Home Preparations for the winter Enter the game forge of imperial. Online game Forge of Empires (FoE) in Russian. Units in the game Forge of Empires

Enter the game forge of imperial. Online game Forge of Empires (FoE) in Russian. Units in the game Forge of Empires

If Peter I opened a window to Europe, then we can say about the developers of the game Forge of Empires that they cut a window into the future of online games. Among online strategies Forge of Empires occupies a special place, as well as in a number of past projects of the InnoGames studio that released it. Recall that her creative baggage and the popular, still very new Grepolis, and the older, but well-known and still firmly holding their place on the Internet "Tribal War" and The West (Wild West).
It would seem that after Grepolis you can expect some similar game, only on a different topic. And suddenly, brushing aside all their old developments, InnoGames goes for broke. E e Forge of Empires (Forge of Empires), which only in 2013 changed the status from "beta" to the working mode, a game of a completely new type.
Although purely by genre, you can’t call it new new. It would be possible to confine ourselves to a simple replica: we have before us a city-building simulator with a military element and a change of eras.
But to say so is to say nothing.
The developers have broken all the patterns that are common in the world of online games, the essence of which is
so that in browser strategies everything is lightweight and everything is at a minimum: graphics, construction, war.
In Forge of Empares, everything is the other way around, everything is done to the maximum.
Let's start with graphics. Let's call Forge of Empires the most beautiful online game of today and we won't be mistaken. Although there are taxes - also the latest Settlers online in this genre, perhaps
Age of Empires online. And yet the creation of InnoGames goes a step further. She is three dimensional.
She is animated. She is alive!

This is how we start - with a stone ax and with a fighting girlfriend behind her back

Like most strategy games, in Forge of Empires you will have three main activities: construction, science and war. Construction development and constant redevelopment of the city - the main task games.
Science moves almost by itself, and war is a secondary matter. You may not even fight at all. Notice I said you can, but you don't have to. Because it is interesting to fight here, and the war itself is beautiful in its own way, like everything in this game. In addition, everything speaks for the fact that the developers consider their project not as something finished, but, on the contrary, something still far from finished, and no one dares to say what the war will be like in the next versions of Forge of Empires.
However, the game is still more peaceful than military, which determines the participation a large number the fair sex among the players.
Our city ​​building simulator called Forge of Empires develops not only in space, but also in time. We are building our first village back in cave times. Then, studying the sciences that open up new buildings, we move on to the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Antiquity, then several stages of the Middle Ages, then the Colonial and Industrial Periods. And by the time of this review, another one was added - the Age of Progressivism (it would be easier to call it the "age of steam and electricity") with its tanks, airships, rifled weapons and other products of advanced capitalism.
The main building in your city is the City Hall. All other, except decorative ones, must be connected to it by roads, as in Settlers.
Town Hall and a couple of other small buildings, given initially. Upon transition to new Age she changes her appearance. If in cave time it was a large hut of the leader, then in antiquity it was the Acropolis, in the Middle Ages it was a castle, and so on. Other buildings do not have this ability - they must be demolished and new, more advanced ones built.
For the population, of course, we need houses. In Forge of Empires, they are of two types. They are distinguished not only by appearance, but also by profitability. After all, houses are not only population, but also taxes. One type of houses allows you to collect taxes every hour (we click on each house manually - that's the only way), others - once every few hours or even once a day.
Which type of houses to build depends on how often you decide to visit the game. If you constantly "hang" on the Internet, then it is better to build houses with hourly tax collection. Usually these are different villas, mansions, houses for the rich. If you enter Forge of Empires a couple of times a day, it is better to build "profitable" houses: slums, high-rise buildings, working quarters. Taxes are taken from them once a day and in the amount of money they bring less. However, the population is larger thanks to them, which is sometimes important if you want to fight a lot and build more military facilities, which are very voracious in relation to human resources.
Again, houses provide your main basic resource - money. They always occupy 4 cells, regardless of type, and "ripen" themselves at the appointed time.
Another required resource, "production", represented by the number of "hammers" produced. There are a lot of different industries in Forge of Empires. They can occupy quite large areas of precious territory and, unlike buildings, their production can be regulated by setting the period for "collecting" hammers from 5 minutes to 2 days. This is done again on the basis that the players are different, some can visit their city more often, others at best once a day, after work.
And if the houses are static (without animation), except that sometimes smoke curls from the roofs, then each production is animated, it lives and lives very artistically. A sawmill cuts logs, peasants mow wheat on a farm, slaves swarm on a tobacco plantation, a baker fusses at the oven in a bakery - and so in every production building it is always shown how the master works, and sometimes there are several of them. For browser games, this is simply something unimaginable. This is accepted only in ordinary PC games, on hardware. And nothing, from Forge of Empires the browser does not sag or burst.
And what is simply amazing is how the developers were able to find and recreate, of course, in the basic animation elements, the buildings of various ancient industries: there are glass manufactories, and coopers, and breweries, and watch workshops. Thanks to all this diversity, your city in Forge of Epire does not look like a dead map with scattered buildings, but a 3D masterpiece of animated computer graphics. It's a pity that the number of pedestrians on the streets is purely symbolic - but, probably, the browser simply cannot stand the street party either.
Both houses and factories can work twice as productively if your neighbor dropped in on your city and put an "asterisk" on one of these buildings. According to the rules of the game, this is called "ennobling" the building, but the players themselves call the process "buff" ("buff!")
With each epoch of funds, to erect a new building, more and more is needed, like gold,
as well as "hammers". Therefore, old buildings have to be demolished, and new, more productive ones erected in their place. When demolishing obsolete buildings, the game treats you quite democratically, returning part of the funds, which, in fact, is rare for this kind of game.

