Home indoor flowers Examples of dwarf states. The smallest countries in the world by population

Examples of dwarf states. The smallest countries in the world by population

The smallest country in the world is the Vatican, also known as the Holy See. This country has borders in the Italian capital of Rome. The size is only 0.44 sq. km.

The Vatican is the center catholic church, has some of the most significant works of Renaissance art. Income comes from voluntary contributions from more than 1 billion members of the Roman Catholic Church around the world. The rest of its economy comes from selling postage stamps, tourist souvenirs, as well as entrance tickets to museums.

Monaco - 2 km²
On the French Riviera, Monaco is home to the most a large number of millionaires and billionaires - per capita in the world. Famous gambling business and luxury goods. Monaco is a favorite vacation spot of the rich and famous. It borders France on 3 sides and is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea on one side. The inhabitants of Monaco are mostly French-speaking. With a population of over 36,000, Monaco is the most populous country in the world. And the country's most popular event is the annual Formula 1 race that runs through the streets of the city.

Nauru - 21 km²
3rd smallest country in the world and 1st smallest island nation in the world. An island nation located to the east of Australia. The phosphate mining industry boomed in the country in the 1980s, but the phosphate resources are now depleted. This led to a national unemployment of 90%, and the remaining 10% is the country's own government. Previously, Nauru was known as the island of Pleasant, and as the country with the most obese people in the world - 97% of men and 93% of women are obese.

Tuvalu - 26 sq. km.
4th country in the world among the smallest. Formerly known as Ellis Island, Tuvalu is located in the Pacific Ocean, northeast of Australia. There are about 10,000 inhabitants, 8 km of roads and only 1 hospital. The country was once a British territory and became independent in 1978. Tourism is a major part of the country's income, but a very small one. Less than 2,000 tourists visited Tuvalu in 2010.

San Marino - 61 km²
San Marino is also known as the fairest Republic of San Marino, completely surrounded by Italy. It is the oldest sovereign state in the world, and is one of the wealthiest countries in the world in terms of GDP per capita. 3rd smallest country in Europe. The population is 30,000, and the lowest unemployment rate in the world.

Liechtenstein - 160 km²
The smallest German-speaking country in the world, and the only country that is entirely in the Alps. It is located between Switzerland and Austria. Liechtenstein is the richest country in the world in terms of GDP per capita, with the most low level unemployment (1.5%). Getting into the country is a little difficult, without an airport. Visitors must pass through Zurich Airport in Switzerland to reach this Alpine country, which is still ruled by a prince.

Saint Kitts and Nevis - 261 sq. km.
Former colonies of the West Indies. These 2 islands in the Caribbean Sea were one of the first to be occupied by Europeans. The country's economy depends on tourism, agriculture and sugar exports. The islands provide fantastic diving spots, and once large plantations have now been transformed into beautiful estates, hotels and resorts.

Maldives - 300 km²
Maldives - popular place rest in Indian Ocean. It is the smallest country in Asia in terms of area and population. There are more than 1,192 coral islands spread over 90,000 square kilometers, making the Maldives the most dispersed country in the world. The country was a colony of the Portuguese, Dutch and British - became independent in 1965. The economy of the Maldives is tourism, due to its famous white sandy beaches and crystal blue waters.

Malta - 316 sq. km.
Malta is an island and a country in the Mediterranean Sea. Three main islands make up the Republic of Malta: Gozo, Comino, and (the largest island) Malta. With over 450,000 inhabitants, Malta is one of the most densely populated countries in the world. Foreigners come to Malta from all over the world. They are drawn to the country's sunny weather, beaches, vibrant nightlife and 7,000 years of intriguing history.

Grenada - 344 sq. km.
An island nation in the Caribbean, also known as the "Spice Island". Grenada is the world's largest producer of nutmeg, ginger, and cinnamon. This people is located in the north-west of Trinidad and Tobago, was once colonized by the French, which explains the very strong manifestation of French tradition and culture in the country. Cricket is the most popular sport.

Some countries are so small that their area is less than 400 square kilometers. However, they have their own governments. Most of the smaller countries are in Europe and the Pacific.

