Home Potato The high priestess find out who caused the damage. How to find out if there is damage to a person: three ways available at home

The high priestess find out who caused the damage. How to find out if there is damage to a person: three ways available at home

If you are faced with a situation where you are constantly pursued by a streak of failures, everything will fall straight out of your hands - perhaps you have been corrupted or a dark evil eye. The phenomenon is unpleasant, but fixable - the main thing is to find out who did the damage, how and who jinxed it, and based on this, take specific protective measures.

If you raise the question of how to find out who has brought damage to you, it is enough to adopt one of the rituals presented below. For some people, this is necessary for future revenge, others want to know in order to protect themselves from contact with this person, and it is the second option that many sorcerers call the most correct.

Knowing the enemy by sight, in the future you will successfully defend against his magical attacks

How to determine the damage on yourself

There are many ways to identify damage.

If you have been spoiled, it will not be difficult to diagnose it yourself. Some people experience a deterioration in well-being, others are haunted by failures at work or in love. And if your inner voice, your intuition tells you that something is wrong, you should be on your guard and take on board all the rituals, identify signs that indicate the induced dark damage and the evil eye.

How to recognize damage caused by enemies at home - just pay attention to characteristic signs negative magical influence. Damage aimed at the victim shows itself with the following signs:

  1. The house or apartment is simply flooded with uninvited guests - these are small rodents, rats and mice, insects, cockroaches and ants, moths.
  2. A variety of spots and moles, excessive pigmentation and darkening can appear on the body, although before that you were famous for a clean and light body.
  3. If a couple wants to get pregnant, they cannot conceive and give birth to a baby, and doctors cannot diagnose the cause of such pathological infertility.
  4. Health problems show themselves, new sores appear and worsen chronic diseases for no apparent reason, but traditional methods treatment does not give positive results of therapy.
  5. Often nightmares and phobias develop, fear of a confined space or unreasonable panic, although the person himself is mentally healthy and adequate.
  6. Sudden changes in weight - gain or loss for no apparent reason and grounds, which doctors cannot figure out.
  7. A person loses his pectoral cross more than once, either it fades and blackens, or there is an irresistible desire to remove it.
  8. When visiting a temple or other holy place, reading prayers, a person feels an irresistible desire to sleep, yawns.
  9. You are also worried about problems in your personal life, at work or around the house - you broke up with your loved one or lost your position, dishes are constantly beating and flowers wither in the house.

It is enough that you yourself have identified a couple or three of these symptoms and that will be enough. Also, in addition to signs, you can try to identify damage with the help of rituals or magical rites that do not require special preparation, and even a beginner can cope with them.

If you have not practiced anything like this before, errors may be made in the diagnostic process, which will indicate a completely different result. To prevent this from happening, many sorcerers advise to repeat the ritual of magical diagnostics of damage after a few days. If the results match, then you can start removing the induced damage and the evil eye.

Rite of passage with wax

If you do not rely on signs that may indirectly indicate induced damage, you can conduct a diagnostic ritual with holy water and wax. Experienced magicians in service always have several options for determining damage on water and wax, and we will talk about them further.

First ritual

Deterioration on wax

For this magic rite definition of damage and who caused it, take holy water consecrated in the temple and natural beeswax... At the very beginning of the ritual, formulate your desire to find out who brought the dark libel on you, keep this inner intention to the end of the rite itself.

For the ceremony, take a clean and transparent container, preferably if it is a crystal vase or a wide bowl. It is filled to the top with holy water, having prepared a wax candle in advance - it is natural, cast from wax, but not paraffin wax, since artificial material can distort the result.

At the beginning, light a wax candle from a match taken from a new box and remove everything from the table, tune in to get an accurate and reliable result. Then tilt the burning candle over a crystal vase of water and let the melted wax drip into it.

At the exit, you should get a certain figure - look carefully, and if you see the moon or a flower, then this indicates a woman, and if you see geometric figures in the water, then this indicates a man's involvement in the induced damage.

Psychics advise to divide such a ritual into 3-4 sessions, each time changing the water and wax candle bought in the temple in a new way. This is what will allow each time to receive more and more accurate and reliable information about a person who wishes you harm and has caused damage.

Second ritual

This ritual is also performed with holy water and a candle purchased from the temple. Pre-prepare a container, transparent, glass and pour cold holy water into it. Melt a wax candle in an iron mug and pour it into a container with water in a thin stream. The main thing at this very moment is to say the following words:

"Like holy wax into cold water and pour it in a thin stream - I wish to recognize the face of my enemy."

Then let the wax harden in water and then carefully examine the resulting cast figurine. Most often, she can show whether it is a man or a woman - a recognizable image will be shown if the damage is strong and professional. As psychics and sorcerers note, the resulting figurine can even indicate the occupation of the enemy - the main condition for obtaining an accurate answer is the visualization of your question during the casting on wax. If it is impossible to distinguish certain figures and signs in a figure, you can sleep peacefully, because corruption and dark negativity do not exist.

We determine the person who sent the damage

Identifying the enemy is the first step towards getting rid of corruption

If you want to find out who exactly is causing damage to you, you can conduct one of the following magical diagnostics rituals at home. Each such magic ritual can be roughly divided into the following groups:

  1. Rituals that in their action are directed to the Higher Light Forces - they are used by light professional magicians.
  2. Rituals during which special magical spells and texts are read. In this case, the offender himself or his name, images may appear in a dream as an answer, or he may come to visit you in reality.
  3. Rituals that are carried out using special magical attributes - these can be the most different subjects ranging from an ordinary needle to candles from a temple, cemetery soil, and so on.

Next, consider simple and effective rituals, which will help determine who has brought dark negativity to you. All of them do not require special training and special magical knowledge, therefore they can be used even by a beginner.

Attracting the enemy

Key ritual

You can physically attract to your doorstep a potential enemy who has corrupted you by performing this simple and effective ceremony at sunset. Before the ritual, 7 old, even rusted and not used keys from a variety of doors or locks are prepared for the ritual. When the sun sets and gets slightly dark, put a pot of water on the stove, and when it boils, throw the keys into it saying:

“Whoever is a servant of God… a name… but intends to cause harm, and send dark damage - he will bring evil spirits into his house and under his bed. My wicked foe - yes, not to know peace, but the evil spirits will drive him out of his house, and from his bed, but beyond the threshold. "

Then remove from the stove and let the water cool down together with the keys, and then drain the liquid into the toilet and take out each key one at a time. Let the keys dry and let them lie in your house - in the very near future the enemy and the envious will come to your doorstep or in some other way make themselves felt.

