Home Useful properties of fruits Ranks in the power structures of the Russian Federation. Categories of military ranks in the Russian army. Detailed description of ship ranks in ascending order

Ranks in the power structures of the Russian Federation. Categories of military ranks in the Russian army. Detailed description of ship ranks in ascending order

Ranks in the Russian army: comparative table + shoulder strap samples + 12 interesting facts in the subject + 7 army customs.

Even if at the lessons of military training a mustachioed military instructor forced you to cram ranks in the Russian army, we are sure that nothing has been deposited in your head, except for the unrestrained "rzhach" in the classroom, pigtails of classmates and the first cigarettes smoked around the corner of the school.

It's time to fill this gap in order to distinguish the "real colonel" from the "ensign Shmatko" at a glance.

Ranks in the Russian army? Where are they "distributed"?

In the Russian army, all military ranks are divided into 2 large categories:

  • ship (those that brave sailors receive);
  • military (assigned to "land rats").

Category number 1. "Ship": "You are a sailor, I am a sailor ..."

Ship ranks can boast in the Russian army by those who serve in:

  • Navy(his submarine and surface forces). Oh, those brave officers in sea ​​uniform- how many girls' hearts they broke!;
  • military naval units MIA. Yes, yes, there are also marine policemen!
  • protection (coastal) of the Border Service of the Russian FSB.

    No, they do not catch poachers with two buckets of crucian carp, but protect water lines from illegal immigrants and other violators.

Category number 2. "Military": "And I love the military, beautiful, hefty ...".

Meeting a sea captain in a white tunic is a rather difficult task if you do not live somewhere near the gentle sea. But do not despair!

In the Russian army, ranks are also received in:

  • armed forces;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs (district and other police "people");
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations (brave "Malibu rescuers");

    “If you think that the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is sheer heroism and a thriller, then I have to disappoint you: sometimes you just have to carry out explanatory work with priests so that the church is not burned with candles, and with them the old parishioners and cats from the trees shoot, and tell grandmothers how to heat the stove in winter and not suffocate from carbon monoxide. But rank, uniform, and social benefits make the job much more bearable.”, - Vadim from Khmelnitsky shares his impressions of the service.

  • Intelligence Service (foreign) (yeah-ah, those very followers of Stirlitz!);
  • Federal Security Service;
  • other military units.

All ranks of the Russian army in one table: dispelling the "darkness of ignorance"

So that you don’t fall asleep on the third line of a simple listing of ranks in the Russian army, we offer you a simple cheat sheet (military and ship ranks placed on the same line correspond to each other):

Ranks in the Russian army:
Type of Military ship
Lance Sergeant,
staff Sergeant,
Senior Warrant Officer
senior sailor,
foreman of the second article,
foreman of the first article,
chief sergeant,
chief ship sergeant,
senior midshipman
junior officersjunior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
lieutenant commander
Senior officersmajor,
lieutenant colonel,
captain of the 1st rank,
captain of the 2nd rank,
captain of the 3rd rank
Senior officer corpsmajor general,
lieutenant general,
colonel general,
army General,
Marshal of the Russian Federation
rear admiral,
vice admiral,
fleet admiral

As can be seen from the table, there are one more military ranks! But what!

Find 10 differences: shoulder straps for different ranks in the Russian army

To make it clear at a glance “who is who?” in the Russian troops, insignia were introduced - sleeve insignia (for sailors) shoulder straps and shoulder straps (for all soldiers).

1) Shoulder straps of non-officer ranks

2) Shoulder straps of officer ranks

Top 12 interesting facts about ranks in the Russian army

  1. The only one who can command the Marshal of the Russian Federation (even give him the command “Take a prone emphasis!”) Is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is also the President of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is a position, not a rank in the Russian troops.
  2. The current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin left the FSB with the rank of colonel, but now the position allows him to "build" the holders of the highest military ranks.
  3. The Minister of Defense commands both the sailors and the ground forces. Therefore, higher than the admiral of the fleet in the rank naval forces no.
  4. Do not try to express your respect for the brave warriors by diligently writing out their ranks in the Russian armed forces with a capital letter. The fact is that all these words (from a sailor to a marshal) are written with a small letter;
  5. If you were lucky enough to serve in the guards, then the word “guards” is added to the rank, for example, “guards colonel”. Agree, it sounds!
  6. Even if you retired or reserve and quietly grow cucumbers in the country, your title is assigned to you with the prefix “in reserve” or “retired”.

    “The colonel, even if he is retired or in reserve, will still embarrass the traffic sergeant who stopped him for violating traffic rules. The poor guy scolds, scolds and lets go without a fine. So the title works for you!”- with a laugh says the military pensioner Alexander from Kharkov.

  7. To the ranks of military doctors and lawyers, they add "justice" (for example, "captain of justice") or "medical service" (for example, "colonel of the medical service").

    This, of course, is not George Clooney from ER, but it also sounds great!

  8. Those who entered a military university, but so far only in sweet dreams see their high ranks in the Russian troops, are called cadets, but those who have already managed to “sniff gunpowder” (has a military rank) are called listeners.
  9. For a whole year of service (urgent), the maximum that “shines” for you in the Russian army is the rank of sergeant.
  10. Since 2012, the ranks of chief ship foreman and foreman have not been assigned (they are simply “jumped”), but they remained on pieces of paper. Such is the "wonderland"!
  11. Although the rank of major is higher than that of a lieutenant, by some strange, inexplicable logic, a lieutenant general in the Russian Federation is higher in rank than a major general.
  12. In the Russian army, the next rank is awarded for personal merit and length of service. If about your bright moral character, high level"combat and political training" to judge your commanders, then how much you need to "chip" from rank to rank, we will orient you:

    No. p / pRank in the Russian armylength of service
    1 Private, sailor5 months
    2 Junior sergeant, foreman of the second article1 year
    3 Sergeant, foreman of the first article2 years
    4 Senior sergeant, chief foreman3 years
    5 Ensign, midshipman3 years
    6 Ensign2 years
    7 Lieutenant3 years
    8 Senior Lieutenant3 years
    9 Captain, Lieutenant Commander4 years
    10 Major, captain 3rd rank4 years
    11 Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank5 years
  13. Then, in order to get another "asterisk" on shoulder straps, you will have to serve 5 years. A prerequisite is also the presence of a position suitable for your new rank:

    RankJob title
    PrivateAll newly drafted into the army, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver, sapper, scout, radio operator, etc.)
    corporalThere are no full-time corporal posts. The title is awarded to high-skilled soldiers in lower positions.
    junior sergeant, sergeantSquad, tank, gun commander
    Staff SergeantDeputy Platoon Leader
    foremanCompany foreman
    Ensign, Art. ensignThe commander of a platoon of material support, the foreman of the company, the head of the warehouse, the head of the radio station and other non-commissioned officer positions that require high qualifications. Can occupy lower officer positions with a lack of officers
    EnsignPlatoon commander. Usually this rank is awarded in conditions of an acute shortage of officers after passing an accelerated officer course.
    Lieutenant, Art. lieutenantPlatoon commander, deputy company commander.
    CaptainCompany commander, training platoon commander
    MajorDeputy battalion commander. Training company commander
    Lieutenant colonelBattalion commander, deputy regiment commander
    ColonelRegiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
    Major GeneralDivision Commander, Deputy Corps Commander
    Lieutenant GeneralCorps Commander, Deputy Army Commander
    Colonel GeneralArmy Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
    Army GeneralCommander of the district (front), Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Head general staff, other senior positions
    Marshal of the Russian FederationHonorary title given for special merits

They do not live by the same ranks in the Russian army! 7 interesting military signs and customs

Ranks in the Russian army are, of course, a burning topic, but we want to talk about interesting traditions, signs and customs in the army:

  • about the "washing" of the new rank with the ritual dipping of the "stars" in a glass of vodka and sabanting with colleagues, only the lazy one has not heard.

