Home Useful tips What does the name David mean in Arab countries? David and his personal life. Folk signs and customs

What does the name David mean in Arab countries? David and his personal life. Folk signs and customs

You must pay Special attention First of all, on the quality of the purchased items. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all. Your appearance number is “Four.” The practicality of the “two” is reflected, among other things, in her manner of dressing. You should pay special attention, first of all, to the quality of the items you purchase. Preference should be given to clothing of a simple and strict style, wearable, comfortable and discreet. The main thing is to look correct and neat. And dressing “like you’re going to a ball” doesn’t suit you at all.

Compatibility of the name David, manifestation in love

David, for you, marriage is like a long-term partnership. You are capable of the most sublime love and the most sincere affection, but do not tolerate attacks on your freedom in any form. And as soon as you feel that the bonds of marriage are turning into fetters on your feet, you react violently and unambiguously, introducing an imbalance into family life. If your partner has the common sense not to focus on your marital responsibilities, coexistence can be long, calm and happy.


You strive for freedom with all your heart. Any framework and restrictions weigh on your soul, constraining its movements like shackles. You need space. Therefore, when choosing between stable well-being and the undivided right to dispose of yourself, you always choose the latter.

Whenever fate provides you with the opportunity to somehow diversify your life, you without hesitation give up what you already have in favor of something new, still unknown. “Being overgrown with moss” is clearly not for you. You move through life easily, adapting to any circumstances. The process of movement itself is what your soul craves.

You just have to remember that “a hundred friends” will never replace one “heart friend”. Your reluctance to establish a stable relationship, to “settle” for a long time on one attachment, may subsequently become the reason for the formation of a complete vacuum around you, loneliness, which will be difficult for you to come to terms with.

Therefore, try not to miss the moment when freedom ceases to bring joy.

Balanced Strong Kind

David Belle, French actor

  • Meaning of the name
  • Impact on the child

What does the name David mean?

The meaning of the name David has Hebrew roots. Translated from Hebrew, it is interpreted as “beloved”, “favorite”.

On the territory of Russia, the folk form – Davyd – has taken root, and from it the common surname – Davydov – appeared. Muslims revere King David under the name Daoud.

The name became widespread throughout Europe. It has a large number of equivalents in different languages: in England - David, in Finland - Taavetti, in Scotland - Daivi, in Italy - Davide. The Tatars also borrowed it from Europe, and currently it is very popular among the Tatar population.

The energy of this name is very strong. David is not only strong physically, but also mentally.

He will not throw words to the wind. He tends to take risks; thrills make his life rich.

David's character is not without cynicism, but it is compensated by openness and directness. Strong, kind, stubborn and purposeful - this is how he appears to others.

Would you name your child this name?

The origin of the name David is inextricably linked with the biblical character - an ordinary shepherd who became the king of the Israeli-Jewish state.

According to legend, Matthew was the direct ancestor of Jesus Christ. During the war with the Philistines, he was able to defeat the giant Goliath, which put an end to the war. His exploits did not end there: he defeated Jerusalem, making it the capital of Israel.

The description of his duel with Goliath is presented so colorfully and in detail that as a result, a large number of beautiful works of art appeared.

In Orthodoxy, David of Thessalonica is considered the patron saint of all representatives of this name, whom the church clergy remembers in prayers on July 9. He settled in a hut near the city of Thessaloniki and spent 70 years there in prayer. During all this time, he observed strict fasting and bravely withstood heat and cold. For his torment and patience, he received the gift of healing from God and cured many people.

Name forms

Simple: David Full: David Antique: DavidAffectionate: Davidka

The positive characteristics of the name David are expressed in its self-confidence and poise. No matter what happens, he maintains external calm and knows how to act in any situation. In addition, endowed with an analytical mind, the representative of this name understands everything himself, comprehending the essence of the origin of events.

Negative characteristics of David include being overly ambitious and calculating. He is rarely sincere, preferring to talk about abstract topics. No one will be aware of his plans and ideas.

From the perspective of numerology, the secret of the name David is revealed with the help of the number 6, which promises a successful future for people who are able to gain trust in others.

