Home Mushrooms Where can I get a certificate for my child to go to camp? Medical certificates required for entry into the camp. Where is the certificate issued?

Where can I get a certificate for my child to go to camp? Medical certificates required for entry into the camp. Where is the certificate issued?

Information for traveling to Kid `s camp- these are medical documents confirming that the child’s condition does not pose a danger to the health of other children. Without their registration, the child’s stay in the children’s camp is not allowed.

The need for a medical examination and provision of certificates eliminates sick children and reduces the risk of infection, because in the children's camp children communicate closely, and any diseases can instantly spread.

Certificate form 079/у

Certificate form 079/у is the main medical document for a trip to a camp or any other organization of children's recreation and recreation. The certificate form was developed by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

What information is indicated in the certificate form 079/у:

  • information about previous diseases;
  • instructions about the need to take certain medications;
  • information about vaccinations indicating that the child was given a Mantoux test or Diaskintest results with no expiration date more than a year; or a conclusion from a phthisiatrician according to the established template;
  • child health group;
  • make a note about the child’s lack of contact with patients with infectious diseases.

How long does it take to obtain a certificate to travel to the camp?

The certificate must be completed before going to the camp. In order not to be late with registration, you need to take into account some factors:

  • how busy is the clinic or other medical institution where you plan to receive a certificate;
  • to obtain a certificate, you will need to take tests, wait for their results and a doctor’s conclusion - this also requires some time (in the recommendations for filling out a certificate there is no direct indication of the need for tests, but most pediatricians do not rely on an external examination alone and give a referral for general analysis blood, urine, feces for worms and enterobiasis);
  • you need to know the work schedule of doctors and the work of medical organizations - there may be various unforeseen circumstances that delay the process of obtaining a certificate.

The optimal time to start registration is about two weeks before the date of departure for the camp. You can apply even earlier, but it is important to remember that the validity period of the certificate is limited.

Validity period of certificate 079/у

The legally established validity period of certificate 079/у for the camp is three months. It must be valid for the entire time the child will spend in the camp. The classic shift duration is 21 days.

Exceptions to the rules:

  1. If a child, without leaving the camp, wants to stay for a second shift, the validity period of the certificate must take this possibility into account.
  2. If a child leaves the camp for at least one day, the administration has the right to demand a new certificate from him. Theoretically, during his stay outside the camp he could have become infected and imagines potential danger for other children. Even if the expiration date of certificate 079/y for the camp has not yet expired, you will have to contact the doctors again for examination and obtain a new certificate.
  3. In a situation where a child moves from one camp to another, the child will also need to register new certificate, even if the previous one is still valid in terms of time.

Where is the certificate issued?

A certificate in form 079/у is issued in medical organization(or another organization, such as a school health center). It is filled out by a doctor or nurse after they have examined the child.

The certificate is signed by the doctor indicating his last name, first name and patronymic. The form is valid only if the date of issue is indicated and the seal of the medical organization is present (the full indication of the medical organization must be clearly visible on the seal imprint).

What other medical documents may be needed to travel to the camp?

The certificate form in form 079/у has been created uniformly for all children's recreation and recreation organizations. But some camps require additional certificates to increase security:

  • in camps where there are swimming pools, you must provide a certificate of admission to visit the pool indicating an examination for enterobiasis. The established validity period for the enterobiasis certificate for the camp is 3 months;

"Documents required to pass
medical examination when sending a child to a children's camp with Mosgortur in 2016"

Dear Parents!

For successful completion For medical examination upon departure to the camp, you must provide the following documents:

  • Certificate in form 079/у

According to Order No. 834 of December 15, 2014, the validity of this certificate is no more than six months from the date of issue.

Standard certificates are accepted educational institution or medical institution (clinic, medical Center, medical office, etc.) with a triangular, rectangular seal (address of the institution), as well as a round seal of the pediatrician, if available).

Draw your attention to, that the certificate in paragraph 7 requires information about the test p. Mantu valid for no more than a year before the date of departure to the camp.

In accordance with SanPin. "Prevention of tuberculosis" part 5: clause 5.1. clause 6.2. Otherwise it is necessary to mandatory provide a report on the state of health from a phthisiatrician, an established sample of a medical institution, or the results of a diaskintest with a validity period of no more than a year from the date of issue in accordance with Article 10., Article 39, paragraph 3 (Compliance sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs And legal entities) Federal Law dated March 30, 1999 N 52-FZ "On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population", part 5.p.5.7 of SanPiN. “Prevention of tuberculosis”: (5.7. Children for whom tuberculin diagnosis has not been carried out are admitted to the children's organization if there is a conclusion from a TB doctor about the absence of the disease, as well as a Decision Supreme Court RF dated 02/17/2015 N AKPI14-1454. (“On refusal to satisfy the application to invalidate clause 1.3 and paragraph two of clause 5.7 of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules SP “Prevention of Tuberculosis”, approved by the Resolution of the Main State sanitary doctor RF dated October 22, 2013 N 60”).

