Home Perennial flowers Breathing exercises for perfect health. Exercises to gain energy

Breathing exercises for perfect health. Exercises to gain energy

The body constantly, without any effort on the part of the person, absorbs and spends energy. However, with age, the body begins to absorb less energy and, accordingly, spend less, which leads to a decline in strength and the emergence of various diseases. Therefore, in order to restore and strengthen health, it is necessary to increase the flow of energy into the body with the help of special exercises.

The collection of energy and its movement is carried out primarily by the power of thought. When gaining energy, it is necessary to imagine how it flows into the body, spreads throughout the body, revitalizes every muscle, every cell, and the more imaginative and vivid the representation, the more efficient recruitment energy. One can imagine an energy flow in the form of rain, a falling waterfall, rays, ethereal substance, etc. Everyone chooses the most accessible and imaginative for him representation of a moving flow of energy.

I present the simplest and most effective, experience-tested exercises for gaining energy, by performing which you will achieve real healing and rejuvenation of the body.
1. One of the simplest exercises for gaining energy in yoga is breathing in a triangle: inhale - hold - exhale and then repeat this cycle many times. It is best to use the same duration of the stages: for example, 6 seconds inhale, 6 seconds hold and 6 seconds exhale. If this duration does not cause difficulties, it can be increased. Breathing should be carried out freely, without interruptions and tension. The exercise can be performed while standing, lying down, and while walking. When walking, the duration of the stage is adjusted in steps. Performing this exercise every day, you will achieve real success in recovery and health promotion.
2. Others are also very effective exercise Jalandhara Bandha is the energy gainer in yoga. It is performed as follows: Inhale, press your chin firmly to your chest, hold your breath, stay in this position as long as you can, with an exhalation lift your chin. The amount of exercise during the day according to your well-being. I personally do about 10 times a day.
According to the teachings of the yogis, if you are able to hold your breath inside for five minutes, then you have the ability to predict the future; if you are able to hold your breath for six minutes, you have the ability to read other people's thoughts; if you are able to hold your breath for eight minutes - levitation; for nine minutes - psychometrics, hyperacuity of hearing, and so on; for ten minutes - the ability to move invisibly; for twelve minutes - the ability to enter the body of another person; for thirteen minutes - Eternal youth; for fifteen minutes - anima, mahima and other siddhis.
3. The most effective exercise for gaining energy in yoga is Bhastrika. It provides a strong flow of energy into the body. No exercise gives in a very short period of time as much energy as Bhastrika. Get into a comfortable position with your back straight. Take a deep breath, then a sharp exhalation and a passive inhalation, a sharp exhalation and a passive inhalation, and so on 20 times. After finishing the last exhalation, take a deep breath through your nose and hold your breath as long as you can. Repeat the exercise two more times. Yogic sources believe that an accelerated exhalation should take about two tenths of a second, and a passive inhalation from three tenths to eight tenths of a second. If you do this exercise every day early in the morning before breakfast, then the healing and rejuvenation of your body will become a reality.
4. Energy breathing No. 1 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). The breathing graph resembles a drawing of a fortress wall: take-off of a prong - inhalation, step of a prong - pause, downward movement along the prong - exhale, an interval to the next prong - pause, etc. Breathing is carried out by inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. We mentally draw in energy as we inhale through the solar plexus. During a pause, we form an energy ball in the solar plexus like a whitish cloud. On exhalation, we mentally direct this cloud to the organ that we want to strengthen energetically, for example, in the heart. During the pause, dissolve the energy ball in this organ. This breathing allows you to get the greatest effect while moving, jogging. It is best to produce a set of energy in the solar plexus mentally from any powerful natural energy carrier, for example, the sun, a cloud, a piece of clear sky, the sea, a river, a mountain peak, trees, etc. This exercise significantly increases a person's energy. If you constantly do it, then healing from many diseases will not take long.
5. Energy breathing No. 2 (according to Yu. A. Andreev). This breathing is like a double-acting pump: on inhalation, energy is gained and sent to the organ whose energy you want to strengthen, and on exhalation, negative information is removed from another organ that usually bothers you, or the elimination of what is unnecessary, harmful to your body (for example, the accumulation of fat in a specific place). Inhale and exhale through the mouth. As we inhale, we simultaneously protrude the peritoneum and draw in energy through two fists folded one in front of the other, near the eyebrow (area of ​​the "third eye"). It is recommended to do a double inhalation. During this two-stroke inhalation, we send an energy ball to that organ or that part of the body that requires energy recharge. It can be the heart, any other organ, muscle group, etc. During the pause between inhalation and exhalation, we dissolve this energy ball in the "addressee". Making a long, slow exhalation, we tighten our stomach and mentally push out of ourselves what we would like to eliminate through the surface of the body closest to this place. For example, it interferes with someone chronic cystitis v bladder, and someone - a fat fold in a specific place. When "dirty" energy is removed, negative information, which the cells of the given organ obey, is eliminated and occurs; the process of normalizing its activities.
According to the experience of Yu. Andreev, obese people who work with the second energy breath have a rapid normalization of their weight.
6. Standing, introducing bright sun over your head. Raise our hands to the top, imagine how the sun goes down into our hands. We hold it above our head and observe the flow of its rays. Then we shift the sun on one hand, for example, on the left and imagine that it becomes liquid and flows down the hand into upper part body, We lead the sun down through the body, lower it down the right leg to the foot and through it it returns to the sky. During the exercise, imagine how the sun, passing through the body, fills all muscles and organs with golden energy. Repeat, changing arm and leg accordingly.
7. The exercise is done while standing. We close our eyes and imagine that we are standing on Earth with bare feet and that a stream of heavy warm and viscous liquid of golden color begins to flow through our feet. Your body is an empty vessel, into which this liquid enters with pleasant sensations of warmth and heaviness. After filling, imagine that you are glowing with golden energy. Stay in this state for a few seconds.
8. Zen breathing. This breath is used for a powerful set of energy and strength. His practice goes back many centuries. His methodology provides for the implementation of four mandatory elements of the ritual.
While breathing Bottom part the abdomen, in accordance with inhalation and exhalation, walks back and forth.
The gaze should be focused inseparably on one fixed point.
Breathing should be intermittent, that is, jerks, with stops both on inhalation and exhalation.
All your attention, especially on exhalation, is concentrated in the lower abdomen. You should clearly imagine that you are pumping yourself up with the help of this breath with gigantic strength, as if charging a very capacious battery with energy. Zen breathing is a favorite exercise of the giants of the Japanese sumo system.
The next two exercises for gaining energy should be performed in nature, in the country.
9. Stand facing the sun and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing the sun. Close your eyes and feel the warmth on your palms, imagining how the rays of the sun enter your hands, pass into the body and gradually fill it from within with a golden glow. Do this until you feel a tingling sensation in your palms and a pleasant warmth in your body.
10. This is one of the ancient methods of increasing human energy. You need to sit cross-legged. Put your hands on your knees, connecting your thumb and forefinger on both hands, and stretch the remaining fingers so that they touch the ground. Having established deep breathing and focusing on the thought that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth flows through your fingertips into the body, and when you exhale it dissolves in it.

But it must be remembered that at the initial stages of training, especially long-term sets of energy cannot be carried out, since this can lead to energy overload, which carries the danger of a mental disorder (especially for those who are not too strong). A figurative representation should be developed in yourself and in your consciousness gradually, from day to day, from month to month. This psychological effort has a quick effect - the person immediately experiences an increase vitality and health.

I recommend choosing several energy-building exercises and doing them constantly, you can periodically change the exercises. In about four months you will feel young and healthy again, full of strength and energy.

This program, based on the experience of kinesiology, will not take you long and will bring a lot of benefits. Ten minutes of daily practice - and your vital energy significantly increases, you become more resistant to stress, forget about illness.

In addition, the program can serve as an immediate response therapy for back pain, headache, common ailments of the digestive system, psychological problems associated with fatigue, difficulty concentrating on a specific task, mood swings.

So, exercises that everyone can do by listening to themselves.

  • Thyroid tapping

The thyroid gland is located under the chin, in the middle of the neck. In kinesiology, it is considered as a central control panel for human vital energy.

Fold your hand into a slightly relaxed fist and gently tap it on the neck towards the sternum 10 times, then take a deep breath.

Repeat the exercise several times.

  • Forehead touch

Place the fingers of both hands on both protrusions of the frontal bone above the eyebrows. Close your eyes and press on these points until you feel an increase in your pulse. After that, make circular rotational movements with your eyes.

For emotional stress, tap the center of your eyebrows with your finger. This exercise relaxes and relieves anxiety.

  • Ear massage

Massage your earlobes with your thumbs and forefingers until you feel a slight warming of the ears. It is best to arrange thumb from the back of the lobe, index - in front of the ear. Slightly pull back the earlobe following the massage.
back until you feel the tension on the tissues.

  • Breath

Shallow breathing throws the brain and body out of balance. Since the brain has priority, the body is deprived of the oxygen it needs to carry out other vital functions. important functions... Even in the brain, secondary survival circuits are turned off. So, lacking clear signals from the "source", muscles function abnormally, or contract, or become weak.