They may become politicians or hold high government positions. Their optimism and cheerfulness are contagious, they simply sparkle with happiness if they get what they want. But their complacency can reach alarming proportions and cause a negative reaction from others.

A man named David will never question his capabilities, is persistent in achieving his goals, and is proud of everything he has. Willpower helps him achieve what he wants, and good nature attracts supporters to his side.

David loves to be noticed and praised. He is characterized by selfishness and puts his own benefit and interests first. His character is not endowed with envy or rancor. He will spare nothing for his loved ones and rarely gets offended by them.

"Favorite"? this is what the name David means, he is truly appreciated and loved by those around him.

For his part, he does not tolerate lies, he can flare up, but quickly moves away. Being physically and spiritually strong, he reserves the role of leader for himself.

David should not associate his professional activity with monotonous, monotonous work. It will bring him nothing but irritation and dissatisfaction. This man gives great importance career and advancement through the ranks.

At heart, David is a romantic. The story of adventures and distant countries will attract him not only in childhood, but also in adulthood. He will never refuse to travel, especially in the company of good friends. New emotions and impressions inspire him and make him more energetic.

Character traits











David is a connoisseur female beauty. But as a wife, he chooses not only a beautiful, but also an intelligent one. strong-willed woman, which will provide support in the implementation of his plans.

This man is a wonderful family man. He becomes not only a “favorite” - this is what the name David means, but also a reliable support for his family, solving all everyday problems: from building a house to preparing dinner.

David will find his happiness in his second marriage. He is kind to his children. Shows understanding and trust when communicating with them.

Meaning of the name David for a boy

Meaning biblical name David is borrowed from Hebrew. In translation, this word is interpreted as “beloved.”

The name has become widespread in all parts of our planet. In Russia, the “Western” version of this name is often found - David.

The phonosemantics of the name creates the impression of masculinity, heroism and beauty. There is a sense of balance and confidence about him.

But this does not mean that David will have these qualities without effort on the part of his parents.

David is sweet, sociable, energetic and active child. Well-built physically, he will prefer playing sports to reading books.

The boy's behavior is characterized by self-confidence; he strives to please and attract attention. Wants to always be aware of events.

Moreover, the role of an ordinary observer does not suit him. This child will give advice, intervene, suggest.

Girls pay attention to him not only because of his appearance, but also because he is fair and objective.

What will David be successful at?

For successful professional activity Activities related to business trips and movement are suitable for David.

He can become an excellent diplomat, explorer, and navigator. He will show his analytical skills in the field of construction or trade.

Possessing good physical shape, David can become a successful athlete.

The character and behavior of this boy are greatly influenced by his upbringing. By nature, he has calmness and a sufficient degree of self-confidence.

But the child is not devoid of pride, and if parents apply harsh measures towards him, they risk making him an irritable and hot-tempered person.

This very rarely happens to David, because he completely lacks cruelty and vindictiveness, but good nature and gentleness are fully present.

What games will David like?

Neither in childhood nor in adolescence, David will not be lonely, he will always have enough friends with whom he will find mutual understanding and provide himself with interesting leisure time.

Active games and activities are suitable for the child. Has a great interest in adventure films and novels.

It's solid male name in its sound it is often associated with strength mixed with friendliness, and this is quite justified, because the meaning of the name David contains precisely such qualities.

Little David is very friendly and helpful, and as soon as he learns to smile, expect that any sweet Nothing even from stranger will be generously gifted with positive emotions. Parents who have chosen the meaning of the name David for a boy will have to raise a truly “golden” baby.

He almost never causes problems with his behavior, as in kindergarten, and at school. He always treats elders with respect, and is very, very rarely rude and impudent. The openness and sociability of this little star evokes a lot of affection among those around him; no one can touch the soul of even the most callous person like this sweet child.

In general, the meaning of the name David for a child predicts a happy and carefree childhood for the baby, where he will only cause trouble to his parents from time to time, and even then, they will be associated with a reluctance to spend time on textbooks - the boy prefers sports and active entertainment.