    There is a whole instruction for conducting this important, almost magical ritual - https://www.antik-war.lv/viewtopic.php?p=2140415

    the paratrooper is unlikely to take someone else's parachute.

    We suspect that this sign arose due to the fact that no matter how much you love brother Seryoga, who sleeps with you in the barracks on the next bed, you can’t be sure that he will prepare the parachute as carefully as you;

    “Let me still feel with my bones every unsuccessful jump and grunt in bad weather, but the landing is what made me a real man. And it’s not about shoulder straps, benefits and a normal pension, but that it was there that I learned to do something through “I can’t”, learned what real male friendship is and traveled all over the world thanks to the service. I had a chic, rich youth without a mobile phone, the Internet and pretentious coffee shops., - Vladimir from Penza shares his memories.

  • one match cannot light three or more fighters.

    Experienced say that during this time the sniper will have plenty of time to open aimed fire;

    submariners do not shave during combat missions.

    Well, what, you won’t find young ladies on a submarine during the day with fire, so there’s no one to show off in front of;

  • submariners do not favor the number 9, since many accidents happened with boats, in the number of which this very “nine” was (K-9, K-129, K-159, etc.);
  • bathing paratroopers on the day of the Airborne Forces in the fountains- this is from the series "Understand and forgive";
  • paratroopers make their first "jumps" from a stool, holding a box of matches between their knees.

    Of course, you need to land softly, and the matches should not fall to the floor;

    graduates of military universities after the official part of the prom hide several banknotes under each shoulder strap.

    The junior cadet who is the first to salute the newly minted junior lieutenant and congratulate him on his promotion to the rank receives money.

All shoulder straps and titles of the Russian

Federations in one video:

We hope that the article helped you “discover America” of ranks in the Russian army and deal with this interesting issue once and for all.

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Senior sergeant (rank) is assigned to the deputy platoon commander. You can call the position of the most responsible among the soldiers. There will be as many such officers in companies as there are platoons.

All senior sergeants are assistants to ensigns and other officers. It is desirable that they are personally acquainted with each of their subordinates, know their strengths and weaknesses, know how to manage, punish, if necessary.

The senior sergeant has a wide corner on the chase.

general information

The senior sergeant is (also found in other units). In accordance with the rank, he is located below the foreman, but above the sergeant. Although all these ranks are only superficially related to the officer corps.

Sometimes senior sergeant is pronounced in conjunction with other words. It all depends on where he is serving:

  1. Senior sergeant of the guard, if the officer is present in the corresponding military unit, or serves on the guards ship.
  2. Master Medical/Justice Sergeant, if the officer is on the reserve but is skilled in medicine or law.
  3. Reserve Senior Sergeant / Retired, if the officer does not continue to serve in the unit.

Other categories are observed in the IMF of Russia. Here the senior sergeant receives the rank of chief foreman. But the position in the staff remains the same. The employee performs the duties of the deputy platoon commander.

Terms of service of junior management

All ranks are assigned to employees of the relevant authorities depending on several parameters: position, education, qualifications and some other factors that are noted in this Regulation. Those that are focused on junior commanding staff are assigned by leaders who are higher in the service.

This Regulation establishes the following terms with length of service:

  • private - one year;
  • junior sergeant - one year;
  • sergeant - two years;
  • senior sergeant - three years;
  • ensign - five years;

The foreman (rank after senior sergeant) does not have a fixed term of service. He is awarded subsequent ranks depending on his personal attitude to the service, qualifications, and various service achievements. The same is the case with the senior ensign.

Early title assignment

Speaking about how much from a sergeant to a senior sergeant, one cannot but take into account the early assignment of the rank. AT standard version have to serve two years. But the title can be awarded before the expiration of the term. There are several rules:

  1. The one who is assigned a new rank ahead of schedule must stand out in the process of service, earn high results, cope with duties perfectly, and also show exemplary behavior.
  2. The one who is awarded the title must do something that is not part of his duties, quickly orient himself in his own actions.

Early ranks are assigned by higher management in strict accordance with the implementation of all paragraphs of these Regulations. Also, it cannot be administered to a person "through the head." That is, only a sergeant can become a senior sergeant. If this is an ordinary, then he will not be able to receive such an early increase.

In some cases, an early title cannot be awarded. For example, if a person needs to undergo training or acquire specific skills (senior sergeant of justice and the like).

Delay or deprivation of title

Senior sergeant after seniority may not be obtained. This happens for several reasons:

  • The presence of written disciplinary statements.
  • There is a violation of the law, because of which a criminal case is initiated.
  • An inspection is being carried out to identify service violations.

In such cases, a new rank is not assigned until the end of the proceedings, or the officer is completely deprived of it. It depends on the category of violation.

Demotion is a measure when there is a disciplinary utterance. Sometimes this decision is made direct superiors if they find someone better for a full-time position, in case of non-fulfillment of official obligations, negligent attitude to service. And it is possible to restore the rank no earlier than a year later, if the direct superiors make such a decision. They can also completely deprive the title for crimes against the army and Russia as a whole.

Title assignment

The rank of senior sergeant is received before the foreman. In order to reach this position, you will need to take special courses in the training program for the relevant staff members of the service unit. In this it differs significantly, for example, from an ordinary or corporal. Accordingly, as an encouragement, this title is not awarded, and regardless of the rank of the higher leadership.

But seniors in rank can send a soldier to sergeant training courses. He has no right to do this on his own. Otherwise, all privates or corporals would have become sergeants long ago.

The minimum way from a junior sergeant to a senior one is six months. During this period, an officer can stand out, earn a reputation with higher leadership.


Thus, a senior sergeant is the penultimate rank (the last is a foreman) that an ordinary soldier can receive without graduating from college. It is enough to take several courses, some of them are conducted directly in the unit. In order to receive further promotions, if the officer decides to remain in the army, he will need to undergo training.

Military service implies military ranks citizens who have made it their profession. Ranks are the same for all Russian territory and are awarded in accordance with the laws of the country.

The purpose of this form of distinction of employees in the army is to ensure their subordination in relation to each other. The presence of a certain rank in a military man affects the conditions in which he serves.

In Russia, military ranks are divided into 2 types and can be military and naval. That is, the former are assigned to servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and the latter - to employees of the Navy.

More specifically, military ranks show belonging to a particular specialty by adding a prefix or the corresponding word to them. For example, for a military medic, the prefix "medical service" is added to the rank, for a military lawyer - "justice".

