Home Potato Raclette dish. Raclette cheese: what it is, where to try and what to drink. Raclette with new potatoes, pickled cucumbers and pearl onions

Raclette dish. Raclette cheese: what it is, where to try and what to drink. Raclette with new potatoes, pickled cucumbers and pearl onions

Turmeric is an herbal perennial which belongs to the ginger family. Its other name is turmeric. The upper, ground part is of no value, but the root is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, coloring pigments and essential oils. It is thanks to its rhizome that this plant is cultivated in industrial scale and exported all over the world. The spice grows well in tropical, subtropical zones.

The main supply of the spice comes from India, where consumption per person is the highest.

How did turmeric become a world spice?

Turmeric is a plant with a rich history dating back to ancient times. In India and South China, more than 2 thousand years ago, the spice was used not only in everyday life, but also for medicinal purposes. It was part of the culture, rituals.

Since the time of the great voyages, the seasoning has spread throughout the world, and thanks to many useful properties, it has become one of the most recognizable and popular. In Europe, it was called "yellow ginger", "Indian saffron", such "mixing" was explained by the similar qualities of spices. Gradually, turmeric not only took a place next to such exquisite spices as saffron, but also won its own, huge gourmet audience, which spread far beyond Europe.

Its healing, gustatory, cosmetic properties were studied and mentioned by many great people of those times, knowledge about it was also displayed in the ancient science of health - Ayurveda.

Turmeric what is it: composition

100 gr. ground spice contains:

7.83 gr. proteins;
9.88 gr. fats;
64.93 gr. carbohydrates.

It also contains dietary fiber, ash, water. The calorie content of the spice is 354 kcal. per 100 grams.

The vitamin and mineral composition is as follows:

B vitamins;
vitamin C;
vitamin K;
vitamin PP;
vitamin E;
macronutrients: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium;
trace elements: iron, copper, manganese, selenium.

In addition, turmeric contains Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. fatty acid, phytosterols, essential oils and a coloring pigment - curcumin.

Of course, these components are in in large numbers, and given that the consumption of spices per dish is small, they are generally insignificant. But it may seem so only at first glance. In combination, these meager particles interact and have a sufficient preventive or therapeutic effect, depending on the dosage.

spice production

Available different types turmeric, but turmeric is usually eaten long ( Curcuma longa), and fragrant turmeric ( Curcuma aromatica). These types in most grown for export.

We are accustomed to taking ground turmeric, already packaged by the manufacturer in packaging.

What are the stages before this state?

The root of the plant is considered ready for use approximately 8 months after planting in the ground. During this period, they dig it out. Further, the rhizomes are boiled in special solution, dry. To give a marketable appearance, the dried roots are polished, they become a rich yellow color.

These are yellow rhizomes, sharply smelling of spices, exported to different corners world, where local producers, at their discretion, sell them whole or ground.

Advice! Turmeric root can be ground at home. Therefore, it is better to buy it in its entirety. Fresh, freshly ground turmeric will be much healthier, and will have a more spicy aroma, burning taste.

How to choose and store spices?

If the selected seasoning is ground, carefully inspect the packaging. It must be dense, airtight, with a specified period of packaging and sale. At home, to preserve the taste and aroma of spices, pour it into a glass, airtight container, do not be influenced by direct sunlight.

When buying a whole root, pay attention to the smell and appearance. It should be dense, without mechanical damage, dark yellow. The smell should be pronounced, spicy. You can store it in the refrigerator, or grind it, dry it, and place it in a glass container with a tight lid.

Turmeric in Ayurvedic Science

Turmeric as a medicinal spice is described in detail in Ayurveda. It is characterized as a pungent, astringent, bitter spice, with a warming effect throughout the body.. It is believed that it can stimulate the digestive, respiratory and circulatory system. Also, the spice can be used as a healing, antibacterial agent on the surface of the skin.

According to Ayurveda, based on turmeric, preparations can be prepared that can replace medicines, help with respiratory, gastric diseases and circulatory problems. What was described centuries ago is now proven by science. A high-quality spice brought from India has antitumor activity, blocks growth and reproduction cancer cells.

A special kind - black turmeric, is most endowed with medicinal properties, contributes to the treatment of such complex diseases as hemorrhoids, asthma, epilepsy, oncology. Black turmeric is a potent herb and should not be taken on its own without the advice of a specialist. Unfortunately, getting it from us is problematic, because black turmeric is on the verge of extinction due to climate change and biopiracy.