Deep, controlled breathing balances both the brain and the whole body. If we inhale deeply, oxygen penetrates, massages and fills the entire body. When we exhale deeply, toxins naturally themselves are removed through the skin and in other natural ways.

Think of consciously controlled deep breathing as physical exercise - it is the best physical exercise for the whole body.

  • Energizer

This exercise relaxes the muscles in the core of the body. As a result, the level of oxygen in the blood rises, the muscles of the neck and shoulders relax, and the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the central nervous system increases. Exercise helps to awaken the entire body, especially after tiring computer work or long periods of sitting.

To do this exercise, place your hands on the table in front of you. Tilt your chin towards your chest. Feel the stretching of the back muscles and the relaxation of the shoulders. With a deep breath, tilt your head back, arch your back and open chest... Then exhale, relax your back again and lower your chin to your chest.

If you do this exercise for 5-10 minutes, then it stimulates and increases concentration. The body makes a movement that activates the vestibular apparatus, "wakes up the brain," relaxes the shoulder girdle. This improves hearing and increases oxygen circulation, thereby facilitating the functioning of the nervous system.

This is another indispensable exercise when working at a computer. After it, we feel active, full of energy and ready to generalize our thoughts.

  • Energy yawns

To perform an energy yawn, massage the muscles around the jaw-temporal joint. This joint is located just in front of the ear opening and is the joint that connects the upper and lower jaws.

The trunks of the five main cranial nerves pass through this joint, which collect sensory information from the entire face, eye muscles, tongue and mouth, and activate all muscles of the face, eyes and mouth when chewing and playing sounds.

When we are under stress, our jaw often clenches and the transmission of impulses through this area is reduced. Energetic yawns relax the entire face, and then the flow of sensory information is more efficient.

If children are having trouble reading, a possible cause is that their eyes are not working correctly. Children may also be hard of hearing due to stress. Tension in the jaw-temporal joint can prevent them from talking, which also affects thinking. Energetic yawns have a positive effect. By relaxing the muscles and facilitating the functioning of the nerves of the jaw-temporal joint, all the related functions of the eyes, facial muscles and mouth are improved.

  • Frontal-occipital correction

Frontal-occipital correction helps to restore blood circulation to the brain and emerge from the past, out of fear. I recommend it to everyone, it would be great to do it + positive thinking: breathe and visualize yourself as you want to be, free and joyful.

It is very simple - one hand is on the forehead, the other is on the back of the head, it holds so much time to feel the pulse on the forehead. This will say that the blood circulation in the brain has been restored.

ABSORPTION of energy is carried out by the body constantly without any effort on the part of the person - through food, water, exercise and mainly through the air. But the absorption of energy is carried out in quantities necessary only for the normal functioning of the body, and in unfavorable conditions the inflow of energy may not even compensate for its losses.
To gain energy, there is different exercises... Their methodical implementation will undoubtedly benefit you and allow you to reach a new level.

1. A set of energy from the sun

Find a sunny spot. Sit down and place your hands on your lap, palms up. Imagine a ray of energy entering each finger from the sun. As you inhale, draw these rays through your hands into your solar plexus. And as you exhale, imagine that the energy of these rays is spreading through your body.

2. Gaining energy from water

This exercise should be done while in the water. While inhaling, imagine how the energy of the water enters the body through the pores, and at the exit it turns into energy and is distributed throughout the body.

3. A set of energy from fire (candles)

Light a candle. Watch her flame. Concentrate on it. You need to feel how this healing fire burns out all diseases and you are filled with fiery energy.

4. Gaining energy from the earth

Sit on the ground. Imagine that you and the earth are one. You are calm and relaxed. Nothing can bring you out of this state. You are part of the Earth and its energy. When you feel this state, sit like this for 15-20 minutes.

5. Gaining energy from trees

The choice of a tree is individual for each person. It must be remembered here that not all trees may be suitable for the role of a donor. Therefore, choose a tree for this practice in advance. To do this, you can use the knowledge of the druids, who determine trees by the date (day and month) of birth:

Aries: (21.03) - Oak, (22.03-31.03) - Hazel, (01.04-10.04) - Rowan, (11.04-20.04) - Maple.
... Taurus: (04.21-30.04) - Nut, (05.01-14.05) - Jasmine, (05.15-24.05) - Chestnut.
... Gemini: (15.05-24.05) - Chestnut, (23.05-03.06) - Ash, (04.06-13.06) - Hornbeam, (14.06-23.06) - Fig tree (Fig).
... Cancer: (14.06-23.06) - Fig tree (Fig), (24.06) - Birch, (25.06 - 04.07) - Apple tree, (05.07-14.07) - Fir, (15.07-25.07) - Elm.
... Leo: (15.07-25.07) - Elm, (26.07-04.08) - Cypress, (05.08-13.08) - Poplar, (14.08-23.08) - South Kartas.
... Virgo: (08.24-02.09) - Pine, (09.03-12.09) - Willow, (09.13-22.09) - Linden, (09.23) - Olive tree (Olive).
... Libra: (09.24-03.10) - Hazel, (04.10-13.10) - Rowan, (14.10-23.10) - Maple.
... Scorpio: (24.10-02.11) Walnut, (03.11-11.11) Jasmine, (12.11-21.11) Chestnut, (22.11-01.12) Ash.
... Sagittarius: (22.11-01.12) - Ash, (02.12-11.12) - Hornbeam, (12.12-21.12) - Fig tree (Fig), (21.12-22.12) - Beech.
... Capricorn: (21.12-22.12) - Beech, (23.12-01.01) - Apple tree, (02.01-11.01) - Fir, (12.01-24.01) - Elm.
... Aquarius: (12.01-24.01) - Elm, (25.01-03.02) - Cypress, (04.02-08.02) - Poplar, (09.02-18.02) - South Kartas, (19.02-28 / 29.02) - Pine.
... Pisces: (19.02-28 / 29.02) - Pine, (01.03-10.03) - Willow, (11.03-20.03) - Linden.

Go to the tree. Mentally ask the tree for help. Hug a tree and feel its energy penetrate into you and fill you with strength.

In addition, there are a number of factors that affect energy levels. Such as contact with people who are on a higher spiritual level than you, exclusion of negative emotions from life, art and others.


ABSORPTION energy is carried out by the body constantly without any effort on the part of a person - through food, water, exercise and mainly through the air. But the absorption of energy is carried out in quantities necessary only for the normal functioning of the body, and in unfavorable conditions the inflow of energy may not even compensate for its losses.

In this regard, to gain energy in large quantities various exercises have been developed. With regular performance of these exercises, the body's endurance increases, various diseases disappear, immunity increases significantly, and begins to appear psychic abilities... Remember also that:

The accumulation of energy occurs best in a person whose nervous system is completely calm and balanced.

An angry person loses a lot of energy. Strong emotions of fear and envy weaken the energy. Cultivate kindness in yourself.

When gaining energy, one of the most important component parts any way of accumulating energy by the body is a figurative representation of the collection of energy.

When gaining energy, it is necessary to be able to feel how it flows into the body, into every organ, into every cell. The more imaginative and vivid the performance, the more efficient the collection of energy.

Energy Gaining Exercises

A person is standing or sitting, while his arms or legs are not crossed. The right nostril is clamped with the right hand and a slow inhalation is carried out through the left, as long as possible, then holding the breath for 5-10 seconds, and then a smooth and slow exhalation. This exercise helps in gaining energy, especially when more difficult exercises cannot be done, and the fatigue is strong enough.

This exercise is very good to do in the morning, especially near an open window or window, it will not only give a boost of energy for the whole day, but is also one of the exercises for densifying and increasing the human biofield. But it is also possible to use this exercise during the day if you feel fatigue, the need for energy replenishment, after a difficult patient and a large expenditure of energy when working with him.

Receiving energy from the sun

First option. This is the easiest way to “recharge”. Raise your hands up, palms to the Sun, disconnect from all extraneous thoughts, tune in to receive energy and mentally? just ask the Sun for energy. Feel the whole process of receiving energy, filling the body with it until the feeling of bursting. Seven times to thank the Sun verbally or mentally, lower your hands.

Second option. It is better to do this with a cloudless sky, but it is quite possible to recharge with the Sun, covered by clouds, because its energy passes even through the clouds. Stand facing the Sun and stretch your arms out in front of you, palms forward. Close your eyes. Feel the warmth on your palms, imagining how the rays of the Sun enter your hands, rise up your shoulders, then pass inside the body and gradually fill the entire body from within with a golden glow. Do this until you feel a tingling sensation in your palms and a pleasant warmth in your body. Mentally thank the Sun for giving you energy and vitality.

The third option... Stand facing the Sun, stretch out your hands to it. If the sky is not obscured by clouds and the Sun is shining brightly, squint your eyes, covering them with eyelashes, and cast a few instant glances at the Sun through your squinted eyelids (looking with wide open eyes and a long look is not recommended, you can get a corneal burn). Imagine that the sun's rays penetrate the body through the eyes and fingers.