Clarifying the current state of a serviceman are the words "retired, in reserve", etc. If a soldier serves in a guards unit (ship), then the word “guards” is added before his rank.

Since 1993, the armed forces of our country have been experimenting with the appearance of shoulder straps, reflecting the rank of a serviceman. There were quite a lot of intermediate projects, until they settled on the version of their design, which exists to this day.

Acquainted with complete list existing military ranks can be in the Federal Law No. 53 "On military duty" of 1998. The legislation makes a distinction between military service and conscription. If they talk about military service, then they mean the presence of citizens in a special type of civil service, and when they mention the second, they mean army recruits with their subsequent stay in the reserve. But their ranks are in any case called military.

In the Federal Law (Article 46), ranks are listed in ascending order, which determines their seniority. Military ranks are conditionally divided into the following groups for the armed forces and navy, respectively:

Rank group Military rank / Ship rank
Non-officer ranks
(Conscription and contract staff)
  • Private / Sailor;
  • Corporal / Senior sailor;
  • Junior sergeant / Petty officer of the second article;
  • Sergeant / Petty Officer of the first article;
  • Senior Sergeant / Chief Petty Officer;
  • Foreman / Chief ship foreman;
  • Ensign / Midshipman;
  • Senior Warrant Officer / Senior Warrant Officer.
junior officers
  • Second Lieutenant / Second Lieutenant;
  • Lieutenant / Lieutenant;
  • Senior Lieutenant / Senior Lieutenant;
  • Captain / Lieutenant Commander.
Senior officers
  • Major / Captain 3rd rank;
  • Lieutenant colonel / Captain 2nd rank;
  • Colonel / Captain 1st rank.
Senior officer corps
  • Major General / Rear Admiral;
  • Lieutenant General / Vice Admiral;
  • Colonel General / Admiral;
  • General of the Army / Admiral of the Fleet;
  • Marshal of the Russian Federation / no analogue.

The supreme commander of the armed forces of the state in Russia is the Supreme Commander (usually in wartime), such is the Russian President.

For the training of officers, there are higher military institutions, where during the period of study, citizens are called cadets, if before that they did not have any ranks or were in the rank of private / sailor. Persons who have other titles at the time of admission are considered listeners.

After graduating from military schools, those who have been trained there receive the rank of "lieutenant". Citizens who studied at a civilian university, where there was a military department, will also be called after passing exams and passing fees. Upon graduation, they are awarded the title of "Lieutenant of the Reserve".

What do military insignia look like?

First of all, his epaulettes, chevrons speak about the military rank of a soldier.

  • The privates - soldiers and sailors on the shoulder straps of the field, everyday uniforms do not have any distinguishing marks. And on the shoulder straps of the output and dress uniforms, metal letters of golden color are provided, which indicate belonging to the type of service, training. For example, the letter "F" - the fleet, "KK" - the cadet corps, etc.
  • For sergeants and foremen, shoulder straps are distinguished by the presence of metal corners (badges) that are directed upwards, and ensigns and midshipmen can be identified by small stars that are located vertically. The junior officers are provided with epaulettes with stripes-gaps with a vertical arrangement and asterisks not big size.
  • Senior officers can be identified by two gaps and large stars on shoulder straps. Representatives of the highest officers wear shoulder straps with large vertical stars that do not have gaps.
  • The marshals have shoulder straps decorated with a very large one star, they also have the Russian coat of arms.

For military personnel, there is a certain order of obtaining ranks. They are assigned personally to each military person.

The next title is assigned to them only when the previous one expires. Service life refers to the period in which a person must be in the previous rank in order to be eligible for promotion.

The countdown of the period required to obtain a higher rank comes from the date of issuance of the order to award the rank. It includes breaks due to unlawful conviction or dismissal of a serviceman, suspension of service. An exception to the rule is the time spent under arrest, serving a sentence, which are not counted in this period.

Obtaining titles is the first and extraordinary. The law provides for their assignment before the due date, if a military person has special merits to the Motherland. Such a position becomes possible if that applicant occupies a position in which his present rank is lower than the highest distinction provided here. Early assignment of ranks is carried out by an authorized official.

The order of deprivation and restoration of titles

Only the judiciary has the right to deprive the title of a military man. This happens by a court decision in connection with a crime committed by him, which can be serious or especially serious. According to the law, the court has the right to do so, regardless of who awarded the title. Such a court decision entails the removal from the serviceman of all benefits, social privileges that he had due to his military status.

A citizen has the right to be reinstated in rank after the repayment of a criminal record. This will require the consent of the authorized body and the positive feedback of the military commissar. Its order of operations should look like this:

1) A citizen must apply to the Commissariat for reinstatement in rank. It must be reviewed within 30 days.

2) If there are grounds for restoration (illegal judgment) Commissariat employees prepare a presentation, and an authorized official issues an order to return the rank to the applicant.

For sergeants and foremen, the law provides for disciplinary punishment for a specific misconduct. It consists in lowering him in rank by one step by order of the head of the institution, who occupies the position of regiment commander and above. After that, the serviceman is obliged to change shoulder straps in accordance with the new rank.

Such a decision is made after an objective investigation to determine the causes of the incident. The penalty can be removed after an incident of at least 3 months, after which the military rank is returned to the serviceman.

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--> On the same topic

General chase and:

-Field Marshal General* - crossed wands.
-general of infantry, cavalry, etc.(the so-called "full general") - without asterisks,
- lieutenant general- 3 stars
- major general- 2 stars

Headquarters officers:
Two gaps and:

-colonel- without asterisks.
- lieutenant colonel(since 1884, the Cossacks have a military foreman) - 3 stars
-major** (until 1884 the Cossacks had a military foreman) - 2 stars

One light and:

-captain(captain, captain) - without stars.
- staff captain(headquarters captain, podesaul) - 4 stars
-lieutenant(sotnik) - 3 stars
- second lieutenant(cornet, cornet) - 2 stars
- Ensign*** - 1 star

Lower ranks

-zauryad-ensign- 1 galloon stripe along the length of the shoulder strap with the 1st star on the stripe
- Ensign- 1 galloon stripe in the length of the epaulette
- sergeant major(wahmistr) - 1 wide transverse stripe
-st. non-commissioned officer(st. fireworks, st. constable) - 3 narrow cross stripes
- ml. non-commissioned officer(ml. fireworks, ml. sergeant) - 2 narrow cross stripes
- corporal(bombardier, orderly) - 1 narrow transverse stripe
-private(gunner, cossack) - without stripes

*In 1912, the last Field Marshal Dmitry Aleksevich Milyutin, who held the post of Minister of War from 1861 to 1881, dies. This rank was not awarded to anyone else, but nominally this rank was preserved.
** The rank of major was abolished in 1884 and was no longer restored.
*** Since 1884, the rank of warrant officer has been left only for wartime (assigned only during the war, and with its end, all warrant officers are subject to either dismissal or they should be assigned the rank of second lieutenant).
P.S. Ciphers and monograms on shoulder straps are not conditionally placed.
Very often one hears the question "why does the junior rank in the category of staff officers and generals begin with two stars, and not with one like the chief officers?" When, in 1827, stars on epaulettes appeared in the Russian army as insignia, the major general received two stars on the epaulette at once.
There is a version that one star was supposed to be a foreman - this rank had not been assigned since the time of Paul I, but by 1827 they still existed
retired brigadiers who had the right to wear uniforms. True, epaulettes were not supposed to be retired military men. And it is unlikely that many of them survived until 1827 (passed
for about 30 years since the abolition of the brigadier rank). Most likely, the two general's stars were simply copied from the epaulette of a French brigadier general. There is nothing strange in this, because the epaulettes themselves came to Russia from France. Most likely, there was never a single general's star in the Russian imperial army. This version seems more plausible.