It is important to remember that if the enemy comes in person or calls you, he can scandal and swear with you. The main thing is not to go to the provocation and just silently listen to him, reading a prayer to yourself, which you know, it is better if it is our Father.

Salt ritual

How can you recognize self-induced damage and find out who is hiding behind the mask of a friend? Just wait until the sun sets and the first stars appear in the sky - put a frying pan on the lighted stove and when it gets red-hot, throw 3 handfuls of salt on it. Pierce it for about 20 minutes, stirring wooden spoon, and say these words:

“You are all 77 - I will give you something to drink and feed you, I will treat you from my table. For this you will tell and show - what has been done and evil to the servant of God ... the name ... neither a sea fish, nor a bird of heaven, nor a forest beast, but an evil man. Tell and show, don't hide anything. "

If the salt darkens in the pan and begins to crackle, it means that a dark negative is induced. In this case, you should go to the nearest deserted intersection of roads and after counting 21 stars in the sky on your right side, say:

“21 stars and the Moon - return the evil induced, but inflicted on me neither by the fish of the sea, nor by the bird of heaven, nor by the beast of the forest, but by an evil man. Give him back, and I'll forgive him everything. "

Upon returning home, pour the neatly cooled salt into your fist and sprinkle it at the same intersection you have spoken of. Leave the ritual place without looking back and without uttering a word - according to magical laws, for 3 days the enemy who has corrupted will make itself felt.

Calling the culprit on pins and needles

With the help of the most ordinary sewing needles, you can determine for yourself who wishes you harm, and if you use this magical attribute correctly, you can remove the enemy from yourself, send the damage back to him. For a magical ceremony, take 7 of the simplest needles bought in a store - the main thing at the checkout is not to take change.

It is worth carrying out such a ritual during the waning moon, from 12 to 3 am. After you come home, put a frying pan on the stove and throw 7 needles on it. Holding the pan over the fire, do it as if rotational movements so that the needles "walk" on the brazier and at the same time say:

"Let these needles stick into the heart of my enemy."

It is worth saying such words as many times as your inner voice and intuition tells you. As experienced psychics say, during the ritual, your enemies will show their true colors. They start to call on the phone or at the door - they can be potential customers or perpetrators of corruption.

At the end of the ritual of identifying the enemy, you should get rid of the needles by simply throwing them out into the street, into the first trash can that comes across and not a household trash can, or dig under any tree. Use them in household Absolutely forbidden.

Ritual for the dream of the customer of corruption

If you want to find out who exactly brought damage to you in a dream, you can use one of the rituals described below.

Dream Summoning Ritual

it strong ritual, which will allow you to show you your abuser in a dream - for the most accurate reproduction of night vision, put a pen and a piece of paper by the bed in the evening. If you do everything correctly, you can understand in a dream who exactly brought the dark damage to you.

When you go to bed in the evening, relax and tune in so that in a dream you can see the person who has corrupted you. When you can normally relax and get distracted from everyday problems and everyday affairs, say the following words:

“I walk between the long rows, and I look - with my eyes attentively. Standing in the ranks of Saint Samson - protects my sleep. Show me Holy Samson and a prophetic dream - point at my enemy and take the dark power away from me. Holy Trinity help, Lord protect, protect Christ. "

After these words, you should fall asleep as quickly as possible - if you have previously relaxed and tuned in to the desired wave, then sleep will come quickly. In a night vision, you will see the image of your enemy, who has caused damage - waking up in the morning, so as not to forget anything, make notes on a piece of paper.

Attracting the enemy in a dream

If you want to see your enemy in a dream who has corrupted you, you can summon him in night vision using the following ritual. This ritual is carried out in one of the large Orthodox holidays- go to bed and just before going to bed say:

“Holy Samson - send me a prophetic dream, who did a black deed, who used spoilage, let him bring it to me. May I dream of him. "

After going to bed - the main thing is not to talk or drink water, and already at night in the night vision you will see the image of the "well-wisher". The main thing is to remember everything to the smallest detail - it is on them that you should pay the closest attention.

Black method of identifying the offender

If you are not afraid of the dark force, you can practice the ritual from the arsenal of dark magicians and psychics and so find out your potential enemy who has corrupted you. The sorcerers call the ritual considered below simple, but very, very dangerous, therefore it is not recommended for beginners.

The ritual is carried out exclusively on the territory of the existing cemetery - in daytime it is worth visiting and finding an old and rusted nail there. It will be especially good if you find him on an abandoned and old grave- the main thing is not to take or lift it with bare hands. Therefore, first take a piece of black fabric with you and take a nail with it, wrapping it, without touching the iron.

“Yes, you are my sworn enemy, who has corrupted me - come to me with your feet and by the will of the deceased, yes in three days. If he does not come, then in six months he will die. These words are bound by a graveyard and a coffin, a dead man and a nail - my enemy is waiting for you, you are a welcome guest for me. "

When you perform such magical actions, a person who deliberately harmed you with magical rituals will certainly cross your threshold. The main thing to remember is that with such a ritual you bind the enemy to yourself and call on the deceased for help, you are ready to harm him and you will have to pay for all this. Therefore, be sure to leave on the grave of the deceased, from whom they took the nail, or simply leave the ransom on the churchyard - sweets and small money. And you should not hold evil on your enemy, do not try to take revenge on him - this pulls negativity on you, and thereby you harm yourself.

Rite of passage with a candle

The candle will help identify the enemy

To carry out this magical rite, you should retire, left alone with yourself, in separate room and light there with a match a thin wax candle, bought the day before in the nearest church. It is best to put it in a faceted glass, filling it with holy water - while the candle is burning, it is worth reading the words of the magic text. The words of the magic ritual are spoken towards the door or window open to the street, and the ceremony is performed - at the so-called hour of the witches, from 3 am until the moment when the first roosters crow three times.