Now close your eyes and try to feel the rays of the sun moving inside your body. You will feel how the rays from the eyes go to the center-head, and then change the horizontal direction to the vertical one and go down, reaching the pelvis, down to the legs. At the same time, the rays that entered through the palms rise along the hands and forearms to the elbow joints, then go along the shoulders towards each other, meet at the center of the neck, after which one stream goes to the head and fills it with light, and the second goes down to the legs, and also fills the entire body, down to the toes, with light.

Fourth option. In this version, not only the body is actively saturated with the energy of sunlight, but also the energy shell itself. For this exercise, it is desirable that the sky is clear and the sun is not hidden behind the clouds. Stand in a sunlit place so that your entire body is exposed to the sun's rays. Imagine that the sunshine permeates your entire body. When a sensation of warmth arises in your body, imagine a hot, iridescent column of light passing in the very middle of your body.

This pillar emits energy that fills your entire body, goes out and forms a spherical, bright yellow shell around your body, which increases in size, becomes more and more. When you feel that your entire body is filled with glow, and the energy shell around it has become large, saturated with an even bright golden glow and acquired an ideal spherical shape, without dents and extraneous intrusions, thank the Sun for help and stop the exercise.

Energy recharge from Fire

First stage. Light a fire (at worst, light a candle). Observe the flame, mentally immerse yourself, enter it. Let it embrace you completely, feel how its energy envelops you, penetrating into the body. Heat fills your entire body, it grows and grows more and more. Every cell in your body is filled with flame energy. You are overwhelmed with flame, it goes beyond your body, you are completely one with it. Heat emanates from your body, all your illnesses are burnt into flames, and you are completely purified. Then you come out of the flame, and your body continues to radiate heat. Now the body absorbs the energy of the flame, you feel a surge of strength, you want to run, you want to do at least something. You just burn out with the desire to do something.
P.S. After completing this and other energy-gaining exercises, it is important that the received energy is not wasted!

Second stage. At the second stage, it is allowed to perform the exercise without lighting a fire or candles, by presenting the latter, or reviving past energy-recruitment practices in memory. The second stage can be started no sooner than after 12 daily exercises performed by the fire, with repeated execution with a candle, in the evening. (12 days, 2 times a day, morning and evening).

The rules of the second stage apply to all exercises for gaining energy from the elements (fire, earth, water, air).

Energy collection from the Earth.

First option. Sit on the ground and imagine that you have grown into it, merged with it into one whole, you are its continuation. You are the whole earth at the same time. You are calm and balanced, stubborn no one and nothing can shake your calmness. Your monolithic body suppresses all manifestations of disease, displacing them with your energy. Your body is infused with unwavering, calm and confident energy.

Second option. This is one of the ancient methods used by yogis.
You need to sit cross-legged. Put your hands on your knees, connecting your thumb and forefinger together on both hands, and stretch the remaining fingers so that they touch the ground. Establish deep breathing and focus on the thought that when you inhale, the energy of the Earth enters the body through the fingertips, and when you exhale, it is converted into human bioenergy.

Energy gain from Water

First option. Sit in a comfortable position on the banks of a river, stream, or unstable body of water. If you wish, you can partially submerge yourself in the water. Concentrate on the murmur of the water as the waves hit the shore. Mentally dissolve in water. Penetrate in a place with water in the bowels of the earth, contain the oceans and seas. Completely embrace all kinds of rivers. Cover with ice and freeze with icebergs. Be everywhere and in everything at the same time. You move, permeating the entire earth and enveloping its surface. You evaporate and rain down. You spread out in huge reservoirs, you give water to animals and birds, you give shelter to fish. Returning to your body, you feel how the energy of water has been absorbed in you. You are fluid and fluid, your strength is in the eternity of the world, ever-moving oceans.

Second option. Being in water, rhythmic breathing is established and it is imagined that with inhalation the energy of water enters the body through the pores, and with exhalation it turns into bioenergy.

Energy Gain from Air

Sitting outdoors in a comfortable position. Feel the wind blowing around your body. Close your eyes and hear the leaves rustling in the wind. Open your eyes and see how he sways the tree crowns. With each breath, it penetrates through the pores of your skin to your body, until you merge with it into one whole. As the wind blows around your body, you become lighter and lighter. Air energizes your body.

Having merged with the air into one whole, you will be able to predict in advance in which direction the wind direction will change.

Receiving combined energy from the Sun and the Earth

It is advisable to do this in the early morning at sunrise in a secluded place.
Rub your palms, imagining that the inlets of the channels for the passage of energy are opening on the palms. Having rubbed and warmed up the palms, it is now necessary to massage the entrance openings with “mental hands”, imagining how they increase in size to the size of the palm - “With mental hands,” you need to stroke and massage the walls of the imaginary canals of both hands. Feel how the channels expand in diameter and begin to respond to the influence of the “mental hands”. Mentally create a small luminous ball, crumple it with “mental hands”. It should “swell” to the diameter of the channel, after which this ball “with mental hands”, like a piston, moves up and down the channels, cleaning them.

Then feel how the entrance openings of the channels open on the soles, massage them with your “mental hands” until you get a hole the size of the entire foot. Then brushing with a ball similar to what was said above for the hands. Become a face at sunrise, concentrate in the channels of the hands and at some point there will be a feeling that the hands have become light, as if weightless. Then concentrate in the channels of the legs and feel how they “wake up” to receive the energy of the Earth.

The sun emanates and its energy begins to flow in powerful streams into the channels of the hands. The right sensation is the sensation of being filled with light and warmth, the sensation of pulsation in the inlets of the arms and legs, and the sensation of soft and dark energy Earth, a sense of harmony and purity. After a few minutes, fatigue disappears, a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength arises.

Energizing the Cosmos

First option. Raise your arms, imagine channels with holes in your palms for an energy ball. Begin to slowly inhale through the channels of the hands and inflate these energy balls. Feel how the balls are stretched out into a long narrow beam and rush up to the sky, to the borders of the atmosphere, and then further into space and open like flowers there. And instantly, through the energy rays, the energy of the cosmos is drawn in through the channels of the hands, filling the body with the energy of the world space. This method is especially good for situations where you need to instantly replenish energy reserves.

Second option. Close your eyes and relax. Imagine a starry, blue sky. Imagine how a ray of snow-white luminous energy penetrates into you from the depths of space, and waves of spreading heat pass throughout your body. In waves, energy penetrates into your body, and you begin to glow from within, brighter and brighter, with a pleasant warm light. The beam is suddenly cut off, you continue to look at the sky, the stars have become brighter, and the sky has become bottomless black. You continue to glow with a soft, pleasant warmth, brighter and brighter. Then your inner light turns into a body, and you absorb all the energy given by nature. Small tremors or goosebumps may go through the body.

Receiving combined energy from Space and Earth

When doing this exercise, you imagine how the energy of the earth and space passes through you in order to give you the energy you need to perform any actions that you wanted to perform.
First, sit with your back straight, feet flat on the floor, palms up to absorb energy, and close your eyes. Now imagine the energy of the earth going up through the earth and into your body.

Feel how it rises through your feet, through your legs, into the base of your spine, spreading over your torso, into your arms and into your head. Feel its power in your hands and head. Feel its strength and power. As the energy of the earth moves through you, imagine the energy of the cosmos entering you through the top of your head, into your spine, into your arms, and down your torso.

Notice that this energy is light, light and fills the entire space. Then focus on the fact that the two energies meet at the base of your spine, and imagine that they connect and intertwine, move up and down your spine and fill you with strength. You can balance the two energies if you like, absorbing additional energy from the earth (heavy) or from space (light) at will.

Create a flow of this energy up and down your spine until you feel overwhelmed with energy. Now, if you have a plan or a task that you want to accomplish, channel this energy into the fulfillment of that plan. If you did not feel motivated to complete it, notice that you are now feeling motivated and interested in getting started on this project.

If you have felt reluctance to do something because there is so much to do, realize that you now have the energy to get down to work energetically, and you feel confident that you can get it done. If you have felt that you have a decline in creative energy, realize that you are now in a surge of creativity, and know that you are able to complete this task.

As you channel this energy, imagine how it comes out of you, how you need it, and you can implement this plan. For example, if you want to write something, imagine the energy coming out through your hands. If you intend to lift some weights, mentally imagine that the energy goes out through your legs, the body of the hand. Whatever you set out to do, imagine that energy is flowing through your body as you need it, and you can do whatever you want.

After completing this exercise, immediately start implementing your plan. Suddenly, you have a lot of energy and enthusiasm.

Replenishing energy with rhythmic breathing

Put your feet together, close your fingers. Start yoga rhythmic breathing. To do this, establish a breathing rhythm with the rhythm of your heartbeat. Depending on the level of fitness, the inhalation can be stretched from 6 to 15 pulse beats, the exhalation is made equal in duration to the inhalation, the holding of the breath after inhalation in duration should be equal to half the duration of the inhalation or exhalation, the pause after exhalation is also equal to the holding of the breath. That is, if the inhalation is 6 beats, then the exhalation is b, the pause after inhalation is 3, the pause after vtdo-ha-3.

