Home Diseases and pests Exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press. Gymnastic video: the pros and cons of training with a simulator, basic exercises

Exercises with a gymnastic roller for the press. Gymnastic video: the pros and cons of training with a simulator, basic exercises

Greetings to all lovers gym, fitness, bodybuilding. In short, all who do not care how they will look! On the line Vitakha Okhrimenko!

Today, as part of the analysis, we will analyze different variants one exercise. B let's study existing exercises with a press wheel. Who does not know there is a wheel with handles that will help! In fairness, I must say right away why I abandoned this exercise.

The fact is that in my spine there is such an unpleasant thing - osteochondrosis is called. So everyone who has similar ailments of the spinal column should be especially careful about training with a wheel. Personally, this exercise once fettered me for three weeks, but at the same time I know that it was my own fault. On that day, I started the wheel without warming up first.

Okay, I won't scare you anymore with horror stories from personal experience, let's move on to the pleasant part, so to speak. From today's article, you will find out why you need a roller at all, what muscles work besides the press, what exercises with a press roller are, how to do it right, how much and when.

What muscles work when training with a roller

Based on the title of the article, it is safe to note the main muscle, for the sake of which we actually take up the handles of the wheel - this is the press! In second place are the back muscles, especially actively connected to work lumbar. Third and fourth places are separated by legs and arms, and here you can’t definitely say that it works more.

Some representatives of the beautiful half of humanity noted the high efficiency of the video for working out gluteal muscles. They say that the butt after the wheel becomes unrealistically elastic and toned! I want to draw attention to the effectiveness of the roller for the lumbar.

I personally know three miners - tunnelers who consistently work out with a roller in order to increase the endurance of the lower back when carrying heavy loads at work (and a tunneller, like no one else, drags these weights decently during a shift). Downloading the press with a roller is not as easy as it might seem from the outside. There are exercises of moderate severity, and there are especially heavy ones. Let's start with the easiest ones and work our way up to the hard ones.

Straightening - inhale, bending exhale. That is, moving forward is accompanied by inhalation, movement backward is accompanied by exhalation. And nothing else, this is very important!

Before you start working with the wheel, you MUST. It is especially important to pay attention to the warm-up of the spine.. do it rotational movements hands, twist your lower back, jump rope. The main thing is that when starting training with a wheel, your joints are stretched and your body is warmed up.

How to deal with the roller?

Dress in comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. Place a soft mat under your knees on the floor, you can use a towel, a small blanket, etc., etc. Very important point: if you are going to start practicing with a roller for the first time, I hasten to warn you about the possible consequences.

Krepatura after training with the wheel is simply unusual, even in well-trained people, the next day, the abdominal muscles and lower back hurt so much ...

In short, you need to study this exercise smoothly and gradually, in no case should you immediately unwind from a standing position, only from your knees. And that, with small loads. For the first time, two sets of repetitions of 8-10 are enough, and already with subsequent workouts, you can gradually increase the pace.

Benefits of a press roller

If you want to buy some kind of multifunctional inexpensive simulator for home, then the roller will fit like no other. Yes, you won’t pump up big shoulders with it, but it will be possible to maintain a beautiful embossed, and most importantly proportional body with a strong back and elastic press. Tempting?

In addition, the press roller will help to reset overweight, because during the exercise almost all the muscles of your body participate. Yes, and mastering the technique is not difficult at all, a few workouts with the wheel and you already own 95% of the technique.

In fact one of this simulator is enough to keep the body in shape without visiting the gym. With a gym, of course, it is much better, but not everyone can afford to find the money, time and desire to visit gyms. This video is very useful for such people!

Roller exercises

Here we come to the most interesting part. with the help of a wheel, you can do so many different things that even a standard bench for the press will envy. True, it will be very difficult at once, but over time it will become easier and easier.

Half knee exercise

This is perhaps the most simple exercise with roller. And it is with him that you need to start acquaintance with this simulator. The essence of the movement is as simple as five Soviet kopecks: you put the rug under your knees, which you wrote about above, take hold of the handles of the roller with your hands, and roll it back and forth 10–15 times.

