Home Fruit trees Promotion of the company's brand on the Internet. Brand promotion (stages, strategies and performance analysis)

Promotion of the company's brand on the Internet. Brand promotion (stages, strategies and performance analysis)

Brand- a well-known brand representing a product in demand on the market.

High competition in many areas of trade and production creates significant difficulties for start-up entrepreneurs in promoting goods and services. How to make your products recognizable, and how to promote the newly created trademark to the level of a popular brand - many businessmen ask this question.

Fame and recognition trademark generates high level sales - when entering the store, buyers, first of all, pay attention to products that they have already heard about from various sources, rightly believing that fame guarantees quality. This is confirmed by the history of the creation of many well-known world brands operating in various market segments, such as BMW cars, Bobcat special equipment, beloved by many Pepsi and Coca-Cola, where maximum attention is paid to product quality. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine how much these companies spend on advertising, with the help of which a constant demand for their product is maintained.

Create a memorable image

First you need to create a memorable image with which the buyer could distinguish your products from the general mass of similar products.

Calls Coca-cola "Quench your thirst!" or Snickers "Don't slow down, Snickers!" daily broadcast from TV screens. These brands have chosen a youth audience. In commercials, these products are always presented in thirsty and hungry youth companies.

BMW cars impress with elegance, speed and ease of driving - the company's chosen motto fully corresponds to these criteria: "Sheer Driving Pleasure" - "Driving with pleasure".

Thus, it becomes clear that a brand promotion campaign is built on an idea and an image.

Determine the desires of consumers

When starting a brand promotion campaign, you should determine what buyers expect from your products, what desires can be beaten to get to the point, attract close attention to products, to make them talk about it among consumers.

Polls and interviews with people who are your potential buyers will help. Studying their habits, behavioral qualities will help to build a certain concept, which will be used in the future when building an advertising campaign. Show your imagination, analyze the products and actions of your competitors, determine which product qualities have not yet been emphasized in their advertising.

Here you are given a wide field for creativity - in the process of "brainstorming" great ideas and proposals are often born that can "hook" the consumer. Clarify how your competitors attract buyers, try to keep your slogan short and precise, and boldly implement your best offers. Develop company symbols - this will contribute to the visual memory of your brand.

Brand promotion strategy on the market

Assess the situation in your market segment and in the region, analyze the capabilities of competitors, the quality of their products, identify their problem areas - this can be used to create an advertising campaign, emphasizing that your products are devoid of such shortcomings. Next in order:

  • Work with the press, especially with the most influential and widely read publications. Publish a quality article about your company and product. This article will be in the field of view of online publications and smaller media. After the process "goes", you can create "noise" that there was a leak of information about your newest products.
  • Run your slogan- it should be catchy and accurate. The latest advertising recommendations today allow, in order to create maximum effect, the use of expressions "on the verge of censorship".
  • Use classic marketing methods- newsletters, booklets, promotions, discounts and gifts, souvenirs, branded T-shirts, etc. - all this contributes to the recognition of your products. Try to comply with the measure - obsession may not serve in your favor.
  • Participate in thematic conferences, Internet forums. All this contributes to the dissemination of information about your product and the formation of target audience.

Starting to promote your own brand, be creative and purposeful. The temabiz.com project team is sure that perseverance in achieving the goal and a creative attitude to business will definitely lead you to success!