Skin diseases, wounds, burns, according to Ayurveda can be treated with aloe and turmeric powder. Chopped or minced aloe leaf is mixed with spice, and this paste is applied to the wound. Healing and regeneration of the skin after such a paste is much faster, and the natural base does not cause allergic reactions. It is easy to make at home and can be stored in the refrigerator.

Aloe juice along with turmeric is used to treat early stages diabetes mellitus, as an aid in atherosclerosis, gout. A "cocktail" of aloe and seasoning can also be taken for tumor processes in women, however, it is important to note here that the dosage of the spice should be high. Turmeric can replace many synthetic drugs, and at home go to recovery. But if you have chosen this path, study Ayurveda carefully, and do not forget that turmeric has contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of turmeric for medicinal purposes are as follows:

Early childhood;
acute jaundice;
diseases of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation.

Food supplement E100 and turmeric

Curcumin, present in the rhizome of the plant, is actively used in Food Industry, as a dye. It has a yellow-orange color, and is assigned an index among food additives- E100.

The natural basis of the E100 additive contributes to its increasing use. Curcumin is added during production butter, margarine, mayonnaise, mustard, hard cheeses, drinks, incl. and alcoholic. Also, spice extracts are used in the confectionery industry, and even in the production of cosmetics.

As an alternative to many synthetic dyes, E100 is approved for use in the food industry in many countries.

Good day everyone!

For a very long time I was wary of spices: it seemed to me that they irrevocably change the natural taste.

But at some point it dawned on me that herbs and spices are an independent ingredient that makes the dish sound new.

In addition, with a uniquely positive effect on health.

These, of course, are not medicines, but their regular use helps reduce the risk of many diseases, including cardiovascular and oncological ones: proven by scientists!

The leaves of the most different plants become culinary and medicinal herbs, and their other parts are ground into spices, for example, the root of ginger and turmeric, the berries of pepper.

The natural compounds that they contain are considered the most powerful anti-inflammatory agents that protect the body from oxidative and pathological processes.

And today I will tell you more about how to use turmeric.

From this article you will learn:

How to use turmeric correctly and effectively?

What is turmeric and what is it made from?

Turmeric is made from the root of the Curcuma longa plant.

It has a tough shell and a rich-colored “filling”, which turns into a yellow-orange powder with a sharp, warm taste and aroma, reminiscent of both orange and ginger.

The chemical composition and beneficial properties of turmeric

Turmeric is used in food, for medicinal purposes, as a dye, in cosmetology, as well as in Ayurveda, as one of the medicines.

It contains iron, B vitamins, magnesium and calcium.

But the main beauty and health benefits come from the active ingredient curcumin, which gives the powder its vibrant color.

Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant, healing and choleretic agent that can inhibit the growth of bacteria, increase the body's resistance during periods of infection, during chemotherapy.

Its anti-inflammatory properties allow the spice to be used to relieve a wide range diseases:

  • including ulcerative colitis
  • gynecological inflammation
  • for oral problems
  • inflammatory processes in the joints with arthritis
  • skin inflammation, even if it is “just” a cosmetic problem.

At the same time, without any toxicity of conventional drugs.

Curcumin also increases the activity of the intestinal flora, improves digestion, reduces cravings for sweets and lowers cholesterol levels, respectively, it is an excellent weight loss aid for people suffering from diabetes, cardiovascular diseases.

Health benefits of turmeric

There are several proven recipes traditional medicine which are quite safe.

  • Turmeric for colds

Gargle: Mix a pinch of turmeric and salt in a glass of warm water and gargle for a sore throat. Or add the spice to a teaspoon of honey and keep it in your mouth.

  • Turmeric as an external remedy

Turmeric is mixed with salt and a spoonful of water, and the resulting mixture is applied to traumatic swellings and hematomas until completely dry.

Also, a powder diluted with water in the form of lotions and rinses is used to treat inflammation of the gums.

  • Turmeric in cosmetology

Despite the fact that even a small amount of spice can stain the skin in yellow(don't worry, not forever), it's often used as an ingredient in masks and body wraps.

Can be mixed with flour and water until smooth, or with oatmeal, and make a face and body mask, rinsing it off as soon as it dries.

This mask has a wonderful anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect.