Throughout the exercise, you firmly press the roller with your hands to the floor. Although in another way, in fact, it will not work. You need to straighten up not as much as possible, but as shown in the image. The arms can only be slightly bent at the elbows. The back is straight. The distance between the legs is 15-20 centimeters.

Full range knee exercise

Similar to the first, only with a number of amendments. You move forward with the roller as far as possible forward, at the end point we try to stretch out as much as possible. In this position, you can freeze for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position. The back is also straight.

Exercise from a lying position

This is a kind of reverse exercise from the previous one. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms as far forward as possible. There you grab the handles of the roller, take a breath, and as you exhale, you begin to pull the roller towards you until you reach the kneeling position. Then, on an inhale, straighten up. After straightening, you can relax a little, and then do the next repetition.

Squat exercise

Squat down, roller in front of you, and from this position, while inhaling, start moving forward. You need to go forward until the body is completely straightened. After that, you need to return to starting position.

Exercises to the side

This exercise targets the oblique abdominal muscles. Sitting position on the fifth point, legs straightened. You put the roller to your left and start pushing it with your hands to the left. You do a certain number of times for one side, and then, moving the roller to the right, the same for the other.

Exercise from a standing position with a limiter

With this version of the exercise, you need to start when sitting already seems too weak. Stand against the wall at a distance slightly greater than your height. Bend over, legs straight, roller in front of you. Take the roller with your hands and push it until you hit the wall with the roller. Then start moving back.

Exercise from a standing position

Perhaps this is the most difficult exercise, which you should take on only after mastering all the previous options. You bend over, your legs are straight, you start to put pressure on the roller and straighten up until you touch the floor with your chest. At this point, you need to freeze for 1-3 seconds. After that, you return to the starting position.

The number of approaches and repetitions when working with a roller

We take the number of approaches as standard 3-4, the number of repetitions should range from 10 to 20. We turn to more difficult exercise after it turns out to do 4 to 20 in less difficult.

  1. When training with a press roller, you should always keep your back straight, maybe even slightly round your back. The main condition is that there is no deflection of the lower back, this will relieve the load from the joints;
  2. You need to start moving slowly, and the entire movement of the roller should be controlled. Do not allow the roller to go forward on its own, this is fraught with injury;
  3. To make it easier to train, you need to take food an hour and a half, or even two hours before training. It is also advisable not to drink water for the next hour. Fulfillment of these conditions will allow you to do the exercise with an empty stomach.

Exercises with a video clip

Everything that I did not add in the article can be seen in the videos I found:

Well, perhaps that's all. Today we have analyzed a very effective, but at the same time traumatic and difficult exercise.. You need to approach exercises with the wheel carefully, but if you do everything right, use the progressive method of loading, then this exercise will certainly thank you with a strong press and toned muscles. I confess honestly - while I wrote an article about exercises with a video, I wanted to find my video and start practicing.

I wish you success in sports, good health and no less strong press cubes.

Sincerely, Vitaly Okhrimenko!

3 comments on ““Exercises with a roller for the press - hit the wheel on fat deposits””

    A cool simulator ... but for some reason my head starts to hurt a lot in the back of my head ... I realized that when I go down I strain and my head starts to hurt ... probably this is not for me

    Today I bought a roller for the press. As Anya writes, her head hurts from exercises, thank God nothing hurts me, and I came prepared for this type of exercise. Since before that I was engaged in 1.5 Nordic walking, exercise bike and other types of exercises. I really want to know the energy consumption taking into account time, weight, height and age.

    The video is super, for three months of daily classes, minus 12 cm in the waist !!!

gymnastic roller used to work out a group of muscles located on the abdominal cavity. With the help of this projectile, you can quickly and effectively tighten and noticeably strengthen the abdominal muscles. The equipment is able to compete with overall simulators of a similar action, providing a powerful load on the muscles.

Its peculiarity lies in the primitive design, miniature size and relatively low cost of the device. The simulator is a wheel of a certain size with a wide axle threaded through its center.

Depending on the level of training of a person, shells of various modifications are used:

  • with 1 or 2 wheels;
  • with a shifting center of gravity;
  • with function of the return mechanism;
  • with pedals;
  • with expanders.

A simple model of the simulator is applicable for beginners, while more complex modifications of the projectile are suitable only for physically prepared athletes.