First, of course, we build in the sweat of our faces


But that's not all. Industrial buildings, in turn, are divided into 2 types.
The first are those that are given by the already familiar "hammers". And, by the way, they cannot be exchanged for money and vice versa, which, frankly, would not be bad.
The second production buildings provide goods: marble, resin, iron, glass, and so on. In high epochs it will already be gunpowder, rubber, various industrial products.
One such production yields 4 units of goods per day, and if there is a deposit of the corresponding raw material on your territory (it opens on the strategic map) - 20 units.
Goods are needed mainly for the discovery of the next technology.
Example: in order to gain access to the Mansard Roof Houses (Colonial Period) technology, in addition to a significant number of hammers and coins, you will also need 100 basalt. For the technology "Artillery gun" - 60 units of gunpowder.
All of these items are very expensive. Buildings that produce hammers do not require resources to work, they themselves produce them. But raw material production - they require money and "hammers" in order for the production cycle to begin.
The construction of all buildings in Forge of Empires takes a lot of time: on average 8-10 hours, or even more. Just on early stage, which can be considered as a trial, everything is built quickly and cheaply. But the further, the more expensive and longer.
And you will need one more resource to climb from the cave fire to the sparkling peaks of civilization. These are glasses. Glasses are a very special resource.
It cannot be obtained by any buildings. Mostly they run on their own.
For one hour - one point is given. You can "earn" 24 points per day.
Glasses are used to study the sciences. In this Forge of Empires completely copies Civilization, except that its technology tree is much longer, more branchy and takes longer to study. And the number of transitional epochs is greater, one Middle Ages has three periods. At the first stages, such sciences as the wheel, agriculture, woodworking and other primitives are researched very quickly, it takes 3-5 points to study one such knowledge. In a couple of hours you leave the cave age, and in a few days you pass the bronze age.
But further is more difficult. More and more science points are required.
In the colonial era and later, one science will take 50 - 70, or even 100 points. Each era includes an average of 20 technologies. So estimate that the development of any late era will take from a month to 40 days. Take a calculator and check. It turns out,
that glasses are time. You literally live your eras, constantly building, rebuilding, expanding your city and slowly but steadily moving from the past to the future.
The only way to speed up the development process (except, of course, donations, which will be discussed separately below), is to buy points. This can be done for the usual game gold received from the houses (you can also use donations, but this is a separate story). The first point is quite cheap, only 250 coins, but each next one will cost 50 gold more. Then the score will go to thousands and even tens of thousands or more per point. In a word, a leap forward is possible, but a big Chinese leap will not work out. Gold is not enough.

All clear? Not too difficult? Yes, the game Forge of Empires is not easy, but not difficult either. There are no production chains like in Settlers. This also applies to hiring troops. No need to produce spears or guns - we just build barracks, and we hire troops in them. The economic scheme is very simple. Let's try to repeat all of the above, but in two lines.
Hammers + coins - give raw materials. Raw materials + points - give technology.
To build raw materials factories and manufactories, you must first build
at home ( labor resources and money), as well as production buildings that give hammers. That's all.
Stop. No. Not all. Be patient. There are also Great Buildings (or Wonders of the World).
Each era has its own Great Buildings (hereinafter referred to as the BC for short): the Tower of Babel, the Aachen Cathedral, the Church of St. Mark, the Castel del Monte castle - many different ones.
Of our, national - St. Basil's Cathedral (aka - the Kremlin).
Most of these buildings, apart from little Zeus, take up a fair amount of precious city territory, but provide very strong bonuses: an increase in tax collection, or a sharp increase in the level of amenity - each BC has its own bonus.
You can't build them right away. First you need to collect the drawings. Piece by piece. The process, it should be noted, is quite exciting, as, indeed, the game as a whole. Drawings are obtained in two ways: by "buffing" on any building corresponding to the era of the selected aircraft (house, production) or by robbing this building. To do this, you need to break the troops defending the city,
and then the robbery option will become available.
This is how we build our city: we put houses, production, we move science.
However, it should be noted that the building area is limited, divided into squares. But these squares also need to be obtained. One by one. In each era, there are technologies that allow you to add a few squares for building.
They still need to be bought - for gold (or donations).
Another way to get a new square is to score more medals.
Medals, otherwise seemingly useless, are obtained in two ways - by participating in the construction of Great Buildings (foreign, not one's own) or by winning battles.
And here we come to another important component of Forge of Empires. After all, this is not only a city-building simulator, but also a strategy, which means you can fight here.

These are the buildings we build here, and many others

The war in Forge of Empires is the most mysterious part of it. To explain why it is exactly like this, and no other, is possible only by the fact that the game is still in a state of development, so the developers themselves do not seem to know what it will be like in a couple of years and what kind of war there will be.
At present, the war here is not intended to capture the territory of a neighbor (which is a pity!).
There is a strategic map, but there are no player cities on it. The map is designed for quests, it is very large, with many districts, and even continents. You start in Europe, and with the achievement of the era of colonialism, you can sail to America and fight there, conquering new regions.
Let's deal with these cards first. It is inhabited by various hostile barons and kings (AI) and at the beginning of the game they are hidden by the fog of war. As you fight them, you gradually unlock parts of the map. For the conquest of each piece of enemy territory, small rewards await you. Mostly "hammers" or coins. On the high levels you can get some diamonds (donates).
But the main thing is not these trophies. And the deposits that are in the reclaimed areas.
This is the most important thing in your strategic quest.
To fight, a clear stump, you need an army. The army needs its own buildings: barracks, shooting ranges, stables, and for heavy equipment - workshops for throwing guns or foundries for cannons. They are expensive and require a lot of people (houses) to maintain them.
Units change from era to era: primitive spearmen are replaced by legionnaires and archers, they, in turn, are replaced by knights, crossbowmen, feudal infantry.
Well, then in ascending order: trebuchets, bombards, the first guns, musketeers.
With the era of Progressivism, the last available at the time of review, come armored cars and the first tanks, field artillery and infantrymen with rifles. Guns gain the ability to dig in from fire from long distances - also an innovation, which speaks of the yet unrealized potential of the game.
The army is represented by all branches of the military, except for aviation, which may appear in the future. However, it is not clear how it will be implemented.
In the meantime, your army will consist of infantry, cavalry, archers and ranged units. Moreover, the infantry, in turn, is divided into two types: light (bonus against cavalry and shooters), and heavy (bonuses against light infantry and resistance to fire from long-range weapons: ballista, trebuchets, bombards, etc.).
There are quite interesting solutions that have not previously been encountered in strategic games. There are units like rangers and rangers that have the ability to "hide" in the forest.
In this position, he is not available to be hit by artillery or ordinary rifle units, they "do not see" them.
There is no unit upgrade in the game. However, there are buildings, Great Buildings, that affect the strength of units in battle. These are, in particular, Zeus, the Aachen Cathedral, the Kremlin, Castel del Monte and others. Here they can be upgraded, up to 10 levels. If you manage to raise the military aircraft to level 10, then the attack-defense power of units in battle will double!
The graphics of the units, like everything else in the game, are great, especially when it comes to large units (cavalry, guns, tanks). Infantry and archers are a little worse, because you can draw smaller and not very small things. But, once again, we repeat that today this is one of the few browser-based strategies with a live, animated army.
Like everything in the game, "almost without flaws", so in the army in Forge of Empires there are cockroaches. Some units seem to be far-fetched to a particular historical period. For example, the grenadiers of the colonial period look not so much like soldiers as butlers, plump, and for some reason in hats with a feather.
When examining troops rapid response, you get dragoons. On the icon they are with a flintlock pistol. And this is logical and historical. And in battle, our dragoon - an ordinary fast unit with melee weapons, beats with a broadsword.
Trebuchet is a marvel of 3D graphics and animation. But you can't say the same about guns.
Only the cannon of the industrial period (the times of the war of the Blues and Grays) is flawless. Beauty, and only. As for the guns of earlier eras, the bombard and the field gun, both of them are more cartoony than "real". Despite the fact that the vast majority of the troops here are their own appearance tends to historically accurate military miniatures. Especially good cavalry of knightly times, in their shining armor.