The words of the magic text are read, as noted earlier, with a burning church candle, and they sound like this:

« My strong and strong word - until my enemy repents of the damage induced and created evil, he will be tormented by the flame of this wax and holy candle. As soon as he crosses my threshold, so let him repent of everything he has done to me. "

After saying the words, let the candle burn out to the very end and put it behind the iconostasis - this will be such a talisman. When the ritual is completely completed, take a close look at your surroundings throughout the week - who and how they behave, what they do and say. Sorcerers say that the enemy will try to come first to your house after the ceremony - he will ask for something to lend him, and at the same time leave immediately. It is forbidden for him to give something - so you with my own hands, giving even a simple salt or a trifle neutralizes the effect of the rite you performed.

Of course, you yourself should not tell anyone about the ritual performed - if no one came to you for a week, it means that a strong ritual was carried out from the enemy's side, and due to its strong energy it will resist your influence. The main thing is to understand that the enemy may not come to you, not ask for anything from you - just take a closer look at the one who will behave in a strange way, will turn to you with an unusual request.

If you understand that it is this person who is trying to harm you, just minimize communication with him, put protection against him, neutralizing the evil induced by him. After all, one should not exclude the fact that in the future the enemy will try to harm you again, and this time the ceremony may be more serious than a banal evil eye or damage. This is the only way to protect oneself from the dark and evil influence.

Today we will talk about how to guarantee to find out who brought damage to you, the evil eye, or sent a curse. Consider proven rituals, rituals and conspiracies that help identify a person who has sent or caused damage and other negative energy... We will study the moments that allow us to find out who caused damage to illness, celibacy, failure, death, to protect ourselves from this and return to the ill-wisher all his witchcraft and negative energy blows

But before starting defensive actions, it is worth finding out if magic is involved in any negative events. How do you know if damage is directed at a person?

1. Pay attention to the eyes. The appearance of white dots in the pupils indicates the presence of magical effects.

2. Heat salt in a frying pan and read "Our Father". If it turns black, then damage is present.

3. Roll the whole body and head with a chicken egg, while reading "Living in Help". Then they break it up and watch the contents. If there are bloody spots or, even worse, the egg turns out to be rotten, then the strong negative has definitely pierced the victim's energy field.

In people affected by magical effects, the following are observed unpleasant signs:

· Cockroaches, ants, rats appeared in the house, while the neighbors have no trace of them;

Have appeared on your skin dark spots;

You cannot get pregnant, and the doctor cannot find the cause in your health;

Delay, atypical pain during menstruation;

· Sharp weight loss, or, conversely, weight gain;

· You cannot get married and create a long-term relationship with a man;

You are sick - they are treating you, you are sick again - they are treating you, but the diseases do not recede, but on the contrary, they increase;

· Animals shy away from you;

• you have dreams with spirits, dead people;

· If you are baptized, and you are used to wearing a cross on your body, when damaged, it is lost, fades, becomes heavy and you want to take it off.

Video of a ritual that protects from the evil eye, damage and curse:

YouTube video

The easiest way to identify the person who spoiled you is to put salt or flour under the rug at your doorstep. When this person comes to you and steps on this rug, the salt or flour should turn black. Also, if you are in the same room with this person, then throw the burnt match into a glass of water. If the match drowned, then this person is involved in your troubles and illnesses. If this person was in a room where there was fresh fresh milk in a glass, then in an hour it should turn sour and curl up

With the help of this magical rite, you can find out at home who brought negative energy to you. To carry out the ritual, you will need a container of clean, filtered water and natural wax..
You should not use paraffin, since in this case the magic will lose its power and, either will not work at all, or will give incorrect information.

Melt a small amount of natural wax in a water bath and pour it in a thin stream into a container of chilled water, saying the words:

"I pour wax into the water, pour out the name of my enemy." When all the wax is in the water, carefully peer at the resulting figures, it is in them that the answer to your question lies.

First of all, you need to determine the gender of the ill-wisher. The woman is symbolized by figures resembling the moon or a flower, and the man is a diamond, a square, a raven and a bear. The more powerful magic ritual was used to harm you, the more exact information about this person you will get.

Video how to send damage to your abuser yourself:

YouTube video

If damage was used for severe illness or death, then you can even get a fairly clear image of the person who harmed you. In other cases, the shape of the wax can indicate your enemy's occupation, habits, etc. Be attentive and you will easily recognize an evil person.

This simple ceremony builds an energetic connection between the magician and higher powers that will allow you to recognize your enemy. This magical ritual is performed during sunset, so you need to prepare all the necessary things in advance.

You will need: seven old keys and a pot of boiling water. As soon as the sun begins to hide behind the horizon, throw all the keys into the water and say the words of the conspiracy three times:

“Whoever wants to bring harm to God's servant (name), bring the devil into his house. There will be no rest for an evil person, the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen".

The next day you will surely meet your enemy, perhaps he will be spinning near your door right in the morning and will be very worried about something.

But how do you know if damage has been targeted? The first way is with a church candle. In a healthy person, it burns evenly, without influxes. In a person who has energy breaks, evil eyes, damage, the candle smokes, flickers and blinks, and also has influxes. Fading away, it can hint about the proximity of death.

Bending it in the hands of the spoiled one indicates the presence of the evil eye. Damage can also be seen by specialists: psychics, tarologists. But who is causing damage, how to recognize this ill-wisher? In order to see the face, you can cast wax (with light evil eyes, it helps and weakens the consequences of the induced dirty trick). Tarot cards can describe a person. Experts can discern by your aura who is involved in trouble. In general, many methods of fortune-telling can give an answer.

You can also call this person to you with certain rituals. For example, if at a minute when the sun has gone down the horizon (this can be easily determined by the calendar on the network), throw seven keys into boiling water and say: "Whoever harms the Slave / Slave (N) will bring the devil tomorrow. Amen." There is another way: put an aspen twig under the threshold or near it and say on the twig: "It is not a blacksmith and not a reaper who goes, but a mower, who carries a lining to me, the mower mows that one. Amen." There is also a method for a graveyard nail, but this is quite extreme.
It should be understood that there is nothing for you to see this person. It is generally better to forget about who is causing damage, how to recognize him. You cannot avoid a person, and to take revenge means returning the problem to yourself in a triple equivalent. If there was damage on you and it was removed, then the retribution will still overtake the contractor and the customer. By the way, within a week after removing the evil eye, you should not give anything to anyone, especially if they ask. This makes it easier for the perpetrators to pay. After removing the damage, the perpetrators may call you, come, ask for something - in a word, show an unusual concern for them. This is how you will find out who did it. Such anxiety is a sign that they are getting paid.

