Home Mushrooms A delicious potato dish recipe for children. Potatoes baked in sour cream, like in kindergarten

A delicious potato dish recipe for children. Potatoes baked in sour cream, like in kindergarten

Routing- potatoes baked in sour cream, as in kindergarten.

Technology for preparing potatoes baked in sour cream, just like in kindergarten.

Prepare everything necessary ingredients for preparing potatoes baked in sour cream, like in kindergarten.

Peel the potato tubers: if the vegetables are old, then cut off the peel with a ribbon, and if they are young, then simply scrape them off with a knife. Rinse the peeled potato tubers in water. And place them in a cauldron or other dish with a non-stick bottom. Fill hot water and place the container on the stove at maximum heat. Bring the liquid to a boil, add salt and boil the potatoes for 10-15 minutes. The smaller the size of the potatoes, the less time they will need to cook. If desired, when cooking, you can add a couple of bay leaves or other spices to the liquid for flavor.

Drain the water and transfer the potatoes to a deep container. Place sour cream there and mix gently so that the potatoes are all covered in sour cream. If you were preparing a dish from old potatoes, then it is better to pre-cut them into slices. There is no need to chop the young vegetable.

Grease the baking dish butter and pour the potatoes in sour cream into it. Many cooks lightly sprinkle the pan with breadcrumbs on top of the buttery layer to get a crispy crust.

Place the pan with potatoes in the oven at 250C and bake for about 20-30 minutes until golden crust.

We offer you several recipes for baked potato dishes that will appeal to both adults and children.

1) Baked potatoes with pickled cucumbers and sour cream


Large potatoes – 4-5 pcs.
Hard cheese– 100 gr
Sour cream – 100 gr
Butter – 70 g
Pickled cucumbers – 70 gr
Salt, pepper, fresh herbs

Wrap each potato in foil, place on a baking sheet and bake in preheated until maximum temperature oven until soft (about an hour). At this time, prepare the filling - grate the cheese. Finely chop the cucumbers and mix with sour cream. When the potatoes are cooked, take them out of the oven while hot, carefully cut them lengthwise into two pieces directly in the foil, add a little grated cheese and butter. Then you need to beat the potato pulp from the two halves and the cheese and butter well into a fluffy mass. Top with cucumbers and sour cream and serve immediately. Sprinkle with chopped herbs to taste. Both one-year-old children and older children will like these potatoes.

2) Crispy baked wedges

Older children will appreciate this dish. Invite your child to organize McDonald's at home! Blend in a blender milkshake with ice cream and milk. And make crispy baked potato wedges in the oven - a great alternative to restaurant french fries. fast food. Simple, fast, delicious! And most importantly – it’s useful!

You will only need 3 large well-washed potatoes, a quarter cup of sunflower oil, salt and pepper.

Preheat the oven to 240 C. Cut the potatoes into thin slices and place them in a bowl of water. Pour into a deep baking pan sunflower oil. Sprinkle salt and pepper on top. Transfer the potato wedges from the bowl of water to the baking sheet (in a single layer) and cover with foil. Bake in this form for 5 minutes, and another 20 minutes without foil, until the underside of the slices is toasted. Then you need to take out the baking sheet, turn the slices over and bake for about 10 minutes. Transfer the finished wedges to a plate lined with a paper towel to absorb excess fat. Sprinkle the wedges with salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Bon appetit!

3) Potatoes baked with cheese

You will need:
potatoes (new) - 6 pcs.
processed cream cheese - 125g
salt, parsley and basil - to taste
sesame - 1 tsp

Wash the potatoes and, if necessary, cut off the skins. U new potatoes The skin is thin, so there is no need to peel the tubers. Cut the potatoes: cut large tubers into quarters, small ones into halves. Grease a frying pan or baking dish with butter, add potatoes, sprinkle with salt and stir. Spoon all the cream cheese onto the potatoes and sprinkle with chopped parsley, basil and sesame seeds. Cover with foil and bake in the oven at 200 C degrees. A few minutes before it’s ready, open the foil and bake until golden brown. Transfer the hot potatoes to a plate and serve. Potatoes with cheese can be given even to six-month-old children.

4) Potato boats

Children will really like these baked potato boats. Especially if you stick small flags into them - you can attach squares of paper to the toothpicks, on which you can draw funny pictures or sign the names of children ( great idea For children's day birth!) and stick such “flags” into our “boats”.

Wash the potatoes thoroughly, prick the skins in several places to prevent them from bursting, then wrap in foil and bake in the oven until done, about 40-50 minutes. After the potatoes have cooled a little, cut them lengthwise into two halves and carefully scoop out the pulp with a spoon.
The next step is filling the baked potatoes with filling. For filling you can use:
Finely chopped crab sticks, mixed with grated cheese, sour cream and herbs
Fried minced meat with mushrooms, grated cheese, herbs
Finely chopped ham, tomatoes, herbs

5) Potato “caterpillars” If boys are delighted with potato “boats”, then girls will appreciate potato “caterpillars”.