In no case should you overwork yourself with this breathing, everything should happen freely with a figurative representation of the incoming energy when you inhale from the surrounding air, merging with the entire Cosmos.
During inhalation, the energy is absorbed into the chest area, while exhaling, the energy is exhaled into the solar plexus.

Recharging from donor trees

In addition to the above indications, this set of energy is recommended in the following cases:

A). Useful when faced with difficult life circumstances.
b). When implementing the planned event. (Fruit trees: cherry,

Apple tree, pear, plum and others)

V). When separating "wheat from chaff". (walnut and other self-cleaning trees).
G). To cleanse a large amount negative energy... (Aspen).

Plants, like humans, are energetic in nature essences. Moreover, most plants willingly come into contact with a person and let their aura into him. Therefore, replenishing the trees is a great way to fill your energy. You just need to know that not all trees are donors - there are vampires among them, but not because they are so evil and bad, but because they have the property, for example, to delay our painful, unhealthy energy, but at the same time they are able replenish us with fresh healthy energy. Therefore, donor trees must be chosen to replenish energy. Some of the most energetically powerful trees from which you can get nourishment are oak, pine, acacia, maple, birch, mountain ash.

The stronger the tree, the fewer other trees next to it. If a tree stands alone and there are no other trees closer than ten meters from it, then it is very strong. If the trees grow next to each other, then their energy is not very strong. Also, keep in mind that urban trees are generally nowhere near as strong energetically as trees in a forest.

Therefore, it is best to go to the forest or at least to the park, away from noisy streets and traffic flows. Choose a tree that you like. It is very important to check your feelings: do you want to come into contact with this particular tree? If you want, go up to him and trust your body: let it find the most suitable and pleasant position for itself. You can hug a tree and press against it with your whole body, you can lean your back against it, you can sit under it, leaning on it, you can just put your palms on the trunk.

First option. Mentally ask the tree for help and listen to your feelings: how does it seem to you that it answers you? Does it agree to help you or not? If it does not arise unpleasant sensations, indicating the failure of the tree, the desire for contact will increase. Communicate with the tree as much as you like, but no more than an hour, so as not to get an “overdose” of energy. And don't forget to thank him for his help. If you feel joy, the rise of vitality, it means that the contact has taken place and your energy has replenished. It is imperative to mentally say goodbye to the tree - this is necessary in order to separate the energy fields, your own and the tree, which for a while became one whole.

After 3-4 days, you can repeat the procedure, the effect of it will be stronger than the first time. You can, if you wish, establish constant contact with the tree of your choice and be nourished from it constantly. The best time for this kind of recharge - in the morning, 1 - 2 hours after sunrise, or in the evening, 1 - 2 hours before sunset.

Second option. Approaching the tree, ask him for help, aloud or mentally in any verbal form convenient to you. Embrace him and feel how the energy penetrates into you from the tree and you are filled with its strength, merge with it into one whole. Its juices flow in your veins, cleansing your body of all negative, vanity of worries go away. You become even stronger and stronger, you have acquired age-old wisdom, if you need it. Feel how the energy captures you completely, merge into one whole with it, try to feel the same sensations that a tree feels, merge into one whole with all the trees in this forest (planet), into one whole.

The third option. Choose the strongest tree with healthy shiny leaves. Walk around the tree, evoke a feeling of sympathy and goodwill towards the tree, listen carefully to your feelings, catch the tree's benevolent attitude towards itself. If such sensations do not arise, then this tree is not suitable.

Having found a tree that “harmonizes” with you, approach it at a distance at which the influence of the tree is “felt” most strongly,

Standing near the tree, feel the roots of the tree, the movement of the Earth's energy from the roots up the trunk to the crown of the tree. Then feel how the cosmic energy flows through the leaves and moves down the trunk, reaching the roots. Identify yourself with the tree, mentally merge with it, feel the movement of energy from the bottom up and vice versa. Imagine how this energy washes you. Rinse yourself in this way until you feel clean inside. Then mentally ask the tree for energy. Absorb the energy stored in the tree through your palms in sync with your inhalation.


The energy that is contained in the surrounding space and which we are able to perceive through breathing has 4 states of vibrations, corresponds to 4 colors and 4 chakras.

Red color - the energy necessary for the vital activity of the physical organism, vital energy.

Yellow energy is necessary for thinking, mental processes.

Blue energy is necessary for the development of the higher chakras, develops super consciousness.

White energy is necessary for higher mental activity: clairvoyance, perception of thoughts.

It is necessary to saturate the following parts of the body with red energy - the lower abdomen, genitals and the back of the head.

It is necessary to saturate the upper chest, throat chakra and forehead with yellow energy.

Blue energy - solar plexus, heart chakra and crown of the head.

It is necessary to fill the arms, legs, feet, hands and face with white energy.

Sit in a chair. Keep your spine straight. Relax. Feet on short distance, they shouldn't be connected. First of all, exhale all the air that is in the chest. Then within 7 seconds. inhale slowly, closing your eyes, imagining that you are inhaling red energy in the form of a red mist, 1 sec. holding your breath, then on the count of 7 exhale into the lower abdomen, genitals, filling them with red energy and back part heads. You can imagine 2 rivulets, one flowing down and the other up.

Then inhale the yellow energy as well, directing it as you exhale to your upper chest and forehead.

Then you breathe in the blue energy, directing it as you exhale into the solar plexus, heart chakra and lotus.

After that, you breathe in white energy, filling your hands, feet, face with it.

All these exercises will take 3 minutes. 12 sec.

Exercises increase the reserve of energy, develop clairvoyance, the ability to feel more subtle vibrations.


This exercise increases the bioenergetics of the body several times, while, as many years of research experience shows, the internal reserves of the body are activated and its self-healing at the cellular level.

The exercise is performed while standing in the priest's pose or sitting in the coachman's pose (see figure).
Inhaling: mentally imagine that billions of particles space energy- energies of vigor, life, health and longevity - come to the fingertips, opening bioenergetic gateways (biologically active points) on them. At the same time, you feel a slight tingling sensation, weak current, creeping creeps, etc.

On exhalation: you send energy inward, filling your hands.

Inhaling: Send even more energy to your fingertips.

As you exhale: send energy inward, filling your arms to the elbows.

Inhale: Send energy back to the airlock at your fingertips.

On exhalation: the energy goes inward, filling the palms, arms to the elbows, to the shoulders.

On inhalation: take in even more energy and send it to your fingertips.

On exhalation: the energy goes inward, passes through the arms, filling the shoulders and neck.

On inhalation: you take even more energy and send it to the open airlocks.

On exhalation: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck and face from top to bottom. At the same time, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: "The face is smoothed, rejuvenated and begins to glow with a pleasant matte light."
Inhaling: An even stronger flow of energy flows to the fingertips.

On exhalation: the energy goes inward, filling the arms, shoulders, neck, through the face, fills the Ajna chakra (from the base of the cone to the top), filling the frontal lobes.
On inhalation: a powerful stream of energy flows to the fingertips.

On exhalation: the energy passes through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, (Ajnu chakra, Sahasrara chakra) filling the occipital part (cavity - the center of memory). At the same time, perform self-hypnosis according to the formula: “My memory is strong, capacious, I remember everything that I need, and I can remember everything without difficulty.”

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face fills the brain (two upper chakras) and descends down the spinal cord to the tailbone, touching the tops of the cones of all chakras (Ajna, Vishuddha, Anahata, central, Manipura, Svadhisthana, Muladhara) strengthening them.

On inhalation: again a powerful stream of energy flows to the fingertips.

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, occipital region, neck enters the base of the cone of the Vishuddhi chakra and goes down along the bases of all chakras, simultaneously filling all internal and genital organs, toning up the work of organs and chakras.

Inhaling: An even more powerful stream of energy flows to the fingertips.

On exhalation: energy through the arms, shoulders, neck, face, back of the head, through the bases of the cones of the chakras, all internal and genital organs fills the legs with a soft wave to the feet.

And in conclusion, having gained energy on the inhale, send it on the exhale along the entire scheme, filling the feet (biologically active points are located on them, corresponding to various internal organs).

After the exercise, put your hands together for 5-6 seconds.


A person has seven energy centers (chakras). Each center is a condenser of prana (of which the most powerful condenser of energy is Manipurachakra). In each chakra, in addition to accumulation, the transformation of prana into its specific form, which differs from each other in wavelength, is also carried out. The frequency of vibration in the chakras increases from the lower chakra (Mulad-harachakra) to the upper chakra (Sahasrarachakra), which is also expressed in the colors of the chakras (from red to purple). The first five types of energy, corresponding to the first five chakras, many years ago were conventionally designated by the names of the elements: earth, water, fire, air, ether.