Anti-cellulite wraps with turmeric and clay give a good result: for 100 grams of cosmetic clay, take two teaspoons of turmeric, five drops of citrus essential oil, dilute it all warm water to the consistency of sour cream, coat problem areas and wrap with cling film for half an hour. Naturally, this should be done not once, but in a course, at least for several weeks.

  • Turmeric hair mask

Another way to use in cosmetology is to strengthen and grow hair.

A tablespoon of turmeric is mixed with two tablespoons of olive oil, rubbed into the scalp and left for 20 minutes. Perform this procedure with gloves! And I do not recommend this method for blondes, as you can get a honey shade of the roots.

Turmeric oil - beneficial properties

Pale yellow, with an absolutely incomparable woody smell, it will become an adornment of your collection!

The oil is also used as a compress for bruises and inflammation, but it is better to mix it with water so as not to cause burns.

A few drops can be added to massage oil or applied to pure form pointwise on the skin where there is inflammation and bites.

It is also added to basic moisturizers to enrich them with antioxidant properties: this makes the skin smooth, supple.

Turmeric in cooking - the secrets of application

So we got to my favorite use case. Not only does turmeric add freshness, color and flavor, it also increases the shelf life of foods.

I like to add it to all dishes with eggs: scrambled eggs, egg salad, I add it to tuna paste ( canned tuna, boiled egg, a little sour cream, salt and turmeric) is a very tasty and healthy start to the day.

This spice is combined with all others, rice and pilaf will give unique aroma, goes well with dishes with lentils and vegetable soups.

It turns out very tasty cauliflower fried in a mixture of olive oil, garlic and turmeric.

Also try mixing brown rice, raisins, coriander and a pinch of spices - it turns out not even a side dish, but a completely independent dish.

Precautions and Potential Harms of Turmeric

For medicinal purposes, in its pure form, turmeric should not be taken by children, pregnant women, patients suffering from cholelithiasis and jaundice, and those who suffer from gastritis and allergies should be used with caution.

In general, it is better to simply add spices to drinks, food, creams: in this case, in homeopathic doses, they will gently affect the sources of inflammation, generally healing the body.

And this should be done in tiny doses, literally a third of a teaspoon or on the tip of a knife: a pinch of turmeric can color and change the taste of a whole pot of rice!

How to use turmeric - video

How to store turmeric?

It is better to buy turmeric in the markets, you just need to make sure that the grinding is uniform, silky, without impurities.

This spice cannot lie open and in the sun, pay attention to this too.

The powder should be stored in a tightly closed container in a dark, dry and cool place, and if you suddenly get fresh rhizomes to grind them yourself, then you need to store the roots in the refrigerator.

By the way, here you can buy high-quality organic turmeric in the form of spices, which is ideal not only for masks, but also for ingestion.

I hope this article and turmeric will add some warmth and oriental flavor to your life! All health.

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Turmeric (lat. Curcuma) is a genus of monocot plants of the Ginger family. The rhizomes of plants of this genus contain yellow dyes and essential oils, therefore cultivated as spices and medicinal plants. Most often, the type of turmeric grown in culture is long, or domestic turmeric, or cultural turmeric, or turmeric, or yellow ginger (lat. Curcuma longa), the powder of dried roots of which is known as a spice called "turmeric". In the wild, this crop is found only in India, which today occupies a leading position in the export of spices extracted from the rhizomes of turmeric. Turmeric appeared in garden collections in the 90s of the last century.

Planting and caring for turmeric (in a nutshell)

  • Bloom: from July to October.
  • Landing: planting parts of the rhizome in the ground - in March-April.
  • Lighting: bright light or partial shade.
  • The soil: rich clay or sandy soils.
  • Watering: frequent and abundant, water consumption depends on the composition of the soil.
  • Top dressing: during the budding period, at the beginning of flowering and two weeks after its completion, with complex mineral fertilizer for decorative and deciduous plants in half the dosage indicated in the instructions.
  • Reproduction: seeds, parts of the rhizome.
  • Pests: spider mites.
  • Diseases: root rot and leaf spot.
  • Properties: is a sought-after spicy and medicinal plant with anthelmintic, antiviral, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, regenerating, tonic, sedative, warming and blood-promoting properties.

Read more about growing turmeric below.

