Home Perennial flowers How to use ccleaner. How to use CCleaner. Deleting temporary application files

How to use ccleaner. How to use CCleaner. Deleting temporary application files

CCleaner is the most popular tool for cleaning your computer from unnecessary programs and accumulated garbage. The program has in its arsenal a lot of tools that will allow you to thoroughly clean your computer, achieving its maximum performance. This article will discuss the main points of setting up the program.

Typically, once installed and launched, CCleaner does not need additional settings, so you can immediately start using the program. However, after spending some time adjusting the program parameters, using of this instrument will become much more comfortable.

1. Setting the interface language

CCleaner is equipped with support for the Russian language, but in some cases users may encounter that the program interface is not in the required language at all. Considering that the arrangement of the elements remains the same, using the screenshots below, you can set the required program language.

In our example, the process of changing the program language will be considered using the example of an English-language interface. Launch the program window and go to the tab in the left area of ​​the program window "Options" (marked with a gear icon). A little to the right you need to make sure that the program opens the first section in the list, which in our case is called "Settings" .

In the very first column there is a function for changing the language ( "Language" ). Expand this list and then find and select "Russian" .

In the next moment, changes will be made to the program, and desired language will be installed successfully.

2. Setting up the program for proper cleaning

Actually, the main function of the program is to clean your computer from garbage. When setting up the program in in this case, you should focus solely on personal requirements and preferences: which elements should be cleaned by the program and which should not be affected.

Setting up cleaning elements is done under the tab "Cleaning" . A little to the right are two sub-tabs: "Windows" And "Applications" . In the first case, the subtab is responsible for standard programs and partitions on the computer, and in the second, respectively, for third parties. Under these tabs there are cleaning parameters, which are set in such a way as to perform high-quality garbage removal, but at the same time not remove unnecessary things on the computer. Still, some points can be removed.

For example, your main Google browser Chrome, which has an impressive browsing history that you don’t want to lose just yet. In this case, go to the “Applications” tab and uncheck those items that the program should never delete. Next, we launch the program cleaning itself (more details about using the program have already been described on our website).

3. Automatic cleaning when computer starts

By default, CCleaner is placed in Windows startup. So why not take advantage of this opportunity by automating the program so that it automatically removes all garbage every time you start your computer?

In the left pane of the CCleaner window, go to the tab "Settings" , and a little to the right select the section of the same name. Check the box next to the item "Perform cleanup when computer starts" .

4. Removing a program from Windows startup

As mentioned above, after installation on the computer, CCleaner is automatically placed in Windows startup, which allows the program to automatically launch every time the computer is turned on.

In fact, the presence of this program in startup most often brings dubious benefits, since its main task in minimized form is only to periodically remind the user to clean the computer, but this very fact can affect the long loading of the operating system and reduce performance due to operation of a powerful tool at a time when it is completely unnecessary.

To remove a program from startup, call the window "Task Manager" keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Esc , and then go to the tab. The screen will display a list of programs included or absent from startup, among which you will need to find CCleaner, right-click on the program and select the item in the context menu that appears "Disable" .

5. CCleaner update

By default, CCleaner is configured to automatically check for updates, but you have to install them manually. To do this, in the lower right corner of the program, if updates are detected, click on the button "A new version! Click to download" .

Your browser will automatically launch on the screen and begin redirecting to the official website of the CCleaner program, from where you can download the new version. To begin with, you will be asked to upgrade the program to the paid version. If you want to continue using the free one, go to the bottom of the page and click on the button "No thanks" .

Once on the CCleaner download page, immediately below free version you will be asked to select the source from which the program will be downloaded. Having selected the one you need, download the latest version of the program to your computer, then run the downloaded distribution and install the update on your computer.

6. Drawing up a list of exceptions

Let's say that when you periodically clean your computer, you don't want CCleaner to pay attention to certain files, folders, and programs on your computer. To ensure that the program skips them when performing garbage analysis, you will need to create an exclusion list.

To do this, in the left area of ​​the program window, go to the tab "Settings" , and a little to the right select the section "Exceptions" . By clicking the button "Add" , Windows Explorer will appear on the screen, in which you will need to specify the files and folders that CCleaner will skip (for computer programs You will need to specify the folder where the program is installed).

7. Automatic shutdown of the computer after the program ends

Some program functions, for example, the “Clean up free space” function, can take quite a long time. In this regard, in order not to delay the user, the program provides a function to automatically shut down the computer after completing running process in a programme.

To do this, again, go to the tab "Settings" , and then select the section "Additionally" . In the window that opens, check the box next to "Shut down PC after cleaning" .

Actually, these are not all the options for customizing the CCleaner program. If you are interested in more detailed customization of the program to suit your requirements, we recommend taking some time to study all the available functions and settings of the program.