Equipment pros and cons

The device has a number of advantages over massive simulators, which are:

  • in a small size;
  • simplicity and reliability of the design;
  • at a relatively low cost;
  • in various types equipment modifications that can make exercises more difficult;
  • in the versatility of use for both beginners and advanced athletes;
  • in providing a complex load.

Disadvantages of a miniature simulator:

  • injury risk of the lumbar zone;
  • lack of efficiency if used incorrectly.


Roller exercises can be divided into 3 types:

  • for newbies;
  • for experienced;
  • for the advanced.

For newbies

Exercises for experienced

  1. Kneel down, take the handles of the simulator in both hands. Slowly straighten the body, which is in the initial folded state, rolling the device away from you until the body is maximally straightened. The main effort is expended when the body returns to its original position.
  2. Pull the simulator towards you, bending your back to the maximum possible position from a position lying on the stomach with straightened arms. The hips do not come off the floor. At the peak point, you should linger for three seconds and return to the starting position.
  3. Starting position - sitting on the floor with a straight back and straightened legs forward. Place the roller on the right side and bend in this direction until the chest touches the floor, then return to the starting position. The same exercise should be performed with the roller on the left side.

For advanced

Advanced athletes use advanced equipment in their training.

In the case of using a simple device, it is recommended to perform the exercise from a standing position. Leaning over, you need to focus on the simulator, and gently lean forward, holding the body. Full extension of the body is considered best point to strengthen the muscles, so it is recommended to stay in this position as long as possible before assuming the starting position.

Exercise Tips:

  1. Before starting training, to reduce the risk of injury to the joints and lower back, it is recommended to warm up. Particular attention should be paid to various parts of the spine. The main stages of the warm-up:
    • rotational movements with straightened arms, bent at the elbows and hands.
    • circular movements of the pelvic part of the body.
    • jumping on .
  2. Exercises must be completed in comfortable clothes that does not restrict movement.
  3. Under the knees recommended put on a soft towel.
  4. Increase the number of approaches fulfillment specific exercise should be gradually to avoid harsh pain syndromes in the muscles of the press and lower back the next day. The recommended initial load for any category of those involved in the projectile is 2 sets of 10 times.
  5. When exercising, it is important watch your breath.

    Improper breathing can negate the entire training process. Always inhale before tilting, and exhale during lifting.

The price of sports equipment

The cost of a gymnastic roller is relatively small and depends on:

  • equipment modifications;
  • design;
  • manufacturer.

Most simple devices conventional design can be purchased for 250 rubles.

Gymnastic rollers stylish appearance stand 600 rubles.

Device price with 2 wheels is 1000 rubles. More complex modifications cost up to 1800 rubles.

To date, the gymnastic roller is a very popular sports simulator, consisting of one or more wheels and two handles on the sides (it will be much easier for a beginner to maintain balance if there are several wheels, the more of them, the easier), following the contour of the arm, which provides maximum comfort when using.

It is made of metal and plastic. Handles are needed to hold on while doing the exercises. Equipment should be used on a flat surface.

The main feature of the roller is its compactness, since you can easily put it in your bag and take care of your body not only while at home, but also in gym or even on a business trip.

This simulator is incredibly effective both for experienced athletes and for those who want to bring their body into better shape, but people with poor physical fitness will have some difficulties at the initial stage.

The gymnastic roller mainly works out the abdominal muscles, also involves the chest, back muscles and shoulder muscles, so it gives a super load on the whole body. Exercises with him are based on slowly rolling back and forth on the floor.

If you want to purchase this fitness equipment, you will certainly face the problem of choice. Not surprisingly, there are many varieties of rollers, respectively, each of them is designed for a specific application.

Let's move on to the types of gymnastic videos:

With one or more wheels

It is believed that such simulators are the most popular among all users and are universal. They don't have a return mechanism. They consist of an axle with at least one wheel. Additional wheels help to maintain balance, which will protect against muscle strain. However, there is one caveat: the stabilization muscles work less in this case. You can buy it from 300 to 800 rubles.