Mom and dad should instill in the baby at least a modicum of perseverance and attach great importance to raising this overactive child. Davidka often grows up very hyperactive and cannot sit and do one thing for a long time. But if you cultivate commitment in him, then the interpretation of the name will only change for the better.


The grown-up David will never be deprived of female attention. He always attaches great importance to his appearance and behavior. This means that women often see him as an extravagant and confident man. In addition, he, like no one else, is capable of empathy and compassion, can support in Hard time, and is not at all afraid of women's tears.

Women are also impressed by strength and generosity, and these qualities, seasoned with a bit of selfishness, will break the heart of more than one lady. No, a man doesn’t like to play with feelings at all, it’s just that this man’s charisma attracts the fairer sex, but if he doesn’t like such attention, he immediately makes it clear - honesty in life is of paramount importance to him.

One day there comes a moment when a dream woman comes across his way, with whom he falls deeply and recklessly in love. And most often, the girl reciprocates. Stormy and passionate relationships in many cases develop into something more than just affection, and then the man without hesitation goes to start a family.


This guy’s first marriage most often occurs at a fairly young age for a man, and just as often, family life does not allow strong feelings to remain so. Statistics say that David's first marriage breaks up as quickly as it began.

His ideal woman must be strong and self-sufficient, which means the special importance of intelligence in the chosen one. Only with such a family will the family be strong and happy. For the sake of such a family, this man will even stand at the stove and cook lunch, breakfast and dinner - by the way, he does it well, and he does not attach importance to the fact that this is a woman’s business.

And when the kids appear, he will try with all his might to raise them into worthy people, so that he can be proud of them. We can say that he is too strict in his upbringing, but, nevertheless, children respect and love their dad.

Business and career

From birth he is endowed with all the makings of a businessman, which means he is able to earn a lot. Analytical mind, strong grip, high intelligence - flammable mixture for a brilliant and rapid career, and rest assured that the business will fail only if he stops liking what he does.

Even if you don’t manage to open your own business, in any job that this person likes, he will always be the first. He could make an excellent sports coach, engineer, architect or designer. The main thing is to show your intelligence. He attaches great importance to public recognition.

Origin of the name David

Historians attribute Hebrew origins to the name David, and the word means "Beloved" in Hebrew. Also, the area where this name came from can be considered Muslim countries, where in ancient times there was a king named consonantly - Daoud.

The etymology of this word leads us to the second king of Israel. This is one of the most bright personalities V biblical history, whose name is respected and revered by three religions at once - Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Until now, the mystery of the name of this king remains unsolved; archaeological and historical research is constantly being carried out, which opens up more and more new horizons for the activities of the king and Bethlehem. Just look at the story of an unequal battle with the hero Goliath, where he, practically unarmed, won an unconditional victory.

Characteristics of the name David

Complete balance, and the absence of any shadow of doubt in one’s actions - main characteristic named David. His self-confidence often borders on selfishness, so this proud man’s character is unique, and it has its pros and cons.

Despite his sociability, openness and good nature, no one would dare call David soft and manageable. He independently builds his own destiny, and if he has already made a fateful decision, no amount of persuasion and argument will convince this stubborn man.

A drop of selfishness only adds zest to this man’s personality. It cannot be said about him that he is evil, vindictive, and even more so greedy. He is extremely generous, and is able to forgive even the most disgusting meanness, although after this he will end communication with the traitor.

For him, the world is an incentive to learn new things, he is always in search of new sensations, feelings, colors, he looks at the world like an artist, attaches importance to every little thing, but does not waste time on trifles, and goes through life with his head held high.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Amethyst, Tourmaline.
  • Name days - January 5, 12, 27, February 8, 14, March 5, 18, April 25, May 15, 20, 31, June 5, 14, July 8, 9, August 6, September 18, 19, 2, 7 , October 15, 31, November 14.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Libra.

Famous people

  • David Villa is a professional football player, striker for the Spanish club Atlético Madrid.
  • David Kalandadze – participant of the reality show “Dom-2”, singer
  • David Trezeguet is a French footballer originally from Argentina, a striker for Newell's Old Boys.