Turmeric plant - description

Turmeric long is a herbaceous perennial, reaching a height of 90 cm. Its leaves are oval, alternating in two rows; rhizome tuberous, rounded, up to 4 cm in diameter, yellowish-gray, with annular scars from the leaves. Numerous thin roots diverge from the rhizome, at the ends of some of them small tubers form. The ground part of turmeric grows from the apical bud of the rhizome and consists of several long-petioled vaginal leaves and a peduncle, reaching a height of 30 cm and densely planted with green stipules with tips more light shade. In the axils of the stipules, located in the middle part of the peduncle, yellow three-lobed tubular, with a slightly irregular limb and a wide lip, fragrant flowers develop. All tissues of turmeric contain valuable essential oils.

In the photo: How turmeric blooms in the garden

Growing Turmeric

Planting turmeric in open ground

Turmeric can be grown both at home and in open ground, especially since, by cultivating a useful spice, you can simultaneously admire unusually beautiful flowers this plant. However, it usually takes about 9 months from germination to harvest, so growing turmeric outdoors is fine if you live in southern areas with early, warm springs and late fall. For those who live in middle lane and in regions with even cooler climates, you will have to grow turmeric at home.

Turmeric is suitable for sunny or semi-shady areas and rich clay soils, but the plant also thrives in sandy soil. Before planting, the site must be dug to a depth of at least 20 cm and loosened, then dig holes up to 15 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm and spread 2-3 pieces of turmeric rhizome in them. Each piece of rhizome should have at least one, but two buds are better, and planting material is placed in the hole with these buds up. The holes are closed so that there is a layer of soil not thinner than 2 cm above the rhizomes. After planting, the area is watered. Planting turmeric in open ground in March-April.

Turmeric care in the garden

Turmeric loves moisture very much, so timely and sufficient watering is one of the most important points in plant care. How often and how abundantly a plant needs to be watered depends not only on the climate and weather, but also on the composition of the soil in which turmeric grows. For irrigation, you need to use water heated by the sun.

Feed turmeric complex mineral fertilizers for ornamental leafy plants with a predominance of phosphorus, however, the concentration of the nutrient solution should be half that recommended by the manufacturers. Top dressing is applied during the budding period, at the very beginning of flowering and two weeks after its completion.

Otherwise, turmeric is undemanding. You will need to maintain its decorative effect by removing wilted flowers, as well as loosen the soil between the bushes after watering or rain, while simultaneously removing emerging weeds.

Collection of turmeric

How to collect turmeric

Turmeric rhizomes are dug up before the onset of cold weather, that is, in October-November, when the ground organs of the plant begin to wither. top they are cut, and the rhizomes are cleaned of soil and small roots, dipped in boiling water for a minute, so that a dye begins to be released from special cells, giving the root a yellow color, after which the raw material is dried with good ventilation for a week or two. Finished roots take the form of a horn.

How to store turmeric

Store turmeric rhizomes in boxes or containers with wet sand at a temperature of 10-12 ºC. Crushed turmeric is stored for no more than three years in a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid in a dark, cool place. Make sure that the spice does not absorb foreign odors.

Types and varieties of turmeric

Several types of turmeric are grown in culture, and each of them has its own purpose.

or Indian saffron - perennial, sometimes found in South Asia, but mainly growing in the warm massifs of India and in the eastern part of the Himalayas. The plant reaches a height of 1 m. The fleshy, narrow or elliptical, fragrant rhizomes of the plant are colored yellow from the inside, spindle-shaped tubers form on their thin roots. Oblong leaves up to 60 cm long and up to 20 cm wide are located on leaf-shaped petioles. Funnel-shaped flowers are hidden in spike-shaped inflorescences, reaching a length of 15 and a width of 8 cm. The bracts of fragrant turmeric are ovoid, up to 5 cm long, pale green, but at the top their color becomes red-red. Aromatic turmeric is a popular spice plant and is valued higher in the confectionery industry than long turmeric.

In the photo: Aromatic turmeric (Curcuma aromatica)

or turmeric, or yellow ginger is a valuable spice, also used as a dye and medicinal plant. We gave a description of this species at the beginning of the article. It only remains to add that long turmeric is one of the essential ingredients of Indian curry.

