Home roses How to draw on a computer with a mouse without programs. Programs for drawing on a graphic tablet. Professional drawing programs

How to draw on a computer with a mouse without programs. Programs for drawing on a graphic tablet. Professional drawing programs

In today's world, computers are increasingly penetrating our lives. Many areas are already simply unthinkable without the use of a PC: complex mathematical calculations, design, modeling, Internet connection, etc. Finally, it came to drawing!

Now not only artists, but also simple amateurs can easily try to draw some kind of “masterpiece” using special programs. These special programs for drawing on a computer are what I would like to talk about in this article.

*Note that only free programs.

1. Paint is the default program…

It is with Paint that I would like to start a review of drawing programs, because. it is included in the OS Windows XP, 7, 8, Vista, etc., which means you don’t need to download anything to start drawing!

To open it, go to the menu " start/programs/standard", and then click on the "Paint" icon.

The program itself is extremely simple and even a complete novice who has recently turned on a PC can understand it.

Of the main functions: resizing images, cutting out a certain part of the image, the ability to draw with a pencil, brush, fill an area with a selected color, etc.

For those who are not professionally engaged in images, for those who sometimes need to fix something in the pictures on the little things - the program's capabilities are more than enough. That is why I recommend starting your acquaintance with drawing on a PC with it!

2. Gimp is a powerful graph. editor

Gimp is the most powerful graphics editor, which can work with pen tablets* (see below) and many other input devices.

Main functions:

Improve photos, make them brighter, enhance color reproduction;

Easily and quickly remove unnecessary elements from photos;

Cutting website layouts;

Drawing pictures with graphics tablets;

Own file storage format ".xcf", which is able to store texts, textures, layers, etc.;

Convenient ability to work with the clipboard - you can instantly insert a picture into the program and start editing it;

Gimp will allow you to archive images almost on the fly;

Ability to open ".psd" format files;

Creating your own plugins (if you have programming skills, of course).

3. MyPaint - artistic drawing

Website: http://mypaint.intilinux.com/?page_id=6

MyPaint is a graphics editor aimed at beginner artists. The program has a simple interface, coupled with unlimited canvas sizes. There is also an excellent set of brushes, thanks to which, using this program, you can draw pictures on your computer, just like on a canvas!

The program captivates with its simplicity, realism - the pictures come out from under the pen almost like the best hits on the walls of professionals.

In the program, you can choose canvases, for example, wagons, walls, buses, on which to work your creative miracles in the future.

The panel provides a choice of a huge number of colors - more than 100 pieces! It is possible to make smudges, change the distance to the surface, use markers, etc. In general, a whole arsenal of graffiti artist!

5. Artweaver - replacement for Adobe Photoshop

A free graphics editor that claims to be Adobe Photoshop itself. This program simulates drawing with oil, paint, pencil, chalk, brush, etc.

It is possible to work with layers, convert images to various formats, compress, etc. Judging by the screenshot below, you can't even tell it from Adobe Photoshop!

SmoothDraw is an excellent graphics editor with a lot of options for processing and creating images. Basically, the program is focused on creating pictures from scratch, from a white and clean canvas.

In your arsenal will be a large number of design and art tools: brushes, pencils, pens, pens, etc.

The work with tablets is also not bad, coupled with user-friendly interface program - it can be safely recommended to most users.

7. PixBuilder Studio - mini photoshop

This program on the network, many users have already dubbed mini photoshop. It has most of the popular features and paid features. Adobe software Photoshop: brightness and contrast editor, there are tools for cutting, transforming images, you can create complex shapes and objects.

A good implementation of several types of image blur, sharpening effects, etc.

It's probably not worth talking about such features as changing the size of the picture, rotations, reversals, etc., probably. All in all, PixBuilder Studio is a great program for drawing and editing on a computer.

8. Inkscape - analogue of Corel Draw (vector graphics)

This free vector image editor is similar to Corel Draw. This vector drawing program - ie. directed segments. Unlike bitmaps, vector images can be easily resized without losing quality! Typically, such a program is used in printing.

It's worth mentioning Flash here - it also uses vector graphics, which can significantly reduce the size of the video!

By the way, it is worth adding that the program has support for the Russian language!

9. Livebrush - painting with a brush

Website: http://www.livebrush.com/GetLivebrush.aspx

Very simple program for drawing with good image editing capabilities. One of the main features of this editor is that you will draw here brush! There are no other tools!

