Home Berries Lucky number. How to find out your lucky numbers by date of birth. Lucky numbers for everyone

Lucky number. How to find out your lucky numbers by date of birth. Lucky numbers for everyone

Numerology says that each of us has our own lucky number- luck number, which is calculated by the person's date of birth. A lucky number brings success and avoids many troubles. If you learn to pay attention, recognize and use your luck number correctly, you can get many great opportunities to change your life for the better.

To determine your luck number, you need to add all the numbers from the date of birth, and then reduce the resulting number to a single digit. For example, a person was born on 11/09/1984. Let's add all the digits of the date of birth: 9+1+1+1+9+8+4=33, 3+3=6. Lucky number is 6.

The number of luck should not be confused with a personal talisman number, which is an assistant, a personal signal that you are on the right track in life. calculated using a more complex formula, taking into account the dates of birth of the parents.

To calculate the number of luck by date of birth, use the form online calculation below. Enter the date of birth in the field in numbers in the ddmmyy format (for example, for a person born on 11/09/1984, it will be 09111984) and click the "Calculate" button.

Online calculation of Luck Numbers

Enter date of birth:

Your Luck Number:

Luck Number Meanings:

Luck Number - 1. If your number of luck has become "one", you will find success in banking and credit matters. Here is everything related to gambling, will be dangerous. Therefore, you should not take risks, even in the presence of your lucky number. "One" gives you good luck in all your affairs and undertakings, it will help in the most difficult situations, ensure a successful start to any project. Use this number when you need to make an important decision.

Luck Number - 3. For those people who have a “three” luck number, luck will smile in the field of trade. But here one should think about own business, because only in this way the profit will be most tangible. Your luck number contributes to resolving the most hopeless situation, so you need to use the “troika” more often in everyday life: hang three pictures on the wall, wear three keys on a bunch, put Chinese coins in three to attract monetary luck.

Luck Number - 4. "Four" as a number of luck attracts love into life, helps to use your strengths to achieve goals. This number makes it possible to avoid financial collapses, bankruptcy, instability and conflicts. Try to solve everything important questions on the fourth day of the week, and make plans for the future on the fourth day of each month. "Four" symbolizes stability and order.

Luck Number - 5. People with the number of luck "five" should seriously think about creative self-realization. financial luck and some non-standard hobby or business will bring fame, so you should not concentrate on something everyday, everyday and gray. Carry a few coins of 5 kopecks with you in your wallet, and then fate will be favorable to you, open up new perspectives and opportunities.

Luck Number - 6. Holders of the number of luck "six" figure will help in travel and travel. You should try to choose a type of activity that will be associated with business trips and movements, since it is in this case that it will be possible to achieve the most cherished goals. Use the "six" wherever possible, then it will attract good luck to you. However, this number is quite unpredictable - sometimes luck can turn away at the most inopportune moment, so you should be prudent and careful.

Luck Number - 7. Those whose luck number is "seven" need to think about something really big and grandiose. This is one of the strongest lucky numbers, so its owner has every chance of becoming a great person. This number will save you from mistakes and tell you the right decision in a difficult situation, it will make it possible to calculate everything one step ahead, fully controlling the environment.

Luck Number - 8. People whose luck number is "eight" usually do not dream of something outstanding, but they still become very successful in life. Try to use your lucky number when choosing any important business, moving to a new place of residence or signing a contract. It is on the 8th of the month that you will succeed in everything that you have in mind, so choose it for an important event.

Luck Number - 9. People with the number of luck "nine" money luck help you make connections. You should make as many useful new acquaintances as possible, because it is with their help that you will be able to realize all your dreams. In addition, use the "nine" in obtaining new information and learning, and then nothing will be impossible for you. People whose luck number is "nine" easily gain new knowledge, study, study foreign languages and learn new skills.

The magic of numbers, or numerology, is considered one of the most reliable and win-win methods to improve your financial condition, find a soul mate and become truly successful person. To experience the effectiveness of this method, you need to understand how to find out your lucky number, and how to properly dispose of it? There are many approaches, each of which has been repeatedly tested by time and by millions of people around the world.

According to experts in numerology, each person is the owner of a magical numerical sign that can help in many matters. To determine your lucky number, you need to take all the numbers from the date of birth, and then add them together to end up with one number.

For example, those whose birthday fell on 07/16/1985 should do the following:

1. 1+6+0+7+1+9+8+5= 37

It turns out that the number that brings good luck for this person is a unit, it is in it that the meaning of many life events can be hidden.

