Home Potato The devil card is reversed. The meaning of the devil lasso in upright and inverted positions, combinations with other cards. For health status

The devil card is reversed. The meaning of the devil lasso in upright and inverted positions, combinations with other cards. For health status

Straight position

The lasso has a bad meaning and indicates that a person is not able to keep the situation under control, and because of this he incurs a lot of trouble. The Devil card suggests that a person has stumbled, and his actions have led to self-destruction and degradation. The card warns that you should not indulge your weaknesses and follow their lead. Even carnal strength can be called self-indulgence. A person under the influence of this card will obey someone or depend on someone.

It just won't lead to anything good. Some person will appear in the environment who will have power over him, depriving him of freedom and a full life. The card can also mean that a person is tormented by his dark past, and he is dependent on it. The Devil card can easily lead a person astray; it shows how he plays with fire. Strong hobbies may appear in life that will harm responsibilities, and because of passion a person will lose his conscience.

Inverted position

An inverted Tarot card has a positive meaning. A person is completely freed from fear and dependence. He overcomes obstacles and gets rid of illusions thanks to inner strength. He does not indulge his weaknesses and shows resistance to the suppressive personality. He throws off all fetters and removes obstacles.

A person can act as a deceiver and seducer. And everything that will happen in his life can be called a real disaster and exposure. He can be inhumane, indecisive and unyielding, often abusing his power.

The Devil card characterizes temptations that a person deliberately forgets about or simply does not want to acknowledge. And this behavior leads to the most unexpected consequences. You shouldn’t avoid something forbidden, you just need to accept it as a given and that’s it. Time will pass, and forbidden temptation will be a thing of the past.

Devil: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

The lasso symbolizes strong relationships. Family marriage based solely on carnal attraction with a person who does not deserve it. It's not about sincere feelings and romance, only attraction is implied.

It is also possible that the marriage is of convenience, because words of love and promises of fidelity are often replaced by the desire to get everything material goods, and its owner can be completely erased from your life. His attractive appearance, teasing flirtation, sensual passion, continuous promises - all these are his cunning tricks. The card warns that a person is playing with fire.

Inverted position

In a relationship, the sweetness of one partner and the strength of the second are provided. One is a despot who subtly mocks his partner, perhaps blackmailing him with his weaknesses. This can be expressed by phrases: “I can’t live in this life without you,” “I won’t survive this,” “If you leave, I’ll do something to myself. The second one unwittingly or voluntarily becomes a victim. He endures everything, agrees and obeys his partner.

An inverted card indicates that a person has achieved another person thanks to love plot. Such a union, of course, cannot be called equal. In such a union, one partner pushes the other around.

Devil: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

The card in the situation indicates intrigue, corruption and illegal transactions. The devil speaks of a tempting offer when a person is ready to commit an illegal or immoral act. It is possible that a person will discover sources of income hidden from others. It is not surprising if a person under the influence of the Devil card ends up in a mafia group.

The situation simply forces him to take unscrupulous actions, which he will later regret. The unseemly meaning of the card may be associated with black magic and fraud. Those around him will always give him bad advice.
Inverted position

Negative influence of the lasso in a situation. The person is completely powerless and has no say. You will have to face oppressive bosses or serious problems in life. It may be possible to get rid of this difficult situation, but this will not happen soon. If you do not resist the evil and vice of others, this may indicate destructive consequences.

Under the influence of the card, a person will undergo a test of strength. But most often, situations will arise when a person falls into submission, but it will not be easy to get out of the current circumstances. A person will not be able to do as he wants, because professional activity failure and a fatal combination of circumstances await him.

Devil: The meaning of the card of the day

On this day a person will see the shadow side of his character. Perhaps someone will lead a person astray and direct him to an unseemly act, or maybe he will completely change his principles.

It is possible that there is some kind of internal urge that a person did not even suspect about or simply thought that he had already overcome everything a long time ago. You can’t suppress this urge in yourself, you shouldn’t blame yourself or throw the blame on others. It is necessary to find the reason for this impulse. A person has to go through many tests, or rather temptations. And the main thing is that he does not rise above others.