But these little things do not overshadow the charm of the army in Forge of Empires. A game that boasts such an abundance of live units and battle animations, we repeat, on this moment simply no. Only network Age of Empires and Setllers online decided to make the combat lively and spectacular, moving away from the generally accepted internet strategies tactics to fight on the principle of "tic-tac-toe + calculator". But in Forge of Empires, the choice of units is much richer. After all, there are several eras and each has its own army.
The fights themselves are tactical maps, divided in the old fashioned way, into squares. Rather - hexes, hexagons. Sets of cards are quite diverse, the landscape also matters. Ranged units do more damage while on hills or mountain slopes, swamps slow down movement, etc.
At the beginning of the battle, troops are located on opposite edges of the map (automatically). Units are always 8 of yours against 8 of the enemy. You can combine the composition of the army before the battle, and directly in the battle, each unit under your control.
An interesting question - with whom are we at war?
There are two kinds of opponents. The first are the AI ​​barons and kings that we fight against to capture the strategy map - they were discussed above. The others are your server neighbors. There are several servers and periodically the composition of the neighbors changes, usually strong, advanced players are added the same strong ones, for balance.
Unfortunately, PVP battles have not yet been introduced. Your opponent, always AI. To some extent, this can be explained by the fact that PVP requires both players to be online at the same time.
By attacking a neighbor, you must completely destroy his army. The AI ​​does not retreat, however, if you fail, you can withdraw your troops.
There is interesting point- AI army (yours or a neighbor), defending the city, although it dies to the last on the battlefield, but is immediately restored in its barracks.
How to explain it better: only the attacking army bears real losses.
The defender does not suffer losses - after the death of the defending army in the barracks of the owner of the defending city, not a single unit disappears.
I think this was done because you can be attacked 20 times a day. And the units are expensive. They are built in 2 and in later epochs all 4 hours. In this case, you will be left without an army at all and will not be able to defend yourself.
But be that as it may, and in case of victory, you will have access to the enemy's city, where you can rob any of the buildings of your choice, taking gold, "hammers" or resources for yourself. Sometimes, when robbing a building, you will also be lucky enough to find a piece of blueprint for a great building.
Medals are awarded for victories, which is especially important. Having collected a certain number of medals, you can buy a piece of new territory for your city with them.
This is how war is, in Forge of Empires. Let's summarize its goals:
1. Passage (capture of a strategic map), which gives rewards in the form of resources, and, most importantly, deposits for your raw materials production.
2. We rob neighbors, taking resources and collecting blueprints for the aircraft.
3. Completion of mandatory game quests.
In the summer of 2013, the developers made a strong upgrade - they added a whole era as well as a new strategic map to conquer. But not only. Once in America, you find that there is a civil war going on in the USA: "blues" against "greys". Unlike the war in Europe, here you have a choice. You can side with either the Confederation or the United States, which will determine your progress on the map of the American continent and your opponents.
And the last thing about the war. As at the moment this review is being written, the site
Forge of Empires has announced that it is planning to introduce a completely new military element - guild warfare. How this will be implemented is not known, and we have yet to complete this section of the review.
In the meantime, it's time to explain what guilds are.

In most online strategy games, players are united in alliances, which are at war with each other. A lone player is doomed to defeat - usually the city is taken from him and thus knocked out of the game. Not so in Forge of Empires. There are no alliances here. There are Guilds. The very word "guild" suggests that this is a kind of trading partnership. Exactly. Almost all players in Forge of Empires are united in guilds. We say "virtually everyone" because there are enthusiasts who play hard alone, right up to the high times.
Indeed, they won’t be able to take away the city from you, well, they will rob a couple of buildings. Why do I need a Guild then? Need! Advice - if you started playing Forge of Empires, you liked the game and you decided to stay in it, then first of all look for yourself a guild, albeit a seedy one, of just a few players. A big one is better.
The advantages of the Guild are primarily in preferential trade in the market. We did not talk about the market, so let's say a few words. The market is the market. You buy and sell your goods there to collect the missing raw materials for researching new technologies and building aircraft. Without a market in this game, nowhere. You will run there all the time: one thing is needed, then another.
If you are not in a guild, then only the goods of neighbors will be available to you in the market, that is, those
who ended up on the same server with you. And each transaction, mind you - each, requires the cost of one point. And points, as we wrote above, are the most valuable thing in the game - technologies are researched on them. By squandering glasses on the market, you are lagging behind in the main thing - in the development of sciences, and you will move like a snail from era to era.
In the guild, transactions with co-guild members (as they are called - so-guild members, guild partners) transactions are made without spending points. Moreover, more developed players will help you by willingly selling goods past eras which they no longer need. All Guilds also have a rule, a mandatory daily "buff" by each other's guild members.
In Forge of Empires, we recall, there is an option - once a day you are given the opportunity to "ennoble" any building in any city from a neighbor or guild member. That is, give it an asterisk. Then this structure will work twice as productively. And therefore you will have more of everything - happiness, money, hammers. An exception is production that provides resources: metals, ore, glass, and so on. They cannot be "ennobled". However, in this regard, it is also beneficial to be a member of the Guild - the members of the guild agree on who will produce what goods.
And they build only those industries for which there are deposits. And then they exchange these goods. Beneficial double. No need to stupidly build all the raw materials buildings and the place is freed up, and the resources are huge savings.
So it turns out that the Guild is very important. The sooner you get into it, the better.