This method, which allows you to find out who has brought damage to you, is quite simple to perform and will not require you additional training... But you will have to work hard spiritually and mentally, since your attitude and purity of thoughts are very important in this ritual. To carry it out late in the evening, just before going to bed, mentally prepare for a conspiracy. You should remove extraneous thoughts from your consciousness and completely surrender to the desire to recognize the offender who has done damage to you. After you feel ready, say the following spoken phrase:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
There is a cunning Samson among the ranks.
In his name, eternal and living,
I say the black word-
Sly Samson, give me a prophetic dream.
Let Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, a prophetic face will show it to me.
Living and dead water, help

This conspiracy will help bring your enemy to your doorstep, and its effectiveness is quite high. But remember that you are reaching out to the higher magical powers, and use the elements of black magic. If you are a beginner, or are not fully confident in your abilities, be careful not to choose this particular method of identifying the person who has brought damage to you. To effectively perform this rite, you will need a nail that you brought from the cemetery. Moreover, it is not necessary to take it from the lid of the coffin of the deceased, just one found on the territory of the deceased will do. The main thing is to remember that you cannot take such an object with your bare hands, observe safety precautions.
Arriving home, drive the brought nail into the threshold, while saying the words:

“May my enemy come in three days,
and if he does not come, he will die in six months.
Cemetery, coffin, nail,
I'm waiting for you, invited guest "

Literally in a couple of days, on the same threshold you will see the person who brought the curse on you. It will not be difficult to find out that he is the one: all his nervous and tired appearance will tell you about it. In addition, you can look into his face and you will certainly see a shifting gaze. As a rule, in most cases, the ill-wisher manifests itself some time after the start of the opposition, that is, after the ceremony to remove damage, the negative leaves the victim, but it does not dissolve in space and does not melt in air, but goes straight to the initial link in this magical chain.

In this case, the customer has a hard time, because at the moment of contact with him, a clot of negative energy is gaining great strength and hits very painfully. Usually the legs themselves carry the enemy to their victim, as well as the criminal to the scene of the crime.

It is important here not to feed it. Any attempts to interact should be thwarted. The one who was spoiled himself will understand by the behavior of the other who exactly annoyed him.

There are cunning pests who put a shield from kickback, redirecting all the negative with certain conspiracies to an animal, tree or other person. You will have to get to such people with special rituals.
The simplest is the ritual with a candle in a glass. They take a thin church candle and put it in a faceted glass filled with water to the middle. They light the fuse and begin to read the conspiracy in open door or window. It is advisable to do this at night at witch hour - from 3 in the morning until the first crow of the rooster. As soon as the candle began to die out from the water, they immediately stop the ceremony and go to bed in silence, having previously hidden all the attributes of the ritual in a place where no one will climb and find them. Here are the words of the appeal:

Until the sinner repent

My candle will toil.

Let him appear on the threshold

And he will repent of all his atrocities.


You should be attentive during the week to anyone who behaves unusually during this period. It is not at all necessary that the enemy will come and ask for forgiveness. As a rule, in such situations, the customer of damage becomes unnecessarily intrusive in relation to the victim, makes ridiculous requests, such as borrow salt or bread, tries to contact the object of his sabotage at least verbally. Some show unprecedented persistence in order to somehow get in touch with a resisting person.

If there was a meeting with the culprit of the atrocity, you cannot enter into a dialogue with him, give him something and generally interact even verbally. He needs to cut off all the ways to approach the victim, thereby not giving recharge.

If the proposed method turned out to be weak and the enemy did not show itself, then there are other methods for calculating the villain, for example, a prophetic dream. With its help, it is easy to find out, if damaged, your secret spiteful critic. On the eve of any holy holiday, before going to bed, they read a special conspiracy that helps to see the culprit through a dream. Here are his words:

I go to bed and I want to know

Who has brought damage, who is my pest,

Through sleep and great power

I can master everything secret and hidden.

Nothing gets in my way.

Show me the face of the enemy.

Lips, teeth, key, lock. Amen.

The main thing is not to touch your head with your hands when you wake up. They don't tell anyone what they see. Men order prophetic dreams on men's days- on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. Women are allocated for this Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Sunday is best never to desecrate with magic rituals.

After the enemy has become known, they carry out a rite of removal of damage and then put protection on themselves and their family.

Your natural reaction will be to find out how to get the damage back. For final stage to work with spoilage, you will need the following:

The heart of a dead animal (can be bought at the market chicken heart);

Hawthorn thorns - 9 pcs. (they can be replaced in winter small nails);

· Large nail - 1 pc .;

· A plate (which you can easily throw away later).

First, place the heart on a plate and drive in all 9 nails (thorns). At the same time, put into your actions all the hatred, anger, resentment, the desire to return everything you received to your enemy.

“I summon the one (that) who harmed me, who sent damage to me! Now I'm hurting you! Wherever you are, report to me immediately. Through all obstacles, seas and oceans, mountains and land! "

Drive in the last, large nail.

Now make a fire (don't do it publicly) and burn the heart with nails. The remains of what was burnt must be buried in the ground, in a "perilous" place, reading the following words:

"Let all evil and all hatred return to the one who brought it to me."

If you conduct research on your own, you must strictly follow all the described rules and sequence of actions.

Now you know how to recognize if there is damage on you, and who brought it. Crack the egg gently and pour it into a glass. There should be complete concentration on this matter. Try not to move all this time. After 3 minutes, carefully remove the glass from the head and inspect carefully. 1.

You need to immediately pay attention to a raw egg in the water and remember how it looks like, if there are any black dots or blood clots on it. Well, if this really happened, then you can easily and quickly get rid of the damage done to a person from a photograph. In the case of streaks and silvery balls appearing in the glass, most likely your aura is disturbed. Everything can end in death.

