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Traction traction of the spine. Traction therapy. Passive spinal traction

Compression garments after plastic surgery maintains optimal pressure in tissues and organs, promotes blood microcirculation, prevents the appearance of hematomas and swelling. It provides a massage effect, promotes rapid healing of stitches, polishes scars, and helps restore muscle tone. As a rule, compression garments are put on the patient after liposuction.

Wearing compression garments is very important point, since it determines the outcome of the operation. After mammoplasty, you need to wear a compression bust; after liposuction, abdominoplasty, you need a bodysuit and panties. You will need to wear them for two weeks. On average, compression garments should be used for at least a month. The duration of wearing it after plastic surgery is determined by the doctor, since it will depend on the type of operation, its severity and complexity, as well as the type of underwear. During the entire wearing period, you must be observed by a doctor. After giving up compression underwear, it would be correct to use “delicate” underwear (wireless, anatomical) for a month.

You should definitely wear compression garments before running, fitness, or jumping.

How to choose compression garments

Compression garments are made from breathable fabric. Its natural fibers are woven with a special porous knitting, resulting in optimal moisture and moisture for the body. temperature regime. This type of underwear allows oxygen to pass through perfectly and does not restrict movement. It is convenient when visiting the shower, since there is no need to remove it. Compression garments must be hypoallergenic, comfortable, breathable, invisible under clothing, prevent the appearance of edema and bruises, and do not tighten blood vessels. It must exactly match the size of the body.

Linen must be carefully cared for: it should be washed by hand with baby soap, no more than once a week.

Modern compression garments after liposuction are produced taking into account all areas of the operation: outer and inner thighs, knees, legs, abdomen, lumbar areas, shoulders, waist, cheeks, chin. For greater convenience, all types of underwear are fastened using hooks, which are sewn in several rows. This makes it possible to adjust the degree of compression on the operated areas. The surgeon will help you choose the right size, since in this case you need to take into account the swelling that appears after surgery. Linen should be changed as swelling decreases.

Varicose veins are a chronic disease characterized by disruption of the normal functioning of blood flow and the formation of blood stagnation in the extremities. For effective treatment given the problem, a whole range of measures is prescribed to prevent further development Problems. One of the important components of this complex is compression underwear (therapeutic knitwear), which can significantly alleviate the course of the disease and help get rid of it.

When to wear compression garments

Compression garments are used for varicose veins, lymphedema, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, etc.
The effect of wearing therapeutic knitwear:

  1. Constant pressure on the legs;
  2. Protection of delicate tissues from stretching;
  3. Normalization of blood flow;
  4. Improved supply of tissues with nutrients;
  5. Prevention of thrombotic formations. Definition of the term. Thrombosis is the formation of blood clots inside blood vessels.

Contraindications and precautions

As a medicinal product, compression garments have their own contraindications and precautions.

  • It is prohibited to wear it in case of atherosclerosis, thromboangiitis, orthoarteritis, endoarteritis. Because of low pressure(less than 80 mm Hg) and diseases of the arteries of the legs, it is strictly forbidden to reduce the pressure in the legs further.
  • Use with caution for skin diseases such as eczema, allergies, bedsores, as well as for open wounds, inflammatory and infectious processes. Advice. For sensitive skin, use special creams.
  • Knitwear should not be used for septic phlebitis and heart failure.
  • If specific reactions occur in any organ, you should seek help from a doctor specializing in this area.

How to choose underwear, stockings or tights

When choosing underwear, it is important not to get confused, since the modern market provides a wide choice. In order to correctly decide which underwear to take, you need to remember once again that compression underwear is intended to stop the development of varicose veins, remove blood stagnation in the legs, and also relieve swelling. Stockings, knee socks, and tights can cope with this task. The only difference between them is the length of the product. Therefore, when choosing, you must match the length of the product with the areas of the disease. Simply put, if varicose veins are located in the lower leg area, then optimal choice will become knee socks. If varicose veins are present above the shin, then pay attention to stockings or tights.

For women, compression knitwear is decorated with patterns and designs, for men it is transparent so that it is not noticeable.