In online games, the topic of donations is the most important. Actually, all online games are commercial projects. However, I wrote about this in sufficient detail in my introductory article to this section and I will not repeat the truisms. Let's see how the system of donations is implemented in Forge of Empires (here they are called "diamonds"). I must say right away that it is very democratic. Perhaps more democratic than in any online strategy game. Here you can successfully play at all without investing any cash. On your way to the future
it will have almost no effect, except perhaps on the rating.
The best part is that in Forge of Empires you don't have any advisers (military, economic, etc.) forced on you, those constant robbers of your wallet. For example, in Grepolis, which was created by the same InnoGames studio and it also developed Forge of Empires, you simply cannot do without advisers. Without advisors, all your indicators are 20% lower.
But Forge of Empires doesn't have them! No, that's it. It all depends on the number of buildings and the size of the territory. The larger it is, the more buildings and "hammers".
What do we have to pay for then? In principle, for nothing, if we just want to play, and not chase the rating. The troops are the same for everyone and are not tied to donations in any way, like the battles themselves. This alone eliminates the need to spend real money to make your units fight better.
This is where donations come into play. For money, you can buy various special buildings, both industrial and residential. Purchased production buildings (mill, bakery, tailor's workshop and others) bring twice or even three times more "hammers" than mining buildings of the current era.
Donated residential buildings (and these are just houses) give more gold and population.
Both of these are important. With them you will develop faster, but not fundamentally.
Because there is still a brake - this is speed technology learning, and it is measured according to the principle: 1 point - one hour. Yes, and here you can make a breakthrough for diamonds, explore science "in one click." Just pay. But the prices are just crazy. Buying science of a late era, for example, will cost 3,000 - 4,000 diamonds (1,000 or more rubles). And in one era there are at least 20 technologies. Calculate how much you need to pay to make such a scientific leap. No one can afford this, except perhaps the son of some millionaire. But they play other games.
So no one buys science for diamonds, only buildings.
You can ask a simple question: who then and why still spends donations? I must say that Forge of Empires is a very rich game, it even sponsored a television series popular in the developers' homeland.
Will explain. This is probably the only game where real money is also paid for... ...beauty! The proposed bonus buildings are so beautiful that you want to see them in your kingdom. In the meantime, you won’t build it - you won’t see it, in the menu of available buildings it is represented only by a schematic icon. Well, in the city appears in all its 3D splendor.
Pay, of course, not only for beauty. There is one point that definitely requires an investment of money. Often very small. But even here you can not invest, which is discussed below.
So, when you really need to pay and will have to, this is when building great buildings. Collecting drawings for them is a long and difficult task, requiring great diligence. After all, blueprints drop out when you rob another player's building or, conversely, if it's a friend, you put an "asterisk" on him, make a "buff". A part of the roof falls out, then a piece of the foundation, then just an empty "corner" of the drawing, where there is nothing - but without it the drawing is not complete. Very often, with all the zeal of the player, the entire drawing cannot be assembled, although you crack. It happens that already two or three times the same pieces have been collected, there are repetitions, but one or two cherished ones are still missing.
And the neighbors, you see, have already put the Lighthouse of Alexandria, then the Tower of Babel, or another miracle.
That's when you spit on everything and buy some diamonds for real rubles and with their miraculous help you buy these very "lost" pieces of the drawing.
One such piece is always worth, regardless of the era, 200 diamonds (approximately 100 - 150 rubles). Further - the great building itself does not appear immediately. First you need to collect a lot of different resources (the higher the era, the more and more expensive). The process, again, requires time and diligence. Not a day or two will go away. But you can... That's right, you guessed it, buy the missing magic diamonds - and start building your Miracle.
But above, we argued that you can do without these investments.
Yes. Right. If at all ... do not build an aircraft. Suppose they give various bonuses, but, firstly, they take up quite a lot of space on the map, and secondly, the same bonuses can be obtained through ordinary non-donated buildings. For example, the cathedral Notre Dame of Paris occupies 24 cells (6x4) and gives 1100 happiness. This, of course, is good. However, the 2 trading company buildings (colonial period) built with normal hammers and coins take up 3x4 squares each and the total is the same 24 as the Cathedral, and both together give 1800 happiness. If they are also "ennobled" with stars, then the same two buildings will give 3600 happiness.
It turns out that you can do without the Notre Dame Cathedral and other suns. As you can see, in principle - "yes", but all of them are still being built. And you will if you start playing.

So, let's sum up, as they say in accounting, the balance sheet. Forge of Empire can be played without any problems without using donations at all. However...
let me out own experience give some advice on these same donations.
First, if the game has captured you, tune in that you still have to pay. Not much, but you will. You will want at some point. But do not rush to invest real money in the first building you like. There are a lot of them already at the first level. The temptation, as they say, is great. Already in the Bronze Age, the first stage of your development, in particular the ancient theater is available. It gives a lot of happiness, but it quickly becomes obsolete, just like the Colosseum, in the Antique era. Already at the transition to the Middle Ages, they look rather awkward in relation to other buildings. I want to take them down. Moreover, by that time there will be free analogues which take up less space.
But it's a pity...
So these remnants of past centuries will flaunt in your miracle city, constantly striving for the future. Although sooner or later they will start to enrage you and you will angrily turn them into dust. Unlike the demolition of ordinary buildings, which, when liquidated, return a decent part of the resources to you, up to 1/5, when the paid buildings are destroyed, not a penny is returned to you.
Hence the advice - save your money for more high ages. For example, before the Late Middle Ages and the Colonial era. Their buildings in modern city may well fit into the ensemble as ancient monuments. And their bonus in modern times will be quite significant. And the passage of the first eras up to the middle of the Middle Ages is quite fast and easy. Do not rush at this stage with donations.
Next tip. Do not rush to buy the missing blueprints of the Great Buildings of the early eras. They are built by all and sundry, they all have the same thing: Zeus, the Tower of Babel, the Lighthouse from Antiquity and the Aachen Cathedral from the Early Middle Ages. Moreover, the higher the century, the more often drawings fall out on earlier buildings. Being in the High Middle Ages, you will collect drawings for Zeus much faster than being in Antiquity.
But with later buildings it will be much more difficult. For example, in order to collect blueprints for the very valuable Frauenkirchen Cathedral, you need to rob or "buff" blueprints from the same era - Colonialism. But your neighbors and guildmates, as well as friends, do not develop evenly.
And it will definitely be so if you are active, especially if you are a donation player. And it turns out that not everyone will have colonial buildings for "buff" or robbery. In this case, you can wait for months for drawings for the coveted Frauenkirche. Or build it right away, having at least one drawing, buying the rest with donations.
The first time I strongly recommend spending 600 diamonds when you enter the Early Middle Ages. There will be the only technology in the entire game that is available only for donations - the "High-rise building" - (all the rest are opened for ordinary resources). And by the way, it's not mandatory. Usually in Forge of Empires, paid buildings are purchased individually, from 300 to 1000 diamonds per unit. "Multi-storey building" is an exception. By paying for this technology for 600 diamonds, you get the opportunity to build medieval multi-story houses(very beautiful, like everything else in the game), in unlimited quantities. They are built in one click and are much more profitable than all other residential buildings of this period. And at least two more epochs remain profitable.
Of all the donated buildings, it is still more profitable to invest not in "houses", but in buildings that cheer up your residents. But only in large, not unicellular (decor).
Such as the Palace, the Circus and a number of others. In second place in importance are industrial buildings that give "hammers". They retain their value for several eras. It is better to buy houses during the period of Colonialism, they will no longer have to be demolished, and besides, at this stage, the role of money will increase dramatically compared to "hammers".
And always carefully complete all game quests - among them there are those for which diamonds are given. And there are also lotteries for Christmas, Easter and the Summer Event, where diamonds fall out as a prize. This alone allows you to collect quite a decent stash - up to 1000 diamonds, without investing real money.
Precisely because the game allows you to play without any damage at all without investing money, donations in Forge of Emires are quite expensive, more expensive than in other games.
Full information for donations and their prices - see screenshot.