Such damage starts to work suddenly. The one who sent her goes to the bitter end and will calm down only after your death. In the event that a strong professional damage is induced, if witchcraft carried out against a person has destructive power, a disgusting smell will come from a candle burning nearby.

If you want to know how to remove damage or send damage to your offenders yourself, then see other sections of this site using the direct links located on the panel on the right .

Find out who caused damage without magical help can be quite difficult. But sometimes it is absolutely necessary, because some people, instead of openly resolving conflicts, expose their opponents negative impact... Effective rituals and ceremonies, which you can carry out without leaving your home, will help to correctly identify the secret enemy.

Damage or evil eye?

There is a significant difference between damage and the evil eye.

  • Corruption is purposeful magical effect , the purpose of which is, by violating the integrity of the bio energy field a person, to introduce extraneous and often destructive programs into his subconscious. To such malware they attribute damage to the destruction of relationships, loneliness, love spells, to illness, to death.
  • You can jinx it unintentionally just having a strong energy by nature and negative emotions in relation to someone. In such cases, one unkind glance or a thoughtless word in a fit of rage or in a state strong resentment able to pierce a person's aura and disrupt the functioning of his energy-information field. The likelihood of the evil eye is high in conflicts between loved ones, since there are well-established energy channels through which any energy flows easily and without hindrance.

We should be careful in words and even thoughts in relation to people dear to us, because they are not protected from our evil influence as well as from the influence of strangers.

A person is able to jinx even himself. And since such an evil eye is easier to diagnose, it can be very difficult to remove it.


The first symptoms of a magical blow may go unnoticed.

  • At first, only periodically there is a breakdown and bouts of unreasonable anxiety. The increase in irritability in the victim of witchcraft can be attributed to stress.
  • The person starts to get sick more often.
  • Cases of injury are increasing.

Loss of energy, anxiety and irritability

Loss of a pectoral cross and bad dreams at this stage can be a warning of a threat that has arisen.

As a rule, a person does not associate these events with the magical influence exerted on him and begins to sound the alarm only when the damage has gained strength and begins to act in its entirety.

At the next stage, depending on the type of damage in a person, one or more spheres of life are sharply destroyed.

As they say, a black streak comes:

  • there are constant scandals out of the blue with family members;
  • haunted by failures at work;
  • the state of health is sharply deteriorating. Moreover, the disease that has arisen is difficult to diagnose and treat, and after being cured of one disease, a person falls ill again, and even more seriously;
  • a sharp, severe and unreasonable loss in weight or obesity is also possible.
  • strange dreams regularly arise, nightmares torment, or even sleep completely disappears;
  • plants in the room where the person sleeps die;
  • in the house may appear in a large number mice, ants, cockroaches, and they are difficult to get out, while the neighbors are fine;
  • pets begin to behave hostilely and avoid contact with the victim of spoilage;
  • pads (strange objects of unknown origin) are found: nails, needles, pins, hair, clods of earth, grain.

Human behavior also changes dramatically:

  • he becomes nervous, fussy, avoids direct eye contact with people;
  • with difficulty he is in holy places for a long time. During the recitation of the prayer, an irresistible yawning may begin to overcome him. There is a keen desire to remove the pectoral cross, or it quickly turns black.
  • are pursued by frequent headaches, visual and auditory hallucinations may occur;
  • voices are heard that encourage bad deeds or attempted suicide;
  • appear and take drugs.

The best ways to determine who caused the damage

If you find signs of damage in yourself or someone close to you, it is best to contact a specialist in the field of magic to confirm your concerns.

It is not necessary to know who made the damage in order to successfully remove it.

However, since a magical attack can be repeated, it is advisable to find out who the secret enemy of a person is and put protection from him.

Experienced healers say that after a healing ceremony is performed, the enemy himself often makes itself felt. Let, in order to harm, people often resort to the help of sorcerers, sent negative energy returns directly to the customer, not the performer... Black magicians know how to avoid the negative consequences of their work. After the magical effect has been successfully removed, the person who caused the damage on his own or with outside help, as a rule, himself tries to get in touch with the victim within the next 3-5 days... Moreover, his behavior looks more than strange. He can invent completely trifling and ridiculous reasons to meet. Often tries to enter the house where the victim lives and take possession of some thing. May ask to borrow money.

In such a situation, you should in every possible way avoid meeting this person, not letting him into the house and not exchanging any items with him.

There are also special rituals to determine the organizer of damage, for example:

  • Through sleep
  • With wax
  • Using needles
  • Rite of passage "Seven Keys"
  • With a nail

Method 1. Determine the ill-wisher in a dream

Going to bed, you must say the magic words:
« Saint Samson will appear and send me a prophetic dream,
Who thought black thought
Who said a word unkindly,
Who did evil deed,
He sent spoilage, spoilage,
Let him appear to me in a dream.
Amen» .

Falling asleep, it is important not to wind yourself up, going over all possible offenders in your mind. After all, a magic blow can be inflicted at all by the wrong person on whom suspicions fall. So, for example, it can be made not by a rival, but by the most harmless at first glance friend, who in fact turned out to be a great envy. It is necessary to keep an open mind and be ready for any information that comes in a dream.

Method 2. How to find out who caused the damage with wax

The wax melted in a water bath is slowly poured into a bowl of water, saying: “ I pour wax, pour out the enemy". The form of the frozen wax can be used to read information about the person who made a magical attack. If predatory animals or birds are seen, the organizer of the damage is a man. The moon, flowers, trees - a woman. Sometimes the resulting figures indicate not gender, but other characteristics of the enemy's personality: his profession, age, appearance.

Method 3. Calculate the initiator of the evil eye with a needle

The use of simple sewing needles is widespread in magic. With their help, fortune-telling is carried out for the future, damage is sent and removed.

  1. You need to buy seven needles. You cannot take change from the seller when buying. A ritual is performed from midnight to three in the morning.
  2. The needles are thrown into a hot frying pan.
  3. Rotating the pan over the fire, as when frying onions, you need to say until you get bored: “ So that these needles stuck in the heart of my enemy».

As a rule, the offender makes himself felt by a call or sent e-mail, shortly after the magical actions. Used needles should not be thrown into the trash can at home, it is better to use the trash can outside or to bury it in the ground.