As for the major, he received two stars by analogy with the two stars of the Russian major general of that time.

The only exception was the insignia in the hussar regiments in the front and ordinary (everyday) form, in which shoulder cords were worn instead of shoulder straps.
Shoulder cords.
Instead of an epaulette of a cavalry type, the hussars on dolmans and mentics have
hussar shoulder cords. For all officers, the same from a gold or silver double soutache cord of the same color as the cords on the dolman for the lower ranks, shoulder cords from a double soutache cord in color -
orange for regiments having the color of the instrument metal - gold or white for regiments having the color of the instrument metal - silver.
These shoulder cords form a ring at the sleeve, and a loop at the collar, fastened with a uniform button sewn half an inch from the collar seam.
To distinguish the ranks, gombochki are put on the cords (a ring from the same cold cord covering the shoulder cord):
-y corporal- one, of the same color with a cord;
-y non-commissioned officers tricolor gombochkas (white with St. George's thread), in number, like stripes on shoulder straps;
-y sergeant major- gold or silver (as for officers) on an orange or white cord (as for lower ranks);
-y ensign- a shoulder cord of a smooth officer with a gombochka of a sergeant-major;
officers on officer cords have gombos with stars (metal, as on shoulder straps) - in accordance with the rank.

Volunteers wear twisted cords of Romanov colors (white-black-yellow) around the cords.

The shoulder cords of the ober and headquarters officers do not differ in any way.
Headquarters officers and generals have the following differences in uniform: on the collar of a dolman, generals have a wide or gold galloon up to 1 1/8 inches wide, and staff officers have a gold or silver galloon 5/8 inches wide, having the full length "
hussar zigzags", and for chief officers, the collar is sheathed with only one cord or filigree.
In the 2nd and 5th regiments of the chief officers along the upper edge of the collar, there is also galloon, but 5/16 inches wide.
In addition, on the cuffs of the generals there is galloon, the same as the one on the collar. The stripe of galloon comes from the cut of the sleeve with two ends, in front it converges over the toe.
For staff officers, the galloon is also the same as the one on the collar. The length of the entire patch is up to 5 inches.
And the chief officers are not supposed to galloon.

Below are pictures of the shoulder cords

1. Officers and generals

2. Lower officials

The shoulder cords of the chief, staff officers and generals did not differ in any way from each other. For example, it was possible to distinguish a cornet from a major general only by the appearance and width of the braid on the cuffs and, in some regiments, on the collar.
Twisted cords relied only on adjutants and aide-de-camp!

Shoulder cords of the adjutant wing (left) and adjutant (right)

Officer's epaulettes: lieutenant colonel of the air squadron of the 19th army corps and staff captain of the 3rd field air squadron. In the center are shoulder boards of the cadets of the Nikolaev Engineering School. On the right is the epaulette of a captain (most likely a dragoon or lancer regiment)

The Russian army in its modern sense began to be created by Emperor Peter I at the end of the 18th century. The system of military ranks of the Russian army took shape partly under the influence of European systems, partly under the influence of the historically established purely Russian system of ranks. However, at that time there were no military ranks in the sense in which we are accustomed to understand. There were specific military units, there were also quite specific positions and, accordingly, their names. company commander. By the way, in the civil fleet even now, the person in charge of the ship's crew is called the "captain", the person in charge of the seaport is called the "port captain". In the 18th century, many words existed in a slightly different sense than they do now.
So "General" meant - "chief", and not just "highest military leader";
"Major"- "senior" (senior among regimental officers);
"Lieutenant"- "assistant"
"Outbuilding"- "Jr".

"Table of ranks of all ranks of military, civilian and courtiers, in which class the ranks are acquired" was put into effect by the Decree of Emperor Peter I on January 24, 1722 and lasted until December 16, 1917. The word "officer" came into Russian from German. But in German, as in English, the word has a much broader meaning. In relation to the army, this term means all military leaders in general. In a narrower translation, it means - "employee", "clerk", "employee". Therefore, it is quite natural - "non-commissioned officers" - junior commanders, "chief officers" - senior commanders, "headquarters officers" - staff members, "generals" - the main ones. Non-commissioned officer ranks also in those days were not ranks, but were positions. Ordinary soldiers were then named according to their military specialties - musketeer, pikeman, dragoon, etc. There was no name "private", and "soldier", as Peter I wrote, means all military personnel ".. from the highest general to the last musketeer, cavalry or on foot ..." Therefore, soldier and non-commissioned officer ranks were not included in the Table. The well-known names "second lieutenant", "lieutenant" existed in the list of ranks of the Russian army long before the formation of the regular army by Peter I to designate military personnel who are assistants to the captain, that is, the company commander; and continued to be used within the framework of the Table as Russian-language synonyms for the positions "non-commissioned lieutenant" and "lieutenant", that is, "assistant" and "assistant". Well, or if you want - "assistant officer for assignments" and "officer for assignments." The name "ensign" as more understandable (wearing a banner, ensign), quickly replaced the obscure "fendrik", which meant "candidate for an officer position. Over time, the process of separation of the concepts of "position" and "rank" was going on. After the beginning of the 19th century, these concepts were already separated quite clearly. With the development of means of warfare, the advent of technology, when the army became large enough and when it was necessary to compare the official position of a fairly large set of job titles. It was here that the concept of "rank" often began to obscure, divert the concept " job title".

However, in the modern army, the position, so to speak, is more important than the rank. According to the charter, seniority is determined by position, and only with equal positions is the one with a higher rank considered older.

According to the "Table of Ranks", the following ranks were introduced: civil, military infantry and cavalry, military artillery and engineering troops, military guards, military fleets.

