Home Roses 1991 year of birth year of whom. Horoscope signs of the zodiac by years, the eastern calendar of animals

1991 year of birth year of whom. Horoscope signs of the zodiac by years, the eastern calendar of animals

1991 is the year of which animal? This question is often asked by those who believe and follow horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

1991 is the year of which animal?

1991, from which twenty-three years have already passed, gave the whole world many of the most ordinary and famous people. That is why to him, as well as to many other years, chained Special attention. It was dominated by such an animal as a sheep or a goat.

Period and features

Having learned that 1991 is the year of which animal, it should be noted that it began on February 15, and ended on the 4th of the same month, but only of the future - 1992. The main material of this oriental symbol is metal. As for color, 1991 was the year of the White Goat or Sheep.

General information

Now you know 1991 is the year of which animal. The horoscope of people born under the sign of the Goat says that these are quite subtle creative nature who are capable of incredible romantic deeds. Sensitivity, sincerity and generosity are not alien to such representatives. Sometimes "goats" can fall into a strong state of laziness, as well as show their capricious and even vindictive nature.

Horoscope of people born in 1991

1991 is the year of which animal? White Metal Sheep or Goat. Such people have a rich imagination, they are endowed with various talents, they are helpful and amiable, as well as artistic and elegant. In most cases, representatives of the year of the Goat have excellent taste, understanding of form and color. In addition, they have a fairly strong intuition when communicating with others. Sheep know how to please, especially if it suits them. They are quite skillful in defending their point of view on any issues, as well as beliefs and views.

Personal qualities of people born in 1991

The goat is sweet and kind. She is inclined to mercy and charity, always shares with others and never refuses to help. In reserve she always has reasonable and helpful tips which she hands out left and right.

Year of birth 1991 - what qualities are inherent in such people? It should be noted that Sheep could be the most charming of all the Eastern signs if they were more optimistic and stable, as well as less annoying and restless. In life, such people are quite hindered by shyness, timidity and indecision. The goat is very often dissatisfied with her fate and fate, which leads her friends and relatives to despair. Sometimes representatives of this sign become aggressive, although they themselves do not realize it. In addition, Goats can be very religious. In this case, they become more sweet, condescending, attentive and helpful towards others. At the same time, representatives of the Year of the Sheep begin to control their actions and deeds, weigh and ponder them, begin to reflect and gradually unravel the accumulated problems.

General characteristics of the sign

Above, we answered the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The characteristic of this sign worries many people born in the year of the Goat or Sheep. Despite the fact that such representatives are ambitious, they rarely reach a high financial position and social level. At the same time, the penetrating power of the Goats is quite large, but the fuse is quite enough for "a little bit". In addition, their habit of criticizing everything, as well as their inherent pessimism, cause a flurry of adversity and misunderstandings from the outside.

A sense of independence, personal freedom and self-reliance in such people is either not developed at all, or completely absent. Although Goats are quite capable of choosing for themselves a lifestyle in which they will always be full and safe.

Compatibility with other oriental signs

In this article, we gave an exhaustive answer to the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The compatibility of this sign with others worries lovers of horoscopes no less than a general characteristic. Let's consider this compatibility in more detail.

Attention, only TODAY!

1991 is the year of which animal? This question is often asked by those who believe and follow horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

1991 is the year of which animal?

1991, from which twenty-three years have already passed, gave the whole world a lot of the most ordinary and famous people. That is why special attention is riveted to it, like to many other years. According to the Eastern calendar, such an animal as a sheep or a goat ruled over it.

Period and features

Having learned that 1991 is the year of which animal, it should be noted that it began on February 15, and ended on the 4th of the same month, but only of the future - 1992. The dominant material of this oriental symbol is metal. As for color, 1991 was the year of the White Goat or Sheep.