Different languages

The translation of the name David can be found in many languages. This name is very widely used both in the near and far abroad, as it is translated into a large number of languages. Most often it sounds the same as in Russian, but in English language this word sounds like David, and in Finnish it sounds like Taaveti.

In Chinese it is written using the pinyin alphabet -大卫, which sounds like "Dawei", and in Japanese using the katakana alphabet - ダヴィド, which is read as Davido.

Name forms

  • Full name: David.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Davidka, Davidushka, Davey, David, Dave.
  • Declension of the name – David, David.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is David.

Names: origin and forms

David- (from Hebrew) beloved.

Spoken: Davyd.
Derivatives: Davidka, Davidok, Dodya, Dava, Vidya.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

David, Davyd- beloved (Hebrew).
A fairly common name at all times.
Zodiac name: Capricorn.
Planet: Mars.
Name color: dark brown.
Talisman stone: ruby.
Auspicious plant: laurel, poppy.
Patron name: tour.
Happy day: Saturday.
Happy time of year: winter.
Main features: pride, perseverance, pragmatism.


David, holy and righteous, king and psalmist, January 8 (December 26).
David, saint, builder, king of Georgia, January 8 (December 26). He lived in the 12th century, restored destroyed churches and holy monasteries, patronized education, and was distinguished by his mercy and compassion.
David of Thessalonica, Rev., July 9 (June 26), was a monk, left the monastery, settled near the city of Soluni (Thessaloniki), built a hut under an almond tree, lived in it for 70 years, being in constant prayer, observed strict fasting, enduring heat and cold . He received the gift of miracles from God and healed many from illnesses. Died around 540.
Holy King and Prophet David, a shepherd boy who became king of Israel. According to Matthew, he was a direct ancestor of Jesus Christ. During the invasion of the Philistines, with God's help, he defeated the giant Goliath in single combat, which decided the outcome of the war. He was a statesman, as king, he united Israel into a single kingdom and conquered Jerusalem, making it the capital. David was a musician and is traditionally considered the author of psalms.


On January 8, it is customary to pray to the prophet David to protect them on the road from fierce animals, robbers and other misfortunes.
July 9, David the strawberry: strawberries call girls to the forest.
There is a belief: whoever wants to borrow money must put strawberries in his pocket and boldly go - there will be no refusal.


Little David is most often in poor health, susceptible to infections, he has increased emotional excitability, and gets tired very quickly. Therefore, the boy is closer to his mother than to his father, and it is necessary to cultivate masculine character traits in him.

Adult David is proud, persistent, and pragmatic. He strives to be in the thick of things, to actively participate in all matters, everyone should follow his advice, listen to his opinion. It is he who must take someone away, change something, otherwise he will consider himself unnecessary, unrecognized and suffer deeply. David wants to please everyone, to be everything needed, this is the goal of his life.

David is gentle, intelligent, he can listen and sympathize. This makes it possible to have a large number of friends. True, friendship with him does not last long; he does not like to see the same faces next to him.

David's level of intelligence is very high, he has excellent analytical and synthetic abilities, and is always striving to obtain a good education, but even if he fails, great reading and excellent memory help him achieve high results in his activities. David doesn't hold on specific place services. If he doesn't like a job, he will change it until he finds what he needs. His field of activity is wide: he can be interested in music, theater, dancing, be a good jeweler, clothing designer, architect. David is an excellent trade worker, economist, politician, and teacher.

David is a snob at heart. Impeccably dressed, loves good food, luxurious women, beautiful expensive interiors. He communicates with guests and friends primly, without cordiality. Internally, he is indifferent to everything that concerns him personally. He considers pleasure and enjoyment to be the highest good for himself. Loves to travel, but not as a tourist, but with comfort. About my sex life does not apply. He can cheat on his wife, but he is happier in his second and even third marriage.

Surname: Davidovich, Davydovich, Davidovna, Davydovna.


