their enterprise: Flor began to think about suicide.

Fearing for their son, the king and queen revealed the truth to him, and he went in search of his beloved. He found her in distant Babylon, where Blanchefleur was sold to the Sultan's harem. Having secretly entered the abode of one hundred and forty wives, Flor finally met with his bride, but then the lovers faced new trials: upon learning of what had happened, the Sultan was ordered to execute both, but before that he decided to conduct his own investigation.

Despite the fact that Flore had a powerful ring with which one person could be saved, neither he nor Blanchefleur could use this tool, leaving the other to fend for themselves. Seeing such devotion, the Sultan pardoned the lovers, who, after their adventures, were finally able to safely return to their homeland, where they entered into a legal marriage.

Other eminent namesake of Frol

  • Flor- Roman writer (late 1st - early 2nd century), founder of the genre of historical " synopses", in which major events Roman history from the founding of Rome to the time of Augustus was presented in an affective rhetorical style.
  • Frol Viktorovich Zhukov(1971-2009) Petersburg poet and performer. Best known for the songs "Stoshka Bucks", " Autumn time"Performed by the Pilot group.
  • Flor Yakovlevich Ermakov(1815-1895) - entrepreneur, one of the largest Moscow benefactors, actual state councilor (1890). In 1863-1866. elective of the Moscow merchant class. In 1877 he received the nobility. Bequeathed over 3 million rubles to Moscow; his widow used this money for the maintenance of an almshouse and the organization of a vocational school named after her husband, for the construction of two huge bed-houses and other good deeds.
  • Frol Romanovich Kozlov(1908-1965) - Soviet party and statesman... MP The Supreme Council USSR 3-6 convocations. Member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee (1957-1964), candidate member of the Presidium of the CPSU Central Committee (1957), member of the CPSU Central Committee (1952-1965). Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee (1960-1964).
  • Frol Timofeevich Razin(? -1676) member Peasant war, brother and associate of the Cossack chieftain Stepan Razin.
  • Frol Petrovich Chaburin(1918-1986) - commander of a rifle battalion of the 237th rifle regiment of the 69th Red Banner Sevsk rifle division of the 65th army of the Central Front, Hero of the Soviet Union.

The meaning of the name Frol: the name for the boy means "blooming". This affects the character and fate of Frol.

The origin of the name Frol: Latin.

The diminutive form of the name: Frola, Frolka, Laura.

What does the name Frol mean: The name comes from the name of the ancient Roman goddess of flowers and spring Flora and translates as "blooming". Despite this romantic meaning name, the guy is firmly on his feet. All his dreams have a carefully thought-out basis, and the plans of such a person are most often realized with precision to the smallest detail.

Patronymic name Frol: Frolovich, Florovich, Frolovna, Florovna; colloquial Frolich.

Angel Name Day: The name Frol celebrates the name day twice a year:

  • August 31 (18) - St. Florus the Martyr and his brother Laurus are bricklayers by trade. During the construction of the pagan temple, more than three hundred workers were converted to Christ, and the temple itself was consecrated in the name of Christ, leaving the holy cross in it. They cut the idols. For this, after torment, Flor and Laurus were buried in a well (2nd century).
  • December 31 (18) - The Monk Florus, Bishop of Amia, preached the faith of Christ a lot.

Signs: August 31 - Flor (the more common Russian form of Frol) and Laurus (Laver) - horsemen, horse festival. On this day, horses are bathed and sprinkled with holy water. You cannot work, burn out the brand, even saddle horses for races on this day - there will be deaths. By that day, the winter sowing of rye should have been completed: if you didn’t drop out to Frol, the frogs (only flowers) would be born.


  • Zodiac Frol - Virgo
  • Planet - Proserpine
  • White color
  • Auspicious tree - olive
  • Treasured plant - raspberry
  • Patron of the name - robin
  • Talisman stone - white agate

Characteristics of the name Frol

Positive features: Serious attitude to life, will, perseverance and unique performance.

Negative traits: Increased irritability and painful reaction to external influence... He often directs his energy not to solving the situation, but to deaf inner discontent. Offended, the guy with this name simply gives up and loses control of the situation, indulging in gloomy pessimism.