The energy corresponding to the lower chakra (and the elements of the earth) is the coarsest (with the longest wavelength). The color of this energy (and the color of the chakra) is red. On this energy, a person commits a rough physical work, monotonous, monotonous, does not require brain work. In Svadhishthanachakra, energy with more short wave than in the Muladhara Chakra. Svadhishthanachakra - sexual energy, the color of energy is orange. In Manipurachakra, a kind of energy is generated that is necessary to control the involuntary functions of the body. The energy color is yellow. Anahatachakra is the creative energy on which people of art work: musicians, artists, writers. The frequency of this energy (and, accordingly, the frequency of vibration of the chakra) is at the lower border of the frequencies of the invisible plane of existence, the so-called astral plane. The color of energy is green. If the three lower chakras work in the material plane (at the level of the physical and etheric body), then the upper chakras, starting from the Vishud Khachakra, work in the non-material plane (at the level astral body and the corresponding energy field). Anahatachakra (heart chakra) is the center of communication between two planes. And this is reflected in the position of the chakra: in the main energy flow moving along the path in the form of a figure eight, the chakra is located at the intersection of flows, on the border of two halves of the figure eight, one of which is in the material plane, and the other is in the astral plane. Working on the energy of Anahatachakra, a person, as it were, draws ideas and images from the flow of information in the astral plane and lowers them down into the material (physical) world. (Inspiration, during which the artist ceases to notice the surrounding physical world, and there is knowledge of information in the astral plane. Any talented work art differs from the work of an artisan in that it is created in the presence of inspiration.) It should be noted that the astral plane is the space of the fourth dimension. Living in three-dimensional space, a person perceives volumes or shapes, he has a present and a future, he can predict events (if he does not know what awaits him, a stressful situation arises). Four-dimensional space can be represented as a fixed point, where time and space merge, in it one can see both the shape of an object and what is inside this object, that is, the unity of form and content occurs (a person has a point of the fourth dimension, according to yogis , is in the Sahasrarachakra; upon reaching the Kunda-lini-Shakti of this chakra, a person enters the state of Samadhi and, having cognized the essence of things, acquires unlimited knowledge). The energy corresponding to Vishudhachakra creates sensually colored images. When communicating, people release energy clots from their biofield in the form of certain images colored with love, fear, benevolence, envy (such images begin to live independently of people; each image has a certain life span, after which it disintegrates). The color of energy is blue. The energy of Ajnachakra is the energy of images without sensory coloring. Architects and sculptors can work on this energy. The energy color is blue. Sahasrarachakra energy white... This is the energy of abstract thinking itself high level(in which forms disappear, only content remains). Philosophers can work on this energy.

Exercise "VESSEL WITH LIQUID". Energy gain

Get into a comfortable position to relax - standing, sitting, or lying down.

Close your eyes and begin to imagine that a heavy, warm and viscous liquid of golden or silver color begins to flow into your heels through your feet. Your body is an empty vessel into which this liquid is poured from the outside with pleasant sensations of warmth and heaviness. (For some, this exercise may work better if this very liquid is poured into you from the top of your head. It is recommended to try both options and choose the best one.)

These representations should be accompanied by the appearance of real sensations of warmth and heaviness in those parts of your body where the warm liquid has already flowed. The muscles in these places become lethargic, relaxed, literally sagging under their own weight.

For this exercise to work better, you need to be able to control the so-called "inner gaze" or "inner ray of attention" well.

And in order to learn how to control the "inner gaze" well, it is recommended to first perform such a preparatory exercise "BEAM OF ATTENTION"

Preparatory exercise "BEAM OF ATTENTION"

Place your palms on the table with your fingertips touching the table surface. Now close your eyes and try to feel "from the inside" the tip of your right index finger. Feel how it touches the surface of the table, how the skin is pressed into the surface of the table, how the nail feels, etc. To make the sensations more pronounced, you can lightly press your finger on the table and release.

Having caught the sensation in the finger of your right hand, after 20-30 seconds, switch your attention to the tip of the index finger of your left hand.

Catch the same set of sensations in your fingertip. Switch your attention back to the finger of your right hand, then to the finger of your left hand, and so on 10-15 times.

Then, with your "inner gaze" on the tip of your right index finger, try to feel the tip of your middle finger, then your ring finger, then your little finger. Switch the inner ray of attention alternately along all the fingers of your right hand until you learn to concentrate precisely on the consciously chosen finger.

Then switch your attention beam to the fingers of your left hand and learn to distinguish the set of sensations of one finger from the sensations of the other.

Then switch the beam of attention to your thumb. right leg- at the same time, she can remain in shoes or in a stocking (sock). Move this finger slightly, feel all its features, what is pressing on it, whether it is comfortable for it, etc. Switch the ray of attention to the big toe of the left foot, then again to the right, and so on several times.

Pay attention to those sensations that will appear in the place (finger) in which you are concentrating your attention. There can be a variety of sensations - warmth, "bounce", tingling, pulsation, tingling, etc. - for each person in his own way.

Try to remember, to fix the feeling that arises when you switch your "inner gaze" from one finger to another.

It is very important to capture and capture this sensation. It is the very "inner gaze" that you must learn to control as a result of this exercise.

Try to stop your “gaze” on your knee, navel, tip of your nose, elbow, and anywhere else on your body.

If this works, then try to hold the ray of attention, for example, on the palm of your right hand, until you begin to clearly feel the pulsation of blood in the palm of your hand. Switch to the other palm and feel the pulse there. Switch to the tip of your nose, feel the pulse on it, etc.

The description of the auxiliary exercise took up quite a lot of space, but it takes only 5-10 minutes for most people to complete it. It is recommended to start the exercise "Vessel with liquid" and others only after you have learned how to clearly control your "inner gaze".

Continue doing the "Container of liquid" exercise until you are "flooded" with liquid to the top of your head. The body will become wadded, lethargic, inactive. Stay in this state for 5-10 minutes - this will be an intense rest and cleansing of the body. Then take a sharp breath and an even sharper exhale, open your eyes and feel refreshed and refreshed.

To learn how to perform this exercise correctly and with the desired effect, it must be done every day for 15-20 minutes for 10-15 days.

Gaining energy with the help of mental images

There are many exercises during which we imagine how a stream of pure luminous energy comes to us from some external source (Sun, Space, mountains, tree, etc.) and fills our body. A similar exercise called “The Crystal Vessel” is given in the Event Shaping Technique. But, in principle, similar exercises can be found in any author writing on a similar topic.
The principle of building such exercises is very simple: you close your eyes and imagine how a stream of luminous energy comes from some source to you through a pipe (funnel, ray, etc.), which fills your entire body. You can safely come up with such an exercise yourself, and it will perfectly charge you with vitality.

Hermes gymnastics

The proposed set of exercises is aimed at charging the body with energy and in this regard has the same purpose as the exercises given in Hatha Yoga for absorbing prana. The complex consists of a series of exercises to prepare the body for energy intake, energy collection, and its distribution throughout the body. Before starting the complex, it is necessary to bring the body out of the state of sleep, wake it up and prepare it to absorb energy. The minimum load allowed is 5 minutes. running in place. Jogging is best done with bare feet, topless. Hermes gymnastics is performed with the body as naked as possible, since the energy enters through the open surface of the skin. During the exercise, you must fully concentrate on the exercise and on the absorption of energy. In this regard, it is best to do the exercises with closed eyes, and before starting the exercises, vibrate the mantra “A-O-UM” several times - this quickly helps to concentrate and disconnect from all problems. You can use any other method of concentration or use nothing at all, the main thing is to start doing the exercises with the absence of any other thoughts and emotions other than the thought of doing the exercises. Exercises to evenly distribute energy in the body are performed smoothly, breathing is deep, rhythmic. To stabilize the energy in the body, it is useful to take alternately hot and cold showers for 2 minutes each. The contrast of the soul gradually increases and after the 3rd month of training, having reached its maximum, it remains constant, the total duration of time doubles. The procedure always starts with a cold shower and ends with a hot one. A set of energy-gaining exercises is performed 2 times a day: in the morning and before bedtime, but in the evening without warm-up. Performing a set of exercises is equivalent to one month practical exercises according to the "Hatha Yoga" system. Increase energy potential organism in some cases, already after six months of systematic exercises allows you to create a powerful energy "coat" around the body, which sharply increases the body's resistance to factors such as increased activity sun, pressure drops, low temperatures and others. Health significantly improves, the nervous system is strengthened, sleep becomes strong, many diseases are cured, such as asthma, hypertension, sclerosis and much more, the recovery period of patients is reduced by 3-4 times compared to conventional methods of treatment, and resistance to diseases increases and physical endurance increases. Moreover, as a result large stock energy, the body will be able to completely burn out and remove all toxic substances that come with food and drink. In principle, the one performing the Hermes system of exercises should not get sick at all or in rare cases. Life expectancy increases significantly. Mastering the complex opens up wide opportunities for self-improvement. Some people, after 6-7 months of training, begin to see the human energy field, master the treatment with magnetism, master the ability to predict the actions of people. You can do Hermes Gymnastics at the age of 23 to 70 years. A modern city dweller can withstand the rhythm of exercises with breathing impulses lasting 4 seconds. Some of the most gifted people after a year of systematic studies can bring the impulse up to 6 seconds. Increasing the impulse up to 8-12 sec. can lead to serious negative consequences, since the body will not be able to assimilate and control this level of energy. Strength exercises are based on rhythmic instant transitions from extreme tension to the subsequent complete relaxation of the entire muscular system... Before the tension of the entire muscular system, a short, sharp breath is taken with a strong blow with an air stream on the nasopharynx, but with a minimum pass into the lungs themselves. As a result of such inhalation, followed by tension of the muscular system, a vacuum of ethereal energy is created in the body and it begins to quickly flow through the surface of the skin. Exercise should be in exact alignment with the rhythm of breathing.