1. Terms and definitions In this agreement on the processing of personal data (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement), the following terms have the following definitions: Operator - IP Dneprovskiy Oleg Alexandrovich. Acceptance of the Agreement - full and unconditional acceptance of all the terms of the Agreement by sending and processing personal data. Personal data - information entered by the User (subject of personal data) on the site and directly or indirectly related to this User. User - any individual or entity, which successfully completed the procedure for filling in the input fields on the site. Filling in the input fields - the procedure for sending the User's name, surname, phone number, personal address Email(hereinafter - Personal Data) to the database of registered users of the site, produced in order to identify the User. As a result of filling in the input fields, personal data is sent to the Operator's database. Filling in the input fields is voluntary. site - a site hosted on the Internet and consisting of one page. 2. General provisions 2.1. This Agreement is based on the requirements federal law dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ “On personal data” and the provisions of Article 13.11 on “Violation of the law Russian Federation in the field of personal data” of the Code on administrative offenses Russian Federation and applies to all personal data that the Operator can receive about the User while using the Site. 2.2. Filling in the input fields by the User on the Site means the User's unconditional consent to all the terms of this Agreement (Acceptance of the Agreement). In case of disagreement with these conditions, the User does not fill in the input fields on the Site. 2.3. The User's consent to the provision of personal data to the Operator and their processing by the Operator is valid until the termination of the Operator's activities or until the withdrawal of consent by the User. By accepting this Agreement, and going through the Registration procedure, as well as making subsequent access to the Site, the User confirms that he, acting of his own free will and in his own interest, transfers his personal data for processing to the Operator and agrees to their processing. The User is notified that the processing of his personal data will be carried out by the Operator on the basis of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”. 3. List of personal data and other information about the user to be transferred to the Operator 3.1. When using the Operator's Website, the User provides the following personal data: 3.1.1. Reliable personal information that the User provides about himself when Filling in the input fields and / or in the process of using the services of the Site, including last name, first name, patronymic, phone number (home or mobile), personal e-mail address. 3.1.2. Data that is automatically transmitted to the services of the Site during their use using the software installed on the User's device, including IP address, information from Cookies, information about the User's browser (or other program that accesses the services). 3.2. The Operator does not verify the accuracy of personal data provided by the User. At the same time, the Operator proceeds from the fact that the User provides reliable and sufficient personal information on the issues proposed in the Input Fields. 4. Purposes, rules for the collection and use of personal data 4.1. The Operator processes personal data that is necessary for the provision of services and the provision of services to the User. 4.2. The User's personal data is used by the Operator for the following purposes: 4.2.1. User identification; 4.2.2. Providing the User with personalized services and services (as well as informing about new promotions and services of the company by sending letters); four. 2.3. Maintaining contact with the User, if necessary, including sending notifications, requests and information related to the use of services, provision of services, as well as processing requests and applications from the User; 4.3. During the processing of personal data, the following actions will be performed: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, blocking, deletion, destruction. 4.4. The user does not object that the information specified by him in certain cases may be provided to authorized government bodies Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 4.5. The User's personal data is stored and processed by the Operator in the manner prescribed by this Agreement for the entire period of the Operator's activities. 4.6. The processing of personal data is carried out by the Operator by maintaining databases, automated, mechanical, manual methods. 4.7. The Site uses cookies and other technologies to track the use of the Site's services. This data is necessary to optimize the technical operation of the Site and improve the quality of service provision. The Site automatically records information (including URL, IP address, browser type, language, date and time of request) about each visitor to the Site. The user has the right to refuse to provide personal data when visiting the Site or disable cookies, but in this case, not all functions of the Site may work correctly. 4.8. The confidentiality conditions provided for in this Agreement apply to all information that the Operator can receive about the User during the latter's stay on the Site and use of the Site. 4.9. The information publicly disclosed during the execution of this Agreement, as well as information that can be obtained by the parties or third parties from sources to which there is information, is not confidential. Free access to any persons. 4.10. Operator accepts all necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of the User's personal data from unauthorized access, modification, disclosure or destruction, including: ensures constant internal verification of the processes of collecting, storing and processing data and ensuring security; ensures the physical security of data, preventing unauthorized access to technical systems, ensuring the operation of the Site, in which the Operator stores personal data; provides access to personal data only to those employees of the Operator or authorized persons who need this information to perform duties directly related to the provision of services to the User, as well as the operation, development and improvement of the Site. 4.11. With respect to the User's personal data, their confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited circle of persons. 4.12. The transfer by the Operator of the User’s personal data is lawful upon reorganization of the Operator and transfer of rights to the Operator’s successor, while the assignee shall transfer all obligations to comply with the terms of this Agreement in relation to the received personal information. 4.13. This Regulation applies only to the Operator's Website. The Company does not control and is not responsible for the websites (services) of third parties to which the user can follow the links available on the Operator's Website, including in search results. On such Sites (services), other personal information may be collected or requested from the user, and other actions may also be performed 5. Rights of the user as a subject of personal data, change and deletion of personal data by the user 5.1. The user has the right: 5.1.2. Require the Operator to clarify his personal data, block or destroy them if the personal data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, as well as take legal measures to protect their rights. 5.1.3. Receive information relating to the processing of his personal data, including information containing: confirmation of the fact of processing personal data by the Operator; the purposes and methods used by the operator for processing personal data; name and location of the Operator; processed personal data relating to the relevant subject of personal data, the source of their receipt, unless a different procedure for the submission of such data is provided by federal law; terms of processing personal data, including the terms of their storage; other information provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 5.2. Withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data can be carried out by the User by sending the Operator a corresponding written (printed on a tangible medium and signed by the User) notification. 6. Obligations of the Operator. Access to personal data 6.1. The Operator undertakes to ensure the prevention of unauthorized and non-targeted access to the personal data of the Users of the Operator's Website. At the same time, authorized and targeted access to the personal data of the Users of the Site will be considered access to them by all interested parties, implemented within the framework of the goals of the activity and subject matter of the Operator's Site. At the same time, the Operator is not responsible for the possible non-targeted use of Users' personal data that occurred as a result of: software and in technical means and networks beyond the control of the Operator; in connection with the intentional or unintentional use of the Operator's Sites not for their intended purpose by third parties; 6.2 The operator takes the necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the user's personal information from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions of third parties with it. 7. Change of the Privacy Policy Statement. Applicable law 7.1. The Operator has the right to make changes to this Regulation without any special notice to the Users. When making changes in the current version, the date is indicated latest update. The new version of the Regulations comes into force from the moment of its publication, unless otherwise provided new edition Provisions. 7.2. This Regulation and the relationship between the User and the Operator arising in connection with the application of the Regulation shall be governed by the law of the Russian Federation. I accept I do not accept