TOP 50 smallest countries:

in ascending order

  • Marshall Islands
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Barbados
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Seychelles
  • Palau
  • Andorra
  • St. Lucia
  • Singapore
  • Micronesia! Federated States of Micronesia
  • Tonga
  • Dominica
  • Bahrain
  • Kiribati
  • Sao Tome! Sã o Toma © and PrÃncipe
  • Comoros
  • Mauritius
  • Luxembourg
  • Samoa
  • Cape Verde
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Brunei
  • State of Palestine
  • Gambia
  • Bahamas! Bahamas
  • Lebanon
  • Jamaica
  • Qatar
  • Vanuatu
  • Montenegro
  • East Timor
  • Swaziland
  • Kuwait
  • Fiji
  • Slovenia
  • Israel
  • Salvador
  • Belize
  • Djibouti

Dwarf countries are a special type of state that differs from all others in a smaller direction, as a rule, in terms of territory and population density. As a rule, this category includes all those powers whose area does not exceed the parameters of Luxembourg (that is, not more than 2.5 thousand square kilometers), and the population in them is not more than 10 million people. Such states exist on all the continents of our planet, only somewhere they are located between big countries, and somewhere they are insular. Therefore, now we will consider their location and characteristics and determine which dwarf countries of the world are worth visiting, and which will not please you with anything interesting.


The mainland countries, which amaze with the insignificance of their territories, are located on the Asian continent. Some of them are washed by the ocean, some are in the outback, far from the water. Among them we single out:


The dwarf countries of Europe are much better known to travelers, and the main attractions in them are not nature, as in Asia, but architectural monuments. We list them first briefly, and then consider in more detail:


The largest dwarf countries by area belong to the African continent. But at the same time, the population density in them is minimal, and most of people who live here are below the poverty line. Some of them are resort areas. They are unique in nature, so the rest here will be atypical, but rather extreme. So, which powers fall into this category:

  • Mauritius.
  • Cape Verde.
  • Camor Islands.
  • Sao Tome and Principe.


The dwarf countries that belong to the American continent are located in its central part, that is, in the Caribbean. Each of them is either a world-class resort or a haven for residents of South America (depending on the development of the service). Many of them we know very well, so let's go straight to the list:

Australian and Oceanian

This category will include exclusively island dwarf countries that are located in the Pacific Ocean. There are many of them, but the area is insignificant, in addition, most of them are a seismic hazard zone. Because tourism is not particularly developed here. So let's go:

5 dwarf countries that are the most densely populated

The states that we will now consider are not just densely populated, but very interesting from a tourist point of view. So number one is Monaco. Country associated with France. It is washed on the bank of which the most luxurious recreation areas in Europe are located. Also in Monaco are Formula 1 competitions, and there is the famous casino - Monte Carlo. Number two is Singapore. This city-state is located on the islands, and it consists of futuristic skyscrapers, beautiful hotels and all kinds of entertainment centers. Coming here, tourists can find absolutely everything for themselves. Number three is the Vatican smallest country in the world, associated with Italy. Here you can see the most beautiful architecture, which was created specifically for the representation of the Catholic Church. Number four is Malta, an island nation in the Mediterranean. This is a resort area where every summer you can have a great, but expensive vacation. And number five is the Maldives. in the Indian Ocean, the most visited, one of the most expensive and unique in the world. Ideal for lovers of passive recreation.

Heading to Central America

The most interesting dwarf countries for tourists are the basins. Choose any of the list listed above and go there for a real summer vacation, especially since you don't need a visa! Do not forget to only consider the cost of accommodation and meals. For example, in the Dominican Republic, tourism is highly developed, and therefore prices are constantly rising. But in Grenada or Saint Lucia, you can have a budget vacation, enjoy wildlife, but at the same time a minimum of service.

"Must See": Africa and Asia

Going to the depths of the Arabian Peninsula is a difficult business from a tourist point of view, and even dangerous. But to visit such an unusual resort as Cape Verde is very interesting. These are the islands that are in Atlantic Ocean. Here, in a unique way, the desert is combined with the sea breeze, humid air with dry monsoons, and therefore the rest will be very diverse. And if you are going to Asia, then by all means visit Singapore. Even a couple of days of staying in this city of the future will turn your views on everything, your horizons will expand, and new impressions will last for many years.


As for the European baby countries, each of them is especially interesting. Everywhere there are architectural monuments of past eras, exhibitions and festivals are held. shopping is very developed in such states.

1 Dwarf country
2 List of dwarf states when classified by area
3 Europe
3.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Europe

4 Asia
4.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Asia

5 Africa
5.1 Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Africa

6 America
6.1 Dependencies and administrative autonomies of the Americas

7 Oceania
7.1 Dependencies and administrative autonomies of Oceania



A dwarf state is a state that differs significantly downward from other states according to some criteria (for example, in area, population, etc.).