Gymnastics consists of two stages. On the 1st, 3 strength exercises are performed to receive energy. At the 2nd stage, 4 elastic exercises are performed to evenly distribute the perceived energy throughout the chakras, throughout the body and organs. During the performance of strength exercises, there should be ease in movements (the meaning of all poses is to ensure the greatest tension and maximum relaxation of certain muscle groups). You need to start practicing with small strains of the muscular system so that the time spent at the moment of the transition of muscles from a state of tension to a state of relaxation is as short as possible. As you get used to, muscle tension should be increased, but one should not forget that the transition to a state of relaxation should be instantaneous. Do all exercises 4 times.


Exercise "Cross" Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered along the body and as relaxed as possible, like the whole body, breathing is free.

Instant sharp breath - “pop” with the nose, at the same time the fingers are clenched into fists, the hands are thrown out to the sides at shoulder level and pulled back, the head is thrown back, the body flexes as much as possible, all muscles are strained to the limit.

Exhalation - instant, noisy, with the whole chest through the mouth in the form of the letter "O". At this time, the body bends forward with a throw so that the outstretched arms almost reach the floor. Swing your arms cross-to-cross (for the correct direction of the flow of energy) and return to the starting position. At this point, the muscles should be completely relaxed.

Breathing is free. Delay in the pose - 4 sec.

Exercise "Ax" Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, torso in a bent state, arms hang, almost touching the floor. The body is relaxed, breathing is free.

An instant sharp breath - “pop” of the nose, at the same time the back straightens, and the hands clasped in the lock, with force rise upward in a circle through the right side, behind the head. The body bends back as much as possible, the head is thrown back. Full tension of the whole body.

Holding the breath in the pose - 4 sec.

Exhalation is instant, noisy, through the mouth, with relief (discharge). Swift lowering of hands in a circle - with a turn through left side to the starting position.
Delay in the pose - 4 sec. Breathing is free.

Perform the exercise 2 times by raising the arms through the right side, 2 times through the left.

Exercise "Discobolus" Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms hanging. The body is relaxed, breathing is free.

Instant sharp breath - “pop” with the nose, at the same time the fingers are clenched into fists, the right hand is slightly bent and thrown forward to the level of the forehead, the left is pulled down - back, behind the back, the body turns towards the imaginary throw. The pose of a person frozen at the moment of throwing the disc is taken. All muscles are tense as much as possible. Legs do not come off the floor.
Holding the breath in the pose - 4 sec.

Exhalation is instant, noisy, through the mouth, with a simultaneous return to the starting position, with a turn along the helical line to the right. The body is relaxed, breathing is free.

Delay in the pose - 4 sec.

2 times throw with the right hand, 2 times - with the left.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, the body is slightly tilted, palms are extended forward and closed together.

Inhale for 4 seconds, with the nose, vigorously but smoothly, as if pumping air, at the same time spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level, the cornus bends back. At the end of the inhalation, achieve maximum tension.

Holding the breath in the pose - 4 sec.

Exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds, smoothly, with the sound “Ho” with pleasure, the trunk forward slightly and at the same time returning the arms to the starting position.
The body is relaxed, breathing is free. Delay in the pose - 4 sec.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, tilt the torso, fingers touch the toes, knees are straight, the whole body is relaxed. Inhale for 4 sec. nose, energetically, as if pumping air. At the same time, the body straightens, the arms are extended forward at chest level, then rise above the head with the trunk bending back. The whole body is tense.
Holding the breath in the pose - 4 sec.

Standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, the body is relaxed.

Inhale for 4 sec. nose, energetically, as if pumping air. At the same time, turn as much as possible with outstretched arms to the right so that you can see objects from behind. Do not lift your legs off the floor. The body is tense.

Holding the breath in the pose - 4 sec.

Exhale for 4 seconds, with the mouth, smoothly, with the sound “Ho” when returning to the starting position.

Delay in the pose - 4 seconds, the body is free, relaxed.

Lying on the floor on your back, legs together, palms folded behind the back of the head.

Inhale for 4 sec. nose, vigorously but smoothly, with the simultaneous lifting of both legs up at right angles to the floor. The whole body is tense.

Holding the breath in the pose - 4 seconds, at the same time doing 2 rotational movements with the legs in a clockwise direction.

Exhale for 4 seconds, with the mouth, smoothly, with the sound “Ho”. At the same time, the legs return to their original position.

Delay in the pose - 4 seconds, the body is relaxed, breathing is free.

2 times with the rotation of the legs clockwise, 2 times - counterclockwise.

REMINDER: Increase the tension during inhalation and breath holding, as well as the temperature difference during the contrast shower, gradually. Exercise shouldn't be fatiguing. If after some time after doing the exercises it becomes difficult for you, then it is necessary to reduce the load. Naturally, the complex is not performed on a full stomach. At the beginning, after the first sessions, there may be strong excitement and a very high tone, as a result of which you absolutely do not want to sleep and at the same time you do not feel tired - do not worry, as soon as the body gets used to the constantly increasing level of energy, sleep will become sound and healthy. If you have not been concentrating your attention before and have poor control over your emotional state, then you urgently need to fill this gap, since from the moment you start classes, your words and thoughts will gain real strength and during anger you will cause colossal harm to people.

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Breathing is the path to great health

“When breathing is uneven, the brain is restless, but when breathing is calm, the brain is also calm.

The ancient principle of yoga

Take food and water away from you and you can live for a few days, but if you take your air away from you, you die very quickly. Breathing is extremely important to life... Learn to breathe correctly, and you will not only develop the ability to influence the state of mind and spirit, but also significantly increase your energy level. Practicing correct breathing completely fills the body with oxygen and energizes every cell of your body, it can keep you in a state of high vital activity... Practicing correct breathing will release those energy reserves that are still dormant in the depths of you, waiting. The techniques described below are based on centuries of yoga practice and are now recognized worldwide as strategies for achieving optimal health and happiness. Study them, practice them, and share with others.

One ancient philosopher said: "To breathe right is to live right". Deep breathing maintains an excellent state of mind and body. Many now use systems breathing exercises ... Outstanding athletes use breathing exercises to completely relax and reach their peak in the most demanding competitions. Actors, professional singers and announcers tune in behind the scenes or behind the scenes to perform through breathing exercises.

Correct breathing technique is one of the key elements of physical perfection, which is often, unfortunately, underestimated. Look back at the centuries-old history of the arts like yoga or martial arts (which were invented not only to build character, but also to maintain perfect health and longevity), and you will see that the practice of deep and correct breathing lies at their foundation. If you want to live longer, be happy and think about how strong you are, learn to breathe properly, and train yourself with the exercises below on a regular basis.

Breathing Exercises for Perfect Health

1. Inhale and hold your breath: "Super Breath !"

This technique, which will dramatically increase your energy after just a few weeks of constant practice, is simple and can be used anywhere. It is also the best exercise for increasing concentration if you are weak in this element of life.

The essence of this breathing exercise is to breathe in for two counts, hold your breath for eight and exhale completely for four counts. For ease of counting, you can combine the exercise with walking: in two steps, a deep breath that fills your lungs deeply fresh air, then hold your breath for eight steps and exhale vigorously in the next four steps. You will soon notice significant progress in your energy level and general well-being.

2. Alternate breathing through the nostrils

it breathing exercise has been used for thousands of years to improve energy level and obtaining a wide range of different benefits for the brain, body and spirit. After such a training, you will experience light feeling euphoria.

Sit in a quiet place with your legs crossed and your back straight. The mouth is closed all the time. Close with your right thumb right nostril and inhale with the left nostril in two counts. Close your eyes as you inhale and imagine a giant balloon inflating inside you. After that, pause for eight counts and at the same time cover left nostril forefinger right hand. Exhale in four counts through the right nostril. Then inhale through the right nostril, hold the breath and exhale through the left (the thumb now blocks the right nostril). Practice this breathing with one or the other nostrils for five minutes every morning, and the results will not be slow to show.

3. Breathing exercise "Pump"

It is a quick energy booster that you can use before a big meeting or speaking at a rally. Sit down and place your hands on your stomach as if you were holding a balloon. Press firmly on your belly in the navel area, exhaling vigorously through your nose. Then inhale deeply through your nose and inflate your belly. Repeat the exercise twenty times, accelerating the pace as you feel more alert and better.