General information

Now you know 1991 is the year of which animal. The horoscope of people born under the sign of the Goat says that they are rather subtle creative natures that are capable of incredible romantic deeds. Sensitivity, sincerity and generosity are not alien to such representatives. Sometimes "goats" can fall into a strong state of laziness, as well as show their capricious and even vindictive nature.

Horoscope of people born in 1991

1991 is the year of which animal? White Metal Sheep or Goat. Such people have a rich imagination, they are endowed with various talents, they are helpful and amiable, as well as artistic and elegant. In most cases, representatives of the year of the Goat have excellent taste, understanding of form and color. In addition, they have a fairly strong intuition when communicating with others. Sheep know how to please, especially if it suits them. They are quite skillful in defending their point of view on any issues, as well as beliefs and views.

Personal qualities of people born in 1991

The goat is sweet and kind. She is inclined to mercy and charity, always shares with others and never refuses to help. She always has reasonable and useful advice in reserve, which she distributes left and right.

Year of birth 1991 - what qualities are inherent in such people? It should be noted that Sheep could be the most charming of all the Eastern signs if they were more optimistic and stable, as well as less annoying and restless. In life, such people are quite hindered by shyness, timidity and indecision. The goat is very often dissatisfied with her fate and fate, which leads her friends and relatives to despair. Sometimes representatives of this sign become aggressive, although they themselves do not realize it. In addition, Goats can be very religious. In this case, they become more sweet, condescending, attentive and helpful towards others. At the same time, representatives of the Year of the Sheep begin to control their actions and deeds, weigh and ponder them, begin to reflect and gradually unravel the accumulated problems.

General characteristics of the sign

Above, we answered the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The characteristic of this sign worries many people born in the year of the Goat or Sheep. Despite the fact that such representatives are ambitious, they rarely reach a high financial position and social level. At the same time, the penetrating power of the Goats is quite large, but the fuse is quite enough for “a little bit”. In addition, their habit of criticizing everything, as well as their inherent pessimism, cause a flurry of adversity and misunderstandings from the outside.

A sense of independence, personal freedom and self-reliance in such people is either not developed at all, or completely absent. Although Goats are quite capable of choosing for themselves a lifestyle in which they will always be full and safe.

Compatibility with other oriental signs

In this article, we gave an exhaustive answer to the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The compatibility of this sign with others worries lovers of horoscopes no less than a general characteristic. Let's consider this compatibility in more detail.

1991 is the year of which animal? This question is often asked by those who believe and follow horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

1991, from which twenty-three years have already passed, gave the whole world a lot of the most ordinary and famous people. That is why special attention is riveted to it, like to many other years. According to the Eastern calendar, such an animal as a sheep or a goat ruled over it.

Period and features

Having learned that 1991 is the year of which animal, it should be noted that it began on February 15, and ended on the 4th of the same month, but only of the future - 1992. The dominant material of this oriental symbol is metal. As for color, 1991 was the year of the White Goat or Sheep.

General information

Now you know 1991 is the year of which animal. The horoscope of people born under the sign of the Goat says that they are rather subtle creative natures that are capable of incredible romantic deeds. Sensitivity, sincerity and generosity are not alien to such representatives. Sometimes "goats" can fall into a strong state of laziness, as well as show their capricious and even vindictive nature.

Horoscope of people born in 1991

1991 is the year of which animal? White Metal Sheep or Goat. Such people have a rich imagination, they are endowed with various talents, they are helpful and amiable, as well as artistic and elegant. In most cases, representatives of the year of the Goat have excellent taste, understanding of form and color. In addition, they have a fairly strong intuition when communicating with others. Sheep know how to please, especially if it suits them. They are quite skillful in defending their point of view on any issues, as well as beliefs and views.

Personal qualities of people born in 1991

The goat is sweet and kind. She is inclined to mercy and charity, always shares with others and never refuses to help. She always has reasonable and useful advice in reserve, which she distributes left and right.