To prepare this simple, tasty and unusual dish you will need:

potatoes - 1 kg. carrots - 3 pcs.,
butter - 50-60 g,
vegetable oil, herbs for decoration, food foil.

Wash and peel the potatoes and carrots well. Chop the carrots into thin slices up to 2 mm thick. Cut each potato crosswise with a knife every 5-6 mm without cutting all the way through so that it does not fall into pieces and add salt. Place one carrot slice into the slits - if they are thick, they will not fit into each cut. Place foil on a baking sheet and pour a little vegetable oil. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet. Grease each potato and carrot generously with butter on top - preferably softened. Cover with one layer of food foil. Bake potatoes in the oven in foil for 30-40 minutes at 180 degrees. Then remove the foil and bake for another 10 minutes until golden brown. Ready-made “caterpillars” can be given “eyes” from olives and antennae from green onions.

Potatoes are a favorite food in many countries. There are so many dishes made from this wonderful vegetable! But I think many parents have faced the problem of how to get their child to eat well. I found a way out for myself - to cook ordinary dishes in an unusual way. Try one of these great recipes to add some variety to your children's menu, and surprise them with your originality.

1. Boiled potatoes stuffed

Very often I have to come up with some dishes for children from familiar products in order to interest them in eating the entire portion. I think mothers will understand me. Give them these potatoes and an empty plate is guaranteed.


  • 10 medium sized potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g smoked meat
  • 30 g lard
  • 50 g grated cheese
  • milk


Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them and scoop out the middle with a sharp teaspoon. Pass this part of the potatoes through a meat grinder and mix with a small amount of milk. Boil 2 hard-boiled eggs, cut into small cubes and mix with ground meat and a tablespoon of grated cheese. Mix it all with minced potatoes and fill whole potatoes. Then place the potatoes in a dish greased with lard, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in a hot oven for 8-10 minutes.

Serve hot with any salted, pickled or canned vegetables.

2. Potato soufflé

Children love everything unusual. And in this case, even adults will be interested in trying this dish. The great thing about it is that the products it requires are very simple.


  • 800 g potatoes
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 g butter
  • 100 g cream
  • parsley


Boil peeled potatoes in salted water, then strain. Pass the potatoes through a meat grinder, mix well with egg yolks, cream and strong foam of whipped proteins. Place this mixture in a greased pudding pan, place it in boiling water and boil for 35-40 minutes. Place the finished soufflé on a plate and drizzle with melted butter.

Serve hot.

3. Potato balls with filling

It's very tasty and original recipe, which combines a main course and an appetizer. Prepare more of these balls, put them on the table in a large dish and don’t yawn - you may not get enough.


  • 800 g potatoes
  • 250-300 g pork
  • 200 g sour cream
  • 300 g flour
  • 1 egg


Peel the potatoes and boil in salted water, pass through a meat grinder, add flour, egg and knead the dough, rolling it out on a board into a layer 1 cm thick, then cut into 3 x 3 cm squares. Pass the stewed meat through a meat grinder, and mix its juice with sour cream. Place the ground meat on squares and form them into balls. Boil the balls in salted water, remove with a slotted spoon and pour in the juice of the stew with sour cream, reheat.

Serve hot.

4. Potato “turtles”

What child wouldn’t be interested in eating “turtles”? After trying them once, children will demand to cook them all the time! And you can choose absolutely any filling: ground fried or boiled meat, cracklings or mushrooms - whatever your children love.


  • 1 kg potatoes
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g lard
  • flour (enough to make a dough of medium consistency)
  • 50 g breadcrumbs


Pass the potatoes boiled in salted water through a meat grinder, mix with eggs, 20 g of lard, flour, and salt. Then, on a floured board, roll out the dough into a thin layer and fill it like a roll. Place this roll on a linen napkin diagonally, tie two opposite ends, put it in boiling water and cook for 20 minutes. Then take it out with a napkin, strain the water, put it on a board and cut into pieces. Fry in the remaining lard breadcrumbs and sprinkle them on top of each serving.

5. Potato cutlets with liver

Very often children refuse such a product as liver. But we know how useful it is - because large quantity vitamins Try mixing it with potatoes and frying cutlets. It will be difficult to refuse such yummy food.


  • 250 g potatoes
  • 50 g flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tbsp. l. finely chopped onion
  • 1 tbsp. l. parsley
  • ground black pepper
  • 100 g liver
  • 250 g vegetable oil


Grate the peeled potatoes on a fine grater, add onion and parsley, eggs, salt and pepper. Then add flour and ground liver. If the mixture is liquid, add a little more flour. Heat the fat well and place a tablespoon of minced potato and liver into it, which will spread in the hot fat and form a cutlet. Over moderate heat, fry on both sides until golden brown.

Serve with salted, pickled, canned vegetables.

Parents often have to come up with all sorts of tricks and tricks to ensure that their children eat well. These recipes will make this task easier for parents and bring joy to children. What do you cook for children to whet their appetite?

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