Based on the size of the area, as a rule, states that are inferior in area to Luxembourg are called dwarf. Luxembourg itself is sometimes also classified as a dwarf state.

Often, population size is also used as a criterion. At the same time, in the terminology of the UN and the World Bank, states with a population of less than 1 million people are considered dwarf. Commonwealth reports use the term small countries and a population threshold of 1.5 million people. Finally, sometimes states with a population of less than 500 thousand people are called dwarf.

1. Dwarf country

Many dwarf states are relatively young entities (Singapore, Bahrain and others). At the same time, most of the dwarf states of Europe have a long history. For example, San Marino is considered the oldest state in Europe.

Sometimes the concept is also used dwarf country, which include not only small independent states, but also other small geographically and historically isolated (most often island) territories - dependent territories, administrative autonomies, etc. Examples - Isle of Man, Guernsey, Bornholm, Gibraltar, Mayotte, Guam , Niue, Helgoland, Athos, etc.

2. List of dwarf states when classified by area

Luxembourg (2,586 km²)

Andorra (468 km²)

Malta (316 km²)

Liechtenstein (157 km²)

San Marino (61 km²)

Monaco (2.02 km²)

Vatican (0.44 km²)

Sovereign Order of Malta (today's territory ancient state- just one mansion in Rome and a residence in Malta)

3.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Europe

Guernsey (Possession british crown)

Gibraltar (UK territory)

Jersey (British Crown)

Isle of Man (British Crown)

Faroe Islands (administrative autonomy of Denmark)

Singapore (648 km²)

Bahrain (620 km²)

Maldives (300 km²)

4.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Asia

· British Indian Ocean Territory (Chagos Archipelago, Colony of England). Area - 67km². Indigenous people evicted by the English colonizers to Mauritius.

Hong Kong (Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, since 1998 became part of the PRC, with a name change: Hong Kong)

Cocos Islands (Territory of Cocos Islands)

Macau (Macau Special Administrative Region)

Christmas Island (Christmas Island Territory)

Mauritius (1,860 km²)

Sao Tome and Principe (1,001 km²)

Seychelles (455 km²)

· Cape Verde Territory 4033 sq. km. Population 418.2 thousand people. (2005).

· Comoros Territory 2,170 sq. km. Population 671.2 thousand people. (2005).

5.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Africa

Mayotte (French overseas territory). Territory 374 sq. km. Population 193.6 thousand people. (2005).

Reunion (French overseas department). Territory 2 517 sq. km. Population 776.9 thousand people. (2005).

· St. Helena (overseas territory of Great Britain). Territory 410 sq. km. Population 7.4 thousand people. (2005).

· Spanish North Africa (autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla (with subordinate islands: Velez de la Gomera, Alusemas and Chafarinas)). Area - 31 sq. km.

6. America

Dominica (754 km²)

Saint Lucia (620 km²)

Antigua and Barbuda (442 km²)

Barbados (430 km²)

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (389 km²)

Grenada (344 km²)

Saint Kitts and Nevis (261 km²)

6.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of America

Anguilla (British Overseas Territory). Territory 91 sq. km. Population 13.2 thousand people (2005).

· Aruba (Part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). Territory 193 sq. km. Population 71.5 thousand people. (2005).

Bermuda (overseas territory of Great Britain). Territory 58.8 sq. km. Population 65.3 thousand people. (2005).

British Virgin Islands (overseas territory of Great Britain). Territory 153 sq. km. Population 22.6 thousand people. (2005).

· US Virgin Islands (U.S. Administered Territory). Territory 352 sq. km. Population 108.7 thousand people (2005).

· Guadeloupe (Department of Guadeloupe). Territory 1 780 sq. km. Population 448.7 thousand people. (2005).

Cayman Islands (overseas territory of Great Britain). Territory 262 sq. km. Population 44.2 thousand people. (2005).

· Martinique (Department of Martinique). Territory 1 100 sq. km. Population 432.9 thousand people. (2005).

Montserrat (overseas territory of Great Britain). Territory 102 sq. km. Population 9,341 (2005)

· Netherlands Antilles (part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands). Territory 960 sq. km. Population 219.9 thousand people. (2005).

Saint Barthelemy (colony of France). Area - 21 km², population in 1999 - 6852 people.

Saint-Martin (colony of France). Area - 53.2 km², population in 2004 - 33102 people.

· Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Territorial possession of Saint Pierre and Miquelon). Territory 242 sq. km. Population 7 thousand people. (2005).