Year of birth 1991 - what qualities are inherent in such people? It should be noted that Sheep could be the most charming of all the Eastern signs if they were more optimistic and stable, as well as less annoying and restless. In life, such people are quite hindered by shyness, timidity and indecision. The goat is very often dissatisfied with her fate and fate, which leads her friends and relatives to despair. Sometimes representatives of this sign become aggressive, although they themselves do not realize it. In addition, Goats can be very religious. In this case, they become more sweet, condescending, attentive and helpful towards others. At the same time, representatives of the Year of the Sheep begin to control their actions and deeds, weigh and ponder them, begin to reflect and gradually unravel the accumulated problems.

General characteristics of the sign

Above, we answered the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The characteristic of this sign worries many people born in the year of the Goat or Sheep. Despite the fact that such representatives are ambitious, they rarely reach a high financial position and social level. At the same time, the penetrating power of the Goats is quite large, but the fuse is quite enough for “a little bit”. In addition, their habit of criticizing everything, as well as their inherent pessimism, cause a flurry of adversity and misunderstandings from the outside.

A sense of independence, personal freedom and self-reliance in such people is either not developed at all, or completely absent. Although Goats are quite capable of choosing for themselves a lifestyle in which they will always be full and safe.

Compatibility with other oriental signs

In this article, we gave an exhaustive answer to the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The compatibility of this sign with others worries lovers of horoscopes no less than a general characteristic. Let's consider this compatibility in more detail.

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1991 is the year of which animal? This question is often asked by those who believe and follow horoscopes. In this regard, we decided to devote this article to this topic.

1991 is the year of which animal?

1991, from which twenty-three years have already passed, gave the whole world a lot of the most ordinary and famous people. That is why special attention is riveted to it, like to many other years. It was dominated by such an animal as a sheep or a goat.

Period and features

Having learned that 1991 is the year of which animal, it should be noted that it began on February 15, and ended on the 4th of the same month, but only of the future - 1992. The dominant material of this oriental symbol is metal. As for color, 1991 was the year of the White Goat or Sheep.

General information

Now you know 1991 is the year of which animal. The horoscope of people born under the sign of the Goat says that they are rather subtle creative natures that are capable of incredible romantic deeds. Sensitivity, sincerity and generosity are not alien to such representatives. Sometimes "goats" can fall into a strong state of laziness, as well as show their capricious and even vindictive nature.

Horoscope of people born in 1991

1991 is the year of which animal? White Metal Sheep or Goat. Such people have a rich imagination, they are endowed with various talents, they are helpful and amiable, as well as artistic and elegant. In most cases, representatives of the year of the Goat have excellent taste, understanding of form and color. In addition, they have a fairly strong intuition when communicating with others. Sheep know how to please, especially if it suits them. They are quite skillful in defending their point of view on any issues, as well as beliefs and views.

Personal qualities of people born in 1991

The goat is sweet and kind. She is inclined to mercy and charity, always shares with others and never refuses to help. She always has reasonable and useful advice in reserve, which she distributes left and right.

Year of birth 1991 - what qualities are inherent in such people? It should be noted that Sheep could be the most charming of all the Eastern signs if they were more optimistic and stable, as well as less annoying and restless. In life, such people are quite hindered by shyness, timidity and indecision. The goat is very often dissatisfied with her fate and fate, which leads her friends and relatives to despair. Sometimes representatives of this sign become aggressive, although they themselves do not realize it. In addition, Goats can be very religious. In this case, they become more sweet, condescending, attentive and helpful towards others. At the same time, representatives of the Year of the Sheep begin to control their actions and deeds, weigh and ponder them, begin to reflect and gradually unravel the accumulated problems.

General characteristics of the sign

Above, we answered the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The characteristic of this sign worries many people born in the year of the Goat or Sheep. Despite the fact that such representatives are ambitious, they rarely reach a high financial position and social level. At the same time, the penetrating power of the Goats is quite large, but the fuse is quite enough for “a little bit”. In addition, their habit of criticizing everything, as well as their inherent pessimism, cause a flurry of adversity and misunderstandings from the outside.