In the photo: Long turmeric (Curcuma longa)

Turmeric round (Curcuma leucorrhiza)

v natural form found only in India. The roots of this species are oblong, elongated. Narrow-lanceolate leaves are located on petioles. The flowers have round shape for which the plant got its name. In Indian culture, it is customary to make starch from the roots of turmeric round: the roots are dug up and crushed in a mortar or ground with stone millstones, then moisture is manually squeezed out of the resulting mass and filtered through a cloth, and the mass is dried and used as starch.

it is found in nature not only in India, but also in Indonesia, and this plant is cultivated in South China, on the island of Java, in Thailand and, of course, in India. This species reaches a height of one and a half meters, but can be higher. On leaves up to 80 cm long, violet-brown veins extending from the central vein are very noticeable. The bracts of the plant are bright pink, fragrant flowers form inflorescences extending from the rhizome even before the leaves appear. The root of the plant, the size of a pigeon's egg, is pear-shaped, has a camphor aroma, a bitter-burning taste, and is used in the production of liqueurs and confectionery.

In the photo: Turmeric zedoaria (Curcuma zedoaria)

Small turmeric (Curcuma exigua)

- a plant up to 80 cm high with fleshy, yellow inside, multiple branched root rhizomes. Tubers form at the ends of the roots of the plant. Green with purple lanceolate leaves, decorated along the central vein with a reddish stripe, are located on petioles 5-8 cm long. The length of the leaf plate reaches 20, and the width is up to 7 cm. The flowers of this species are yellow, elliptical, oval-elliptical bracts, with white - purple top. The corolla is pale purple. Flowering lasts from August to October. Turmeric small is grown exclusively as an ornamental plant.

Turmeric Sumatran (Curcuma sumatrana)

- endemic to the island of Sumatra, first described more than 150 years ago. Outwardly, this very attractive plant resembles homemade turmeric. The species is declared endangered due to a sharp reduction in the area of ​​​​the range. In culture, Sumatran turmeric is grown as an ornamental plant.

Properties of turmeric - harm and benefit

Useful properties of turmeric

Turmeric roots are rich in starch and essential oils, and the polyphenol curcumin gives them a characteristic yellow color. In addition, turmeric contains lipids, proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, B vitamins (choline, pyridoxine, riboflavin, thiamine), vitamins E, PP, C, K, betaine, mineral salts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, sodium, manganese , iron, zinc, sulfur and copper, omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, phytosterols and monoterpenes. Due to its composition, turmeric has anthelmintic, antiviral, antiseptic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, regenerating, tonic, sedative, warming and blood-promoting properties.

Turmeric is a natural antiseptic, so it is used to disinfect burns and cuts. It stops the development of melanoma and destroys the already formed cells of this formation, and also slows down the development of Alzheimer's disease and dissolves deposits of amyloid plaques in the brain.

In the photo: How turmeric blooms

Turmeric prevents the appearance of metastases most different forms cancer. In combination with cauliflower, turmeric delays the development of a malignant tumor of the prostate. The use of turmeric during chemotherapy enhances the therapeutic effect and reduces side effects from toxic drugs.

Turmeric is used as a natural detoxifier for the liver, it takes part in the metabolism of fats, and with its help it is easier to get rid of excess weight. Turmeric is a powerful antidepressant widely used in Chinese traditional medicine.

Turmeric is successfully used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, it promotes regeneration skin for inflammatory skin diseases, boils, eczema and psoriasis, and a paste made from turmeric and aloe juice heals burns quickly and well.

Turmeric is used for colds, sore throats and severe coughs, migraines, atherosclerosis, chronic diarrhea, ulcerative colitis and gallstone disease. but special interest in the population causes the ability of turmeric to reduce weight. How to take turmeric to get rid of extra pounds? Dilute half a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of bio-kefir, let the drink stand for 15-30 minutes and drink it before bed. The course is 1-2 months.

Turmeric belongs to the ginger family and is a medicinal herbaceous plant, which is most often used in cooking in the form of spices and medicinal purposes. Also, on the basis of ground seasoning, home remedies are prepared for healing hair and skin. Many are interested in the benefits and harms of spices, so let's talk about everything in order.

Composition of turmeric

spice has average calorie content, per 100 gr. spices accounted for 355 units. This is not much, given the fact that turmeric is not consumed in large quantities because of the specific taste.

Lots of turmeric nutrients which are represented by mineral compounds, vitamins, dietary fiber, fatty and organic acids. The value lies in the fact that the chemical list of substances is completely balanced.

The spice is rich in tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamin PP, thiamine, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, riboflavin, niacin. All of these vitamins must be ingested with food for the proper functioning of important human systems.

Of the mineral compounds, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium, iron, copper, calcium and magnesium are found in large quantities. The plant is not deprived of esters and their components: borneol, curcumin, turpentine.