The Turks and Caicos Islands (British Overseas Territory). Territory 430 sq. km. Population 20.5 thousand people (2005).

7. Oceania

Tonga (748 km²)

Kiribati (717 km²)

Federated States of Micronesia (702 km²)

Palau (458 km²)

Marshall Islands (181 km²)

Tuvalu (26 km²)

· Nauru (21 km²) Population 13 thousand people.

· Samoa (Independent State of Samoa). Territory 2 944 sq. km. Population 177.2 thousand people. (2005).

7.1. Dependent territories and administrative autonomies of Oceania

· American Samoa (Territory of American Samoa). Territory 199 sq. km. Population 57.8 thousand people. (2005).

Guam (Territory of Guam). Territory 549 sq. km. Population 168.5 thousand people. (2005).

The Cook Islands. Territory 240 sq. km. Population 21.3 thousand people (2005).

Niue (Niue Island). Territory 260 sq. km. Population 2,166 (2005).

· Norfolk (Territory of Norfolk Island). Territory 34.6 sq. km. Population 1,828 (2005).

Pitcairn (overseas territory of Great Britain). Territory 47 sq. km. Population 48 (2007).

· Northern Mariana Islands (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands). Territory 477 sq. km. Population 82,400 (2006).

Tokelau (territory of New Zealand). Territory 10 sq. km. Population 1,405 (2005).

· Wallis and Futuna (overseas territory of France). Territory 274 sq. km. Population 14231 people. (2008).

French Polynesia (territory French Polynesia). Territory 4 167 sq. km. Population 270.4 thousand people (2005).


1. Large area of ​​the territory

2. Large population

3. Small area in a vast area.


  • Square: 181 km 2
  • Population: 53,158 people
  • Density: 293.7 people/km2
  • Motto:"Achievement through common effort, marshall"
  • Form of government: Republic
  • Capital: Majuro

The Micronesian state of the Marshall Islands is a cluster of atolls and islands located in the Pacific Ocean just north of the equator.

The Marshall Islands are named after British Captain John Marshall (also known as William Marshall), who, along with fellow Captain Thomas Gilbert, after whom the neighboring Gilbert Islands are named, explored the archipelago in 1788 while transporting prisoners to New South Wales.

The land area of ​​the Marshall Islands is only 181.3 km 2, while the area of ​​​​the territory occupied by lagoons is 11,673 km 2. The country is located on 29 atolls and 5 outlying islands, which are divided into two groups: 18 islands in the Ralik chain (translated from the Marshallese language "sunset") and 16 islands in the Ratak (or Radak; translated from the Marshallese language "sunrise") chain . Both chains are about 250 km apart and stretch from northwest to southeast for about 1200 km. The most important islands are the atolls of Kwajalein and Majuro. largest island Republic of the Marshall Islands, Kwajalein is also an atoll with the largest lagoon in the world.


  • Square: 3900 km 2
  • Population: 51,547 people
  • Density: 13.73 people/km2
  • Form of government: presidential republic
  • Capital: Tskhinvali

Partially recognized state in Transcaucasia. Has no access to the sea. The question of international legal status South Ossetia is controversial: the independence of the republic is recognized by four UN member states (Russia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Nauru), partially recognized by Abkhazia and unrecognized by the TMR, NKR, DPR and LPR.

More than 89.3% of the territory of South Ossetia is located at an altitude of 1000 meters or more above sea level. The relief is mountainous.

The highest point of the republic is Mount Halaca, 3938 m.

In the republic, only two settlements have the status of a city - Tskhinval and Kvaisa. Three settlements have the status of urban-type settlements - Dzau, Znaur and Leningor. All other settlements have the status of villages.


  • Square: 261 km 2
  • Population: 51,538 people
  • Density: 164 people/km2
  • Motto:"The state is above personal interests"
  • Form of government: parliamentary monarchy
  • Capital: Buster

Island nation in the Caribbean. Includes 2 islands - St. Christopher, aka St. Kitts (Saint Kitts, St. Kitts), and Nevis (Nevis), from the ridge of the Lesser Antilles. Both islands are of volcanic origin, mountainous. The total length of the coastline is 135 km.

Saint Kitts and Nevis is the smallest country in the Western Hemisphere, both in terms of area and population.

It is a member of the British Commonwealth, headed by the Queen of Great Britain.