The debriefing, that is, the game Forge of Empires turned out to be quite impressive. In the end, let's give a little criticism. As Comrade Shakespeare used to say - not everything is safe in the Kingdom of Denmark - so there are flaws in Forge of Empires. Or rather, nonsense. Let's take the technology tree and the goods needed to open them. It seems that sometimes they were invented from a lack of literacy or an overabundance of beer drunk that day. Here is an example - the extraction of emeralds opens already in Antiquity, and Gold in the Middle Ages. It would seem that it could be more expensive? These days, emeralds and gold are only getting more expensive. In Forge of Empires, these are the most common goods, and after passing the era where they were mined, they quickly depreciate. If in the era of steam gold is still somehow in demand, then no one needs emeralds, except to feed them with not yet developed young guild members. The value of marble is understandable. But why is talcum powder so important in the Late Middle Ages? Not too lazy to climb the Internet. It turned out that talc is used mainly in two areas - modern baby powders and ceramics. Well, chemists probably know more. No matter how much he scratched his head, he did not remember a single mention of the importance of talc in books on the history of the Middle Ages. Among the goods there are not many such, the presence of which in different eras really mattered: bronze, cast iron, cloth, wool, spices - this series is long and interesting. For example, a set of resources needed to open the Rapid Response Forces technology (the most ordinary dragoons) needs 40 units of coffee and 50 red copper. Well, it’s clear with copper - it can be used for buttons and buckles. But why coffee? So that the adrenaline of the cavalrymen would play and gallop faster?
While Forge of Empires is unequivocally positioned as the most beautiful (or one of the most beautiful) online games, it has its own ugly ducklings. There are buildings that only irritate the eye and there is a desire to never put them on the map - a "cemetery" terrible in its ugliness (and there are beautiful cemeteries!), A tiny guillotine and a gallows, an old tower that does not fit into anything - and other "horror films "are available.
The war, as already mentioned, is being finalized. However, the ability to attack a neighbor is only
1 time per day and rob only one building is questionable. Too little damage to the vanquished and too little booty to the winner.
Units of high eras are expensive, the death of 2 or 3 of them does not justify any robbery, how much can you take from one building? And the damage to the enemy is penny.
That is why interest in war is fading, it is more profitable to build peaceful buildings than barracks, stables and artillery workshops.
And yet, no matter how much you find fault, more than 10,000,000 people already play Forge of Empires.
And this alone suggests that the breakthrough into the future of online games was a success. Although not without flaws.

Continuation: about new eras, the guild war system, units and the rest - HERE

Forge of Empires begins as an addictive strategy game set in the Stone Age. The player will develop his city, build unique houses and engage in research, gradually moving from one era of mankind to another.

Forge of Empires registration begins immediately, from the entrance to the official website of the game. In the “Registration” section, fill in personal data: game name, password, email address, world selection - Arvahall / Brisgard, agreement with the rules.

Forge of Empires to play online, you need to develop science and discover new technologies, move into new eras and discover even more new things:

  1. Stone Age - tribe.
  2. Bronze Age - pile dwelling, pottery, spears, wheel, construction, chalet, sling, farming, tools, cultivation, horseback riding, thatched building, stonework, woodworking, phalanx, blacksmithing, teaching, craft, trails, siege weapons , brewing, manure fertilization.
  3. Iron Age - a house with a tiled roof, architecture, squad, cattle breeding, procession, processing of raw materials, iron smelting, craftsmanship, Agriculture, cottage, archery, sewerage system, slaughter of animals, military tactics, fortification, mathematics, baths, plow, chain of command.
  4. Early Middle Ages - fachwerk, tanning, multi-storey building, casting, horse archer, economy, beekeeping, quarries, inn, police, mercenaries, leather work, shingle house, heavy cavalry, armored infantry, aqueduct, execution, crop rotation, physics, fertilizer application, monarchy.
  5. High Middle Ages - Counterstrategy, Quality Products, Alchemy, Crossbow, Guilds, Canning, Sandstone Houses, Monotheism, Trade Routes, Chemistry, Signposts, Chivalry, Deforestation, Granary, Heavy Armor, Water Wheels, Medicine, City Mansions, Heavy Siege Weapons , hospitals.
  6. Late Middle Ages - metalworking, crane, biology, aristocracy, cartography, manor, two-handed swords, new trade routes, reservoir, longbow, production, intelligence, cavalry tactics, printing, optics, higher education, battle, brewing boiler, apartment building, deratization, gunpowder.