With return mechanism

For beginners and for people with back problems, gymnastic rollers with a return mechanism are the most suitable. They facilitate training by relieving tension from the muscles of the back, and act on the principle of returning the wheel back when exercising. Another plus is more fast learning use of the roller. Therefore, if you do not have experience in performing exercises with this simulator, then you should start with it. The price ranges from 500 to 900 rubles.

with pedals

The pedals are designed for convenience - fixing the legs on the roller. They are located on the axis, on both sides of the handle. This trimmer wheel is often used by experienced athletes who want to bring novelty to their activities. physical culture and increase the load on the legs. Its cost varies from 700 to 1500 rubles.

With a displaced center of gravity

Rollers for the press with a displaced center of gravity are designed for experienced athletes who have a fairly good physical training, who have repeatedly encountered such a simulator. It can be bought from 300 to 600 rubles.

With trimmer

A gymnastic roller with a trimmer consists of a double wheel, a tensioner (flexible cable) is attached to its axis. The opposite end of the cable is attached to the legs, additional effort is required to use it. Suitable for professionals. This inventory is somewhat more expensive - from 800 to 1600 rubles.

When considering the pricing of these sporting goods, one should not be led to a low cost. It is somewhat better to pay 100-200 rubles more than to buy the cheapest, but be sure that the simulator will serve you for more than one year. Torneo offers a roller with a double wheel. It can be purchased for only 799 rubles. When buying, remember that the main thing is the guarantor of quality.

How to make a video yourself: a master class

For those who do not trust modern manufacturers, or for those who do not have the opportunity to acquire the sports equipment we are discussing, we present the option of making a gymnastic roller with our own hands.

So, we need:

  1. the wheel itself (you can buy it at any hardware store), it should be no more than 20 cm in diameter;
  2. a metal rod with a thread - a stud 30 cm long and of any diameter (it is necessary to select the rod so that the rod fits snugly into the bearing);
  3. 2 nuts, suitable in diameter to the rod;
  4. regular garden hose.

Consider step by step:

  • We install the wheel in the middle of the metal rod;
  • We fix on both sides with nuts;
  • We put a cut hose on the rod on one and the other side of the wheel.

How to use the gymnastic roller

  • First, you need to watch how you breathe. When inhaling, tilt the body forward, and when exhaling, return to its original position;
  • try to keep the body parallel to the floor, lean on the legs and the roller;
  • do exercises at least 10 times if you want to achieve visible results;
  • determine the number of approaches according to your capabilities. Over time, you need to increase the load. Exercise at least 3-4 days a week;
  • You need to train on a flat surface to avoid injury. You can use a special rug for convenience.

How to prepare your body for training:

  • it will be good to start with a simple warm-up, so the body will be ready to gradually exercise the load;
  • control your diet. You should not immediately start training after eating. And continue to monitor your diet, otherwise the classes are not so effective;
  • Before embarking on serious loads, you need to work out the technique.

For training, choose comfortable clothes that will not restrict movement. You can lay a rug or towel on the floor. This will make it more comfortable to kneel. Try not to overestimate yourself.

No need to try to tighten your body in one workout.

Everyone understands that this is impossible. Remember that in any case, the next day you will have krepatura.

Consider exercises for the press:

  • Get on your knees, put the trimmer wheel in front of you. Lean on it and slowly move forward until the body is parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position.
  • Sit on the floor, bend your knees. Take the simulator and put it under your feet. Holding the roller in your hands, slowly straighten and bend your legs, touch your knees with your chest.
  • Get in full height, put your feet shoulder-width apart, take the trimmer wheel in your hands, and lean forward, placing it in front of you. Move the roller forward, trying to keep the body parallel to the floor. Then return to the starting position.

Consider exercises for the back:

  • Sit on the floor, straighten your legs forward, place the gymnastic roller to your right. Then move it to the side until your chest touches the floor. Do the same on the opposite side.
  • You need to lie on your stomach, take the simulator in your hands and straighten them. Move it towards you, bending your back, while the legs remain in place. Perform to the best of your ability. Slowly return to starting position.

A few thoughts from simulator users:

Here's what people who have already tried classes with gymnastic roller:

Perhaps there is no easier simulator than a gymnastic roller. Wheel with handles. But in terms of the load and effectiveness of exercises from home shells, few can compare with him. As for me, this is a universal remedy for maintaining relief.