It is necessary to fight evil and injustice. After all, if a person has not yet gone too far, something can be changed and corrected. Even if a person has committed a completely bad deed, he has a unique opportunity to change himself and take the right path for self-improvement. The trap in which the man found himself was created by himself.

You need to take a closer look at reality, or maybe you are a victim and live in the slavery of another person. Or, on the contrary, you use your position and influence on another person whom you simply manipulate. It doesn’t matter, you can’t take advantage of your position or act as a victim.

Devil: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

Addiction to bad habits

Ace of Wands


Ace of Cups

Everyone will get what they deserve

Ace of Swords

Coding for alcoholism

Ace of Pentacles

Loss of fortune

Working with the souls of the dead, black magic

King of Wands

Thirst for profit

King of Cups


King of Swords

King of Pentacles


Queen of Wands


Queen of Cups


Queen of Swords


Queen of Pentacles

Fallen woman



Knight of Wands


Knight of Cups

Lack of inspiration

Knight of Swords

Knight of Pentacles



Illegal actions

Page of Wands

You are making the wrong decision

Page of Cups

Sexual dissatisfaction

Page of Swords

Page of Pentacles

Young Rake

False prophet

Two of Wands

They are plotting against you

Two of Cups

Restoring the Union

Two of Swords

Showing interest in someone

Two of Pentacles

Bad news


Relationships are based on lust

Three of Wands

Too much trouble

Three of Cups

Denial of laws

Three of Swords

Three of Pentacles

Death of a child


Mental or physical violence

Four of Wands

Family quarrels

Four of Cups

Drug addict

Four of Swords


Four of Pentacles

Accident involving a female representative

Fighting bad habits

Five of Wands

Physical pain

Five of Cups

Thirst for money, pursuit of pleasure

Five of Swords

Five of Pentacles



You are to blame for your loneliness

Six of Wands

We are being deceived

Six of Cups

You can't change anything

The Devil Tarot card is one of the most controversial. This is also the personification of the dark side of man: abuse of power, dependence on money and carnal pleasures, thirst for profit. But sometimes the card also symbolizes something favorable, depending on the layout. Let's talk about the meaning in detail.

Combination with other cards

The meaning of the Devil may change if it appears in the layout with other arcana:

  1. Jester - you are heavily dependent on bad habits.
  2. Magician - influences a person black magic, his fate is connected with the souls of his deceased relatives.
  3. High Priestess- you have been damaged or put under the evil eye.
  4. Empress - you will become victims of financial fraud.
  5. Emperor - you will find yourself drawn into unseemly affairs, which will result in problems with the law.
  6. The Hierophant is a person whose opinion you trust gives false information.
  7. Lovers - the only thing connecting you and your partner is sexual craving, you are not destined for each other.
  8. Chariot - you will experience moral or physical violence. Often talks about relationships with a tyrant.
  9. Strength - conquer bad habits.
  10. Hermit - you feel lonely, but you have driven yourself into this state.
  11. Wheel of Fortune - alcohol addiction.
  12. Justice - problems with the law.
  13. Hanged - as a result of your actions, an innocent person will suffer.
  14. Death - the work started will end in complete failure.
  15. Moderation - under the influence of alcohol, do something that will lead to major troubles.
  16. Tower - you will be drawn into financial fraud.
  17. Star - hope for the best will disappear.
  18. Moon - loss of materially valuable things.
  19. Sun - an old secret will be revealed, because of which your reputation will suffer.
  20. Court - close person will not help in a difficult situation.
  21. Peace is an indulgence, liberation from past sins.

The Devil card changes its interpretation when paired with wands:

  • Ace - you are in a subordinate, dependent position.
  • 2 - the presence of ill-wishers, enemies.
  • 3 - a series of minor troubles is coming.
  • 4 - discord and conflicts in the family.
  • 5 - you will be subjected to physical violence.
  • 6 - a loved one is lying.
  • 7 - stop abusing your power.
  • 8 - rape.
  • 9 - you are surrounded by insincere people.
  • 10 - power spoils you.
  • Page - the decision you are leaning towards is incorrect.
  • Knight - lacks a sense of duty and responsibility.
  • The Queen is a symbol of despondency and depression.
  • The king is the thirst for money, which overshadows reason.