In Forge of Empires, playing also means cooperating with other players, offering them certain things in exchange for what you need, or accepting their offers. Only such resources are subject to exchange as:

  • Stone
  • Wood
  • Marble
  • Dye
  • Limestone
  • Ebony
  • Iron

Developing the city, the game Forge of Empires, provides an opportunity for development in construction work:

  • Area expansion
  • Roads
  • residential buildings
  • Production buildings
  • industrial buildings
  • public buildings
  • Decor
  • military buildings

Game Forge of Empires, players are waiting for exciting battles against the computer and against other players. Forge of Empire is a game with excellent graphics and animation. You won't be bored during the battle!

» from InnoGames requires not only economic investments. Great importance the game also has military operations. Unlike analogues, "" has many secrets that many do not know about, preferring to fight with the old simple methods.

Units in Forge of Empire

At the moment, the following types of fighters are available in the game: light and heavy infantry, siege, ranged and mounted wars. Separately, it is worth highlighting elite units: their damage and defense indicators are increased by a tenth of the standard attributes.

Each of the mercenaries has a set of characteristics, including attack, defense, mobility and range - all of which differ depending on the type of fighter. But there is also general indicators, the same for all units: 1 turn per round and 10 health units.

Attack and defense in Forge of Empire, they are responsible for the damage dealt and blocked, respectively.
Radius- for the range of attacks of your wards.
Mobility- for the sequence of moves of the fighters (those who have this attribute quantitatively more start in battle first) and the range of their movement (in each round).

Each type of warrior has certain bonuses and disadvantages in the fight against others. So, for example, heavy infantry takes more damage from ranged and siege units, but attacks light infantry better, which, in turn, fights well with cavalry. But the rifle troops receive more damage just from the cavalry. The bonus directly depends on the era in which the player is currently located.

The Forge of Empire guide continues with simple but effective tips. Battles take place either when fighting neighbors or when attacking provinces. It is for this situation that the first part of the advice.

Council number 1. Always pay attention to the landscape. For this, one cavalry fighter is enough: a quick retreat will provide an opportunity for a new attack, but already with knowledge of the territory.

Council number 2. When attacking provinces, always look at the composition of its guards: it is available and not hidden from the user's eyes.

Council number 3. But when they were going to attack real players- Scout the battlefield. Otherwise, the outcome can be sad. After you know the situation, follow this algorithm: send only those units that have bonus damage to a certain type of troops on a military campaign. In the case when you surpass the era of the one you are attacking, it makes sense to take siege engines with you.

Second part of advice for battles in "" is suitable for cases when you are attacked or your army is at a disadvantage.

Council number 1. When you have received a signal about an enemy attack and his era is superior to yours, bet on fighters whose characteristics are better than the rest. And in the opposite situation (when your era is better than the level of development of the enemy), pay special attention to siege and rifle units in your army. By the way, these two types of warriors inflict colossal damage on each other, while not having the bonus conceived by the developers of the game Forge of Empire.

Council number 2. Eight siege engines are good against a mix of ranged/siege troops, while a combination of five light infantry and three rangers can handle a cavalry mix.

Council number 3. Fight with at least two siege weapons, or don't take them at all.

Secrets about artificial intelligence

Since many battles take place not with real opponents, but with a computer genius embedded in the game, our guide to the Forge of Empire game will share some tricks, after which the battle with him will become at least more profitable.

- The computer always fights in a defensive style, gathering the army into a “fist” and moving slowly.

- The computer always fights to the last unit.

- The computer first of all hits the fighters who have already received damage and the rifle troops. Also in his priority and siege weapons.

The computer often falls for your tricks.


Always be careful, study your opponent. Become a real commander. Then, and only then, the fight will not be a headache for you, but a gambling game in which you will definitely guess the winner. And with great pleasure, return to the game again.

In the previous parts of the review, the Forge of Empires guide reviewed important aspects passages - extraction of resources, construction of buildings, the use of circular quests, buns of the guild expedition. Here we will focus on the construction of the Great Buildings - how to do it right.

Great Buildings in Forge of Empires play important role in the development of your empire. Some produce additional goods, others increase the extraction of resources, others give bonuses to the army, the fourth provide happiness, the fifth help with blueprints, earn strategic points (SO), and receive valuable prizes. You need to build them wisely and in due time - that's what we'll talk about in this part.

Best Great Buildings Forge of Empires,
in what order to build.

What you need to know. First of all, to build any aircraft, you need blueprints - 9 pieces and a set of goods of a certain era. In addition to the variety of buns, Great Buildings are divided into two subspecies and they differ in the way they get blueprints. First, their most of, can be obtained by clicking on the help button - BAF of buildings of friends and neighbors, up to 3 blueprints per day. The second, such as the Temple of Relics, the Observatory, can only be obtained by helping friends, guild members and neighbors build these aircraft or by participating in a guild expedition. Drawings drop out randomly - by chance, it happens that many takes fall out, and the last one does not go at all. In the inventory, in the Great Buildings tab, they can be exchanged, select two extra ones, click - exchange or buy for 200 diamonds.

Just keep in mind - only one of the two drawings will return, and that one can become a duplicate, the exchange is also random. In the case of diamonds, everything is much simpler, blueprints always cost 200 diamonds and you get exactly what you need. BUT, do not rush to part with diamonds, be patient, do not spend them on Zeus, Lighthouses, Sofia. Take care of them for the construction of a rarer Great Building, for example - Alcatraz, Arches, here it is really difficult to knock out the last one, and sometimes very expensive.

Up to level 10, any Great Building needs 1 set of blueprints, above the tenth level - for each level, a set of 9 pieces. If you stick to the strategy of this review, over time, the blueprints for the Great Buildings of the first echelon (Lighthouse, Zeus, Mark, Sophia, Aachen, Castel) will be over the roof - do not rush to spend on the exchange, everything will come and work out.

Which Great Buildings to build first. Inexperienced players will advise you to build Zeus and download it to level 10, because he is small and how terrible it helps to rob neighbors. Quite narrow-minded will insist on building the Colosseum, allegedly it helps to get medals and expand the territory of the city.

In the first case, my advice is not to rush, it is better to focus on the Great Military Buildings in the Early Middle Ages, where I recommend to linger a little and not rise higher. By that time you will get stronger, collect goods and a set of drawings not only for Zeus, but also for Aachen Cathedral and Castel del Monte. Why all three? Yes, it’s very simple - raising three aircraft in parallel, for example, to level 3-4, is much cheaper than pumping one Zeus to 10. You spend less strategic points and get a greater bonus for troops, besides, Castell also returns CO-shki back.