On the one hand, this limits, but on the other hand, the program allows you to implement a lot of things that in no other - you will not do this!

A huge number of brushes, settings for them, strokes, etc. Moreover, you can create brushes yourself and download from the Internet.

By the way, the “brush” in livebrush means not “just a simple” line, but also models of complex geometric shapes ... In general, it is recommended for acquaintance with all fans of working with graphics.

10. Graphic tablets

A graphics tablet is a special device for drawing on a computer. Connects to a computer via standard USB. With the help of a pen, you can drive on an electronic sheet, and on the computer screen you immediately see your picture online. Great!

Who needs a tablet for what?

The tablet can be useful not only for professional designers, but also for ordinary schoolchildren and children. With it, you can edit photos and images, draw graffiti in in social networks, easily and quickly add manuscripts to graphic documents. In addition, when using a pen (tablet pen), the hand and wrist do not get tired during prolonged work, such as when using a mouse.

For professionals, this is the ability to edit photos: creating masks, retouching, editing and editing complex image contours (hair, eyes, etc.).

In general, you get used to the tablet very quickly, and if you often work with graphics, the device becomes simply indispensable! Recommended to all graphic lovers.

This concludes the review of the programs. Good luck and beautiful drawings!

Computers, which entered our lives not so long ago, have already become for us great helpers. Smart machines make work much easier in all areas human activity. Computers are especially helpful creative people like artists. Surely many people know how difficult it is to paint pictures by hand. Rubbing paints, preparing the canvas - all this is a very long and dreary process, after which the desire to create is completely repulsed. And the process itself One wrong move or stroke - and that's it. The picture will have to be redrawn. After all, it is almost impossible to correct the error.

All this is very disturbing. creative process. But we are already living in the 20th century. Have been around for a long time various programs for drawing on a graphics tablet and even a smartphone. Now you can use your own as a canvas Personal Computer. But to create on your gadget, you need a special program for graphic drawing. And sometimes find good app pretty hard. But this article is meant to make things easier for you. After all, we will consider best programs for drawing.

Graphic drawing

The technical process reached the artists. Now anyone can create a masterpiece using their gadget. However, many painters are still skeptical about graphic drawing. And in vain! After all, drawing with the use of new technologies has a lot of advantages. We will talk about them.

Perhaps the first thing to note is the economy. Artists are forced to constantly acquire canvases, paints, different kinds brushes. And it is very expensive, because professional ones cost a lot of money. Drawing on a computer, you do not spend a penny. All you need is a mouse or graphics tablet.

Another advantage is the huge functionality. Professional programs for drawing have a lot of settings. You can change the sensitivity of the brush, the pencil, its transparency, etc. Using all these settings, you can create a real masterpiece.

Graphic tablets or computer mouse?

Well, we talked about the benefits of drawing with a PC. Perhaps now it is worth discussing the main tools for writing virtual paintings. Surely those painters who have at least once entered the standard Paint understand that drawing with the mouse is rather inconvenient. In order to create virtual masterpieces, the exact position and appropriate kinetics of brush movement is necessary. An ordinary computer mouse cannot provide users with all this. Therefore, special tablets have been developed for artists and designers, which are also called digitizers.

Usually, a special stylus pen is included with such a device, with which you can work with a digitizer. In fact, the artist works with the tablet, as with a canvas. The device connects to the PC via USB. Then the user writes his masterpiece on the tablet with a pen, and the drawing appears on the screen of his monitor online.

Can you draw with the mouse?

Many aspiring artists don't have the funds to buy a professional tablet. It is for this reason that many are interested in the question: "Is it possible to draw on a computer with a mouse?" In this part of the article, we will try to answer this question.

It is quite possible to draw with a computer mouse. Not only that, you can do it very well. The main thing is talent and desire. As an example, we can cite a recently released video that conquered the Internet. In it, the guy, using the mouse and standard Paint, was able to draw the famous portrait of Leonardo da Vinci "Gioconda". Also big role in drawing the program plays. It is necessary to choose one that has extensive functionality. In addition, you need to perfectly learn how to use all the functions that the software provides you. In this article, we will consider programs for drawing on a PC that have the most complete functionality.

On the this moment there are many different applications. Despite this, questions about which programs for drawing on a graphics tablet to choose do not decrease. Are you also interested in this? Then the article is for you. After all, now we will consider the best programs for drawing on a graphics tablet.