As you know, the fish rots from the head. In branding, this proverb also applies. If something went wrong with the promotion of the brand, the reason must be sought in the activities of the company. In this article, we will touch on those aspects of the business that directly affect the profitability of the brand, and which need to be paid attention as people creating new brand, and those who restore the good old name. So, the topic of our article: How to promote a brand.

One of the major Western companies involved in promotion and rebranding, in May of this year, conducted a small study that pointed out three pillars of a successful launch (initial or re-brand) on the market.

Three success factors for brand promotion

The existence of a strong brand is based on three factors: a positive reputation, competent management and investment attractiveness companies. We will now consider them, but first we will focus.

To create a brand that can work and earn money, you need to:

a) improve (or earn from scratch) reputation;

b) choose the right management strategy;

c) increase investment potential.

Let's start with reputation. Let's first understand what kind of animal it is. By comparing dictionary data, we get the following:

"Reputation is a public assessment formed on the basis of certain criteria and includes the opinion of a group of subjects about the qualities of an object, its positive and negative properties."

We can also talk about business reputation. It, in simple words speaking, - the difference between the purchase price of the organization and its value on the balance sheet.

The company's reputation is a set of ideas of the target audience about the company's activities. It is also formed due to the objective (mostly) parameters of the organization, or, as they are also called, reputation factors that are important for this target audience. The reputation of the brand promoted by this company largely depends on it.

Criteria for building a company's reputation

  • origins - history of the company, occupation, age;
  • individuality - style, image*, internal infrastructure;
  • strategy - the mission of the company, guidelines, goals (for investors and partners);
  • stability - profitability and financial stability;
  • openness - "transparency" for the target audience through the use of IT technologies;
  • personnel potential - highly qualified employees of the company;
  • quality of management - strong leaders;
  • corporate culture - intrinsic values companies;
  • corporate communication culture - internal and external links companies, manner of cooperation;
  • the image of the industry in which the company operates.

*Image should never be confused with reputation. The word "image" itself is a distorted English "image", that is, a "picture" that can be created, drawn, invented. Reputation has to be earned in the literal sense.

Thus, in order to assess the current reputation of a brand, it is necessary to first conduct some research that can show the level of trust in the company that created this brand. One of the ways of such a "check", according to some experts, is a simple monitoring of the Internet. In their opinion, the network can have no more than 10% of negative reviews about the company and at least 20% of sharply positive ones, while the rest can be neutral.

Your main goal is to make the product or service come out on top in the industry.

How can working with a brand help?