The two traditional sectors of the economy of St. Kitts and Nevis are agriculture and tourism. The main agricultural crop is sugarcane(one third of cultivated land). Cotton, coconut palm, pineapples are grown on the island of Nevis. The coffee tree, bananas, peanuts, yams, and rice are also cultivated. Animal husbandry is developed - goats and sheep are bred. Fishing is also a traditional occupation. However, agricultural production provides no more than half of domestic food needs.


  • Square: 160 km 2
  • Population: 37,313 people
  • Density: person/km 2
  • Motto:"For God, Prince and Fatherland"
  • Form of government: nominally constitutional monarchy
  • Capital: Vaduz

The Principality of Liechtenstein is a dwarf state in Central Europe. Liechtenstein borders on Austria in the east and Switzerland in the west, its territory is completely surrounded by the territories of these states.

The Principality is located in the spurs of the Alps, the most high point- Mount Grauspitz (2599 m). One of the largest rivers Western Europe- Rein.

The Principality of Liechtenstein is a constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the prince. Legislature belongs to the prince and the landtag (parliament), executive power vested in the government, which is elected by the Landtag for the term of his office and approved by the prince. The majority of the population speaks Alemannic German.

This beautiful Dreamland, despite its very small size, is famous for its ancient history and rich cultural heritage. Picturesque natural landscapes, magnificent medieval architecture and, of course, a fashionable ski resort are famous all over the world.

The heart of Liechtenstein and its "pearl" is the capital Vaduz. It is here that most of the sights of the country are concentrated. calling card not only the city, but the whole state is the magnificent princely castle of Vaduz. A beautiful architectural structure rises on a hill and can be seen from anywhere in the city.


  • Square: 61 km 2
  • Population: 32,742 people
  • Density: 520 people/km2
  • Motto:"Freedom"
  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • Capital:

San Marino is located in Southern Europe surrounded on all sides by Italian territory. Within its current borders, San Marino is the oldest state in Europe. The country is located on the southwestern slope of the three-headed mountain range Monte Titano (738 m above sea level), rising above the hilly plain of the foothills of the Apennines.

The legendary foundation of San Marino dates back to the beginning of the 4th century. According to legend, in 301, a member of one of the first Christian communities from the island of Rab in the Adriatic Sea (the territory of modern Croatia), the stonemason Marino and his friends found refuge in the Apennines, on the top of Mount Titano. He opened quarries in the mountain, and then, seeking solitude, he built himself a small cell on its top and retired from the world. The glory of his holy life attracted crowds of pilgrims to him, and soon a small monastery was formed near his cell. This monastery, named after its founder, St. Marin, undoubtedly existed already at the end of the 6th century and lived an independent life, not depending on politically from any of the neighbors.

In San Marino there is republican form board. The heads of state are two captain-regents appointed by the Grand General Council.

Inbound tourism plays a significant role in the country's economy; up to 2 million people are involved in the tourism industry on the territory of the state annually, and more than 3 million tourists visit the country every year.


  • Square: 2.02 km2
  • Population: 30,508 people
  • Density: 18 679 people/km2
  • Motto:"With God's help"
  • Form of government: dualistic constitutional monarchy
  • Capital:

A dwarf state associated with France, located in southern Europe on the coast of the Ligurian Sea near the French Cote d'Azur, 20 km northeast of Nice; on land borders with France. It is one of the smallest and most densely populated countries in the world. The Principality is widely known for its casinos in Monte Carlo and the Formula 1 Grand Prix of Monaco held here. The length of the coastline is 4.1 km, the length of land borders is 4.4 km. Over the past 20 years, the territory of the country has increased by almost 40 hectares due to the drainage of marine areas.

The first people built their settlements on the territory of Monaco in the X century BC. e., they were the Phoenicians. Much later, the Greeks and Monoiki joined.

The history of modern Monaco begins in 1215 with the founding of a colony of the Republic of Genoa on the territory of the principality and the construction of a fortress.

According to 2014 data, the population of Monaco is 37,800 people, but it is worth noting that most of the full citizens of the state are Monegasques. They are exempt from taxes and have the right to settle in the area of ​​the old city.

The economy of Monaco is developing mainly due to tourism, gambling, the construction of new residences, as well as through the media covering the life of the princely family.


  • Square: 458 km 2
  • Population: 21,186 people
  • Density: 43 people/km2
  • Form of government: presidential republic
  • Capital: Ngerulmudya

U.S.-associated island nation in the Philippine Sea Pacific Ocean, located 800 km east of the Philippines and north of Indonesia.

