Home Flowers International Children's Football Day. When is International Football Day celebrated? Interesting facts about football

International Children's Football Day. When is International Football Day celebrated? Interesting facts about football

Russian football birthday

On October 24, 1897, the first match of football teams recorded and announced by the sports press in the history of national football - the St. Petersburg Circle of Sports Fans (Sport) and the Vasileostrovsky Society of Football Players - took place. Vasileostrovtsy won - 6:0.

Football in Russia appeared in late XIX century, thanks to the British, who created football clubs in major cities countries. At first, this game, which was called " English game in the air", or "kickball", was perceived as fun for the public. First football team, which consisted only of local players, was created in 1897 in St. Petersburg under the "Circle of Sports Lovers" (later "Sport"), and the first real football match took place on October 24, 1897.

However, taking October 24 as the date of birth of football in Russia has only recently begun. A couple of years ago, it was believed that the first match in the country was played on October 25, but meticulous historians and statisticians came to a consensus regarding the date of the first game.
However, despite this, October 25 is officially considered the day of Russian football.

In 1997, the RFU, led by Vyacheslav Koloskov, decided to organize big celebration about the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Russian football. At the end of August, the World team arrived at the newly restored Luzhniki to compete with our team. Thus, by the arrival of the strongest (by definition) team of the world, our football functionaries decided to celebrate three events at once - the 100th anniversary of Russian football, the 850th anniversary of Moscow and the opening of the reconstructed Luzhniki Stadium. It was then, in fact, that the decision was made regarding October 25th.

This time, the RFU chose not to arrange a show from the date, limiting itself only to the fact that domestic fans are still in great football euphoria after legendary victory our team in the qualifying game against the founders of football.

Russian representative in the Guinness Book of Records

October 25, 1969 in Leningrad was born one of the most famous football players Russia Oleg Salenko, forever inscribed his name in the history of world football.

Club career:
Zenit (1986 - 1988),
"Dynamo" (Kyiv) (1989 - 1992),
Logrones (1992 - 1994),
Valencia (1994 - 1995),
Glasgow Rangers (1995 - 1996),
"Istanbulspor" (1996 - 1997),
"Pursuit" (1999 - 2000).

Career in the Russian team:
Played 8 games and scored 6 goals (1993-1994).

Champion of the USSR (1990),
USSR Cup winner (1990),
European Junior Champion (1988)
World Cup Top Scorer (1994)
(shared the Golden Boot with Stoichkov - 6 goals scored),
U-20 World Cup Top Scorer (1989)
Record holder for the number of goals scored in one match at the World Cup (5 goals),
Holder of the record for the number of goals scored in the final match of the USSR Cup (3 goals),
The author of the “youngest” goal in the history of the USSR championships (1986).

Oleg Salenko, with his great achievement, forever entered himself in the Book of Records as the author of five goals in the game of the World Cup! Not a single player has been able to repeat Oleg's result, and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to, as modern football is becoming more and more closed and defensive, especially since the performance trend is steadily rolling down at world championship games.

Meanwhile, mentioning the name Salenko, many fans forget about another significant record of this St. Petersburg forward. Oleg Anatolyevich is the author of the youngest goal in the history of the USSR championships. This event happened in 1986, when Salenko, coming on as a substitute, immediately sent the ball between the legs of the Dynamo goalkeeper Prudnikov.

However, Salenko's character left much to be desired. By his own admission, largely because of this minus, he could not show himself in the USSR Olympic team. Few people know that the debut of this brightest striker in the history of Russian football could have taken place even before the significant match against Dynamo, but Soviet laws and the player’s temper (before the alleged debut, the young guy went to a disco, where he successfully found out the relationship with his rival on the dance floor, as a result of which the player was suspended from training for some time) did not allow the Soviet performance record to be further rejuvenated.

Kiev "Dynamo" could not lose sight of such a treasure, and Valery Vasilyevich, tenacious of talents, advised the management to acquire the Zenit forward. In the final of the USSR Cup in 1990, the people of Kiev beat the capital's Lokomotiv with a score of 6: 1, and Oleg Salenko, of course, scored three goals. So, Oleg also became the author of the record for the number of goals scored in the finals of the USSR Cup ...

Logrones, having invited Salenko, left the relegation zone and moved to the middle of the table of the second most important Spanish division. Salenko's countless goals in Spain could not get past the Russian national team, in which the striker made his debut in November 1993, already in a memorable game in Greece. Well, then followed the legendary for the player World Cup-94, in which our forward shared the laurels of the tournament's top scorer with the Bulgarian Hristo Stoichkov.

Five (!) goals in the game against the national team of Cameroon elevated Salenko to world heights. Indeed, on that day, in the forty-degree American heat, our team smashed the Africans to smithereens, and Oleg Salenko managed to sign five times at the gates of the strongest African team.