A few more rules when choosing therapeutic knitwear:

  • The degree of compression is measured in mm Hg. Art.;
  • Seams should be absent or as invisible as possible;
  • The quality must be according to the standard - RAL-GZ 387.

Linen options

Compression garments are divided into 3 types:

  1. Preventive. The compression of such underwear is minimal. It is recommended to wear it when veins are enlarged, when spider veins appear, and when there is pain and swelling in the legs. Prophylactic underwear prevents fluid from accumulating in the ankles.
  2. Medicinal. Medium compression. Used during periods of exacerbation of varicose veins.
  3. Hospital. Maximum compression. Applies in inpatient institutions after surgery and surgery. Important! Self-use is dangerous to health.

The division into classes is formed depending on the compression created - pressure:

  • 1 class. Pressure no more than 23 mm Hg. Art. Used as preventive underwear.
  • 2nd grade. Pressure no more than 33 mm Hg. Art. It is used for thrombophlebitis and moderate varicose veins.
  • 3rd grade. Pressure no more than 45 mmHg. Art. Wearing is carried out in case of venous insufficiency, accompanied by a violation of trophism.
  • 4th grade. Pressure no more than 50 mm Hg. Art. Used to treat lymph flow disorders and eliminate severe edema.


  1. Necessary measurements for choosing golf: circumference of the shin above the ankle (b), girth knee joint(A).
  2. Required measurements for choosing stockings: circumference of the calf above the ankle (b), circumference of the knee joint (a), circumference of the thigh to the groin (g).
  3. Required measurements for choosing tights: calf circumference above the ankle (b), knee joint circumference (a), thigh to groin circumference (g), hip circumference, waist circumference.

Famous brands and brands

On modern market You can find many different brands of compression garments. They are similar in their properties, but the differences are in price, product design and service life.

  1. Relaxsan. Manufacturer - Italy. The price category captivates with its affordability (no more than 1,200 rubles per product). The catalog presents all types and classes of compression, as well as textured designs. Disadvantages - they wear out quickly, do not last long, discomfort while wearing.
  2. Venotex. Manufacturer - USA. Average price category (from 700 rubles for preventive stockings, from 1,700 rubles for compression classes 3 and 4). The catalog presents a wide the lineup. Meets standards. Disadvantages - average degree of service life.
  3. Sigvaris. Manufacturer - Sweden. High price category. Meets all standards, has high quality, maximum service life and excellent design. Disadvantages - high price (from 2500 rubles).
  4. Medi. Manufacturer - Germany. High price category. All the company's products are very easy to use, wear and care, have a high degree of wear resistance, good design, and a wide range of models. Disadvantages - high price (from 1300 rubles); to put on medical knitwear above class 2, a special device is required.
  5. Intex. Manufacturer - Russia. Affordable price category (from 800 rubles). It is a very worthy competitor to foreign manufacturers, has good qualities fabrics and seams, as well as high wear resistance.

How to choose high-quality underwear, not a fake

To avoid stumbling upon counterfeit or low-quality compression garments, pay attention to the standard markings on the label or on the product packaging. An indicator of the high quality of the product is European standard RAL-GZ 387. This standard can only be obtained after strict certification in Switzerland or Germany.

An important selection factor is the place of purchase. Because of huge amount For Russian counterfeits, it is better to purchase compression underwear in specialized stores or through direct delivery. Thus, the likelihood of stumbling upon a fake is reduced several times.

Underwear is intended for daily wear; choose it with a hypoallergenic mark. You can find out about this through the packaging, which should be marked Oeko-Tex Standard 10.

Where and how to buy compression garments, approximate prices

You can purchase compression garments at a specialty store, a store that directly supplies compression garments, at a pharmacy, or order online.

Results of wearing tights, when does it help?

After wearing compression garments, the outflow of venous blood is normalized and stagnation is prevented. The risk of blood clots in the veins is reduced. Prevents stretching of soft tissues, accelerates drainage, swelling goes away.