David Samuilovich Samoilov (1920-1990) - Russian poet. Very young, a student at the Moscow Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, he volunteered for the front in 1941. He was an ordinary soldier and intelligence officer. Then he started publishing. Poems about the war, memories of fellow soldiers, reflections on the fate of people of his generation are heartfelt, lyrical, deep and truthful, they are constant in his work:

Forties, fatal,
Military and frontline,
Where are the funeral notices?
And echelon knocking. -
...How it was! How did it coincide -
War, trouble, dream, and youth!
And it all sunk into me
And only then did it awaken within me!..
Sore, fatal,
Lead, gunpowder...
The war is sweeping across Russia,
And we are so young!

Perhaps the sense of biography characteristic of many poets of the war generation allowed Samoilov to combine the past and the present so easily and freely, with such grace, tact and irony. Witty and ambiguous paraphrases on topics national history Samoilov's work is accompanied by constant appeals both to the work of his immediate predecessors in Russian literature, and to the traditions of Pushkin and high world art. In this series, we can recall the wonderful poem “Pestel, the Poet and Anna” (1965), based on a real recording of Pushkin’s conversation with the Decembrist; the poem "Strufian", the meticulously documented "Unreliable Tale" about 1825 (1974); "Old Don Juan" (1976), where the greatest punishment is not the underworld, but female indifference; “The Dream of Hannibal” (1977), etc. The quintessence of this game, the mixing and displacement of temporal and civilizational layers, is read in the poem “Free Verse”, where Pushkin rides in a car with a serf driver Savelich to the palace of Peter the Great, and he treats him to whiskey with soda.

Although there is a temptation to see in this eternal game and all-pervading irony traits of skepticism that are appropriate in the soul of a person who has experienced and lost so much, it seems that the verse harmony itself, the very opportunity to speak out, argue, and stimulate thought, leads Samoilov from a state of isolation to an open preaching mission , traditional for the Russian poet, to the desire in each of his works to fulfill his own covenant, formulated in the quatrain of the collection “Message”:

I need to burn myself
And turn it into speech.
Burn yourself to the ground
So that only the speech burns.

In 1988, the poet became a laureate of the State USSR Prize, B last years his life D.S. Samoilov lived in the Baltic states, according to him in my own words, enjoyed the peace and quiet, and continued to write lyrical and philosophical poems.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.


Origin of the name David

the name comes from Hebrew. Russian form - Davyd.

Characteristics of the name David

He is a diligent boy, almost never upsets his parents, he does well at school, attends various clubs and sections, plays a lot of sports, swimming, running, and rides a bicycle. Purposeful, energetic, persistent, he remains so throughout adult life Men named David often make outstanding scientists; they make a great contribution to the development of science. David has an excellent reaction; this man knows how to quickly make decisions and act promptly. He always keeps his word, is very careful in financial transactions, and pays special attention to the timely repayment of debts. Does not like criticism and comments addressed to him, especially from those who do not enjoy his respect. But David himself is inclined to correct other people and teach them how and what to do. It is rare to find a woman who can motivate David into a strong and long-term relationship, but if one is found, then she becomes his wife, and David will be faithful to her.

Famous personalities: David Livingstone (1813-1973) - English explorer of Africa.

Name David - when is the name day?

January 8, January 12, January 27, February 8, February 14, March 4, March 18, April 25, May 15, May 20, May 31, June 8, June 14, June 20, July 8, July 9, August 6 , September 18, September 19, October 2, October 7, October 15, October 31, November 14


King and Prophet David - a bright figure Old Testament history: legendary hero, statesman, philosopher and poet who created psalms that have survived centuries. IN early years David was distinguished by his courage and outstanding musical abilities. When the next war with the Philistines began, the giant Goliath challenged David to a duel. A stone, accurately thrown by David from a sling, hit the giant’s forehead with such force that Goliath fell and did not get up. After David's victory over Goliath, King Saul appointed him chief military leader, although he was only sixteen years old. It was built during the reign of David new capital Israel - Jerusalem, which quickly flourished magnificently and richly, and subsequently Jerusalem became a famous city. David's inspired stories were collected into one book of Psalms or Psalms.

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