In the period from 1722-1731, in relation to the army, the system of military ranks looked like this (the corresponding position in brackets)

Lower ranks (ordinary)

By specialty (grenadier. Fuseler ...)

non-commissioned officers


Fourier(deputy platoon commander)


Ensign(foreman of a company, battalion)



Ensign(Fendrik), junker bayonet (art) (platoon leader)

Second Lieutenant

lieutenant(deputy company commander)

lieutenant captain(company commander)


Major(deputy battalion commander)

Lieutenant colonel(battalion commander)

Colonel(commander of the regiment)

Brigadier(brigade leader)


Major General(division commander)

lieutenant general(corps commander)

General-anshef (General Feldzekhmeister)- (commander of the army)

Field Marshal General(commander-in-chief, honorary title)

In the Life Guards, the ranks were two classes higher than in the army. In the army artillery and engineering troops, the ranks are one class higher than in the infantry and cavalry. During the period 1731-1765 the concepts of "rank" and "position" are beginning to separate. So in the state of the field infantry regiment of 1732, when indicating the staff ranks, it is already written not just the rank of "quartermaster", but the position indicating the rank: "quartermaster (of the lieutenant rank)". With regard to officers of the company level, the separation of the concepts of "position" and "rank" is not yet observed. In the army "fendrick" is replaced by " ensign", in the cavalry - "cornet". Ranks are being introduced "Second Major" and "Prime Major" During the reign of Empress Catherine II (1765-1798) ranks are introduced in the army infantry and cavalry junior and senior sergeant, sergeant major disappears. Since 1796 in the Cossack units, the names of the ranks are the same as the ranks of the army cavalry and are equated to them, although the Cossack units continue to be listed as irregular cavalry (not part of the army). There is no rank of second lieutenant in the cavalry, and captain corresponds to the captain. During the reign of Emperor Paul I (1796-1801) the concepts of "rank" and "position" in this period are already separated quite clearly. The ranks in the infantry and artillery are compared. Paul I did a lot of useful things to strengthen the army and discipline in it. He forbade the registration of minor noble children in the regiments. All recorded in the regiments were required to serve really. He introduced disciplinary and criminal liability of officers for soldiers (preservation of life and health, training, clothing, living conditions) forbade the use of soldiers as work force on the estates of officers and generals; introduced the awarding of soldiers with insignia of the orders of St. Anne and the Maltese Cross; introduced an advantage in promotion in the ranks of officers who graduated from military educational institutions; ordered to be promoted in ranks only on business qualities and ability to command; introduced holidays for soldiers; limited the duration of officers' vacations to one month a year; dismissed from the army a large number of generals who did not meet the requirements military service(old age, illiteracy, disability, absence from service for a long time, etc.). Ranks are introduced in the lower ranks ordinary junior and senior salary. In the cavalry sergeant major(company foreman) For Emperor Alexander I (1801-1825) since 1802, all non-commissioned officers of the nobility are called "junker". Since 1811, the rank of "major" was abolished in the artillery and engineering troops and the rank of "ensign" was returned. During the reign of Emperors Nicholas I (1825-1855) , who did a lot to streamline the army, Alexander II (1855-1881) and the beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexander III (1881-1894) Since 1828, army Cossacks have been given ranks other than army cavalry (In the Life Guards Cossack and Life Guards Ataman regiments, the ranks are like those of the entire guards cavalry). The Cossack units themselves are transferred from the category of irregular cavalry to the army. The concepts of "rank" and "position" in this period are already completely separated. Under Nicholas I, the discrepancy in the naming of non-commissioned officers disappears. Since 1884, the rank of warrant officer has been left only for wartime (assigned only during the war, and with its end, all warrant officers are subject to either dismissal or they should be assigned the rank of second lieutenant). The rank of cornet in the cavalry is retained as the first officer rank. He is a class below the infantry lieutenant, but in the cavalry there is no rank of second lieutenant. This equalizes the ranks of infantry and cavalry. In the Cossack units, the classes of officers are equated with the cavalry, but have their own names. In this regard, the rank of military foreman, previously equal to major, now becomes equal to lieutenant colonel

"In 1912, the last General Field Marshal Milyutin Dmitry Alekseevich, who served as Minister of War from 1861 to 1881, dies. This rank was not assigned to anyone else, but nominally this rank was preserved"

In 1910, the rank of Russian Field Marshal was awarded to the King of Montenegro, Nicholas I, and in 1912, to the King of Romania, Carol I.

P.S. After the October Revolution of 1917, by the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars (Bolshevik government) of December 16, 1917, all military ranks were abolished ...

Officer's epaulettes tsarist army were arranged quite differently from modern ones. First of all, the gaps were not part of the galloon, as we have been doing since 1943. In the engineering troops, two harness galloons or one harness and two headquarters officer galloons were simply sewn onto the shoulder strap. For each type of troops, the type of galloon was determined specifically. For example, in the hussar regiments on officer shoulder straps, a galloon of the "hussar zig-zag" type was used. On the shoulder straps of military officials, a "civilian" galloon was used. Thus, the gaps of officer epaulettes were always the same color as the field of soldier epaulettes. If shoulder straps in this part did not have a colored edging (edging), as, say, it was in the engineering troops, then the edgings had the same color as the gaps. But if in part the epaulettes had a colored edging, then it was visible around the officer's epaulette. A silver-colored epaulette button without sides with an extruded double-headed eagle sitting on crossed axes. and letters, or silver monograms (to whom it is necessary). At the same time, it was widespread to wear gilded forged metal stars, which were supposed to be worn only on epaulettes.

The placement of the stars was not rigidly fixed and was determined by the size of the encryption. Two stars were supposed to be placed around the encryption, and if it filled the entire width of the shoulder strap, then above it. The third asterisk had to be placed so as to form an equilateral triangle with the two lower ones, and the fourth asterisk was slightly higher. If there is one asterisk on the chase (for the ensign), then it was placed where the third asterisk is usually attached. Special signs were also gilded metal patches, although it was not uncommon to find them embroidered with gold thread. The exception was the special signs of aviation, which were oxidized and had the color of silver with a patina.

1. Epaulette staff captain 20 engineer battalion

2. Epaulette for lower ranks Lancers 2nd Leib Ulansky Courland Regiment 1910

3. Epaulette full general from the cavalry suite His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II. The silver device of the epaulette testifies to the high military rank of the owner (only the marshal was higher)

About the stars on uniform

For the first time, forged five-pointed stars appeared on the epaulettes of Russian officers and generals in January 1827 (during the time of Pushkin). Ensigns and cornets began to wear one golden star, two - lieutenants and major generals, three - lieutenants and lieutenant generals. four - staff captains and staff captains.

A with April 1854 Russian officers began to wear embroidered stars on the newly established shoulder straps. For the same purpose, diamonds were used in the German army, knots in the British, and six-pointed stars in the Austrian.

Although the designation of a military rank on shoulder straps - salient feature namely the Russian army and the German one.

Among the Austrians and the British, shoulder straps had a purely functional role: they were sewn from the same material as the tunic so that the shoulder straps would not slip. And the rank was indicated on the sleeve. The five-pointed star, the pentagram is a universal symbol of protection, security, one of the oldest. In ancient Greece, it could be found on coins, on the doors of houses, stables and even on cradles. Among the Druids of Gaul, Britain, Ireland, the five-pointed star (druidic cross) was a symbol of protection from external evil forces. And until now it can be seen on the window panes of medieval Gothic buildings. The French Revolution revived the five-pointed stars as a symbol of the ancient god of war Mars. They denoted the rank of the commanders of the French army - on hats, epaulettes, scarves, on the tails of the uniform.

The military reforms of Nicholas I copied appearance French army - so the stars "rolled down" from the French sky to the Russian one.