  • Information about the epidemiological environment(about contacts), with information that no infectious diseases were registered within 21 days. The certificate must be issued no earlier than 3 days before departure to the camp.
  • If there is a pool at the camp you must provide a standard certificate of admission to visit the pool from a medical institution on the basis
    SanPiN “Swimming pools”. The certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue.
  • A trip to the camp.
  • Original and copy of birth certificate for children up to 14 years old, original and copy of passport(spread of the first page with a photo and the registration page for children from 14 years old.
  • Copy of the policy compulsory health insurance.
  • Certificate indicating the results of analysis for helminth eggs and enterobiasis and a copy thereof (for children under 11 years of age). Please note: if you are preparing a certificate for the pool, then the results of the analysis for helminth eggs and enterobiasis are indicated in it, in which case a separate certificate is not required.
  • In case of chronic diseases, medications must be accompanied by a certificate from the attending physician with the seal of the medical institution.

During a medical examination, doctors check not only the presence of all the necessary certificates and notes on the vaccinations given, but also examine the child to exclude the possibility of the presence of diseases. external signs(pediculosis, fungal infections, etc.).

Please note that the examination is carried out by current qualified medical personnel of Moscow city clinics (senior nurse, pediatrician, head of the pediatric department).

We kindly ask you to strictly follow the instructions of the employees during the inspection.

We recommend that when contacting a medical or educational institution To obtain certificate 079/у, adhere to the following sample in terms of correctly and completely filling out the items on the certificate. This measure will allow us to improve the quality of services provided as part of the Summer Wellness Campaign.

Please note that if you have a refusal to undergo preventive vaccinations, please include information about this in clause 7 of the certificate.

When the time comes summer holidays, parents are trying to find appropriate place for your child’s recreation: , or sports facilities. After you have decided where your child will spend his holidays, you need to collect documents that he will definitely need at the camp. We will tell you what should be included in the list of required documents.

How to get a medical certificate for the camp: algorithm of actions

The most important advice is to start collecting those documents that you do not have, so we start with a medical certificate. It is best to start preparing documents 2 weeks before departure to the camp.

1. We go to the local pediatrician, It is he who issues certificates for the camp in form No. 079/u. You need to take with you the child’s outpatient card, vaccination passport, birth certificate, child’s medical insurance and the passport of one of the parents. If a child goes to a medical sanatorium, then you need to know what diseases it specializes in treating.

2. The pediatrician examines the child and fills out necessary documents and, if necessary, issues referrals to specialists. You can go through them in advance.

4. After all the specialists, with the test results Let's go back to the pediatrician. If there are no contraindications and the test results are normal, then the doctor completely fills out the medical certificate. We check the correctness of all data.

5. Three days before going to camp, we visit the pediatrician again, who writes a separate certificate about a favorable epidemiological environment (certificate of contacts, certificate of sanitary epidemiological environment) - which indicates that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients over the past three weeks.

After receiving the medical certificate in hand, all you have to do is make copies of the necessary documents and put everything in a special folder. The child also needs to be shown everything so that he knows exactly what documents he has and where they are.

Documents and certificates that are required

1. Medical certificate for the child, leaving for the camp (form No. 079/u), which is filled out by a pediatrician based on the child’s outpatient card.

2. Statement of preventive vaccinations and Mantoux samples from school or nursery preschool which the child attends.

3. Examination result for helminths during the last 3 months (stool analysis for helminth eggs and scraping for enterobiasis).

4. Certificate of no contact with infectious patients from the children's clinic at your place of residence (take it the day before departure).

5. Copy of medical policy

6. Well, and, of course, the voucher itself(if it is paid, then with a receipt of payment)


Two certificates are required for any children's camp.

1. Certificate for a child leaving for a children’s camp (form 079/u) - this is an official medical document that is mandatory for all schoolchildren going on vacation to summer, sports, health, and other camps. The certificate indicates the child’s data, address, place of study, health status, indicators physical development child, regimen recommended by doctor, transferred infectious diseases and vaccination records indicating the date of most recent vaccinations.
You should get a certificate at the school first aid station or clinic. You can complete it at the end school year, and it will be valid all summer, or issue it as needed. If a child will be vacationing in several camps, you need to pick up a certificate from one camp and transfer it to the next. The certificate is valid for three months.