Curcumin is of particular value, it gives the seasoning a reddish tint and has anti-cancer properties. Turmeric must be consumed by everyone, without exception, for the prevention of oncological ailments.

Benefits of Turmeric

  1. Due to its regenerating properties, ground turmeric is used as a lotion in the treatment of dermatological problems. The spice improves the condition of the skin with eczema, psoriasis, furunculosis, purulent wounds and cuts.
  2. The seasoning has absorbent and antioxidant properties, so it should be eaten with food, alcohol, toxic poisoning. The spice helps reduce flatulence.
  3. Not without useful properties for the digestive system. Turmeric starts all metabolic processes in the body, which improves food absorption and absorption. useful substances walls of the esophagus.
  4. Spice for the reason described above is used for weight loss. Just a pinch of spice added to tea will help transform carbohydrates into energy, not waist fat.
  5. Turmeric is often used to treat joint pain and gout. Turmeric reduces pain, promotes the breakdown of salts and improves the course of ailments in general.
  6. Due to its ability to increase intracranial pressure, headaches and severe migraines disappear. Also, turmeric removes excess sugar from the blood, facilitating the condition of the patient with diabetes.
  7. The main advantage of turmeric over other spices lies in the ability to remove cholesterol plaques from the blood channels. The walls of blood vessels are sealed, prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis is carried out.
  8. Powerful antioxidant properties encourage people to use the spice to eliminate salts heavy metals, radioactive substances, toxic compounds. Against this background, cancer prevention is carried out.
  9. Turmeric is especially valued by residents southern regions. The spice should be consumed daily by girls for the prevention of breast cancer, and for everyone, without exception, to prevent skin cancer.
  10. For respiratory diseases, it is necessary to mix turmeric with honey and warm milk. Such a tool will quickly relieve inflammation, remove sputum from the cavity respiratory tract, eliminate the heat.
  11. Curcumin, which is part of the spice, stimulates brain activity. At frequent use spice improves memory as well as important cognitive function. Turmeric prevents the development of senile dementia.

The use of ground spice for cosmetic purposes is fully justified. The product is especially beneficial for the skin and hair. On the basis of spices, all kinds of scrubs and masks are prepared, consider some recipes.

  1. Facial rejuvenator. Due to its lifting effect, the spice is used to tighten the skin, eliminate wrinkles, and whiten pigmentation. Combine the ground spice with warm milk in such a way that you get a mass of pasty consistency at the exit. Apply to the skin, avoiding the section around the eyes. Massage, rubbing, wait 30-40 minutes.
  2. Remedy for inflammation and stretch marks. This composition can be used in the presence of stretch marks (stretch marks) and severe skin rashes. Thanks to the anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and tightening action, the skin condition is noticeably improved. Mix black or blue clay with turmeric in equal proportions. Apply to problem areas and wait for it to dry.
  3. Skin moisturizer and exfoliator. Especially often this composition is used to remove dead skin scales on the skin of the body and face. Along with this, moisturizing and nourishing the cover is carried out. Connect 100 gr. thick sour cream with two tablespoons of turmeric. Stir, enter 20 gr. coarse salt. Scrub the areas you need until you feel soft.
  4. Hair improver. The value of turmeric in cosmetology is noticed due to the effect of the spice on hairline and scalp. The spice treats dandruff, seborrhea, alopecia, fat content and other problems. Connect 4 cold egg yolks with a tablespoon of spices and beat with a mixer. Apply to root area and rub in. Wash off after 30 minutes with shampoo.

Benefits of turmeric oil

  1. The oil is in great demand in the field of folk healing and cosmetology. For arthritis, mix 30 ml. warmed olive oil with 10 drops of turmeric ester. Apply this mixture to the affected areas.
  2. In small quantities, the oil must be taken to prevent oncology that affects the digestive system. The composition neutralizes the effect of free radicals on the body.
  3. Oil improves blood composition, raises hemoglobin, replenishes iron deficiency (useful for patients with anemia). It is necessary for girls during menstruation and ladies with menopause.
  4. The composition restores the activity of the digestive system, eliminates severe congestion, and stops the fermentation of food in the intestines. It can be used to combat stretch marks on the skin after childbirth.
  5. In addition to use for humans, the composition is used for domestic purposes. A small amount of oil mixed with water will rid the room of unpleasant odors and kill bacteria.
  6. As for the field of cosmetology, oil is used to lubricate areas of the skin affected by psoriasis, eczema or dermatitis. The composition copes with severe hair loss in women and men.