Another way to find out a mysterious number that can change life for the better is to independently choose it from the abundance of real-life numbers and make a certain installation on it, “charge” it for good luck. Most often, preference is given to some memorable date when this or that significant or happy event. A person can convince himself that it is this figure that can bring him success, which he has already managed to do once. The main thing is to responsibly approach the “installation” process and truly feel the mystical possibilities of the chosen value.

13 - "damn dozen" or the luckiest number?

Despite the fact that the number 13 has not a very good “reputation”, many people consider this number to be the most “lucky” and bringing good luck. The thing is that it is initially charged magical energy which carries a truly mysterious meaning. Even the ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Maya Indians believed that a person can find his true happiness only in the 13th phase of life.

Italians consider 13 a symbol of fertility and development, so often it is the “damn dozen” that they choose as their lucky number. In many countries, this figure is the personification of wisdom, because there were 13 stars on the seal of Solomon himself. Experts in magic and mysticism agree that the lucky number 13 will certainly bring good luck to those who sincerely believe in mysterious power this amazing element of numerology.

The Magnificent Seven is a number with many possibilities.

In occultism and astrology, an important role is given to the seven, which, according to experts in numerology, have almost unlimited possibilities for attracting good luck. Those who doubt or cannot independently determine their lucky number can safely give preference to the "lucky" seven, so that it becomes a talisman in moments of difficult life choices.

The seven has become “special” largely due to the fact that in almost every world religion there are important, fundamental concepts associated with this particular figure. Seven great holidays - in Judaism; seven angels and seven virtues - in Christianity; seven heavenly gates - in Islam. All these moments, one way or another, are connected with the "chosenness" of the seven, which in the Ancient East was considered the personification of the mind, wisdom, wealth and health.

Each zodiac sign has its own lucky number

"Hand in hand" go astrology and numerology; Each zodiac sign has its own set of favorable numbers that will work only for him. First of all, the division occurs, depending on which element this or that sign belongs to:

  • To the water (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio)
  • To the ground (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus)
  • To the air (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini)
  • To the fire (Leo, Sagittarius, Aries)

All the most important things and events must be scheduled only on “charged with success” days of the month, so that any undertaking will necessarily bring positive results. To determine the most auspicious number for each sign of the zodiac, you need to take into account the most significant moments and features of the location of the stars.

Lucky numbers for the element of Water

According to astrologers, the luckiest numbers for Cancers are two, four, five and eight. For example, the 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 8th day of each month is ideal for building personal and business connections. Also, the numbers listed will help Cancer decide on the dates important events to make plans for the future. With the right “use” of numbers, you can wrap any situation in your favor.

Those born between February 20 and March 20 should remember that the lucky numbers for all Pisces are 6, 7, 11. In addition, all numbers that are multiples of seven will bring good luck. Pisces can drastically change their lives if they listen to the opinion of astrologers and turn more close attention to planning future events.

Lucky numbers for Scorpios are four, five, eight and nine. These figures are able to bring stability and a stable position in society, prosperity, success among representatives of the opposite sex to representatives of the sign. For Scorpions, it is important to take the palm in everything. Magic numbers can seriously help them in this.

The element of Air and magical numerology

For romantic, but very reasonable Libra, all numbers that are divisible by 6 are considered lucky. In addition, deuces, sevens, eights, nines can become fateful. For example, a marriage concluded on a certain date, where the mentioned meanings are maximally present, will certainly turn out to be strong and durable for Libra, and a business deal will bring huge profits.

Aquarius to gain peace of mind and balance, you should pay attention to 9, 11, 13 - these are the numbers that are considered favorable for Aquarius. You can play the lottery and bet on these numbers: there is a high probability of a big win.

Lucky numbers that can bring success and good luck to Gemini are three and four. It is important for Gemini to know that they are loved and appreciated, and it is 3 and 4 that can seriously help in matters of the heart.

Astrology and Numbers for Fire Signs

Among Leos, there are only strong, purposeful, self-confident individuals who, nevertheless, pay close attention to various mystical symbols, including the magic rooms. So, lucky numbers for all Leo are considered to be 3, 8, 13, as well as all values ​​that are multiples of three.

Many Sagittarians consider seven to be their lucky number, however, in addition to these numbers, 8, 13, as well as their combinations, can bring good luck and success to Sagittarius. Among the lucky numbers for Aries are 4, 7, 9. It is these values ​​that can help “bring to light” the hidden abilities of Aries and realize the creative and business potential representatives of this sign.

Auspicious horoscope numbers for earth signs

In the fate of Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus, numbers play important role, especially for those who do not ignore the concepts of numerology, but pay due attention to them. For example, bold and determined Taurus consider two, four, and all other multiples of six as their lucky numbers. In order to check the effectiveness of magic numbers, it is enough to make an appointment for a certain date, business meeting or even going to a party. Fate will not keep you waiting and will demonstrate its favor.