Watch the video about interpretation:

In a money situation

In a monetary scenario, the “devilish” card indicates the state of work affairs, relationships with business partners and everything else that concerns the financial component of life.

For example:

  • It comes at a time when one has to undergo a test of strength in the professional sphere. This is the key time on which will depend further development careers.
  • Indicates that you are out of place. The work does not bring either financial or moral satisfaction; the boss and colleagues are only annoying.
  • Because of the thirst for profit, you will have to abandon most of your beliefs and moral values. It’s worth stopping and thinking about whether the game is worth the candle. In pursuit of money, you risk losing something very important and truly valuable.
  • Very often the Devil appears when a person is tempted to do something unseemly, counting on big profits. It is important to restrain yourself and not betray your convictions, otherwise you risk “earning” a huge karmic debt, which will poison the rest of your life.

The 15th lasso seems to warn: it’s time to take control of your emotions, otherwise you will ruin your life. Dependence on something or someone is always bad. The payment for a substantial jackpot may later turn out to be too huge.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Such a card indicates a person’s ignorance, his vices, self-deception and sins. The devil tells a person that he is at a disadvantage and it is only his fault. The card encourages a person to stop, think about what he did wrong, and try to correct the mistake. The devil can also say that it is time for the fortuneteller to part with bad addictions, sins and gain self-control.


This lasso indicates unbridled feelings and passion. The card says that this is a painful relationship, the rupture of which will bring a lot of suffering to a person. The lasso can also denote intimacy, reaching the point of perversion. The fortuneteller is bored with traditional intimacy and is looking for new sensations.


There shouldn't be any health problems. However healthy image life and medical examination it won't be superfluous.


The card promises profit. Most likely, this will be additional income. However, the lasso can also portend unexpected, easy profits, for example, winning a lottery or a casino. The card promises temporary success, but there will be no troubles in the near future. In addition, the lasso can portend an office romance.

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✚ For the future

The devil is a symbol of temptation, prohibition and other carnal pleasures. This is a hint that you are too materialistic about your life and do not allow emotions to take precedence over reason. This slows down the development of your destiny. But you should not take rash actions related to work or personal life. This could lead to you losing your job or your loved one. Remember that it is better to have a bird in your hands than a pie in the sky. Don’t chase illusory ideas, try to gain the ability to perceive the surrounding reality more realistically. This will help you take right choice even in the most stressful situation. Sudden changes can damage your future and even your health.

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✚ On relationships

If the Devil appeared in a fortune-telling about a relationship that is going on now, then this card does not mean anything good. One of the partners, most likely, has cooled off sexually towards the other, which has led to betrayal on the part of the cooled one, which means separation is not far off.

If, during fortune telling, the card falls on a lonely person, then it is possible to meet a person with whom it will be possible to build a very stormy and passionate relationship.

However, you must understand that the basis of the relationship will be sex rather than spiritual understanding.

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✚ For today

You are dominated by emotions and the desire to dominate, which prevents you from making the right decisions; you have taken the wrong path. You need to take control of your emotions to achieve success. You are under strong influence from some tyrant and dominant, which needs to change for your own good. Addiction also concerns health: drugs, alcoholism, anorexia, etc. The work prepares for you a test of the strength and strength of your moral values. A passionate relationship awaits you ahead, and if you are already in one, then take a closer look - your partner may be cheating on you!

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✚ For tomorrow

Represents the lack of moderation, dependence on own desires, self-destruction and indulgence in vices. The devil in a reading almost always has a negative message, but he also personifies art, creativity, as a rule, their dark side, the spirit of decline and decadence.

In plans for the future, the Devil is associated with obstacles in the implementation of plans; something may go wrong due to the lack of will or dependencies of the questioner. Perhaps a person who is deeply gambling or suffering from drug addiction will get in the way.

In work it means obstacles, unsuccessful deals, deception, possible violations of the law.