“By the way, I didn’t know about the record until the final whistle. It seems that they wrote on the scoreboard, they say, a world achievement, but during the game somehow it was not before. Later, after the match, when I took pictures with Milla, everyone around whispered: record, record. I ask: what is it? Well, they explained to me. By the way, I had a dream before the game that we would win and I would score a few goals. I then told Dimka Radchenko: something will happen today. Everyone congratulated - guys, coaches. Simonyan, I remember, even danced for joy!

And did you know that… The legendary match with Cameroon was the last for Oleg Salenko in the T-shirt of the Russian national team. The new coach of the national team, Oleg Romantsev, was then guided only by the principles known to him alone and did not invite one of the most famous strikers in the world at that time to the main team of the country.

Football is played by 120 million people around the world, and we are not talking about guys chasing a ball in a box in the yard or pot-bellied uncles having fun on the weekends, but about real professionals. People who get paid for this, for them World Football Day is not just another date, but professional holiday. According to the UN resolution - all those for whom the whole life has turned into a green lawn, and the main objective get into the seven-meter gate celebrate their holiday on December 10th.

football performance

Football conquered Europe, Asia, Africa and even North America, where the popularity of European soccer was below the level of the plinth. In the USA, Australia and even China, the popularity of football is growing every day.

The world has long been divided into those who love football and those who, as they say, do not understand - why is it twenty healthy men running after one small ball. And also for a long time the Americans refused to accept the fact that the score in the match could be: 0-0. What is the point of sitting and watching the spectacle, if as a result everyone will remain on their own. Maybe it was not worth going out on the field at all, and even more so buying a ticket for a match, and even more so, why celebrate some sort of Football Day.

But football is not just a score and a result - it's like a good movie, with unexpected plot twists, dramatic endings and rough scenes. Football is not just strength and physical preparation, but also intricate tactics, fine calculation and composure when making decisions.

And football brings together the most different people: in the stands you can meet a banker and a janitor, a military man and a long-haired hippie, a luxurious lady with a respectable companion and a granny who came to the match with her grandson side by side. Perhaps they will sit in places with different price categories, but they have the same goal - to enjoy the exciting action unfolding on a hundred-meter emerald meadow.

Even the number of UN member states is slightly less than the number of countries that are members of the international football organization FIFA. And if you look at the main sporting events in the international calendar, the World Cups are on par with the Summer Olympic Games. Both of these events are equivalent.

Football is a profitable business

But do not forget that football is not just a game for millions, but also profitable business. In any case, in countries where football is the No. 1 sport, the profits of the clubs are always huge. Of course, all businessmen who invest in football are, first of all, fans of this sport and do not perceive their favorite game as a means of earning money. It is much easier to invest in real estate or in the oil and gas industry. The football business is a little different, more like a hobby for rich people than a way to make money.

What explains the popularity of football

You can talk for a long time about the reasons for the popularity and mass character of football, and not, say, hockey or curling. Perhaps the most important thing is the accessibility of this sport. All that is needed is to find a more or less even soccer ball, a couple of bricks as rods and call your friends. And everything is playable. Unlike the same hockey - you do not need expensive equipment, a special coating (in this case ice) and skating skills. If you know how to walk, then you can learn to play football. It's about training and having at least some talent.

History of football

Football was born in England, and today this country has developed the most popular league in the world. Here and millions of profits and the best stadiums in the world and the most colorful fans. In our country, football has been leading its history since the second half of the 19th century, and the first matches were held between English workers.

The Soviet history of football begins in 1924, when domestic football players played the first match with Turkish football players. Later, our teams hosted European teams and went on foreign tours themselves. One of the most significant such trips took place with the participation of Dynamo Moscow players. Muscovites triumphantly swept across Foggy Albion and made the local public believe that football is loved and played not only in England, but in the distant Soviet Union.

Soviet and Russian football boasts the following trophies. At the club level Soviet time two European Cups and the Cup of Winners were won! In the Russian - also two victories for CSKA and Zenit. At the level of national teams, too, without great achievements. It comes to mind, except perhaps the victory in the very first European Championship in 1960, 4th place in the World Championship in 1966 and the recent relative success of the Russian team in the European Championship in 2008, when we beat the Dutch in the quarterfinals, but lost in the semifinals to the future champions Spaniards. Separately, it is worth noting the game of the national team at the 2018 World Cup. More to come!

Traditions on Football Day

As a rule, many friendly matches of various levels are held around the world on World Football Day. Starting from games between the legendary teams of countries against clubs, ending with games between university or yard teams. Indeed, on International Football Day, the main thing for everyone is FOOTBALL!