Method 4. Ritual with keys to identify the enemy

You need to pick up seven keys from different locks used in the household. The ceremony is performed after sunset. Keys are thrown into boiling water and they say: “ Whoever brings harm and damage to me, let the devil bring me! May it be so!". Water is poured out at the intersection closest to the house, the keys can continue to be used.

Method 5. How to find out with a nail who caused damage

You need to find a nail in the cemetery and drive it into the threshold of your house. With bare hands do not touch the nail. This is one of the strongest ways not only to establish the identity of the offender, but also to make a magical counterattack. The enemy will soon appear at the victim's doorstep of his own home, most likely very tired or on the verge of nervous exhaustion.

How to get rid of spoilage yourself

The easiest way is to remove spoilage with an egg. A raw egg I roll it clockwise along the human body, starting with the head and neck, ending with the lower spine. In the process, the "Our Father" is read. Other methods:
  • Reading a prayer from the evil eye and corruption (to St. Tikhon, St. Cyprian, Psalm 90).
  • Church candle found around the body. If damaged, the flame smokes and crackles in some areas of the body. We must cross them seven times while reading Our Father.
  • Having learned the name of the offender, you should still not try to take revenge on him in a physical or magical way.

    It is necessary to light a candle for his health and pray for higher powers to show him the bright path to achieving happiness. Sincere benevolence is the best protection against damage, because it makes a person invisible, and therefore invulnerable to the bad influences of negatively minded people.

    Especially for www.

    When for no apparent reason a lot of problems fall on a person, when nothing foreshadowed trouble, it is a great temptation to shift responsibility to evil forces and say that it was someone who jinxed or corrupted. For complacency, I want to use any methods to finally get rid of bad luck. If we assume that such phenomena as the evil eye and damage do exist, then first you need to figure out what it is, how they differ and how to find out that they have jinxed and damaged.

    The main difference between the evil eye and damage

    All magical processes are based on the flow of energy from one form to another, including the evil eye and damage. Both of these phenomena can be viewed as a hole in a vessel through which energy leaks. Both the evil eye and damage break through the energy biofield of a person. But how do you know if you have been jinxed or not, or is it still damage? Often the evil eye hits locally, in one area of ​​life, and damage brings bad luck in everything and at once. The main difference between the evil eye and damage is that you can induce the evil eye completely by accident, and damage is always a deliberate action.

    What is the evil eye?

    The evil eye is not always targeted on purpose. How do you know if you have been jinxed or not? More often this happens unconsciously, in an outburst of feelings: a person with evil eye can "look askance" or "scribble". The bearers of this skill themselves suffer from it, because they do not want to harm others, but sincerely express emotions. It is from here that the roots of the council not prematurely share their plans and not brag, otherwise you may be jinxed, and you will not be able to fulfill your plans. For the same reason, newborn babies are not shown to anyone, except for close relatives, at first, so that a compassionate old woman on the street does not accidentally jinx it with moans and gasps. You can even inadvertently jinx yourself if you rejoice too much at an event that has yet to happen: instead of smiling at the present moment, we direct our energy and our emotions into the future, and thus, as if stifling it and depriving ourselves of support right now.

    What is spoilage?

    If you have been spoiled, then the matter is much more serious. First, you have an enemy. Or just an ill-wisher - it depends on the severity of the damage. Secondly, if the evil eye usually strikes pointwise, in one area of ​​life, then damage, like a viral infection, gradually penetrates into all areas of activity - the same black line bad luck. Quarrels with friends from scratch, objects falling from the hands and breaking things, being late for the train are the most harmless signs of damage. It is much worse if it affects the state of health or well-being of our loved ones and is expressed in diseases that have come from nowhere.

    Damage does not arise by chance, it is always purposefully induced. Most often, not without performing some kind of ritual. How to find out who jinxed or corrupted? Think who's in recent times you could have hurt you on purpose or unknowingly. Who can have enough time, energy and - most importantly - desire for revenge in order to take responsibility for using dark magic against another human being.

    How to identify the evil eye on yourself?

    Lately, you have been feeling bad and chronically unlucky. How do you know if you have been jinxed or not, the other person is still not involved here? There are such popular methods:

    • With the help of an egg. Breakin 'fresh egg into a glass of water. Lean the glass against the crown or drive it over your head for several minutes. Then you need to look at the water: if the yolk continues to float on the surface without jumping out of the protein, everything is fine, there is no spoilage. If white stripes appear, there are incomprehensible impurities - there is witchcraft interference.
    • With a regular pin. Attach it to your clothes when you leave the house, head down. While you are clinging, ask the higher powers to save you from evil people and bad thoughts. When you return home, check to see if there is a pin. If it is lost, it means that you are damaged.
    • With the help of matches. You need to take a bowl of water and light a match. The match should completely burn out. After this happens, throw it into the water. If there is no spoilage, it will float. If there is, it will drown.
    • With the help of gold or silver ring... If, in the presence of damage or the evil eye, hold the ring on the cheek, then a black mark will remain on it. But do not rush to draw conclusions ahead of time, this may be your reaction foundation on metal.

    How do you know that a child has been jinxed?

    If we can still diagnose our state of health, then the child's condition is a more difficult question, especially if he does not yet know how to speak. Although a sensitive mother always easily reads the feelings and emotions of her child. There are also outward signs evil eye:

    • unreasonable feeling unwell;
    • lethargy and drowsiness;
    • constant whims and tantrums;
    • poor sleep, nightmares;
    • incomprehensible fears, frequent fears.

    The child's aura is still light and weightless, not fully formed, therefore children are so easily susceptible to someone else's influence and often need additional protection from the evil eye. That is why children are baptized in infancy to hide them under the dome of a Christian egregor.

    How to find out whether you have been jinxed or not, you already know. Some of these rituals are also used to diagnose the evil eye on children:

    • Using an egg. In the same way as in the case of an adult, a glass with an egg is held over the head, and the state of the egg determines whether there is an evil eye or not.
    • The trace from the ring. Swipe your ring over the child's cheek and wait for the reaction: a dark stripe hints at the presence of the evil eye.
    • A pin on the clothes. If your child loses this pin while walking on the street, something is clearly wrong.

    How to remove damage from a child?