As for the British army, even during the Anglo-Boer War, stars began to migrate to shoulder straps. This is about officers. For the lower ranks and warrant officers, the insignia remained on the sleeves.
In the Russian, German, Danish, Greek, Romanian, Bulgarian, American, Swedish and Turkish armies, shoulder straps were insignia. In the Russian army, shoulder straps were for both lower ranks and officers. Also in the Bulgarian and Romanian armies, as well as in the Swedish. In the French, Spanish and Italian armies, insignia were placed on the sleeves. In the Greek army, the officers on shoulder straps, on the sleeves of the lower ranks. In the Austro-Hungarian army, the insignia of officers and lower ranks were on the collar, those were lapel. In the German army, only officers had insignia on shoulder straps, while the lower ranks differed from each other by the galloon on the cuffs and collar, as well as the uniform button on the collar. The exception was the so-called Kolonial truppe, where as additional (and in a number of colonies the main) insignia of the lower ranks were chevrons made of silver galloon sewn on the left sleeve of a-la gefreiters of 30-45 years.

It is interesting to note that with service and field uniforms in peacetime, that is, with a tunic of the 1907 model, the officers of the hussar regiments wore shoulder straps, which were also somewhat different from the shoulder straps of the rest of the Russian army. For hussar shoulder straps, galloon with the so-called "hussar zigzag" was used
The only unit where epaulets with the same zigzag were worn, except for the hussar regiments, was the 4th battalion (from 1910 a regiment) of the riflemen of the Imperial family. Here is a sample: the epaulette of the captain of the 9th Kyiv Hussars.

Unlike the German hussars, who wore uniforms of the same tailoring, differing only in the color of the fabric. With the introduction of khaki shoulder straps, the zigzags also disappeared, the encryption on the shoulder straps indicated belonging to the hussars. For example, "6 G", that is, the 6th Hussar.
In general, the field uniform of the hussars was of the dragoon type, those combined arms. The only difference indicating belonging to the hussars was indicated by boots with a rosette in front. However, the hussar regiments were allowed to wear chakchirs with field uniforms, but not all regiments, but only the 5th and 11th. The wearing of chakchira by the rest of the regiments was a kind of "non-statutory". But during the war, this happened, as well as the wearing by some officers of a saber, instead of the standard Dracoon saber, which was supposed to be with field equipment.

The photograph shows the captain of the 11th Izyum Hussar Regiment K.K. von Rosenshild-Paulin (sitting) and Junker of the Nikolaev Cavalry School K.N. von Rosenshield-Paulin (also later an officer of the Izyum regiment). Captain in summer full dress or dress uniform, i.e. in a tunic of the 1907 model, with galloon epaulettes and the number 11 (note that on the officer epaulettes of the peacetime cavalry regiments, there are only numbers, without the letters "G", "D" or "U"), and blue chakchirs worn by officers of this regiment in all forms of clothing.
Regarding "non-statutory", during the years of the World War, apparently, the wearing of galloon epaulettes of peacetime by hussar officers was also encountered.

on the galloon officer shoulder straps of the cavalry regiments, only numbers were affixed, and there were no letters. which is confirmed by photographs.

Zauryad Ensign- from 1907 to 1917 in the Russian army, the highest military rank for non-commissioned officers. The insignia for ordinary ensigns were ensign shoulder straps with a large (larger than officer's) asterisk in the upper third of the shoulder strap on the line of symmetry. The rank was assigned to the most experienced non-commissioned officers, with the outbreak of the First World War, it began to be assigned to ensigns as an encouragement, often immediately before the first senior officer rank (ensign or cornet) was awarded.

From Brockhaus and Efron:
Zauryad Ensign, military During mobilization, with a lack of persons who meet the conditions for promotion to an officer's rank, some. non-commissioned officers are awarded the rank of Z. Ensign; correcting the duties of a junior. officers, Z. great. limited in the rights of movement in the service.

Interesting history of ensign. In the period 1880-1903. this rank was assigned to graduates of cadet schools (not to be confused with military schools). In the cavalry, he corresponded to the rank of standard junker, in the Cossack troops - to the cadet. Those. it turned out that it was a kind of intermediate rank between the lower ranks and officers. Ensigns who graduated from the Junkers School in the 1st category were promoted to officers not earlier than September of the graduation year, but outside the vacancies. Those who graduated from the 2nd category were promoted to officers not earlier than the beginning of the next year, but only for vacancies, and it turned out that some were waiting for production for several years. According to the order of the BB No. 197 for 1901, with the production in 1903 of the last ensigns, standard junkers and cadets, these ranks were canceled. This was due to the beginning of the transformation of cadet schools into military ones.
Since 1906, the rank of lieutenant in the infantry and cavalry and cadet in the Cossack troops began to be assigned to overtime non-commissioned officers who graduated from a special school. Thus, this title became the maximum for the lower ranks.

Ensign, standard junker and cadet, 1886:

The epaulette of the staff captain of the Cavalry Guards Regiment and the epaulettes of the staff captain of the Life Guards of the Moscow Regiment.

The first shoulder strap is declared as the shoulder strap of an officer (captain) of the 17th Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment. But Nizhny Novgorod residents should have a dark green piping along the edge of the shoulder strap, and the monogram should be of an applied color. And the second shoulder strap is presented as the shoulder strap of a second lieutenant of the guards artillery (with such a monogram in the guards artillery there were shoulder straps of officers of only two batteries: the 1st battery of the Life Guards of the 2nd Artillery Brigade and the 2nd battery of the Guards Horse Artillery), but the shoulder strap button should not whether to have in this case an eagle with cannons.

Major(Spanish mayor - more, stronger, more significant) - the first rank of senior officers.
The title originated in the 16th century. The major was responsible for guarding and feeding the regiment. When the regiments were divided into battalions, the battalion commander, as a rule, became a major.
In the Russian army, the rank of major was introduced by Peter I in 1698, and abolished in 1884.
Prime Major - a staff officer rank in Russian imperial army XVIII century. He belonged to the VIII class of the "Table of Ranks".
According to the charter of 1716, the majors were divided into prime majors and second majors.
The Prime Major was in charge of the combat and inspector units in the regiment. He commanded the 1st battalion, and in the absence of the regimental commander - the regiment.
The division into prime and second majors was abolished in 1797."

"It appeared in Russia as a rank and position (deputy regiment commander) in the streltsy army at the end of the 15th - early 16th centuries. In the streltsy regiments, as a rule, lieutenant colonels (often of "mean" origin) performed all administrative functions for the head of the streltsy, appointed from among the nobles or boyars In the 17th century and early XVIII centuries, the rank (rank) and position was referred to as a lieutenant colonel due to the fact that a lieutenant colonel usually, in addition to his other duties, commanded the second “half” of the regiment - the back rows in formation and the reserve (before the introduction of the battalion formation of regular soldier regiments). From the moment the Table of Ranks was introduced and until its abolition in 1917, the rank (rank) of lieutenant colonel belonged to the VII class of the Table of Ranks and until 1856 gave the right to hereditary nobility. In 1884, after the abolition of the rank of major in the Russian army, all majors (with the exception of those who were dismissed or stained with unseemly misconduct) were promoted to lieutenant colonels.


Ranks of the Imperial Military Medical Academy

Chevrons of combatant lower ranks of extra-long service according to "Regulations on the lower ranks of the non-commissioned officer rank, remaining voluntarily in extra-long active service" dated 1890.