Perhaps we will begin our acquaintance with drawing programs with Paint. This is a standard program that is present on devices with software from Microsoft. It has a rather meager set of functions, but even with them, with the proper level of skill, you can create good drawings.


The program we are going to look at now is Inkscape. Excellent program for drawing in Russian. The main advantage of this software is simplicity. The developers have created an intuitive interface that even a child can understand. On the left panel you can see the full one (brushes, pens, pencils, etc.), on the top - the parameters for the tools, and at the bottom is the palette. Everything is marked with standard, understandable icons for everyone. But just because a program has an easy-to-learn interface doesn't mean it's meant for beginners. Inkscape has a lot of settings. It will take quite some time to figure it out.

Many people are looking for free drawing programs. Inkscape is one of them. This program used by both experienced and novice artists. Inkscape uses universal SVG format. Thanks to him without special problems You can create illustrations and even animation.

Is this software suitable for beginners? There are tons of tutorials on Inkscape. Therefore, novice artists and animators do not have to master the program on their own.


Gimp is one of the most powerful The program has a huge functionality. In addition to drawing, you can use it to edit photos, cut layouts for websites, and more. Perhaps, main feature programs - support not only for a graphics tablet, but also for other, less popular input devices. Another interesting feature is support for custom plugins. If you have programming skills, then this feature will greatly facilitate your work.


Livebrush is an excellent drawing program based on an engine called Adobe AIR. This fact can scare away many, because the software written on this engine is famous for its instability. But don't worry. Livebrush functions very smoothly, and even when the RAM consumption is exceeded, the program works without lags and crashes.

As for the design, the program pleasantly surprises with its interface and menu. They not only look pretty, but also inspire creativity. For example, the canvas has a fairly realistic shade, and the brush exactly repeats the ink painting technique.

In terms of functionality, Livebrush has quite a few different settings that will allow you to create your own unique style. In addition, the program allows you to work with both vector and s. In order to switch between these two modes, you must press the appropriate key, which can be found on the top toolbar.

Of the minuses, you can notice the lack of customization. You will not be able to customize to your whims. For example, the toolbar is always located with right side, and you, unfortunately, will not be able to change this.

graffiti studio

Quite a specific and narrowly focused program. As you can tell from the name Graffiti Studio, this is an editor in which you can create your own graffiti. From interesting features you can notice the possibility of choosing a background. For example, you have the opportunity to leave your masterpiece on a wall, train car, bus, etc. It also pleases with an extensive set of colors (there are more than a hundred of them in the editor). In addition, Graffiti Studio has a lot of settings. You can create streaks, apply different markers, change the distance from the surface, etc. We can say that Graffiti Studio is a real writing simulator.


Looking for a graphic drawing program suitable for beginners? MyPaint is the best choice. A simple and intuitive interface, coupled with an unlimited canvas size, gives a huge scope for rampant fantasy. A huge set of brushes will allow you to draw in almost any manner. Using the create your own brush feature, you can discover a new, unique style. Among other things, MyPaint supports hotkeys, the use of which will greatly facilitate the work on the work. You can customize them to your liking in a special menu.

Corel Painter

And since we have touched on programs for beginners, it would be unfair to keep silent about software for professionals. Corel Painter is the best graphic drawing software available today. The application was developed by the notorious company Corel specifically for professional designers and artists. In the arsenal of Corel Painter there is an immense functionality, the study of which you will probably spend more than one month. Already at the first entry you will have access to about 30 brushes. You can select up to 20 for each. various types the location of the villi. In addition, the program contains the so-called brush textures of foliage, metal, asphalt, etc. special attention deserves a palette. Corel Painter has great amount colors. Tellingly, each color on the computer looks like it would look in real life. Since the program provides many possibilities, a huge manual has been written for it, which is already built into the software. In it, the creators talk in detail about each function, its application. This guide is so large that the creators did not dare to localize it for the Russian segment. That is, Corel Painter is not Russified. And this is a huge minus. Another disadvantage of the program is the price. In order to use this offer, you will have to fork out and give the developers about $ 380. But it is worth noting that the price is fully justified. In this program, having skill, you can create real masterpieces.

MAXON Bodypaint 3D

MAXON Bodypaint 3D is an excellent 3D drawing program. Using this software, you can easily create a high-quality texture or three-dimensional sculpture. MAXON has many various tools, which will allow you to transform standard objects into real highly detailed masterpieces.