In the second case - never, under any circumstances, put the Colosseum - the most useless Great Building of Forge of Empires. And here no one's opinion decides, but purely mathematics. At the first level, the Armed Forces issue 10 medals per day, at the seventh level 19, 300-570 pieces are issued per month, wow, how many. But very soon you will discover unpleasant information for yourself - with each subsequent expansion of the territory, you need more and more medals. First you will be surprised by 3000, then 9000, and after them 15000 medals and this is not the limit. Are you willing to wait thirty (30) months?

Great buildings for the main world of Forge of Empires.

In the first place, if necessary, I would put the Lighthouse - it produces the goods of your era and increases the amount of extracted resources (hammers) in production buildings. Resources will accumulate much slower than coins, the Lighthouse will correct this ratio. In second place is the Temple of Relics, I outlined the usefulness argument in the previous part of the review.

The third place I would give is Hagia Sophia. Now many igruns will exclaim loudly - useless VS, takes up a lot of space, etc. To which I can answer - they are mistaken or they look from the height of Alcatraz. For early eras, this is an indispensable Great Building that provides the city with happiness, which also produces SO-shki (I'm not talking about additional worlds).

You don’t need to swing much right away, it’s enough to catch up to the 3rd level (over time, CO costs will be reimbursed) - this will help you get rid of 3 pools (48 cells - Sofa 42) and excess hemorrhoids already in the Iron Age. You will not need to constantly ask to raise happiness in the city, you will always have a stable 2300 or 2700 on the fourth. Stay in the Early Middle Ages, you can for a long time - this is a very profitable, convenient era, the expedition is easy to go through. In FoE, it is not necessary to jump quickly up through the eras, it is important to equip the city correctly, accumulating resources. In general, we bomb the expedition, accumulate CO packages, collect blueprints.

To go through the first map of the continents (from Iron to Colonial), in order to capture all the provinces that expand the territory, you can go for a strategic trick - buy a set of goods on Alcatraz or Chateau (Progressivist goods). Exchange on the market until the desired eras and go through all the negotiations.

Fourth place will go to the trio - Zeus, Castel del Monte and Aachen Cathedral, a full-scale preparation for military operations in the expanses of the guild expedition. In the wake of them, or maybe in between times, try to get at least one Lair of robbers in events, preferably 2-3. This will allow you to go through 4 levels of the guild expedition almost without loss.

The focus on the military side of Forge of Empires brings you to another very useful Great Building, Alcatraz. Gives a lot of happiness, and most importantly - will produce daily robbers (if one of the buildings in the city is available). As a result, the war, the passage of the EG will become free for you, you will receive soldiers of your era on guild expeditions, the rest will be given by Alcatraz.

The sixth place, not by necessity and usefulness, but purely by price, is occupied by Arka. I would put it in first place, but for a novice player to pay 700-1000 CO-NIS + 200-600 diamonds for blueprints for a product is somewhat problematic. If I called Alcatraz a very useful sun, then the Arc is just a treasure for the main world of the active player. Learn more about using Arch and earning secrets a large number We'll talk about SO-nis in the final part of the Forge of Empires review.

Put the Arch and pump it well, look closely towards the Tower of Innovation, with a small number of Sanctuaries of Knowledge, this great building will allow you to get rid of many residential buildings, which will free up space for other buildings. It is better than Habitat, takes up less space and produces strategic points rather than coins that are useless in the future.

If you actively spin circular quests (10-20 times a day), the city is imprisoned for them, constantly participate in the construction of the sun of friends, neighbors - build Chateau, the profit from quests will increase significantly. If you complete 2-3 quests a day, putting up a Chateau, throwing away a lot of resources and CO is stupid. In the main world, the Rotating Tower will also be appropriate, you will read about it a little lower.

Starting from Modern, for the production of goods, semi-finished products are needed - goods of previous eras. To get rid of this dependence, we build Great buildings that produce goods.

St. Mark's Cathedral - will increase the number of coins and will give out semi-finished products (20 from level 1). Frauenkirche - a bit of happiness and semi-finished products, Royal Albert Hall - plus 70% to the production of resources and 22 semi-finished products at level 1, then the Rainforest Project. It is the VS-ki, with their bonuses, that must cover the entire deficit, not the goods of previous eras.

But what about the Tower of Babel, the Observatory, the Delphic Oracle? - you ask. The site will answer you - everything is ambiguous with Babylon, there is a free place in the city, it will not hurt. It will produce a little goods, add the same number of inhabitants. For the main world, it is not required, for additional. worlds is even nothing, allows you to throw away a few dwellings and reduce the amount of necessary BAF for the city. Also, do not particularly chase the Observatory, for you personally - there is zero benefit from it. The Oracle of Delphi is strategically a useless building, a parody of the equally dull Notre Dame.

The Cape Canaveral Cosmodrome, the Arctic Greenhouse, the Kraken are aircraft that produce strategic points, and this is what bribes many. Here it is better not to dream, but to be friends with mathematics - in order to upgrade the Greenhouse to level 10, you need to spend 5450 CO, it will begin to return 10 CO per day, the payback will be 545 days. All this time you will not receive COs, but only spend - make no mistake about this. These VSs need to be placed when you pump the Arch to level 80, and only after it the Kraken or the Greenhouse to 60-80, without stretching the construction for years. How to download the sun will tell in the final part.

This is not the end of the list of Forge of Empires Great Buildings, I just formed a backbone for you that will allow you to develop faster than others and feel like a king or queen, and not a beggarly subject. In any case, it is contraindicated to build Notre Dame, the Capitol, the Colosseum, the Atomium, the Space Needle, the Statue of Gaia, the Lotus Temple, the Habitat - well, except for chickens to laugh at. We also don’t build the Dil Castle, St. Basil’s Cathedral is an extra waste of city squares and strategic points (fill them better in the Arch), they won’t save you from a skilled player, collect goods on time in the city, the miserable ones will jump for a couple of days and break off.

Great Buildings for additional FoE worlds.

First of all, we collect drawings for the Lighthouse, Sofia and the Temple of Relics. The lighthouse will help with hammers and will give daily goods, Sophia will give the necessary happiness, make the city independent of the BAF, the Temple of Relics will help to fish out SOs and very useful buildings from the guild expedition.