  1. Prophylactic underwear. It is recommended to wear it during the day, taking it off at night. Wear for about 3 months.
  2. Therapeutic linen. Wear during the day only. The phlebologist himself selects medical underwear for you for up to six months. After 6 months, an appointment is made where the doctor decides whether there is a need for further wear.
  3. Hospital. It is used a few days before surgery and 1-2 weeks after it. Hospital linen is also used during operations. In the future, you can wear hospital underwear, but only at night.

How to put on stockings or tights

There are a lot of difficulties when putting on compression garments. To prevent improper distribution and tightening, remember:

  • If there is no real opportunity to put on underwear yourself, use special devices, which will facilitate this complex process.
  • Use gloves that allow the underwear to slide easily in your hands and also protect against tears and tugging.
  • Treat your legs, feet and nails. Remove all peeling and calluses, and trim and file your nails.

Step-by-step instructions for putting on underwear:

  1. Should be put on immediately after getting up in the morning.
  2. There is no need to pull or twist the underwear too much.
  3. Collect top part like an accordion, placing your palms inward.
  4. Place the underwear on your foot, matching the position of your heel.
  5. Gently straighten the accordion over your shin.
  6. If you have stockings or tights, then continue the further process of putting them on while lying down, raising your body.

How to store and care for medicinal underwear

When storing and caring for compression garments, there are some peculiarities and subtleties:

  1. Like any other underwear, medical underwear also needs to be washed regularly - every day. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase 2 pairs of medical knitwear at once.
  2. Wash only by hand and with added baby soap at a temperature of no more than 40°. Automatic washing, bleaching and ironing are strictly contraindicated.
  3. When washing, do not use conditioners.
  4. Dry only on a horizontal surface, you can blot with a towel. When drying, it is prohibited to twist the laundry, place it on a radiator, dry it with a hairdryer or in the sun, or in a vertical position.
  5. When in contact with water, silicone strips quickly lose their properties, so it is advisable not to wet them, but to wipe them with antibacterial agents.
  6. Store at room temperature. Protect from moisture and direct sunlight.
  7. Any compression garment should be worn for no more than 10 months.

Compression tights have been used in medicine for many years. Their irreplaceable therapeutic effect has been proven in practice. Tights are recommended to be worn by patients with varicose veins, weak blood vessels, as well as pregnant women. Compression garments are used during operations and childbirth to prevent blood from stagnating in the veins.

Features and Benefits

Compression tights, despite the name, are suitable for both men and women. They are similar to regular tights, but have therapeutic properties. Compression garments improve blood circulation, warm up, and maintain tone. lower limbs, facilitates movement, relieves pain, swelling and discomfort in the legs. Such tights create special pressure on areas of the skin, due to which the speed of blood circulation in the veins increases.

The pressure of the tights is distributed evenly. It is stronger in the ankles and ankles, minimal in the hips, and completely absent on the stomach. If you have appeared on your feet spider veins, buy preventive compression tights. They will protect against more serious problems. It is necessary to choose underwear taking into account the problem and size.

Compression classes

Compression garments have their own classification. It depends on the specific application and disease.

  • 1 class. Preventive tights are prescribed if the saphenous veins increase in size and small vessels appear on the legs. First class underwear creates minimal pressure, relieves fatigue, minor swelling, and maintains normal pressure in the veins.
  • 2nd grade. Therapeutic compression tights are recommended if venous disease worsens. The pressure is higher than first class. Prescribed to wear for varicose veins at the initial stage.
  • 3rd grade. Hospital compression garments are used during/after operations, for moderate varicose veins and to prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins. Produces the most uniform pressure on the surface of the veins.
  • 4th grade. Compression tights are prescribed for severe stages of varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers and the consequences of thrombosis.

You can buy compression tights yourself only if you notice the initial stages of varicose veins. Choose the degree of compression - from 8 to 15 mm. mercury column, it is indicated on the product packaging. Such compression garments are used for preventive purposes.

Indications and contraindications

Compression tights are a therapeutic agent that has contraindications. You cannot buy underwear yourself and wear it if your doctor has not recommended such treatment. Buying and wearing tights is prohibited for patients with arterial diseases, open wounds on the legs, diseases skin(dermatitis, eczema), high skin sensitivity and a tendency to allergic reactions.