Using this offer, you can create professional textures for video games. But it is worth noting that 3D drawing is a very laborious process. It takes a lot of time to learn how to draw three-dimensional sculptures.


Where can I get high-quality drawing programs for Android? Sometimes inspiration finds the painter in the most unpredictable places. Sometimes during a boring couple, a muse may come to you. But what if you don't have a graphics tablet handy? You must use your smartphone. But in order to draw with your phone, you need special programs for drawing on Android.

The title of the best graphics program for mobile devices can be safely assigned to the brainchild of Artflow Studio - the ArtFlow application. It's amazing mobile program, which in terms of capabilities and functionality is not inferior to its counterparts for PC. A huge number of tools, a lot of settings and a lot of colors. Drawing with this application is a pleasure. In addition, I am glad that ArtFlow is distributed absolutely free of charge. Anyone can download the program from the Play Market.

It can not only brighten up leisure, but also help in professional activity, especially if the latter is related to graphics and creativity. Everything depends on her functional features. Consider a few interesting applications, which will help to independently create a graphic masterpiece for any user.

Standard Paint

This drawing programpreinstalled on every computer from . It is not equipped with special functionality, but has a standard necessary set functions. The user can make changes to images of any format. It is with this program that the user begins to get acquainted with the developments of this direction.

The main advantage of the software is that you don’t have to look for a program and install it on a PC. It is enough just to open the start menu and in the section standard programs find Paint. The software is quite simple and even a novice user will be able to resize the original image, cut out the desired part, and apply simple drawings with a pencil, brush, or using standard geometric shapes.

Graphic editor Gimp

One of the most functional programs capable of working with graphics tablets. The program is very flexible in management and supports the creation of plugins that simplify the process. The simple interface is intuitive even for a novice user. The software allows you to improve color reproduction and make the image brighter. Quickly removes unwanted details from an image.

The program is useful for web designers, as it allows you to cut site layouts. As mentioned above, it is possible to draw pictures using a graphics tablet. It has its own format in which you can store texture layers and texts. Is different fast work with the clipboard, the image is inserted into the working area instantly. Allows you to archive images and opens .psd files.

The program is distributed free of charge. To download the software, just go to the developers website www.gimp.organd click on the corresponding button.

MyPaint for emerging artists

Which is perfect for artists starting their journey. Beyond incredible simple interface, understandable even to the most inexperienced user, the software will please with a dimensionless canvas. It is also worth noting a set of brushes that will allow you to create a real picture using the editor.

Application features:

  • the ability to assign hotkeys for individual commands;
  • a large selection of brushes and the ability to customize them;
  • perfect graphics tablet support;
  • supports any operating system.

You can download the program on the official website of the developers mypaint.org after specifying the operating system that is used on the PC or tablet.


With extensive possibilities for processing and creating drawings. The software is designed more for creating images, and not for editing ready-made ones. The user is offered a large number of drawing tools: pens, pens, pencils and brushes. All this is designed in a convenient and understandable interface. In addition to well-known pencils, sprays, brushes and other tools, the program also contains non-standard features such as water drops, graffiti, stars, grass and many other effects that allow you to process multi-layered images with high quality.

You can learn more about the capabilities and features of the program on the website of the developers www.smoothdraw.com.

Inkscape vector graphics

This is free software that allows you to draw images using vector graphics, that is, directional segments. Vector graphics make it easy to resize an image while still maintaining its quality. Bitmaps do not allow this. The application has a Russian-language interface and does not cause much difficulty for the user.

You can download the graphic editor on the official website inkscape.org/ru/download . It is compatible with all operating systems, you just need to choose the one you need.

PixBuilder Studio

Excellent software with not the widest, but regularly performing its functions, set of tools. You can use a brush and pencil to draw from scratch, or you can upload an image from a scanner. At the same time, the program has minimal system requirements to the computer on which it is installed and with the support of all known operating systems.

The software allows you to change the color and brightness, apply masks and adjust the gradient. There is a multi-stage history of changes made with the ability to undo an action or roll back to previous version. It is also possible to rotate or flip the image. Crop or use the stamp tool. Based on the declared functions, PixBuilder Studio looks like a mini-version of the well-known Photoshop.