In love, the Devil falls to betrayal or indicates an unhealthy dependence on a partner.

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✚ What does he think about me

A Tarot card that can open your eyes differently to the person who is next to you. Do you consider him decent, honest, warm-hearted and kind person? This is a big misconception that needs to be dispelled as soon as possible. Your partner is a cruel, cunning person who is constantly looking for selfish components in life. He is trying to deceive you, for this he uses the love that he does not feel for you. Make sure of this and put points in such relationships. The main thing is to start thinking and taking care only of yourself.

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✚ On request

Don't be afraid of your weaknesses. Stop worrying about the injustice around you. Many problems are simply far-fetched and there are actually fewer of them than they seem. Learn to accept others and yourself as they are, stop blaming yourself for every misdeed. This is where most problems are solved. Take a close look at reality, get to know your shadow side. Otherwise, you have begun liberation from shackles and obsessions. With a little more effort at this stage, your desires will begin to come true on their own in the future.

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✚ On the situation

The dark past leaves its mark on the present. Possible dependence on people or alcohol, drugs. It is impossible to control the situation. Listen to the warning about temptations. Manipulation and suppression of personality are not excluded.

At the same time, success awaits you in situations related to trading, casinos, and deception. But it's better not to ignore the rules. Rethink your behavior - the path is now wrong. Get off your feet!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

A vicious relationship based only on sexual attraction and material gain. This is precisely the meaning of the Devil card. Most likely, such a connection will not last long, because needs appear and disappear as quickly as possible, and the connection collapses after them. It is clear that if we talk about a wedding, then only for convenience, there is no point in talking about any love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Peoples submit to his power and only a few are able to resist. Fear of him maintains his power. The genius of evil will captivate those who are ready to submit.

Human weaknesses are overwhelming and limiting. Freeing yourself from vices, overcoming dependence, softness, not submitting to passions - this is the only key that can free you from the captivity of the dark side.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

Your partner cannot be called a pure, sincere person with serious intentions. Perhaps your relationship is based on sex and base passions. They can be hopeless and even dangerous. You should completely reconsider your attitude towards male and to yourself, to face your fears. It is possible that you are being used and manipulated. All acquaintances with the opposite sex will most likely end in deception and disappointment. Be extremely careful.

A full description of the map is available at

Along with the Arcana of Death, the Devil card is often feared no less. Is there any point in such fears? What warning and sign does the 15th Arcana of the Tarot bring?

General description of the map

The Devil Tarot is not a dangerous card in itself. IN to a greater extent it indicates that you live by material values ​​and are easily swayed by various kinds temptations or don't keep control bad habits. It may also appear as a warning that you have taken a wrong turn, and if you do not correct everything in time, you are in danger of falling into the abyss, from which it will be difficult to get out later.

Element: Earth

Planet: Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn

The Devil card is quite difficult to understand, and when turned upside down, it can mean completely opposite things. Its interpretation largely depends on the position of the Arcana and other cards drawn in the layout.

Meaning of the Devil Tarot card in the upright position

The upright position of the card is easier to understand than the inverted one. It usually means either your wrong, immoral or immoral behavior, or your tendency to sexual and other temptations and addictions, or your limited values ​​and excessive materialism.

The significance of the direct Devil in love matters is generally obvious. This includes everything related to temptations, temptations and sexual spheres. And not in a very good way. This could be a relationship on the side, the presence of a lover/mistress, deviations and perversions of a sexual nature, strong jealousy, dominance over a partner, pathological dependence on the chosen one.

In relationships under the Devil card, love does not bring happiness and harmony. Most often, partners simply torment each other with such a relationship.

Career and business

In work matters, Arcanum 15 does not have such a negative meaning. It most often indicates a test of your moral beliefs. You may be offered illegal activities or fraud. There may be a need to submit to a person in authority. Or one of the colleagues will use tricks or play a dishonest game. How to behave in this case is up to you.

Financial sector

In finance, as in work, the card means illegal methods of enrichment, money obtained by fraud, shadow business, black wages, etc.