A sense of independence, personal freedom and self-reliance in such people is either not developed at all, or completely absent. Although Goats are quite capable of choosing for themselves a lifestyle in which they will always be full and safe.

Compatibility with other oriental signs

In this article, we gave an exhaustive answer to the question of 1991 - the year of which animal. The compatibility of this sign with others worries lovers of horoscopes no less than a general characteristic. Let's consider this compatibility in more detail.

1991 passed under the sign metal goat or Sheep - one of the most mysterious and controversial signs of the Eastern calendar. This sign endows the representative of the sign with secrecy, duality, artistry of nature. Under external rigidity and purposefulness lies a vulnerable and romantic personality, a feature of which is also the need for the care and love of others, which can become an insurmountable obstacle to creating an alliance with certain signs of the eastern horoscope.

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    General characteristics of the sign

    The beginning of the year according to the eastern calendar falls on February 15, and the end - on February 4 of the next year, 1992. 1991 is the year of the White Sheep or Goat. The main element of the year is metal, which is also associated with white.

    There are many ups and downs on the way of the Sheep, but she masterfully concentrates on the main goals and always moves only forward. She needs to find her destiny: otherwise, there is a risk of losing a sense of the meaning of life and turning into a hermit. Often they devote themselves to religion, and therefore are indulgent to the shortcomings of others, control their actions, and, through logic, unravel the difficulties that have arisen along the path of life.

    According to astrology, the white Sheep or Goat is one of the most sociable representatives of metal, who prefers to be in the spotlight, easily contacts new people, and is always ready to help friends. Representatives of the Goat sign are elegant, charming, helpful, calm, well educated. People born in 1991 are artistic, helpful, have a good aesthetic taste, so they are successful in the world of art - music, literature, painting, design. They also have a highly developed intuition.

    People under the protection of this animal could be considered the most charming of all, if not for their pessimism, anxiety, shyness and some instability. life position. Personal independence and freedom in Goats are underdeveloped or absent altogether. But they know how to find for themselves a way of life in which they will be full and safe.

    Features of those born in the year of the metal Goat:

    • show composure in work, do not scatter over trifles, work hard and are experts in their field;
    • modest, economical, independently create their own benefits, provide for their lives;
    • honestly achieve their goal without flattery and intrigue;
    • somewhat fussy and therefore want to acquire psychological support in the person of a partner;
    • show capriciousness, spoiled.

    Strengths of the Goat character:

    • frankness;
    • adequate self-esteem;
    • honesty;
    • tact;
    • subtle aesthetic sense;
    • the ability to express gratitude.

    Disadvantages of the Goat sign:

    • capriciousness, a tendency to frequent mood swings;
    • difficulty in concentrating, if speed is necessary, the Goat rushes about and panics;
    • inability to plan for the future, prefers to go with the flow;
    • revenge;
    • pickiness to trifles;
    • jealousy;
    • manifestation of excessive guardianship;
    • stubbornness, intransigence, regardless of the understanding of the situation;
    • unwillingness to adapt to circumstances.

    Esoteric characteristic of the sign:

    • the color that brings good luck is blue;
    • metal - copper, gold;
    • plants - honeysuckle, anise, wormwood;
    • precious stones - emerald, sapphire, jadeite, garnet, agate, carnelian, Moonstone, amber, ruby;
    • correspondence to the sign according to the Western calendar: Cancer;
    • appropriate season: autumn;
    • vulnerable organs: lungs;
    • lucky numbers: 2, 7;
    • unlucky numbers: 4, 9;

    Love and relationships

    The metal element gives the character of these people external coldness, self-confidence, rigidity, although in reality they are very vulnerable inside nature, sincerely loving and taking care of loved ones. A goat is not always able to distinguish light passion from feeling, but happiness and true love are always possible for her.