The nature of the name Frol: He is an emotional person who happily combines a rich imagination and a penchant for fantasy with a logical mindset. He is vulnerable, reacts sharply to resentment, and this sensitivity does not dull over time. A man named Frol lacks prudence, foresight. A man with this name makes decisions spontaneously, rarely weighs the consequences of his actions. However, the guy stubbornly follows his own path, pacifying the obstinate wife with his tenderness.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Perhaps Frol will achieve significant successes in mathematics, natural sciences or philosophical, religious studies. A man who bears the name Frol will feel better alone, because those around him misunderstand, because his thoughts and opinions are very different from the generally accepted opinion.

Frol's business and career: He loves nature, has a sense of beauty, has a passion for collecting antiques, attaches great importance to everything unusual and beautiful. But at the same time it financial position can get very complicated.

Frol and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: A successful marriage of the name with Alla, Victoria, Violetta, Kaleria, Claudia, Larisa, Milava, Polina, Faina. The name Frol is also combined with Flora. The complex relationship of the name is likely with Akulina, Wanda, Eva, Maya, Stella, Stepanida.

Frol's love and marriage: In relations with loved ones, Frol does not hide his displeasure, is capricious, irritated. It's not easy with a man. For him has special meaning leadership.

Health and energy

Health and talents of the name: Stress or unfortunate circumstances can cause Frol stomach illness, depression, there is a danger of an accident on the water.

Frol's fate in history

What does the name Frol mean in history

  1. Frol (Tomilo) Yudich Lugovskoy is a major clerk. Under Tsar Shuisky, he was a clerk in the rank and soon received the title of Duma. He took part in negotiations with Zholkevsky near Moscow on the accession of Vladislav to Russia, and then, as part of the "great embassy", went to Sigismund near Smolensk. In 1628, Lugovskoy fell into disgrace for something: he was sent as the second governor to Kazan, and then he apparently lived in his village. In 1633 he returned to the capital, continued to serve and was granted to the Duma noblemen. Lugovskoy died in 1638, before taking the monastic dignity.
  2. Frol Agafonov is a hero of the Great Patriotic War.
  3. Frol Ermakov is a hero of the Great Patriotic War.
  4. Frol Kozlov is a Soviet party and statesman.
  5. Frol Minaev - ataman of the Don of the 17th century.
  6. Frol Chaburin is a hero of the Great Patriotic War.

The names and their meanings depend not only on the origin, but also on the time of year when the child was born. We recommend that you read how the name affects the character and fate and familiarize yourself with the list of names suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

It is important to know what the name means so that it is harmoniously combined with its owner - in terms of sound and phonosemantic significance.

  • Male name
  • The meaning and origin of the name Frol: Frol is a Russian folk form that has become independent. Latin name Flor, which means "Blooming".
  • Energy named after Frol: Hardness, thoughtfulness, sensitivity

The name Frol has a very powerful energy, which is further enhanced by the fact that today the name is quite rare, and this, as has been noted more than once, exacerbates its effect on the psyche.

The most characteristic feature of the name Frol is a combination of firmness and extreme sensitivity. It would be more correct to say that this sensitivity becomes extraordinary precisely because of such a rather unfavorable combination with hardness. Usually, from childhood, Frol is distinguished by impressionability and significant pride, he reacts quite sharply to criticism or any comments addressed to him, but his inherent firmness inclines him to hide his emotions. In other words, trying to solve his problems, he begins to withdraw into himself, but, alas, emotions from this only deepen and over time can acquire the character of passion.

Sooner or later, the accumulating negative emotions becomes more and more difficult to contain, and painful pride as an evil provides more and more reasons for resentment. It is not surprising if one day this will result in Frol's irritability. However, often, even when there seems to be no reason for dissatisfaction, Frol cannot get rid of a strange internal tension - it seems that he is in eternal readiness for someone's aggression and does not notice that due to this he himself becomes somewhat aggressive.

Of course, all this makes Frol's life very difficult, but it is still possible to break this circle. The most important thing is to try instead of hiding your negative emotions, just learn to smooth them out. Developing a sense of humor and the ability to forgive and understand people can help a lot here. Kind self-irony and a lighter attitude towards life perfectly relieve self-esteem from pain, but besides, having solved this problem, Frol will not only noticeably improve his relationships with others and especially with close people, but will also find good use for his talents in any profession ...

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