For questions about health

In health scenarios, the meaning of the Arcana is obvious - it is the whole spectrum of addictions and bad habits that are harmful to health: drug addiction, alcoholism, self-destruction and self-mutilation. This includes diseases associated with sex life: venereal diseases and sexually transmitted infections.

In situational scenarios

The Devil falling on the situation hints that you are caught in a cage. Perhaps because of their addictions, or weaknesses, or because of an overly materialistic view of what is happening. You should slow down and think about how to live further and how to get out of the current circumstances.

Arkan also warns about possible temptations that are difficult to refuse and lead to immoral behavior and serious consequences. Be careful.

Interpretation of the Arcana inverted

The Devil Reversed is a double card. Most often this good sign- a sign of liberation from addictions, bad habits and vices. The man left the slippery slope and returned to normal life. The second meaning is that everything has become even worse, the querent is completely mired in sins and temptations.

How exactly to understand the inverted 15th Arcana depends on the question and other cards in the layout, indicating either its good value, or bad.

15 Arcana Tarot meaning in relationships and love

In a relationship in an inverted position, it means either the completion of any of the moments of the direct one. For example, a partner left his mistress/lover and returned to the family, one of the couple coped with an unhealthy expression of feelings and stopped hurting the other, etc.

But also in some cases, the card can mean a worsening situation. It is always necessary to refer to neighboring Arcana or lay out a card on top for clarification.

The devil in the scenario for career and work

If 15 Major Arcana of the Tarot appears at work in an inverted position, it will mean the end of dubious affairs, exit from an illegal business, or a change of position to a “cleaner” one.

Financial questions

In terms of money, the reversed Tarot Devil indicates that the ill-gotten money was spent on a good cause, or that such enrichment was somehow justified.

In health plans

The Tarot Devil in an inverted position will mean successful getting rid of bad habits or addictions if the nearby cards are positive. If they are negative, then the situation has become even more deplorable.

The devil is in the situation

The inverted 15th Arcana of the Tarot in questions about the situation is a negative card. It indicates your powerlessness in the current circumstances. You will have to be persistent and wait until the situation changes in your favor.

“Devil” meaning in fortune telling “Yes or No”

15 Arcana for all questions related to sexual and material sphere– the answer is “yes”, the rest the answer is “no”. Detailed article you will find about this fortune telling

“Devil” meaning in fortune telling “Card of the day”

Questions for the lasso

  • Do you have any addictions or bad habits?
  • Do you know how to show willpower and refuse temptations?
  • What bad habits are you still unable to break?
  • Do you realize the need for addiction treatment?

Video on the meaning of the Devil Tarot card

The Devil card in combination with other Tarot cards

The interpretation of the Devil in conjunction with the other cards of the layout is very important, since often it is the meaning of other cards that allows the answer to the 15th Arcana to be correctly interpreted.

Devil Tarot combination with the Major Arcana

  • Jester - insincere people around.
  • The magician is a manipulator, a dangerous person, crime.
  • The High Priestess - false information, possible black magical influence
  • Empress - means wisdom in social issues. The person who knows the affairs of his neighbors is the center of attention here. Additionally, an outstanding leader who cares about social aspects other people.
  • The Emperor is hidden chaos, an illusion of order.
  • Hierophant - fanaticism, worship of someone, possible betrayal of someone close
  • Lovers is a serious and demanding effort, undertaken with sufficient force to achieve an adrenaline rush.
  • Chariot - bad habits, alcoholism, drug addiction.
  • Strength is the powerful influence of instincts, sweeping away everything in its path.
  • Hermit - clouding the mind with temptations or false information.
  • Wheel of Fortune - temptations of fate, fatal events.
  • Justice is bribery, injustice.
  • The Hanged Man is punishment.
  • Death is magic, interaction with dark forces.
  • Moderation - you abstain from addiction, or vice versa - “fall”.
  • Tower - bad sign. Final destruction, death. It takes a person out of the circumstances that limit him and disrupts his current state of affairs.
  • Star - hope that everything will be fine
  • Moon - lies, cunning, mental instability. Means the pleasure of connecting with natural elements, as described in the Garden of Eden, but more from the point of view and feeling of an animal than a human. Therefore, action is based on instinct.
  • The sun - to bring to light what is hidden
  • Court - support or assistance in addiction treatment
  • The world is a correction, the right path after the crooked path