2. Certificate about the epidemiological environment - absence of infectious contacts. The certificate is issued by the local pediatrician at the place of residence. For the first shift, a certificate can be issued by the school doctor. The certificate confirms that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients during the last three weeks at the time of issuing the certificate. The certificate is valid for three days from the date of issue.

Additional certificates that may be required for a specific camp.

1. Certificate with test results for enterobiasis and worm eggs. The analysis (scraping) is taken at the clinic; as a rule, the result of the analysis can be found out 1-2 days after the examination. The results of the scraping for enterobiasis are valid for 10 days, so you do not need to take it earlier than 10 days before the start of your stay, so you don’t have to repeat the test. Most camps require a certificate to visit the pool with the results of an analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs. But some camps require a certificate for enterobiasis, even if there is no swimming pool. Therefore, carefully read the list of required documents for the camp of your choice.
2. Certificate for visiting the pool. If the list of documents does not indicate that this certificate should contain an analysis for enterobiasis and worm eggs, then this can be a regular certificate allowing the child to visit the pool.

3. Certificate of absence of pediculosis and scabies. This may be a separate certificate, or this information may be included in the certificate of epidemiological environment. The certificate is valid for three days from the date of issue.
4. If the camp requires any specific certificate , information about this is contained in the “Documents” section of a particular camp.

There are children's camps, as a rule, these are large popular centers, for example, "Artek", "Orlyonok", which require the preparation of their own medical cards. To do this, you must receive the appropriate form when concluding the contract and execute it properly.

A list of all necessary documents for sending a child to camp is given on the page of each specific camp on the “Documents” tab.


You do not need to provide a certificate when purchasing a tour. The availability of medical certificates and their contents are checked upon departure to the camp.

However, if the child has any health conditions or illnesses, be sure to discuss this before concluding a contract and purchasing a voucher. Many diseases are a contraindication for a child to stay in the camp (asthma, epilepsy, enuresis, etc.). At the same time, some camps may accept a child with a certain diagnosis, while others may refuse. Therefore, clarification of this point is important.

Some children's camps have special rules admission of children to the camp, for example, having a medical examination 1-2 days before the start of the shift or providing a complete set of documents to the office 2-3 days before departure. These nuances are described in the “Documents” section on the page of each camp.

Medical contraindications for traveling to a health camp.

The health camp does not accept children with acute diseases, as well as chronic diseases, such as all forms of tuberculosis, rheumatism in the active and interictal period, diseases of the hematopoietic organs, epilepsy and its equivalents, nephritis, pyelonephritis, diabetes, all contagious skin diseases (scabies, pediculosis), etc. It is recommended to have your child checked by a dentist before traveling.

Holidays in a children's camp mean a comfortable pastime and health improvement, a lot of positive emotions and intense entertainment. But before you go on an exciting journey, you will have to prepare for it.

Analyzes and certificates that need to be collected

Before sending your child to camp, it is important to undergo a medical examination and tests. Exists special certificate with number 079, in which the pediatrician indicates current state the child’s health, illnesses he had previously suffered and vaccinations he received. The same certificate notes the results of the latest tests and the results of visits to other specialists (usually a dermatologist and a surgeon).

The standard list of tests for such a certificate is

  • general blood analysis,
  • general urine analysis,
  • stool analysis for worm eggs and protozoa.

If there are deviations, the pediatrician prescribes additional tests, the results of which are also recorded in the certificate.

Vaccinations that were given to the child are also recorded in a separate block of the certificate. Not only the date of vaccination is indicated, but also the vaccination series. In addition, everyone the parent must have a vaccination certificate with them, which also indicates all vaccinations and revaccinations performed. Required camps to attend include:

  • vaccinations against mumps,
  • measles,
  • tuberculosis,
  • hepatitis B,
  • rubella,
  • polio.

In addition, an annual Mantoux reaction is required..

Contrary to what you think about these pieces of paper after endless visits to doctors, the medical staff of the camp needs a certificate in order to know exactly how to help him faster and more effectively in a given situation. That's why medical examination should not be neglected. This data will help you organize the conditions correctly. physical education and recreational activities. Availability is also required certificates from an infectious disease specialist, which is evidence that the child has not had contact with patients with infectious diseases over the past three weeks.

Don't forget your documents!

Be sure to collect everything in advance Required documents. Besides special certificate You need to take it with you to camp voucher And payment receipt, birth certificate or passport, if the child already has it, and also medical insurance. Just in case Make copies of each document and take them with you.

Camp abroad

The list of documents expands if your child goes to foreign camp. For travel you will need international passport, consent of both parents to leave(it must be notarized!), photos for visa, if necessary, as well as special forms and copies Russian documents child and both parents.

Remember that you need to prepare for a trip to the camp in advance, because even a medical examination takes more than one day, and if we are talking about registration foreign passport, it may take a month!

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