American PR managers argue that it is necessary, first of all, to understand what makes a brand unique, because without awareness of individuality and indispensability, it is impossible to stand out from others. They recommend at least once a year to analyze the strengths and weaknesses brand in order to strengthen positions and eliminate shortcomings. Such analysis also provides insight into brand relevance and highlights factors that can either maximize brand promotion or ruin it.

Secondly, especially if we are talking about restorative management, it will be useful to consider those main areas of the company's activities in which maintaining order is required in the first place. So this is:

  • development of new managerial, financial and marketing strategies;
  • cost reduction: both fixed and variable;
  • increase of labor productivity and strengthening of motivation of employees;
  • continuous monitoring of the current financial and economic situation in the company and in the market.

What we get as a result: in order to make the brand work effectively, one way or another, it is necessary to improve the management strategy. In some cases, by the way, such a desire for excellence leads to the transfer of business under the management of a hired highly professional top manager. However, this is a completely different story.

The investment attractiveness of the company is the basis of its positive business reputation, the basis of its reputation as a reliable partner.

Investments are an integral part of the full development of the brand, because the attractiveness of a business for investors is, of course, interconnected with the attractiveness for potential customers.

What is investment attractiveness? This is a capacious concept, which, among others, includes the following points:

  • financial and economic stability;
  • innovative activity;
  • competitiveness, stable position in the market;
  • production potential;
  • high qualification of personnel;
  • transparency of activities
  • positive reputation.

Tracking the dynamics of these points, it is necessary to adjust the management strategy in such a way that the indicators become better.

So, we have considered the “three elephants” of promoting a brand from scratch or restoring it on the market. And, incorrectly, did you notice that they are closely related and influence each other?

But! Even if you instantly began to work out all possible areas of activity, which, of course, is very commendable, in order to be guaranteed to achieve the desired result, you will need:

  • continuous development of relevant criteria for evaluating brand promotion activities;
  • continuous monitoring of the results obtained;
  • comparison of actual results with planned ones.

So you can successfully promote the brand, raise it to new level and make it truly competitive even in today's tough market, where everyone is fighting for their client.

Modern market realities create a situation in which competing companies are forced to fight for a buyer. Today, a wide range of products is offered in all areas, numerous brands flooded the market. Before making a large purchase, people look not only at the characteristics of the product, but also at the brand to which it belongs. Therefore, the creation of a marketing concept for the promotion of goods and services should occupy the first positions in the company's activities.

Company brand promotion is carried out through several common methods.

  • Application advertising campaigns within the funds mass media. AT this case we are talking about the positioning of the organization in the press, on television, on the radio (it may be interesting -).
  • Application of promotion via the Internet. Companies create official websites, forums, use social networks, portals. Here you can get acquainted with the latest economic news, learn new business knowledge and skills, advertise a product, talk about the company, and publish an article with a link to the company.
  • Formation marketing policy- another one of effective ways. As part of its application, the creation of rational pricing, the formation of a set of shares are taken into account.
  • Taking part in seminars, exhibition events, profile presentations and so on.
  • Sponsorship, in order to maintain the reputation of the brand, the owners of large organizations are engaged in charity events and become sponsors.

Thus, promotion of the company's brand is not an easy task, requiring the maximum return and acceptance from the organization. certain decisions. Choosing the best promotion method, coupled with perseverance and following goals, will achieve the best result.

The program associated with the launch of a new brand on the market is quite extensive. It includes several key stages.

  1. Research. The specialist at this stage must collect diverse information that will act as a basis for activities. This moment includes an assessment of the brand, its merits, analysis of competitors.
  2. Target setting. In this case, the data taken from the previous stages is used as a basis. Traditionally, the popularization of a new name includes several basic goals - increasing brand awareness, creating an image with a positive connotation, and conquering the market.
  3. Consumer choice. In this case, it is necessary to focus on meeting the needs of a potential audience. There are several groups of aspects that are of maximum interest in the course of creating marketing and PR relationships. These are directly employees, partners, customers.
  4. The choice of instruments of influence. These are various marketing techniques, including the creation service centers maintenance, design of the design part, creation of long-term mutually beneficial relationships with investors (see).
  5. Strategy Development. After obtaining the necessary information and passing through other stages, there comes a moment in which other parameters are determined. They include the type of market, the people targeted by the strategy, and the stage of brand development.
  6. Definition of the budget. In this case, each detail of the developed promotion plan is considered on an individual basis. Detailed calculations are carried out, estimates are drawn up, further effective planning. Then the strategy is put into practice.
  7. Evaluation and analysis of effectiveness. This is the final stage, which involves evaluating the effectiveness of the activities carried out and determining the level and quality of achieving the set targets.