Valentina, 23 years old, Krasnodar

The main target load falls on the press, a fairly strong muscle contraction. In general, the gymnastic roller is universal and is immediately beneficial for the whole muscle group. Moreover, you can slightly change the technique of performing exercises, thus focusing on the desired muscle.

Dmitry, 27 years old, Tyumen

I usually use the roller at the end of a workout, I load up the muscles. Watching how to do the exercises, you can finish off your arms, back and chest, the press really didn’t try. At first, the elbows and shoulder joints, and then got used to it and went fine. Now I began to insert the last exercises in 2-3 sets.

Victor, 33 years old, Ryazan

Also helpful tips you can find in the following video:

A gymnastic roller is an effective tool for effective home workouts. Both beginners and experienced athletes speak of the benefits of training with him. Anyone who wants to get their body in shape should definitely include this simulator in their program.

In contact with

Wheel, gymnastic roller - this is the name of a sports equipment that is used to strength exercises. Most often it is used by those people who form beautiful figureslim stomach with pronounced "cubes", triceps and biceps, embossed back and chest. But this video will be an excellent choice for those who seek to reduce body weight. It is a wheel of different diameters with handles.

Read in this article

The benefits of a gymnastic roller for weight loss

If we consider classes with a roller to reduce body weight, then it is worth highlighting the following points:

  • the load is on the body by force, which means that all muscle groups “work”;
  • breathing during exercise becomes frequent and deep - the body is saturated with oxygen, which stabilizes and accelerates metabolic processes (metabolism);
  • during the day after the workout, the body still continues to burn fat.

If you perform exercises with a gymnastic roller daily for 15 minutes or 2-3 times for 40 minutes, you will be able not only to lose weight, but also to strengthen muscle tissues. This means that as weight is reduced, it will not become loose skin, cellulite will disappear, and the whole figure will become more slender.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gymnastic apparatus

If we consider the advantages of the “wheel” sports equipment, then we can conclude that it is suitable for both women and men. Experts highlight the following positive points:

  • the simulator is small in size and it does not need to allocate a lot of space in the apartment;
  • the cost of the wheel is extremely small, but this does not make it less effective - training on expensive simulators with an instructor and on a roller independently bring the same result;
  • during the exercise, the abdominal muscles (abs and obliques) are especially actively worked out;
  • at correct execution complex exercise stress it turns out to other muscle groups - leg and gluteal, lateral and on the arms, on the back.

Gymnastic rollers

Due to the complex effect on the muscles, it is possible to increase the overall tone of the body - energy is added, endurance improves, sleep normalizes.

Many are sure that the gymnastic roller has no shortcomings, but this is not entirely true. Doctors and trainers warn that physically unprepared people will not only find it difficult to perform even elementary exercises, but almost impossible. Therefore, before starting the training complex, you will need to slightly strengthen the abdominal muscles - classic exercises on the press will prepare the body for more serious stress.

Exercises for the press, from the abdomen and sides

Lessons must take place in comfortable environment, so some kind of mat is placed under the knees. You should immediately remember one important point - you need to perform all the exercises so that the chest does not touch the floor, and the torso is not located strictly parallel to it. The fact is that it will be almost impossible to rise from such a “deep” position - you need to train the body gradually, without jerking.

There are no separate gymnastics complexes on the wheel, since all problem areas are worked out at once - the press, stomach and sides:

  • Get on your knees, grab the handles on the projectile with your hands. Leaning on the wheel, you need to move forward as much as possible, tilting the torso. Without delay at some point, you must immediately return to the starting position.
  • Lie on your back, rest your feet on the handles of the gymnastic roller, bend your legs in knee joints, place your hands along the body. Raise the buttocks above the floor to the maximum possible height and bottom feet to move the wheel back and forth. This exercise perfectly works out the gluteal and femoral muscles.
  • Sit on the floor with straight legs, put the sports equipment on the side, grab the handles. The wheel should move to the side, “dragling” the torso along with it. Immediately return to the starting position. The exercise is performed on both sides.
  • Stand up straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, pick up a gymnastic roller. Lower it to the floor, bending over, and start rolling forward. Having reached the farthest point (if possible), return to an upright position.