    You already understand how to find out if a child has been jinxed. Now we need to somehow eliminate the influence. One of the most commonly used methods is rolling out the evil eye with an egg. The symbolic meaning of this ritual is that the egg seems to absorb spoilage like a sponge. The child is seated on a chair and made sure that he does not keep his arms and legs crossed. Then an ordinary chicken egg is rolled over the baby's body, while reading prayers or conspiracies. This egg is broken into a glass of water. If the yolk and white are unkempt, with splashes and dark impurities, the task is completed, the negative will be drawn out. This ritual must be repeated again after a couple of days, as a result, the broken egg should be clean and homogeneous. If it is just like that, after the first rolling out, then there is nothing to worry about.

    How do I know if I can jinx a person?

    In order to understand if you have the ability for the evil eye, you need to deal well with your feelings. The evil eye usually stems from envy. It may seem to you that you are sincerely happy for the person, but in fact you are envious of him. If you have even an ounce of the ability to broadcast your energy, it can be reflected in the object of your senses.

    What if you become aware of your feelings of envy? Work on yourself so that you also have something to be proud of. If you sincerely devote yourself to some business, then only passion for it remains, and all other emotions in it burn out.

    On the other hand, there is good news as well. If you can jinx, then you have certain abilities to magic practice... When you have these opportunities, then you can not only jinx, but also heal. In this case, it is important to send the person you want to help with your energy, the most sincere and pure emotions - love, tenderness, care, reassurance. If the broadcast was triggered negative feelings, which means it should work with positive ones too. True, often sincere sympathy, complicity and warmth are harder to get out of oneself than negative, which itself asks out. But this is already a matter of working on the spiritual side of your life.

    Who jinxed?

    How to find out bad person who jinxed you? Let's say you have determined that the evil eye or damage is on you, and have managed to get rid of the negativity on your own. However, the danger still remains. How do you recognize the ill-wisher and protect yourself from a repetition of the situation?

    You already know that the evil eye can "fall" on you by accident, without the knowledge of the sender. If you think you have been jinxed, think about who you spoke to lately, to whom you told about your plans. Perhaps somewhere they boasted of something? Or guess who might envy you. To avoid a second hit, you need to share your plans less, it is better to silently and diligently implement them. Strengthen your energy field. How to do it? Any activity that makes you develop makes you and your aura stronger and stronger. Sports, dancing, music help a lot.

    How to understand who caused the damage?

    In the case of damage, it is more likely that the exact answer to the question of who exactly is sending it to you is more likely. Think about who could purposefully harm you. Which of your entourage has free time for a whole ritual, enough strength, and, most importantly, a desire for revenge? Who has been actively interested in how you are doing lately? Most likely, if you discovered and removed the damage in time, the aggressor who has not reached his goal will try to attack you again. Often, for the rituals of targeting damage, the sorcerer or witch needs some of your thing, up to a hair or a piece of a nail. Think about the sources from which the ill-wisher can get your property. The main thing is not to let this person into your house later.

    How to protect yourself from spoilage

    Whether you can protect yourself from the evil eye or damage depends solely on your personal strength. If your energy field is weak, then someone else's influence will knock you down. If you are full of strength and energy, then no damage and evil eye are afraid of you. You need to be very attentive to your energy state and understand what gives you energy and what takes it away, what nourishes you and makes you grow and develop, and what pulls you down and drives you into depression. And if you are used to cutting off everything that is superfluous and cultivating only what is really necessary, then the question of how to find out whether you have been jinxed or corrupted simply has no influence on you.

    Unfortunately on life path there are people who are so envious that they are ready to go to great lengths to spoil the lives of others. Some of them not only put spokes in the wheels at work and gossip behind their backs, but also resort to various magic rituals, for example, K. In this case, you must definitely remember and know how to check if there is damage and who caused it to limit your communication with the evil person and protect yourself from negative influences from him.

    Situations often arise that can confuse even the most confident person. It happens that the calm ones get irritated, the kind ones get angry, and not the conflicted ones - for no reason they give a slap in the face. But more often than not, unusual actions have their own reasons: blockage at work, feeling unwell due to a cold. If you cannot find any probable reasons, you should check for the influence of Black magic. To know, how to understand that damage is induced, you can easily visit my website or even from this article.

    How can one fall under such influence?

    The reasons for targeting damage to an ill-wisher can be very different. For example, envious former partners your spouse may try to knock him off balance in this way and back into his business. Take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps there is someone among your “loved ones” who might wish you harm?

    But first you need to be sure that damage is taking place. To begin with, it is important to understand the difference between damage and the evil eye. The evil eye can bring themselves without knowing it, greatly envying you. To impose the evil eye, special rituals and ceremonies are not needed, enough strong emotions and a strong biofield. It is for this reason that some mothers do not show their newborn children to the last, even to the closest ones, because affection is also a strong emotion that can heap troubles.

    Damage is not so simple, and accidentally, due to ignorance, it will not be possible to impose it. The person who exposed you to such a magical influence is actually dangerous to others, because through his fault a person with damage can reach the point of suicidal thoughts.

    Signs and symptoms

    1. A person who has been corrupted harms, first of all, not others, but himself. He becomes disorderly, even if this has not been observed before. He skips visits to doctors for reasons of "forgot" or "did not want" even when the health condition requires immediate professional intervention.

    2. It is easy to determine the presence of a celibacy crown or damage to relationships. Young, beautiful people remain without a pair, although they desperately crave love. They go on dates that never end in seriousness, they even resort to, but all efforts are in vain. In this case, a natural question arises, what is the matter. As a rule, the answer lies in the induced damage, which must be got rid of.

    3. Damage can be the fault in the case when a young couple cannot have a child, but no medical problems have been found.

    4. Animals are very sensitive to changes in the host's energy field. Cats are especially sensitive in such situations. Therefore, if the earlier affectionate darling of the family began to react too violently and menacingly to you, this is an occasion to think and turn to methods of identifying and removing damage.

    5. Feelings that have never been special problems, has deteriorated sharply. Medical examinations do not help to identify the problem: judging by them, you are completely healthy. This is not a reason to blame your body for simulation, but on the contrary. Your body tells you that something is wrong, and it's time to ask for help.