    Sheep needs a determined partner who is able to love her and take responsibility for the relationship. He must be wise and patient, given the Goat's unpreparedness for family life, lack of stable income and organization of life. She herself continues to flirt and appreciate the attention of others, always remaining a child inside.

    1975 - the year of the Wood Rabbit: characteristics of the sign according to the Eastern calendar

    business area

    Goat with early years intends to take worthy place under the sun; but, despite this, in work he prefers comfortable environment and does not like to work in the sweat of his face. Sheep are lucky in material matters, attract wealth, so they have the opportunity to acquire beautiful things and pamper themselves.

    Although those born in the year of the Sheep are ambitious people, material heights and improvements social status they do not always achieve, despite the great penetrating strength of character. Their inspiration is enough limited time, and the tendency to criticize everything causes a surge of indignation from the outside. But people born in 1991 prove to be successful in business area and capable of short time organize a team of like-minded people or a creative team ready to move mountains on its way.

    1949 - characteristics of those born in the year of the Ox according to eastern horoscope

    The male

    This person is emotional, open, honest, does not try to mislead, so it is pleasant to communicate with him. He is accommodating and ready to cede leadership in relationships to his partner. He is gentle and sensual, an excellent conversationalist, not interrupting others, but directly expressing his opinion. The man of this sign acquires good friends, although he is a moderately selfish person.

    The Goat man does not build a line of behavior or an earning strategy in advance, so he has a lot of unforeseen circumstances on his way, often frightening him. He can panic and act rashly, which leads to even more problems.

    He is liberated with women and is most often set up for easy relationships. As a rule, he is afraid of family restrictions and jealousy from his partner, which makes him hesitate to start his own family.


    The Goat Girl is kind and charming: people themselves are drawn to such people. It is easy to be around her - she knows how to support any conversation without complaining about life. Her purely feminine advantages are a fine mental organization, softness and defenselessness; they provide her with the attention of men and help her find support in life.

    However, in dealing with men, she often shows immaturity and requires a lot of money to purchase things and take care of herself. That is why the Goat woman is trying to connect her life with a man who would take a significant part of her expenses for herself.

    At home, she will not make excessive efforts to maintain cleanliness and will not indulge in homemade culinary delights. The main part of her personal time can be spent on her favorite creative activity and friendly gatherings, so that in addition to the material security of the future husband, he is also expected to be condescending towards her lifestyle.


    Goat Compatibility According to the Chinese Zodiac:

    Chinese horoscope sign Compatibility with those born under the sign of the Goat
    Ratproblematic alliance. Frequent emotional outbursts will spoil the relationship in a couple
    BullThere are no rough edges here. The Goat does not accept the stubbornness of the Ox, and he does not like her complete humility
    TigerSmall chance of harmonious union. However, in a rage, the Tiger is able to psychologically destroy his partner.
    RabbitSerene union: the whims of the Goat only entertain the Rabbit. Them living together will develop calmly and cheerfully even after the passion subsides
    The DragonRelationships are in doubt. The Sheep is frightened by the bold originality of the Dragon; besides, his conceit makes her tense
    SnakeThe Goat will often insist on its opinion, which the Snake is not able to accept. Bottom line - the union will not be the easiest
    HorseFavorable Union: Horse and Goat get along well and get along well
    GoatThe most successful union possible. It will have passion and depth of feelings. If a couple lasts up to half a life, the second will proceed no less successfully.
    A monkeyDubious relationships: the differences between the representatives of these zodiac signs will contribute to disagreements and misunderstandings
    RoosterAt the beginning of a relationship in such a pair, a power struggle may flare up. Over time, as they become closer, they develop a mutual understanding.
    DogUnsuccessful union; the reason for this is the predisposition to pessimism of these two signs. Constant dissatisfaction with each other is likely to destroy the couple's relationship sooner or later.
    BoarThese two signs form a strong and lasting union. The Pig does not have the slightest claim to his partner, and the Goat perceives him as an ideal spouse. Spiritual harmony and understanding are established between them.

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