Consists of 328 islands with total area 458 km 2 belongs to Micronesia. The Palau archipelago is Western part Caroline Islands. It consists of many small atolls formed on the tops of underwater volcanoes. The climate is tropical, the rainy season is from May to November.

Palau is a republic. The head of state and government is the president, elected by the population for a 4-year term (re-election for a second consecutive term is acceptable).

Parliament - bicameral State Congress, consists of the Senate (9 members elected by the population for 4 years) and the House of Delegates (16 members elected by the population for 4 years).

There are no political parties, just like there are no armed forces.

Palau's economy is based on tourism (85,000 tourists in 2007), fishing, and arts and crafts. In agriculture, coconut palm and tapioca are cultivated. export goods- shellfish, fish, copra. Currency unit- U.S. dollar.


  • Square: 26 km 2
  • Population: 10,782 people
  • Density: 431.00 people/km2
  • Motto:"Tuvalu - for Almighty God"
  • Form of government: monarchy
  • Capital: funafuti

Tuvalu is a tiny state in Oceania with a population of about 11,000 people. Airplanes from Fiji arrive here 2 times a week and almost certainly, in 50 years, this state will be under water, and now there is a purposeful resettlement local residents to other states such as Fiji, New Zealand and Australia.

This Pacific state is located in Polynesia and until 1975 was called the Ellis Islands. The modern name translated from the Tuvalu language means "eight standing together" (meaning the eight traditionally inhabited islands of Tuvalu; the ninth - Niulakita - was settled relatively recently). The European discoverer of the islands, Alvaro Mendaña de Neira, named the archipelago the "Lagoon Islands", and in 1819 it received the name "Ellis Islands", which was used for almost the entire colonial era.

Tuvalu is a cluster of atolls and islands located in the Pacific Ocean just south of the equator. The land area of ​​Tuvalu is only 26 km 2, while the area of ​​​​the territory occupied by lagoons is more than 494 km 2. The country is located on 5 atolls (Nanumea, Nui, Nukulaelae, Nukufetau, Funafuti), 3 low-lying coral islands (Nanumanga, Niulakita, Niutao) and one atoll / reef island (Vaitupu), stretching from northwest to southeast for 595 km .

A significant part of the population of Tuvalu lives in the capital and the only city of the country, Funafuti - 47%.


  • Square: 21 km 2
  • Population: 9 488 people
  • Density: 473.43 people/km2
  • Motto:"God's will comes first"
  • Form of government: parliamentary republic
  • Capital: There is no official capital; unofficial - the city of Yaren.

The Republic of Nauru is a dwarf state on the coral island of the same name in the western Pacific Ocean. The origin of the word "Nauru" is not exactly known. As now, the Nauruans in the distant past called the island "Naoero".

There is no official capital and cities on the island. The President's residence is located in Meneng District, while government offices and Parliament are located in Yaren District. The entire population of the island lives along the coast, as well as around Lake Buada.


  • Square: 0.44 km2
  • Population: 842 people
  • Density: 1900 people/km2
  • Form of government: absolute theocratic monarchy
  • Capital:

And, of course, the title of small state belongs to the Vatican in the world. The Vatican is a dwarf enclave state (the smallest officially recognized state in the world) inside the territory of Rome, associated with Italy. The status of the Vatican international law- auxiliary sovereign territory of the Holy See, the residence of the highest spiritual leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.

Foreign diplomatic missions are accredited to the Holy See, not to the Vatican City State. Foreign embassies and representations accredited to the Holy See, in view of the small territory of the Vatican, are located in Rome (including the Italian embassy, ​​which is thus located in its own capital.

In antiquity, the territory of the Vatican (Latin ager vaticanus) was not inhabited, since in Ancient Rome this place was considered holy. Emperor Claudius held circus games at this place. In 326, after the advent of Christianity, a basilica of Constantine was erected over the supposed tomb of St. Peter, and since then this place has been inhabited.

The Vatican is a theocratic state ruled by the Holy See. The Sovereign of the Holy See, in whose hands absolute legislative, executive and judicial power is concentrated, is the Pope, who is elected by the cardinals for life. After the death or abdication of the Pope and during the conclave until the enthronement of the new Pope, his duties (with significant restrictions) are performed by the Camerlengo.

The Vatican has a non-profit planned economy. Sources of income - primarily donations from Catholics around the world. Part of the funds is tourism (sale of postage stamps, Vatican euro coins, souvenirs, fees for visiting museums). Most work force(museum attendants, gardeners, janitors, etc.) are Italian citizens.

The budget of the Vatican is 310 million US dollars.