Devil Tarot combination with the Minor Arcana

With staves

  • Ace - a person with sexual behavior disorders
  • 2 - weave intrigues
  • 3 - unforeseen difficulties
  • 4 - deception, family problems
  • 5 - people around you are against you, injustice
  • 6 - let yourself be deceived
  • 7 - subordinate position
  • 8 - psychological pressure
  • 9 - jealousy, mistrust
  • 10 - submission to someone
  • Page - incorrect calculation
  • Knight - deviation from moral standards, deviant behavior
  • Queen - apathy, depression
  • The king is a sinner, immoral behavior

With cups

  • Ace - a game of feelings
  • 2 - defective/immoral relationships
  • 3 - aimless existence
  • 4 - immoral/cynical proposal
  • 5 - consequences of bad habits
  • 6 - a person who was addicted to bad habits
  • 7 - bad thoughts, bad habits
  • 8 - liberation from harmful addictions
  • 9 - eating disorder, food addiction
  • 10 - immoral family
  • Page - vulgarity, perversion
  • Knight - deception, pretense
  • The Queen is a woman with no morals
  • The King is a man with no morals

With swords

  • Ace - cunning, temptation
  • 2 - helplessness
  • 3 - cruelty, dominance, BDSM
  • 4 - weak character
  • 5 - shame, shame
  • 6 - fight bad habits
  • 7 - theft, petty crimes
  • 8 - problems with nerves, paranoia
  • 9 - anxiety, nervous disorders
  • 10 - serious crimes
  • Page - someone is jealous of you
  • Knight - lower animal instincts
  • Queen is a sham
  • King – tyranny, desire to dominate and possess

With pentacles

  • Ace - illegal ways to get rich
  • 2 - money fraud
  • 3 - shadow business/illegal sales
  • 4 - greed
  • 5 - problems with finances
  • 6 - a wolf in sheep's clothing
  • 7 - resale
  • 8 - illegal business
  • 9 - criminal money
  • 10 - criminal groups
  • Page is a deceiver
  • Knight - unfair taxes/interest
  • The Queen is a cynical tough woman
  • King - crime boss

15 Arcana is a card of warnings. In itself it is not bad; it is not the end point of the fall, but only its warning. A timely analyzed Devil can protect you from many mistakes in life.

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In readings, this card does not bode well. If you have just recently become acquainted with the Tarot, the first thing you need to do is study the drawings on the card. I start any review based on the classic Rider-White deck. I recommend it to all beginners

The 15th lasso is depicted on a black background. Although the thirteenth lasso would be more suitable for this card. This is darkness in all areas of life. When you do a Tarot reading: “Yes-No,” the Devil appears, then the answer is “No.”

The 15th Arcana of the Tarot depicts the Devil next to two naked people. Somewhat reminiscent of the motive , only with big difference. There is no angel overhead. The choice has already been made. Both men decided to choose the dark side. A man looks at something beautiful female body. He gave in to temptation.

Nudity in this lasso speaks of a person’s weakness. He has no protection. It’s not for nothing that dreams where we undress or are naked often mean health problems and losses.

The horns on people's heads and the chain symbolize submission to the Devil. And in ordinary life our vices and weaknesses. Many tarot readers compare Lovers and the Devil. And they talk about choice. In the fifteenth lasso there is no choice. There is an addiction that you have no strength to resist.

In a woman, the tip of the tail is bunch of grapes, which symbolizes abundance. On the 15th arcana of a man, the tip of his tail is depicted in the form of a light, which symbolizes fire and passion, male strength, energy. The Devil sets it on fire with a huge torch.

The image of the Devil itself is a mixture of different animals - paws bird of prey, legs of a ram, torso of a man, wings of a bat, head and horns of a goat. This suggests that evil can appear before us in different guises and images.