You can download the program from here www.wnsoft.com . Here you can also specify the features and capabilities of the editor.

graffiti studio

In the style of graffiti, it will appeal to all lovers of this art direction. The user has a large number of colors and shades, several drawing options, and adjustment of the line thickness. The image of the wagon is used as a canvas, but it is possible to upload other “surfaces”. The software is perfect for creating sketches of graffiti with full visualization.

Affinity Designer software for drawing on a computer

Another graphics editor for drawing images from scratch. The user has access to various color schemes, customizable brush sets and palettes. In addition, there is a conversion tool various forms, transformation or duplication of models. The user can independently customize the interface to suit their needs, while the standard offer will be intuitive for experienced users who have previously encountered similar programs. The software supports both vector and raster graphics.

The disadvantages of the application include a short test period, the application works for free only for 10 days, then you have to pay for the possibility of further use. However, the cost in comparison with analogues is quite low, so we decided to add the software to the list of shareware applications. Another disadvantage is the lack of a Russified interface. Download the application to your computer here affinity.serif.com.

This is far from a complete list.computer drawing software. There are a lot of offers from developers, and each of them has an excellent set of features and tools. Depending on the requirements of the user, various programs can be selected that meet the needs. What drawing software do you use, and do you use similar programs at all? If so, what problems do you solve with their help? We invite everyone to the discussion.

If you've landed on this page, it's obvious that you love to draw. This is a rather interesting activity, but it requires certain material costs on paper, paints, brushes. If you're not a professional, it's the need to go to the stationery store that can sometimes take the inspiration away.

You don't have to buy a graphics tablet to draw.

But in our advanced technological age, you can draw on an Android tablet or iPad. Large screen, stylus support, no need to buy a bunch of drawing supplies, the ability to quickly fix an unsuccessful element - all this speaks in favor electronic device. Consider the best programs for drawing on the gadget Android and iPad.

Drawing apps for Android


One of the best and most popular drawing apps on Android tablet. First of all, the developers took care of supporting devices with an electronic pen. IN Lately they are becoming more and more popular. But even without it, you can draw quite well with your fingers.

The application contains an arsenal of great tools, supports the canvas large sizes, works with layers and knows how to save creation in PSD format. Probably the main drawback is the severe limitations of the free version.


  • support for hardware acceleration;
  • over 70 brushes and tools;
  • adjustment of color properties (brightness, saturation, etc.);
  • up to 16 layers (depending on the power of the device);
  • beautiful with intuitively arranged menu items;
  • sensitivity to the pressing force of the electronic pen;
  • geometric figures.

Free version limitations:

  • 20 basic tools;
  • two layers;
  • undo up to six last steps;
  • no export to PSD.

Autodesk SketchBook

An excellent program, one of the first to appear in the Play Market. Gained fame thanks to the authority of Autodesk. It has a convenient well-thought-out interface, where all the tools are located at hand. The application has almost unlimited possibilities, contains a huge number of tools.


  • smoother drawing thanks to the redesigned module;
  • slow motion video of the drawing process.

Free version features:

  • 10 brushes with which you can paint on any basis;
  • pressure sensitivity;
  • magnification up to 2500% for drawing fine details;
  • layer editor, simultaneous work with three layers;
  • symmetry and proportional transformation.

Paid version features:

  • more than 100 tools in the brush library;
  • synthetic brushes and brushes for blending;
  • colors;
  • 18 layer blending modes;
  • gradient fill shapes.

Sketch Master

The only thing completely free app for drawing on an android gadget. It has a relatively limited functionality compared to competitors, but it stands out for the possibility of infinite zoom and work with an unlimited number of layers.


  • gestures with two fingers;
  • the maximum size is determined by the screen resolution;
  • the number of layers is limited by the size of the memory card;
  • 7 brushes;
  • text overlay;
  • manual adjustment of automatic tools;
  • import images from camera and gallery;
  • opportunity to transfer finished work email or other application.

Drawing apps for iPad

MyBrushes Pro

The best drawing software for the iPad. The artist has at his disposal a huge number of brushes that imitate various techniques, styles and techniques. You can create an almost unlimited canvas size and work with any number of layers.


  • full management of all levels: creation, copying, deletion;
  • import images from the gallery;
  • alpha channel;
  • support Retina displays, landscape and portrait modes;
  • permanent automatic saving;
  • pressure sensitivity of the electronic stylus;
  • a large number of drawing tools, choice of line thickness;
  • thoughtful interface;
  • cancellation and refund unlimited ;
  • changing photos;
  • 50 background templates;
  • publication of the image in social networks, transmission by e-mail.