When is Football Day 2019

Probably, no team sports game causes so much excitement among the public and does not have as many fans as the one that takes place on a green field and consists in the need to score more goals against the opponent. It's about about football, of course. A beautiful and quite gambling game, which requires certain skills and professionalism from the players, will win many more hearts in the future. To some extent, this will be facilitated by the holiday celebrated on our planet every year on December 10th. His name - .

Game history

In order to understand how a spectacular action appeared, it is first necessary to find out how the ball and the techniques carried out with it came into use. historical documents they report that rituals in which this spherical object figured were widespread in ancient times on all continents without exception. The balls discovered by archaeologists in Greece and Britain were made from the skin of animals. Australian aborigines, as it turned out, used to create round toys bladder animals of large dimensions, as well as durable skins of marsupial representatives of the fauna. According to ancient legend, the first ball was given to people by the gods.

The team game acquired its current single name not so long ago - only at the end of the century before last. Previously, each nation called it differently. So, the Eskimos played tungatgak, the Lakota Indians played Tapa Bank Yap, and the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire played tsujiu. By the way, it is the Chinese version of the ball game, which appeared no later than the 2nd century BC, that researchers confidently consider the prototype of modern football. However, there is an opinion that the main ancestor of the current spectacular action unfolding on the field was born in southern European lands, namely in Italy. This game was called "calcio" and provided for the participation in it of such categories of persons as defenders, attackers and, importantly, referees.

The uniform rules of football were first introduced in Great Britain in the middle of the 19th century. Teams defending the honor of the English educational institutions, including prestigious universities, as well as football clubs, until then adhered to their own principles., Because of which, in general, utter chaos reigned in the game. With regard to the aforementioned single command name sports game, then in 1863 it sounded like “football according to the rules of the Association”, in English - “association football” (meaning the English Football Association, which arose in specified time). Thanks to this name this game the ball could now be easily distinguished from other games, where a spherical projectile was also involved. Gradually, this term underwent certain abbreviations, and today we have what we have. The word "football" itself contains an indication of some specifics of the game: in English, "foot" means "foot", and "ball" - the ball.

By the way, in the same 19th century, when, one might say, the formation and development of football took place, the team game was very popular among the British. In the 80s. of this century, the Football Association united at least a hundred football clubs. And, although at that time it was rumored that some of the players received monetary rewards for their victories, football was still an amateur entertainment. To be fair, it should be noted that football clubs later allowed to pay players wages. The result of such a step by the Football Association was the emergence of the first regular Football League on the planet.

The start of international matches was laid a little earlier. The first such sporting event took place on the last day of November 1872. The rivals in this tournament were the Scottish team and the England team. Everyone well-known organization FIFA, which has a governing function in football, was founded at the start of the last century, in 1904, during French capital. It brought together representatives of seven states: Holland, Sweden, France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland.

AT 20th century among the players of the world there were those who stood out, as they say, from the crowd. In the first half of the last century, they were the Uruguayans, distinguished by their agility and speed. They have repeatedly won Olympic Games. In the 30s. Uruguayan players were eclipsed by Europeans, especially Italians and Spaniards. After the palm was intercepted by the British. In the 50s for the first time the title Olympic champions conquered by Soviet football players. And our players became the owners of the European Cup. In subsequent years, Brazilian athletes dominated the world football arena.

  • Americans are different from other people the globe to refer to the popular team game, the term "soccer" is used. This word comes from the previously mentioned phrase “association football”, which was attached to the action on a green field back in the 19th century. It's just that the first part of this expression was shortened, and then acquired the suffix -er. The rest of the “football” construction voiced above is used by the inhabitants of the United States in relation to the game that we all know under the name “American football”.
  • In the practice of football, there were cases when referees showed a red card ... to themselves. Here are the names of these outstanding judges: Melvin Sylvester and Andy Wayne. The first performed the voiced action within the framework of the Southampton Arms - Hurstbourne Tarrant British Legion match, the second - at the tournament between the Peterborough North End and Royal Mail teams. Melvin Sylvester, having received a push from one of the players, fell upon the poor fellow with blows. Andy Wayne decided to retire from the field, and not send off the goalkeeper, who repeatedly protested, because he was afraid not to restrain himself and dissolve his hands.
  • Do you know where football balls are mainly made? Oddly enough, in Pakistan - as much as 80%! ¾ of this amount is produced in the Pakistani city of Sialkot. Unfortunately, not without the exploitation of children as labor force.
  • The famous football chant "Ole-Ole-Ole" is of Spanish origin. It was the repetitive component of this phrase that appeared at flamenco dances, as well as during bullfighting by the audience. But why "Ole"? It turns out that this is nothing more than a derivative of the word "Allah". The latter was repeatedly uttered in their prayers by people from Arab countries who became the rulers of the Spanish lands in the 8th century.
  • Among the players there were many champions at all times. But Brazilian defender Pinheiro had an unusual lead. The fact. What has this player scored over the years of his sports career many goals not in the opponent's goal, but in their own. In just one season, Pineiro managed to “reward” his native team with a dozen goals. And even when he turned from a defender into a striker, the oddities of a football player did not disappear anywhere.