There is a pentagram above the Devil's head. Symbol of power. Only it is upside down - this is a symbol of Satan. Although previously the pentagram was considered a protective sign. This once again proves his power over people.

From an astrological perspective, the Devil Tarot card is associated with Lilith or the Sun aspects of Neptune.

15 lasso - meaning

Tarot Devil always means addictions and temptations that we cannot cope with. This is a card of captivity from which you need to get out. When she is in a situation, it is difficult to control your actions and emotions. A person is under the power of his own fears and complexes.

From a karmic point of view, -15 lasso tarot speaks of a wrong choice life path. Temptations from past lives and power and skills do not allow you to develop. A person cannot solve his karmic problems. He lives by South node, the path of least resistance. It also brings fatal situations. Fatum. Where you cannot influence the situation. You are a prisoner of Fate.

In a reading for the future, the Devil tarot means personal degradation. This is not a black streak. A person will not feel a deterioration in living conditions. This can be a period of fun and idle life.

On the other hand, the 15th lasso in the layout means a warning. You are going the wrong way. You “sin” a lot. It's worth stopping and thinking. Situations occur as if someone were controlling the person. It could be a real man, a group of people, a sect or just a crazy idea. You may have a mentor in your life who teaches you the wrong things.

The Devil Tarot card often signifies the influence of addictions on our lives. Everything that controls us pulls the strings. This card is manipulation. You are not in control of the situation. Words usually differ from actions. Every person has dark side personality. Tarot Devil brings out all our fears, negative character traits, reverse side medals.

In a relationship reading, the 15th lasso shows dependence on a partner. Strong attraction, passion, uncontrollable desires, clinging. It’s hard for you to get rid of, to end the relationship. You are links in one chain. It takes a lot to get rid of attraction. Tarot Devil in a relationship shows manipulation on the part of the partner, power over you. But at the same time, passion and base instincts awaken.

In professional terms, the 15th lasso means falling under bad influence. Thirst for money, an idle life. For this, a person is ready to circumvent the law. He can perform shadow transactions, transfer money to hidden bank accounts. Corruption, engaging in sinful deeds.

The devil is upside down.

This is one of those cases where a reversed card is much better direct meaning. The fifteenth lasso of the tarot shows freedom from chains, liberation from influence, the end of the black streak. The man found the strength to overcome addictions and throw unnecessary people out of life. This is the period of the end of degradation. Lesson learned. Now he is the master of his life.

Combination with other cards.

In combination with other cards of the 15 Arcana Tarot, the Devil shows the “other side of the coin”, the forbidden, dark part of any area. It also means the influence of the card. Often this card shows the reversed meaning of another card

This card is one of the major arcana of the tarot. Her number is 15

Astrological correspondence: Capricorn.

Key concepts: materialism, temptation, addiction, greed, bad habits, denial, hedonism, passion, selfishness.

The devil symbolizes self-enslavement, which prevents growth. These are manias, obsessions or forms of behavior that we cannot get rid of, although we know full well what harm they cause.

This card can also indicate extremely narrow, inflexible thinking, inherent in an overly restrained, extremely pragmatic person, unable to relax and allow himself to be himself at least occasionally.

His right hand raised with fingers spread, left hand with a flaming torch lowered. An inverted pentagram is visible on the forehead - a sign of strength. The man and woman face each other, with long tails wrapped around their legs.

The Devil's posture and hand position are reminiscent of the Magician, however there are key differences between the two. While one finger of the raised hand of the Magician points upward, making it clear that he recognizes and acknowledges the power of Heaven, the open palm of the Devil indicates that he believes only in his own power, the power of his five senses.

Thus, the Devil is a slave to earthly pleasures. It is this materialism and rigidity that chains us to it.

What does the Devil card portend?

If our desires are the center of our universe, leaving no room for anything else, it is not surprising that they turn into obsessions.

The previous card, Temperance, speaks of the integrity of a person living in accordance with the angelic principles of patience.

The devil is his complete opposite: in in this case we're talking about about a person whose consciousness is focused only on his own desires.

Thus we learn that hope and fear are two aspects of our nature, which, upon closer examination, equally prevent us from living in this world, since both are addressed not to what is, but to what could be .