The program is a simple drawing pad for iPad. It is hardly possible to achieve full-fledged artistic masterpieces with its help, but for some kind of schematic sketch or note it is quite enough.


  • quick creation of drawings and notes;
  • adding photos and text in one motion;
  • editing a photo, overlaying a drawing and a diagram on top of it;
  • video saving;
  • presentations in PDF, Keynote and PowerPoint.


Great drawing app for iPad. Fully supports 64-bit processors and multi-core graphics accelerators. Thanks to this, the process of drawing on your iPad gadget will be easy and smooth. A carefully thought-out menu will allow both beginners and advanced users to understand the application.


  • 70 high-quality brushes divided into 7 sets: oil paints, shadows, graphite pencils, wax crayons, markers and chalk;
  • 60 additional brushes in the store;
  • the ability to use each brush as a wet, dry and wiping;
  • size adjustment, rotation, brush pressure, amount of paint used, mixing;
  • full support for 3D Touch;
  • the ability to undo and redo up to 1000 recent actions;
  • gestures with three fingers;
  • zoom 6400%;
  • video export;
  • save to gallery, transfer via email, to and social networks.


As you can see, there are really many great opportunities to draw on an Android tablet or iPad. If you are a beginner amateur photographer or already quite an experienced artist, be sure to use one of the applications.

We cannot list all the programs, so we have mentioned the most basic ones. If you are using your Android device or iPad with another drawing program, share it in the comments.

We have considered the most common applications that act as full-fledged complexes for drawing, as well as processing various graphic images.

Which utility you choose depends on your goals.

Corel Painter will be highly appreciated by digital graphics professionals. This is the best choice when you want to download the drawing tool to your computer to work with your tablet. The eminent developer offers a developed, but quite complex product. To learn how to use all the benefits of the package, you will have to spend a lot of time. And if you also want to learn how to work in vector, you will have to switch to a more functional tool from the same developer - CorelDRAW.

Autodesk Sketchbook Pro - quality program creating drawings for all categories of users. Allows you to both process images and create cool art, comics, sketches with clean slate. An accessible interface in Russian will be a nice bonus, but in order to work with the utility on highest level, it is advisable to think about purchasing a professional monitor with good color reproduction.

Krita is no less functional. Artists draw in it both posters and entire comics. The application is free, open source and suitable for all modern operating systems. However, it will be a little difficult for beginners to master it. If you are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to spend time - try it and you will get a really functional tool.

Adobe Photoshop allows you to apply a wide variety of effects and filters. Creating images will seem very comfortable and quite simple. You can enjoy an accessible Russian-language interface and a large number of training video tutorials and materials on the Internet.

Working with Tux Paint is aimed at high-quality training for inexperienced users. The interface of the utility will be convenient for any user, and the presence of sound and animation effects will attract the attention of a children's audience whose parents want to teach their child the art of drawing on a computer.

Paint.NET will bring a lot of positive impressions, the program engine is able to remember all user activity and return more than a dozen completed actions, excluding the errors present in the editing process and applying all kinds of effects. Paint has a familiar Russian-language interface, it effectively edits vector graphics.

Pixbuilder Studio is distinguished by high performance indicators, the rest of the utilities from the above selection demonstrate a lower speed of launching and opening images. The program contains rich functionality professional level and is available for download absolutely free of charge.

Fans of various brushes will appreciate the Artweaver Free program, which has a lot of useful filters and effects. It is worth noting that the application allows you to create your own brushes, which will become difficult for competitors.

Paint Tool SAI is a serious utility designed for professional artists and designers to create stunning illustrations as well as digital paintings. The utility supports graphic tablets, providing creative nature all the necessary resources for artistic activity. Moreover, some studios use Paint Tool SAI as a cartoon drawing program. Its functions are too good.

Graffiti Studio is difficult to compare with full-fledged painters and even drawing games for children, since the purpose of this application is to entertain the user. You can fulfill your teenage dream and feel like a master of street graffiti. True, the range of tools is scarce - only a marker and spray cans, but a huge selection of colors and shades, line thicknesses will be a significant plus.

Also, the wonderful programs MyPaint, Medibang Paint, SmoothDraw, Affinity Designer, the Paint graphic editor built into Windows and the editor raster graphics inkscape. Them detailed descriptions you can always find on our website.

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