    6. There are situations when deeply religious people find themselves unable to cross the threshold of the temple. As soon as they approach the holy places, their health deteriorates sharply, thoughts in the head get confused and form into indistinct confused curses. In some cases, this is a sign of spoilage, while in others, a real one is sometimes required.

    7. The same as in the previous paragraph can also apply to the time of reciting prayers. As a rule, possessed people or those who have been corrupted cannot calmly cry out to the Lord. While reading the prayers, they yawn, laugh terribly, and are confused from their thoughts. If during a prayer you hear in your head extraneous voices that scoff at your appeals to the Lord and suggest doing something more interesting instead, this is a reason to think.

    o In addition, smoothed people involuntarily hide their pupils not only from others, but also from themselves. They turn away when someone looks into their eyes, and when they look at themselves in the mirror, they try not to cross their eyes with the reflection. Therefore, a long gaze into the eyes of the interlocutor is considered one of the surest ways, how to understand that damage has been induced.

    8. There is an inexplicable fear of the sun. To a smoothed person, it begins to seem that the sun's rays burn the skin and dazzle, and the only option to be in complete comfort is to avoid any sources of light and remain in pitch darkness. No wonder back in Ancient Rus it was believed that this is a sign of the manifestation of the devilish principle, while referring to it to heal a person.

    In addition to damage to a certain person, damage can be caused to the entire room. In this case, protection from damage will be meaningless, because upon returning from the ritual of cleansing to the filled negative energy At home, a person will still "cling" to himself with anger, envy and negativity.

    How to recognize negativity in your home and rid yourself of it

    To check if there is spoilage on a house or apartment, it is enough just to look at the walls, sort things, inspect doorways.

    1. Previously, you were the best host in the area, but now guests do not want to come under the pretext that your house has become very uncomfortable? It is possible, of course, that the matter is in an unsuccessful repair. But if no cosmetic changes were made in the apartment, it is worth examining it for the presence of someone else's scissors, needles, and other items that can harm you - your envious, knowledgeable ones.

    2. It happens that the answer lies in the pillow. Ill-wishers who have access to your home could put extraneous magical things in the pillowcase: dog hair, egg shells, charmed straw, fabric and hair dolls, needles, and so on. Look closely at clothing and bedding for suspicious items.

    3. If, after cooking, you find hairs in it that clearly do not belong to you, this is also a sign that a curse lies on your house or specifically on you. Be careful: finding foreign things (not only hair) in food - the right way understand, how to check if there is damage on a person.

    4. On the walls of the dwelling, incomprehensible symbols may begin to appear. At first glance, this may seem like a consequence of the appearance of mold, in which case you need to take a closer look at the signs. If the divorces seem to be abstract drawings, then this is not at all about. Chances are, it's actually mold, and you need to get rid of it to avoid health problems. If the divorces add up to devilish drawings, inverted crosses, or even, perhaps, something that looks like a door - it's time to invite a priest to the house. In no case should you touch these drawings. Especially dangerous are those that are a low door with dark spot in place of the handle. This is the door to, and the one who enters it once will never be the same.

    5. If you have old letters and photographs in your house, now is the time to review and re-read them. Also get out old bibles and prayer books, look between their pages for any notes. If you find something suspicious (there are strange inscriptions and drawings in the photographs, eyes are scratched out, obscenity is scratched with a pen between the lines of the Bible) - this is an unkind sign, and it's time to turn to someone who has the ability to remove evil eyes and damage, or perform rituals on their own.

    Some more ways to identify and eliminate negativity

    In addition, there are several more effective ways.

    The most famous and widespread is, of course, based on a raw egg and clean water... it old way, which is used in many countries, and not only Slavic. They say that it was first used in.

    1. All you need is an egg and water. Even if you are a believer, you should not use it in this rite holy water. In the event that a curse is actually imposed on you, the use of holy water can be perceived Higher powers as a mockery, and then it will become much more difficult to cleanse yourself.

    3. Important: if during the ritual on the egg you notice incomprehensible gray or green spots, then the induced damage is too strong. She was directed by someone to die in agony. It is almost impossible to cope with such things on your own, so contact a specialist.

    The second effective way to find out on yourself an extraneous negative impact

    1. Take a glass of water to help you. As already mentioned, in rituals of this type, you cannot use holy water brought from the church or collected from holy springs. Fit plain water from the tap, which has settled or was passed through the filter.

    2. Prepare a church candle and six matches in advance.

    3. Light the candle.

    4. Start reading the prayer "Our Father" or any other that you know and can say without hesitation. In this matter, there is no place for uncertainty, therefore if you do not know for sure whether you can turn to the saints without forgetting words, it is better to choose another method, how to check if there is damage on a person.

    5. While reading the prayer, take two matches and light them from a candle. You need to take them crosswise so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed between the two candles.

    6. Prayer should be said three times, one for each lit pair of matches. It is worth lighting the matches at the end of the prayer, because the burning ones must be kept above the water, and then thrown into it. If you light the matches too early, you can burn yourself before the end of the prayer, and the ceremony will have to be repeated again.

    7. After the prayer is read three times, and all six matches are floating in the water, it's time to evaluate the result.

    8. If matches remain floating on the surface of the water, as they should, then no negative impact will threaten your health and well-being.

    9. If the matches look like floats, and one end of them has sunk, and the other hangs above the surface, this indicates an evil eye. But as you know, the evil eye can be imposed by someone completely by accident, and there is also such a thing as "self-evil eye". Of course, you also need to get rid of it, but in this case it makes no sense to read articles on how to find out who caused the damage. This person may well be you yourself, or a person who does not wish you harm, simply envied your successes to one degree or another.

    10. If the matches sank and lay on the bottom of the vessel, then this is a direct symbol of the damage directed at you. You can remove damage with the help of various rituals and prayers, but if you are not confident in your own abilities, it is better to turn to a professional in this matter.

    Let me remind you that you need to check yourself for the evil eye or damage not only if you are overtaken by a black streak of failures. If you periodically carry out rituals on an egg, matches or, for example, wax, this will help determine damage to early stage and quickly save yourself from unpleasant consequences.

    It is not necessary to devote your life to magic in order to find out who caused damage to you, or how to check if there is damage to a person who is dear to you. To identify the negative, there is simple ways which I have provided in this article.

    Damage and evil eye

    Written by: Magician Aida

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