Lucky numbers for Capricorns include three, five, seven and eight. Impressive individuals, such as representatives of this earth sign, can check the statements of astrologers and make sure that the right numbers or dates can play an important role in life. The main thing is to sincerely believe that all meanings have truly magical powers.

Such sensitive and vulnerable natures as Virgos managed to recognize three, seven, as well as numerous combinations of these values ​​as their lucky numbers. When taking vital important decisions and in serious situations, one should not neglect the opinion of numerologists, which can play an important role in fate.

Why does it happen that on some days luck seems to float into your hands, and on others it is catastrophically unlucky? From the point of view of numerology - the science of the influence of numbers on the life and fate of a person, it is rather difficult to call this a mere accident or coincidence - each of us has our own individual lucky number, a talisman number that brings good luck, prosperity and happiness.

Knowing your personal lucky number can be very helpful in life. The talisman number, appearing at a time when, for example, it is difficult to make a choice or decide on a certain act, will give confidence and tell you how best to act. This number will bring good luck and luck in lotteries and drawings; all cases accompanied by the appearance of this figure will be successful and, very possibly, will bring prosperity and happiness.

It is very good if a person lives in an apartment or house under the number of his talisman number; drives a car with this number in the license plate; travels by transport along the route with the number of the number-talisman. If you pay closer attention to the surrounding figures and numbers, you will notice that luck comes to life at the very moment when a personal talisman number comes across on the way. Naturally, in order to see him in time, to notice his appearance, you need to know him.

So how do you find out your lucky talisman number? To do this, you need to do the following calculation: the numbers that are included in the date of birth (day, month, year) of your father are added to the numbers of the mother's date of birth, then the numbers of your date of birth are added to them, and the resulting number is divided by 3. If the result is a fractional number, then it is rounded (according to the rules of rounding to the nearest integer).

Online calculation of the number-talisman

In order not to engage in long independent calculations, you can find out your personal talisman number online. To do this, enter the date of birth of the father (in the format ddmmyyy), the date of birth of the mother (in the format ddmmyyy), your own date of birth (in the format ddmmyyy) in the field in numbers and click the "Calculate" button. For example, a person was born on October 29, 1982, his father on March 27, 1956, and his mother on July 11, 1959. In the field you must enter: 270319561107195929101982 .

Numerology- the science of numbers and their influence on our lives. The founder of numerology is the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who claimed that numbers rule the world. He deduced the main principles of numerology for many years, studying various teachings about numbers and combining them.

Indeed, our life surrounded by numbers, we see them everywhere - on the dates of our birth, car numbers, banknotes, on addresses, passport series, etc. It remains only to find out how these numbers can attract good luck?

To answer this question, remember on what days the happiest events in your life took place, with what numbers do you have the most pleasant memories in the past, and what number do you like more than others? If so far you have not attached special significance numbers, then right now you can try to speed up or slow down the events around you, attract love and good luck, and avoid trouble. Don't believe? The results will surprise you if you follow our tips:

1. The luckiest number. To attract good luck and happiness, constantly repeat to yourself "Twenty-one." Because the numerological meaning of the word "happiness", if you add up the letters, converting them into numbers, is 21. In life, the number 21 carries positive energy to every person, so you should try to choose it in all processes. For example, if a deal is to be concluded or important meeting, then it is better to assign them to the 21st. When the outcome of the negotiations turns out to be bad or the deal breaks down, there is no need to get upset. This means that the magic of the lucky number has protected you from subsequent more serious problems.

When buying an apartment and a car, you should also try to have the number 21 in their number. To achieve your goals and find your love, write the number 21 on a piece of paper, put it in your pocket and always carry it with you. The lucky number can also be used as a password on a phone or computer, and when buying a ticket, choose 21 seats on a train or bus.

2. Destroyer numbers. Pythagoras himself did not like double-digit numbers and wrote that they had negative qualities. In his opinion, the numbers 11, 13, 17,19, 23 and 26 are especially detrimental to a person. Pythagoras called the number 7 the luckiest and happiest number. He argued that people whose names consist of seven letters are doomed to happiness and good luck .

The scientist mathematician not only studied the influence of various numbers on human life, but also found their connection with geometric shapes. For example, he believed that the number 44 is a destroyer, since it is the imposition of one square with 4 equal sides on another of the same. As a result, the sides become 8, and this is the number of infinity. Therefore, everything connected with the number 44 is doomed to fragmentation to infinity, i.e. to complete destruction.

If you wish to delay or prevent an event in your life, repeat the Four to yourself. For example, yours tells you that he wants to marry a girl you don't like at all. Invite him to wait another four weeks or months, and he himself will understand that her chosen one is not at all what she seems. The number 4 is a square, which is the most stable figure. It is she who has the power to slow down and delay actions.