If your brother, friend or loved one cannot live without football, congratulate him on December 10 on the holiday dedicated to this wonderful game!

The popularity of football, as well as its holiday, is very obvious - this is the availability of this sport to everyone. After all, for football you only need a field, a ball, a conditional goal and a company of friends. Unlike other sports, football does not require expensive equipment and in-depth knowledge. This holiday also has an unquestioningly good reputation, because there are a lot of amateurs and professionals playing football around the world. Every boy played football at least once in his childhood, and a holiday is an occasion to go out on the field again and play at least one game. Football is subject to every nationality, any age and height of a person.


It is not known exactly how the holiday originated, but it is celebrated on December 10th. The game itself - football, was born in England at the end of the 19th century, but it came to the Soviet Union at the beginning of the 20th century. Many football fans consider the founding date of the holiday to be 1924, when the whole planet already knew about this sport. It was in this year that he came to us, in the USSR. That year, the first official football match between the Soviet and Turkish teams took place.

After the whole world learned about this sport, it began to be promoted in every city and every sports organization. And, of course, all the players supported International Football Day with regular training sessions and exhibition matches.


Everyone who considers himself involved in this sport can celebrate the holiday. Gambling requires certain skills, good physical fitness, and the implementation of established rules. Not surprisingly, most of today's young people have such qualities and will not give up playing outdoor games with their comrades, especially on such a day!

By tradition, friendly matches around the world are held on this day. The following events are organized for amateurs:

  1. Games of youth yard teams.
  2. Fan meetings with international athletes.
  3. Conducting demonstration games by specialists.
  4. Friendly matches are held for all mature amateurs.

Every year on December 10, famous teams hold charity matches, the funds raised from which go to the development of new football clubs in the smallest cities of each country.

On International Football Day, the most important thing for everyone is football!

Everyone knows that there is no game in the world more important than football,
Everyone knows that without football there is no life at all.
Football is not a game, football is a school for men,
Nothing can replace football!

When your favorite team wins on the field,
We confess our love to the whole planet.
And immediately a garland shines brighter in the sky of stars
And everyone around is friends, don't go to a fortune teller...

So let football unite us all,
So let him only give joy to everyone,
Let football inspire us to exploits,
May it save us from boredom and problems!

Athletes and fans, fans,
Congratulations on World Football Day,
Wish you luck and health
I strive to smile, winning,
And so that the game always has enough power,
It took courage and inspiration
So that when necessary - immediately scored a goal,
For this I wish you good luck,
People in the team and reliable friends,
So that success finds you sooner,
And avoid situations so that difficult,
To make everything easy and good!

Congratulations on world day football and I wish exciting matches and victorious games, brave strength and great optimism, excellent shape and excellent health, high goals and grandiose successes, cool feints and more goals at the opponent's goal.

The best players
And we are lovers again
Congratulations fellows,
On a special day - football!

Wish we will be happy
And victories to you, and awards
In sports, let them advance,
Joy, happiness, inspiration!

world football day,
Congratulations to the fans
Beautiful, bright matches
I wish you all from the bottom of my heart.

Heads incomparable to you,
Victory and inspiration
Let them be beautiful
On the field all the moments.

I wish you beautiful
Get into the top ten
Both in life and on the field
You do not know sadness.

All players and football fans
Today I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Let nothing ever become an obstacle
Achieve great success in football!

I wish you bright, eventful matches,
So that you only shout with joy: “Goal!”,
I wish good luck to all the players
So that we see only beautiful football!

Congratulations on Football Day
You are his devoted fan.
I always wish to be faithful to him,
Even if you, my friend, are married.

May your favorite teams win
Bringing you, of course, income.
At home, let cosiness with comfort surround
And in everything, let you be lucky.

Happy World Football Day
Let the holiday go with a bang!
Let health only grow stronger
And the game always ends in victory.

May friends never leave
Let them help you in everything.
Let the passion be shared
Let the positive come to the house.

Since football meets its holiday,
Let's score a powerful goal to our laziness,
We will run and jump briskly,
To urgently strengthen your health!

In football, there is only one flaw,
Used to watch it, sitting on the sofa,
Let's be more active
Sport right in fact to appreciate and love!

The game is so exciting
She is literally stunning!
We tirelessly follow the ball,
Then we fall silent, then, furiously, we shout!
There is no other game in the world like this
So incendiary and, simply, global!

Why do we love all football?
For ardor, excitement, passion.
When a goal is scored,
Emotions boil inside.

And with this day, football day,
I want to congratulate you
Let there be only luck in it
And a lot of bright, passionate feelings!

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