These 4 exercises will give the desired result only if the recommendations are followed:

  • Before each workout, you need to warm up. 5-10 minutes are enough for the muscles to “warm up”, the joints to prepare for the loads. Regular exercise should be done.
  • The slimming roller can only be used for smooth and calm movements. People with overweight and will not be able to perform the exercises too quickly, but each time this figure needs to be increased.
  • Each of the 4 exercises should be repeated at least 10 times, preferably 15. It will be difficult for unprepared people to fulfill this requirement, so you can gradually increase the load.

Proper training is when a person literally “falls” after a lesson, sweat pours from him, and his breathing becomes much quicker. But severe pain should not be felt, although such discomfort may be felt in the first days - this is how stagnant muscles react to the load.

For information on how to properly perform an exercise with a gymnastic roller, see this video:

Will it help for the back?

Weight loss is possible only if the muscles of the whole body are in good shape. The gymnastic roller perfectly trains the back - the muscles along the spine become strong, their endurance increases. With regular training, posture is corrected, a person even at rest moves with straight shoulders and a retracted stomach - this happens already by reflex.

It is very important to understand that the load on the back during exercise is large. People with spinal diseases (any) should not start losing weight in this way without first consulting with their doctor. Just one careless movement, an accidental jerk of the wheel can lead to injury to the intervertebral discs, pinching of nerve endings.

The gymnastic roller can be used for weight loss - it's really effective. Instructors believe that additional training is not needed, so much stress is placed on all muscle groups of the body. But the results will not be noticeable immediately, but only after 1-2 months.

Greetings to all lovers healthy lifestyle life and sport!

To date, there are enough exercises for the press. You can familiarize yourself with many on my block in this and. But today we will talk about the miraculous ability to improve your figure and muscles. abdominals using a stick on a wheel called a gymnastic roller.

A fairly simple and effective fitness equipment, which for many has become a benefactor and served good service in the process of reducing the abdomen and strengthening many muscle groups of the core. If you are a novice athlete and do not yet have enough money to visit the gym, I advise you to purchase such an item for pumping the abdominal muscles in a sporting goods store and follow a workout program consisting of exercises at home.

To begin with, let's look at anatomical aspect involved muscle groups.

Let's make a division into upper and lower muscle groups.

  1. Upper body- it's muscles chest(large, small), back (latitudinal, rear delta), shoulders (front, middle bundle), arms (triceps, wrist flexors).
  2. The bottom is first abdomen, lumbar (rectifiers of the spine), rectus femoris, quadriceps, buttocks. In total, about 20 muscles are involved during execution. Not bad for such a projectile. Therefore, to adjust their figure, exercises with a press roller can be used not only by men, but also by women. For reliability, pay attention, dear girls, and men, too, to the effectiveness of a gymnastic rink for the stomach.

Benefits of a press roller

  • We lose extra pounds, due to the work of many muscles. Losing weight with such an assistant is quite real
  • We accelerate the metabolism of the body (). We burn calories even at the moment of inactive activity during the day
  • We pump the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Cubes really show up at the right time
  • Exercises with manual weights provide an excellent guarantee of progress in the gym when working with a barbell for squats.
  • Increases muscle mass yes, rolling on a physical rink gives progress when gaining the correct weight
  • Strengthen your back and prevent injury
  • Improve posture, coordination and balance
  • Saving money on the purchase of additional technical equipment, subscriptions, club cards at the initial stage to keep the body in shape
  • Doesn't take up much space at home

By the way, if you have additional advantages, be sure to share in the comments.

What gymnastic options are there and which ones are right for you

  • Before purchasing a fitness equipment, let's look at our physical fitness. If you are a beginner and have not been engaged in yourself for a long time. The best option buy will be a projectile for the abdomen with a large diameter. This will give you the opportunity to gradually accustom your body to regular exercise. If the projectile is equipped with one wheel, give preference to a double one. It is more stable and usually has a rubberized rim. Maybe someone is confident in their abilities, the capabilities of the body, then we move on to the next option.
  • For advanced athletes, purchasing a smaller ab roller rim diameter improves efficiency. It saves me at home on my free days from visiting the gym, an identical object that is shown in the photo of the announcement for the article at the top of the green color. Such a small wheel circumference increases the running distance and increases the load on the body.