4. Early rise

There is nothing more beneficial for the brain, body and soul than a pleasant walk in the forest or along the seashore in the early morning. Try it at least once a week, like Sunday morning. Such a walk will calm the brain, make it possible to maintain a balance of views on the essence of life and on what is really worth doing in it. Every day is a holiday. Every sunrise is a jewel to be cherished. Be sure to breathe deeply as you walk (inhale in two counts, pause for eight, and exhale for four).

5. Deep breathing: "green mist"

it breathing exercise designed by world-class martial artists of the East to bring you a state of calm and relaxation before fights.

The first principle of good breathing habit is to breathe with the entire volume of the lungs, not just the upper part. Correct breathing occurs when you use both the top and bottom of the lungs, as is naturally the case during sleep.

Lie on your back in a calm place and close your eyes. Slowly repeat aloud the following phrase: "I am calm, strong and focused." Then, as you inhale, imagine the air as a thick green mist that enters your lungs through your nostrils, slowly moving deep into your abdomen. Then the green mist penetrates the limbs and spreads throughout the body. After the calming green mist has passed through your entire body, relaxing every muscle, exhale it along with all the tension that has accumulated in you.

Continue this deep breathing exercise daily for 5 to 20 minutes (preferably in the morning immediately after getting up or before a tense stressful situation) in order to instantly calm down and find peace of mind. Deep breathing can change the state of mind and the essence of all life.

Described above breathing exercises are wonderful conditioners of mind, body and spirit. Can you raise general level your health to a much greater height simply by applying these methods daily for 30 days. It is enough for you to spend no more than 10-15 minutes a day on exercises, but you will definitely feel big shifts for the better, a surge of strength and begin to do all your business with more energy and enthusiasm. Having gained the energy reserve that breathing exercises provide, you can do more, achieve more and transform your world from ordinary to ideal.

To breathe correctly means to control blood circulation, metabolism, protective-adaptive properties of the body. The generally accepted breathing rate is 14-16 breaths per minute. A sick person, as a rule, breathes more often, and a healthy, especially trained one, breathes at a frequency of 10-12 breaths per minute, that is, for 1 minute. there are 12 full inhalation-exhalation cycles. Each breathing cycle consists of an inhalation phase, an exhalation phase and a pause, the duration of which determines the breathing rate.

Breathing must also be controlled when exercising. So, when the muscles are straining, a slow exhalation is made through the loosely compressed lips, the inhalation is produced when the muscles are relaxed by the lungs independently, without the intervention of our will. Health, wealth, intelligence, talent, success in life largely depend on how much energy we have and how we can manage it.

In order to restore the reserve of vitality, the following exercise is used: sit with your legs tightly squeezed and your hands together, put the fingers of one hand between the fingers of the other. In this way, so-bom you close the circular flow energy flows and almost completely stop the flow of nervous energy from the body for a while. Having closed the circular current in this way, Indian yogis replenish energy reserves with the help rhythmic breathing.

Rhythmic breathing

During the first week, the exercise should be done three times a day for 10 minutes.

First week

The exercise should not exceed 10 minutes. The first 5 minutes should be used for preparation.

  • 1 For 5 minutes, focus your thoughts on developing your energetic abilities. You absolutely should not pay attention to your body, forget about it.
  • 2 After bringing yourself to this state, take a deep breath for 8 seconds. Then hold your breath for the same time, then begin to exhale as slowly as possible.

As you do the exercise, you will see that the first step in developing breathing is not as easy as imagined. You may have a desire to rush, it will seem to you that you need to breathe more often, you may even get tired, you will feel bad. However, do not interrupt your studies. After several sessions unpleasant signs disappear, and they will be replaced by all the increased-li-chi-va-yu-yu-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ea This first exercise is necessary in order to learn how to control dy-ha-ni, to develop the will and to be affirmed in the decision to master energy.

Second week

You need to exercise 3 times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

  • 1 After cooking for 5 minutes, close your right nostril with your finger and inhale deeply through the left nostril for 10 seconds, dilating as before. abdominal cavity and chest.
  • 2 Then hold your breath for 10 seconds and exhale through the right nostril for 10 seconds.

At the end of the second week, you will already feel so much vital energy in yourself that, giving away the excess of your strength, you will not feel fatigue.

Third week

Like the previous exercise, with each breath lasting 15 seconds. Holding the same breath, as before, should be for 10 seconds, and the exhalation should continue for 15 seconds.

Fourth week

The exercise consists in breathing through one and then the other nostril, only its duration increases. Each breath should now continue for 20 seconds, hold the breath for 10 seconds, and then exhale the trapped air for 20 seconds.

You should increase the duration of the exercise to 30 minutes (together with the five minutes required to prepare for the exercise). At the end of the fourth week, you can gain energy at any time of the day for 30 minutes of daily work. The most convenient time for this is early morning, at sunrise.

Positive and negative energies

The predominance of positive energy activates all functions of the body: the temperature rises, metabolism intensifies, the glands work more intensively, and the pulse accelerates. However, it can cause blood disease, scrofula, tumors, abscesses, rashes, various inflammatory processes... For persons suffering from everyday energy, in addition to creating a negative flow, cooling food is re-com-men-du-et-Xia ( cold water, milk, etc.), staying in a cool room, light clothing, cold baths, rubdowns, etc. An excess of positive energy is indicated by a feeling of heat and tingling in the extremities.

When accumulating this energy for one purpose or another, it is best to focus on the solar plexus (positive pole).

An excess of negative energy reduces the overall supply, slows down all bodily functions, lowers temperature, causes lethargy, anemia and weight loss. Individuals suffering from an excess of this energy constantly experience tremors and chills. They are very fond of the sun and do not like the moon. For them, sunbathing, a warm climate, warm rooms and clothing, strengthening agents, warming food (meat, fat, oil, etc.) are useful.

One of. signs of excess negative energy are the feeling of coldness. Thus, with lethargy, fatigue, passivity, etc., it is necessary to resort to sun breathing; with an excess of strength, anxiety, excitement, anger, etc. - to moon breath; under normal health, use earth breath.

Sun and moon breath

Streams circulate in the human body vital energy of two types:

  1. The solar flux goes along the right side of the body and comes from the right hemisphere of the brain.
  2. The lunar stream goes along the left side of the body and emanates from the left.

The balance of these flows gives Health. Any disease is an imbalance of these flows.

The flow of lunar energy mainly has an inhibitory effect. The solar stream, on the contrary, is an exciting effect. These two streams of vital energy converge in the solar plexus.

You can balance the currents with the help of breathing. A person rarely breathes with the same intensity through both nostrils at the same time. Usually, this phenomenon occurs only before death. Breathing of the predominantly left or predominantly right nostril alternates usually every 3-4 hours. However, the best situation is when breathing is predominantly through the left nostril and the left lung ( moon breath) continues all day, and breathing mainly through the right nostril and right lung ( sun breathing) - all night long.

Correct regulation of breathing gives long life... With the help of rhythmic breathing, you can significantly increase the reserves of vital energy. All breathing exercises can be reduced to three main types:

  1. Breathing in the left nostril and left lung - moon breath;
  2. Breathing in the right nostril and right lungs - sun breathing;
  3. Breathing with both nostrils at the same time with both lungs working - earth breath.

Moon breath

The lunar breath generates a negative current, representing the feminine element, symbolizing the moon. This stream has a constructive effect, heals and soothes, it is useful to develop it during the day.

Moon breath is the best remedy for all diseases, it helps with prolonged work, it can help with anxiety, sorrow and fever, it is useful for inflammatory diseases accompanied by fever.

To generate a lunar stream, you need to breathe through the left nostril, closing the right one with a finger or cotton swab. In this case, only the left lung works, the right one rests. To control breathing, you can put your arms to your chest and make sure that the left half of the chest is lifted, expanding, and the right half remains motionless.

Since it is difficult to determine when and what kind of energy we don’t-go-to, we need to accumulate one type of energy for some time and experimentally determine what kind of energy we lack, and what is present in excess. By changing the way of breathing, one can neutralize the surplus of one type of energy by accumulating energy of the opposite kind.

Sun breath

During solar breathing, a positive flow of energy is generated, which is a masculine element, sim-in-li-zi-ru-yu-yu-yu-yu-yu-yu. This flow activates all vital functions, enhances metabolism. Dry and hot by nature, stimulates activity and activity.

Sun breathing is very beneficial for people who are passive, low-mobility and obese, it is conducive to reading and learning. exact sciences, swimming, painting, physical activities, etc.

To generate a positive flow, you need to breathe through the right nostril, closing the left with your finger or cotton swab.

Cleansing breath

This exercise strengthens the nervous and respiratory systems:

  • 1 take a slow full breath;
  • 2 hold your breath;
  • 3 fold your lips as if about to whistle (but do not puff out your cheeks). Then exhale the air forcefully through the opening in your lips in small portions. Stop for a moment, holding the air, and exhale a little again. Repeat this until all the air is out of your lungs. Remember to exhale air through the opening in the lips with a fair amount of force.