It distracts us from what is happening in our lives at the moment, preventing us from changing anything.

Desires should be feared only when their subject remains a single object. By looking into the eyes of the demon living within us, we free ourselves from his shackles in order to finally know the taste of freedom.

Card combinations

The Devil himself is not an easy card. It confronts a person with many things. Another neighborhood with certain cards may change the meaning of the layout. So, when the Jester appears, the querent risks acquiring a vice that will lead him to mental problems. This often means drugs or alcohol. Something will disturb a person near the Magician. This is not only various kinds of addictions, but also some kind of sensuality towards another person. Sometimes under this combination they see a dark magician who manipulates the questioner.

Major Arcana

The Popess (in some decks the High Priestess) warns not only of the dangers of black magic, but also of strong sexual temptation. Moreover, the threat will come from a woman. The Empress is an indicator of shadow income. Often she becomes the significator of a lady who conducts her affairs in a dishonest manner. Emperor has a similar meaning, only female figure replaced by male. Often this is an indication of a criminal leader.

The Hierophant, together with the Devil, appears in situations where the querent is taught the wrong thing. This is a card of false prophets and teachers. The combination with Lovers gives a hellish mixture - there will be a relationship, but their basis is hatred of each other or sex. The prospect of such a union is obvious.

The Lord of Hell removes all positive force Chariots - therefore, no matter how much the querent strives, his goal remains unattainable. With the advent of the Force, the fight against temptation and other vices becomes more difficult. A person is struggling with addiction, and time will tell whether he will emerge victorious from the battle. The hermit warns that if the querent continues to indulge in vices, he will find himself alone.

The Wheel of Fortune often comes across in layouts and, when adjacent to the Devil, indicates the presence gaming addiction. It takes on serious forms and can threaten his life and cause serious material losses.

The Tower testifies to a completely fatal state of affairs. The cause of its destruction will be vice. The man himself created the situation and now watches how everything collapses. Often this combination indicates a financial pyramid.

Minor Arcana

With different suits the lasso manifests itself differently. Next to the Ace of Wands, its sexual manifestation intensifies. The questioner will be under the influence of a sensualist and provocateur. To some extent, he can be described as a person who is very eager for sex. Neighborhood with a deuce increases the likelihood of becoming a victim of intrigue and intrigue. Three brings more more problems. The position of a slave is indicated by seven.

The situation is no better with the suit of cups. Ace indicates some unhealthy relationship that does not bring anything good. A deuce indicates vicious relationships and false promises. Three becomes an indicator that a person spends too much time in idleness. The 6 of Cups indicates a person who has had addiction problems in the past. But this already indicates the risk of becoming an alcoholic or drug addict.

The suit of swords by and large denotes different bad people. A murderer passes through the ten, but the page is envious. The Queen of Swords becomes an indicator of hypocrites. The king, on the other hand, indicates a person who is obsessed with the thirst for power and is not embarrassed by any moral principles.

Love and relationships

The devil speaks of strong attachment, instinctive attraction, passion. The card often falls to those who decide to join intimate relationships on the side, or lost because of love.

The desires that engulf a person are so powerful that they completely drown out the voice of reason, making it difficult to adequately assess the current situation. The partner turns into an object of fatal passion, highlighting all the shadow sides of character in the questioner.

Primitive energy love affair makes a person forget about everything, lose himself in its abyss.

The same lasso runs through tyranny on the part of the partner. Relationships are built on dependence, which is based on fear. There is material dependence, blackmail, betrayal, jealousy, and manipulation. A typical situation is deprivation of honor and immorality. Even if the Devil provides thrills for a while, in the end he brings torment and sorrow. Looking back many years later, a person will think with regret that this dark spot in his biography might not have existed.

In an inverted position, the card indicates the presence of dependence in a relationship that is always built on fear. There is mutual aggression and sexual perversion in the couple. If the Devil is the significator of one of the partners, this means that it is he who provokes aggression in the couple. If the Arcana Two of Cups appears in a reading, this is a sign of constant betrayal.

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