But the choice is yours, the main thing is not to leave gathering dust in the corner. Use for its intended purpose.

The wheel of health has been chosen, let's start preparing. If you visit a fitness center or a bodybuilding room, you will easily find everything you need there. At home, you need to find a place to roll out the metabolism. Dress in comfortable sportswear, do not perform approaches in a bathrobe. Prepare a fitness mat, a small blanket. Turn on appropriate for classes.

Be sure to remember that any undertaking is accompanied by a technical aspect.

  1. Warm up joints and muscles. Any rotational movements of the arms, lower back, tilts and deflections. It will take no more than 2-3 minutes.
  2. When training with such objects, keep your back straight, do not bend your lower back, then the load on the joints will decrease.
  3. Slow movements without jerk, full control of the movement forward and backward.
  4. Breathing must be correct. When moving the body forward, we inhale, while exhaling we go back.
  5. The workout is framed in a 20 minute time frame, for a beginner start with 5 minutes 10 reps for 3 sets. If you have previously played sports, 20-50 repetitions with 3-4 sets is quite strong.

I will not hide the exercises with the roller are a decent load. You don't have to rush. Do it right away in order to prevent the next day, God forbid getting injured - the preparation must be thorough.

Now the highlight of our program is a variety of movements for the press with a wheel, from which you can make up a complex, a daily workout.

Let us first give way to women, and consider exercises with the object of narration for the press of the beautiful half. Take it on yourself, try it and make notes on the wall calendar, start changing for the better sporting side.

  • We rest our knees on the mat, our legs are slightly apart, we wrap our hands around the handles of the gymnastic roller. We begin to slowly roll forward at half the amplitude of the body, slowly return, so 10-12 times. Do not forget to keep your back straight, bend your arms slightly at the elbows. Watch your breath.
  • Complications variant of the above. We connect the legs together and the movement goes forward, stretch the body at the final point, linger for 1-2 seconds. We return the body to the starting point. Let's not forget about technology.
  • We lay down on our stomach. With arms outstretched, grab the handles of the fitness item. On the exhale, with the help of the hands, roll the rink to the chest, while not tearing the hips off the mat. Arch your back as you move. Returned to straight position body. We do it at a slow pace.

Dear ladies, if you regularly perform such exercises, your tummy will be very attractive.

Of course, you can not exercise during pregnancy, diastasis

Let's move on to exercises with a roller for the press, which a man must perform. steel press and strong muscles will soon replace saggy belly and decrepit jelly-like body structures.

  • We take a squatting position. Hold the roller firmly in front of you. We smoothly begin to move forward and our steam locomotive, i.e. the body from squatting goes to the knees and then stretches forward. We linger for a couple of seconds and do the reverse.
  • We work out the oblique muscles of our abdomen. With the help of diagonal movements. Having dug your knees into a rug or towel, leaning on the wheel with slow movements, we make a right turn, returning turn on the left. There are 10 junctions in each direction.
  • Let's consider another option. The initial position described above, only put the roller to the right of us and move straight with a slope to the right side. Excellent Right side tense, change and load the left oblique muscles. 10-12 rolls.
  • Variant on straightened legs. First, let's set the level as a wall. Distance from the wall slightly exceeding the height of the athlete. We got up, the handles of the wheel in our hands, tilt the body, strain the muscles of the core, legs and roll the roller to the wall. Rested, slowly return the projectile back.
  • The most difficult version of the exercise of our program for the press with a roller skating rink. We lean forward, legs together, rest against the roller and gradually stretch our body, touch the floor surface with our chest, linger for a second and go back.

It is necessary to abandon training with a skating rink for back injuries, pain in the muscles of the torso

The rest is just class!

According to the reviews of many beginners and advanced fitness athletes for health and physical self-perfection, exercises with such a small object are enough in the early stages. See for yourself, even if you do not have the opportunity to temporarily visit the gym on vacation or on a business trip, take a video with you and perform health exercises anywhere. The main desire and progress will be evident. Go in for sports, improve in training training. Eat right using only healthy foods in your diet. Promote fitness, bodybuilding, physical education to your friends. I will help you with this through. Best regards, Sergei.

In conclusion, a motivating video of what successes can be achieved with the help of a gymnastic apparatus.

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