From left to right: Up to 2 years, Over 2 to 4 years, Over 4 to 6 years, Over 6 years

To be precise, the article, from where these drawings are borrowed, says the following: "... the awarding of chevrons to super-enlisted lower ranks holding the positions of sergeant majors (wahmisters) and platoon non-commissioned officers (fireworks) of combatant companies, squadrons, batteries was carried out:
- Upon admission to long-term service - a silver narrow chevron
- At the end of the second year of long-term service - a silver wide chevron
- At the end of the fourth year of long-term service - a gold narrow chevron
- At the end of the sixth year of long-term service - a gold wide chevron"

In army infantry regiments to designate the ranks of corporal, ml. and senior non-commissioned officers, an army white braid was used.

1. The rank of WRITTEN, since 1991, exists in the army only in wartime.
With the beginning of the Great War, ensigns graduate from military schools and ensign schools.
2. The rank of WARNING OFFICER of the reserve, in Peaceful time on the shoulder straps of an ensign, he wears a galloon stripe against the device at the lower rib.
3. The rank of WRITTEN OFFICER, in this rank in wartime, when military units are mobilized with a shortage of junior officers, the lower ranks are renamed from non-commissioned officers with an educational qualification, or from sergeants without
educational qualification. From 1891 to 1907, warrant officers on the shoulder straps of an ensign also wear rank stripes, from which they were renamed.
4. Title ZAURYAD-WRITTEN OFFICER (since 1907). Shoulder straps of a lieutenant with an officer's star and a transverse stripe according to the position. Chevron sleeve 5/8 inches, angle up. Shoulder straps of an officer's standard were retained only by those who were renamed Z-Pr. during Russo-Japanese War and remained in the army, for example, as a sergeant major.
5. The title of WRITTEN OFFICER-ZURYAD of the State Militia Squad. Non-commissioned officers of the reserve were renamed into this rank, or, in the presence of an educational qualification, who served for at least 2 months as a non-commissioned officer of the State Militia Squad and was appointed junior officer of the squad. Ensigns-zauryad wore epaulettes of an active duty ensign with a galloon stripe of instrument color sewn into the lower part of the epaulettes.

Cossack ranks and titles

On the lowest rung of the service ladder stood an ordinary Cossack, corresponding to an ordinary infantry. This was followed by an orderly, who had one badge and corresponded to a corporal in the infantry. The next rung of the career ladder is the junior officer and the senior officer, corresponding to the junior non-commissioned officer, non-commissioned officer and senior non-commissioned officer and with the number of badges characteristic of modern sergeants. This was followed by the rank of sergeant major, who was not only in the Cossacks, but also in the non-commissioned officers of the cavalry and horse artillery.

In the Russian army and gendarmerie, the sergeant-major was the closest assistant to the commander of a hundred, squadron, battery for drill, internal order and economic affairs. The rank of sergeant major corresponded to the rank of sergeant major in the infantry. According to the regulation of 1884, introduced by Alexander III, the next rank in the Cossack troops, but only for wartime, was the cadet, an intermediate rank between a lieutenant and ensign in the infantry, which was also introduced in wartime. In peacetime, in addition to the Cossack troops, these ranks existed only for reserve officers. The next degree in the chief officer ranks is cornet, corresponding to a second lieutenant in the infantry and a cornet in the regular cavalry.

According to his official position, he corresponded to a junior lieutenant in the modern army, but wore shoulder straps with a blue gap on a silver field (the applied color of the Don Cossacks) with two stars. In the old army, compared to the Soviet one, the number of stars was one more. Next came the centurion - the chief officer rank in the Cossack troops, corresponding to a lieutenant in the regular army. The centurion wore epaulettes of the same design, but with three stars, corresponding in his position to a modern lieutenant. A higher step - podesaul.

This rank was introduced in 1884. In the regular troops, it corresponded to the rank of staff captain and staff captain.

The podesaul was an assistant or deputy to the Yesaul and in his absence he commanded a Cossack hundred.
Shoulder straps of the same design, but with four stars.
According to his official position, he corresponds to a modern senior lieutenant. And the highest rank of chief officer rank is Yesaul. It is worth talking about this rank especially, since in a purely historical sense, the people who wore it held positions in both civil and military departments. In various Cossack troops, this position included various official prerogatives.

The word comes from the Turkic "yasaul" - chief.
In the Cossack troops it was first mentioned in 1576 and was used in the Ukrainian Cossack army.

Yesauls were general, military, regimental, hundreds, stanitsa, marching and artillery. General Yesaul (two per Army) - the highest rank after the hetman. In peacetime, general captains performed inspection functions, in war they commanded several regiments, and in the absence of a hetman, the entire Army. But this is typical only for Ukrainian Cossacks. Troop captains were chosen on the Military Circle (in the Don and most others, two per Army, in the Volga and Orenburg - one each). were engaged administrative affairs. Since 1835, they were appointed as adjutants to the military ataman. Regimental captains (originally two per regiment) performed the duties of staff officers, were the closest assistants to the regiment commander.

Hundreds of Yesauls (one per hundred) commanded hundreds. This link did not take root in the Don Cossacks after the first centuries of the existence of the Cossacks.

The stanitsa Yesauls were typical only for the Don Cossacks. They were selected at stanitsa gatherings and were assistants to stanitsa atamans. They performed the functions of assistants to the marching ataman, in the 16th-17th centuries, in his absence, they commanded the army, later they were executors of the orders of the marching ataman.

Only the military esaul was preserved under the military ataman Donskoy Cossack army.In 1798 - 1800. the rank of captain was equated to the rank of captain in the cavalry. Yesaul, as a rule, commanded a Cossack hundred. Corresponded to the official position of the modern captain. He wore epaulettes with a blue gap on a silver field without stars. Next come the headquarters officer ranks. In fact, after the reform of Alexander III in 1884, the rank of Yesaul entered this rank, in connection with which the major link was removed from the headquarters officer ranks, as a result of which the soldier from the captains immediately became a lieutenant colonel. The name of this rank comes from the ancient name of the executive authority of the Cossacks. In the second half of the 18th century, this name, in a modified form, spread to persons who commanded certain branches of the Cossack army. Since 1754, the military foreman was equated with a major, and with the abolition of this rank in 1884, with a lieutenant colonel. He wore shoulder straps with two blue gaps on a silver field and three large stars.

Well, then comes the colonel, shoulder straps are the same as those of the military foreman, but without stars. Starting from this rank, the service ladder is unified with the general army, since the purely Cossack names of the ranks disappear. The official position of a Cossack general fully corresponds to the general ranks of the Russian Army.

Shoulder straps and ranks in the Russian army were created in order to clearly delineate duties between the military. The higher the status, the more responsibility is assigned to the soldier who was awarded the rank. Shoulder straps play an identification role, that is, they create a visual representation of a military man, namely: what position he holds, as well as his military rank.

Shoulder straps and ranks in the army play very important role, and at different troops they have different external characteristics, as well as names. The reason here is that each type of troops has its own characteristics. For comparison, let's go over the land and sea shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian army.

Shoulder straps and ranks in the ground forces of the Russian army

Observance of subordination and knowledge of one's function in the general formation are the basis of military discipline. This is also said to ordinary soldiers who are just beginning to get acquainted in practice with military service. AT ground forces military personnel are divided into compositions.