The Vatican has its own bank, better known as the Institute of Religious Affairs.

Along with such vast countries as Russia, Canada, China and the United States of America, there are those in the world that are characterized by amazingly small sizes. They are called "dwarf". The main criterion for classifying any power as a group of dwarfs is its area. If it is less than that of Luxembourg, located on 2586 sq. km., then the condition can be considered fulfilled. So what surprisingly small areas satisfy this parameter?

The list of the 10 most famous dwarf states invariably includes the Vatican, which bears the honorary title of "the smallest officially recognized country" on the globe. It is noteworthy that the Vatican is actually spread over the territory of another power, Italy, because it is located in its capital, Rome, where it occupies only 0.44 square meters. km.! It gained its independence in February 1929. The state, located on the Vatican Hill, has its own border in the form of a defensive wall 3.2 km long.

The supreme power in the Vatican is concentrated in the hands of the Pope, who is currently elected in 2013, Francis (aka Jorge Mario Bergoglio). An absolute theocratic monarchy dominates here (the primacy of religion and its representatives).

The Vatican exists mainly thanks to the donations of Catholics from all over the world, but tourists also make a significant contribution to its economy. But there really is something to see for sophisticated travelers. This is the world-famous St. Peter's Cathedral, which is considered the largest historical christian church modernity, and many museums, including the Sistine Chapel built back in the 15th century, and the Vatican Library, which houses a huge collection of manuscripts from the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Unusual beauty possess the Vatican Gardens, covering about 44 hectares of the area of ​​the state and occupying almost half of its entire territory!

The second largest dwarf country is Monaco, or, according to official name, Principality of Monaco. To find it on the map, you will have to try, because the power of 2.02 square meters. km. is located next to a fairly impressive "neighbor" - France. The Principality is washed by the waters of the Ligurian Sea (an integral part of the Mediterranean Sea). In charge of constitutional monarchy there is a prince whose power is formally absolute and cannot be limited by anyone or anything. In fact, the principles of separation of powers operate here, in which the executive, judicial and legislative branches effectively complement each other.

The standard of living in Monaco is extremely high. Thus, out of 37,800 inhabitants, 99% belong to the literate and well-trained population, most of the full-fledged citizens are completely exempt from taxes, and the number of unemployed is only 3%. The economy is developing thanks to the banking sector that is relevant abroad. Billionaires have heard of Monaco's iron-clad bank secrecy, which, despite an agreement with France on the obligation to disclose suspicious accounts, still continues to operate today.

Large inflows of capital are provided by the developed tourism sector and the gambling business. At the same time, Monaco completely lacks its own resources, so it is constantly dependent on the import of various goods.

Interesting fact! It is in the Principality that one of the most prestigious competitions in motor sports is held annually - the Monaco Grand Prix, which has been part of the Formula 1 World Cup since 1950. The tracks, along which racing cars rush at breakneck speed, run right through the streets of the Monte Carlo district. Every rider dreams of winning here and proving his own skills, because it is both difficult and extremely honorable.

This is followed by a dwarf island country, which occupies the 3rd place in the global list in terms of area - already 21.3 square meters. km. with a population of just over 10,000 people. The Republic of Nauru is remarkable not only for its size, but also for the fact that:

  • this is the smallest Island state and the smallest power outside of Europe;
  • there is no official capital here (Yaren is tacitly chosen as the main city).

From all sides of Nauru, located 42 km. above the equator, washed by Pacific waters. It is surprising that a small piece of flat land, stretching 100-300 meters wide, is adjacent to huge depressions - at a distance of only 1 km. from the shore the depth is about 1000 m.! This is due to the fact that the island, as it were, is surrounded by a steep cliff that goes straight to the ocean floor.

Here, as in many tropics, it often rains with large quantity precipitation. Sufficient, if not excessive soil moisture makes people grow only those crops that do not suffer from excess fluid - these are banana, pineapple and coconut palms, breadfruit and other types of trees. Most of them yield fruits (mango, papaya, etc.). Fishing is at the initial stage of its formation.

But the industry, in particular, the extraction of phosphorites, has been developing here for a long time and actively. Today, subsoil resources have been significantly depleted, as a result of which 90% of the able-bodied population is out of work. The tourism sector is also suffering - due to severe environmental pollution, travelers do not want to visit this state. In general, the situation of Nauru leaves much to be desired: this country, unlike the “dwarfs” of the first positions of the list, is threatened by both flooding provoked by global warming and economic collapse. AT last years Australia actively provides its assistance to the Republic.