  • For varicose veins. Varicose veins, regardless of severity, are a direct indication for wearing compression garments. The doctor selects the required class, taking into account the picture of the disease.

  • Preventive. Used if the patient is busy with heavy physical labor or he has to sit a lot during the day. Tights effectively relieve swelling and fatigue. Preventive compression is prescribed if there is a hereditary predisposition to varicose veins.

  • Medicinal. Compression tights with therapeutic effect, prescribed to patients who have undergone surgery, patients with varicose veins, thrombosis and other diseases of the lower extremities. Basically, indications for therapeutic compression are disturbances in blood flow in the veins.

  • Pregnancy. In the second and third trimesters, with accelerated fetal growth, a woman may experience fatigue in her legs and progression of varicose veins, even if the woman previously had no problems with the veins. Movement during pregnancy is sometimes difficult, so the specialist recommends wearing compression tights for pregnant women to maintain healthy legs. They are anatomically comfortable and have special pressure that prevents the veins from swelling. Tights do not constrain and facilitate movement, preventing the appearance of stretch marks on the skin.

How to choose

The selection of compression tights is huge. Models may differ from each other in the degree of compression, design and wear resistance. Medical products made in Germany are considered to be of the highest quality. Remember that tights create pressure, which causes discomfort. healthy people. Before you decide to spend money on compression garments, consult with a specialist.

The choice of medical tights for women is much larger. They produce products not only in plain colors, but also with patterns in various colors. For men, compression knitwear in standard, strict shades. When purchasing tights, choose those models that will last longer and will not lose their therapeutic properties.

Please choose your size before purchasing. Measure the circumference of your hips, waist, upper and lower ankles, the length of your leg from hip to foot, and the length from knee to foot at home. Do not forget that foreign manufacturers have different sizing charts from domestic ones, so carefully study the packaging. The advantage of compression models is that they also produce tights in very large sizes.

How to wear and dress

It is not recommended to sleep in compression tights. You should put them on after you wake up. Do it right: without getting out of bed, carefully gather the tights into an accordion, as usual, insert your palms inside the product and pull it over your foot. It is recommended to put on tights while lying down. The accordion should be evenly distributed along the leg, pulled up to the hips, then to the waist.

Wear compression tights with special gloves, which you should purchase in advance at the pharmacy. They will protect against fabric damage, stretch marks and scratches. In the evening, tidy up your heels and the skin of your feet: it should be smooth, without roughness. Put tights or stockings on clean and dry legs.

Brand overview

Quality and price largely depend on the country of origin and the technologies used to create medical knitwear.

  • Medi (Copper). German manufacturer, which produces medical knitwear. Copper products of excellent quality fully correspond to the declared price. Copper compression knitwear is easy to care for and wear-resistant.
  • Relaxan (Relaxan). The products manufactured by this company have certificates and certificates: CEmark, IQNet, FDA. If the operating requirements are met, the company provides a guarantee for the preservation of compression properties for up to 6 months for therapeutic products and up to 3 months for preventive ones. The company also confirms the guaranteed number of washes in accordance with the instructions included with the product.
  • Venoteks (Venotex). Popular American compression knitwear, thanks to its wide range, models and sizes. Cost and shelf life are average.
  • Ortho. Spanish medical knitwear, which has an average cost and high quality. Medicinal properties Compression tights last for up to four months of daily wear.
  • Ergoforma. Italian compression tights are made from natural fiber that allows air to pass through. They are usually recommended for sports and pregnant women. The tights are comfortable and highly wear-resistant.
  • Solidea (Solidea). Italian tights for therapeutic purposes are no different in appearance from ordinary tights. Available in various colors.
  • Sigvaris. The Swiss manufacturing company produces compression hosiery elite quality. Products have Beautiful design, the price is high.

How much are

Compression underwear is sold only in pharmacies and is not cheap. Therefore, it is recommended to buy tights with a therapeutic effect only as prescribed by a doctor. It is possible to order compression garments that will be made to your individual measurements. The cost of tights starts from five hundred rubles in the regions. In Moscow average cost compression from three thousand rubles. The price depends on the quality, class and size of the compression hosiery.

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