More energy recovery exercises

The simplest and most affordable exercises for restoring energy are breathing exercises. 10 minutes of exercise a day will help you restore your mental balance and get a boost of energy. You can try doing breathing exercises during your work day.

Exercise 1

  • 1 Sit down and relax. Close your eyes.
  • 2 Inhale deeply, filling the abdomen and diaphragm completely with air. Continue to inhale, filling the entire inner space with air to the limit. The shoulders are straightened, the air reaches the collarbones.
  • 3 Hold your breath.
  • 4 Exhale.
  • 5 Repeat this exercise for 5 minutes.

Exercise 2

  • 1 Position yourself in any position that is comfortable for you.
    Close your eyes and start listening to your breath. Dissolve in it completely, no extraneous thoughts.
  • 2 Imagine visually, in your imagination, the lungs, which, with inhalation, are filled with air like a glass, filled with water, from top to bottom.
  • 3 Work to lengthen inhalation and exhalation. Each next breathing cycle should be at least slightly longer than the previous one.
  • 4 Direct inhalation into the chest, then into the abdomen, then into the back. Analyze your feelings.
  • 5 Don't breathe often. Do not speed up the inhalation and slow down the exhalation (try to exhale through your mouth, folding your lips in a tube, as if you are blowing on hot tea).

Exercise # 3

One of the most effective techniques for "breathing" energy is breathing "in a triangle", which means dividing the breathing cycle into three stages: inhale - delay - exhalation and then repeating the cycle many times. It is more convenient to use them for the same duration and keep them in multiples of the number of heart beats, for example, 6 beats each. If it is easy for you, increase the duration of the stages to 8, 10, even 12 heart beats. Breathing should be free, without interruption and tension.

The inhalation is carried out according to the scheme: the lower abdomen is filled with air, then the middle part, then the top of the chest to failure. Exhale in reverse order. During the exercise with the “inner gaze”, you need to mentally send energy flows from the lungs to all organs and parts of the body.

Exercise 4

Stand facing the Sun, which is at the very line of the horizon, squint and through half-closed eyelids see a thin ray stretching from the Sun directly into your eyes. Through this solar ray, which has become, as it were, a trickle flowing from a huge energy pool, you begin to "flood" with energy. Imagine yourself as a transparent crystal vessel. The liquid fills your legs first. Then her level rises higher; the body is filled up, from where the liquid is poured into the hands; the head fills through the crown chakra and begins to overflow, creating already solar stream around you. If the Sun is obscured by clouds or you are indoors, imagine a ray coming from above. The exercise can last 3-10 minutes. After the exercise, wash your face with open (dry!) ​​Palms.

Exercises to restore and circulate energy (prana, qi, ki)

  • 1 Sit up straight in a comfortable position; chest, neck and head should, as far as possible, be in one straight line. Slightly tilt your shoulders back, put your hands calmly on your knees. In this position, the weight of the body is well supported by the ribs and the posture is easy to maintain. Yogis find that the action of rhythmic breathing is more difficult to achieve if the chest is protruded and the abdomen is pulled in.
  • 2 Slowly draw in air with a full breath, counting six heartbeats.
  • 3 Retain air in the lungs for three heartbeats.
  • 4 Slowly release air through your nose, counting six heartbeats.
  • 5 Before starting the next inhalation, miss three beats.
  • 6 Repeat the exercise several times without getting tired.
  • 7 When you are about to finish the exercise, do a cleansing breath that will give you a sense of relaxation and clear your lungs.

After a few exercises, you will be able to lengthen the inhalation and exhalation times until you finally get to five-over-the-clock beats. In doing so, always remember that the interval between breaths, i.e. air retention in the lungs should always be equal to half the number of pulse beats during inhalation and exhalation. If you want to increase the duration of the inhalation, do not make too much effort, pay main attention to the rhythm, which is more important than the duration of the inhalation. Practice and try until you reach a measured "swing" of breathing and until you "feel" the rhythm of vibrating movements throughout the body.

Attraction of prana

  • 1 Lying on a flat floor or on a bed with absolutely no tension, place (lightly) your hands on the solar plexus (on the "pad" where the ribs begin to separate) and breathe rhythmically.
  • 2 When the rhythm is perfectly established, desire each inhalation to bring in you an increased amount of prana, or life force, from the world source and transmit it to your nervous system, accumulating prana in the solar plexus.
  • 3 With each exhalation, desire prana to spread throughout the body, transferring to every organ and every single part, into every muscle, cell and atom, into every nerve, artery and vein, from the head to the very heels, so that it strengthens, revitalizes and strengthens every nerve, so that it energizes every nerve center, spreading energy, strength and strength throughout the body.

Prana (literally in Sanskrit means "life", "breath" or "constant movement") - one of the central concepts of yoga and traditional Indian medicine, is understood as vital energy, life. In yoga, it is believed that prana permeates the entire universe, although it is invisible to the eyes.

Exercising the will, try to imagine how prana is spreading through your body, flowing into the lungs and transmitted from there to the solar plexus, and how when you exhale air from the lungs, prana is distributed throughout all parts of the body, up to the heels and the ends of the fingers. The will does not need to be invariably strained with effort. All you have to do is give the order and create in your mind a picture of the actions you are talking about. A calm command, accompanied by a mental representation of the action being performed, is much better than an intensified desire, on which forces are only wasted in vain.

The described exercise in the highest degree useful: it strongly refreshes and strengthens nervous system and spreads a sense of relaxation throughout the body. It is especially pleasant in those cases when a person is tired or feels a lack of energy in himself.

Improving blood circulation

The blood circulation is easily amenable to the action of the will, and rhythmic breathing greatly facilitates the task.

  • 1 Lie or sit up straight and start breathing rhythmically; as you exhale, direct the movement of blood to the part of the body where you would like to increase blood circulation.
  • 2 If you feel cold in your legs or if you have a headache, the blood should be diverted downwards (in the first case - to warm the legs, and in the second - to relieve pressure in the head. You will probably feel a hot stream in your legs from the downward wave of blood.

If you feel a decline in life energy and you don’t-about-ho-di-mo quickly replenish it, use the following method: put your legs together (touching the inner ones on top of the nose) and close fingers of both hands with each other so that you feel comfortable. This technique closes the energy circle and prevents prana from radiating through the limbs. Make a few rhythmic dy-ha-niyas, and you will feel a surge of new strength in yourself.

Excitation of brain activity

The following yoga exercise is found very useful when it is necessary to stimulate the activity of the mind and make it think and reason more clearly. This exercise has an amazing effect and cleanses the brain and the entire nervous system. People who are engaged in mental work will find it extremely useful: it will enable them to work better and at the same time to clear and refresh their minds after hard mental work.

  • 1 Sit up straight with your spine perfectly straight and your eyes looking straight ahead; fold your hands in your lap.
  • 2 Breathe rhythmically, but not through both nostrils, as with other exercises, but pinching the left nostril with your finger, inhale the air through one right nostril.
  • 3 Remove your finger and, holding the right nostril with it, exhale through the left nostril.
  • 4 Without changing your finger, inhale the air through the same left nostril and exhale it through the right.
  • 5 Inhale again through the right and exhale through the left, and so on, changing the nostrils as above, and plugging the resting nostril with your thumb or forefinger.

This is one of oldest forms breath of yogis; it is very important and worthy of use.

Great psychic breath of yogis

Yogis have a favorite form of psychic breathing, which they use from time to time and which bears the name, which in translation from Sanskrit sounds "Great psychic breathing". I have saved this form of breathing for the end, as it requires a lot of practice on the part of the student in the area of ​​rhythmic breathing and the ability to visualize images. This skill is acquired through the preceding exercises.

The general principles of large psychic breathing are expressed by the old saying of the Hindus: "bless the yogi who knows how to breathe with his kos-cha-mi." Exercise in this breathing fills the entire body with prana, and the student, having done it, will see that every bone, every muscle, nerve, cell, tissue, organ and every part of the body will be overflowing with energy, prana and breathing rhythm. Anyone who carefully exercises this breathing will cleanse his body and feel as if he was re-created from head to toe. But let the exercise speak for itself.

  • 1 Lie in a comfortable position without any tension.
  • 2 Breathe rhythmically until the rhythm is established.
  • 3 Then, inhaling and exhaling air, create in your mind a picture of breathing:
    • entering you through the bones of your legs and passing through them;
    • then it passes over the bones of the hands and through the apex of the skull;
    • through the stomach and reproductive organs;
    • then rises up and down along the spine,
    • and finally, as if every pore of the skin breathes, breathes in and out air and the whole body is filled with prana and life.
  • 4 Continuing to breathe rhythmically, direct the flow of prana to the seven vital centers, one by one, evoking their images in the mind, as in the previous exercise:
    • head-on,
    • in the back of the head,
    • to the base of the brain,
    • into the solar plexus,
    • into the sacrum (lower back),
    • in the middle of the abdomen,
    • into the area of ​​reproduction.
  • 5 Finish by running the flow of prana back and forth several times, from head to feet.
  • 6 Do

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