3. Helper numbers. If you have to work a lot and you always don't have enough time, repeat "Ninety-one" to yourself more often. 1 is the beginning, and 9 is the end, that is, these two numbers together mean a full cycle. In addition, the number 9 means change, and the number 1 is considered the fastest. So it turns out that the 911 rescue phone number was not chosen by chance. Sorcerers and magicians know that the number 911 is the number of the universal office, where everything has its own time.

If you're late for work or your pay is delayed, to speed things up, for example, so that the transport arrives faster or find an additional source of money, repeat as often as possible to yourself: "Twenty." The number 2 doubles all your efforts, and the number 0 nullifies the force of opposition.

4. Numbers of prosperity and wealth. If you want to get rich or increase your fan base, imagine it and keep repeating "Seven plus one." 7 is the number of mystery, and 1 is the number of energy and purpose, but their sum 7+1 = 8 is the number of infinity. Conversely, if you want to reduce something, such as your weight, imagine yourself slim and repeat "Ten minus one" more often. The number 1 will give energy, and 10-1=9 - the number of changes.

If you are planning to build a house or redecorate your apartment, or want to improve your relationship with your boss or loved one, imagine how it all should be and repeat: "Forty forties." magical meaning The phrase "Forty Forties" has been known to people for a long time, which is why they named an unprecedented number of churches in old Moscow that way. Everything you do will turn out the way you want or even better if you constantly say "Forty Forty".


To calculate the number of individual life path And numbers secondary life path, write down the date of yours in the format mm / dd / yy. You will get 8 digits, including 0. So, if your date of birth is 29, 1985, then you should write: 04/29/1985.

Sum up all the numbers included in your date of birth: 0 + 4 + 2 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 38. If the resulting number is greater than 10, then continue to add up the digits that make it up until you get a number, consisting of one number: 3 + 8 = 11, 1 + 1 = 2. This figure is the lucky number of your life path.

Happy numbers secondary life path are obtained by adding numbers life path and the number 9 until the sum is less than 100. For our example, these are: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74, 83, 92. These numbers will always bring you .

The calendar day of your birth - 29 will also be considered a lucky number for you.

A lucky number can be obtained by first and last name. For this, each alphabet is assigned its own serial number. In the Russian alphabet they have the following numbers: A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, D - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, H - 7, I, Y - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, H - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, C - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7 , W - 2, W - 9, Y - 1, L - 1, E - 6, YU - 7, Z - 2. If you are Ivan Ivanov, then by writing down the numbers corresponding to them instead of the letters of the name and surname, you will get: 1 + 6 + 1 + 5 + 1 +6 +1 + 5 + 7 + 6 = 39; 3 + 9 = 12; 1 + 2 = 3. This is the lucky number for your name.

There is another personal lucky number, which is called the "number of gua". To calculate it, add the last two digits of the year in which you, if 1985, then the sum of the last two digits: 8 + 5 = 13, 1 + 3 = 4. If you, then subtract the resulting number from 10, the remainder is 6, is your gua number. The woman must add the resulting figure to 5 and, if a two-digit number is obtained, then add the numbers that make it up again until a single-digit result is obtained. This will be happy gua number. In our example, this is 9.


  • lucky birthday numbers

Encrypted numeric codes, which are the object of study of numerology, in a certain way affect what happens in people's lives. They can help you stay healthy, get rich, or stay out of trouble. Calculate your lucky number and try your luck.


Make a table of ratios of numbers and letters of the alphabet. Each of the 9 columns with numbers from 1 to 9 will correspond to several letters. The first line of the table will consist of letters from A to Z, the second will begin with the letter I and end with the letter P. The number 1 in the third line will correspond to the letter C, the number 9 will correspond to the letter S. The letter I will be located in the fourth line in column 6.

Write on paper block letters in different lines their first name, patronymic and last name. Using the table, put under each letter the corresponding number. Add up the resulting numbers in each line to get 3 two-digit numbers. Now add together the digits that make up these numbers. For example, in front of you are the numbers 23, 11 and 35. So, you need to add the numbers as follows: 2 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 + 5. The number 15 obtained in our example must be brought to the final unambiguous form by adding the numbers 1 and 5. Thus, the number 6 will be obtained.

Calculate your lucky gua number using another technique. Add the last 2 digits of the year you were born. Upon receipt two-digit number repeat the addition again. To find a lucky number, the single-digit number obtained by addition for men must be subtracted from 10. Women must add the number 5 to the calculated number. If a two-digit number is obtained, it will also need to be reduced to a single-digit form.

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