In the previous article we figured out how to clean partitions hard drive from “junk” files using the standard Windows cleaner “ Disk Cleanup».
Today I will tell you how to use CCleaner, which in its functionality and capabilities is not inferior to the standard Windows cleaner, and in some ways even surpasses it.

This is a free, but at the same time fast and neat utility that can clear the browser history and cache, lists of queries in search engines, saved forms and passwords, cookies and history open documents V various programs, deletes temporary files from the Temp folder if they are there for more than a day. In addition to all this, CCleaner finds and removes errors from the registry.

In a word, the program is worth installing on your computer and using it to maintain HDD in clean condition.

1. Installing the program.

So. Follow this link to the official website of the program piriform.com and download the current version.

Run the downloaded file, and a window with an installation wizard will open in front of you. Here we select the desired language and press the button “ Further».

In the window " Installation options"Leave all the checkboxes as they are and click " Install" Once the installation is complete, uncheck the “ About the version" and press the button " Ready».

2. Working with the program. Cleaning your computer from junk files.

When opening the program, we immediately find ourselves in the section “ Cleaning».
On the left side of the section in the fields “ Windows" And " Applications"You can configure its parameters by unchecking or checking the boxes next to the corresponding list items. By default, all items are selected optimally, so we leave everything as is. But if something doesn’t suit you, you can remove or add a parameter at your discretion.

Let's start cleaning the disk from junk files and click the " Analysis».

At the end of the analysis, the program will indicate in the form of a list the number of MB of junk files that it can remove from the hard drive. The figure shows that the disk analysis completed in 0.784 seconds and 25 MB will be cleared on the hard disk. And if you do cleaning very rarely or for the first time, then the cleaner will find much more junk files.

Click " Cleaning", then we further confirm our actions and see the result of the cleaning.

And in the future, clean out junk files at least once every two weeks. If you use your computer intensively and work with big amount documents or install and uninstall programs and applications very often, then clean them once a week.

3. Cleaning the registry.

In chapter " Registry" in field " Registry integrity» We also leave all cleaning settings at default. I don’t even advise you to experiment here. Press the button " Troubleshooting" and wait for the search result.

As in the case of junk files, if you have never cleaned the registry and are doing it for the first time, then there will be a lot of error entries in the registry. As a rule, these entries appear as a result of incorrectly installed or remote programs, with incorrect closed documents, when services and applications freeze, etc.

When you have finished searching for entries in the registry, click the “ To correct».

In my practice, over several years of using this utility, I have never had problems with the operation of the system after cleaning the registry. Therefore, feel free to click “ No", and in the next window that opens, click " Correct marked».

OK it's all over Now. Cleaning the system of junk files is done and now our computer will work much faster. And later, when you clean the registry, do it once every 2 months, since it is not advisable to clean the registry every other day or once a week.

If you still decide to play it safe and make a registry backup file, then click the “ Yes" and save the file with the extension .reg, for example, on " Desktop».

And when the need arises to restore previous version registry, then launch the file with two clicks and merge.

And one moment.
IN new version CCleaner takes the initiative and takes control of monitoring the system, which is not very good. The developers did this with good intentions, so that the program itself would recommend to the user when to clean the system of junk files. But we already know when cleaning needs to be done, and therefore we will take control of the cleaner’s initiative.

We go to the section “ Settings" and in the field " Tracking» uncheck the boxes “Enable system monitoring” and “Enable Active Monitoring”. Now the program will not bother us with its recommendations.

In addition to removing junk files and cleaning the registry, CCleaner can remove programs, manage startup and system restore points of your computer. But I don’t use these cleaning capabilities, since there are other programs for these purposes.

As updates are released, the program offers to update to latest version, which I recommend that you always do. Using the link provided at the beginning of the article, download the installation file for the updated version of the program and install it over the outdated version.

Now you can easily use CCleaner program.
Good luck!

During operation in any operating system, a a large number of various “garbage”: cache and other copies of various files, system data and other things. In the work of the computer and the user, most of these files will not be needed at all, or at least in the near future. Clearing the system of all this data on your own is very time-consuming and generally problematic, but to quickly and automatically speed up your computer you need to know how to use CCleaner program.

On this moment CCleaner for Windows is the most effective software to clean your computer. However for correct use program, you first need to understand how it functions and which files should be deleted.

Important! Some of the files offered for deletion by default by this program may, in theory, be required or important. To avoid accidentally deleting such information, you should understand the functionality of the program before using it.

Proper Setup - Cleanup Section

Most main principle safe work with a computer - do not touch unknown files. Therefore, in the main “cleaning” section, you should not check the boxes next to those items where you are not sure what exactly CCleaner will remove.