And again, the Pacific state, however, this time with slightly different indicators. Tuvalu occupies 5 atolls and 4 archipelagos, the distance between which is from 50 to 100 km. They are home to a total of about 11,200 people. The area is 26 sq. km.

There is no diversity here. natural forms, however, you can find a rich cultural heritage. A significant part of the life of the islanders has always been music and dance, some of which, such as fakaseasea or fatele, have survived to this day.

Tuvalu, like Nauru, is at risk of flooding if the sea level rises. However, if this problem seems to be still quite distant, then day by day the government faces issues of a more routine nature that require resolution in the near future. The state's economy is in a rather deplorable state: there are not enough industries, highly qualified personnel and foreign investment. The remoteness of the dwarf country from the rest of the world determines that it is not involved in the main market processes. And there is simply nothing to export to Tuvalu. Most of the inhabitants try to take care of only their own food, while the island continues to belong to the category of the poorest powers on the map.

The first 5 dwarf countries are closed by the Republic of San Marino, a South European state with an area of ​​61 sq. km. and a population of 33,000 people. It is believed that, surrounded on all sides by Italian lands, San Marino is the oldest power in Europe. According to legend, it got its name in honor of St. Marin, who acted as its founder in the 4th century! Residents say that he was a runaway stonemason slave who, along with his comrades, found a quiet and peaceful haven on the top of Monte Titano, which rises on the Apennine Peninsula. The modest and respectable life of God-fearing Marina, who settled in a rocky cell, quickly attracted crowds of believers to his person. Gradually, a monastery was formed in this place, which, according to existing sources, lived in its own way and was not politically dependent on its neighbors. This is how the history of the state began as a separate and independent unit.

The Republic of San Marino is amazing in many ways. So, 80% of its territory is made up of amazing rocky massifs that literally pierce the sky with their pointed peaks! In addition, the country has a strong economic potential, which is based on the manufacturing, banking, trade, service and construction sectors.

The Principality, which occupied 160 sq. km. sushi, got its name in honor of the Liechtenstein dynasty ruling here to this day. This country is the only one that is entirely located in the Alps. It is famous all over the world for its stability: for example, the gross domestic product per capita is as much as $98,000, and the human development index (health level, life expectancy, the opportunity to receive an education in demand, choose and do what you love, etc.) is officially rated here as “ very tall".

Liechtenstein, which has felt the tremendous influence of the German territories, thrives thanks to the developed entrepreneurship and manufacturing industry. However, there is something here that will be interesting to see for a connoisseur of culture and creativity - this is an art museum, which is the largest international institution of its kind with collections of modern art, and various castles (Vaduz, Guttenberg, Red House, etc.).

And again the islands: what is on them

The list of 10 dwarf states closes a number of islands - these are St. Kitts and Nevis (261 sq. Km.), Maldives (300 sq. Km.), Malta (316 sq. Km.) And Grenada (344 sq. Km.). ). Each of them has some notable features.

Saint Kitts and Nevis

Also known as the Federation of Saint Christopher and Nevis, this eastern Caribbean nation was once a British colony. The island was freed from British citizenship only in 1983.

Today, there is no territory in the Western Hemisphere that is smaller and less populous (50,000 people) than Saint Kitts and Nevis. Travelers come here to seek the peace and harmony that lie in tropical forests, on beaches with white and unusual black volcanic sand, in national park and the fortress of Brimstone Hill - an object world heritage UNESCO.

Spread south of India on coral atolls, the Maldives is not forgotten by the rest of the world. In spite of difficult story, during which the country passed either to Portugal, then to the Netherlands, then to Great Britain, in July 1965 she managed to achieve independence and begin to conduct political and economic affairs on her own. It turned out more than successfully, because the unique nature of the region with its white sandy beaches and crystal clear waters played into the hands of the authorities and the population.

The population density in the Republic of Malta is as much as 1432 people per 1 sq. km. km., which allows it to take 5th place on the planet in this indicator. However, the state is known more likely not for this, but for its invariably sunny weather, centuries-old history of formation (about 7000 years!), Architectural monuments and wild parties that attract tourists from all over the world.


The unofficial name of this state, located in the southeast of the Caribbean Sea, is "Spice Island". It is here that culinary specialists can taste and purchase the best in the world nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger - all this the country actively produces and exports to market partners. Significant influence the culture of Grenada was influenced by Europeans who dominated here for a long time, in particular, the British and French. For example, the most popular sport among the Grenadians is still cricket!

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