The promotion of the company's brand is carried out in stages in order to correctly fulfill each of the most important points. There are many methods of this type of activity, but modern and progressive companies are guided by PR on the Internet.

Brand promotion on the Internet: the most effective ways

The Internet acts as a rational way to maintain a brand at the proper level. Often it is he who becomes the best option implementation of the marketing concept and the conquest of the consumer. promotion in in social networks, the creation of corporate websites and their optimization - all this contributes to the company taking a leading position in the market and becoming memorable. Therefore, a special role is assigned to this type of promotion.

SEO optimization (search engine promotion) and traffic promotion

This is a way that allows you to bring the advertised resource to the first positions of search results / increase resource traffic. This method allows not only to increase the level of sales, but also plays several other important roles. It serves PR, site promotion, improvement of consumers' attitude towards the company. The direction allows to achieve an increase in the attendance of the company, as well as its recognition among the general public. So, SEO is an affordable way to promote any business, including small businesses. Such promotion of the brand on the Internet will allow the business owner to "kill two birds with one stone", in particular - to target strategic perspectives and receive tactical benefits.

Contextual advertising and contextual display advertising

If you need to achieve results quickly, the ideal course of action is to create contextual advertising. It does not require constant checking of certain indicators, unlike SEO, but the return will not be so long-term and promising. That is, you will see the result while you are advertising your own resource. Obvious advantages this instrument is a clear focus on the target audience, an instant launch of an advertising company, it is well predicted, transparent statistics and there is the possibility of a quick adjustment of your advertising promotion. But as a key promotion method, this option is used less often - it is expensive. Its basic goal is to increase sales and increase awareness.

Interactive advertising

Currently this method promotion is subject to constant improvement, more and more new types with formats appear, methods of such promotion are updated. Currently, leaflets, huge posters and other ART directions are in demand, which not only attract attention, but are also remembered for a long time by representatives of the target audience. And this is the best help in the formation of the brand concept.

Advertising on marketplaces

Some services search engines, such as Yandex.Market and Google Shopping, provide the opportunity to place your product on their pages with an image, price, product description, and other information. It will cost less than contextual and contextual display advertising. True, it is only suitable for online stores and is difficult to configure.

Social networks

Nowadays, it is difficult to imagine a company that would not appear on social networks. People spend a lot of time on resources such as Vkontakte, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and are happy to subscribe to publics and communities that interest them. They track last news and want to receive fresh updated information on a regular basis. Also, in some social networks, full-fledged advertising campaigns are available. Separately, it is worth highlighting the social network VK (Vkontakte). There you can place your goods or services in a separate block with a price and description. Therefore, companies are encouraged to use various SMM tools to achieve their goals.

PR articles

This method is also gaining momentum in recent times and involves the placement of thematic articles on specialized sites. Through thoughtful texts, you can win over the representatives of the target audience and do it unobtrusively. By posting articles, you can create right attitude consumer to the company, its products and services, as well as to increase brand awareness and significantly improve reputation. Today, blogs, forums, and other authoritative sources are increasingly used to solve these problems.

reputation management

Brand promotion on the Internet today cannot do without creating an optimal image on third-party resources. The company must periodically publish information about itself, declare its products, eliminate negative comments and opinions, and engage in the withdrawal of the resource to the TOP of the search. For these purposes, special platforms and other authoritative resources are used to attract attention, increase sales and take the business to a new level.

It is not enough to introduce a number of measures for the business to grow. It is necessary to monitor and analyze its performance before and after applying a certain methodology. There are several ways to evaluate the effectiveness and control the effect of activities. On the Internet, statistics help to sum up, including:

  • data on changes in the number of views;
  • time spent on the site;
  • information about the percentage of secondary visits;
  • parameters of significant transactions (purchases, subscriptions, clicks);
  • number of failures.

Brand promotion on the Internet is a time-consuming process that requires constant monitoring and tracking of the main results. A competent approach to this process will provide the company with customers, and the business with profit and growth.

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