After pressing the button Analysis the program will start the scanning process

If you are cleaning with your browser open or do not want to clear it of debris, click the button No in a pop-up window

After completing the analysis, we proceed to remove garbage by clicking the button Cleaning

In the “cleaning” section, all information that is in one way or another related to the cache and the user’s work history is deleted. This is not only the browser cache and information saved on the Internet: the system saves data about previously launched applications, their system information and errors during operation, as well as other temporary files. The browser alone can easily accumulate a gigabyte of cache or more during operation. Manually clearing the cache and rebooting the system to reset information and clear memory is extremely inconvenient and ineffective.

Advice: If you are not very confident in how to use CCleaner, it is advisable to limit the cache size directly in the browser. This needs to be done once, but after that the system will work much faster, and you will need to clean the computer much less often.

Setting up the registry section

The system registry of a computer contains a lot of information. Among it there are outdated sections and links, information about things that no longer exist, various errors and incorrect extensions.

To start the scanning process and detect registry errors, click on the button: Troubleshooting

After scanning and detecting errors, all you have to do is press the button To correct

Press the button YES

Click on the “Fix marked” button to fix system problems

The program will not go too deep and will only delete those files and entries that slow down the operation of the registry and the computer. For beginners and those who don't know how to use CCleaner too well, it's best to leave the default settings and just run the program.

For advanced users, the program allows them to understand errors in more detail, understand and eliminate the reasons for their occurrence. Cleaning your computer one-time will make it work faster for a while, while eliminating the cause of Windows brakes allows you to work comfortably for months before you need to clean it again.

Video: How to use CCliner correctly

Setting up sections in the “Tools” menu

The “service” section combines setting up the most important points in computer operation. It is very important to carefully study the capabilities of this section for everyone who wants to learn CCleaner and how to use the program correctly.

It consists of several parts:

Uninstalling programs

Unlike the system panel "Add or Remove Programs" that is preinstalled in each Windows system, this program removes the required software completely, after which additional cleaning of the computer from garbage is not required. Otherwise, after deleting something, there will most likely be extra folders and files designed to re-install the deleted program or something else.


This section shows all programs that start simultaneously with the system boot. A good example The startup program is an antivirus. But you should remove from autorun those programs that are not required constantly and can be launched as needed.

In principle, it is enough to download CCleaner in Russian just for this purpose - a large number of programs in startup makes the computer boot process very long, and its operation is initially slow due to pre-occupied resources.

Disk analysis

This section can be used to estimate what types of files are taking up how much space on your hard drive. For example, you can estimate how much pictures or movies, music and other types of files occupy on a specific hard drive or in the entire system.

Search for duplicates

In this section, the program finds files that you may have mistakenly downloaded or saved twice. Duplicate files do not provide any benefit, but they take up disk space.

System Restore

If in Windows work happened serious problems, you can use the appropriate CCleaner section to restore the system to one of last points recovery when the problem did not yet exist.

Similar Russian-language software, which can be downloaded for free, or automatic system recovery often perform a rollback of less quality than CCleaner.

With the help of these instructions, we will show you how to use CCleaner on Windows 10 (on Windows 7 and 8 - by analogy). Launch the program and look at the first tab called “ Cleaning».

The main functionality of CCleaner is located in this tab. Here you can select which operating system components and installed applications need to be cleaned and which ones don't. Checkboxes mark items that will be cleared as needed. Look at the checkmarks in the screenshot below.

The first is Internet Cache, for Microsoft Edge. If this checkbox is checked, CCleaner will delete the cache in the Edge browser when you run the cleanup.

Or below, in the list " System", paragraph " Emptying the Trash" If there is a checkmark there, it means that every time CCleaner runs, it will delete all files from the Recycle Bin.

Thus, you can configure which components the program will clean and which not, simply by checking the required boxes.

But what to do if you don’t know what needs to be cleaned, what doesn’t need to be cleaned, which boxes to check and which ones not to? The answer is: do nothing :) By default, the checkboxes in CCleaner are set so as not to remove anything unnecessary and so that cleaning at the same time has maximum efficiency. Therefore, you can trust the program.

Before you start cleaning, Cycliner needs to know which files can be deleted and how many of them. Click on the "Analysis" button to find out.

After a few seconds, you will see a report in which CCleaner will tell you how many and what files it is going to delete and how much space will be freed up after that.

In my case, as much as 3202 MB will be freed up, this is not small, I think it’s worth removing everything unnecessary from the system. Click on the button Cleaning" to start it.

Cycliner is perhaps one of the most necessary programs for optimizing computer performance. Without exaggeration, every user should have this software installed, because without it, even a powerful laptop will turn into a crawling “turtle”. Despite the very simple interface, many inexperienced users may encounter problems using the application on Windows 7 or other operating systems. Before you clean your computer, you need to configure the software correctly, since important files can float away into oblivion along with the garbage. Therefore, we have prepared detailed guide, how to use CCleaner without harming the system.