  1. If you decide to add spice to children's diet nutrition, then the manipulation should be carried out gradually. Most of these products are strong allergens.
  2. If you gradually introduce the spice into the diet, you can soon identify specific reason allergy development.
  3. Further, you can easily exclude the spice from the child's menu. If you consume turmeric in moderate portions, the product will bring invaluable benefits to the children's body.
  4. Raw material forms strong immunity, increases the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Turmeric acts as a prophylactic against leukemia in children. To minimize the intake of various medications, turmeric will be an excellent alternative to a remedy.
  6. To cure pharyngitis, you need to mix 2 gr. ground turmeric and 15 gr. honey. Stir the products until smooth. Let the child dissolve the mixture three times a day. The condition will improve significantly the next day.
  7. A solution will help strengthen weak and bleeding gums. Such a pathology was observed in children quite rarely. However, prevention will not be superfluous. To do this, dissolve in 250 ml. non-hot water 3 gr. plant powder.
  8. For fresh wounds and cuts, ground turmeric can quickly stop heavy bleeding. Also, raw materials contribute to the healing of burns. To prepare medicinal composition, you need to combine in equal amounts aloe juice and plant powder.
  9. The raw material has proven itself well as a remedy for acne in adolescence. To prepare the composition, it is necessary to mix the powder with mineral water without gas. The result should be a creamy mass.

Turmeric for cardiovascular health

  1. The systematic use of the product perfectly thins the blood. As a result, the risk of developing thrombosis is reduced to a minimum. Anticoagulants in the form of Ibuprofen and Aspirin are most often used as an alternative to drugs in the form of medicines.
  2. Unfortunately, these drugs are provided side effects which cannot be said about turmeric. If you do not abuse the powder and take only 2 grams. per day, then there will be no health problems.

Turmeric for the nervous system

  1. The powder has proven itself in the treatment of depressive conditions and severe stress. Turmeric acts as a sedative.
  2. The plant is saturated with a subgroup of vitamins B. Active enzymes restore nervous system. The powder is actively involved in the synthesis of the hormones dopamine and serotonin.

  1. Official medicine has confirmed the fact that the powder has a positive effect on the condition of patients with cancer. The powder stops the growth and development of cancer cells, free radicals.
  2. The introduction of the product into the diet has shown that the active components inhibit the growth blood vessels at the site of tumor development. It also increases the death of carcinogenic cells.
  3. The positive effect is achieved due to the combination of anti-inflammatory, immuno-regulatory and antioxidant properties of the product.
  4. The undoubted advantage of the plant is that the active components significantly slow down the growth of cancer cells when various types oncological diseases.
  5. Turmeric showed itself best of all in the treatment of pathologies of the stomach, large intestine, pancreas, milk and prostate, lungs, oral cavity, throat.
  6. If stick practical advice and follow the instructions exactly, can be improved soon general state patient and achieve remission.
  7. Try taking a health course with turmeric. Connect 1 gr. powder with 10 ml. olive oils of the highest grade. Stir in a pinch of ground black pepper. Dilute the product in 250 ml. warm water. Drink the remedy three times a day.
  8. Warm up on a steam bath 60 ml. olive oil up to 40 degrees. Stir in 1 teaspoon each of ground turmeric, cumin, coriander, and mustard. Pour in 2 gr. ground pepper, 2 bay leaves and a pinch of salt. Simmer the composition up to 50 degrees. Don't forget to stir. After cooling, combine the components with 300 ml. goat milk. Enter in the 300 gr. cauliflower. Boil the product for 8 minutes. Take the remedy twice a day. Divide the serving into 2 portions.

Harm of turmeric

  1. Despite the invaluable benefits of the composition, turmeric in certain cases can be harmful to the body. It is forbidden to take the powder during course treatment with strong medications.
  2. If you decide to improve your health with chronic ailments with the help of a plant, it is strongly recommended that you coordinate everything with your doctor.
  3. The powder is not recommended for urolithiasis and stones in gallbladder. The composition can provoke serious complications.

Turmeric belongs to unique products with a valuable composition. With the help of raw materials, you can improve your health and get rid of many pathologies. Consider contraindications before starting a treatment course. Do not forget to coordinate such actions with your doctor.

Video: the benefits of water with turmeric

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