We forget about the military commissar completely and completely, we focus our attention on such a great structure as the Revolving Tower. For additional worlds is just a magical building, it allows you to get goods of higher eras for free. Thanks to the Spinner, I went far ahead on the map of the continents and significantly expanded the territory of the city.

Let's take a minimum for example - 10 friends from Modern, by clicking the help button you will receive 10 goods of this era (I'm not talking about friends in the future). We will exchange on the market before the Early Middle Ages - 10 Modern = 20 Progress = 40 Industrial = 80 goods PS = 160 BC = 320 goods of the Early (daily). Free Guild Expedition + carefree passage of the Map of Continents ahead of the era of the city.

Initially, it is better to sharpen additional worlds for the guild expedition, build up to the maximum with industrial buildings. Next, we collect drawings and CO-patches for Chateau, when passing events, circular tasks will increase the number of prizes, including diamonds. How to get diamonds and CO for free and in sufficient quantities - we'll talk in the next parts of the guide.

How to properly download Great Buildings in Forge of Empires.

Players pump their VS in every way, I will try to explain how to do it correctly. There are four most common ways of pumping, three are practiced by the bulk, the fourth - by those who know how to count. The first way is “self-building”, basically this is how the owners of add-ons are built. worlds and offended by the whole world. The second is carousels, the exchange of CO within the guild, the method is beneficial only to the top, since the opportunity to win prizes is much higher than for beginners. The third way is an agreement with a friend or a guild member, agree on the amount, let's say you pour 200 CO into your friend's Great Building, he will put the same amount into your BC. Both take the 1st prize place, part of the CO returns in the form of packages.

The fourth method is more suitable for leveling Great Buildings above level 10. By this time, you should have established connections with three Archers of level 80 and above. With the growth of levels, the prize money grows, the higher the level of BC, the less the owner needs to invest in it. How higher quality level cooperation, the more Archers fill in - just passers-by pour + 85% (we multiply the prize money by 1.85), acquaintances + 87% (by 1.87), friends + 90% (by 1.9) to the prize money, stipulate it right away, I gave 10-20 CO to my friends, so that it would not be a shame to waste time on me (I downloaded quickly and a lot). For example, Alcatraz.

At level 10, you need 830 CO. Prize money:
for the 1st \u003d 85 x 1.85 \u003d 157 x2 \u003d 314 CO
for the 2nd \u003d 45 x 1.85 \u003d 83 x2 \u003d 166 CO
for 3rd = 15 x 1.85 = 28 x2 = 56 SD

314, 166 and 56 are non-overrun amounts that you need to adjust the BC to so that your friends of the Archers cannot be outbid. We fill in 516 CO and call for help, out of the remaining 314, the first Archer will fill in 157, the second 83, adjust it to 56 and the third one will fill in 28. Then we write in the chat, distribute drawings from the 4th and 5th prizes - close the level. As a result, 280 COs were saved.

On the 20th, 1063 COs are needed. Prize money:
1st \u003d 200 \u003d 370 x2 \u003d 740 CO
2nd \u003d 100 \u003d 185 x2 \u003d 370 CO
3rd = 35 = 65 x2 = 130 CO

At higher levels, the scheme is the same, but everything is already easier and much more fun. Out of 1063 COs, only 323 need to be poured and you can already call Archers. The process saves about 650 CO, no exchange can compare. I hope the principle is clear - we multiply the prize money by 1.85 or 1.87 or 1.9 (as agreed), multiply the resulting numbers by 2 and adjust your VS to these values.

On the 30th you need 1361 CO. Prize money:
1st 330 = 611 x2 = 1224 CO
2nd 165 = 305 x2 = 610 CO
3rd 55 = 102 x2 = 204 CO

From level 30 you will download Great Buildings correctly, the process will seem like a fairy tale. From 1361 COs, we fill in 137 and call Arkanoids, it turns out about 1050 COs of saving. After the 36th, do not open the BC levels in advance, just before the leveling itself, so that no leftist climbs. Further adjustment is not required, the prize money (+ percentage) from the 1st place will cover the cost of the level itself. If you open it earlier, some left-handed trickster will be able to fill in a smaller, strictly non-interrupted amount and make good money on you. Good luck!

I will write my review about this game
I am a top player and have been playing it for many years, I have invested quite a few real Money into the game (since it’s impossible in the top otherwise), I am the head of a large top guild in this game.

But my players and I will now leave this game and this corporation due to the impudent and limitless actions of the administration of the game on the Russian server!
What it is: not only is the game actually very expensive, but any player who plays there for a far-fetched reason due to the personal hostility of the admin can be banned with the demolition of his buildings, while people invest in this game - a lot of money, real time, some effort and without any warning, evidence, the administration of the game randomly imposes a permanent on even the top account (expensive) of the player, and then if the player appeals against these actions, the administration of the game also demands to agree with the punishment (since it’s just banal to sometimes be afraid of a trial for the money invested ) otherwise they do not remove account locks. Here real example correspondence received by my player from the administration of the game:

This is my player's account ban appeal:
Hello administration. I received your letter about my blocking. Please show me what reasons with evidence for this served. I can assure you that there are no multi-accounts, I do not do so-called pushing, you can check my IP address for your part. And see for yourself everything. I have been playing this game for several years and I play for a fee by spending large sums of money, I can afford it because I am a wealthy person. I don't understand your actions towards me. I will not ask you to unlock the account with the conditions for the demolition of my Great Buildings. Since I bought blueprints, strategic points and goods for their construction for real money. In the event of the demolition of my Great Buildings, I will contact the law enforcement agencies of Russia as I play on a Russian server and the Rospotrebnadzor service with a complaint about fraudulent actions against me. Moreover, I will reflect on the Internet my review of this game. I will take all measures because I believe that I have the right to do so. Now I ask you to really look into the current situation and remove the block from me, as you will make sure that the accusations against me are groundless with the preservation of all the Great Structures on my account.

here is the response from the administration of the game (part):

It is forbidden to pump Great Buildings to players who play in different game worlds (strictly speaking, this is an exchange of strategic points between worlds);

Thus, all aircraft upgraded using push-accounts must be destroyed. The drawings and goods for the aircraft will be returned, so you will not lose the money invested in them. Everything else is the result of violations and is not subject to compensation.
Until you agree with the fine, the account will remain in the ban.

Best wishes,

Draw your own conclusions....but this is not an isolated case here....unfortunately, the players here are powerless in everything and whether to play here and whether you invest your money, effort and time here.....the choice is yours.

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