The following military personnel are included in the number of draft and contact staff:

  1. Private. This is the lowest rank of a soldier, from which all conscripts begin their military career. This rank can be considered higher, perhaps, than a cadet, since the latter only theoretically studies all the basics of military art, and the private is already being tested in practice. The shoulder straps of an ordinary soldier are clean, that is, they do not have any identification marks (as the conscripts themselves say, “clean shoulder straps - a clear conscience”).
  2. Corporal. As a rule, the most distinguished privates can later be promoted to . It is received by the very best or senior privates, that is, obvious leaders in their environment. The epaulettes of the Russian Federation at the corporal are already taking on one pinstripe as a distinguishing mark. It is this symbol that gives other military personnel an idea of ​​​​the role of this soldier in the general military structure. If the commander is absent for some reason, then he is replaced by a corporal.

After the fundamental ranks, sergeants and foremen follow. Further, it is they who follow in order of the hierarchy of shoulder straps and military ranks:

  1. Lance Sergeant. This rank is an intermediate step between the corporal and the foreman. As a rule, promotion in rank means acceptance new position. upon receiving his new rank, he is appointed as a squad leader, or as a tank or vehicle. Another narrow stripe is added to the shoulder straps of Russia of a junior sergeant. This rank can also be obtained in exceptional cases if the soldier is sent to the reserve and at the time of sending he had the rank of corporal. However, this corporal should distinguish himself by merit and be one of the best.
  2. Sergeant. This is the next link, to which the soldier passes after overcoming the rank of junior sergeant. Upon receipt of this title, shoulder straps are supplemented with another narrow strip. By this time, the soldier has three of them. It is referred to differently as "non-commissioned officer", and in many countries, especially in Germany, where the term comes from, it sounds the same.
  3. Staff Sergeant. A soldier awarded this title receives one wide instead of three narrow stripes on the shoulder straps of the Russian army. occupies an intermediate step between foreman and sergeant.
  4. Sergeant major. If before this rank the defining lines were located across the shoulder strap, then the wide line already goes along the shoulder strap. Among the military personnel of its composition, this rank is the most senior. As a rule, foremen are also an official and command an entire company. In relation to sergeants and soldiers who stand at the very first steps of military ranks, he is a commander. His job responsibilities include monitoring the observance of discipline among subordinates, suggesting to juniors what to do in a given situation, and ensuring that all subordinates fulfill their duties.

After that, the composition of the ranks of the RF Armed Forces goes into the category of ensigns:

  1. Ensign. The shoulder straps of the military in this rank somewhat change their appearance, since instead of stripes, starting with the ensign, stars are used. At the ensign they are small and are available in the amount of two pieces. This is already a different level of military service, respectively, the requirements are tougher in relation to the soldier who was awarded this rank.
  2. Senior Warrant Officer. It is also an intermediate link between the ensign and officer ranks. Another small star is added to the shoulder straps. Just like on the shoulder straps of an ensign, red lines run along both sides. This rank of military personnel is used not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in many other states.

The officer corps comes immediately after the composition of warrant officers, it includes the following ranks of military personnel:

  1. Ensign. The first level of junior officers. The appearance of the shoulder strap also changes, as the two longitudinal stripes are replaced by one that runs from one edge to the other in the middle of the shoulder strap. When a soldier is promoted to the rank of junior lieutenant, three small stars are replaced by one larger one. The star is clearly on the red line. This title is used in power structures our country, as well as in the military hierarchy abroad.
  2. Lieutenant. This title is used not only in the army, but also in such structures of our state as, for example, the police. It is the middle link between junior lieutenant and senior. On shoulder straps, instead of one star of medium size, there are two. However, not along the red line, but on its sides.
  3. Senior lieutenant. A third star of medium size is added to the shoulder straps, which is located just above the two side ones, on the red center line. This military rank also applies to junior officers, it is used both in law enforcement agencies and the armed forces both in our country and on the territory of foreign states.
  4. Captain. On the captain's shoulder straps, one more, fourth star of medium size is added, which is located just above the third and also on the red center line. This rank is available both in the ground forces of our country and in the navy. Initially, the chiefs of the military maritime districts were called captains, and later it acquired a modern meaning.

  1. Major. The rank has one star, an order of magnitude more than the stars of a captain or lieutenant. Shoulder strap has two longitudinal red stripes. This rank is the first step in the senior officer corps.
  2. Lieutenant colonel. Shoulder straps have two stars located on two red lines. It is the middle step between major and colonel. It is used in the national army, as well as in law enforcement agencies of many European countries, as well as Russia.
  3. Colonel. A third star is added to the shoulder straps, located just above the other two. This step is the final one in the senior officer corps. The name comes from the ancient concept of "regiment", that is, the head of this same regiment. The rank is used in the armed forces of our country, as well as in law enforcement agencies. The title exists not only in Russia, but also in other states.

The highest officers of our country are represented by generals, who also have their own internal military gradation:

  1. Major General. This title is the first step in the so-called elite of our military hierarchy. Shoulder straps at this stage are crowned with large stars, this title has one such star. The red line now wraps around the entire shoulder strap.
  2. Lieutenant general. A soldier of this rank was awarded two large stars on shoulder straps. Despite the fact that the major is higher than the lieutenant, the lieutenant general in higher system military service will be higher than a major general.
  3. Colonel General. It has three large stars on shoulder straps, arranged in a row. Represents the middle link between a lieutenant general and an army general.
  4. Army General. A soldier of this rank has four large stars. In the United States or Ukraine, it is the highest military rank. However, in countries where there are such ranks as field marshal or marshal, it is in second place in terms of seniority.
  5. Marshal of the Russian Federation. The highest military rank in our country. On shoulder straps is the coat of arms of the Russian Federation and a star in a range of two colors - gold and silver. This title was established in 1993 by a relevant decree.

Military ranks and epaulettes in the naval forces of Russia

Obligations and status in the naval forces are similar to those used in the land, but the names of the sailors are different.

junior ranks:

  • foreman 2 articles;
  • foreman 1 article;
  • chief foreman;
  • chief ship foreman;
  • midshipman;
  • senior midshipman.

The gradation of ranks in the naval forces is as follows (starts with junior officer ranks):

  1. Junior lieutenant, there is one stripe in the gap.
  2. The lieutenant has two stars on the sides of the red line.
  3. Senior lieutenant, there are three stars on shoulder straps.
  4. Lieutenant-captain, there are four stars in the gaps.

Middle officer naval ranks are subdivided as follows:

  1. Captain (rank 3), there are already two gaps on the shoulder straps of the middle link, and the stars are larger in size. At this rank, the star is between the red stripes.
  2. Captain (rank 2), two stars located directly on the gaps.
  3. Captain (1st rank), three stars, two on the stripes, one between them.

The composition of the highest category is characterized by the following titles:

  1. Rear Admiral. Shoulder straps of this rank do not have gaps on them, stars are immediately embroidered on them. The size of the star is increasing again. Members of this rank wear one star.
  2. Vice admiral. There are two stars on the shoulder straps.
  3. Admiral. Soldiers of this rank wear three stars on shoulder straps.
  4. Fleet Admiral. A serviceman awarded this rank, which is the highest in the navy, wears one large star on shoulder straps, which is 4 cm in diameter.

In any case, a soldier must pass the test of time before he can perform the duties of higher ranks.

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