Developer: Piriform
First title: Crap Cleaner
Number of versions: four, including portable
First edition: October 2006
Professional version cost: $24.95 – $39.95
Main competitor: FCleaner
Number of users: more than 1 billion!

How to configure CCleaner to clean properly

The main rule of safe PC optimization is don’t touch anything you’re not sure about. Simply put, in the “Cleaning” section, do not check the boxes if you do not know what exactly the program will delete. You can only cancel some default settings.

Section "Cleaning"

Everything regarding clearing the cache, remember that any “storage” makes the system or program easier to operate. But over time, it becomes so filled with various data that it begins to load the operating system. The buffer can use several gigabytes of RAM, which negatively affects the speed of the computer. Therefore, periodic cleaning is simply necessary, especially for browsers.

Helpful advice ! You can change the cache size in any browser. If you have weak computer, we recommend limiting yourself to 200 – 300 MB.

We invite you to find out what the following cleaning parameters mean:

  • Magazine Windows events . This is the place where all information about important software and hardware events is stored: notifications, warnings, errors, successful and unsuccessful operations.
  • Old Prefetch data. This folder is used to speed up the loading of the operating system and the launch of various programs.
  • Encirclement path. This file stores application PATH environment variables, that is, “links” to all the necessary data for proper operation specific program.
  • List of recent programs. This option will clear the history of recently launched applications.
  • IIS Log Files. Folder with information about the operation of the Internet Information Service. Simply put, it is collecting information about the activity, errors and bugs of various web servers.
  • Fix pack uninstallers. These are official packages for correctly removing programs from your computer.

Important ! The Applications tab allows you to clear out unnecessary garbage all programs and utilities installed on the PC. We do not recommend deleting browser passwords, as well as data from applications that you frequently use.

Section "Register"

Here you can scan the operating system registry for errors, invalid extensions, obsolete links and keys. By default, bugs in all services will be fixed. We recommend doing backups changes made and in case of system instability, restore old settings.

After searching for problems, a list of errors that interfere with the normal operation of the registry will be displayed. You can choose the ones you need. Inexperienced users are better off leaving everything as is and cleaning the computer. It is important to know that Sikliner destroys only those files that slow down the system.

Section "Service"

This section contains the most important functions to optimize PC performance. To use the program correctly, you need to know what the following settings mean:

  • Uninstalling programs. The peculiarity of the cleaner is that it completely removes applications, after which no additional cleaning is required.
  • . Prevent programs from automatically loading when you turn on the computer.
  • Disk analysis. Sizing different types files in order to find out how much space they take up on the disk.
  • Search for duplicates. Search for duplicate files by name, size and date added.
  • System Restore. Selecting the last known good configuration of the computer and returning the old operating system parameters.
  • Erasing Discs. Completely erasing the contents or free space of hard drives and external media.

Now a little about how to use CCleaner in each section.

Uninstalling programs. To uninstall unnecessary application, you need to select it in the list, click the “Uninstall” button and confirm the command in the window that appears.

Select the program by right-clicking the mouse and clicking on the “ Switch off».

Disk analysis. We start scanning the disks and after checking, select any section, for example, “music”. In the list you can select and delete unnecessary media files.

Search for duplicates. Select search criteria and disk. Let's start the analysis. In the list of duplicates you can remove any unnecessary file. Check the box next to it and click “Delete selected”.

System Restore. Choose any control point and roll back the system to the required date.

Erasing disks. We mark the drive and set the cleaning method: free space or the entire disk.

Important ! If you choose the second option, then all existing files will be completely erased from the computer. It means that operating system with your photos, music and videos will be deleted permanently (if you select drive C:).

Section "Settings"

If you are an inexperienced user, then it is better not to touch the parameters. Everything that is necessary for the application to function correctly is already set by default. The only two points that can be “combed through” are “ Settings" And " Additionally».

Settings . Here all the actions are to note required parameters Sikliner's works:

  • clean the computer at startup;
  • add program functions to Explorer;
  • set normal or thorough erasure of information;
  • select disks to clean up free space.

CCleaner Advanced or Advanced Options. There is nothing for the average user to do here, although a couple of functions can be configured at your discretion: close the program after cleaning and shut down the PC after cleaning. We think you don't need to explain what these settings mean.

We hope that our guide will help you learn not only how to use CCleaner, but also how to configure the utility for proper cleaning. Before each optimization, do not forget to create a checkpoint to restore previous system settings in case of accidental deletion of important files. Also for this purpose you need to have an important program called Recuva from the creators of Cicliner.

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